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Sapplicator Weighing Mechanisms Operating Manual

Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
Operating & Instruction Manual
for Sapplicator’s
Platform and Overhead Weighing Mechanisms
Operating and Instruction Manual , Scales Mechanisms
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
Table of contents
Operator safety
Sapplicator “Weight-Loss” weigh feeders
Platform type scales
Overhead type scales
Scale design
Flexure replacement
Counterbalance spring
Ratiometric digital weight resolver or sensor
Linkage arm
Metering mechanisms
Fig 1
Feeders with an auger metering mechanism
Fig 2
Feeders with a vibrating (tray or tube) metering mechanism
Fig 3
Model AI-GP403 dry solids weigh feeder with single auger metering mechanism
Fig 4
Model AI-403 dry solids weigh feeder with double concentric auger metering mechanism
Fig 5
Model AI-403 dry solids weigh feeder with bin discharger feeder meteringmechanism
Fig 6
Model AI-403 liquid weigh feeder (pump mounted independent of scale assembly)
Fig 7
Platform scale weighing system
Fig 8
Weight resolver and dashpot assembly
Fig 9
Counterbalance spring
Fig 10 Counterbalance spring, weight resolver and dashpot assembly (overhead scale)
Fig 11 Typical flexures
Fig 12 Wiring diagram digital weight resolver sensing element
Warranties and Claims
This Manual contains certain information deemed confidential and proprietary to Sapplicator and is
provided to the purchaser or user of Sapplicator equipment with this stipulation. This document must
not be reproduced, copied, loaned, transmitted or otherwise disposed of either directly or indirectly, in
whole or in part, without the expressed written consent Sapplicator.
Copyright 1996-Acrison Inc.-All rights reserved
Operating and Instruction Manual , Scales Mechanisms
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
Operator Safety
This equipment can be installed in a variety of configurations predicated on the overall process design and/or
the physical equipment arrangement. It is the buyer's or user's sole responsibility to (1), define the need for
and to subsequently ensure that any safety device(s) or associated safety device(s), other than that normally
furnished by Sapplicator as standard, is provided in accordance with the specific installation and operational
parameters of the equipment, and (2), define the need for and assure compliance with all applicable safety
laws, rules and regulations.
If safety devices are not specifically included with the original equipment (based on the specifics of a given
installation), Sapplicator can, at the user's expressed request only, provide whatever safety device(s) the buyer
or user deems applicable. If Sapplicator is asked to make such recommendations prior to operation of the
equipment, said recommendations are only advisory and do not impose any obligation or liability upon
Sapplicator unless Sapplicator is expressly requested to provide the safety device(s), and does so.
It is the buyer's or user's sole responsibility to establish safety procedures and operational instructions to
safeguard the operator(s) during maintenance, cleaning or any use of the equipment whatsoever and to
subsequently ensure that the equipment is operated in conformance with all applicable safety procedures,
laws, regulations and instructions. It is also the buyer's or user's sole responsibility to enforce all safety
regulations and operational instructions and to maintain the equipment in a safe condition (guards in place,
warning, caution and/or important labels affixed, electrical boxes secure, interlocks operational, etc.). In
particular, all warning and caution labels must be maintained in a readable condition and, if necessary,
replaced with new labels. These labels are available free of charge on request from Sapplicator.
Because the nature of the equipment does not always make it possible to prevent operator access to rotating
components, under no circumstances should maintenance or cleaning be performed on the equipment
without first disconnecting all power.
The above WARNING and CAUTION symbols, where displayed within this Manual, are intended to draw
the attention of the user to a potential for risk of personal injury and/or damage to the equipment if the
correct operating procedures are not followed.
The equipment is supplied for the specific duty for which it was originally sold and
as stipulated on the Sapplicator Machine Specification Document. It is not
recommended to use this equipment for any other purpose without the expressed
written consent of Sapplicator.
Operating and Instruction Manual , Scales Mechanisms
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
This Manual has been produced as a guide to the correct Installation, operation and maintenance of the
Sapplicator equipment to which it refers. It has been created to provide concise yet comprehensive product
information, to enable the user to obtain maximum long term benefits from the equipment. If there are any
details about this Manual, the equipment or any other activity of Sapplicator, that require further explanation,
please do not hesitate to contact Sapplicator's Customer Support.
Sapplicator “Weight-Loss” Weigh Feeders
Sapplicator's various model "Weight-Loss" Weigh Feeders have been designed to provide accurate and
dependable metering (by weight) of a wide variety of dry solid ingredients (and liquids) on a loss-in-weight
basis. And to best accomplish this, as determined by product characteristics and/or application parameters,
three different type metering mechanisms are available; an auger, a vibrating tray or tube, and a pump (when
metering liquids).
A Sapplicator "Weight-Loss" Weigh Feeder consists of three primary components:
A dry solids feeder (or pump) specifically selected to meter the specified material.
A precision, industrial-duty, counterbalanced weighing system (scale) upon which the metering
mechanism (and its supply hopper or tank) is mounted. The weighing system includes a digital weight
A latest, state-of-the-art microprocessor-based totally digital control system.
When feeding dry materials, the appropriate model Sapplicator volumetric feeder is utilised as the metering
(or feeding) mechanism, the selection of which is determined by the specific handling characteristics and/or
feed rate of the material to be fed.
When metering liquids, the metering mechanism is usually a metering pump. The pump can be either
mounted directly on the weighing mechanism (scale) along with its integral supply tank, or it can be mounted
independent of the weighing mechanism, with only its supply tank mounted on the scale. Whether feeding dry
solids or liquids, the integral metering mechanism must include an appropriate amount of product supply.
In operation, the weigh feeder's metering mechanism produces a continuous, reliable and uniform discharge
of material which is controlled on a weight-loss basis. As product discharges (feeds), the resultant decreasing
weight (monitored by the scale and its Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver) is computed within the feeder's
controller and simultaneously compared to specific values established by selection of the feed rate. In turn,
the controller modulates the output of the metering mechanism to produce the precise desired feed rate.
Very simply, the weigh feeder must discharge (feed) a specific amount of product (weight) in a specific
amount of time. Its microcomputer controller continuously monitors all aspects of feeder operation, while
adjusting the output of the metering mechanism accordingly. Response is instantaneous. Thus, smooth,
unexcelled short term performance with the highest possible degree of long term accuracy is subsequently
achieved. This uniquely versatile, self-sustaining (weight-loss) principle for continuous metering eliminates the
need for periodic scale rezeroing and associated down-time.
An inherent operational requirement of a "weight-loss" weigh feeder is the need to periodically refill its
integral supply hopper (or tank). With very low rate weight-loss feeders, refill can be accomplished manually
upon indication from the controller, or refill can be automatic by utilising an appropriate refill device.
However, where larger weight-loss feeders are concerned, refill must be completely automatic and governed
by the control system.
All Sapplicator "Weight-Loss" Weigh Feeder controllers include completely automatic refill parameters in that
automated refilling is the preferred route (even for low feed rate units) simply because the feeder would then
be completely automatic, devoid of any manual operational requirements, or the need for operator
intervention. Frequency of refill is determined by the feed rate throughput in relation to the size of the
feeder's supply hopper (or tank).
