TOP 20 FAT LOSS HACKS YOUR FAT LOSS RESOURCE GUIDE FOR 2019! BY MARK CARROLL FOREWORD BY MARK CARROLL Hi ladies and gents, My name is Mark Carroll, I am a personal trainer with over a decade of experience and I’m the global head of education for the Clean Health Fitness Institute, the world’s leading fitness industry education provider. I created this guide off the back of my ‘Art of Gen Pop Transformations’ Guide Books for men and women, as I realised that so many people were not in a position to afford the book and get results from it, however I still wanted to help them. With that in mind the ‘Top 20 Fat Loss Hacks’ Guide Book was created. It contains 20 simple but crucial hacks to maximising results when it comes to fat loss and best of all, it is completely free! Yours in fat loss, Coach Mark Carroll Global Head of Education Clean Health Fitness Institute Follow on Instagram; @coachmarkcaroll @cleanhealthfitnessinstitute 2 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. ABOUT US Since 2008, the Clean Heath Fitness Institute has been regarded as Australia’s premiere fitness industry educators and personal training organisation. Having certified over 10,000 personal trainers and fitness professionals in over 13 countries globally, we have developed a reputation as pioneers in the health and fitness industry worldwide. The Clean Health Fitness Institute was founded by industry legend and Company CEO Daine McDonald. In 2012, he opened the company’s first fixed site gym and over a 6 year period, with the help from his team of premiere personal trainers, they facilitated over 100,000 personal training sessions and developed a global reputation for excellence. Over the years, we have been featured throughout numerous media publications and TV shows including Sydney Morning Herald, GQ Magazine, Men’s Muscle & Health, Men’s Fitness, Australian Women’s Health & Fitness, Oxygen Magazine, The Australian Biggest Loser Club, Channel 9 with Kerri Anne and Fitness First Magazine. We have also featured in Nine MSN’s Health and Well-Being site, along with lecturing at some of the biggest health and fitness conferences globally including Filex, the Mefit Pro Summit and the Australian Fitness Expo. Today, our company mission is to spread the word on quality health and fitness information to both fitness professionals and the average every day person, to improve the health of society globally overall. 3 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. WHY THIS GUIDE? My focus as a coach these days is primarily on nutrition because without the right nutrition you are going to find it hard to drop body fat! This is something I have taught around the world the last few years though our Performance Nutrition Coach certification, which certifies personal trainers and nutritionists in the art of nutritional program design. This guide book will help the newbie in a gym all the way up to physique athletes and personal trainers. The knowledge in here is what I apply to all my clients around the world which has allowed me to achieve 1000’s of transformations with gen pop clients all the way to bikini world champions. Simply put, these fat loss hacks are some of the keys to my success for helping people from all walks of life get life changing results, so try them and I promise you won’t regret it! 4 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. DISCLAIMER The contents of this guide book should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem – nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician / medical health practitioner. Always consult your physician or qualified medical professional on any matters regarding your health. 5 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #1 Establish a Caloric Deficit Okay, we can’t start a fat loss hacks guide without the be all and end all of any successful fat loss program, which is establishing a caloric deficit. Now I know the majority of you are thinking “Yeah Mark obviously”. However, interestingly when I recently polled my followers on social media, upwards of 30% of them didn’t initially understand what a caloric deficit is. Now that is a large number of people who simply don’t get that it is the only way to achieve fat loss. So, what is a calorie deficit? A calorie deficit simply involves burning more calories than we consume, which in turn creates an energy deficit. By creating a deficit of calories, the body is able to tap into stored energy aka body fat and use it as a source of fuel. A calorie deficit is the only way for fat loss to occur and must always be the number one goal if you want fat loss to occur. Everything else falls behind greatly in terms of significance or hierarchy of importance. 1 So in summary I repeat, you cannot lose fat without being in a caloric deficit! 6 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #2 Understanding Energy Balance ENERGY INTAKE CALORIES CONSUMED (EATING) ENERGY EXPENDITURE RESTING CALORIES ACTIVITY EXERCISE Now to further understand what being in a calorie deficit is, we need to identify what else contributes too being in a calorie deficit. Note, it does not just involve eating necessarily less! Energy balance is the difference between energy in versus energy out. Energy being the word I am using to represent ‘calories’. We can consume low calories but if our energy ‘out’ is low, the deficit will be very small or potentially not even a deficit. The reason fat loss slows down in most people is generally related to the energy out component of energy balance, not just tracking energy in. So a simple understanding of energy balance would be the following: If a person moves and trains more, they will have greater energy/calories out. Therefore, they will be