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Writing Skills Needs Analysis for Non-Teaching Staff

Target Situation Analysis on Developing Writing Skills for Non-Teaching Personnel
in Private Schools
Biographical information:
First Language background: Tagalog/Filipino
Reasons for learning the language: To develop writing skills that will improve their
competency in their workplace
Other languages spoken: English
Time available for learning: June-July 2021
1. Why is the language needed?
Language is an important communication tool used to transmit information
between two or more people in carrying out their daily activities. By using language, we
could understand each other. In learning language, four skills should be mastered, they
were: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
Writing as one of the skills to communicate is not an ability we acquire naturally;
even in our first language, it must be taught. However, writing is not interesting for most
EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students. Writing is considered the most difficult and
complicated language skill to be learned compared to other language skills – listening,
speaking, and reading. It requires more effort to produce meaning through writing than to
recognize meaning through listening and reading (Dixon & Nessel, 1983).
In fact, Nunan (1999), considers it as an enormous challenge to produce “a coherent,
fluent, extended piece of writing” in one’s second language. This is magnified by the fact
that the rhetorical conventions of English texts – the structure, style, and organization –
often differ from the convention in other languages. It requires effort to recognize and
manage the differences (Leki, 1991).
According to Zemach and Rumisek (2005), the teaching of writing is important due
to the following reasons: (1) writing reinforces the grammatical structure, idiom, and
vocabulary that the teacher has been working within the class; (2) when the student writes,
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she or he has a chance to be adventurous with the language; (3) the student becomes
involved with the language, with himself or herself, and with his or her readers.
For non-teaching personnel who write different letters in making reports, it is a
requirement that they must create a logical and error-free letter in their field of work.
2. How will the language be used?
Due to the great number of individuals who are creating letters in English in their
field of work, particularly the non-teaching personnel, this ESP course targets the nonteaching personnel in private schools and aims to develop writing skills in using the
English language in communication.
3. What will the content areas be?
The course is designed for non-teaching personnel in private schools to improve
their writing skills. This course will focus on how to help the non-teaching staff do their
letters, requests, and forms, and the likes to be accurate and properly addressed before
turning it in. ESP is a movement that entails to a different field that will use the English as
their language, to its specific learning and how to use it towards the different group of
learners, that’s the reason why this course was made to teach English to a specific group of
learners, which were the non-teaching staffs of private schools. Writing is one of the macro
skills that an individual should master, inside a school, we are aware of the teacher’s
mastery of making it, they have a lot of things to do, and they are not available at all times if
the non-teaching staff will ask them to do the writing for them.
Non-teaching personnel's task is to make a letter, request, forms, etc. for the school’s
compilation of information and they should undergo a convention for them to improve
their writing skills, it incorporates vocabulary, letter formatting, editing, outlining, and
knowing the basic principles of writing.
Planned Learning Activities:
Remember that Outlines are your friend – The non-teaching personnel is
making forms and requests, they should start on which they are familiar
with, doing a grocery or sometimes being in a restaurant, they will do an
outlining activity for them to be more at ease in doing it. They will be given a
format and they will fill it in based on the kinds of restaurants or grocery
stores that they have traveled or visited. An outline is not needed to be a
complex process. A simple framework should be followed that has a
particular order with supporting detail about each section, will be enough.
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A Letter for you – Non-teaching personnel are consistently making a letter
and this activity will help them recognize the different structures of diverse
styles in making a business letter. The clients will make a business letter that
has a return address, where to put inside the letter, the inside address, a
salutation, paragraphs, and closing should be intact. The learners will first
identify the correct parts and how to start the letter correctly.
Correct Me if I’m Wrong – The clients of this convention will practice their
editing skills and they will amend the worksheets that will be given to them
which have a lot of errors that need to be fixed. It will help the clients be
more aware of their forms, requests, or letters after finishing the convention.
The Basics – The clients will be asked to write their schema about the basic
principles of writing, after soliciting their answers they will learn the suitable
principles for them not to be lost while doing their job. Then, the clients will
be asked to memorize the basic principles in writing. It will help them to do
their paperwork faster than before. The clients should know the standards in
writing to hone their skills.