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
With all Sapplicator "Weight-Loss" Weigh Feeders, refill is initiated once the scale senses that its supply
hopper (or tank for liquid units) has reached its low level setting. At this point, the feeder's multiprocessor
controller searches for the selected feed rate, and once the actual feed rate output is precisely on target for
several seconds, the controller places the metering mechanism in a volumetric mode and then, refills the
hopper (or tank) to its high level setting. Usually, the refill cycle ranges anywhere from five to twenty seconds,
depending on the size of the feeder's supply hopper(or tank) in conjunction with the type and size of refill
device. Sapplicator "Weight-Loss" Weigh Feeders are available with a number of standard supply hoppers, the
size of which is determined by the feed rate requirements of a given application.
When metering dry solids, automatic refill mechanisms may be one of many devices, such as, feeders, screw
conveyors, pneumatic conveyors, bucket elevators, slide gates and belt conveyors. When metering liquids, the
refill mechanism is usually a pump or an automatically controlled valve mounted beneath a storage tank. In
either case, the refill sequence is completely governed by the controller. During the refill cycle, whether
accomplished automatically or manually, the feeding mechanism is placed into a "Volumetric" mode until the
refill cycle is complete.
All Sapplicator "Weight-Loss" Weigh Feeders include a unique operational feature ACRI-LOK developed by
Sapplicator to ensure accurate metering whenever the weight signal from the scale experiences a disturbance
of any nature that would otherwise affect the accuracy of the metered output.
Basically, ACRI-LOK protects the feed output of the weigh feeder from deviation should the scale (weighing
system) sense any type of abnormal disturbance exceeding a pre-set limit. For example, extraneous
disturbances such as would occur if:
an operator physically touched or placed an object on the feeder
a gust of wind or an air current impinged upon the feeder
the feeder experienced an abnormal jolt or vibration through its mounting
Product in the feeder's integral supply hopper temporarily bridged and then suddenly released imparting force upon the weighing system
Or if the weighing system was disturbed in any manner whatsoever exceeding the pre-set limit,
ACRI-LOK will instantly trigger, thus ensuring accurate feed rate output during the time of such an
excessive disturbance.
The weighing (scale) system is an Sapplicator innovated, all-flexure, split-beam type lever mechanism,
ruggedly constructed and highly responsive, specifically designed for weight-loss weigh feeding applications.
The novel counterbalanced design of this weighing system, combined with its unique weight sensor, ensures
permanence of calibration; adjustment and/or rezeroing is never required. The weighing system is also
extremely durable, very simple, and virtually maintenance-free.
Every Sapplicator dry solids 'Weight-Loss" Weigh Feeder is equipped with one of several possible Sapplicator
volumetric feeders as the metering mechanism. The model and size of the metering mechanism, along with its
supply hopper size and configuration, are determined by the feed rate requirements with specific
consideration for the physical properties of the material being handled .
To identify the Sapplicator volumetric feeder model utilised as the metering mechanism of the weigh feeder,
refer to the set of digits following the weighing mechanism model designation (i.e. 101, 105, 1015 or BDF).
Please note, however, that the "AI" prefix used with all Sapplicator Volumetric Feeder model designations is
deleted when used as part of a weigh feeder model designation .
Also since the specific Sapplicator volumetric feeder (or the metering mechanism) of an Sapplicator
"Weight-Loss" Weigh Feeder is sold as an individual commodity, specific instructions, as well as spare and/or
replacement parts for same, are supplied separately.
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
When an Sapplicator "Weight-Loss" Weigh Feeder is furnished with a vibrating tray or
tube metering mechanism, the vibrating feeder is not of Sapplicator manufacture.
Therefore, instructions along with the recommended spare parts and parts list for same
are furnished separately, as distributed by the manufacturer. The same applies when a
pump (which would not be of Sapplicator manufacture) is furnished as the metering
mechanism of a liquid "Weight-Loss" Weigh Feeder.
2.2 Glossary
Armature Rod - The Armature Rod (of the sensing element) of the Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver
System is basically a round metal rod affixed to the lever network which travels (within the core of the sensing
element) as the lever network moves. It is the movement of the Armature Rod within the sensing element
that causes the sensing element (induction coil) to produce a variable electrical output signal. The Armature
Rod does not physically contact the inside of the sensing element.
Computational Logic - The Computational Logic (Module) of the Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver
System converts the signal produced by the sensing element (as it senses movement of the lever network) into
a binary coded, serially transmitted data stream having a discrete resolution of twenty bits.
The Computational Logic, designed with CMOS microcircuits, is completely calibration and adjustment-free,
and is designed as a single, self-contained encapsulated module.
Counterbalance Spring - The Counterbalance Spring provides a partial counterbalance force upon the lever
network to assist in counterbalancing the weight of the scale-mounted metering/hoppering system. This is in
addition to counterbalance weights and/or other mechanical counterbalancing provisions (i.e., structural
counter-weight considerations). The Counterbalance Spring also provides a certain amount of resistance to
movement of the lever network (scale) as weight is added to or subtracted from it.
Counterbalance Springs are manufactured of alloy steel, specifically designed for Sapplicator weighing
systems. They do not wear or deteriorate with age, and are calibration and adjustment-free.
Dashpot - The Sapplicator Dashpot is a hydraulic dampening device (oil filled) used to reduce the effects of
surrounding vibration from affecting the weighing mechanism.
Flexure - The Sapplicator Flexure is a frictionless connection that joins together the various members of the
lever network of a Sapplicator weighing mechanism, allowing the lever network to pivot (at these
connections) with the desired amount of torsional resistance.
Sapplicator Flexures pivot (radially about their central axis, and are rigid in both the horizontal and vertical
planes. They are ruggedly constructed of stainless steel, do not wear or deteriorate over time, and are
unaffected by temperature variations over the designed temperature range of the weigh feeder. In operation,
Sapplicator Flexures pivot less than 1.5 degrees (maximum) and are totally calibration and adjustment-free.
Lever Network (Lever Mechanism) - The Lever Network (or Lever Mechanism) is the name given to all of
the lever components that comprise the modified parallelogram weighing system. All of the members of the
Lever Network connect together with Flexures, so that movement of the Lever Network (as weight is added
or subtracted from it) is totally frictionless, and perfectly linear. The Lever Network is a calibration and
adjustment-free assembly.
Lock-Down brackets - The Lock-Down Brackets (painted red) are used to protect the weighing mechanism
of the weigh feeder during transit and installation, or at anytime the weigh feeder is moved about.
After installation, and after the weigh feeder is bolted in position, the Lock-down Brackets must be removed,
but not discarded. These brackets (which are numbered for location) must be used if ever the weigh feeder
will be moved from one location to another to avoid damage to the weighing system.
Metering Mechanism - The Metering Mechanism is the device (feeder) that physically meters the product
being handled. When feeding a dry solid material, the Metering Mechanism is usually a Sapplicator auger type
feeder specifically selected for the application (various type and size auger feeders are manufactured by
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
For certain applications, the Metering Mechanism can also be a vibratory tray (or tube) device, not
manufactured by Sapplicator.
For liquid applications, the Metering Mechanism is almost always a metering pump, also selected specifically
for the application, and not manufactured by Sapplicator.
Primary Lever Beam - The primary lever beam is the primary (and most robust) support member of the
overhead lever network. It is the uppermost horizontal component of the weighing mechanism that attaches
to the main framework of the weigh feeder with two flexures (one on each side). An additional two flexures
(also one on each side) attach the supply hopper (or tank) of the weigh feeder to the primary lever beam.
Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver - Sapplicator's Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver is a displacement
measuring device that very precisely measures movement of the primary lever beam at the point where its
movement is greatest. The physical (cylindrical) sensing element of the Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver
System is affixed to the main framework of the weigh feeder. The armature of this sensing element (which
moves within the core of the sensing element) is attached to the primary lever beam, but does not contact the
inside of the sensing element (induction coil).
