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Flexim Fluxus F601 Flow Meter User Manual

User manual for flow meter Flexim Fluxus F601
This manual has been prepared as a quick guide for use of the Flexim flow meter. Details, not described
in this manual, can be found in the main manual, available in the flow meter suit case. This procedure
1) Location for sensors
Find location, suitable for installation of sensor(s):
in horizontal pipes at the sides,
in vertical pipes in such a way that the sound path is always in the liquid.
Press <C on>
Press on Light when screen falls dark:
2) Wall thickness measurements
Attach wall thickness measurement sensor to port A or B
Screen will automatically show that wall thickness measurement sensor is detected.
“Wall thickness” appears in screen.
enter until “>PAR<mea opt sf ” appears in screen using 4 & 6 button
Press on <enter> until “Pipe material” appears in screen,
Scroll with <2> or <8> button until correct (or nearest) pipe material is shown (e.g. copper for CuNi10).
Add contact grease to sensor
Measure wall thickness at position, where flow sensors are planned to be placed. Be aware of straight
pipe piece upstream of sensor.
Select “Par >MEA< opt sf” using button 6
<enter> 2 or 3 times to come into “measuring mode”
Press sensor against pipe.
Read wall thickness on screen:
Write wall thickness on paper.
When using 2 flow sensors: go to 2nd measuring position:
Apply contact grease
Press sensor against pipe
Read wall thickness on screen:
So in this case 1.5 mm WT (and not 2 mm, as on 330-drawing!). Therefore always wall thickness is to be
measured. Reality can always deviate from drawing!
Write wall thickness on paper.
Disconnect thickness sensor.
Press BRK to go to main menu.
3) Parameter definition
Attach flow sensors to both port A and port B.
Select “>Par< Mea opt sf” in main menu
Press <8> or <2> for channel A or B
Then Outer diameter is to be entered: measure OD with Vernier gauge (= “schuifmaat”), e.g. 88.9 mm
Enter <88.9> <enter>
Enter <2.5> (measured Wall Thickness value)
Material: select “copper” for CuNi or any other material, when pipe material is different).
Lining: “NO”: <enter> when no lining installed
Roughness: enter <0.1>
Medium: Check if vessel is in sea water or in fresh water.
Scroll by pressing <8> or <2> until right medium is found.
Medium temperature: enter actual water temp at position where sensors are going to be installed, e.g.
<25>. Please note if outboard water is already heated in cooler or not (3512 main engine heats water
about 18C, gearbox oil cooler about 2 C). So outboard temp = 7 C + 18C = 25C at sensor position.
Screen shows “Parameter for channel A”.
Press <2>
Then “Parameter for channel B” appears in screen.
Repeat steps for “Parameter channel A” setting now for Channel B (with correct values)
Specifying of parameters is ready now. Back to main menu via BRK.
4) Settings for measurements
Select in main menu: “Par>Mea< opt sf”
Use arrows to select (V) or unselect (-) channel
Choose channel:
use buttons 4 and 6
Select / unselect:
use buttons 2 and 8.
A: sound path 2_ NUM appears in screen:
The number of sound paths determines the distance between the flow sensors. The less sound paths,
the stronger the signal will be. On the other hand, also sometimes a bigger distance gives a more
accurate result, because more time is available for the sound signal to travel. A balance is to be found.
Best seems to be to follow the advice of the flow meter.
Now flow meter screen gives recommended sensor distance
Assemble flow sensors as shown. One sensor preferably to be at 0 cm mark.
Take notice of flow direction arrows on sensors:
Set the distance between the sensors to the recommended distance (between outside of sensor
housing, not of the bracket) 41.9 mm -> 42 mm. Use whole mm, then tell the flow meter the actual
Fasten screws very well
Attach chains to sensor brackets (the synthetic ring avoids that the chains fall out easily):
Attach second chain:
Guide the chains aside of the pipe, where sensor is to be attached. Try if sensors will fit. Always place
sensors at side of the pipe to avoid mis-measurement because of air in pipe. Check flow direction marks
on sensors (shall make an arrow together and indicate the flow direction)
Add sufficient contact grease to both sensors
Install sensors on pipe (fasten chains properly, so that sensors cannot move)
Screen appears with “S” and recommended distance between sensors of channel A.
“S” = signal quality: at least 3 blocks required.
Enter real distance between sensors (e.g. “35”)
Install sensor set B:
Follow same steps for sensor B
Then following screen appears:
When indicating A or B: Volume flow, the green light for channel A or B shall blink. This means that the
measurement will be OK.
5) Alternative options
Other options can be selected / modified in the OPT (options, see official manual of flow meter) and SF
(special functions) menu.
6) Start of flow measurements
The following description is based on flow measurements, as done for the cooling water system on
board of an FCS 5009, YNo. 547239.
Line up system as required (valves in good position (open resp. closed), all “open” valves in fully opened
Start main engine and set engine revs to max revs/min, continuously checking if pressures do not exceed
permitted values (e.g. seal pressure 1.4 bar statically):
Read and record pressure on seal
Read and record flow through seal (channel B)
Read and record flow through exhaust (channel A)
Read and record pressure near exhaust hull penetration (in CW line).
Reduce revs in steps of 200 rpm until running idle and record above values.
Inform Engineering to determine diameter of orifices.
Gorinchem, March 2015, AAJB.