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GCSE French: Reading, Writing, Translation Practice

GCSE French by RSL
Volume 2: Reading, Writing, Translation
This book contains:
 Four Reading papers.
 Four Writing papers.
 Five translation passages.
Example answers, mark schemes and detailed guidance are provided for all questions.
The questions are modelled on those set by all exam boards for their 9-1 GCSE/IGCSE
syllabuses, and cover an extensive range of topics. They become progressively more
challenging in each paper, from ‘warm-up’ questions to more advanced exercises.
The papers are accompanied by highly detailed, teaching solution pages and mark
schemes. These will guide you through the questions, step-by-step – like having a
personal tutor alongside you.
When used together with Volume 1: Listening, Speaking, this book offers thorough
preparation for an excellent performance at GCSE.
How to use this book
When correcting your work, it’s a good idea to take notes of any important learning
points, as well as your mistakes: this will make your revision easier. If an answer can
be improved, it’s worthwhile to repeat it, referring to the examples. Where alternative
methods and solutions are suggested, it’s often useful to try them out – to find out
whether they work for you.
You can attempt these papers with or without time limits. Either way, I recommend
working though the solution pages carefully, until you fully understand all the advice.
A note on exam boards
This book gives you the chance to practise the question styles for AQA, Edexcel (GCSE
and IGCSE) and Cambridge IGCSE.
 Both AQA and Edexcel GCSE Reading Papers require some answers to be
written in French and some in English, along with a short translation into
 Cambridge IGCSE requires all Reading Paper answers to be written in French.
 Edexcel IGCSE has a combined Reading and Writing Paper, with all answers
required in French and a grammar section at the end of the paper.
 Cambridge IGCSE includes a topic vocabulary question in the Writing Paper.
 If you are taking Edexcel GCSE or AQA GCSE, you will need to translate a
passage from English to French in your writing exam and from French to
English in your reading exam. Cambridge IGCSE and Edexcel IGCSE do not
currently set translation tasks.
These things are liable to change: check your exam board’s website!
Also available
GCSE French by RSL, Volume 1: Listening, Speaking
GCSE Maths by RSL (Non-Calculator: Higher Level)
GCSE Spanish by RSL: Volumes 1 and 2
GCSE German by RSL: Volumes 1 and 2
RSL 11+ Comprehension: Volumes 1 and 2
RSL 11+ Maths
RSL 8+ to 10+ Comprehension
RSL 13+ Comprehension
 11 Plus Lifeline (printable Comprehension, Maths, Reasoning and Writing
material, including multiple-choice): www.11pluslifeline.com
 RSL Creative Writing: several volumes
Table of Contents
Reading Paper 1
Reading Paper 2
Reading Paper 3
Reading Paper 4
Writing Paper 1
Writing Paper 2
Writing Paper 3
Writing Paper 4
Translation Passages
GCSE French by RSL, Volume 2: Reading, Writing, Translation (3rd edition)
by Felicity Davidson
Copyright © RSL Educational Ltd 2021
Cover design by Heather Macpherson at Raspberry Creative Type
Image on 11 Plus Lifeline information page © iStockPhoto.com.
Cover images & graphics © Shutterstock.com.
Photocopying more than four pages of this book is not permitted, even if you have a CLA
licence. Extra copies are available from www.rsleducational.co.uk and from Amazon.
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Topic Guide
The same core topics are tested by all exam boards, sometimes with slightly different
titles (and often with a fair bit of crossover between the sub-topics listed below,
depending on the board).
Home and Abroad
 Town and rural life
 Weather and climate
 Everyday life and traditions
 Neighbourhood and region
 Holidays and tourism
 Services such as using the phone,
bank or post office
 Travel, transport and directions
Education and Employment
 School life
 School routine
 Childhood
 Future plans
 Jobs and careers
 Ambitions: further study;
House, Home and Daily Routine
 Types of home
 Self, family, friends and
 Household chores
 Food and drink
The Modern World and the Environment
 Technology and information e.g.
internet, mobile phones, social
 Environmental issues
 Current affairs and social issues
 The media e.g. TV, film,
 Bringing the world together:
events, campaigns and good causes
Social Activities, Fitness and Health
 Hobbies, pastimes, sports and
 Shopping and money
 Celebrations
 Accidents, injuries and health
Reading Paper 1
If you wish to complete this paper in timed conditions, allow 1 hour.
