Chapter 5 Resource Masters New York, New York Columbus, Ohio Woodland Hills, California Peoria, Illinois StudentWorksTM This CD-ROM includes the entire Student Edition along with the Study Guide, Practice, and Enrichment masters. TeacherWorksTM All of the materials found in this booklet are included for viewing and printing in the Advanced Mathematical Concepts TeacherWorks CD-ROM. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Permission is granted to reproduce the material contained herein on the condition that such material be reproduced only for classroom use; be provided to students, teachers, and families without charge; and be used solely in conjunction with Glencoe Advanced Mathematical Concepts. Any other reproduction, for use or sale, is prohibited without prior written permission of the publisher. Send all inquiries to: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 8787 Orion Place Columbus, OH 43240-4027 ISBN: 0-07-869132-X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Advanced Mathematical Concepts Chapter 5 Resource Masters XXX 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 Contents Vocabulary Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii-x Lesson 5-7 Study Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Lesson 5-1 Study Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Lesson 5-8 Study Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Lesson 5-2 Study Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Chapter 5 Assessment Chapter 5 Test, Form 1A . . . . . . . . . . . . 205-206 Chapter 5 Test, Form 1B . . . . . . . . . . . . 207-208 Chapter 5 Test, Form 1C . . . . . . . . . . . . 209-210 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2A . . . . . . . . . . . . 211-212 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2B . . . . . . . . . . . . 213-214 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2C . . . . . . . . . . . . 215-216 Chapter 5 Extended Response Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Chapter 5 Mid-Chapter Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Chapter 5 Quizzes A & B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Chapter 5 Quizzes C & D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Chapter 5 SAT and ACT Practice . . . . . 221-222 Chapter 5 Cumulative Review . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Lesson 5-3 Study Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Lesson 5-4 Study Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Lesson 5-5 Study Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 SAT and ACT Practice Answer Sheet, 10 Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1 SAT and ACT Practice Answer Sheet, 20 Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2 ANSWERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3-A17 Lesson 5-6 Study Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill iii Advanced Mathematical Concepts A Teacher’s Guide to Using the Chapter 5 Resource Masters The Fast File Chapter Resource system allows you to conveniently file the resources you use most often. The Chapter 5 Resource Masters include the core materials needed for Chapter 5. These materials include worksheets, extensions, and assessment options. The answers for these pages appear at the back of this booklet. All of the materials found in this booklet are included for viewing and printing in the Advanced Mathematical Concepts TeacherWorks CD-ROM. Vocabulary Builder Pages vii-x include a Practice There is one master for each lesson. student study tool that presents the key vocabulary terms from the chapter. Students are to record definitions and/or examples for each term. You may suggest that students highlight or star the terms with which they are not familiar. These problems more closely follow the structure of the Practice section of the Student Edition exercises. These exercises are of average difficulty. When to Use These provide additional practice options or may be used as homework for second day teaching of the lesson. When to Use Give these pages to students before beginning Lesson 5-1. Remind them to add definitions and examples as they complete each lesson. Enrichment There is one master for each lesson. These activities may extend the concepts in the lesson, offer a historical or multicultural look at the concepts, or widen students’ perspectives on the mathematics they are learning. These are not written exclusively for honors students, but are accessible for use with all levels of students. Study Guide There is one Study Guide master for each lesson. When to Use Use these masters as reteaching activities for students who need additional reinforcement. These pages can also be used in conjunction with the Student Edition as an instructional tool for those students who have been absent. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill When to Use These may be used as extra credit, short-term projects, or as activities for days when class periods are shortened. iv Advanced Mathematical Concepts Assessment Options Intermediate Assessment The assessment section of the Chapter 5 Resources Masters offers a wide range of assessment tools for intermediate and final assessment. The following lists describe each assessment master and its intended use. Chapter Tests • Forms 1A, 1B, and 1C Form 1 tests contain multiple-choice questions. Form 1A is intended for use with honors-level students, Form 1B is intended for use with averagelevel students, and Form 1C is intended for use with basic-level students. These tests are similar in format to offer comparable testing situations. Forms 2A, 2B, and 2C Form 2 tests are composed of free-response questions. Form 2A is intended for use with honors-level students, Form 2B is intended for use with average-level students, and Form 2C is intended for use with basic-level students. These tests are similar in format to offer comparable testing situations. The Extended Response Assessment includes performance assessment tasks that are suitable for all students. A scoring rubric is included for evaluation guidelines. Sample answers are provided for assessment. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill • Four free-response quizzes are included to offer assessment at appropriate intervals in the chapter. • The SAT and ACT Practice offers continuing review of concepts in various formats, which may appear on standardized tests that they may encounter. This practice includes multiple-choice, quantitativecomparison, and grid-in questions. Bubblein and grid-in answer sections are provided on the master. • The Cumulative Review provides students an opportunity to reinforce and retain skills as they proceed through their study of advanced mathematics. It can also be used as a test. The master includes free-response questions. Answers All of the above tests include a challenging Bonus question. • A Mid-Chapter Test provides an option to assess the first half of the chapter. It is composed of free-response questions. Continuing Assessment Chapter Assessments • • v • Page A1 is an answer sheet for the SAT and ACT Practice questions that appear in the Student Edition on page 341. Page A2 is an answer sheet for the SAT and ACT Practice master. These improve students’ familiarity with the answer formats they may encounter in test taking. • The answers for the lesson-by-lesson masters are provided as reduced pages with answers appearing in red. • Full-size answer keys are provided for the assessment options in this booklet. Advanced Mathematical Concepts Chapter 5 Leveled Worksheets Glencoe’s leveled worksheets are helpful for meeting the needs of every student in a variety of ways. These worksheets, many of which are found in the FAST FILE Chapter Resource Masters, are shown in the chart below. • Study Guide masters provide worked-out examples as well as practice problems. • Each chapter’s Vocabulary Builder master provides students the opportunity to write out key concepts and definitions in their own words. • Practice masters provide average-level problems for students who are moving at a regular pace. • Enrichment masters offer students the opportunity to extend their learning. Five Different Options to Meet the Needs of Every Student in a Variety of Ways primarily skills primarily concepts primarily applications BASIC AVERAGE 1 Study Guide 2 Vocabulary Builder 3 Parent and Student Study Guide (online) © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 4 Practice 5 Enrichment vi ADVANCED Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Reading to Learn Mathematics Vocabulary Builder This is an alphabetical list of the key vocabulary terms you will learn in Chapter 5. As you study the chapter, complete each term’s definition or description. Remember to add the page number where you found the term. Vocabulary Term Found on Page Definition/Description/Example ambiguous case angle of depression angle of elevation apothem arccosine relation arcsine relation arctangent relation circular function cofunctions cosecant (continued on the next page) © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill vii Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Reading to Learn Mathematics Vocabulary Builder (continued) Vocabulary Term Found on Page Definition/Description/Example cosine cotangent coterminal angles degree Hero’s Formula hypotenuse initial side inverse Law of Cosines Law of Sines leg (continued on the next page) © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill viii Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 3 5 Reading to Learn Mathematics Vocabulary Builder (continued) Vocabulary Term Found on Page Definition/Description/Example minute quadrant angle reference angle secant second side adjacent side opposite sine solve a triangle standard position tangent (continued on the next page) © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill ix Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Reading to Learn Mathematics Vocabulary Builder (continued) Vocabulary Term Found on Page Definition/Description/Example terminal side trigonometric function trigonometric ratio unit circle vertex © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill x Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-1 Study Guide Angles and Degree Measure Decimal degree measures can be expressed in degrees(°), minutes(′), and seconds(″). Example 1 a. Change 12.520° to degrees, minutes, and seconds. 12.520° 12° (0.520 60)′ Multiply the decimal portion of 12° 31.2′ the degrees by 60 to find minutes. 12° 31′ (0.2 60)″ Multiply the decimal portion of 12° 31′ 12″ the minutes by 60 to find seconds. 12.520° can be written as 12° 31′ 12″. b. Write 24° 15′ 33″ as a decimal rounded to the nearest thousandth. 1 ° 33″ 1 ° 24° 15′ 33″ 24° 15′ 60′ 3600″ 24.259° 24° 15′ 33″ can be written as 24.259°. An angle may be generated by the rotation of one ray multiple times about the origin. Example 2 Give the angle measure represented by each rotation. a. 2.3 rotations clockwise 2.3 360 828 Clockwise rotations have negative measures. The angle measure of 2.3 clockwise rotations is 828°. b. 4.2 rotations counterclockwise 4.2 360 1512 Counterclockwise rotations have positive measures. The angle measure of 4.2 counterclockwise rotations is 1512°. If is a nonquadrantal angle in standard position, its reference angle is defined as the acute angle formed by the terminal side of the given angle and the x-axis. Reference Angle Rule Example 3 For any angle , 0° < < 360°, its reference angle ′ is defined by a. , when the terminal side is in Quadrant I, b. 180° , when the terminal side is in Quadrant II, c. 180°, when the terminal side is in Quadrant III, and d. 360° , when the terminal side is in Quadrant IV. Find the measure of the reference angle for 220°. Because 220° is between 180° and 270°, the terminal side of the angle is in Quadrant III. 220° 180° 40° The reference angle is 40°. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 181 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-1 Practice Angles and Degree Measure Change each measure to degrees, minutes, and seconds. 1. 28.955 2. 57.327 Write each measure as a decimal degree to the nearest thousandth. 3. 32 28′ 10″ 4. 73 14′ 35″ Give the angle measure represented by each rotation. 5. 1.5 rotations clockwise 6. 2.6 rotations counterclockwise Identify all angles that are coterminal with each angle. Then find one positive angle and one negative angle that are coterminal with each angle. 7. 43 8. 30 If each angle is in standard position, determine a coterminal angle that is between 0 and 360, and state the quadrant in which the terminal side lies. 9. 472 10. 995 Find the measure of the reference angle for each angle. 11. 227 12. 640 13. Navigation For an upcoming trip, Jackie plans to sail from Santa Barbara Island, located at 33 28′ 32″ N, 119 2′ 7″ W, to Santa Catalina Island, located at 33.386 N, 118.430 W. Write the latitude and longitude for Santa Barbara Island as decimals to the nearest thousandth and the latitude and longitude for Santa Catalina Island as degrees, minutes, and seconds. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 182 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-1 Enrichment Reading Mathematics: If and Only If Statements If p and q are interchanged in a conditional statement so that p becomes the conclusion and q becomes the hypothesis, the new statement, q → p, is called the converse of p → q. If p → q is true, q → p may be either true or false. Example Find the converse of each conditional. a. p → q: All squares are rectangles. (true) q → p: All rectangles are squares. (false) b. p → q: If a function ƒ(x) is increasing on an interval I, then for every a and b contained in I, ƒ(a) ƒ(b) whenever a b. (true) q → p: If for every a and b contained in an interval I, ƒ(a) ƒ(b) whenever a b then function ƒ(x) is increasing on I. (true) In Lesson 3-5, you saw that the two statements in Example 2 can be combined in a single statement using the words “if and only if.” A function ƒ(x) is increasing on an interval I if and only if for every a and b contained in I, ƒ(a) ƒ(b) whenever a b. The statement “p if and only if q” means that p implies q and q implies p. State the converse of each conditional. Then tell if the converse is true or false. If it is true, combine the statement and its converse into a single statement using the words “if and only if.” 1. All integers are rational numbers. 2. If for all x in the domain of a function ƒ(x), ƒ(x) ƒ(x), then the graph of ƒ(x) is symmetric with respect to the origin. 3. If ƒ(x) and ƒ1(x) are inverse functions, then [ ƒ ° ƒ1](x) [ ƒ1 ° ƒ](x) x. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 183 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-2 Study Guide Trigonometric Ratios in Right Triangles The ratios of the sides of right triangles can be used to define the trigonometric ratios known as the sine, cosine, and tangent. Example 1 Find the values of the sine, cosine, and tangent for A. . First find the length of BC 2 2 2 (AC) (BC) (AB) Pythagorean Theorem 2 2 2 10 (BC) 20 Substitute 10 for AC and 20 for AB. 2 (BC) 300 BC 3 0 0 or 103 Take the square root of each side. Disregard the negative root. Then write each trigonometric ratio. side opposite sin A hypotenuse side adjacent cos A hypotenuse side opposite tan A side adjacent 10 3 or 3 0 or 1 10 3 or 3 sin A cos A 12 tan A 20 2 0 10 2 Trigonometric ratios are often simplified but never written as mixed numbers. Three other trigonometric ratios, called cosecant, secant, and cotangent, are reciprocals of sine, cosine, and tangent, respectively. Example 2 Find the values of the six trigonometric ratios for R. First determine the length of the hypotenuse. Pythagorean Theorem (RT)2 (ST)2 (RS)2 2 2 2 RT 15, ST 3 15 3 (RS) 2 (RS) 234 RS 2 3 4 or 32 6 Disregard the negative root. side opposite side adjacent side opposite sin R hypotenuse cos R hypotenuse 6 2 sin R 3 or 26 32 6 5 2 6 tan R 3 or 1 cos R 15 or 26 15 5 3 2 6 hypotenuse hypotenuse tan R side adjacent side adjacent csc R side opposite sec R side adjacent cot R side opposite 3 6 2 or 2 csc R 6 3 3 2 6 or 6 2 sec R 15 5 5 or 5 cot R 13 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 184 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-2 Practice Trigonometric Ratios in Right Triangles Find the values of the sine, cosine, and tangent for each B. 1. 2. 3. If tan 5, find cot . 4. If sin 38, find csc . Find the values of the six trigonometric ratios for each S. 5. 6. 7. Physics Suppose you are traveling in a car when a beam of light passes from the air to the windshield. The measure of the angle of incidence is 55, and the measure of the angle of refraction is sin i n, to find the index of refraction n 35 15′. Use Snell’s Law, sin r of the windshield to the nearest thousandth. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 185 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-2 Enrichment Using Right Triangles to Find the Area of Another Triangle You can find the area of a right triangle by using the formula A 1 bh. 2 In the formula, one leg of the right triangle can be used as the base, and the other leg can be used as the height. The vertices of a triangle can be represented on the coordinate plane by three ordered pairs. In order to find the area of a general triangle, you can encase the triangle in a rectangle as shown in the diagram below. A rectangle is placed around the triangle so that the vertices of the triangle all touch the sides of the rectangle. Example Find the area of a triangle whose vertices are A(1, 3), B(4, 8), and C(8, 5). Plot the points and draw the triangle. Encase the triangle in a rectangle whose sides are parallel to the axes, then find the coordinates of the vertices of the rectangle. Area ABC area ADEF area ADB area BEC area CFA, where ADB, BEC, and CFA are all right triangles. Area ABC 5(9) 1 (5)(5) 2 1 (4)(3) 2 1 (2)(9) 2 17.5 square units Find the area of the triangle having vertices with each set of coordinates. 1. A(4, 6), B(–1, 2), C(6, –5) 2. A(–2, –4), B(4, 7), C(6, –1) 3. A(4, 2), B(6, 9), C(–1, 4) 4. A(2, –3), B(6, –8), C(3, 5) © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 186 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-3 Study Guide Trigonometric Functions on the Unit Circle Example 1 Use the unit circle to find cot (270°). The terminal side of a 270° angle in standard position is the positive y-axis, which intersects the unit circle at (0, 1). By definition, cot (270°) xy or 01. Therefore, cot (270°) 0. Trigonometric Functions of an Angle in Standard Position y sin r r csc y cos x tan y x x x cot y r r sec Example 2 Find the values of the six trigonometric functions for angle in standard position if a point with coordinates (9, 12) lies on its terminal side. We know that x 9 and y 12. We need to find r. Example 3 y2 r x2 Pythagorean Theorem r ( 9 )2 2 12 Substitute 9 for x and 12 for y. r 2 2 5 or 15 Disregard the negative root. sin 1125 or 45 9 or 3 cos 15 5 12 or 4 tan 3 9 csc 1152 or 54 15 or 5 sec 3 9 9 or 3 cot 12 4 Suppose is an angle in standard position whose terminal side lies in Quadrant I. If cos 35, find the values of the remaining five trigonometric functions of . r2 x2 y2 52 32 y2 16 y2 4y Pythagorean Theorem Substitute 5 for r and 3 for x. Take the square root of each side. Since the terminal side of lies in Quadrant I, y must be positive. sin 45 csc 54 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill tan 43 sec 35 187 cot 34 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-3 Practice Trigonometric Functions on the Unit Circle Use the unit circle to find each value. 1. csc 90 2. tan 270 3. sin (90) Use the unit circle to find the values of the six trigonometric functions for each angle. 4. 45 5. 120 Find the values of the six trigonometric functions for angle in standard position if a point with the given coordinates lies on its terminal side. 6. (1, 5) 7. (7, 0) 8. (3, 4) © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 188 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-3 Enrichment Areas of Polygons and Circles A regular polygon has sides of equal length and angles of equal measure. A regular polygon can be inscribed in or circumscribed about a circle. For n-sided regular polygons, the following area formulas can be used. AC r2 Area of circle nr2 2 sin 360° n Area of circumscribed polygon AC nr2 tan 180° n Area of inscribed polygon AI Use a calculator to complete the chart below for a unit circle (a circle of radius 1). Number of Sides Area of Inscribed Polygon Area of Circle less Area of Polygon Area of Circumscribed Polygon Area of Polygon less Area of Circle 3 1.2990381 1.8425545 5.1961524 2.0545598 1. 4 2. 8 3. 12 4. 20 5. 24 6. 28 7. 32 8. 1000 9. What number do the areas of the circumscribed and inscribed polygons seem to be approaching as the number of sides of the polygon increases? © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 189 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-4 Study Guide Applying Trigonometric Functions Trigonometric functions can be used to solve problems involving right triangles. Example 1 If T 45° and u 20, find t to the nearest tenth. From the figure, we know the measures of an angle and the hypotenuse. We want to know the measure of the side opposite the given angle. The sine function relates the side opposite the angle and the hypotenuse. sin T ut sin 45° 2t0 20 sin 45° t 14.14213562 t side opposite sin hypotenuse Substitute 45° for T and 20 for u. Multiply each side by 20. Use a calculator. Therefore, t is about 14.1. Example 2 Geometry The apothem of a regular polygon is the measure of a line segment from the center of the polygon to the midpoint of one of its sides. The apothem of a regular hexagon is 2.6 centimeters. Find the radius of the circle circumscribed about the hexagon to the nearest tenth. First draw a diagram. Let a be the angle measure formed by a radius and its adjacent apothem. The measure of a is 360° 12 or 30°. Now we know the measures of an angle and the side adjacent to the angle. 2.6 cos 30° r r cos 30° 2.6 side adjacent cos hypotenuse Multiply each side by r. 2. 6 Divide each side by cos 30°. r cos 30° r 3.0022214 Use a calculator. Therefore, the radius is about 3.0 centimeters. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 190 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-4 Practice Applying Trigonometric Functions Solve each problem. Round to the nearest tenth. 1. If A 55 55′ and c 16, find a. 2. If a 9 and B 49, find b. 3. If B 56 48′ and c 63.1, find b. 4. If B 64 and b 19.2, find a. 5. If b 14 and A 16, find c. 6. Construction A 30-foot ladder leaning against the side of a house makes a 70 5′ angle with the ground. a. How far up the side of the house does the ladder reach? b. What is the horizontal distance between the bottom of the ladder and the house? 7. Geometry A circle is circumscribed about a regular hexagon with an apothem of 4.8 centimeters. a. Find the radius of the circumscribed circle. b. What is the length of a side of the hexagon? c. What is the perimeter of the hexagon? 