In teaching ESP, vocabulary should not be neglected, especially in a
communication process, because the clients will be honing their writing
skills, vocabulary is needed. It will help them to become an advanced writer,
it will also elevate their pride whenever they send their letter, forms, and
requests to a superior or other authority.
4. Who will the learner use the language with?
The people who will receive their writings. It can be a production staff whenever
they have suggestions or complaints about some delivered books or a librarian from
other schools if the client needs some advice about creative bookkeeping and the likes.
This course aims to use the English language in communication through writing, to have
strict and precise wordings, an intelligent letter, a straight point in a request or forms, a
report for all the loads they need to address. It will be a great help in their work
environment and to give them a positive assurance that the papers that they will send to
the other establishments will be appropriate and correct.
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5. Where will the language be used?
The needs analysis undertaken here was designed for developing writing skills for
English Language Communication and aims to improve learners’ competency in their
workplace. The target students of this course are the non-teaching personnel in private
schools whose main duty is to carry out administrative tasks that include clerical work and
routine documentation in the school to foster greater productivity. This course aims to
enhance the writing skills needed and communicative competence of the learners by
accentuating the resemblance of the tasks in their field of work in the real world. Generally,
the writing skills will be used in their everyday tasks alongside teachers on the professional
input and expertise. This ensures that there is an efficient infrastructure within which
effective teaching and learning can occur.
6. When will the language be used?
As we learn a language, there are four macro skills that we need for communication,
these are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. We need to master these skills for us to
communicate with other people. Humans adapt the language by listening first, then will
eventually learn to speak, and then will learn how to read and write with the help of formal
education. Listening, speaking, and reading skills are complex in various ways for it decodes
and delivers messages verbally and by analyzing symbols conveyed by the sender. However,
writing is considered to be the most complex skill in communication. For it takes time and
practice to grasp the said skill. Writing is not just about practicing by knowing the strokes of
each letter in the alphabet. Writing is also a process in which a person can communicate his
thoughts and feelings through symbols. This can also be a means to develop and strengthen
human connections and society.
Writing is a multifaceted intellectual task including various component skills, some
of which learners may lack completely, and some of which they may have only somewhat
mastered. When people lack skills in these areas, the performance in their workplace will be
greatly affected. Their outputs may be unsatisfactory in numerous ways – from poor
grammar and syntax to vague organization to weak reasoning and arguments. That is why
the complex nature of writing can help us to design assignments and provide support as
students continue to hone their skills more effectively. However, in New Zealand, there has
been very little research into determining exactly what is meant by "written communication
skills". Surveys have consistently shown that employers rank oral and written
communication skills as highly as or more highly than any technical or quantitative skills.
(Gray et al., 2005)
In connection to this, the target situation analysis is carried out based on the needs of
educational units which are suitable with the students’ interests and needs, social and
cultural local developments, and current and future conditions. An understanding of the
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target workplace setting will help acculturate to the English demands, which suggests
pedagogies in the implementation of the English for Non-Teaching Personnel in Private
Schools. Where learners of this course as non-teaching personnel will not only develop
competency to do their job but also express confidence in English communication
particularly in the demands of writing outputs.
The implementation of this course is expected to engage non-teaching personnel to
transform and support education to enable new ways to work together with the use of
writing skills gained from this program in their workplace. For it makes the most of
opportunities provided to change education since it also provides support for teachers too
and they variously play a vital role in the educational system.
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ESP Program for Non-Teaching Personnel in Private Schools
Course Title:
Writing Skills Development for Non-Teaching Purposes
Course Description:
This ESP course is designed to improve the workplace writing competence of nonteaching personnel working in private schools. The course aims to help prepare clients for
different kinds of writing they will encounter as non-teaching staff of the school they are
currently employed. This 15-hour short course is conducted in a workshop format that
includes short lectures and writing activities.
Mode of Instruction:
To avoid the risk of contracting the virus from having face-to-face learning,
workshops shall be conducted via digital platforms while clients stay at the comfort of their
homes. A combination of digital learning platforms and applications will be utilized to
deliver the learning and teaching effectively.
Time Allotment:
This short course has a total of 5 sessions and each session will last up to 3 hours.
The schedule is as follows:
Session 1
Session 2
What is Writing?