• Use black ink or ball-point pen.
• Answer all the questions.
• Answer the questions in the spaces provided.
o There may be more space than you require.
• Dictionaries are not allowed.
• The questions will state what language to answer in.
• Read each question carefully before attempting it.
• The marks available for each question are given in [square
brackets]. These give you an indication of how long to
spend on it.
• There is a total of 50 marks available for this paper.
• Leave time to check your answers at the end, if possible.
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GCSE French by RSL: Volume 2
Answer ALL questions.
Les loisirs
Qu’est-ce que tu fais le weekend? Cochez [X] la bonne case.
What do you do at the weekend? Put a cross [X] in the correct box
Exemple: Je me lève à neuf heures du matin.
7h00 7h30 9h00
(i) Je mets la table avec un couteau.
(ii) Pour le petit déjeuner, je prends du pain.
(iii) Je fais mes devoirs avant de sortir.
(iv) Je fais les courses au supermarché avec mon père.
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(v) Je joue de la batterie.
(Total for Question 1 = 5 marks)
Les vêtements
Que porte Amina?
What is Amina wearing?
Cochez [X] la bonne case.
Put a cross [X] in the correct box.
Exemple: Au collège Amina porte une cravate.
(i) Quand il fait froid, Amina porte des gants.
(ii) Amina aime porter un pantalon.
(iii) Pour une fête, Amina porte un chapeau.
(iv) Ce weekend, Amina va porter une robe.
(v) Amina porte des collants avec sa jupe.
(Total for Question 2 = 5 marks)
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La vie scolaire
Lisez ces opinions sur la vie scolaire.
Read these views about school life
Je déteste mon uniforme scolaire. Ce n’est pas confortable et c’est démodé.
Je suis très contente à l’école. On a trop de devoirs mais les clubs après l’école
sont bien.
Mes profs sont trop stricts et les cours sont trop longs. Je n’ai pas de matière
préférée. Je suis stressé tout le temps!
Je l’aime bien. Je peux bavarder avec tous mes amis pendant la récré et on a
beaucoup d’équipements.
Pour moi, l’éducation n’est pas très importante, on apprend plus en dehors
de l’école.
C’est interdit d’avoir son portable à l’école et j’adore mon portable. Je ne
peux pas envoyer de messages pendant la journée !
L’uniforme scolaire est très pratique et aussi c’est bien parce que je ne dois
pas décider de ce que je porte chaque jour.
Qui pense les choses suivantes? Ecrivez la bonne lettre dans chaque casse.
Who thinks the following? Write the correct letter in each box.
Example: Is happy at school.
(i) Likes their school uniform.
(ii) Education does not matter.
(iii) Has too much homework.
(iv) Is not allowed their phone.
(v) Doesn’t like anything at school.
(Total for Question 3 = 5 marks)
Mon amie
Lisez cet extrait de Clémentine qui décrit son amie.
Read this extract from Clémentine who is describing her friend.
Jeanne va à l’école avec moi et je la connais depuis toujours. On est dans la même
année scolaire mais elle est plus âgée que moi de deux mois. Elle est très intelligente
et elle est forte en mathématiques et en sciences, mais moi, je préfère la géographie.
Elle a les cheveux courts et bruns et elle est vraiment rigolote. Je suis plus grande
qu’elle mais sa pointure de chaussures est plus grande que la mienne. Elle habite une
maison à dix minutes de chez moi à pied, donc on se retrouve souvent devant le
cinéma parce que notre passion, c’est les films. J’aime bien aller chez elle parce que sa
famille est gentille et sa mère cuisine bien aussi. Elle veut apprendre le violon comme
moi, mais elle joue du piano.
Cochez [X] la bonne case.
Put a cross [X] in the correct box.
Example: Jeanne…
A went to school with her.
B goes to school with her.
C is a friend of the family.
D has known her for a few years.
Jeanne is…
two months younger than her.
two years older than her.
the same age as her.
two months older than her
Clémentine says…
she is cleverer.
Jeanne is cleverer.
they like different subjects.
they like the same things.
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has brown hair.
is taller than her
has the same sized feet as her.
is hard working.
They meet…
next to the cinema.
behind the cinema.
in front of the cinema.
in the cinema.
plays the violin.
plays the piano.
plays the piano with her mother.
is learning the violin.