8. Observation A person standing 100 feet from the bottom of a cliff notices a tower on top of the cliff. The angle of elevation to the top of the cliff is 30. The angle of elevation to the top of the tower is 58. How tall is the tower? © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 191 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-4 Enrichment Making and Using a Hypsometer A hypsometer is a device that can be used to measure the height of an object. To construct your own hypsometer, you will need a rectangular piece of heavy cardboard that is at least 7 cm by 10 cm, a straw, transparent tape, a string about 20 cm long, and a small weight that can be attached to the string. Mark off 1-cm increments along one short side and one long side of the cardboard. Tape the straw to the other short side. Then attach the weight to one end of the string, and attach the other end of the string to one corner of the cardboard, as shown in the figure below. The diagram below shows how your hypsometer should look. To use the hypsometer, you will need to measure the distance from the base of the object whose height you are finding to where you stand when you use the hypsometer. Sight the top of the object through the straw. Note where the freehanging string crosses the bottom scale. Then use similar triangles to find the height of the object. 1. Draw a diagram to illustrate how you can use similar triangles and the hypsometer to find the height of a tall object. Use your hypsometer to find the height of each of the following. 2. your school’s flagpole 3. a tree on your school’s property 4. the highest point on the front wall of your school building 5. the goal posts on a football field 6. the hoop on a basketball court 7. the top of the highest window of your school building 8. the top of a school bus 9. the top of a set of bleachers at your school 10. the top of a utility pole near your school © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 192 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-5 Study Guide Solving Right Triangles When we know a trigonometric value of an angle but not the value of the angle, we need to use the inverse of the trigonometric function. Trigonometric Function y sin x y cos x y tan x Example 1 Inverse Trigonometric Relation x sin1 y or x arcsin y x cos1 y or x arccos y x tan1 y or x arctan y . Solve tan x 3 If tan x 3 , then x is an angle whose tangent . is 3 x arctan 3 From a table of values, you can determine that x equals 60°, 240°, or any angle coterminal with these angles. Example 2 If c 22 and b 12, find B. In this problem, we know the side opposite the angle and the hypotenuse. The sine function relates the side opposite the angle and the hypotenuse. side opposite sin B bc sin hypotenuse sin B 1222 Substitute 12 for b and 22 for c. B sin11222 Definition of inverse B 33.05573115 or about 33.1°. Example 3 Solve the triangle where b 20 and c 35, given the triangle above. cos A bc 2 0 cos A 35 a2 b2 c2 a2 202 352 a 8 2 5 a 28.72281323 20 A cos-1 35 A 55.15009542 55.15009542 B 90 B 34.84990458 Therefore, a 28.7, A 55.2°, and B 34.8°. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 193 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-5 Practice Solving Right Triangles Solve each equation if 0 x 360. 2 1. cos x 2 2. tan x 1 1 3. sin x 2 Evaluate each expression. Assume that all angles are in Quadrant I. 3 4. tan tan1 3 5. tan cos1 23 6. cos arcsin 15 3 Solve each problem. Round to the nearest tenth. 7. If q 10 and s 3, find S. 8. If r 12 and s 4, find R. 9. If q 20 and r 15, find S. Solve each triangle described, given the triangle at the right. Round to the nearest tenth, if necessary. 10. a 9, B 49 11. A 16, c 14 12. a 2, b 7 13. Recreation The swimming pool at Perris Hill Plunge is 50 feet long and 25 feet wide. The bottom of the pool is slanted so that the water depth is 3 feet at the shallow end and 15 feet at the deep end. What is the angle of elevation at the bottom of the pool? © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 194 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-5 Enrichment Disproving Angle Trisection Most geometry texts state that it is impossible to trisect an arbitrary angle using only a compass and straightedge. This fact has been known since ancient times, but since it is usually stated without proof, some geometry students do not believe it. If the students set out to find a method for trisecting angles, they will probably try the following method. It is based on the familiar construction which allows a segment to be divided into any desired number of congruent segments. You can use inverse trigonometric functions to show that application of the method to the trisection of angles is not valid. Given: A Claim: A can be trisected using the following method. Method: Choose point C on one ray of A . Through C construct a perpendicular to the other ray, intersecting it at B. Construct M and N, the points that into three congruent divide CB segments. Draw A M and AN , which trisect CAB into the congruent angles 1, 2, and 3. The proposed method has been used to construct the figure below. CM MN NB 1. AB 5. Follow the instructions to show that the three angles 1, 2, and 3, are not congruent. Find angle measures to the nearest tenth of a degree. 1. Express m3 as the value of an inverse function. 2. Find the measure of 3. 3. Write mMAB as the value of an inverse function. 4. Find the measure of MAB. 5. Find the measure of 2. 6. Find mCAB and use it to find m 1. 7. Explain why the proposed method for trisecting an angle fails. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 195 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-6 Study Guide The Law of Sines Given the measures of two angles and one side of a triangle, we can use the Law of Sines to find one unique solution for the triangle. Law of Sines Example 1 a b c sin A sin B sin C Solve ABC if A 30°, B 100°, and a 15. First find the measure of C. C 180° (30° 100°) or 50° Use the Law of Sines to find b and c. a b sin A sinB 15 b sin 30° sin 100° 15 s in 1 0 0° b sin 30° c a sinC sin A c 15 sin 50° sin 30° 15 sin 50° c sin 30° 29.54423259 b c 22.98133329 Therefore, C 50°, b 29.5, and c 23.0. The area of any triangle can be expressed in terms of two sides of a triangle and the measure of the included angle. Area (K) of a Triangle Example 2 K 12 bc sin A K 12 ac sin B K 12 ab sin C Find the area of ABC if a 6.8, b 9.3, and C 57°. K 12ab sin C K 12(6.8)(9.3) sin 57° K 26.51876336 The area of ABC is about 26.5 square units. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 196 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-6 Practice The Law of Sines Solve each triangle. Round to the nearest tenth. 1. A 38, B 63, c 15 2. A 33, B 29, b 41 3. A 150, C 20, a 200 4. A 30, B 45, a 10 Find the area of each triangle. Round to the nearest tenth. 5. c 4, A 37, B 69 6. C 85, a 2, B 19 7. A 50, b 12, c 14 8. b 14, C 110, B 25 9. b 15, c 20, A 115 10. a 68, c 110, B 42.5 11. Street Lighting A lamppost tilts toward the sun at a 2 angle from the vertical and casts a 25-foot shadow. The angle from the tip of the shadow to the top of the lamppost is 45. Find the length of the lamppost. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 197 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-6 Enrichment Triangle Challenge A surveyor took the following measurements from two irregularlyshaped pieces of land. Some of the lengths and angle measurements are missing. Find all missing lengths and angle measurements. Round lengths to the nearest tenth and angle measurements to the nearest minute. e 1. G a H 2. c f b e J © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 198 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-7 Study Guide The Ambiguous Case for the Law of Sines Case 1: A 90° for a, b, and A a b sin A no solution a b sin A one solution a b one solution b sin A a b two solutions Case 2: A 90° a b no solution ab one solution If we know the measures of two sides and a nonincluded angle of a triangle, three situations are possible: no triangle exists, exactly one triangle exists, or two triangles exist. A triangle with two solutions is called the ambiguous case. Example Find all solutions for the triangle if a 20, b 30, and A 40°. If no solutions exist, write none. Since 40° 90°, consider Case 1. b sin A 30 sin 40° b sin A 19.28362829 Since 19.3 20 30, there are two solutions for the triangle. Use the Law of Sines to find B. 20 sin 40° 30 sin B a b sin A sin B 30 sin 40° sin B 20 30 sin 40° B sin1 20 B 74.61856831 So, B 74.6°. Since we know there are two solutions, there must be another possible measurement for B. In the second case, B must be less than 180° and have the same sine value. Since we know that if 90, sin sin (180 ), 180° 74.6° or 105.4° is another possible measure for B. Now solve the triangle for each possible measure of B. Solution I Solution II C 180° (40° 74.6°) or 65.4° C 180° (40° 105.4°) or 34.6° a c sin A sin C 20 c sin 40° sin 65.4° 20 sin 65.4° c sin 40° a c sin A sin C 20 c sin 40° sin 34.6° 20 sin 34.6° c sin 40° c 17.66816088 c 28.29040558 One solution is B 74.6°, C 65.4°, and c 28.3. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Another solution is B 105.4°, C 34.6°, and c 17.7. 199 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-7 Practice The Ambiguous Case for the Law of Sines Determine the number of possible solutions for each triangle. 1. A 42, a 22, b 12 2. a 15, b 25, A 85 3. A 58, a 4.5, b 5 4. A 110, a 4, c 4 Find all solutions for each triangle. If no solutions exist, write none. Round to the nearest tenth. 5. b 50, a 33, A 132 6. a 125, A 25, b 150 7. a 32, c 20, A 112 9. A 42, a 22, b 12 8. a 12, b 15, A 55 10. b 15, c 13, C 50 11. Property Maintenance The McDougalls plan to fence a triangular parcel of their land. One side of the property is 75 feet in length. It forms a 38 angle with another side of the property, which has not yet been measured. The remaining side of the property is 95 feet in length. Approximate to the nearest tenth the length of fence needed to enclose this parcel of the McDougalls’ lot. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 200 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-7 Enrichment Spherical Triangles Spherical trigonometry is an extension of plane trigonometry. Figures are drawn on the surface of a sphere. Arcs of great circles correspond to line segments in the plane. The arcs of three great circles intersecting on a sphere form a spherical triangle. Angles have the same measure as the tangent lines drawn to each great circle at the vertex. Since the sides are arcs, they too can be measured in degrees. The sum of the sides of a spherical triangle is less than 360°. The sum of the angles is greater than 180° and less than 540°. The Law of Sines for spherical triangles is as follows. sin c sin a sin b sin A sin B sin C There is also a Law of Cosines for spherical triangles. cos a cos b cos c sin b sin c cos A cos b cos a cos c sin a sin c cos B cos c cos a cos b sin a sin b cos C Example Solve the spherical triangle given a 72°, b 105°, and c 61°. Use the Law of Cosines. 0.3090 (–0.2588)(0.4848) (0.9659)(0.8746) cos A cos A 0.5143 A 59° –0.2588 (0.3090)(0.4848) (0.9511)(0.8746) cos B cos B –0.4912 B 119° 0.4848 (0.3090)(–0.2588) (0.9511)(0.9659) cos C cos C 0.6148 C 52° Check by using the Law of Sines. sin 72° sin 59° sin 105° sin 119° sin 61° sin 52° 1.1 Solve each spherical triangle. 1. a 56°, b 53°, c 94° 2. a 110°, b 33°, c 97° 3. a 76°, b 110°, C 49° 4. b 94°, c 55°, A 48° © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 201 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-8 Study Guide The Law of Cosines When we know the measures of two sides of a triangle and the included angle, we can use the Law of Cosines to find the measure of the third side. Often times we will use both the Law of Cosines and the Law of Sines to solve a triangle. Law of Cosines Example 1 a2 b2 c2 2bc cos A b2 a2 c2 2ac cos B c2 a2 b2 2ab cos C Solve ABC if B 40°, a 12, and c 6. b2 a2 c2 2ac cos B b2 122 62 2(12)(6) cos 40° b2 69.68960019 b 8.348029719 So, b 8.3. b sin B 8. 