able to diet and lose weight on more calories compared to the person who diets but does not train very much or sits down all day. 2 So their required energy in for fat loss will be lower to achieve the same goal, as their energy out will be lower. So to summarise, if you want to eat more, move more, however if you move less, eat less! 7 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #3 Track your Calories and Macros I remember 6-7 years ago when I was using a ‘strict’ nutritional process with no actual tracking, my results would go something like this: 1 Fast weight loss is achieved 2 It then slows down 3 It then stops 4 I now have no idea how to break the plateau! Now simply eating ‘clean’ is great, however having no understanding of how much food you are actually having, is the issue. So what do you do when fat loss plateaus without tracking your intake? Simply eat clean? No, we need to take calories away generally, but if we have no idea about our actual energy intake, then it is very hard to make educated decisions. 3 This is why tracking your total calories and macros is imperative to fat loss success, as we greatly enhance the accuracy of what we are doing. Remember fat loss is a science, not a guessing game. For very overweight clients simply focusing on tracking calories is sufficient. The more advanced the client, the more I switch to the tracking of macronutrients for optimal accuracy and results. 8 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #4 The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting Intermittent fasting otherwise known as ‘IM” is a big talking point these days and a question I am frequently asked. Now first of all let me say, I do not always recommend intermittent fasting to my clients as a general rule of thumb. However, in the interest of giving you a user friendly fat loss hack, it is here as a tool people can use successfully to help them stick to their calorie deficit long term as compliance is king after all! Now if you are eating in a timed restrictive manner – e.g.; the typical 8 hour feeding window (12pm-8pm, then eat nothing the other 16 hours), you may prefer this method of eating as a means of greater adherence. If so that is great. However, physiologically it does not lead to any faster fat loss. It is simply a tool to help you stick to the calorie deficit. If you like it, do it. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. 9 4 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #5 Optimise your Sleep for Fat Loss Gone are the days of seeing a lack of sleep as a badge of honour, as research now shows that sleep is imperative to long term fat loss success. Optimal duration and quality are imperative to dietary adherence success, or at the very least feeling a whole lot better. Research has shown that poor sleep effects key hormones surrounding fat loss such as leptin and ghrelin. Now leptin is the regulator of satiety, whereas as ghrelin is commonly known as the hunger hormone. When these hormones are affected, hunger and cravings rise which is not what we want when dieting. 5 Finally, optimal sleep will also greatly assist in our recovery ability, mood and over all energy levels. Again which are all critical components towards a successful fat loss transformation! 10 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #6 Chew your Food for Optimal Fat Loss Chew your food to lose body fat you say? Yes that is right, this is not an old wife’s tale! Chewing, known as mastication, is the first active phase of our digestive process. Now when we chew our food, we start breaking it down which begins the digestive process. Simply put, chewing your food is a very simple but over-looked factor when it comes to fat loss success. By chewing each mouthful of your food more than 20 times, you greatly enhance the digestive process by making the next phase of digestion occur in the stomach that much simpler. Research has shown those who chew their food less than 15 times report greater hunger levels and lower satiety levels. So if you want to feel fuller and less hungry whilst dieting, chew your food greater than 20 times per mouthful! 11 6 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #7 Meal Timing Yes or No? When it comes to fat loss, meal timing is an aspect which has changed greatly the last few years. Now a question I often get asked is does meal timing matter when it comes to achieving fat loss, the research overwhelmingly says no! Total calories over the day are the key to achieving optimal fat loss results first and foremost as discussed already. Remember, the key to dietary success is focusing on the majors, and not majoring in the minors. Meal timing is not crucial, so focus on the big picture and hit your daily calories and macros as your first port of call. Now research does support that the more advanced the client, the more potential it could be of benefit, particularly in mass gaining phases. But when the goal is simple fat loss, as always, keep it simple and focus on the big picture! 12 7 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #8 Set a Daily Water Consumption Target Hydration is a pretty simple topic which many of us overlook. Simply put, water is a key to human life, but it’s also key too staying hydrated not just for optimal performance and recovery (our muscles are largely made up of water) but also key for managing our hunger levels. Did you also know that the majority of the time people confuse dehydration symptoms for hunger? So instead of hydrating themselves, they eat more. Which is not what we want to do obviously! So remember to drink your water and if you feel hungry, don’t run first though to food and ask yourself am I actually hydrated? 