As weight is added to or subtracted from the weighing system (scale), movement of the primary lever beam is
precisely measured, with this movement instantaneously converted into a highly accurate weight signal by the
computational logic of the Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver System. The unamplified digital output of the
computational logic is a count ranging from 0 to 1,048,576 (twenty bits). The Ratiometric Weight Resolver
System is completely calibration and adjustment-free.
Refill Cycle - The Refill Cycle is the period of time during which the supply hopper of the "weight-loss"
weigh feeder is refilled (usually automatically). During refill, the weigh feeder operates in a volumetric mode
because the weight signal cannot be used. Also during the Refill Cycle, a number of unique compensation
parameters are implemented to ensure accurate feed during this period. A Refill Cycle normally ranges
between 5 and 20 seconds based on a number of factors, usually related to the size and type refill mechanism
and the size of the weigh feeder's supply hopper.
Refill Device - The Refill Device is the mechanism used to refill the supply hopper of the "weight-loss"
weigh feeder. In most instances, the Refill Device is a storage hopper equipped with a quick acting,
pneumatically operated slide gate; however, it can be other mechanisms as well, provided such mechanisms
meet all of the criteria necessary for proper weigh feeder operation.
Resolution - Resolution, with respect to a weighing system, relates to the smallest increment of weight
capable of being sensed. All Sapplicator weighing systems boast resolution (unamplified) of one part in
Sensing Element (Induction Coil) - The Sensing Element of the Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver
System is an induction type (cylindrical) device, consisting of a series of speciality windings that produce a
dual output signal, as its armature (a small circular rod) moves (without any contact) within the Sensing
Element's (hollow) centre core. The output signal of the Sensing Element connects directly to the
Computational Logic (Module) of the Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver System.
Supply Hopper - The Supply Hopper contains the supply of product required for operation of the
"weight-loss" weigh feeder, and attaches directly to the inlet flange of the metering mechanism. The size of
the Supply Hopper is based on the feed rate requirements and desired frequency of refills.
When the Supply Hopper reaches its low level set point, a refill cycle is initiated (which is almost always
automatic). Upon reaching its high level set point, refill ceases.
Weighing Mechanism - The Sapplicator Weighing Mechanism is a highly precise scale (or weighing system)
consisting of a lever network which physically "moves" as weight is added or subtracted from it. This
movement is measured by a digital displacement sensor, converting displacement (movement) into weight
units having a discrete resolution of one part in 1,048,576.
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
The Model Al-GP403 and Al-403 Weighing Mechanisms are designed with an "overhead" type lever network,
allowing the utilisation of large supply Hoppers, as necessitated by application parameters. These
exceptionally rugged weighing Mechanisms are completely calibration and adjustment-free, and virtually
maintenance-free. They have been designed for a life expectancy in excess of 25 years.
All Sapplicator Weighing Mechanisms are guaranteed for five years, including the Ratiometric Digital Weight
"Weight-Loss" - This is the term used to describe a "weight-loss" weigh feeder's basic principle of
operation. A "weight-loss" weigh feeder only weighs the amount of product fed (weight-loss) and modulates
the feed output (of its metering mechanism) in comparison to a feed rate set point. A "weight-loss" type
weigh feeder does not use a zero reference for calibration (as do most weigh belts, for example) and therefore,
an optimum level of feed accuracy can be achieved... assuming the weighing system is accurate and reliable;
the metering mechanism is versatile and dependable, and the controller includes latest state-of-the-art
functional parameters.
Operating and Instruction Manual , Scales Mechanisms
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
rotating object while the feeder is operating or connected to a power source.
All wiring to this equipment must be made by the user or purchaser. This includes all
interconnections between the equipment and any Sapplicator supplied control panel(s)
as well as any safety switches and/or safety interlocks either required by law and/or the
electrical standards of the user, since same can only be effectively implemented by the
user based on installation parameters.
Isolation pads are not recommended for use under any Sapplicator weigh feeder unless
specifically indicated by Sapplicator. Isolation mounts, used for shipment, must not be
utilised for installation of the feeder. These mounts are only for protection of the
equipment during transit and must be removed prior to installation.
Install the feeder on a firm, level surface in an area relatively free of vibration and movement. Bolt in
After the feeder has been secured in its permanent operating position, unbolt and completely remove
all of the "Lock-Down" Brackets (RED brackets) which are used to secure and prevent damage to the
weighing system during shipment.
Do not discard these brackets, which are numbered (stamped) for location, so that they may be utilised to
secure the weighing system (in order to avoid potential damage) should the feeder ever be moved or
When removing lock-down brackets from a platform scale mechanism, please note that one or more brackets
are located within the lower main frame of the feeder and therefore, the feeder's side panels must be removed
to gain access to these particular brackets.
Connect power to the terminals provided as shown on the electrical schematic diagram(s).
In most instances, the weigh feeder's controller or control panel is supplied loose and
will be remotely installed. Before power is applied, be certain that all interconnections
between the feeder and its controls are correct as indicated on the electrical schematic(s).
Before filling the feeder with material, check operation and/or rotation of the metering mechanism as
well as operation of the refill device (if applicable). To check operation of the metering mechanism
(auger or vibrating device), place the controller in the "HAND" or "VOLUMETRIC" mode and
operate. (The metering auger direction of rotation for an Sapplicator auger metering mechanism must
be clockwise when facing the front or discharge end of the unit.)
Low capacity units without a refill device can be replenished "manually" when the need for additional material
is indicated by the controller. However, most Sapplicator "Weight-Loss" Weigh Feeders are equipped with a
totally automatic refill system. High capacity units require totally automatic refill systems.
Install the refill device directly above the feeder's supply hopper (or tank), onto the
bottom of the bin or chute (or liquid supply) that supplies product to the feeder for refill.
To avoid potential overfill problems, do not install the refill device more than 0.5 metres
above the inlet to the integral supply hopper of the weigh feeder.
As indicated on the feeder drawing(s), the refill device must be flexibly connected to the product inlet located
on the cover of the feeder's supply hopper using the flexible sleeve and clamps supplied by Sapplicator. Other
operational connections to the feeder must also be completed as required and as indicated on the feeder
drawing(s) (i.e., discharge and/or vent connection)
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
Be certain that sufficient slack exists on all flexible connections to permit a maximum
movement of the "metering mechanism” of about 3 mm. If this flexible connection is too
tight, the feeder will not perform properly.
The "Volumetric" or "Hand" mode is used to "manually" control the feeder. This mode
by-passes the weight control circuits and allows manual selection of any percentage of
motor speed (or vibration for a vibrating feeding device), typically used for clean-out or
check-out purposes. It also serves as a by-pass (manual operation) should some
malfunction occur with the weighing/control system.
To check the refill device, manually activate the refill mechanism from the controller keyboard (or energise
the refill contact) and verify operation and/or direction accordingly.
In operation, refill is initiated at the selected supply hopper (or tank) low level set point, above "Zero"
level. Generally, the minimum low level setting is about twenty percent above the "Zero" level. High
level is usually set at about eighty percent of the hopper or tank capacity. However, these level settings
can vary depending upon the specifics of a given installation .
The scale (or weighing portion of the weigh feeder) has no provision for calibration or adjustment (not
Refer to the weigh feeder controller's operating and instruction manual for additional information
regarding start-up procedures and pre-commissioning checks.