3 sin 40° sin C c Law sin C 6 sin C 6 sin 40° 8.3 6 sin 40° sin1 8.3 C C 27.68859159 Law of Cosines of Sines So, C 27.7°. A 180° (40° 27.7°) 112.3° The solution of this triangle is b 8.3, A 112.3°, and C 27.7°. Example 2 Find the area of ABC if a 5, b 8, and c 10. First, find the semiperimeter of ABC. s 12(a b c) s 12(5 8 10) s 11.5 Now, apply Hero’s Formula s )( as )( bs ) c k s( k 1 1 .5 (1 1 .5 )( 51 1 .5 )( 81 1 .5 0 1) k 3 9 2 .4 3 7 5 k 19.81003534 The area of the triangle is about 19.8 square units. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 202 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-8 Practice The Law of Cosines Solve each triangle. Round to the nearest tenth. 1. a 20, b 12, c 28 2. a 10, c 8, B 100 3. c 49, b 40, A 53 4. a 5, b 7, c 10 Find the area of each triangle. Round to the nearest tenth. 5. a 5, b 12, c 13 6. a 11, b 13, c 16 7. a 14, b 9, c 8 8. a 8, b 7, c 3 9. The sides of a triangle measure 13.4 centimeters, 18.7 centimeters, and 26.5 centimeters. Find the measure of the angle with the least measure. 10. Orienteering During an orienteering hike, two hikers start at point A and head in a direction 30 west of south to point B. They hike 6 miles from point A to point B. From point B, they hike to point C and then from point C back to point A, which is 8 miles directly north of point C. How many miles did they hike from point B to point C? © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 203 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-8 Enrichment The Law of Cosines and the Pythagorean Theorem The law of cosines bears strong similarities to the Pythagorean Theorem. According to the Law of Cosines, if two sides of a triangle have lengths a and b and if the angle between them has a measure of x, then the length, y, of the third side of the triangle can be found by using the equation y2 a2 b2 2ab cos (x °). Answer the following questions to clarify the relationship between the Law of Cosines and the Pythagorean Theorem. 1. If the value of x becomes less and less, what number is cos (x °) close to? 2. If the value of x is very close to zero but then increases, what happens to cos (x °) as x approaches 90? 3. If x equals 90, what is the value of cos (x°)? What does the equation of y2 a2 b2 2ab cos (x °) simplify to if x equals 90? 4. What happens to the value of cos (x°) as x increases beyond 90 and approaches 180? 5. Consider some particular values of a and b, say 7 for a and 19 for b. Use a graphing calculator to graph the equation you get by solving y2 72 192 2(7)(19) cos (x °) for y. a. In view of the geometry of the situation, what range of values should you use for X on a graphing calculator? b. Display the graph and use the TRACE function. What do the maximum and minimum values appear to be for the function? c. How do the answers for part b relate to the lengths 7 and 19? Are the maximum and minimum values from part b ever actually attained in the geometric situation? © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 204 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 1A Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each problem. 1. Change 128.433° to degrees, minutes, and seconds. A. 128° 25′ 58″ B. 128° 25′ 59″ C. 128° 25′ 92″ D. 128° 26′ 00″ 2. Write 43° 18′ 35″ as a decimal to the nearest thousandth of a degree. A. 43.306° B. 43.308° C. 43.309° D. 43.310° 3. Give the angle measure represented by 3.25 rotations clockwise. A. 1170° B. 90° C. 90° D. 1170° 4. Identify all coterminal angles between 360° and 360° for the angle 420°. A. 60° and 300° B. 30° and 330° C. 30° and 330° D. 60° and 300° 5. Find the measure of the reference angle for 1046°. A. 56° B. 56° C. 34° D. 34° 6. Find the value of the tangent for A. 2 5 5 B. A. 2 2 C. 23 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________ 1 4 D. 3 9. If cot θ 0.85, find tan θ . A. 0.588 B. 0.85 C. 1.176 10. Find cos (270°). A. undefined B. 1 C. 1 11. Find the exact value of sec 300°. 2 3 C. 2 A. 2 B. 3 8. ________ D. 1 sec θ 9. ________ D. 1.7 10. ________ D. 0 11. ________ 2 3 D. 3 12. Find the value of csc θ for angle θ in standard position if the point at (5, 2) lies on its terminal side. 2 9 2 2 9 2 9 5 29 B. C. D. A. 2 29 5 29 12. ________ 13. Suppose θ is an angle in standard position whose terminal side 2 , find the value of sec θ . lies in Quadrant II. If sin θ 11 3 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 3. ________ 7. ________ 8. Which of the following is equal to csc θ ? 1 1 1 A. B. C. sin θ cos θ tan θ A. 153 2. ________ 5 D. 3 7. Find the value of the secant for R. 7 0 3 14 A. B. 5 14 5 C. 3 1. ________ 3 B. 15 C. 152 205 13. ________ 13 D. 12 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 1A (continued) For Exercises 14 and 15, refer to the figure. The angle of elevation from the end of the shadow to the top of the building is 63° and the distance is 220 feet. 14. Find the height of the building to the nearest foot. A. 100 ft B. 196 ft C. 432 ft D. 112 ft 14. ________ 15. Find the length of the shadow to the nearest foot. A. 100 ft B. 196 ft C. 432 ft D. 112 ft 15. ________ 16. If 0° ≤ x ≤ 360°, solve the equation sec x 2. A. 150° and 210° B. 210° and 330° C. 120° and 240° D. 240° and 300° 16. ________ 17. Assuming an angle in Quadrant I, evaluate csc cot1 43 . A. 35 B. 53 C. 45 D. 54 17. ________ 18. Given the triangle at the right, find B to the nearest tenth of a degree if b 10 and c 14. A. 44.4° B. 35.5° C. 54.5° D. 45.6° 18. ________ For Exercises 19 and 20, round answers to the nearest tenth. 19. In ABC, A 27° 35′, B 78° 23′, and c 19. Find a. A. 8.6 B. 9.2 C. 12.8 D. 19.4 19. ________ 20. If A 42.2°, B 13.6°, and a 41.3, find the area of ABC. A. 138.8 units2 B. 493.8 units2 C. 327.4 units2 D. 246.9 units2 20. ________ 21. Determine the number of possible solutions if A 62°, a 4, and b 6. A. none B. one C. two D. three 21. ________ 22. Determine the greatest possible value for B if A 30°, a 5, and b 8. A. 23.1° B. 53.1° C. 126.9° D. 96.9° 22. ________ For Exercises 23-25, round answers to the nearest tenth. 23. In ABC, A 47°, b 12, and c 8. Find a. A. 6.3 B. 8.7 C. 8.8 D. 18.4 23. ________ 24. In ABC, a 7.8, b 4.2, and c 3.9. Find B. A. 15.1° B. 148.7° C. 78.9° 24. ________ D. 16.2° 25. If a 22, b 14, and c 30, find the area of ABC. B. 121.0 units2 C. 130.2 units2 D. 143.8 units2 A. 33 units2 25. ________ Bonus The terminal side of an angle θ in standard position Bonus: ________ coincides with the line 4x y 0 in Quadrant II. Find sec θ to the nearest thousandth. A. 0.243 B. 4.123 C. 0.243 D. 4.123 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 206 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 1B Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each problem. 1. Change 110.23° to degrees, minutes, and seconds. A. 110° 13′ 00″ B. 110° 13′ 8″ C. 110° 13′ 28″ D. 110° 13′ 48″ 2. Write 24° 38′ 42″ as a decimal to the nearest thousandth of a degree. A. 24.645° B. 24.646° C. 24.647° D. 24.648° 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. Give the angle measure represented by 1.75 rotations counterclockwise. 3. ________ A. 630° B. 90° C. 90° D. 630° 4. Identify the coterminal angle between 360° and 360° for the angle 120°. 4. ________ A. 240° B. 60° C. 240° D. 300° 5. Find the measure of the reference angle for 295°. A. 25° B. 65° C. 25° D. 65° 5. ________ 6. Find the value of the cosine for A. 6. ________ A. 12 3 B. 2 3 C. 3 D. 2 7. Find the value of the cosecant for R. 6 A. 2 6 B. 3 1 5 C. 3 1 0 D. 2 8. Which of the following is equal to sec ? 1 1 1 A. B. C. sin cos tan 9. If tan 0.25, find cot . A. 0.25 B. 4 10. Find cot (180°). A. undefined B. 1 7. ________ 8. ________ D. 1 sec 9. ________ C. 0.5 D. 14 C. 1 D. 0 10. ________ 11. Find the exact value of tan 240°. 3 B. C. 3 A. 3 3 11. ________ D. 3 3 12. Find the value of sec for angle in standard position if the point at (2, 4) lies on its terminal side. 5 5 B. 5 C. D. 5 A. 2 2 12. ________ 13. Suppose is an angle in standard position whose terminal side lies in Quadrant III. If sin 1123, find the value of cot . 13. ________ A. 15 3 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 3 B. 15 C. 15 2 207 3 D. 11 2 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 1B (continued) For Exercises 14 and 15, refer to the figure. The angle of elevation from the end of the shadow to the top of the building is 56° and the distance is 120 feet. 14. Find the height of the building to the nearest foot. A. 99 ft B. 67 ft C. 178 ft D. 81 ft 14. ________ 15. Find the length of the shadow to the nearest foot. A. 99 ft B. 67 ft C. 178 ft D. 81 ft 15. ________ 16. If 0° x 360°, solve the equation tan x 1. 16. ________ A. 135° and 315° B. 45° and 225° C. 45° and 315° D. 225° and 315° 17. Assuming an angle in Quadrant I, evaluate tan cos1 45. A. 34 B. 53 C. 45 17. ________ D. 54 18. Given the triangle at the right, find A to the nearest tenth of a degree if b 10 and c 14. A. 44.4° B. 35.5° C. 54.5° D. 45.6° 18. ________ For Exercises 19 and 20, round answers to the nearest tenth. 19. In ABC, A 41° 15′, B 107° 39′, and c 19. Find b. A. 10.0 B. 24.3 C. 35.1 D. 54.6 19. ________ 20. If A 52.6°, B 49.8°, and a 33.8, find the area of ABC. A. 117.9 units2 B. 338.2 units2 C. 536.4 units2 D. 1072.8 units2 20. ________ 21. Determine the number of possible solutions if A 62°, a 7, and b 6. A. none B. one C. two D. three 21. ________ For Exercises 22–25, round answers to the nearest tenth. 22. Determine the least possible value for B if A 30°, a 5, and b 8. A. 23.1° B. 53.1° C. 126.9° D. 96.9° 23. In ABC, B 52°, a 14, and c 9. Find b. A. 8.2 B. 11.0 C. 11.1 24. In ABC, a 7.8, b 4.2, and c 3.9. Find A. A. 15.1° B. 78.9° C. 148.7° 22. ________ 23. ________ D. 18.4 24. ________ D. 16.2° 25. If a 32, b 26, and c 40, find the area of ABC. B. 121.0 units2 C. 298.6 units2 D. 415.2 units2 A. 49 units2 Bonus The terminal side of an angle in standard position coincides with the line 2x y 0 in Quadrant III. Find cos to the nearest ten-thousandth. A. 0.4472 B. 0.4472 C. 0.8944 D. 0.8944 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 208 25. ________ Bonus: ________ Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 1C Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each problem. 1. Change 36.3 to degrees, minutes, and seconds. A. 36 18′ 00″ B. 36 18′ 16″ C. 36 18′ 24″ D. 36 18′ 28″ 1. ________ 2. Write 21 44′ 3″ as a decimal to the nearest thousandth of a degree. A. 21.731 B. 21.732 C. 21.733 D. 21.734 2. ________ 3. Give the angle measure represented by 0.5 rotation clockwise. A. 180 B. 90 C. 90 D. 180 3. ________ 4. Identify the coterminal angle between 0 and 360 for the angle 480. A. 30 B. 60 C. 120 D. 240 4. ________ 5. Find the measure of the reference angle for 235. A. 125 B. 55 C. 25 D. 55 5. ________ 6. Find the value of the sine for A. 1 9 1 1 19 B. A. 12 5 6. ________ C. 152 2 D. 15 7. Find the value of the cotangent for R. A. 43 B. 34 C. 45 D. 54 8. Which of the following is equal to cot ? 1 1 1 A. B. C. sin cos sec 9. If cos 0.5, find sec . A. 0.25 B. 0.5 10. Find tan 180. A. undefined 7. ________ 8. ________ D. 1 tan 9. ________ C. 1 D. 2 10. ________ B. 1 C. 1 11. Find the exact value of cos 135. 2 A. 1 B. C. 1 2 D. 0 11. ________ 2 D. 2 12. Find the value of csc for angle in standard position if the point at (3, 1) lies on its terminal side. 1 0 1 0 0 B. C. D. 3 A. 1 10 3 12. ________ 13. Suppose is an angle in standard position whose terminal side lies , find the value of tan . in Quadrant II. If cos 112 3 1 3 2 5 13 A. 1 B. 5 C. 15 D. 2 12 13. ________ © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 209 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 1C (continued) For Exercises 14 and 15, refer to the figure. The angle of elevation from the end of the shadow to the top of the building is 70 and the distance is 180 feet. 14. Find the height of the building to the nearest foot. A. 62 ft B. 66 ft C. 169 ft D. 495 ft 14. ________ 15. Find the length of the shadow to the nearest foot. A. 62 ft B. 66 ft C. 169 ft D. 495 ft 15. ________ . 