A. Introduction
B. Types
C. Genres
D. Writing
What is Business
A. Types
- define what is
- determine the
different types
and genres in
- recognize the
correct writing
- identify the types
of business
3 hours
- lecture
- formative
- clients’
- lecture
3 hours
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B. Principles of
C. Business
- grasp the
principles of a
good business
- recognize the
format of a
business letter
- The Basics
- A Letter for
you (Group
- drills
Session 5
Business Writing
A. Writing a
B. Writing a
C. Writing an
D. Writing a
Formatting a
A. Using
B. Typography
Grammar Review
A. Verbs
B. Pronouns
C. Punctuation,
and Spelling
- classify the
different ways in
writing a specific
business letter
- compose a
request letter, a
report, an email,
and a memo
- recognize the use
of graphics and
- recall verbs and
- analyze the
marks and their
- review spelling
6 hours
3 hours
- lecture
- Correct Me if
I’m Wrong
- Remember
that Outlines
are your
- short quiz
- drills
- lecture
- group
- oral activity
- Practical
Grading System:
Writing Outputs
Group Participation
Practical Examination
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Attendance Policy:
Our client attendance policy outlines the expectations about the clients' attendance
to class. Being punctual when coming to class helps maintain efficiency in the learning
process. Clients are encouraged to complete the entire course without absences. Being
consistently tardy or absent can cause problems for the program. This behavior may bring
about a “bad attendance” record and the client may need to go through make-up classes
before obtaining the certificate.
At the end of the ESP Course, participants will have to take part in the course
assessment and evaluation. A digital certificate of completion will be sent to the clients by
email, up to 15 days after they have completed the course. This digital certificate can be
shared with their professional network and showcased for promotion purposes.
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Target Situation Analysis on Developing Writing Skills for Non-Teaching Personnel
in Private Schools
Subjective Analysis
1a. Who are your learners?
Objective Analysis
1b. To whom is the material intended for?
The librarian, registrar, cashier, and the
property custodian who deals with
different letters may it be a request or a
2a. What are the aims of your course?
It is intended for administrative staff of
Charles Sturt University (CSU).
2a. What are the aims of the materials?
To develop the writing skills among these
non-teaching staff.
To develop or continue the learners’
understanding of Business Writing, Report
Writing, and Business Reporting Language
(BRL) at CSU.
3a. What kind of language description do
3b. What type(s) of linguistic description
you require?
is/are used in the materials?
The course requires functional-notional
4a. What language points should be
The linguistic description that is used in
the materials is from functional-notional
grammar wherein the outputs of the
learners are based on their intention or
purpose in writing such a report, letter or
forms, and the likes.
4b. What language points do the materials
The course will cover grammar, coherence,
accuracy, effectiveness, and appropriate
Writing with the correct format of the
different business letters or reports with
strict structures and proper arrangement
using the language.
5a. What proportion of work on each macro
skill (e.g. writing) is desired?
5b. What is the proportion of work on each
skill? Is there skill-integrated work?
Writing accurate and appropriate business
letters, reports, or forms.
The material focuses on writing, that’s why
it has skill-integrated work - writing,
reading, and listening.
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6a. What micro-skills do you need?
The micro-skills needed on this course that
the clients need to be aware of is to reflect
on the features, semantics, and pragmatics
when writing different business letters,
reports, and the likes.
7a. What text types should be included?
It is a combination of factual text types that
includes description, recount, or
persuasive and literary text types such as
narrative or personal response.
8b. What is/are the subject matter area(s),
and types of topics in the materials?
Subject Matter: ESP for Non-Teaching Staff
The following topics are needed for this
● What is Writing?
- Introduction
- Types
- Genres
- Writing Process
● What is Business Writing?
- Types
- Principles of Good Business
- Business Letter Format
● Business Writing
- Writing a Request Letter
- Writing a Report
- Writing an Email
- Writing a Memo
● Formatting a Business Document
- Using Graphics
- Typography
6b. What micro-skills are covered in the
These are the micro-skills that are covered
in the materials used, the client should
remember and classify typing, spelling, and
punctuation in writing different business
letters, reports, and the likes.