(Total for Question 4 = 5 marks)
La ville et la campagne
Lisez ces opinions de Charlotte et Loïc et répondez aux questions en anglais.
Read Charlotte and Loïc’s opinions and answer the questions in English.
J’habite dans une ferme dans le nord-est de la France. Pour moi, c’est beaucoup mieux
que de vivre en ville car ici, c’est plus détendu et tout le monde se parle quand on se
Quant à moi, je l’apprécie de temps en temps mais je m’ennuie à la campagne car il
n’y a pas d’autres gens de mon âge. Il est vrai qu’il y a des avantages comme le fait
qu’il y ait beaucoup moins de distractions mais pour moi il n’y a pas assez de choses
à faire.
Cochez [X] la bonne case.
Put a cross [X] in the correct box.
(i) How does Charlotte feel about living in the country?
A She would prefer to live in the town.
B She finds it boring.
C She likes living in the country.
(ii) Give a reason why she has this opinion about living in the country.
(iii) How does Loïc feel about living in the country?
A He sometimes likes it.
B He has some friends there.
C He really dislikes it.
(iv) Give two reasons why he has this opinion about living in the country.
(Total for Question 5 = 5 marks)
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Les problèmes
Lisez cet article de Nadia dans un magazine et répondez aux questions en
Read this article written by Nadia in a magazine and answer the questions in
Ma meilleure amie a le même âge que moi, nous avons 14 ans, mais elle n’est pas
heureuse. Elle m’a dit qu’elle se sent moche et qu’elle a trop de boutons. Elle a
beaucoup d’amis donc je ne l’ai pas compris mais maintenant j’apprends qu’elle a
commencé à boire de l’alcool. Je ne bois qu’à la maison avec mes parents, à table, et je
connais les risques de trop boire. J’ai remarqué qu’elle boit chaque weekend et elle est
souvent ivre. Ce n’est pas responsable et en plus, je pense que c’est dangereux, cela
m’ inquiète beaucoup.
(i) What is wrong with Nadia’s best friend?
(ii) Write down two things that Nadia’s best friend thinks about herself.
(iii) What has Nadia started to do?
(iv) How does Nadia feel about her best friend? Give one detail.
(Total for Question 6 = 5 marks)
Entretien avec une musicienne
Lisez cet entretien avec Zoë Lau, musicienne, et répondez aux questions
suivantes en anglais.
Read this interview with musician Zoë Lau and answer the following
questions in English.
Bonjour Zoë, quel a été votre voyage musical ?
J’ai eu de la chance car je suis née à Paris dans les années 80 quand il y avait une scène
alternative vivante et que la musique culte britannique et américaine était partout.
Maintenant quand j’écoute nos premiers disques, je peux écouter ces influences à
travers le rythme et les lyriques. Ensuite, je me suis inscrite à chaque concours que je
pouvais trouver, sans beaucoup de réussite. À l’âge de 20 ans, j’ai commencé à chanter
dans un groupe et on faisait des concerts dans les bars et les clubs. C’était à cette
époque que j’ai fait la connaissance de Michel qui est devenu notre promoteur.
Que pensez-vous de la musique qu’on écoute à la radio aujourd’hui ?
Bon, je pense que nous pouvons écouter la douleur des jeunes à travers leurs créations.
Ils ont perdu leur espoir et la vie est plus dure qu’avant. Avec l’augmentation des
réseaux sociaux, l’occasion de disséminer la musique et d’écouter de la nouvelle
musique est plus facile. Il y a beaucoup de gens qui mettent leur musique en ligne
donc on ne peut pas tout écouter et j’ai peur que nous pouvons rater des talents. En
revanche, il faut constater que trop de jeunes pensent que l’industrie est facile à
accéder, et ils ne veulent qu’être célèbres. L’industrie est impitoyable et cruelle, et il
faut travailler de longues heures mais ceux qui persévèrent sont souvent les meilleurs!
What music did Zoe listen to when she was younger?
Where can she hear these influences?
How were her early attempts at success?
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What did she do when she was twenty? Give two details.
What does she think of the music she hears being made now?
What does she feel has changed about listening to music now?
What do young people think about the industry now? Give two details.
(viii) What does she say the industry is like?
