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FIZOPTIKA Gyro Monitor Program & USB Adapter Info Notes

Info Notes1
Table of Contents
Gyro Monitor General Description .......................................................................................................................... 1
Digital Gyroscopes ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Adapter for Analog Gyroscopes ............................................................................................................................. 2
Gyro Monitor Start up and Settings ........................................................................................................................ 2
1. Gyro Monitor General Description
Gyro Monitor program (hereinafter GM) works under Windows2 on a PC connected to Fizoptika
digital fiber optic gyroscope (FOG) (including 3-axis assemblies). If the PC does not have RS232
(RS422) port the proper adapter should be used. +5V power supply should be available for the
gyro. Analog models (with differential output only) may be connected to a PC via a G-USB adapter.
GM displays FOG output waveform (mV vs time), gyro temperature (°C), consumption current (A),
supply voltage (V) and diagnostics signal (V). Additionally, two arrow indicators show calculated
The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but Fizoptika accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to
alter specifications without prior notice.
There is also uMonitor program which is simpler and does not require installation. It may be downloaded from
http://www.fizoptika.com/docs/fizoptika_eng121.zip. Run uMonitor.exe file to start the program.
FIZOPTIKA Gyro Monitor Program and USB Adapter. Info Notes
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angular rate and accumulated rotation angle. GM writes gyro data into an output file and can read
data from a recorded file. The time resolution is 0.2 ms for digital gyros with RS422 (921kBd) and
0.8 ms for gyros with RS232 (115kBd).
GM installation software may be downloaded from
http://www.fizoptika.com/docs/fizoptika_eng62.zip . Follow the Setup Wizard instructions to install
the program.
2. Digital Gyroscopes
FIZOPTIKA digital FOG integrates an analog open loop gyro (a core sensor) and a miniature
single-board ADC with a RS232 (RS422) transmitter. The gyro with RS232 interface works at
115kBd rate, 1200Hz repetition (default mode) but can be factory set to 38kBd/300Hz or
9.6kBd/70Hz. The gyro with RS422 interface works only at 921kBd rate and 4800 Hz repetition.
3. Adapter for Analog Gyroscopes
A special adapter (G-USB) is available to connect Fizoptika analog gyro to a computer USB port.
The G-USB adapter is the ADC board OE141-D02 where a RS232 port is replaced with a USB
port. With the G-USB adapter the analog gyro takes +5V power directly from the USB port and an
external power source is not needed. The adapter converts the gyro signals into digital data. It
works at 115kBd rate, 1200Hz repetition. The adapter can be used for all Fizoptika models with
differential output such as VG103PT, VG091A, etc.
If the computer operating system does not find and install the adapter driver automatically at the
first connection of the new device – the driver may be downloaded from
http://www.fizoptika.com/docs/fizoptika_eng50.zip or http://www.ftdichip.com/FTDrivers.htm .
4. Gyro Monitor Start up and Settings
1. Connect the USB adapter to a PC (the driver should be already installed)
2. Get the serial port number via “Device Manager”.
3. Start GM via the executive file Gyro_Monitor.exe.
5. Configure the program via Settings control at the bottom of the screen:
Communication tab - Gyro type (One axis, Three axes), COM port #, Baud rate (from the gyro
FIZOPTIKA Gyro Monitor Program and USB Adapter. Info Notes
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Coefficient tab – Fast data multipl., Voltage to angular rate, Temperature multiplication,
Temperature bias, Voltage supply multiplication, Current supply multiplication, Control signal
Averaging tab – data averaging (File, Graph, Calibration);
Path tab - data file location.
6. Set the data displayed plot at the right bottom corner of the screen (Oscilloscope, Recorder,
Configuring can be also done by modifying the gyro.ini file (restarting the program will be required
for the changes to take effect).
7. Start/Stop recording the data by pressing the button with a green triangle at the bottom of the
8. An example of a data file is given below:
Quick Links
Info Notes:
ADC Board OE141-D02
Digital Output
FIZOPTIKA Gyro Monitor Program and USB Adapter. Info Notes
Technical Support
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