Uploaded by Mary Boutros

Literature Studies Wolf Hollow Ch 1

Passage Finder
Literature Studies- Wolf Hollow
Your role:
Search for a passage that you believe was important and memorable in the selected reading.
Record the page number and reason why you picked this passage.
Discuss and record group member’s reactions to the passage.
Starting sentence of passage: ______________________________________________________
Last sentence of passage: _________________________________________________________
Page number(s):
Why I chose this passage:
Discuss this passage with a Wolf Hollow group member. Write about their reaction to this passage
compared to your reaction:
Story Connector
Wolf Hollow
Pages:------- to--------Your role:
Find parts in the story that remind you of a part in another book (text-to-text), your life (text-to-self
), and/or the world (text-to-world).
Ask if anyone can make any more connections between this story and another one, an event in their
life or the world.
Event from the story:
This event reminded me of:
Another event from the story:
This event reminded me of:
Discussion Director
Wolf Hollow
Your role:
Write questions that the group may want to discuss about an event from Wolf Hollow Chapter 1
1. What might happen next in the story?
2. What do you think the author wants the reader to think and feel about this event?
3. Do you agree with the decisions of the main character in the story? Why or why not?
4. Pick an event from the story. How do you think the story would have changed if that event
had never happened?
Discussion Director