(Total for Question 7 = 10 marks)
La France: un état laïc
Lisez cet article de la laïcité en France, et répondez aux questions suivantes en
Read this article about secularity and answer the following questions in
Savez-vous qu’en Angleterre c’est illégal de ne pas donner des cours de religion à
l’école pour ceux qui ont moins de seize ans. Ces cours traitent des religions telles que
l’Islam, le Catholicisme, le Judaïsme et le Bouddhisme. Cependant, dans les écoles en
France nous ne verrons pas de cours de religion car la France est un état laïc. Cela veut
dire que la société française n’est pas dictée par la religion et il y a une séparation entre
l’église et l’état.
Ceci dit, il n’est pas interdit d’avoir des croyances et c’est toujours une société ouverte
mais la différence est que l’état veux créer des espaces publics neutres et libres, pour
respecter les libertés individuelles. Le but de la laïcité est d’encourager chaque
étudiant à construire leurs propres croyances. Une loi a été introduite en 2004 qui
interdit les élèves de porter des signes ou des vêtements qui symbolisent une religion.
Cependant, ils peuvent les porter si les signes sont discrets.
Lydia, une jeune étudiante a dit, « à mon avis, cette loi est vraiment importante, il y a
trop de pression de leurs familles pour les filles et au collège on peut être tous pareils,
peu importe la religion à laquelle nous appartenons. » Sofia n’est pas d’accord et elle
nous raconte que, « C’est mon choix, c’est à moi. Les signes religieux font partie de
mon identité. Je trouve cette nouvelle loi discriminatoire ». Et elle n’est pas la seule, le
mouvement qui interdit de porter des signes religieux n’a pas été bien accueilli par un
grand nombre de personnes.
Cette loi concerne aussi les gens qui travaillent dans les services publics, par exemples
les policiers, les juges et les enseignants. L’état encourage l’égalité de tout le monde
devant la loi.
What is it illegal to do in England?
What do French schools not have?
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What is the aim of laïcité, secularism? Give two details.
What are students allowed to do with their religious symbols?
How does Lydia feel about it?
How does Sofia feel about it? Give two details.
Who else does this law affect? Give two details.
(Total for Question 8 = 10 marks)
GCSE French by RSL: Volume 2
Reading Paper 1 – SOLUTIONS
Les Loisirs
1 Qu’est-ce que tu fais le weekend?
(iv) A
This is quite a standard “warm-up” multiple choice question, which is mainly testing
your core vocabulary. If you don’t know all the words, use the pictures and your
common sense to help.
Try a process of elimination as well. For example, in (iii) you will know that
‘television’ is télévision in French – not devoirs – and may remember that ‘shopping
centre’ is centre commercial: both the English and French words are very similar.
Therefore, even if you don’t know that devoirs means ‘homework’, you can still guess,
because the ‘books and pens’ picture is the only one left.
TOP TIP: Look for clues in the title
If there is a title, such as here – Qu’est-ce que tu fais le weekend? – this should tell you
what key vocabulary you may need: it will be linked to daily routine and activities.
If you get stuck, look for words within words. For example, if you are given the
unfamiliar word dentifrice and have to choose between pictures of a tube of toothpaste,
a bag of crisps and some peas, you might notice that the word dent means ‘tooth’: a
clue which should lead you to the correct answer.
Vocab idea: Try and link the French word to something in English, to help you
remember it. The verb devoir means ‘to have to’. You have to do your homework, so
for les devoirs, think about ‘the have-to-dos’.
Mark Scheme
- Award one mark for each correct answer, up to five.
- No marks awarded for multiple ticks in an answer.
Les vêtements
2 Que porte Amina?
(iii) F
(iv) G
To find the answer:
Start with the answers you know
There is a total of five marks for the question, and there are five sentences. Each
picture will only come up as the right answer once, so work through each sentence
and each picture carefully.
Start with the answers you’re sure about, and put a neat line through each one once
you have used it, so that you can see quickly and clearly which ones are left.
Underline key words in the phrases
If there are words you don’t know, you may be able to use the context to work out the
missing information.
For example, recognising the word for ‘cold’, froid, in (i) (Quand il fait froid, Amina porte
des gants) would point you towards picture B or C for items used in cold weather. In
(v), if you know the word for skirt (jupe), you will be able to work out that she wears
‘tights’, collants, with her skirt.