IMPORTANT: The numerical component designations contained within this Instruction Manual are
strictly for reference purposes only and do not numerically coincide with the part
numbers indicated on the feeder parts list from which spare and/or replacement parts
should be ordered. Component names, however, are identical.
Operating and Instruction Manual , Scales Mechanisms
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
4.1 Platform type scales
Please refer to figures 1 & 2.
Sapplicator's industrial-duty, all flexure "Platform" type weighing mechanisms (scale) utilise either ten or
twelve stainless steel flexures (depending upon the model) which provide totally frictionless connections for
all movement of the lever network. The "split-beam" weighing (lever) network is supported by a total of four
primary flexures joined by a two or four flexure linkage assembly. Four additional flexures are used as
mounting pivots for attachment of the platform upon which the metering mechanism mounts.
4.2 Overhead type scales
Please refer to figures 3, 4, 5, & 6
The models AI-GP403 and AI-403 “overhead” type weighing systems are modified parallelogram type lever
networks consisting of six or eight flexures (depending on the model and size) which provide totally
frictionless connections for all pivotal requirements of the lever mechanism. The primary lever beam of the
weighing mechanism is attached to the main feeder structure with two primary flexures. Two secondary
flexures attach the actual feeder (or metering mechanism) and its integral supply hopper (or tank) to the
primary lever beam. The linkage flexures (two or four in number) complete the parallelogram and secure the
lower portion of the weighing/metering mechanism rigid.
4.3 Scale design
In each style of scale, the unique design of the Sapplicator lever network arrangement ensures optimum
stability and perfectly uniform weight sensing regardless where weight is placed on the weighing mechanism.
In addition, the weighing mechanism is "counterbalanced" to offset the total weight of all of the equipment
mounted on the platform or within the overhead scale system, greatly enhancing overall sensitivity.
In operation, the flexures rotate radially (generally in the range of 0.75 to 1.5 degrees) as weight is added or
subtracted from the scale, providing totally frictionless pivotal connections for the various members of the
lever network, ensuring the highest possible degree of weighing sensitivity, repeatability, linearity and stability.
The flexures are fabricated in alloy stainless steel and are both designed and manufactured by Sapplicator.
They are heavy-duty, one piece in construction, not adjustable, and extremely durable. They do not wear or
change (with respect to their functional characteristics) over time, or with temperature variations. These
flexures were specifically designed for use with Sapplicator’s various model weigh feeders.
Scale resolution is virtually infinite, limited only by the design parameters of the computational logic of its
Ratiometric Digital Weight Sensing System. The actual sensing element of the Weight Resolver is also capable
of infinite resolution, predicated on its basic principle of operation and is limited only by the twenty bit ouput
of its computational module. Consequently, the smallest increment of scale movement produces a change in
signal easily sensed by the Ratiometric system.
Twenty bits of data is the equivalent resolution of one part in 1,048,576.
The weighing mechanism of all Sapplicator weigh feeders is guaranteed for five years
against failure in accordance with all remaining provisions of Sapplicator’s standard
warranty (both mechanical and electronic components of the weighing mechanism).
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
Typical movement (or displacement) of the weighing system's lever network at the point where weight is
physically sensed by the Ratiometric Weight Resolver's sensing element, ranges between 3 to 4.5 mm
maximum. This amount of movement significantly enhances the scale's immunity to outside influences (which
generally tend to affect weighing systems) by providing the lowest possible signal to noise ratio, and by
permitting the effective use of mechanical dampening means. The specific or selected amount of
displacement, relative to a given scale's capacity, is determined by the size (radial torque and load-carrying
specifications) of the flexures in conjunction with the displacement rating of a counterbalance spring(s) when
included. Displacement of the metering mechanism, however, is only about one-quarter of the amount of
movement generated at the point where the physical weight sensing (displacement sensing) element is located,
due to the mechanical design of the scale's lever network.
Factory calibration of the weighing system (scale) is accurate, complete and permanent, eliminating the need
for any field calibration whatsoever. Calibration weights are not needed or furnished. The only field
calibration is an output feed rate check versus the feed rate set point to verify the actual metered output since
it is possible to incur a small variation in factory calibration due to transit and/or installation parameters.
Generally however, this percentage is very small (0.5 to 2 percent) and is quickly and easily adjusted from the
The only mechanical scale adjustment (factory completed) pertains to the linkage arm on the overhead scale
mechanism. This linkage arm is adjusted to ensure uniformity of weight sensing, regardless of where weight is
applied to the supply hopper/metering mechanism (scale). This is a factory adjustment and once completed,
additional adjustment is not required unless the linkage arm is moved for any reason. larger model 403 scale
systems generally utilise dual linkage flexure assemblies (one on each side of the weighing mechanism).
Sapplicator scale mechanisms need no adjustment, nor are there any means or provisions for adjustment. The
weighing system is completely calibration/adjustment-free, and never requires rezeroing.
All Sapplicator scale mechanisms are completely counterbalanced to offset the entire weight of the metering/
hoppering mechanism, assuring optimum weight sensing precision with unexcelled resolution capability.
The weighing system is simple in design, extremely sensitive, very rugged and virtually maintenance-free.
Longevity is inherent in its design. However, it should be noted that if a weigh feeder sustained a substantial
jolt in transit or, if the lock-down brackets (which protect the weighing mechanism during transit and
installation) were removed before the feeder was located in its final position and the unit then moved about,
flexures could be damaged. But, once a feeder is installed and operating, the possibility of damaging a flexure
is remote. Damage to a flexure is usually reflected by the inability of the scale to function properly and
specifically, to repeat properly. Assuming that external obstructions to the scale do not exist, a visual
inspection will usually immediately detect a damaged flexure (bent, fractured or broken).
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
CAUTION: Be certain to disconnect the feeder from all power sources before attempting to
Flexure replacement
The RED shipping or "Lock-Down Brackets" should be used to secure the weighing
mechanism when replacing a flexure. All Sapplicator weigh feeders are shipped with
"Lock-Down Brackets" which secure the scale (lever) mechanism during transit. These
brackets should not be discarded. If ever a feeder must be relocated or if a flexure needs
to be replaced, these special brackets, which are numbered for position, should be
utilised for this purpose.
In the case of platform scale mechanisms (figure 7), firstly remove the metering mechanism by unbolting the
Platform (4), upon which the metering mechanism mounts, from the four Platform Mounting Studs (25) or
Sub-Base (30). If a Sub-base (30) is not included, unfasten and remove the four Dust Bellows (29) from the
four Mounting Studs (25) and then, unbolt and remove the Cover Plate (28). This will permit full and easy
access to the entire weighing mechanism. If a Sub-Base (30) is provided, please refer to the following NOTE.
Certain model weigh feeders employing Sapplicator's "Platform" type weighing mechanism are designed with the Platform Mounting Base (4) of the metering mechanism
bolted onto rubber Isolators (31) which are mounted onto a Sub-Base (28). In such
instances, the Sub-Base (28) is mounted onto the four Platform Mounting Studs (25) and
therefore, the sub-base must also be removed from the four Platform Mounting Studs
(25) in order to gain access to the weighing mechanism [after the Cover Plate (28) is also
To replace a flexure on either a platform or overhead scale mechanism, both members of the lever network
that the flexure joins together must be secured in such a manner to permit removal of the flexure without the
possibility of moving the partially unattached framework [of the weighing (lever) mechanism]. This will avoid
potential damage to other flexures during replacement, as well as make the task of flexure replacement rather
There are six to eight bolts securing each flexural pivot. Once the applicable portion of the lever network is
secure, loosen and remove the flexure. If shims are found behind a flexure, they must be replaced in the same
position as they were originally. Make note as to their exact location during removal to ensure proper
replacement. If these shims are not replaced properly, or not replaced at all, improper scale operation and/or
possible flexure, or even structural damage, may result.
