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COVID-19 Impact on Commodity Dependent Countries

Coronavirus’ effect on Commodity
Dependent Countries
By Isaiah Sparks
What is a Commodity
Dependent Country?
• Figure 1: Commodity Dependency Chart
• Figure 2: Commodity Dependency Map
(UNCTAD, 2019)
(UNCTAD, 2019)
Coronavirus’ effect on the Commodities Market
• Figure 3: Oil Consumption and Production
• Figure 4: Commodity Price trends
Oil Demand and the changing economy
• Figure 5: Oil Demand Outlook
(Brady & Meyer, 2021)
Commodity Dependent
Countries Debt
• Figure 6: CDCs debt chart
(Gelpern, Hagan, & Mazarei, 2020)
• Figure 7: Debt to GDP in CDCs
(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2019)
Moving Forward
• Figure 8: CDCs income group distribution
(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2019)
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