Mark Scheme
- Award one mark for each correct answer, up to five.
- Incorrect answers or multiple answers score 0 marks for that question.
La vie scolaire
3 Lisez ces opinions sur la vie scolaire.
(iii) B
(iv) F
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This question tests your comprehension of vocabulary (school life). Even if you don’t
know everything, you can still work out the correct answers from key words.
As with the other questions, cross out the used options as you go.
TOP TIP: Look out for key words
You are being asked to look for words and phrases that signal positive or negative (or
mixed) reactions and opinions.
Therefore, the clues you are looking for will be expressions of opinion. For example:
Je déteste… / je suis très contente… / je l’aime bien…
Also look out for negatives:
Ce n’est pas confortable… / je ne peux pas envoyer des messages…
However, just because a negative word is used in a phrase, that doesn’t mean it’s
necessarily a negative opinion: you need to be careful with the vocabulary. For
example, opinion G expresses the view that school uniform is good because they don’t
have to decide what to wear every day.
Be specific! The answer to (v) looks as though it could be either A or C, as it clearly
expresses a negative view. However, A is an opinion about school uniform and not
about school in general, so C is the answer.
Also look out for hidden negative opinions! B expresses a mostly positive view about
school, but if you recognise the phrase trop de (‘too much’/’too many’), you will realise
that there is a negative opinion buried inside. The statement on a trop de devoirs (‘we
get too much homework’) is what you need in order to answer (iii).
Mark Scheme
- Award one mark for each correct answer, up to five.
- No marks awarded for incorrect answers.
Mon amie
4 Lisez cet extrait de Clémentine qui décrit son amie.
(iv) C
This question demonstrates a slight increase in difficulty. What’s more, at this point
in the paper the texts start to get longer.
Most of the answers in these multiple-choice questions will seem plausible, so you
need to read the text in detail. Your comprehension skills are being tested, not just
your core topic vocabulary.
For (ii), Clémentine says that Jeanne is clever but there is no comparison made
between the girls (A and B can therefore be eliminated) and there is no mention that
they like the same things (D is also eliminated). The answer must be C, that they like
different subjects.
(iii) has several tricks to trip you up. The answer is that she has brown hair (A), but
there is a mention that Clémentine is taller, je suis plus grande qu’elle and a mention of
foot size, sa pointure de chaussures est plus grande. For questions like these, it’s
particularly important to check who you are being asked about!
Mark Scheme
- Award one mark for each correct answer, up to five.
- Incorrect answers or multiple answers score 0 marks for that question.
La vie et la campagne
5 Lisez les opinions de Charlotte et Loïc.
It’s more relaxed or
Everyone talks to each other.
(iv) [Any two of] He can get bored or There’s no one his age or There are fewer
distractions or There isn’t enough to do.
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Whilst this is largely a test of your vocabulary, albeit a bit trickier, there are enough
clues for you to work out most of the answers logically.
Look out for phrases of emotion. The clues you are looking for here will be words
relating to opinions and personal reactions, such as c’est beaucoup mieux que…, quant
à moi, je l’apprécie, je m’ennuie and il est vrai que.
Charlotte - J’habite dans une ferme dans le nord-est de la France. Pour moi, c’est beaucoup
mieux que de vivre en ville car ici, c’est plus détendu et tout le monde se parle quand on se
Charlotte thinks it’s better than living in a town (mieux que) because it’s more relaxed
(plus détendu).
Loïc - Quant à moi, je l’apprécie de temps en temps mais je m’ennuie à la campagne car il n’y
a pas d’autres gens de mon âge. Il est vrai qu’il y a des avantages comme le fait qu’il y ait
beaucoup moins de distractions mais pour moi il n’y a pas assez de choses à faire.
Loïc likes living in the country sometimes (de temps en temps) but he gets bored (je
m’ennuie). He says that there are advantages (il y a des avantages) as there are fewer
distractions, but he thinks (pour moi) that there isn’t enough to do.
Note that there isn’t just one answer for (ii) and (iv), so if you don’t quite understand
one thing, you can use another. Do always check, however, how many reasons you
are being asked to give.
Mark Scheme
- Award one mark for each correct answer.
Les problèmes
6 Lisez cet article de Nadia dans un magazine.
She isn’t happy or she has started drinking (drinking-related answers can be marked
as correct).