To reassemble, reverse the preceding procedure.
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
Please refer to figure 8
Essential for proper performance of any Sapplicator weigh feeder is the function, operation and adjustment of
the Dashpot (21) (figures 3, 4, 5, 6, & 10). The dashpot is frictionless in operation and does not require
maintenance, provided dust does not gain access to its internal portion. Basically, the dashpot prevents the
majority of floor disturbances from affecting the scale mechanism, typically due to operation of surrounding
equipment and/or normal in-plant vibrations. It is an oil filled unit, factory pre-set for optimum dampening.
If undue oscillation of the feed rate is apparent, the dashpot may require adjustment. The dashpot is a
heavy-duty device, designed and manufactured by Sapplicator. With "Platform" type weighing mechanisms,
the Dashpot (21) is located in the central area of the lever network. With “Overhead” type weighing
mechanisms, the Dashpot (21) is located in the rear of the lever network.
The Dashpot (21) is adjusted by loosening the damper adjusting/locking nut (34) and turning the Damper
Shaft (35) anti-clockwise, when viewed from the bottom, to increase the dampening effect, or clockwise to
decrease the dampening effect. When the correct level of dampening is achieved, tighten the adjusting/
locking nut (34) to secure the damper shaft. Too much dampening, however, could cause inaccurate weigh
feeder operation if, for example, weight sensing was slowed-down to a point where correction was not fast
enough for proper response of the control system. Inversely, too little dampening may result in "bouncing" of
the weighing (scale) mechanism which, in turn, would also result in improper feeder performance. Sapplicator
may be consulted for assistance in this area, if necessary.
If after adjustment, feed rate oscillation or scale bouncing is still apparent, as noted by monitoring the actual
feed rate indication or scale signal, check to verify that the Ball Joint Assembly (33) is secure in its mounting.
The dashpot plunger, which extends down into the oil pivots at the top where it is secured to its Mounting
Bracket (37) by the Ball Joint Assembly (33) which is located at the top of the damper/plunger assembly.
Unidirectional movement (pivoting) of the damper/plunger assembly is accomplished by a freely rotating ball
encompassed within Ball Joint Assembly (33). This ball must be free to rotate in order for the dashpot (and
scale) to operate properly. If this ball does not rotate freely, the assembly must be replaced.
Also, check to verify that the oil level in the dashpot is correct. The dashpot should be three quarters full with
oil. (If the feeder was tilted for a period of time during transit or installation, it is possible that oil may have
been lost, which would undoubtedly be apparent by an oil spot on the frame.) Sapplicator dashpots utilise a
high grade SAE 30 lubricating oil which Sapplicator can furnish, if necessary. Incorrect viscosity, as well as
improper oil, will adversely affect performance of the feeder.
The only other factor that may adversely affect the operation of the Dashpot (21) would be the accumulation
of dust in and around the unit. If this occurs, the entire dashpot assembly must be removed and cleaned
thoroughly with a solvent, and the ball located at the top of the Ball Joint Assembly (33) must be checked for
proper (free) movement, as previously indicated. After this has been done, the oil should be replaced. All
Sapplicator weigh feeders, regardless of the model, have a dashpot located in an area where dust should not
accumulate, unless protective means are not in place.
5.3 Counterbalance Spring
Please refer to figures 7, 9 & 10
Most Sapplicator weighing mechanisms utilise either one or two specially designed Counterbalance Spring(s)
(22) to provide a partial counterbalance force for the weighing system, as well as to assist in producing the
desired amount of scale displacement for optimum weight sensing.
Counterbalance springs, utilised with Sapplicator weighing systems, are manufactured from certain alloys not
subject to variation with temperature extremes (within the designed temperature range of the weighing
system), and which will not deteriorate or fatigue under normal and continuous operation. Counterbalance
springs do not require any adjustment or maintenance whatsoever.
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
However, if a major scale and/or feed rate change must be made (if such a change is feasible), different
flexures and/or a different capacity Counterbalance Spring (22) would undoubtedly be necessary. If such a
change is desired, Sapplicator will specify all modification parameters when all data concerning new user
requirements are compiled. To remove the Counterbalance Spring (22), use the following procedure:
Secure the lever network of the weighing system against the lower stop.
Loosen and remove the bolt securing the top of the Counterbalance Spring (22) to its Mounting
Bracket (43). Remove any spacers found on the top of the spring.
Using a large pliers on the solid base of the spring, turn the spring to unthread it from its threaded
mounting. Remove the spring.
To reinstall the spring, reverse the above procedure. Be certain that spacers (if applicable) are replaced as
originally located. Also use care when re-tightening the spring. Do not tighten or twist the spring itself; tighten
the solid base of the spring in order not to damage the coils of the spring.
5.4 Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver or Sensor
Please refer to figures 8 & 10
With Sapplicator "Platform" type weighing systems (figure 8), the Weight Resolver Assembly (sensing
element) is located either near the centre of the weighing system or at one end, depending upon the model.
With Sapplicator “Overhead” type weighing systems (figure 10), the Weight Resolver assembly (sensing
element) is located at the rear of the feeder and is mounted either base up or base down, depending on the
model and size of the feeder. The Counterbalance spring(s) (22) and dashpot (21) are located in the same area.
All Sapplicator weigh feeders utilise a unique, Sapplicator innovation, a Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver
for precise weight sensing. This unit does not require maintenance or adjustment other than periodic
inspection of its Neoprene Boot Seal (40) when applicable. Please note that the standard Weight Resolver
Housing (38) is not water-tight.
The physical Weight Resolver sensing element, which is a specially designed Induction Coil (18), does not
contain any electronic components. It is simply an induction device employing special windings that produce
the phase angle (trigonometric) functions for digitally and ratiometrically measuring movement or
displacement of the lever network. Consequently, this device possesses infinite life, does not wear, is
frictionless (non-contacting) in operation and basically, should never require replacement unless it is
accidentally damaged electrically or physically. Also, because it is a non-contacting device (does not contact
any part of the weighing mechanism or lever network), the Weight Resolver sensing element [or Induction
Coil (18)] cannot be damaged by any magnitude of scale shock or over-load. The computational logic for the
Ratiometric Weight Resolver is located in a separate enclosure mounted in a more accessible area.
Should the occasion arise where replacement of the actual Weight Resolver Induction Coil (18) is necessary,
please refer to Figure 8 & 10 and observe the procedures as outlined in the following text.
To remove the Weight Resolver Induction Coil (18) from the Weight Resolver Housing (38), first loosen and
remove the two bolts securing the Armature Bracket (41). Then, carefully disconnect the Neoprene Boot Seal
(40) from the Resolver Housing (38) (if applicable) and remove the Armature Bracket (41), Boot Seal (40) and
Armature Rod (39) as an assembly. After this has been done, unfasten the two bolts securing the Ratiometric
Weight Resolver Housing (38) to its mounting, and remove it as far as its cable will permit.
After this is complete, unbolt the mounting base plate from the Resolver Housing (38) by removing the three
screws securing the mounting plate to the base of the Resolver housing. Then, carefully slip out the Synthetic
Spacer (43) which secures the Weight Resolver Induction Coil (18) within the body of the Resolver Housing
(38). Be certain not to jam or damage any of the Weight Resolver Induction Coil (18) wires when removing
this spacer. Once this has been done, and after the wires have been disconnected in the junction box, carefully
pull the wires through the Weight Resolver Housing (38), also being very careful not to damage the insulation
on any of the wires.