8 How much to drink? Ideally a minimum I like my clients drinking is 3 litres / 100 oz a day of water as a good starting point, slightly more if you are doing endurance style training and sweating out a lot. 13 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #9 Flexible Dieting Yes or No? Flexible dieting, which was popularised by Layne Norton, world renowned personal trainer and nutritionist is still a relatively new concept to most of the fitness world and highly misunderstood. Now as all of you who follow me on social media will know that I am a huge fan of flexible dieting. Simply having the ability to make foods you enjoy fit into your daily energy requirements in my experience, greatly enhances the success of a diet from a sustainability point of view. So who should use a flexible dieting approach? 1 Those who track macros daily. Now without tracking macronutrients and calories, the chance of over eating foods which are delicious and very calorie dense are very high, so if you want a flexible dieting approach, it is imperative that you track your macros! 2 Those who struggle with strict meal plans. For my gen pop clients, I no longer use or believe in a strict food diet style 24/7. For many, it is too highly restrictive and unless you are like the Lauren Simpson’s of the world, too hard to sustain. My clients are given macro targets and told to meet these with foods they enjoy. Now to clarify, that does not mean just ‘junk’, it genuinely means protein sources, carb and fat sources that they enjoy. There are no magic foods. 9 In summary, provided you track your macros a flexible dieting approach can be a mentally sustainable way of sticking to your diet and getting the fat loss results you deserve! 14 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #10 How to Set Your Protein Intake for Fast Results! For many years, protein has been considered the macronutrient that delivers the highest rate of satiety, meaning when we eat protein we feel fuller compared to eating the same value of energy from any of the other macronutrients. Research has also shown that protein will support the retention of lean mass when dieting, which is pretty important when it comes to achieving long term fat loss. Remember, the goal is not so much weight loss, it is fat loss. So how much protein should we have daily when it comes to the goal of fat loss? For a fat loss block, I will generally set my clients protein intake between 2-3gm per kg of body weight. The lower end is for clients with a higher body fat, with the higher end for the leaner, more advanced client. 10 For the client with a large amount of weight to lose, 2gm per kg can be a lot of protein. So this is where we set protein at 2gm per kg of their goal body weight. e.g.; female client is 100kg – but her goal body weight is 75kg. I would set her protein intake at 2g per kg of 75kg. 2gm x 75 = 150gm of protein per day. 15 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #11 Optimal Fat Loss Breakfast Ever heard that statement ‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day?’. Now, this is an interesting one, my answer is ‘It depends’. Over the years I would have answered this very differently and said you must start your day with a very specific protein and fat based breakfast, which is a method I learned from the late Charles Poliquin, world renowned Strength Coach. However, in the interest of always striving for knowledge and maximum success with all clients, it’s not as simple as that. So, what do we know? If you are hungry in the morning, then eat breakfast. If you are not hungry in the morning, do not eat breakfast immediately, wait until you are actually hungry. Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day for these people, in fact, breakfast can be the reason why they put on body fat! 11 A recent research paper on this topic showed that if you force feed a person who does not usually eat breakfast, what ends up happening is the exact opposite desired effect. 16 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. So rather than being full all day and not over eating, the participants in the study actually put on body fat as they now only now ate breakfast, they also consumed the same number of calories they were having in the back half of the day when they were hungry. So in summary, they were now eating more total calories. This is why being a good coach is recognising nutrition is highly individualised and if you are hungry in the morning, then eat! If not, then wait. If you feel energised on a protein and fat breakfast and find this stabilises energy levels throughout the day then awesome, do it. If not, eat protein and carbs and remember as always, total calories over the day will be the key driver to results, not whether you eat breakfast and the times of the day you eat your meals. 17 11 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #12 Use Diet Breaks to Maximise Your Metabolism So what is a ‘diet break?’ Diet breaks are periods of 3-14 days where we take ourselves out of a calorie deficit and back up to baseline calories or even a small surplus. We do this primarily to help offset the negative metabolic adaptations of underfeeding aka a calorie restricted deficit. Negative adaptations can include: 1 Increased muscle protein breakdown (we lose muscle) 2 Decreased muscle protein synthesis (we have more trouble maintaining and rebuilding muscle after a workout) 3 Leptin levels drop 4 Thyroid hormones drop 5 Metabolic rate drops 12 All in all, we become hungrier and are likely to have increases sugar/starch cravings. Not only that, the energy out component of energy balance lowers, which in turn makes it harder to maintain muscle mass. This is not ideal for your fat loss success! 