She feels ugly, she has (too many) spots.
Drink alcohol or get drunk.
(iv) She doesn’t think it’s responsible or
She thinks it’s dangerous or
She is worried about her.
As a general rule, if the questions are in English, your answers will also have to be in
English. It also specifies this in the instructions.
TOP TIPS: The questions will be in order.
The key information in the text will occur in the same order as the questions. This
should help you find the correct part of the text quickly. Try to keep your answers
short and simple, particularly if you aren’t required to write full sentences.
This question is relying more heavily on your understanding of vocabulary, like in the
first question. Nadia’s friend feels ugly (elle se sent moche) and thinks she has too many
spots (elle a trop de boutons). The word for ‘alcohol’, alcool, is so similar to the English
that it is a good signifier of what the problem is and what Nadia has started to do. You
may not know the word for drunk (ivre) but you will most likely understand that she
is drinking every weekend (elle boit chaque weekend).
Mark Scheme
- Award one mark for each correct answer, up to five.
- Two details should be given for Question (ii).
- Answers close in meaning to the ones above will also be acceptable.
Entretien avec une musicienne
7 Lisez cet entretien avec Zoë Lau.
Alternative music or
Cult British and American music.
In her early music or
Through the rhythm and lyrics.
(iv) She started to sing in a band or
She did gigs in bars and clubs or
She met Michel who became her manager. [any 2]
She thinks you can hear the pain of the youth through their music or
You can hear their pain. [Or any point about expressing social problems]
(vi) Social media makes it easier to listen to new music or
Social media makes it easier to spread new music or
It’s all online now.
(vii) They think it’s easy to get into and
They just want to be famous.
(viii) It’s ruthless/pitiless or
It’s cruel.
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GCSE French by RSL: Volume 2
These questions are looking for a high-quality understanding of the text. Your
responses will either come from translating key words or phrases, or from inference.
For (i), you need to understand scène alternative vivante or la musique culte britannique
et américaine. A direct translation is fine.
(iii) requires an understanding of je me suis inscrite à chaque concours que je pouvais
trouver, sans beaucoup de réussite. This means that she signed up for every competition
that she could find, without much success. We can infer from this that her early
attempts at making a career in music were unsuccessful.
This question tests your ability to find the answers in the passage and ignore irrelevant
material. The main skill is to write down the key concept of the answer.
TOP TIP: Find the clues to locate the answers.
There will be clues in the questions to help you locate the answers. In (ii) the word
‘influences’ is the same in both languages, so you know to focus on this part of the
sentence. (iii) is asking what she did when she was twenty and the text says à l’âge de
vingt ans, which tells you the answer is about to follow.
Mark Scheme
- Award one mark for each correct answer, up to ten.
- Accept answers demonstrating an understanding of the key concept.
La France: un état laïc.
8 Lisez cet article de la laïcité en France.
To not have religious studies classes for those under 16.
Classes on religion.
A separation between church and state and
French society isn’t dictated by religion or
Encourage students to have their own beliefs.
(iv) Wear a religious symbol if it’s discreet.
She thinks it’s a good thing or
There’s too much pressure on girls or
It’s important or
There’s too much pressure on girls.
(vi) She doesn’t like it and thinks it should be up to her, her choice or
She doesn’t like it and thinks religious signs are a part of her identity or
She doesn’t like it and finds the law discriminatory. [any 2]
Those who work in public services plus any one of the following, or any two of
the following if that isn’t mentioned: policemen, judges and teachers.
As in Question 7, you need to extract information from the text and translate the ideas
into English. This question is slightly more difficult as the answers require less direct
translation and more inference.
Don’t worry if you find these types of texts very difficult to understand: you have the
questions in English to guide you. Even if you have never heard of ‘secularism’, the
main idea in this text – that there is a law and that there are things you can and can’t
do – is conveyed through the questions.
Your answer to the first question needs to mention both that you must have religious
studies classes and that this applies to those under 16. When answering these
questions, make sure that you read the full sentence in French to see if there is
additional information.
As the concept in this article is complicated, you are given the word ‘secularism’ to
help guild you.
In (v) and (vi), you need to look out for Lydia and Sofia’s opinions. You can guess
from the questions that their views will most likely be different!
Lydia says, à mon avis, cette loi est vraiment importante, il y a trop de pression de leurs
familles pour les filles. This means that she believes the law to be important as there’s
too much pressure on girls from their families.
