1/30/2021 HDPE Sheathing For Post-Tensioned Prestressed Concrete Structures Cost Effectiveness of HDPE Sheathing For Post-Tensioned Prestressed Concrete Structures Over Galvanised Metallic Ducts – A Study S.G. Bapat, Chief Engineer (Civil-Designs) Retd; Mr. Arvind Shrivastava, Addl. Chief Engineer (Civil) Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. Mumbai, and Mr. Umesh K. Rajeshirke, Spectrum Consulting Engineers, Navi Mumbai. Introduction Prestressing duct is one of the vital elements of total prestressing system. The main functions of the duct are: To create cavity / void in the concrete, along the profile of the prestressing cable so that the cable can be threaded into it after the concrete gets hardened. To provide the protection against the corrosion to the prestressing steel. Different types of ducts are available and they can be classified depending upon their surface profile, such as plain or corrugated, and depending on the material from which these ducts are manufactured, such as metallic or non-metallic. Metallic ducts made from steel strips with corrugations are being used over long period for bonded post tensioning tendons. Plastic ducts have been used for many years in the industry, but mostly in the form of smooth pipes for applications involving unbounded cables like external prestressing, ground anchors etc. Only recently, the corrugated thick-walled HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) ducts have become popular internationally for other applications of posttensioned tendons like bridges etc. They offer excellent features over metallic sheathing such as improved corrosion protection of the tendons, reduced friction losses during stressing of the tendons, increased fretting fatigue resistance of the tendon, their feasibility for corrosion monitoring and the durability of the ducts themselves. Many times it is found that, when there is large time gap between the concreting of the structure and prestressing operations, the metallic duct gets corroded and then leads to a major problem of leakage of grout from one duct to the adjacent ducts. This problem can be completely avoided if the HDPE ducts are used. The cost of corrugated plastic ducts for bonded post-tensioning was strongly influenced by the production method. These ducts were typically produced by extrusion & then spiral winding process requiring significant investment. Since they were produced in relatively small quantities, corrugated plastic ducts for bonded post tensioning system were typically more expensive, by 15–20% higher when compared with corrugated thin walled steel ducts till late 2000. But with era of enormous use of PE ducts in large quantities coupled with modern speedy processing methods, made PE ducts very competitive since then. The price gap further became not only narrow but also made metallic ducts costly due to skyrocketing prices of metallic strips since 2002. The PE ducts since then are becoming very competitive & cost effective than metallic ducts. Ducts represent about 5% of the total post-tensioning cost, which is about 10% of total construction cost of a bridge structure. In addition, significant improvement of durability and quality of the main reinforcement of a structure can be achieved. Long tendons with significant friction losses due to tendon deviations will benefit from the reduced friction coefficient of PE ducts and show an economy due to a https://www.nbmcw.com/tech-articles/case-studies/19616-hdpe-sheathing-for-post-tensioned-prestressed-concrete-structures.html 1/10 1/30/2021 HDPE Sheathing For Post-Tensioned Prestressed Concrete Structures more effective use and therefore, a reduction of the required amount of prestressing steel leading to an overall economy of the structure. The value of prestressing force available at a particular section of the structure (e.g. superstructure of the bridge) to resist the tensile stresses depends on the loss in the cable force due to friction between the cable and duct during stressing operation. If the coefficient of friction is small, more is the force available and less is the prestressing steel required. This results in saving in cost, especially for the structures like long span bridges, continuous and curved girders, prestressed concrete silos, water tanks, pipe lines, etc. This report aims at providing a quantitative assessment of the cost saving in prestressing system for some of the typical prestressed