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Secwepemc Sovereignty: Affidavit Challenging BC Court Jurisdiction

Kamloops Law Courts
March 01, 2021
1 of 2 Pages
In the matter of:
R. vs. Sawses
October 15, 2020
Sqeqpetsin, Secwepemculecw
I, Sawses of the Neskonlith Secwepemc, make oath and say;
I am a 70 year old Secwepemc te Qelmuc Elder, I was born and raised here in Secwepemculecw.
For the colonial court record, as a Secwepemc te Qelmuc, I have not, cannot and will not swear any
allegiance to the crown in right of bc, the crown in right of Canada, or the Imperial Crown of Great Britain.
I have been persecuted and criminalized by this provincial court of bc my whole life for being racistly
classified by canada as an “indian within the meaning of the Indian Act” in our Secwepemculecw. (ie. BC v.
Billy, Sauls, Manuel Jr., and Willard 2003 BCSC 55 ). Today will not be an exception.
Concerning Sqeqpetsin, the matter at hand;
“The first issue in any proceeding is always whether the court, tribunal or judge can claim jurisdiction from an
appropriate authority. Without the necessary legitimacy, when a judge orders a defendant injured, it
becomes a personal harm, a dishonorable stain on the judge as an abuse of power. It does not matter that one
is masked in fanciful judicial robes and mouthing solemn words while applying the knife: an illegitimate
harm is still a crime”
Tom Swanky, 2012, The True Story of Canada’s “War” of Extermination on the Pacific, ISBN 978-1-77084-214-4
As afforded under International Law, I will be representing myself. Throughout the matter, whether it be in a
constitutional or criminal setting, I will be continuously looking to the court for it’s ongoing, obligatory
procedural guidance of the British Crown’s Fiduciary Responsibility with which they have voluntarily
bestowed upon themselves.
In the past, provincial court of bc judges and prosecutors have stated that this is not the venue for Secwepemc
Title and Rights arguments or defenses. They say that “Shuswap First Nations have the 1% treaty process” to
define their “rights”. How are Secwepemc Nationals, without their 16 #INACchiefs, to challenge Section 35.1?
Everyday canadians, without their mayors, premiers and Prime Minister representing them, continuously
challenge their constitution in criminal court proceedings. In this Pre Proof Era of 1997 Delgamuukw (para
144), is this not a clear gap in the law. A “Casus Omissus”?
With this affidavit & this court’s obligatory procedural guidance, I am serving notice to this provincial court of
bc, that under the written terms of King George lll’s October 07, 1763 Royal Proclamation and in the absence
any internationally binding Treaty of Cession, Purchase or Surrender of Secwepemculecw, specifically with
Secwepemc Nation Matriarchs & Hereditary Chiefs (Teit 1909, p569), the province of british columbia, through
it’s judicial system, is knowingly and illegally imposing it’s deceptively obtained jurisdiction (CCC) on
Secwepemc Qelmucetkwe, friends, guests & allies. This arguably constitutes Misprision Of Treason in an
international court of law.
Also take notice that with this affidavit and this court’s obligatory procedural guidance, under Section 35.1 of
the canadian constitution 1982, I am filing a constitutional challenge to the effect that british columbia courts
do not have jurisdiction to impose their judge-made laws on my Secwepemc Sovereignty in this so called
province of british columbia.
In addition to this affidavit, I will be submitting a 32 gb flash drive with documents, video recordings, audio
recordings and maps (as stipulated in Rule 7 of this court?) all supporting my Section 35.1 constitutional
challenge with a “Casus Omissus”, “Mens Rea”, “Color of Right” and “1948 Definition Of Genocide” basis.
Kamloops Law Courts
March 01, 2021
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Specifically pertaining to british columbia, I believe the basis of this Usurpation of Secwepemc Jurisdiction and
ongoing Process Of Secwepemc Colonization immediately originates with two specific documents;
1. The province of bc Act, August 02, 1858.
Queen Elizabeth and all British Monarchies since August 02, 1858, have dishonored Their Crown, by
not adhering to King George lll’s Sovereign Royal Proclamation of October 07, 1763 that we were
to be left “Unmolested and Undisturbed” in our Secwepemculecw until such a time as a mutually
agreed upon Treaty, Purchase or Surrender is signed with our Hereditary Chiefs.
2. The patently unconstitutional bc Lands Act, March 02, 1874.
The Federal Government’s “Duty of Disallowance” has already struck down the said act.
This was recorded in the Canada Gazette, on the 20 day of March, 1875, Volume 8, No. 38, page 1134.
Remedy Sought
Independent and Impartial, 3rd Party Adjudication of the British Crown’s usurpation of Secwepemc
Should this Kamloops provincial court negate it’s internationally entrenched constitutional duties and rule
against sending this matter of Usurped Secwepemc Jurisdiction for Independent, Impartial, 3rd Party
Adjudication and force a criminal trial, I expect the following matters dealt with:
I will be requiring subpoena’s for the following people:
Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister Of Canada
Ronald Eric IGNACE
#INACchief, Skeetchesn Indian Band
Roseanne Joan CASIMIR
#INACchief, Kamloops Indian Band
#INACchief, Whispering Pines Indian Band
#INACchief, Simpcw First Nation
#INACchief, Neskonlith Indian Band
William Darrell SELLARS Jr. #INACchief, Williams Lake Indian Band
Richard Lester LEBOURDIAS Secwepemc Nation Elders Council Co-Chair
Nathan Louis MATTHEW
Former Chairman, Shuswap Nation Tribal Council
Diena Marie JULES
Administrator, Secwepemc Museum
In my elderly condition, a FRIEND OF THE COURT will be required.
I also fully expect printed daily transcripts of each days proceedings to be given to me in a timely manner.
Affirmed before me at the City Of Kamloops, british Columbia, this 1st day of March, 2021.
Neskonlith, Secwepemculecw