7b. What kinds of texts are there in the
Descriptive and narrative texts are mostly
included in the materials used.
8b. What is/are the subject matter area(s),
and types of topics in the materials?
The material focuses on:
- Purpose of Effective Writing
- Different Styles of Correspondence and
CSU Templates
- Writing for a Purpose
- Ensuring Professional Documents
- Common Business Reporting Language
- Effective Emails
- Reviewing and Proofreading: CSU
Styles and Standards
- Report Writing: Purpose, Planning, and
- Representing Data Visually
● Grammar Review
- Verbs
- Pronouns
- Punctuation, Mechanics, and
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9a. How should the content be organized in
the course?
9b. How is the content sequenced
throughout the book?
The content should follow strict
organization based on its topics and subtopics, from simple to complex process to
hone the clients writing skills.
10a. How should the content be sequenced
within a unit?
Short lectures and handouts are given in
the beginning for each part. It is followed
by sets of exercises and application
10b. How is the content sequenced within a
The content will act in accordance with
comprehension to production.
The sequence within the unit started on
how the clients comprehend the topics
presented to them until they produce their
11a. What theories of learning should the
11b. What theories of learning are the
course be based on?
materials based on?
It is based on Constructivism theory with
an affective factor.
12a. What aspects of the learners’ attitudes
to/ expectations about learning English
should the course take into account?
The aspects of the learners’ that were
taken into considerations are their learning
styles, retention, transference, and their
interest or motivation.
13a. What kinds of exercises/tasks are
The materials are based on constructivism
theory, in which the learners are the ones
who will create or establish their outputs
and the center of the learning process.
12b. What attitudes to/expectations about
learning English are the materials based on?
The materials are based on clients’
motivation, learning habits, retention, and
transference to improve their writing
13b. What kinds of exercises/tasks are
included in the materials?
The exercises/tasks needed for this course
are the repetition of making different
business letters or reports, an individual
and group activity to promote cooperation
and collaboration.
The exercises/tasks that are included are
more on writing skills and making their
own output (letter, report or forms, etc.).
14a. What teaching-learning techniques are
to be used?
14b. What teaching-learning techniques can
be used with the materials?
These techniques were used in
implementing the course, it was a
The materials to be used will help the
students in their writing skills because they
do editing, outlining, and proofreading.
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combination of group work, pair work, and
client’s presentation of their outputs.
15a. What aids are available for use?
15b. What aids do the materials require?
A computer/laptop and a smartphone will
be used to implement the course.
The clients should accomplish the module
by the end of the workshop.
16a. What guidance/support for teaching
the course does the course need?
16b. What aids do the materials require?
To be able to achieve a good result of this
course, the following support/guidance
should be present;
Clients are encouraged to expand their
knowledge and skills by taking up work-based
or more formalized learning opportunities at
the programs conclusion.
a. thorough discussion and application
of activities so the non-teaching
personnel will become more at ease
in writing a letter, report, and the
b. clear objectives for this course and
c. variety of materials that supports
writing skills to improve.
Decision: We will conform and modify the evaluated material.
Link to the material evaluated:
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Interview Questions of English Language Needs of Non-Teaching Personnel
in Private Schools
1. Where do you
2. What is your
job title?
3. What is your
field of
4. Where did
you graduate
5. What is your
course in
1. What
percentage of
your work is
conducted in
Sacred Heart
Academy of Sta.
(Bulacan), Inc.
Sacred Heart
Academy of Sta.
(Bulacan), Inc.
Admission and
Records Officer
Keep official
school records
of students
(hard and
copy). Make
sure that
students have
documents with
Sacred Heart
Academy of Sta.
(Bulacan), Inc.
Bulacan State
Bulacan State
Sacred Heart
Academy of Sta.
(Bulacan), Inc.
Property and
Facilities Head
Make sure that
everything is
properly from
the simplest
(doorknobs) to
the complex
(breakers and
Ensure the
safety of the
equipment and
Bulacan State
Bachelor of
Bachelor of
Science in
Bachelor of
Science in
Bachelor of
95% of my task
is related to
from making a
request, and
90% of my task
is related to
English. School
forms and other
documents are
written in the
85% of my task
is in the English
language, even
the software
and the receipts
are in the
80% of my
tasks are
conducted in
Forms, request
letters, even
Keep record of
(acquired and
for evaluation).
