Watch the small clip • The Signalman: Key Words: - Supernatural - Setting (pathetic fallacy) - narrator A.What devices does the writer use to build tension? B.What is the effect of this on the narrative? C.Why does the writer do this? What impact does it have on the reader? Definition in your own words Facts / Characteristics Gothic Supernatural Literature Examples Non-Examples Remote places make us feel uneasy. To what extent do you agree? How does Dickens create tension in the opening of the Signalman? PEDAL Paragraph: Point -How does Dickens create tension in the opening of the Signalman? Evidence – What quote supports your answer? Where is that quote from? DLIST- what is the overall impression the reader gets from this quote? What is the key word or phrase and what does it suggest to you? If you know what type of word it is say! What tone is the character using here and why? Or what atmosphere is created? Is there a device or punctuation in your quote? If so what does that suggest to you? Audience – How does this quote make you feel about the story? What did the writer want his audience to feel? Link to context – How does this link to what we already know about the Gothic?