18 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. Now a diet break for say a minimum of 3 days is what is needed to have a positive effect physiologically on the body in terms of ‘revving up’ your metabolism. The goal is not just increasing calories, but particularly we want to drive up carbohydrates. Why? Because carbohydrates will help drive up leptin levels which in turn, help thyroid hormone output, which subsequently will boost your metabolic rate. Remember the key is 3 days minimum, with ideally the longer time frame the better. Why 3 days minimum? Because one day refeeds have been shown to help spike leptin levels, but the next day leptin is back down again. This is why 3 days is needed. So how do you diet break effectively? 1 First identify baseline calories through 2 The increase in your calories should all come from carbohydrates 3 Lower fat intake to 0.8gm per kg 4 Lower protein intake to 2gm per kg 5 This will further allow for more calories to be pushed to carbohydrates Now remember, this is not a cheat meal and/or cheat day. This is a strategically planned dietary intervention. Must be tracked! 19 12 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #13 Utilising Refeeds to Maximise Fat Loss Now refeeds are a concept that many people often confuse with a diet break. They are different, how? A refeed is a planned day of increasing calories to baseline, generally through the use of carbohydrates. However, a refeed is 1 day, not 3-14 days such as what we use in a diet break. So why refeed? A refeed from a physiological stand point is not going to positively have an impact on leptin levels. However, a refeed is much more about the mental adaptations of being in a calorie deficit not just the physical. Strategically allowing yourself more calories one day a week allows you to enjoy more food for a day, and potentially gives you a ‘break’ from under eating. My recommendation when it comes to applying this method is to do a ‘refeed’ day one day on the weekend when you can socialise and enjoy yourself, and the lower days during the week whilst you are working. 13 This will allow for more freedom on social situations over the weekend when you are more than likely out and about. More freedom here is the goal and it can substantially take away from the sense of missing out, which being on a calorie deficit brings! 20 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #14 Understanding Stress and its Impact on Fat Loss So, does stress cause fat gain? Directly no as you gain body fat from over eating. However, indirectly yes, stress can contribute to fat gain because when we are stressed we have a strong tendency to make irrational food choices, have lower satiety hormones, and also simply have a tendency to crave foods that are calorie dense. Furthermore stress can impact our thyroid hormones which can affect the energy out component of energy balance. Stress also can dysregulate our parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. So what are they? 1 The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for intense physical activity and is often referred to as the fight-or-flight response. 2 The parasympathetic nervous system has almost the exact opposite effect and relaxes the body and inhibits or slows many high energy functions. 21 14 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. So when we are functioning in the sympathetic dominant branch of the autonomic nervous system, it turns down three key systems in the body: 1 Reproductive system 2 Immune system 3 Digestive system When the body is stressed, the digestive system is turned down, so for example your appetite actually goes down. Ever been really stressed out and lost your appetite? Yep, that’s stress. It can also impede digestive processes, meaning you can’t assimilate micronutrients in from the macronutrients you consume, again negative when it comes to fat loss results! So how else does stress makes you fat? When we are constantly stressed, we produced excessive amounts of a low grade adrenaline called cortisol. Cortisol when high can impact your ability to get to sleep, along with staying asleep, which impacts satiety and hunger. We want to control this type of negative impact on the body, so stress management is going to be a key player for you to maximise your compliance levels and get the most out of your training. Some strategies? Well I routinely program for clients the following activities on a weekly basis: 1 Meditation 2 Reading 3 Massages 4 Stretching 5 Yoga 6 Breathing techniques 14 These are all parasympathetic state activities. The opposite of fight or flight, which will aid in stress reduction and improve your chances for fat loss success. If you do this, I guarantee your ability to get results will be improved overnight! 22 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #15 Using Steps to Get Greater Results Steps are what I use to artificially track NEAT levels, which is non-exercise activity thermogenesis. So why do we track this? Generally, NEAT levels will be aimed at non-exercise based or incidental exercise based activity aka non planned exercise. So things such as your general everyday movement outside training, twitching, eating walking around your house to find your clothes, chewing and everything in between that involves unplanned activity. However as I said, steps are an artificial way to measure NEAT levels and allow you to measure this to increase fat loss success. One of the key reasons fat loss rates slow down over the course of 12 weeks is that NEAT levels plummet as the body tries to conserve energy to protect against fat loss. 15 Your body does not want you to be too lean. Now steps, are an amazing way to track movement and to allow the rate of fat loss to stay consistent. The more we keep neat levels consistent, the greater chance of keeping rate of fat loss consistent. For most people, I recommend 10,000 steps per day as a good baseline that will maximise your fat loss results and ensure you keep losing throughout 2019! 