3 16. If 0 x 360, solve the equation sin x 2 A. 120 and 240 B. 240 and 300 C. 210 and 330 D. 150 and 210 16. ________ 17. Assuming an angle in Quadrant I, evaluate cos tan1 43. A. 35 B. 53 C. 45 17. ________ D. 54 18. Given the triangle at the right, find B to the nearest tenth of a degree if b 8 and c 12. A. 33.7 B. 41.8 C. 48.2 D. 56.3 18. ________ For Exercises 19 and 20, round answers to the nearest tenth. 19. In ABC, A 102 12, B 23 21, and c 19.8. Find a. A. 8.0 B. 23.8 C. 48.8 D. 64.4 19. ________ 20. If A 32.2, b 21.5, and c 11.3, find the area of ABC. A. 129.5 units2 B. 102.8 units2 C. 64.7 units2 D. 32.6 units2 20. ________ 21. Determine the number of possible solutions if A 48, a 5, and b 6. A. none B. one C. two D. three 21. ________ 22. Determine the least possible value for B if A 20, a 7, and b 11. A. 12.6 B. 32.5 C. 147.5 D. 96.9 22. ________ For Exercises 23–25, round answers to the nearest tenth. 23. In ABC, A 52, b 9, and c 14. Find a. A. 6.3 B. 8.7 C. 8.8 D. 11.0 23. ________ 24. In ABC, a 2.4, b 8.2, and c 10.1. Find B. A. 15.1 B. 21.7 C. 28.9 D. 33.3 24. ________ 25. If a 12, b 30, and c 22, find the area of ABC. A. 33.7 units2 B. 93.4 units2 C. 113.1 units2 D. 143.8 units2 25. ________ Bonus The terminal side of an angle in standard position coincides with the line y 12 x in Quadrant I. Find sin to the nearest thousandth. A. 0.233 B. 0.447 C. 0.508 D. 0.693 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 210 Bonus: ________ Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2A 1. Change 225.639 to degrees, minutes, and seconds. 1. __________________ 2. Write 23 16′ 25″ as a decimal to the nearest thousandth of a degree. 2. ____________________ 3. State the angle measure represented by 2.4 rotations clockwise. 3. ____________________ 4. Identify all coterminal angles between 360 and 360 for the angle 540. 4. ____________________ 5. Find the measure of the reference angle for 562. 5. ____________________ For Exercises 6–8, refer to the figure. 6. Find the value of the sine for A. 6. ____________________ 7. Find the value of the cotangent for A. 7. ____________________ 8. Find the value of the secant for A. 8. ____________________ Exercises 6–8 9. If csc 2, find sin . 9. ____________________ 10. Find sin (270). 10. ____________________ 11. Find the exact value of cot 330. 11. ____________________ 12. Find the exact value of sec for angle in standard position if the point at (3, 2) lies on its terminal side. 12. ____________________ 13. Suppose is an angle in standard position whose terminal side 12 , find the value of csc . lies in Quadrant IV. If cos 13. ____________________ 13 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 211 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2A (continued) For Exercises 14 and 15, refer to the figure. The angle of elevation from the far side of the pool to the top of the waterfall is 75, and the distance is 185 feet. 14. Find the height of the waterfall 14. __________________ to the nearest foot. 15. Find the width across the pool 15. to the nearest foot. 16. If 0 x . 360, solve cot x 3 16. __________________ 17. Assuming an angle in Quadrant I, evaluate sec tan1 34. 17. __________________ 18. Given triangle at the right, find B to the nearest tenth of a degree if a 8 and b 20. 18. __________________ For Exercises 19 and 20, round answers to the nearest tenth. 19. In ABC, A 47 15′, B 58 33′, and c 23. Find a. 19. __________________ 20. If A 37.2, B 17.9, and a 22.3, find the area of ABC. 20. __________________ 21. Determine the number of possible solutions if A 47, a 4, and b 5. 21. __________________ 22. Determine the least possible value for c if A 30, a 5, and b 8. 22. __________________ For Exercises 23-25, round answers to the nearest tenth. 23. In ABC, A 118, b 8, and c 6. Find a. 23. __________________ 24. In ABC, a 9, b 5, and c 12. Find B. 24. __________________ 25. If a 12, b 24, and c 30, find the area of ABC. 25. __________________ Bonus The terminal side of an angle in standard Bonus: __________________ position coincides with the line 3x y 0 in Quadrant II. Find csc to the nearest thousandth. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 212 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2B 1. Change 124.63° to degrees, minutes, and seconds. 1. __________________ 2. Write 48° 32′ 15″ as a decimal to the nearest thousandth of a degree. 2. __________________ 3. State the angle measure represented by 1.25 rotations clockwise. 3. __________________ 4. Identify all coterminal angles between 360° and 360° for the angle 630°. 4. __________________ 5. Find the measure of the reference angle for 310°. 5. __________________ For Exercises 6–8, refer to the figure. 6. Find the value of the cosine for A. 6. __________________ 7. Find the value of the cosecant for A. 7. __________________ 8. Find the value of the cotangent for A. 8. __________________ Exercises 6–8 9. If sec 4, find cos . 9. __________________ 10. Find tan (180°). 10. __________________ 11. Find the exact value of sec 240°. 11. __________________ 12. Find the exact value of sec for angle in standard position if the point at (4, 5) lies on its terminal side. 12. __________________ 13. Suppose is an angle in standard position whose terminal 13. __________________ side lies in Quadrant IV. If cos 1123, find the value of cot . © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 213 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2B (continued) For Exercises 14 and 15, refer to the figure. The angle of elevation from the far side of the pool to the top of the waterfall is 54°, and the distance is 230 feet. 14. Find the height of the waterfall 14. __________________ to the nearest foot. 15. Find the width across the pool to the nearest foot. 16. If 0° x 15. __________________ 360°, solve the equation csc x 2. 16. __________________ 2 . 17. Assuming an angle in Quadrant I, evaluate cos cot1 15 17. __________________ 18. Given the triangle at the right, find B to the nearest tenth of a degree if a 12 and c 22. 18. __________________ For Exercises 19 and 20, round answers to the nearest tenth. 19. In ABC, A 42°, B 68°, and c 15. Find a. 19. __________________ 20. If A 27.2°, B 67.4°, and a 12.8, find the area of ABC. 20. __________________ 21. Determine the number of possible solutions if A 110°, a 5, and b 4. 21. __________________ For Exercises 22–25, round answers to the nearest tenth. 22. Determine the greatest possible value for c if A 30°, a 5, and b 8. 22. __________________ 23. In ABC, A 59°, b 12, and c 4. Find a. 23. __________________ 24. In ABC, a 4, b 11, and c 8. Find B. 24. __________________ 25. If a 21, b 15, and c 28, find the area of ABC. 25. __________________ Bonus The terminal side of an angle in standard Bonus: position coincides with the line 3x y 0 in Quadrant III. Find sin to the nearest ten-thousandth. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 214 _________________ Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2C 1. Change 25.6 to degrees, minutes, and seconds. 1. __________________ 2. Write 75 30′ as a decimal to the nearest thousandth of a degree. 2. __________________ 3. State the angle measure represented by 1.5 rotations counterclockwise. 3. __________________ 4. Identify a coterminal angle between 0 and 360 for the angle 225. 4. __________________ 5. Find the measure of the reference angle for 235. 5. __________________ For Excercises 6–8, refer to the figure. 6. Find the value of the sine for A. 6. __________________ 7. Find the value of the cotangent for A. 7. __________________ 8. Find the value of the secant for A. 8. __________________ Exercises 6–8 9. If tan 3, find cot . 9. __________________ 10. Find tan 180. 10. __________________ 11. Find the exact value of cos 330. 11. __________________ 12. Find the exact value of sin for angle in standard position 12. __________________ if the point at (1, 4) lies on its terminal side. 13. Suppose is an angle in standard position whose terminal side lies in Quadrant II. If sin 1123, find the value of sec . © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 215 13. __________________ Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2C (continued) For Exercises 14 and 15, refer to the figure. The angle of elevation from the far side of the pool to the top of the waterfall is 68 and the distance is 200 feet. 14. Find the height of the waterfall 14. __________________ to the nearest foot. 15. Find the width across the pool 15. to the nearest foot. 16. If 0 x . 3 360, solve sin x 2 16. __________________ 2 . 17. Assuming an angle in Quadrant I, evaluate cos tan1 15 18. Given the triangle at the right, find B to the nearest tenth of a degree if b 12 and c 18. 17. __________________ 18. __________________ For Exercises 19 and 20, round answers to the nearest tenth. 19. In ABC, A 47, B 58, and b 23. Find a. 19. __________________ 20. If C 37.2, a 17.9, and b 22.3, find the area of ABC. 20. __________________ 21. Determine the number of possible solutions if A 47, a 2, and b 4. 21. __________________ 22. Determine the greatest possible value for c if A 15, a 8, and b 13. 22. __________________ For Exercises 23–25, round answers to the nearest tenth. 23. In ABC, A 67, b 10, and c 5. Find a. 23. __________________ 24. In ABC, a 8, b 6, and c 12. Find C. 24. __________________ 25. If a 18, b 22, and c 30, find the area of ABC. 25. __________________ Bonus The terminal side of an angle in standard Bonus: __________________ position coincides with the line y x in Quadrant I. Find tan to the nearest thousandth. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 216 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Open-Ended Assessment Instructions: Demonstrate your knowledge by giving a clear, concise solution to each problem. Be sure to include all relevant drawings and justify your answers. You may show your solution in more than one way or investigate beyond the requirements of the problem. ) lies on the terminal side of an angle in 1. The point at (3, 3 standard position. a. Give the degree measure of three angles that fit the description. b. Tell how to find the cosine of such angles. Give the cosine of these angles. c. Name angles in the first, second, and fourth quadrants that have the same reference angle as those above. d. Write the coordinates of a point in Quadrant II. Find the values of the six trigonometric functions of an angle in standard position with this point on its terminal side. 2. A children’s play area is being built next to a circular fountain in the park. A fence will be erected around the play area for safety. A diagram of the area is shown below. a. How long will the fence need to be in order to enclose the area? b. The park commission is planning to enlarge the play area. Do you think it should be enlarged to the east or to the west? Why? © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 217 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Mid-Chapter Test (Lessons 5-1 through 5-4) 1. Change 65.782 to degrees, minutes, and seconds. 1. __________________ 2. If a 470 angle is in standard position, determine a coterminal angle that is between 0 and 360. State the quadrant in which the terminal side lies. 2. __________________ For Exercises 3 and 4, use right triangle ABC to find each value. 3. Find the value of the cosine for A. 3. __________________ 4. Find the value of the cotangent for A. 4. __________________ 5. If csc 3, find sin . 5. __________________ 6. Use the unit circle to find tan 180. 6. __________________ 7. Find the exact value of sin 300. 