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Student Internet Use & Academic Performance Research

(Introduction, Methods, Results and
In this age, people, as well as students are engaged to more innovated
technological practice, as an advancement to everyday and academic use became
essential. With the help of the developers of technology, the internet world continues to
grow and develop for better or worse. The researchers comprehend that student’s habit of
using technology is a disorder due to excess and improper use of it
Technology as an aid for teaching became more competent to students than the
standard form of teaching. Reading and writing becomes insensible to students when
their gadgets are on-hands, and sadly; improper usage somewhat caused them to
academically decline due to excessive and senseless of using device. This refers to
phones, laptops and etc. which is perceived to be the origin of inappropriate and perverse
technological practice of many disoriented students.
When we asked them to approximate how much time they spend engaged in
online activities in a typical day, overall, students said they devote more time to
homework and research online than they do to social media, streaming video, gaming, or
other online activities
While the typical student may spend about as much time online doing homework
or research as on other online activities, almost half (40%) of students reported spending
between 3 and 4 hours a day working online; these results were largely similar across
Carnegie class, ethnicity, and gender. The typical student spends about half that amount
of time—between 1 and 2 hours—on social media (37% of respondents) and streaming
video (36% of respondents). About a third of students (32%) spend less than 1 hour per
day on other online activities. The majority of students told us they do not game online,
but those who do game are predominantly male.
This section provided brief descriptions on various significance of the study to the
following beneficiaries:
Parents and guardians. The proposed study will help the parents and guardians
know the Problem of students in Improper use of Internet in their Study. This will help
them know on how to control the students, in case the Student’s time in internet use to be
more hindrance in their academic stability.
Teachers. The proposed study will help the teachers know how the students used
the internet which it helps in the studies of students in school. The teachers, through this
study, will help the properly use of internet in their studies. This will help the teachers
know what measures the internet usage of students in their academic studies.
Students. The proposed study serves as the key for the students to understand what
the properly use of internet in their studies. Students are the first beneficiaries in research
as they are the ones in need of this research. This research will help them become more
responsible, in using the internet
Future Researchers. The proposed study will benefit and help the future
researchers as their guide, especially those who are planning to study a topic related to the
Percentage of Student time in Internet Use. This study can also open in the development
of their study, and this will surely serve as a reliable reference for them.
The Results show that academic performance significantly predicts students interest in
the University. Moreover we find that no gender differences are found in all the variables
except Internet Usage. Senior Highschool students spend more time on internet compared
to females. We find most of results found in this study consistent with the prior research.
A few studies in literature have found no significant evidence of the Internet usage on
students academic performance. The current study does not provide any significant
evidence of the same. Most of the students enrolled at this university have access to the
Internet.Most students seem to have control over the use of Internet, which possibly was
one of the reasons for non-significant relationship between Internet usage and academic
The amount of time spent on Facebook does not have a significant relationship in
their academic performance. One of the potential reasons for this could be attributed to
the decline in the number of senior highschool students using Facebook over the last
couple of years. Not much prior research has been accomplished specifically addressing
online media. Based on the results we can infer that students do not get distracted from
their academic responsibilities by watching or listening to content online and seem to
effectively manage available time.This is inconsistent from what has been
proposed in literature.A successful student would effectively communicate with peers as
well as instructors not only via e-mail or social networks, but also in real life. This
explains why there is a significant impact of student interest in university related to faceto-face communication skills. This study understands the important role that the Internet
usage has on the comfort level of in real-life communication. The study also provides
evidence that spending time on Facebook does not seem to adversely affect the academic
performance of a student
Internet as one of the most important tool for information transfer plays a key role in
disseminating and developing the knowledge boundaries. The importance of internet technology
in the process of education and research cannot be ignored, although, the excessive use of the
internet may lead to the virtual addiction or internet addiction that has the behavioral and
psychological effects on the users.
Findings of the study show that students have positive attitudes toward the web as an
information source so that most of them consider the internet information more available than the
printed resources. They believe that searching and retrieval of the information in the internet is
easier than those in the printed resources and internet information is more various than printed
Availability of the electronic resources, easy search and information retrieval, update
high speed, simultaneous use, easy replication and transfer, and low cost are the main reasons
that users prefer the internet resources to the printed resources. Although, the printed resources
are still one of the fundamental resources in providing the information for the students, using the
internet and electronic resources increases more and more. Thus, libraries and information
canters should provide the information resources based on the needs and tendencies of the users.
The search engines are the most important tools for searching the electronic information
of the students. Problems associated with using the search engines for information retrieval such
as their index structures (that necessitates the users’ ability to use the proper keywords and
accurate formulation for the searching), false drop and lack of the information retrieval of the
information in the so-called hidden web cause the professional users utilize other search tools.
Although, based on the research findings, there is a low rate of using these tools despite the high
efficiency of the Meta search engines and subject directories. It seems that the lack of students’
familiarity with these useful tools may cause these the capabilities of these tools remain
unknown and consequently, they are not used by the students
Regarding the electronic resources, there are problems such as network traffic, low speed
of the internet and lack of the available full text documents. Since the access to the information
banks is associated with the high costs, low speed of the internet limits the use rate of these
valuable information resources and this is one of the major problems that should be considered.
Moreover, the other main problems of the resources in obtaining the information from the
printed resources include the time limitation in accessing to the library resources.