23 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #16 Use the Correct Training Volume for Fat Loss A common issue I find when I mentor coaches is that their results with their clients generally start well, but then come to a screeching halt. From a training stand point they ‘play all their cards’ at once, rather than doing it in a step by step manner. Training volume is a tool that we use to drive up or drive down calorie expenditure. When starting fat loss phases especially for new clients I don’t overdo training volume, rather I start slowing then build upon it bit by bit. t I use training volume as a tool to break fat loss plateaus and directly influence the calories out component of energy balance. An example of this is total sets per workout, this is where I use what is referred to as a linear periodisation model, which works consistently for fat loss training transformations. An example of this would be the following: Phase 1: total sets is 18-24 per work out Phase 2: total sets is 24-30 per work out Phase 3: total sets is 30-36 per work out 16 In closing, this is a simple approach where we periodise the calories out component of resistance training. So keep it simple, don’t over complicate it and enjoy the workout volume in accordance with your training phase! 24 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #17 Cardio for Fat Loss Yes or No? So let me make this simple for you – cardio is not needed for fat loss. However for the majority of you, it is going to be a tool you can use to create a greater energy out component to aid the energy balance deficit. Then it comes down to the question that I am asked frequently, what is better for fat loss, LISS (Low intensity steady state cardio) or HIIT? (high intensity interval training) The answer as usual is ‘it depends’. Again the goal of cardio when it comes to fat loss is focused on getting calories out right? The more calories we burn, the greater potential for fat loss. Both HIIT and LISS will contribute to calories out. However, HIIT will lead to a more efficient energy expenditure session as the harder we work, the more calories we burn per unit of time. This though will primarily come down to the person. 17 Do you want to work really hard smashing yourself doing intervals when you’re already hungry? For a lot of people the answer is no! 25 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. Now with LISS, would you prefer to get the same number of calories burned in double the time but by sitting on an exercise bike replying to emails? A lot of you will say yes so as always it depends on the individual. Remember when it comes to fat loss, total calories burned is the key. So if you want to work hard for 20 minutes doing HIIT then do it. Or if you want to take a more relaxed approach and spend 45-60 minutes getting those calories burned doing LISS then choose that option. The choice is ultimately yours but remember if you are training 3-4 times per week in the gym, doing 10,000 steps per day you don’t need to integrate cardio, if you do though, 1-2 times per week will suffice! 26 17 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #18 Top 5 Lower Body Exercises for Fat Loss Resistance training is my key form of exercise when dieting a client down. I will always choose weights over cardio as my preferred exercise modality, as weights will not only help preserve lean muscle mass, but we can even build muscle mass in a calorie deficit depending on quite a few factors which are for another time. But for now, here are my top lower body exercises for fat loss. Please note these 5 exercises are also my top 5 for hypertrophy. Meaning it is the calories that dictate if it is fat loss or hypertrophy adaptations we are after. Remember when doing resistance training, we always want to focus on the most bang for our buck exercises as these will generally be compound lifts, which lead to more muscle fibres being recruited and also from a fat loss point of view, allow for greater calorie expenditure. So here are my recommendations: 1 27 Barbell Back Squat 18 The barbell back squat is a fantastic movement which is a staple of my clients’ programs. in my opinion there is no better exercise for strength and mass for the lower body as it involved the glutes, hamstrings, quads and calves. Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. 2 Conventional BB Deadlift 3 Front Foot Elevated DB Split Squat (And variations) 4 The Hack Squat 5 28 It is the ultimate posterior chain building movement, which is key for strength, mass and even athletic performance. No movement uses more overall muscles in your body than the deadlift. If my clients cannot squat, then they split squat. This is a fantastic movement for creating structural balance in the lower extremities and building up the lower body’s range of motion and mobility to allow your body to potentially squat properly long term. Another goes to lower body movement for my clients, in particular physique athletes. Although not a true free weight movement, the hack squat is fantastic for overall strength and size, in particular in the quadricep muscle group. Barbell Hip Thrust No exercise has revolutionised the female fitness lifting community like the barbell hip thrust, popularised by industry leading strength coach and personal trainer Bret Contreras. Simply put, if you want a set of great glutes and to train the posterior chain, a hip thrust is a must. 18 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #19 Top 5 Upper Body Exercises for Fat Loss Going along with Fat Loss Hack #18’s theme, we have my top 5 upper body exercises for fat loss. As always I coach with the goal of giving my clients as much quality movements as possible. Movements which have a high carry over effect into everyday life, but also overall strength and performance. After all there is no point just looking good if you don’t feel good right! Free weights have a great strength carry over which means, the stronger we get using barbells and dumbbells, the stronger we get in every other aspect of life. Now, if we just did machines, that strength carry over effect is not the same back to the free weights. 