7. __________________ 8. Find the value of csc for angle in standard position if the point at (2, 1) lies on its terminal side. 8. __________________ For Exercises 9 and 10, use right triangle ABC to find each value to the nearest tenth. 9. Find b. 9. __________________ 10. Find c. 10. __________________ © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 218 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5, Quiz A (Lessons 5-1 and 5-2) 1. Change 47.283 to degrees, minutes, and seconds. 2. Write 122 43′ 12″ as a decimal to the nearest thousandth of a degree. 3. Give the angle measure represented by 2.25 rotations counterclockwise. 4. Identify all coterminal angles between 360 and 360 for the angle 480. 5. Find the measure of the reference angle for 323. 6. Find the value of the sine for A. 7. Find the value of the tangent for A. 8. Find the value of the secant for A. 1. __________________ 2. __________________ 4. __________________ 9. If cot 23, find tan . 9. __________________ 3. __________________ 5. 6. 7. 8. Exercises 6–8 10. If sin 0.5, find csc . __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ 10. __________________ NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5, Quiz B (Lessons 5-3 and 5-4) 1. __________________ Use the unit circle to find each value. 1. 3. 4. 5. sin (90) 2. csc 180 Find the exact value of cos 210. Find the exact value of tan 135. Find the value of sec for angle in standard position if the point at (4, 5) lies on its terminal side. 6. Suppose is an angle in standard position whose terminal , find the value of sin . side lies in Quadrant III. If tan 15 2 Refer to the figure. Find each value to the nearest tenth. 7. Find a. 8. Find c. 2. 3. 4. 5. __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ 6. __________________ 7. __________________ 8. __________________ A 100-foot cable is stretched from a stake in the ground to the top of a pole. The angle of elevation is 57°. 9. Find the height of the pole to the nearest tenth. 9. __________________ 10. Find the distance from the base of the pole to the 10. __________________ stake to the nearest tenth. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 219 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter Chapter 5, Quiz C (Lessons 5-5 and 5-6) 5 1. If 0 x 360, solve: csc x 2. 1. __________________ 3 . 2. Assuming an angle in Quadrant I, evaluate tan sec1 15 2. __________________ 3. Given right triangle ABC, find B to the nearest tenth of a degree if b 7 and c 12. 3. __________________ Find each value. Round to the nearest tenth. 4. In ABC, A 58 21, C 97 07, and b 23.8. Find a. 4. __________________ 5. If B 29.5, C 64.5, and a 18.8, find the area of ABC. 5. __________________ NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5, Quiz D (Lessons 5-7 and 5-8) 1. Determine the number of possible solutions for ABC if A 28, a 4, and b 11. Find each value. Round to the nearest tenth. 2. For ABC, determine the least possible value for B if A 49, a 12, and b 15. 1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. In ABC, B 32, a 11, and c 2.4. Find b. 3. __________________ 4. In ABC, a 3.1, b 5.4, and c 4.7. Find C. 4. __________________ 5. If a 28.2, b 36.5, and c 40.1, find the area of ABC. 5. __________________ © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 220 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5 SAT and ACT Practice 6. Which of the following products has the greatest value less than 100? After working each problem, record the correct answer on the answer sheet provided or use your own paper. Multiple Choice 1. The length of a diagonal of a square is 6 units. Find the length of a side. units A 92 units B 2 C 9 units units D 32 E None of these A B C D E 2. If the area of ABC is 30 square meters, what is the length of segment CD? A 2m B 3m C 5m D 8m E 10 m 3. The midpoint of a diameter of a circle is (3, 4). If the coordinates of one endpoint of the diameter are (3, 6), what are the coordinates of the other endpoint? A (9, 2) B (9, 1) C (8, 2) D (3, 2) E (9, 14) 4. The endpoints of a diameter of a circle are (3, 2) and (11, 8). Find the area of the circle. A 5 units2 B 25 units2 C 25 units2 D 10 units2 E 5 units2 8. The diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular and bisect each other. If the length of one side of a rhombus is 25 meters and the length of one diagonal is 14 meters, find the length of the other diagonal. A 7m B 12 m C 24 m D 48 m E 144 m c 121 and b 3? A 36 1 B 36 D 17 2 E 274 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 5 7. A diagonal of a rectangle is 1 inches. The length of the rectangle is 2 inches. Find the area of the 1 rectangle. A 32 in2 B 6 in2 C 9 in2 D 65 in2 E None of these , what is the value of a when 9. If c a1 b 5. What is the arithmetic mean of 13 and 14? A 16 B 17 C 112 246 249 449 339 446 221 C 4 D 4 E None of these 10. How many times do the graphs of y x2 and xy 27 intersect? A 0 B 1 C 2 D 3 E 4 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5 SAT and ACT Practice (continued) 13x is an integer, then the value of x 11. If 4 CANNOT be which of the following? A 112 B 32 C 0 D 6 E 8 16. If ƒ(x) x4 4x3 16x 16 has a zero of 2, with a multiplicity of 3, what is another zero of ƒ? A 3 B 2 C 1 D 1 E 8 12. Which of the following statements makes the expression a b represent a negative number? A ba B ab C b0 D a0 E ba 17–18. Quantitative Comparison A if the quantity of Column A is greater B if the quantity in Column B is greater C if the two quantities are equal D if the relationship cannot be determined from the information given 13. A hiker travels 5 miles due north, then 3 miles due west, and then 2 miles due north. How far is the hiker from his beginning point? A About 8.2 mi B About 7.1 mi C About 9.4 mi D About 6 mi E About 7.6 mi 14. A rectangular swimming pool is 100 meters long and 25 meters wide. Lucia swims from one corner of the pool to the opposite corner and back 10 times. How far did she swim? A About 193.6 m B About 1030.8 m C About 2061.6 m D About 10,308.8 m E None of these 18. The length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle with the given leg lengths 7 and 12 8 and 11 19. Grid-In A tent with a rectangular floor has a diagonal length of 7 feet and a width of 5 feet. What is the area of the floor to the nearest square foot? 20. Grid-In Julio wants to bury a water pipe from one corner of his field to the opposite corner. How many feet of pipe, to the nearest foot, does he need if the rectangular field is 200 feet by 300 feet? is a root of which equation? 15. 4 32 2 A x 8x 2 0 B x2 8x 18 0 C x2 16x 2 0 D x2 16x 18 0 E None of these © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Column B Column A 17. The value of x in each figure 222 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Chapter 5 Chapter 5, Cumulative Review (Chapters 1-5) 1. If ƒ(x) x 2 and g(x) 21x , find g( ƒ(x)). 1. __________________ 2. Determine whether the graphs of 2x y 5 0 and x 2y 6 are parallel, coinciding, perpendicular, or none of these. 2. __________________ 3. Graph the inequality 2x 4y 3. 8. 4. Solve the following system of equations algebraically. 5x y 16 2x 3y 3 5. Find BC if B 61 6. Find the inverse of 4. __________________ 3 2 5 and C . 8 4 5 5. __________________ 24 6. __________________ 1 , if it exists. 3 7. Determine whether the graph of y 2x4 x2 3 is symmetric to the x-axis, the y-axis, both, or neither. 7. __________________ 8. Describe the transformations relating the graph of y x 2 5 to its parent function, y x . 8. __________________ 9. Find the inverse of y 2x 6. State whether the inverse is a function. 9. __________________ 10. Solve x2 6x 6 0. 10. __________________ 3 2 7 4. 11. Solve x 11. __________________ 12. Find csc (90°). 12. __________________ 13. Given the right triangle ABC, 13. find side c to the nearest tenth. 14. In ABC, a 8, b 6, and c 10. Find B to the nearest tenth. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 223 14. __________________ Advanced Mathematical Concepts Blank NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ SAT and ACT Practice Answer Sheet (10 Questions) . / . / . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A1 Advanced Mathematical Concepts NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ SAT and ACT Practice Answer Sheet (20 Questions) . / . / . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . / . / . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A2 Advanced Mathematical Concepts © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-1 NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-1 Practice Enrichment Angles and Degree Measure Reading Mathematics: If and Only If Statements Change each measure to degrees, minutes, and seconds. 1. 28.955 2. 57.327 If p and q are interchanged in a conditional statement so that p becomes the conclusion and q becomes the hypothesis, the new statement, q → p, is called the converse of p → q. 28 57′ 18″ 57 19′ 37.2″ If p → q is true, q → p may be either true or false. Example Write each measure as a decimal degree to the nearest thousandth. 3. 32 28′ 10″ 4. 73 14′ 35″ 32.469 73.243 540 936 43 360k; sample answers: 763; 317 30 360k; sample answers: 690; 750 If each angle is in standard position, determine a coterminal angle that is between 0 and 360, and state the quadrant in which the terminal side lies. 9. 472 10. 995 112; II 85; I Advanced Mathematical Concepts Find the measure of the reference angle for each angle. 11. 227 12. 640 47 80 13. Navigation For an upcoming trip, Jackie plans to sail from Santa Barbara Island, located at 33 28′ 32″ N, 119 2′ 7″ W, to Santa Catalina Island, located at 33.386 N, 118.430 W. Write the latitude and longitude for Santa Barbara Island as decimals to the nearest thousandth and the latitude and longitude for Santa Catalina Island as degrees, minutes, and seconds. In Lesson 3-5, you saw that the two statements in Example 2 can be combined in a single statement using the words “if and only if.” A function ƒ(x) is increasing on an interval I if and only if for every a and b contained in I, ƒ(a) ƒ(b) whenever a b. The statement “p if and only if q” means that p implies q and q implies p. State the converse of each conditional. Then tell if the converse is true or false. If it is true, combine the statement and its converse into a single statement using the words “if and only if.” 1. All integers are rational numbers. All rational numbers are integers; false 2. If for all x in the domain of a function ƒ(x), ƒ(x) ƒ(x), then the graph of ƒ(x) is symmetric with respect to the origin. If a function has a graph that is symmetric with respect to the origin, then ƒ(x) ƒ(x) for all x in the domain of ƒ(x); true. A function has a graph that is symmetric with respect to the origin if and only if ƒ(x) ƒ(x) for all x in the domain of ƒ(x). 3. If ƒ(x) and ƒ1(x) are inverse functions, then [ ƒ ° ƒ1](x) [ ƒ1 ° ƒ](x) x. If [ ƒ ° ƒ 1](x) [ ƒ 1 ° ƒ ](x) x, then ƒ(x) and ƒ 1(x) are inverse functions; true. Two functions, ƒ(x) and ƒ 1(x), are inverse functions if and only if [ ƒ ° ƒ 1](x) [ ƒ 1 ° ƒ ](x) x. Santa Barbara Island: 33.476 N, 119.035 W Santa Catalina Island: 33 23′ 9.6″ N, 118 25′ 48″ W © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 182 Advanced Mathematical Concepts © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 183 Advanced Mathematical Concepts (Lesson 5-1) A3 Identify all angles that are coterminal with each angle. Then find one positive angle and one negative angle that are coterminal with each angle. 7. 43 8. 30 b. p → q: If a function ƒ(x) is increasing on an interval I, then for every a and b contained in I, ƒ(a) ƒ(b) whenever a b. (true) q → p: If for every a and b contained in an interval I, ƒ(a) ƒ(b) whenever a b then function ƒ(x) is increasing on I. (true) Answers Give the angle measure represented by each rotation. 5. 1.5 rotations clockwise 6. 