The text says that Sofia n’est pas d’accord and that it is mon choix, c’est à moi. Les signes
religieux font partie de mon identité. Je trouve cette nouvelle loi discriminatoire. She
disagrees and believes that it’s her choice, that religious symbols are a part of her
identity and that she finds this new law discriminatory.
Mark Scheme:
- Award one mark for each correct answer, up to ten.
- Other answers demonstrating an understanding of the key concept are also
For the exclusive use of the purchaser – Not to be copied – © RSL Educational Ltd
Translation Passages
If you are taking Edexcel GCSE or AQA GCSE, you will need to translate a passage
from English to French in your writing exam and from French to English in your
reading exam.
Cambridge IGCSE and Edexcel IGCSE do not currently set translation tasks.
Translate the following passages into French (and the final passage into English).
You may NOT use a dictionary at any time.
If you wish to complete these exercises in timed conditions, allow 20 minutes per
translation, including time to double-check your answer.
Each exercise carries a total of 12 marks.
For the exclusive use of the purchaser – Not to be copied – © RSL Educational Ltd
GCSE French by RSL: Volume 2
Translation A
My school is in the centre of town and I live in the suburbs so I have to take the bus
every day. I like my school a lot because the teachers are nice and I have many friends,
but I find the homework hard. Last year I studied Spanish and next term I’m going to
learn German. In the future, I want to go to university to study languages, because I
think they are important.
Translation Passages – SOLUTIONS
Read the whole passage first
Don’t be tempted to jump straight into the translation without having read the
passage from beginning to end. Then go through it translating phrase by phrase,
which will help you to remember your noun and adjective agreements.
Always use the same tense as the original text. For example, if the original says “we
will go to the cinema”, you should use the simple future, nous irons au cinéma, and
NOT the near future, on va aller au cinéma. Look out for time phrases, which offer clues.
For example: Last year, I went to Bordeaux = passé composé needed.
Does it sound right?
When you have finished, check your work again. Read the text through in your head
to make sure that it sounds right and isn’t clumsy. Also check for basic errors, such as
in gender and adjectival agreement, that your verbs are in the correct person and
tense, and that your spelling is as accurate as possible. Are your adjectives before or
after the noun? Is the verb a reflexive verb?
In the tables that follow, the middle column shows the correct translation of the
English. The right-hand column suggests acceptable alternatives.
 Each row of the table is worth 1 mark (for a maximum of 12).
Punctuation is not marked in GCSE-level translation.
You are not expected to write with no errors at all. As long as the meaning is still
clearly conveyed, you will usually get the relevant mark. However, if errors make the
writing difficult to understand or suggest gaps in basic knowledge (and especially if
they hinder the clarity of the translation), no mark will be awarded for that phrase /
that row of the marking table.
Serious errors might include incorrect tense formation, incorrect possessive adjectives,
mistakes that make the text incomprehensible or do not convey the correct message,
and mistakes that make it unclear who is performing the action of the verb.
Mistakes with gender and adjectival agreements do not usually affect meaning:
although best avoided, they are unlikely to affect your mark unless frequent.
For the exclusive use of the purchaser – Not to be copied – © RSL Educational Ltd
GCSE French by RSL: Volume 2
Translation A – solution
My school is in the centre
of town
Mon école est au centre
de la ville
Accept: collège, se situe
and I live in the suburbs
et j’habite en banlieue
Accept: close spellings to
so I have to take the bus
every day.
alors je dois prendre le
bus chaque jour.
Accept: donc, tous les
I like my school a lot
J’aime beaucoup mon
Accept: bien, collège
because the teachers are
parce que les professeurs
sont sympas
Accept: car, gentils,
and I have many friends,
et j’ai un bon nombre
Accept: beaucoup d’amis
but I find the homework
mais je trouve les devoirs
Accept: difficiles
Last year I studied
L’année dernière j’ai
étudié l’espagnol
and next term I’m going
to learn German.
Accept: étudier
In the future, I want to go
to university
et le prochain trimestre je
vais apprendre
A l’avenir, je veux aller à
to study languages,
étudier les langues,
Accept: pour étudier
because I think they are
parce que je pense
qu’elles sont importantes.
Accept: car, je trouve que
Accept: Dans le futur