1 The Pull Up 2 Barbell/Dumbbell Bench-press 29 The pull up for any lifter, particularly a body weight pull up for a female represents a great mark of overall strength. My goal is to always have my clients doing weighted pull ups by the end of a training block with me. It incorporates the lats, posterior delts and arms, so pretty much every posterior based upper body muscle we have. 19 The bench-press is every males favourite lift, but also a fantastic overall upper body builder. Ladies will often prefer to lift with an incline bench over the flat counterpart as it involves more shoulders on an incline, which is fine. Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. 3 Barbell/Dumbbell Bent-Over Row The back is such a large muscle group that it is imperative we train it from a vertical stand point – the pull up – but also the horizontal plane with bent-over row. Initially, I prefer 1-arm rowing movements with the dumbbell to balance out upper body pulling musculature and function and will then progress onto barbell with clients as they get stronger. Again, another great exercise that involves the lats and biceps in particular. 4 Standing Barbell Overhead Press 5 Seated Rope Pull to Neck No upper body movement shows off true strength development than standing up and lifting something really heavy over your head. It also helps to build a great pair of shoulders to give the body a more athletic look. Not a well-known lift, but a great one to use as we must balance out the upper body presses by helping train the muscles involved with balancing out shoulder health. The seated rope pull to neck will help train mid and lower traps, rhomboids and the rear delts which are all crucial to helping keep your shoulders healthy long-term. 30 19 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAT LOSS HACK #20 Invest in an Industry Leading Coach Lucky last and a gem, that I myself have used time and time again over the years. Simply put, invest in a great coach or personal trainer. This is something I wish I did years earlier and would have helped me not waste the first 10 years of lifting and my first 5 years as a coach. Never under estimate the dramatic improvement a coach can have not only on your physique but also your knowledge. It will allow you to save years on figuring out the answers from someone whom has applied them and learned from their own mistakes. An experienced coach should be able to help you sift through the nonsense that’s out there in the fitness world and allow you to focus your attentions on the aspects that really matter. 20 If you are after a more personalised coaching approach, we offer online personal training to clients around the world at the Clean Health Fitness Institute. Visit for more information! 31 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. FAQ Question: Does this guide book come with ongoing support? Answer: No, it does not, it is a free guide book to help you with your health and fitness journey. We do encourage you to follow our social media channels and subscribe to our blog for more free information to help you with your fat loss / wellness transformation journey. Question: Will this guide book guarantee fat loss success for me? Answer: No, nothing in life is 100% certain. However we can say that from our experience, if you follow everything in this book to the letter you will improve your health and overall physique, just as we have done with thousands of clients over the last decade. Question: I want to take my results to the next level, where should I turn? Answer: We recommend two options for you: 32 1 If you want a specific 12 week transformation system, purchase our Art of General Population Guide books for men and women. You can purchase the female version HERE and the male version HERE. 2 You engage us for online personal training. Our online personal training platform is customised and one on one with a coach assigned to you. We have transformed thousands of life’s globally since 2008 via this method so for more information please visit our website HERE. 20 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019. Question: I want to change careers and become a personal trainer, where do I turn? Answer: We have you covered, as the world’s leading fitness industry education provider we have the most in depth, results orientated personal training qualification available today delivered both online or via blended delivery around the world. Whether you are in Australia, Asia, Europe, Middle East, USA, Canada or the UK we have you covered. As an Australian government ASQA accredited education (RTO) organisation, we can certify you as a personal trainer through our company. Our RTO registration number is: 40538. For more information on our Industry Leaders Program please visit our website HERE and download the free course guide book to book in a consult with one of our friendly careers advisors. FURTHER RESOURCES 1 Clean Health Fitness Institute: A. Industry Website: B. General Website: 2 3 33 Copyright CHFI IP Holdings Pty Ltd 2019.