2.6 rotations counterclockwise Find the converse of each conditional. a. p → q: All squares are rectangles. (true) q → p: All rectangles are squares. (false) Practice © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill tan B 2 8 3 A4 7兹7 苶8 苶 19 ; csc S ; tan S 156 7 19兹苶 78 苶 2兹7 苶8 苶 ; cot S sec S 156 7 兹1 苶0 苶 ; tan S 3; csc S 3 sec S 兹1 苶0 苶; cot S 13 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill about 1.419 185 Advanced Mathematical Concepts 7. Physics Suppose you are traveling in a car when a beam of light passes from the air to the windshield. The measure of the angle of incidence is 55, and the measure of the angle of refraction is sin i n, to find the index of refraction n 35 15′. Use Snell’s Law, sin r of the windshield to the nearest thousandth. 2兹7 苶8 苶 ; sin S 17 ; cos S 9 19 3兹1 苶0 苶 兹1 苶0 苶 ; cos S ; sin S 10 10 Find the values of the six trigonometric ratios for each ⬔S. 5. 6. 1 5 4. If sin 38, find csc . 3兹5 苶5 苶 tan B 55 3. If tan 5, find cot . 2兹5 苶 兹5 苶 ; cos B ; sin B 5 5 兹5 苶5 苶 ; sin B 38; cos B 8 Find the values of the sine, cosine, and tangent for each ⬔B. 1. 2. Trigonometric Ratios in Right Triangles 5-2 NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 1 1 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 186 35 18.5 Advanced Mathematical Concepts Find the area of the triangle having vertices with each set of coordinates. 2. A(–2, –4), B(4, 7), C(6, –1) 1. A(4, 6), B(–1, 2), C(6, –5) 31.5 3. A(4, 2), B(6, 9), C(–1, 4) 19.5 4. A(2, –3), B(6, –8), C(3, 5) 17.5 square units Area 䉭ABC 5(9) (5)(5) (4)(3) (2)(9) 2 2 2 1 Area 䉭ABC area ADEF area 䉭ADB area 䉭BEC area 䉭CFA, where 䉭ADB, 䉭BEC, and 䉭CFA are all right triangles. A rectangle is placed around the triangle so that the vertices of the triangle all touch the sides of the rectangle. Example Find the area of a triangle whose vertices are A(1, 3), B(4, 8), and C(8, 5). Plot the points and draw the triangle. Encase the triangle in a rectangle whose sides are parallel to the axes, then find the coordinates of the vertices of the rectangle. The vertices of a triangle can be represented on the coordinate plane by three ordered pairs. In order to find the area of a general triangle, you can encase the triangle in a rectangle as shown in the diagram below. the base, and the other leg can be used as the height. A bh. In the formula, one leg of the right triangle can be used as 2 1 You can find the area of a right triangle by using the formula Enrichment Using Right Triangles to Find the Area of Another Triangle 5-2 NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Answers (Lesson 5-2) Advanced Mathematical Concepts © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-3 Practice Enrichment Areas of Polygons and Circles Trigonometric Functions on the Unit Circle Use the unit circle to find each value. 1. csc 90 2. tan 270 1 undefined 3. sin (90) 1 Use the unit circle to find the values of the six trigonometric functions for each angle. 4. 45 csc 45 兹2 苶 tan 45 1 cot 45 1 Area of inscribed polygon nr2 360° AI 2 sin n 180° Use a calculator to complete the chart below for a unit circle (a circle of radius 1). Number of Sides Area of Inscribed Polygon Area of Circle less Area of Polygon Area of Circumscribed Polygon Area of Polygon less Area of Circle sec 120 2 3 1.2990381 1.8425545 5.1961524 2.0545598 兹 3 苶 苶 cot 120 tan 120 兹3 3 0.8584073 Find the values of the six trigonometric functions for angle in standard position if a point with the given coordinates lies on its terminal side. 6. (1, 5) 7. (7, 0) 8. (3, 4) Advanced Mathematical Concepts sin 0 兹2 苶6 苶 cos 26 sin 45 cos 1 cos 35 tan 5 tan 0 tan 34 兹2 苶 苶 6 csc 5 csc undefined csc 54 sec 兹2 苶6 苶 sec 1 sec 53 cot 15 cot undefined cot 43 188 Advanced Mathematical Concepts 1. 4 2 1.1415927 4 2. 8 2.8284271 0.3131655 3.3137085 0.1721158 3. 12 3 0.1415927 3.2153903 0.0737977 4. 20 3.0901699 0.0514227 3.1676888 0.0260962 5. 24 3.1058285 0.0357641 3.1596599 0.0180673 6. 28 3.1152931 0.0262996 3.1548423 0.0132497 7. 32 3.1214452 0.0201475 3.1517249 0.0101323 8. 1000 3.1415720 0.0000207 3.1416030 0.0000103 9. What number do the areas of the circumscribed and inscribed polygons seem to be approaching as the number of sides of the polygon increases? © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 189 Advanced Mathematical Concepts (Lesson 5-3) A5 cos 120 12 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill AC r2 2兹3 苶 csc 120 3 5兹2 苶6 苶 Area of circle Area of circumscribed polygon AC nr2 tan n sec 45 兹2 苶 兹苶 3 sin 120 2 sin 26 A regular polygon has sides of equal length and angles of equal measure. A regular polygon can be inscribed in or circumscribed about a circle. For n-sided regular polygons, the following area formulas can be used. Answers 兹苶 2 sin 45 2 兹2 苶 cos 45 2 5. 120 NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 5-3 Practice © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A6 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill about 102.3 ft 191 8. Observation A person standing 100 feet from the bottom of a cliff notices a tower on top of the cliff. The angle of elevation to the top of the cliff is 30. The angle of elevation to the top of the tower is 58. How tall is the tower? c. What is the perimeter of the hexagon? about 33 cm Advanced Mathematical Concepts b. What is the length of a side of the hexagon? about 5.5 cm a. Find the radius of the circumscribed circle. about 5.5 cm 7. Geometry A circle is circumscribed about a regular hexagon with an apothem of 4.8 centimeters. about 10.2 ft b. What is the horizontal distance between the bottom of the ladder and the house? about 28.2 ft 6. Construction A 30-foot ladder leaning against the side of a house makes a 70 5′ angle with the ground. a. How far up the side of the house does the ladder reach? 14.6 5. If b 14 and A 16, find c. 9.4 4. If B 64 and b 19.2, find a. 52.8 3. If B 56 48′ and c 63.1, find b. 10.4 2. If a 9 and B 49, find b. 13.3 Solve each problem. Round to the nearest tenth. 1. If A 55 55′ and c 16, find a. Applying Trigonometric Functions 5-4 NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 192 2. your school’s flagpole 3. a tree on your school’s property 4. the highest point on the front wall of your school building 5. the goal posts on a football field 6. the hoop on a basketball court 7. the top of the highest window of your school building 8. the top of a school bus 9. the top of a set of bleachers at your school 10. the top of a utility pole near your school See students’ work. Advanced Mathematical Concepts Use your hypsometer to find the height of each of the following. See students’ diagrams. 1. Draw a diagram to illustrate how you can use similar triangles and the hypsometer to find the height of a tall object. Sight the top of the object through the straw. Note where the freehanging string crosses the bottom scale. Then use similar triangles to find the height of the object. To use the hypsometer, you will need to measure the distance from the base of the object whose height you are finding to where you stand when you use the hypsometer. Mark off 1-cm increments along one short side and one long side of the cardboard. Tape the straw to the other short side. Then attach the weight to one end of the string, and attach the other end of the string to one corner of the cardboard, as shown in the figure below. The diagram below shows how your hypsometer should look. A hypsometer is a device that can be used to measure the height of an object. To construct your own hypsometer, you will need a rectangular piece of heavy cardboard that is at least 7 cm by 10 cm, a straw, transparent tape, a string about 20 cm long, and a small weight that can be attached to the string. Enrichment Making and Using a Hypsometer 5-4 NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Answers (Lesson 5-4) Advanced Mathematical Concepts Practice © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 45, 225 45, 315 冢 冣 兹5 苶 2 5. tan 冢cos1 23冣 A7 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 194 Advanced Mathematical Concepts 12 13 6. cos 冢arcsin 15 3冣 13. Recreation The swimming pool at Perris Hill Plunge is 50 feet long and 25 feet wide. The bottom of the pool is slanted so that the water depth is 3 feet at the shallow end and 15 feet at the deep end. What is the angle of elevation at the bottom of the pool? about 13.5 c 7.3, A 15.9, B 74.1 12. a 2, b 7 a 3.9, b 13.5, B 74 11. A 16, c 14 A 41, b 10.4, c 13.7 Solve each triangle described, given the triangle at the right. Round to the nearest tenth, if necessary. 10. a 9, B 49 41.4 9. If q 20 and r 15, find S. 71.6 8. If r 12 and s 4, find R. 17.5 Solve each problem. Round to the nearest tenth. 7. If q 10 and s 3, find S. 3 兹苶 3 兹 苶 3 4. tan tan1 3 1 30, 150 Evaluate each expression. Assume that all angles are in Quadrant I. 2. tan x 1 1. cos x 2 兹2 苶 Solve each equation if 0 x 360. 3. sin x 2 NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Solving Right Triangles 5-5 Enrichment 1 5 21.8° m⬔MAB Arctan © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 195 Advanced Mathematical Concepts The tangent function is not linear. The ratio of the measures of two angles is not equal to the ratio of the tangents of the angles. 6. Find m⬔CAB and use it to find m ⬔1. m⬔1 ⬇ 9.2° 7. Explain why the proposed method for trisecting an angle fails. 4. Find the measure of ⬔MAB. m⬔MAB ⬇ 5. Find the measure of ⬔2. m⬔2 ⬇ 10.5° 3. Write m⬔MAB as the value of an inverse function. m⬔3 ⬇ 11.3° 2. Find the measure of ⬔3. m⬔3 Arctan 1. Express m⬔3 as the value of an inverse function. The proposed method has been used to construct the figure below. CM MN NB 1. AB 5. Follow the instructions to show that the three angles ⬔1, ⬔2, and ⬔3, are not congruent. Find angle measures to the nearest tenth of a degree. Given: ⬔ A Claim: ⬔ A can be trisected using the following method. Method: Choose point C on one ray of ⬔ A . Through C construct a perpendicular to the other ray, intersecting it at B. Construct M and N, the points that 苶 into three congruent divide 苶 CB segments. Draw 苶 AM 苶 and 苶 AN 苶, which trisect ⬔CAB into the congruent angles ⬔1, ⬔2, and ⬔3. Most geometry texts state that it is impossible to trisect an arbitrary angle using only a compass and straightedge. This fact has been known since ancient times, but since it is usually stated without proof, some geometry students do not believe it. If the students set out to find a method for trisecting angles, they will probably try the following method. It is based on the familiar construction which allows a segment to be divided into any desired number of congruent segments. You can use inverse trigonometric functions to show that application of the method to the trisection of angles is not valid. 2 5 NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Disproving Angle Trisection 5-5 Answers (Lesson 5-5) Advanced Mathematical Concepts © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill C 118, a 46.1, c 74.7 C 105, b 14.1, c 19.3 4. A 30, B 45, a 10 A8 2526.7 units2 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill about 25.9 ft 197 Advanced Mathematical Concepts 10. a 68, c 110, B 42.5 154.1 units2 8. b 14, C 110, B 25 0.7 units2 11. Street Lighting A lamppost tilts toward the sun at a 2 angle from the vertical and casts a 25-foot shadow. The angle from the tip of the shadow to the top of the lamppost is 45. Find the length of the lamppost. 135.9 units2 9. b 15, c 20, A 115 64.3 units2 7. A 50, b 12, c 14 4.7 units2 Find the area of each triangle. Round to the nearest tenth. 5. c 4, A 37, B 69 6. C 85, a 2, B 19 B 10, b 69.5, c 136.8 3. A 150, C 20, a 200 C 79, a 9.4, b 13.6 Solve each triangle. Round to the nearest tenth. 