Assist teachers
and students in
finding reading
materials and
Assist parents
and students in
answer queries,
and audit
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2. Have you
been engaged in
while working
at school? If yes,
what language
was used in the
3. How
important is it
to have a high
level of English
proficiency to
perform your
job effectively?
1. Rank the
language skill in
terms of
importance in
performing your
references are
all in WRITTEN
language. The
only thing that
is not English
(most of the
time) is
with parents
and students.
incident reports
are all written
using the
It is necessary
to have a high
level of English
proficiency. As
a librarian,
most of the
books that we
researchrelated, are
overseas. I need
to have good
skills to
with different
It is needed. I
can say that
learning the
spoken English
language is
needed, but the
written English
language is
Written English
is a must as we
write a lot of
accounts. We
give statements
of accounts and
verify their
online. We need
to have
knowledge of
formal written
It is not much
needed, but it is
still a must to
learn the
Writing reports
is important,
and we need to
have enough
knowledge on
how to make a
report less
terrible as
1 – Reading
2 – Writing
3 – Listening
4 – Speaking
1 – Writing
2 – Reading
3 – Speaking
4 – Listening
1 – Writing
2 – Reading
3 – Speaking
4 – Listening
1 – Writing
2 – Reading
3 – Speaking
4 – Listening
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job. Please write
1 being the most
important and 4
being the least
2. Will you be
interested to
avail an ESP
program in the
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May 3, 2021
To whom it may concern,
I voluntarily agree to participate in the interview of Ms. Arminda Barlam for their target
situation analysis. I understand that this interview is being conducted by Ms. Barlam to
develop the writing skills of the non-teaching personnel in Goldenville School of
Montessori Inc. and is also a terminal requirement for her ELE 906 – English for Specific
Purposes subject.
I grant permission for the interview to be tape recorded and transcribed, and to be used
only by Ms. Barlam and her groupmates for analysis of interview data. I grant permission
for the data gathered to be published in their Target Situation Analysis Report.
Signature over printed name
Interviewee: Ms. Anna Charice Reyes
Position: Cashier/Registrar
1. Where do you work?
Goldenville School of Montessori Inc.
2. What is your job title?
Cashier and at the same time registrar.
3. What is your field of specialty?
Biology and ICT
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4. Where did you graduate from?
Bulacan Agricultural State College
5. What is your course in college?
Bachelor of Secondary Education
6. When did you graduate from college?
April 2005
1. What percentage of your work is conducted in English?
2. Have you been engaged in writing workshops while working at school? If yes, what
language was used in the workshop?
Yes, I am always included in every writing workshop that were conducted in school
with all our teaching personnel. The language used is always English.
3. How important is it to have a high level of English proficiency to perform your job
As the registrar and cashier in an English-speaking school, it is a must for me to
always speak and communicate in English with our clients. Also, with the nature of
my job, communicating in English seems to be a sign of formality from letters,
emails, clearances and all the transactions that I made with the people involved
whether online, printed letters, or actual communication.
1. Rank the following English language skill in terms of importance in performing your job.
Please write 1 being the most important and 4 being the least important.
• Writing
• Speaking
• Reading
• Listening
2. Will you be interested to avail an ESP program in the future?
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Dixon, C., & Nessel, D. (1983). Language experience approach to reading. The Alemany
Gray, F. E., Emerson, L., & MacKay, B. (2005). Meeting the demands of the workplace:
Science students and written skills. Journal of Science Education and Technology,
14(4), 425–435. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10956-005-8087-y
Leki, I. (1991). The preferences of ESL students for error correction in College-Level
writing classes. Foreign Language Annals, 24(3), 203–218.
Nunan, D. (1999). Second language teaching & learning. Macmillan Publishers.
Writing with Sharon Watson. (2016, April 6). Writing curriculum reviews for writing with
sharon watson. Writing with Sharon Watson-Easy-to-Use Homeschool Writing and
Literature Curriculum. https://writingwithsharonwatson.com/reviews/
Zemach, D., & Rumisek, L. E. (2005). Academic writing from paragraph to essay. Macmillan
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