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Chapters 12 13 Quiz.docx

Chapters 12 & 13 Quiz
Score for this quiz: 41 out of 43
Question 1
2 / 2 pts
Which of the following does not accurately discuss horizontal analysis?
Compares changes in reporting based on a line item within the income statement or
balance sheet
Allows us to compare financial statement results over multiple periods
Provides greater insight into performance trends
Helps to identify areas that may require change or intervention
Question 2
2 / 2 pts
Which of the following does not accurately discuss the debt to equity ratio?
Communicates how assets are financed
Communicates to potential lender how much in assets are available which are not
already claimed by other creditors
Total liabilities/stockholder’s equity
Communicates company’s ability to pay interest on borrowed funds
Question 3
2 / 2 pts
Which of the following types of ratios would help communicate how well a company can
meet its current liabilities?
Leverage ratios
Profitability ratios
Market ratios
Liquidity ratios
Question 4
2 / 2 pts
Which of the following does not accurately describe the acid test ratio?
A more conservative look at the company’s ability to meet current liabilities by focusing
only on cash and cash equivalents as they relate to current liabilities
Tells us how many times the company can meet its current liabilities with all current
asset in consideration
Answers the question “If we do not make another sell, how well positioned are we to
meet our current obligations?”
Is also referred to as the quick ratio
Question 5
0 / 2 pts
Market ratios can answer all the following except
You Answered
Short term return expectations on investment
Correct Answer
How well the company has rewarded investment in prior accounting periods
Amount of income earned per share of stock
Market expectations of future profitability
Question 6
2 / 2 pts
When financial statements are converted to percentages, they are referred to as:
Percent of change analysis
Common size financial statements
Pro forma financial statements
Ratio analysis
Question 7
2 / 2 pts
Which of the following statements about vertical analysis is not true
Compares changes in reporting based on a line item within the income statement or
balance sheet
Helps to identify areas that may require change or intervention
Compares financial reporting results over multiple periods of operations
Restates financial reporting results as a percentage of a base amount
Question 8
2 / 2 pts
Which of the following types of ratios relate to the company’s ability to effectively use its
assets to generate revenue?
Leverage ratios
Profitability ratios
Market ratios
Liquidity ratios
Question 9
2 / 2 pts
The evaluation of a corporation’s financial performance based on the restatement of
financial reporting dollar amounts as percentages is referred to as:
Financial analysis
Ratio analysis
Trend analysis
Percent of change analysis
Question 10
2 / 2 pts
Which of the following would not be a benefit of ratio analysis
Provides a comparable result to compare against industry averages
A common basis for evaluation which allows us to fairly compare performance with any
company, regardless of size
Provides insight into areas that might require further investigation/intervention
Reliability for forecasting use as it does not account for operational or cost changes
Question 11
2 / 2 pts
Which of the following types of ratios relate to the relationship of company assets
among creditors and shareholder/owners?
Leverage ratios
Profitability ratios
Market ratios
Liquidity ratios
Question 12
2 / 2 pts
In addition to results of application of ratio analysis, which of the following
considerations/comparisons would be relevant to gaining additional, useful insight into
Comparison of results against industry averages
Comparison of results against operational goals/objectives
Comparison of results over multiple periods
All of the above
Question 13
2 / 2 pts
Which of the following is not an example of a liquidity ratio?
Current ratio
Debt to equity ratio
Inventory turnover ratio
Accounts receivable collection period
Question 14
2 / 2 pts
Assume Larry, Moe, and Curly each own 33.33 % of a general partnership. The
partnership shows $126,000 in net income for the 2018 year. Which of the following
statements is true?
Larry, Moe, and Curly will report 1/3 of what remains of net income after the tax on their
partnership is levied
Larry, Moe, and Curly will each report $42,000 of taxable income on their personal tax
The partnership will be taxed for any applicable income taxes on these earnings.
Larry, Moe, and Curly will each report partnership earnings of $126,000 on their
personal tax returns
Question 15
2 / 2 pts
Assume the following partnership scenario: Alfalfa (50%), Darla (25), Spanky (12.5%)
and Stymie (12.5%) share ownership in their company. Upon establishing this company,
the following details capital contribution; Alfalfa contributed 40% of capital, Darla
contributed 30% of capital, and Spanky and Stymie each contributed 15% of capital.
Assuming that earnings are allocated based on the contribution base method, how
would the annual earnings of $78,000 be distributed?
This cannot be determined with the information provided.
Alfalfa’s capital account increases by $39,000. Darla’s capital account increases by
$19,500. Spanky and Stymie’s capital accounts each increase by $9,750.
Alfalfa’s capital account increases by $39,000 because he owns most of the
partnership. The remaining $39,000 is distributed evenly among Darla, Spanky, and
$31,200 increases Alfalfa’s capital account. $23,400 increases Darla’s capital account.
Spanky and Stymie’s capital accounts are each increased by $11,700.
Question 16
2 / 2 pts
Where can we find the information that establishes percentage of ownership and
allocation of earnings to partners?
in the Articles of Incorporation
this is usually a verbal contract
in initial IRS filings
in the Partnership Agreement
Question 17
2 / 2 pts
The most significant accounting implication of having multiple owners/partners is
determining who will keep the books
determining who will keep the books
determining how to split earnings
keeping individual capital accounts for each owner
accounting for the proprietorship and partnership do not differ
Question 18
2 / 2 pts
The partnership and proprietorship structures differ mainly in that
the partnership incurs an income tax obligation at the company level
the proprietorship is a flow through tax entity
the partnership will have multiple owners
partners/owners will face personal liability for business debt obligations
Question 19
2 / 2 pts
Assume the following partnership scenario: Alfalfa (50%), Darla (25), Spanky (12.5%)
and Stymie (12.5%) share ownership in their company. Upon establishing this company,
the following details capital contribution; Alfalfa contributed 40% of capital, Darla
contributed 30% of capital, and Spanky and Stymie each contributed 15% of capital.
Assuming that earnings are allocated based on % of ownership, how would the annual
earnings of $78,000 be distributed?
This cannot be determined with the information provided.
Alfalfa’s capital account increases by $39,000. Darla’s capital account increases by
$19,500. Spanky and Stymie’s capital accounts each increase by $9,750.
Alfalfa’s capital account increases by $39,000 because he owns most of the
partnership. The remaining $39,000 is distributed evenly among Darla, Spanky, and
$31,200 increases Alfalfa’s capital account. $23,400 increases Darla’s capital account.
Spanky and Stymie’s capital accounts are each increased by $11,700.
Question 20
2 / 2 pts
Which of the following statements about the partnership structure is not true?
The partnership is recognized as a separate legal entity of the state.
The partnership is a flow through tax entity
Partners can/will be held liable for business debt obligations
There are options available to have partners with limited liability for business debt
Question 21
2 / 2 pts
Which of the following statements does not accurately discuss the impact of new
ownership in a partnership structure?
A new partnership agreement must be drawn up
The old partnership agreement will be dissolved
This creates a new partnership
Operations will cease until the new agreement has been approved by the state
Question 22
1 / 1 pts
The most significant accounting implication of having multiple owners/partners is
determining who will keep the books
determining how to split earnings
keeping individual capital accounts for each owner
accounting for the proprietorship and partnership do not differ
Quiz Score: 41 out of 43
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