Uploaded by vinay chauhan


1 Gate entry
- Add details
(Name, contact no, select flat no or select member of society)
- Verify visitor no by OTP
- Intimation to flat owner via sms
- Take Photo
2 Maids and Servant entry
- Scan the i card and mark while entering premises
- History to be maintained of people entering in flat and
society -> this gives report in member
panel and committee pane
3 Members Panel - login panel
1. Set id and password -> set 4 digit pin as password
2. Forgot password -> send OTP to reset pin
4 Members Panel - Profile page members
1. Add details -> Name, select flat no/ shop no, office no,
contact no, parking zone, pan and
addhar no, photo
2. Select language -> google translator plugin
3. Add family members -> Add details like name, relation,
mobile no,
4. Share society details
5 Members Panel - PG details
1. Add PG details staying in flat -> Add details like name,
mobile no, pan, addhar no, society
NOC for LL
2. LL agreement, LL duration, Job profile and details
6 Members Panel - Housekeeping for flat
1. Add servants -> add basic details like name, mobile no,
pan, addhar, address, category,
reviews, rating
2. Generate i card for servants
7 Members Panel - Dashboard
1. Check visitor -> extract reports in excel, share reports
2. Maintenance receipts -> Past month receipts, online
payment (Payment gateway
- List of rules and regulations
- Society financial -> Save PDF of financial reports
- Permissions from Society (NOC / Sale of flats, etc) ->
request to committee
- Feedback / Complaints -> request to committee
8 Members Panel - Notification area
1. Society general notices
2. Any special notification
3. Visitors or servant entered notified
4. Vote for events
9 Members Panel - Society details
1. Details of committee members as per designation -> chat
2. Details of members in society -> chat option
3. Society consultants details (Accounts, CA, lawyer,
10 Members Panel - Events
1. Create events -> Type of events, date & time, name,
2. Share event -> visitors can register by submitting name and
3. Report of visitors attending events -> extract in excel
11 Society Committee - Login panel
Id and password to login, forgot password (reset link will be
shared on registered email id
12 Society Committee - members management
Add committee members -> select name of members from
all members list of society
13 Society Committee - Dashboard
1. View society members
2. View committee members
3. View consultants and add consultants details
- Visitors list -> Daily visitors list, filter as per date selection to
get all the visitors details,
extract to excel, share report
- Notification -> View notifications, Add notification, select type
of notification, select building /
wing / tower or all to select notification, add general notices
- Maintenance -> Generate maintenance bill by adding basic
details, list of paid and unpaid
- Events -> Create events by adding basic details, create
event but ask for vote from members
- Gallery -> Add photos
14 Society Committee - Communication
1. Chat option to members
2. Feedback requests to be replied
3. Permission of society for (NOC / Sale of flats) request to
be replied
15 Society Committee - Records
1. Add your ACT / BYE laws
2. Add list of norms and rules, subject, date
3. Account IT returns -> save pdf document year wise
4. Society document -> save pdf
16 Master Panel - Admin of system
- Add Society
1. Add details like name of society, location, secretory name contact - email, no of members
staying in society
2. Select the type of society -> single building, multi-building
3. Add location & best commute till society
4. Select the wings and allocate names
5. No. of flats on a floor
6. Auto generated flat no. will appear -> re verify the type
7. Activate or deactivate society account
- Members
1. View all members
2. View & edit members details
3. Filter option as per society name, location, state, city
4. Extract to excel option
- Dashboard -> No. of total societies, No. of total members
- Add emergency details -> Contact no of police, hospital,
ambulance, fire brigade
- Add help and contact us details