concrete structures. The theoretical background on loss in cable force due to friction between cable and duct is presented followed by the losses due to wobble of duct. The case studies are presented, which are simply supported I girders for various spans, box girders, continuous box girder, simply supported curved box girders and continuous curved box girders. Theoretical Background The physical phenomenon of frictional loss of a cable around a curve is well known [1]. For a ready reference, a derivation for the same is given below. Figure 1: Frictional loss along length dx Curvature Effect: Consider an infinitesimal length dx of a prestressing tendon which follows the arc of a circle of radius R, (Ref. Fig. 1). Then the change in angle of the tendon along its length dx is dα = dx / R For this infinitesimal length dx, the force in the tendon may be considered constant and equal to F; then the normal component of pressure N produced by the force F bending around an angle dα is given by https://www.nbmcw.com/tech-articles/case-studies/19616-hdpe-sheathing-for-post-tensioned-prestressed-concrete-structures.html 2/10 1/30/2021 HDPE Sheathing For Post-Tensioned Prestressed Concrete Structures N = Fdα = Fdx / R The amount of frictional loss dF around the length dx is given by the pressure times a coefficient of friction µ, thus, dF = -µN dF = -µFdx / R = -µFdα Transposing, we get dF / F = -µdα Integrating this on both sides, we have logeF = -µα -----------(1) Using the limits F1 and F2, we have the conventional friction formula F2 = F1e-µα = F1e-µL/R Since α = L/R for a section of constant R. For tendons with a succession of curves of varying radii, it is necessary to apply this formula to the different section in order to obtain the total loss. Wobble effect: Wobble coefficient, b depends physically on the rigidity of the duct which mainly depends on the duct diameter and the intermediate supports provided while laying the duct. Typically, the value varies from 0.5o / m for smaller ducts to 0.3o / m for big stiff ducts. The wobble effect can also be directly expressed in term of length using parameter K, which is K = bµ. To compute frictional loss due to wobble or length effect, KL can be substituted for ìá in formula 1, and then we have, LogeF = -KL F2 = F1e-KL If the length and curvature effects are combined, we get LogeF = -µα -KL For limits F1 and F2, F2 = F1e-µα-KL Or, in terms of unit stresses, ƒ2 = ƒ1e-µα-KL https://www.nbmcw.com/tech-articles/case-studies/19616-hdpe-sheathing-for-post-tensioned-prestressed-concrete-structures.html 3/10 1/30/2021 HDPE Sheathing For Post-Tensioned Prestressed Concrete Structures Figure 2: Approximate frictional loss along circular curve The friction loss is obtained from this expression. Loss of prestress is given as FR = F1 – F2. The stress in cable at the jacking end is ƒ1, and length to the point is L where the stress is ƒ2, (Ref. Fig 2) Then, FR = ƒ1 – ƒ2 = ƒ1 - ƒ1e-µα-KL = ƒ1 (1 - e-µα-KL) --------------(2) Case Studies Table showing values of μ & k Equation (2) shows the influence of µ on the net μ k effective prestressing force available for resisting a) As per IRC 0.17 0.002 b) As per fib 0.10 – 0.14 Not specified the externally applied forces. Lower the value of c) As per Experiment* 0.068 *0.00116 the µ, higher is the prestressing force available *The experiment was carried out by IIT for NPCIL for Kaiga and less is the prestressing steel required. To Atomic Power Project pre-qualification exercise. assess the extent of this benefit, four case studies are carried out, the summary of which is presented in following sections. The cost comparison is made between the conventional bright metal sheathing and the HDPE sheathing. In case of HDPE, two sets of values for µ & k are used, first is based on the values specified in IRC-18 [2] and other is based on average value specified in fib bulletin No. 7 [2]. Girder Bridges For this study the standardized design of the girders of various spans viz. 30, 35, & 40 ms published by MoST [4] are used as the base design, i.e. the same cable profile, number of cables, type of cables are used for the comparison. Span Saving in prestressing steel In MoST design, the number of cables and their IRC Coefficients fib Coefficients profile is arrived at using µ & K values of bright 30 m with footpath 2.78% 2.78% 30 m without footpath 2.38% 3.57% metal sheathing which are 0.25 and 0.0046 35 m without footpath 5.21% 