1. A 38, B 63, c 15 2. A 33, B 29, b 41 Practice The Law of Sines 5-6 NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Enrichment G a e J b c 198 b ⬇ 113.4; c ⬇ 110.8; e ⬇ 52.3; f ⬇ 40.5; A ⬇ 32°37'; ; C ⬇ 71°23'; D ⬇ 55°37'; E ⬇ 82°23'; J ⬇ 100° f a ⬇ 66.7; b ⬇ 52.7; e ⬇ 49.5 A ⬇ 103°58'; B ⬇ 50°8'; D ⬇ 76°8'; E ⬇ 50°52'; G ⬇ 76°52'; H ⬇ 54°8' H e © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2. 1. Advanced Mathematical Concepts A surveyor took the following measurements from two irregularlyshaped pieces of land. Some of the lengths and angle measurements are missing. Find all missing lengths and angle measurements. Round lengths to the nearest tenth and angle measurements to the nearest minute. Triangle Challenge 5-6 NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Answers (Lesson 5-6) Advanced Mathematical Concepts Practice NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 0 4. A 110, a 4, c 4 0 A9 A 67.9, B 62.1, a 15.7; A 12.1, B 117.9, a 3.6 10. b 15, c 13, C 50 none 8. a 12, b 15, A 55 B 30.5, C 124.5, c 243.7; B 149.5, C 5.5, c 28.3 6. a 125, A 25, b 150 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill about 312.1 ft 200 Advanced Mathematical Concepts 11. Property Maintenance The McDougalls plan to fence a triangular parcel of their land. One side of the property is 75 feet in length. It forms a 38 angle with another side of the property, which has not yet been measured. The remaining side of the property is 95 feet in length. Approximate to the nearest tenth the length of fence needed to enclose this parcel of the McDougalls’ lot. B 21.4, C 116.6, c 29.4 9. A 42, a 22, b 12 B 32.6, C 35.4, b 18.6 7. a 32, c 20, A 112 none 5. b 50, a 33, A 132 Find all solutions for each triangle. If no solutions exist, write none. Round to the nearest tenth. 2 3. A 58, a 4.5, b 5 1 Determine the number of possible solutions for each triangle. 1. A 42, a 22, b 12 2. a 15, b 25, A 85 The Ambiguous Case for the Law of Sines 5-7 NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ sin 72° sin 59° sin 105° 201 a 60°, B 121°, C 45° © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Advanced Mathematical Concepts 4. b 94°, c 55°, A 48° A 59°, B 124°, c 59° 3. a 76°, b 110°, C 49° A 116°, B 31°, C 71° 2. a 110°, b 33°, c 97° A 41°, B 39°, C 128° 1. a 56°, b 53°, c 94° sin 61° 1.1 sin 119° sin 52° Check by using the Law of Sines. 0.4848 (0.3090)(–0.2588) (0.9511)(0.9659) cos C cos C 0.6148 C 52° –0.2588 (0.3090)(0.4848) (0.9511)(0.8746) cos B cos B –0.4912 B 119° 0.3090 (–0.2588)(0.4848) (0.9659)(0.8746) cos A cos A 0.5143 A 59° Use the Law of Cosines. Solve the spherical triangle given a 72°, b 105°, and c 61°. Solve each spherical triangle. Example There is also a Law of Cosines for spherical triangles. cos a cos b cos c sin b sin c cos A cos b cos a cos c sin a sin c cos B cos c cos a cos b sin a sin b cos C sin a sin b sin c sin A sin B sin C The sum of the sides of a spherical triangle is less than 360°. The sum of the angles is greater than 180° and less than 540°. The Law of Sines for spherical triangles is as follows. Spherical trigonometry is an extension of plane trigonometry. Figures are drawn on the surface of a sphere. Arcs of great circles correspond to line segments in the plane. The arcs of three great circles intersecting on a sphere form a spherical triangle. Angles have the same measure as the tangent lines drawn to each great circle at the vertex. Since the sides are arcs, they too can be measured in degrees. Enrichment Spherical Triangles 5-7 Answers (Lesson 5-7) Advanced Mathematical Concepts © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill b 13.8, A 45.5, C 34.5 A10 10.4 units2 8. a 8, b 7, c 3 71.0 units2 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 4.1 mi 203 10. Orienteering During an orienteering hike, two hikers start at point A and head in a direction 30 west of south to point B. They hike 6 miles from point A to point B. From point B, they hike to point C and then from point C back to point A, which is 8 miles directly north of point C. How many miles did they hike from point B to point C? about 28.3 9. The sides of a triangle measure 13.4 centimeters, 18.7 centimeters, and 26.5 centimeters. Find the measure of the angle with the least measure. 33.7 units2 7. a 14, b 9, c 8 30.0 units2 Advanced Mathematical Concepts A 27.7, B 40.5, C 111.8 4. a 5, b 7, c 10 Find the area of each triangle. Round to the nearest tenth. 5. a 5, b 12, c 13 6. a 11, b 13, c 16 a 40.5, B 52.0, C 75.0 3. c 49, b 40, A 53 A 38.2, B 21.8, C 120.0 Solve each triangle. Round to the nearest tenth. 1. a 20, b 12, c 28 2. a 10, c 8, B 100 Practice The Law of Cosines 5-8 NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ 0, y 2 a 2 b 2 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 204 min (19 7); max (19 7); no Advanced Mathematical Concepts c. How do the answers for part b relate to the lengths 7 and 19? Are the maximum and minimum values from part b ever actually attained in the geometric situation? See students’ graphs; Ymin 12, Ymax 26 b. Display the graph and use the TRACE function. What do the maximum and minimum values appear to be for the function? Xmin 0; Xmax 180 a. In view of the geometry of the situation, what range of values should you use for X on a graphing calculator? See students’ graphs. 5. Consider some particular values of a and b, say 7 for a and 19 for b. Use a graphing calculator to graph the equation you get by solving y2 72 192 2(7)(19) cos (x°) for y. decreases to –1 4. What happens to the value of cos (x°) as x increases beyond 90 and approaches 180? 3. If x equals 90, what is the value of cos (x°)? What does the equation of y2 a2 b2 2ab cos (x°) simplify to if x equals 90? decreases, approaches 0 2. If the value of x is very close to zero but then increases, what happens to cos (x°) as x approaches 90? 1 1. If the value of x becomes less and less, what number is cos (x°) close to? Answer the following questions to clarify the relationship between the Law of Cosines and the Pythagorean Theorem. y2 a2 b2 2ab cos (x°). The law of cosines bears strong similarities to the Pythagorean Theorem. According to the Law of Cosines, if two sides of a triangle have lengths a and b and if the angle between them has a measure of x, then the length, y, of the third side of the triangle can be found by using the equation Enrichment The Law of Cosines and the Pythagorean Theorem 5-8 NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________ Answers (Lesson 5-8) Advanced Mathematical Concepts Chapter 5 Answer Key Form 1A Page 205 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. 8. 9. D A Form 1B Page 206 14. B 15. A 16. C 17. B Page 207 1. D 2. A Page 208 14. A 15. B 3. D 4. C 16. A 5. D 17. A 6. B 18. A 19. C 18. D 19. B 20. D 20. C 21. A 21. B 22. B 23. B 22. 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. A C C C 10. D 23. 11. C 24. D 11. C 24. C 12. A 25. D 12. D 25. D Bonus: 13. B Bonus: B © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 13. A11 A C Advanced Mathematical Concepts Chapter 5 Answer Key Form 1C Page 209 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. B Form 2A Page 210 A 8. D 9. D 10. 11. 12. D B A C 1. 225° 38 20.4 14. 179 feet 15. A 2. 23.274° 15. 48 feet 16. B 3. 17. 19. B 21. C 22. B 23. D 25. D C 16. 150° and 330° 22° 6. 4兹 6 苶 11 17. 5 4 18. 68.2° 19. 17.6 7. 5兹 6 苶 24 8. 11 5 21. two 9. 12 22. 3.9 10. 1 兹3 苶 23. 12.0 11. 24. 22.2° 12. 兹1 苶 苶 3 3 13. 153 20. 103.7 units2 25. 136.8 units2 B Bonus: A © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 5. B C 24. 864° 4.180° and 180° A 20. Bonus: 13. Page 212 14. 18. 7. Page 211 A12 1.054 Advanced Mathematical Concepts Chapter 5 Answer Key Form 2B Form 2C Page 214 Page 213 1. 124° 37 48 14. 186 feet 2. 48.538° 15. 135 feet 3. 450° 5. 7. 8. 2. 75.500° 3. 18. 540° 12 13 4. 兹3 苶 苶 3 7 7 4 10.7 20. 164.9 units2 21. 5. 55° 6. 兹6 苶 苶 5 9 7. 4兹 6 苶5 苶 65 8. 9 4 9. 13 one 兹3苶3 苶 4 15. 75 feet 16. 240° and 300° 17. 5 13 18. 41.8° 19. 19.8 22. 10. 0 23. 10.5 2 24. 129.8° 11. 10. 0 11. 兹 3 苶 2 12. 4兹 1 苶7 苶 17 21. none 22. 19.8 23. 9.3 24. 117.3 25. 196.7 units2 25. 154.7 units2 兹4苶1 苶 4 20. 120.7 units2 9.9 14 13. 14. 185 feet 135° 56.9° 9. 12. Page 216 50° 19. 6. 1. 25° 36 00 16. 210° and 330° 17. 4. 90° and 270° Page 215 Bonus: 0.9487 13. 3 15 Bonus: 1.000 152 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A13 Advanced Mathematical Concepts Chapter 5 Answer Key CHAPTER 5 SCORING RUBRIC Level Specific Criteria 3 Superior • Shows thorough understanding of the concepts standard position, degree measure, quadrant, reference angle, and the six trigonometric functions of an angle. • Computations are correct. • Uses appropriate strategies to solve problems. • Written explanations are exemplary. • Goes beyond requirements of some or all problems. 2 Satisfactory, with Minor Flaws • Shows understanding of the concepts standard position, degree measure, quadrant, reference angle, and the six trigonometric functions of an angle. • Uses appropriate strategies to solve problems. • Computations are mostly correct. • Written explanations are effective. • Satisfies all requirements of problems. 1 Nearly Satisfactory, with Serious Flaws • Shows understanding of most of the concepts standard position, degree measure, quadrant, reference angle, and the six trigonometric functions of an angle. • May not use appropriate strategies to solve problems. • Computations are mostly correct. • Written explanations are satisfactory. • Satisfies most requirements of problems. 0 Unsatisfactory • Shows little or no understanding of the concepts standard position, degree measure, quadrant, reference angle, and the six trigonometric functions of an angle. • May not use appropriate strategies to solve problems. • Computations are incorrect. • Written explanations are not satisfactory. • Does not satisfy requirements of problems. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A14 Advanced Mathematical Concepts Chapter 5 Answer Key Open-Ended Assessment Page 217 2a. The length of the missing side 1a. 210°, 570°, 930° to the east is given by 3 1b. The cosine is x , or 苶 r 2兹3 15 ft. sin 40° 兹 苶. 3 2 The length of the missing side around the fountain is given by 16 20, or 10.5 feet. 1c. first quadrant: 30°, second quadrant: 150°, fourth quadrant: 330° The total length is approximately 140.7 feet. 1d. Sample answers: (3, 4); sin A 45 , cos A 35, tan A 43, 2b. Answers will vary but might include issues such as the length of fence required versus the increase in park size, access and/or proximity to roads, maintenance and/or enhancement of the fountain, and so on. csc A 54, sec A 53, cot A 34 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill x , or 20.2 feet. sin 60° A15 Advanced Mathematical Concepts Chapter 5 Answer Key Mid-Chapter Test Page 218 1. 2. 65° 46 55.2 250°; III Quiz A Page 219 1. 2. 3. 47° 16 59 122.720° 810° 4. 120° and 240° 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2兹 1 苶0 苶 11 5. 2兹 1 苶苶 0 9 7. 13 6. 1. 210° and 330° 2. 12 5 3. 35.7° 4. 48.8 5. 78.7 units2 37° 3兹 3 苶4 苶 34 3 5 8. 兹3 苶 苶 4 5 9. 32 10. Quiz C Page 220 2 0 兹 3 苶 2 兹5 苶 Quiz B Page 219 1. 1 2. 3. undefined 4. 5. 兹 3 苶 2 1 Quiz D Page 220 兹苶 4 苶 1 4 6. 5 13 7. 8. 6.6 9.8 1. none 2. 70.6° 3. 9.1 4. 60.1° 5. 498.0 units2 9.2 11.0 9. 10. © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 83.9 feet 54.5 feet A16 Advanced Mathematical Concepts Chapter 5 Answer Key SAT/ACT Practice Page 221 1. 2. D D Cumulative Review Page 222 11. 12. D Page 223 1. 1 2x 4 2. perpendicular A 3. 3. 4. 5. A C E 13. 14. 15. E C 4. (3, 1) 5. 38 冤 34 37 15冥 6. A 7. 6. E 16. 8. B D 17. 18. B B A 9. D 19. 24 10. B 20. 361 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 冥 y-axis reflected over x-axis; translated left 2 units 8. and down 5 units 9. 7. 冤 3 1 10 10 1 2 5 5 A17 x 6 ; yes y 2 10. 3 兹3 苶 11. 29 12. 1 13. 15.4 14. 36.9° Advanced Mathematical Concepts BLANK