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
After this has been done, the Induction Coil (18) can be pushed-out one end of its housing by inserting a
pencil, or similar object, through the opposite end. The Induction Coil (18) is a slip fit within the housing.
Reassembly is the reverse of disassembly. However, after reassembly, do not tighten the armature rod lock
nut, or the bolts on the Armature Rod Mounting Bracket (41), since the Armature Rod (39) must be aligned
in relation to its location within the core of the Weight Resolver Induction Coil (18).
With the mounting bolts of the Ratiometric Housing's (38) base plate tight, physically centre the Armature
Rod (39) until side to side movement within the Induction Coil (18) is possible. At this point, the Armature
Rod (39), within its Mounting Bracket (41), should be snug but not tight. If movement is not possible within
the induction coil, the Armature Rod Mounting Bracket (41) must be adjusted until such movement is
possible. (The mounting bracket is slotted for this adjustment.) Side to side and front to rear movement must
be physically sensed, and once the position of greatest travel has been located, secure the two Armature Rod
Mounting Bracket (41) bolts, but do not tighten the armature rod bracket lock nut at this time since the
vertical position of the Armature Rod (39) has yet to be determined. The Armature Rod (39) must not touch
the inside of the Induction Coil (18) in order for the scale to operate properly.
Adjustment of the Weight Resolver assembly will not be required provided the Weight
Resolver Housing (38), its Armature Rod Mounting Bracket (41) and/or the Armature
Rod (39) have not been loosened or moved. If any of these items were loosened or
moved, the only adjustment which would then need to be made would be to position the
Armature Rod (39) within the core of the Weight Resolver Induction Coil (18), in
accordance with the instructions provided herein.
After the electrical and/or mechanical components have been completely reassembled, the weighing
mechanism (scale) is ready for calibration verification. If only an electronic module required maintenance, and
provided that the Ratiometric Weight Sensing assembly was not altered, loosened or moved in any way,
adjustment to the Armature Rod (39) of the Ratiometric Weight Sensing assembly will not be necessary.
However, if re-adjustment of the Armature Rod (39) is required, the procedure is very simple. With the feeder
completely empty, verify that the scale's weigh frame or lever network (12, 26, or 27) is not touching either
the lower or upper stops. Then, verify that a 2-3 mm gap exists between the lower stop and the scale's lever
network. At this time, the upper stop should be about 8-12 mm away from the scale's weigh frame or lever
network (12, 26 or 27). Place the controller in the mode enabling the weight signal (bits) to be read. (See the
controller instruction manual for specific information relative to this function.)
At this point, refer to the "Scale Empty" numerical value located on a label affixed to the side of the
controller and/or within the controller's instruction manual. Please note that the numerical values indicated
for scale calibration always remain accurate, provided that the Counterbalance Spring(s) (22) was not changed
from the original capacity, and also, provided that none of the scale's primary, linkage or platform mounting
flexures were changed to a different size from the original.
Changing the Weight Resolver Computational Module will necessitate verification of the
"Scale Full" numerical value.
Then, with the feeder completely empty as previously indicated, move the Armature Rod (39) up or down
until the specified "Scale Empty" numerical reading is achieved. By loosening the armature rod lock nut, the
Armature Rod (39) will move accordingly. Do this carefully since once within the operating range of the
Induction Coil (18), only a very small amount of movement is required to produce a sizeable change in
output. Set the Armature Rod (39) so that the scale reading on the controller is within one or two thousand
bits of the specified "Scale Empty" numerical value. This will ensure that scale calibration is proper.
Generally, the total scale range (scale empty to scale full) will be somewhere between 200,000 to 900,000 bits,
depending on the application.
After this adjustment has been completed, verify that the weighing system repeats properly by pushing down
and then lifting up on the scale, checking scale readings on the controller each time. If the scale does not
repeat within several hundred bits, check to be certain that the Armature Rod (39) is not touching the inside
of the Weight Resolver Induction Coil (18), as explained in previous text. Also, check that scale movement is
not impaired by any object, and that flexible sleeves and/or connections to the scale are loose and flexible.
Then tighten the armature rod lock nut once satisfactory scale repeatability has been verified.
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
The Armature Rod (39) will arc somewhat in its travel within the Weight Resolver's
Induction Coil (18). Because of this, it must be verified that the Armature Rod (39) does
not touch the inside of the Induction Coil (18) for full scale movement (upper stop to
lower stop) in order for the scale to repeat and function properly.
After the Armature Rod (39) has been adjusted and tightened, the lower stop should still have the 2-3 mm gap
between the stop and the weigh frame (lever network). If not, adjust the stop accordingly and tighten. At this
point, the upper stop should have about a 8-12 mm gap between the stop and the weigh frame (or lever
network), again, with the feeder empty. If not, adjust but do not tighten at this time, since the feeder's supply
hopper (or tank) must be full or at high level to adjust (or verify) the final position of the upper stop. After a
refill is made (and the feeder's supply hopper or tank is full), adjust the upper stop so that a 2-3 mm gap exists
between the stop and the weigh frame, and then tighten. The weighing system is now ready for operation.
5.5 Linkage Arm
Please refer to Figures 3, 4, 5 & 6
To adjust the Linkage Arm(s) (17), weight must be applied on the front of the scale and then on the back
(preferably on the cover of the hopper or tank). If a difference in the scale output exists greater than 0.5
percent of the “scale full” numerical value (which is located on a label affixed to the side of the controller
and/or within the controller’s instruction manual), adjustment is necessary. Generally, this procedure should
be completed with weights equal to thirty percent of the scale’s capacity. Adjustment of the Linkage Arm(s)
(17) is made via the Linkage Flexure Mounting Channel (16) which is slotted vertically for adjustment. On
larger feeders, two Linkage Arms (17) are often utilised (one on each side of the feeder), and therefore,
adjustment must be made identically to both linkages.
For example, if a higher or lower reading is experienced with thirty percent of the scale weight placed on the
front of the scale as compared to this same weight placed on the rear of the scale exceeding 0.5 percent,
adjustment (up or down) of the linkage arm(s) (17) is necessary. The direction (up or down) differs with the
various scale sizes and therefore, this is initially a trial and error adjustment until a given direction towards
uniformity of front to rear weight sensing is achieved.
If the linkage arm(s) (17) has not been loosened, moved or altered in any way,
adjustment or re-adjustment should not be necessary.
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
5.6 Metering Mechanisms
As indicated on page 5 of this Manual, instructions for the various Sapplicator metering mechanisms
(volumetric feeders) furnished with Sapplicator "Weight-Loss" Weigh Feeders, are supplied separately.
When metering mechanisms not manufactured by Sapplicator are supplied with any of Sapplicator's
"Weight-Loss" Weigh Feeders, i.e., vibrating trays/tubes or pumps (for liquid applications), instructions for
such devices are included with the feeder's instruction manual as a separate document.
Due to the overall design and rugged construction of Sapplicator's various model weighing mechanisms, the
need for maintaining spare parts for the mechanical portion of the weighing mechanism is not necessary or
recommended. However, if "downtime" is crucial, or if certain components are desired to be maintained in a
user's inventory, please refer to the equipment Parts List for those particular items.
See the separate Parts List for a complete listing of all items.
When ordering parts, please include the Serial Number pertaining to the feeder for which
the parts apply. Without proper feeder identification, Sapplicator may experience
difficulty in furnishing the correct components. Also, please use the feeder Parts List
when ordering parts.
