PLANT LAYOUT Defnition: “ Plant layout is the optimum arrangement of different facilities including man, machines, equipment, and material etc, showing the space allocated for material movement, storage and all supporting activities from the receipt of raw material to the shipping of the finished goods for an overall economy of production ” PLANT LAYOUT STUDY MATERIAL FROM BOOK 2 • BY Dr. S.K.sharma • Savita sharma. P1 p2 P3 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 P-10 p11 p12 PLMH BOOK 3 • BY R.K SINGAL Page1 BOOK RK SINGAL P-r2 P-R3 P-R4 P-R5 P-R6 P-R7 P-R8 UNIT-II MATERIAL-HANDLING • DEFNITION: • According to H.A. Harding • “improvement in handling can mean faster production , higher plant capacity , lower stock in process and less damage to product in stages. It can force other improvements in production methods and materials.’’ it may be noted that the best handling is ‘’NO HANDLING ” and if this cannot be ac ,” MINIMUM HANDLING” should be tried, PAGE –M-1 Page-M-2 Page-M-3 Page-M-4 Page-M-5 Page-M-6 Page-M-7 Page-M-8 Page-M-9 Material handling contd. from Book-2 BY RK.SINGAL SCOPE OF MATERIAL HANDLING page1 Page2 Page3 Page6 Page7 Page8 Page9 Page10 Page11 12 Page12 Q. Relationship B/W Plant layout & Material handling Page13 Write notes on (i) Principle of unit load (ii) concept of Containerization & Palletization Page14 Page15 Page15