Uploaded by Gabriel Ramos

Planting Pepper Seeds: Sports & Health Assignment

Gabriel Ramos-3 Doric
Sports and Health CW5
Step 1: First, I selected the pepper seeds to plant, so I took pepper seeds, opened it and
extracted some of its seeds and put them in a container (plate) until I extracted all the
seeds I wanted to plant.
Step 2: Secondly, I put the gloves on my hands, took a shovel and dug a small hole in
the ground where the pepper seeds I had extracted could enter.
Step 3: Thirdly, I took the seeds I had extracted from the pepper and placed them in the
hole I had dug in the ground.
Step 4: Fourth, after inserting all the seeds into the excavated hole, I covered the hole
with soil so that the pepper seeds were left underneath the soil.
Step 5: Finally, with the help of a water hose I put some water in the soil that had the
pepper seeds because little water should be put in it so that the seeds do not drown, as
well as so that they can grow, form and give the fruit of the pepper.