Sapplicator maintains a complete stock of all standard items used in the manufacture of
this or any feeder and therefore, any standard component can usually be shipped
anywhere immediately.
available free of charge. Please contact Sapplicator for assistance.
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
Years of in-depth field operational experience has generally established that start-up difficulties and/or initial
equipment malfunctions are usually associated with an assortment of incorrect installation situations
(particularly incorrect wiring), rather than mechanical or electronic problems associated with the weigh feeder
itself. Also, it should be noted that every weigh feeder is physically tested (with product) prior to shipment,
usually with the user's actual material.
Prior to feeder operation (assuming all electrical wiring completed by the user has been verified correct), the
following list encompasses the major items which are most critical, and if verified for conformance prior to
operation, start-up and optimum performance should be readily realised:
Verify that the feeder is mounted on a relatively level surface and secured directly to a firm structure.
Do not install (mount) the feeder on the rubber isolators used for shipping purposes.
Verify that the structure upon which the feeder is mounted is secure and stable and designed in
accordance with sound engineering practices for supporting a precision weighing device.
Verify that all shipping "Lock-Down Brackets" (RED brackets) have been removed from all areas of
the feeder's weighing mechanism (internally and externally). Do not discard these brackets.
Verify that nothing whatsoever interferes with, or is attached to the scale (excluding cables or
connections factory installed).
Verify that inlet (refill), vent and outlet (discharge) flexible sleeves (if applicable) have sufficient slack
for proper movement of the "Platform" [upon which the metering mechanism (or tank for liquid
feeders) mounts]. Approximately 3 mm of slack is recommended.
Verify that all connections to the weigh feeder are totally flexible and not in any way rigid. For
example, if flexible sleeves not supplied or approved by Sapplicator are utilised, they could be a major
source of scale inaccuracy and/or operational difficulty, particularly, if they are insufficiently flexible.
Verify that the refill mechanism shuts-off completely when in the closed or "OFF" position. Refill
devices must not leak whatsoever when in the "OFF" or closed position.
Verify that product discharge out of the weigh feeder is totally unrestricted to avoid equipment
damage. If product back-up into the feeder's discharge can occur, possibly due to some downstream
blockage or malfunction, an interlock for feeder shut-down (such as a "level probe") should be
installed in an appropriate location to prevent a back-up of product from reaching the discharge point
of the metering mechanism of the weigh feeder.
Verify that the metering mechanism operates properly and in the proper direction.
Verify that the feeder is not subjected to any pressure (positive or negative) at the discharge, inlet or
vent connections, unless specifically designed for same by Sapplicator. This is particularly important
where lower capacity units are concerned.
Verify that the scale repeats properly (see operating instructions).
Verify that all gear-reduction units are properly lubricated. (Although, this is factory completed, such
lubrication should be checked by the user prior to operating.)
Verify that the feeder properly meters product in the "Volumetric" mode. (See operating instructions
for further details).
After the aforementioned items have been checked and verified correct, follow the Operating Instructions for
further procedures.
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
Most Sapplicator "Weight-Loss" Weigh Feeders equipped with supply hopper capacities of 160 litres and
larger, usually include a vent connection in the hopper over to permit air to enter and exit during operation.
Venting is particularly crucial during refill of the supply hopper (especially larger hoppers which are rapidly
refilled) since air must exit rapidly. If air is not permitted to properly escape during a refill, internal
pressurisation of the feeder's supply hopper (or tank) will result. Such a situation can possibly cause
inaccuracy of feed during the refill cycle, or possibly, other related difficulties, some of which could cause
improper feeder performance. Therefore, venting must be properly designed so that air can exit rapidly
without the possibility of pressurising the supply hopper (or tank) of the weigh feeder during refill, as well as
to allow air to enter the supply hopper (or tank) as its level decreases during normal weigh feeding operation.
If an individual dust collector is attached to the vent connection of the weigh feeder's supply hopper, it must
operate only in conjunction with the refill mechanism; it must not operate during normal feeder operation.
If a central plant dust collection or venting system is anticipated for use with the weigh feeder, it must first be
verified that variable pressure, periodic or otherwise (positive or negative) within the venting system does not
exist, since such a situation will adversely affect feeder operation, and in an unpredictable manner. Basically,
while the weigh feeder is operating, there should not be any influence whatsoever exerted upon the scale by
the venting system.
If it is not possible to ensure that a dust collection system (attached to the vent of a weight-loss feeder) will
not produce a positive or negative influence upon the weigh feeder, a valve would need to be provided on the
vent connection which will operate simultaneously with the refill mechanism. Please contact Sapplicator if
assistance is needed.
If a number of weigh feeders are connected to a common dust collection or venting system installed
specifically for the feeders, pressure differences that may occur within the common exhaust or venting system
while any given feeder is refilling, can adversely affect one or more of the other feeders. This is particularly
true when larger "Weight-Loss" Weigh Feeders are involved in that air displacement during refill of their
supply hoppers can be substantial, causing pressure fluctuations within the common venting system that
could affect other feeders. Therefore, if such a dust collection or venting system is utilised, means must be
provided to eliminate the possible effects of the common venting system from affecting any of the individual
feeders (i.e., valves for the vent connections on each feeder, interlocked to function accordingly during the
refill cycle). Please contact Sapplicator if assistance is needed.
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
In order for precision weighing equipment to operate properly (regardless of the manufacturer), any
supporting structure for same must be designed and constructed in accordance with sound engineering
practices and be sufficiently rigid to not only adequately support the equipment, but also, to ensure that the
effects of machinery operating in close proximity remain within tolerable levels so as not to adversely affect
weigh feeder performance and/or longevity.
Sapplicator’s "Weight-Loss" Weigh Feeders possess relatively broad mechanical and electronic capabilities
which allow the feeders to effectively cope with the majority of unfriendly environments. Most of these
capabilities (or features) are standard within the equipment; some are not. Please consult Sapplicator for
assistance if any environmentally related difficulty is experienced, assuming however, that the equipment
mounting structure has been determined appropriate for the type machinery involved.
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
The Numerical Component
designations indicated in
these Illustrations are for
reference purposes only for
use within this Instruction
Feeders with an auger metering mechanism
Feed chamber of metering mechanism
Removable side panel(s)
Discharge cylinder
Supply hopper
Variable speed drive
Gear-reducer (hollow shaft)
Platform (upon which metering mecha-
Downspout (optional)
Feeder support framework
Metering auger
Figure 1
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
The Numerical Component
designations indicated in
these Illustrations are for
reference purposes only for
use within this Instruction
Feeders with a vibrating (tray or tube) metering mechanism
Supply hopper
Removable side panel(s)
Platform (upon which metering mechanism is mounted)
Solid gate (adjustable)
Feeder support framework
Metering mechanism (vibrating feeder,
shown with tray type)
Figure 2
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
21 18
The Numerical Component
designations indicated in
these Illustrations are for
reference purposes only for
use within this Instruction
Model AI-GP403 dry solids weigh feeder
with single auger metering mechanism
Feed chamber
Secondary flexures
Discharge cylinder
Linkage flexures
Supply hopper
Linkage arm flexure mounting channel
Linkage arm
Weight resolver induction coil
Flexible sleeve
Weigh feeder framework
Weight resolver computational logic module and power supply
Primary lever beam
Primary flexures
Counterbalance spring (optional)
Figure 3
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
22 21 18 19
The Numerical Component
designations indicated in
these Illustrations are for
reference purposes only for
use within this Instruction
Model AI-403 dry solids weigh feeder
with double concentric auger metering mechanism
Conditioning chamber
Linkage flexures
Discharge cylinder
Linkage flexure mounting channel(s)
Supply hopper
Linkage arm(s)
Weight resolver induction coil
Flexible sleeve
Weigh feeder framework
Weight resolver computational logic module and power supply
Primary lever beam
Primary flexures
Counterbalance spring (optional)
Secondary flexures
Weigh feeder framework cross-brace
Figure 4
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
The Numerical Component
designations indicated in
these Illustrations are for
reference purposes only for
use within this Instruction
Model AI-403 dry solids weigh feeder
with bin discharger feeder metering mechanism
Bin discharger body
Linkage flexure mouunting channel(s)
Discharge cylinder
Linkage arm(s)
Supply hopper
Weight resolver induction coil
Flexible sleeve
Weigh feeder framework
Counterbalance spring(s) (optional)
Primary lever beam
Weigh feeder framework cross-brace
Primary flexures
Auger/agitator gear-reducer
Secondary flexures
Auger/agitator drive motor
Linkage flexures
Figure 5
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
The Numerical Component
designations indicated in
these Illustrations are for
reference purposes only for
use within this Instruction
Model AI-403 liquid weigh feeder
(pump mounted independent of scale assembly)
Linkage arm(s)
Supply tank
Weight resolver induction coil
Weigh feeder framework
Flexible sleeve
Primary lever beam
Primary flexures
Counterbalance spring(s) (optional)
Secondary flexures
Weigh feeder framework cross-brace
Linkage flexures
Metering pump
Linkage flexure mounting channel(s)
Figure 6
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
The Numerical Component
designations indicated in
these Illustrations are for
reference purposes only for
use within this Instruction
Platform scale weighing system
Platform (upon which metering mechanism is mounted)
Upper weigh frame
Main feeder framework
Lower weigh frame
Primary flexures (4)
Cover plate
Weigh platform flexures (4)
Dust bellows (4)
Linkage flexures (2) or (4)
Sub-base (certain models only)
Counterbalance spring
Isolators (certain models only) (4)
Platform mounting studs with flexure
pivots (4)
Figure 7
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
The Numerical Component
designations indicated in
these Illustrations are for
reference purposes only for
use within this Instruction
Weight resolver and dashpot assembly
Feeder support framework
Weight resolver housing
Armature rod
Dashpot ball joint assembly
Neoprene boot seal (when applicable)
Adjusting nut
Armature rod mounting bracket
Dashpot damper shaft
Weight resolver induction coil
Dashpot cover with gasket
Synthetic spacer
Dashpot upper mounting bracket
Figure 8
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
The Numerical Component
designations indicated in
these Illustrations are for
reference purposes only for
use within this Instruction
Counterbalance spring
Feeder support framework
Platform mounting studs with flexure
pivots (4)
Counterbalance spring
Counterbalance spring mounting bracket
Figure 9
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
The Numerical Component
designations indicated in
these Illustrations are for
reference purposes only for
use within this Instruction
Counterbalance spring, weight resolver and dashpot assembly
(overhead scale)
Primary lever beam
Neoprene dust seal (when applicable)
Weight resolver sensing element
(induction coil)
Armature rod mounting bracket
Dashpot (see Figure 8)
Resolver spacer sleeve
Counterbalance spring(s) (when applicable)
Weight resolver sensing element housing
standoff spacers
Weight resolver sensing element
(induction coil) housing
Weight resolver junction box
Armature rod
Lower counterbalance spring mounting
Figure 10
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
The Numerical Component
designations indicated in
these Illustrations are for
reference purposes only for
use within this Instruction
Typical flexures
Figure 11
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
The Numerical Component
designations indicated in
these Illustrations are for
reference purposes only for
use within this Instruction
Wiring Diagram
digital weight resolver sensing element (induction coil)
NOTE: depending on the scale model, red and black wires may be reversed
Figure 12
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Sapplicator Ltd, M17 1LT, England
Tel: +44 161 877 9955, Fax: +44 161 877 9198
Warranties and Claims
The buyer shall satisfy itself whether by testing the goods or otherwise as to the performance, merchantability, quality, fitness
for purpose and compliance with description of all goods ordered by it from and/or supplied to it by Sapplicator (hereafter
called the Company) and shall be deemed and conclusively presumed to have done so provided always that the Company does
not accept responsibility for any goods delivered which fail to produce the results as shown during the testing of the goods. If
goods delivered differ materially from their description or from the equipment tested or are by reason of faulty material, workmanship or packing by the Company unmerchantable and/or any services have not been performed with the requisite degree of
skill and care, the Company undertakes to repair or replace such goods and/or perform such services or (at the option of the
Company) to refund the purchase price therefor. This undertaking by the Company is subject to and conditional upon the following:
any such claim shall be made in writing and as soon as any fault and/or cause for complaint is readily discernible, and
in any event within 12 months of the date of performance of the relevant service or of the date of delivery of the
relevant goods (as appropriate), save in respect of spare and replacement parts, for which the relevant period for a
claim to be made shall be 90 days from date of delivery, and parts repaired under this condition, for which the relevant period for a claim to be made shall be 30 days from date of delivery;
the buyer must afford to the Company the opportunity to examine any goods which are relevant to the subject of a
claim before such goods have been further handled, processed or otherwise dealt with;
the Company will not be liable for any damage to or deterioration of any goods which occurs after delivery whether
the same occurs due to inadequate maintenance, unsuitable storage conditions, inappropriate use, neglect, overloading, improper installation or repair by the buyer, alteration or accident or to any other cause whatsoever;
where the services are or have been supplied and/or the goods are or have been manufactured and/or modified and/
or sold or supplied to the specific design, specification or instruction of the buyer, then in the event of any claim relating to the merchantability, fitness for purpose or on any other ground relating to the performance of the goods or
their ability to carry out a particular function or where the claim (directly or indirectly) arises as a result of or due to
the unsuitability, inadequacy or failure of the design specification or instruction of the buyer, the Company shall not
have any liability to the buyer on any account whatsoever whether for loss of profit or for any other direct or consequential loss howsoever arising;
the undertaking of the Company to make a repair or replacement or to re-perform the services and/or to refund the
proportion of the invoice price in respect of those goods or services shall be the absolute limit of the Company’s
liability to the buyer in respect of any such claim. The undertaking is in substitution for all conditions or warranties
implied by statute, common law or otherwise, in respect of the goods and/or services which are hereby expressly
excluded and under no circumstances shall the Company be in any way further liable to the buyer whether for loss of
profit or for any other direct or consequential loss howsoever arising.
Subject to the preceding, in the event of any claim on any ground being made by the buyer against the Company in respect of
goods manufactured by a third party or any matter arising from or relating to the goods or the contract (including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing any claim for non-delivery of or relating to any defects in or damage to the goods, or in
respect of any breach of any term, condition or warranty relating to the performance, merchantability, quality, fitness for purpose, description or freedom from latent or patent defects of the goods) or otherwise howsoever, the liability of the Company
to the buyer shall be and is hereby limited (in respect of each claim) to the Company making available to the buyer (in so far as it
is able so to do) the benefit of the terms and conditions upon which the goods have been supplied to the Company. Such terms
and conditions are deemed to be within the knowledge of the buyer and under no circumstances shall the Company be in any
way further liable to the buyer, whether for loss of profit or for any other direct or consequential loss howsoever arising.
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