6.25% respectively. In this study, it is tried to find out that 40 m with footpath 6.25% 7.29% what could have been the reduction in cable/strands if the HDPF sheathing would have been used instead of white metal sheathing. https://www.nbmcw.com/tech-articles/case-studies/19616-hdpe-sheathing-for-post-tensioned-prestressed-concrete-structures.html 4/10 1/30/2021 HDPE Sheathing For Post-Tensioned Prestressed Concrete Structures Brief calculations are presented in Table No. 1 to 3 for girders with span of 30, 35, & 40 m respectively and summary of the results are tabulated below: It can be seen that the saving in prestressing steel is of the order of 6.25 to 7.3% for span of 40 m by just changing the white metal sheathing to HDPE sheathing. Box Girder (Simply Supported) Similar study has been carried out for box girders with different spans. The results are presented in table No. 4 through 8 for 30, 35, 40, 45 & 50 m spans respectively. The table below gives the summary of the results: Span 30 35 40 45 50 m m m m m Saving in prestressing steel IRC Coefficients fib Coefficients 2.57% 2.69% 4.02% 4.10% 5.32% 5.69% 5.93% 7.01% 6.50% 7.86% Box Girder (Continuous Over 3 Spans) Three span continuous box girder with span arrangement of 40m + 40m + 40m has been considered for this case. For the comparison, longest cable in the girder which is running from one end to the other is selected. The profile of this cable is shown in Fig. 3. The loss in prestressing force is worked out at midpoint of cable i.e. center of the middle span. (The cables are to be stressed from both the ends.) Figure 3: Span arrangement of cable layout for continuous box girder The change in angle from the stressing end to the mid point of cable = 96.93° and cumulative length upto this point is 60.87 m. Hence the available prestressing force at the mid point and saving in prestressing steel considering various values of µ & k is given below, Available Prestressing Of course not all the cables in the girder will be Saving in Type of Duct force w.r.t force at prestressing Steel having similar profile and length. Some of the stressing end Bright metal 49.5 % 0.0 % (Reference) cables run locally over short distance having HDPE (IRC) 67.6 % 36.6% HDPE (fib) 74.5 % 50.5% lesser change in angle having different values of prestressing force available. The overall saving in prestressing steel for the girder is found to be about 14 to 16 % i.e. about 4.8 t, which in terms of cost is about Rs.3,60,000/- (Assuming Rs.75,000.0 / t, which includes the cost of installation, stressing, grouting, etc. complete) Continuous Box Girder With Curvature in Plan Similar study has been carried out for continuous curved box girder having similar span arrangement i.e. 40m +40m +40 m and the same cable profile in elevation. The radius of curvature, in plan, is 60 m. Again for the comparison, longest cable in the girder which is running from one end to the other is selected. The losses in prestressing force is worked out at midpoint of cable i.e. center of the middle span & the cable is to be stressed from both the ends. https://www.nbmcw.com/tech-articles/case-studies/19616-hdpe-sheathing-for-post-tensioned-prestressed-concrete-structures.html 5/10 1/30/2021 HDPE Sheathing For Post-Tensioned Prestressed Concrete Structures Available Prestressing The change in angle from the stressing end to Type of Duct force w.r.t force at the mid point of cable = 136.4° and cumulative stressing end Bright metal 41.6 % length, up to this point is 60.9 m. the available HDPE (IRC) 59.0 % HDPE (fib) 68.6 % prestressing force at the mid point and saving in prestressing steel, considering for various values of m & k, is given below, Saving in prestressing Steel 0.0 % (Reference) 41.7% 64.62 % Again not all the cables in the girder will be having similar profile and length. Some of the cable may run locally over short distance having lesser change in angle and having different values of effective prestressing force available. The overall saving in prestressing steel for the girder is found to be about 16 to 18 % i.e. about 6.25 t, which in term of cost is Rs. 4,68,750/Table 1.0 A : I Girder 30m span (without foot path) Span 30m without FP 30m without FP 30m without FP Type of Sheathing Bright Metal HDPE HDPE Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per fib Wobble and Friction coeff. k 0.0046 k 0.0020 k 0.0015 μ 0.25 μ 0.17 μ 0.12 No of Cables 6 6 6 Frictional Losses Cable No. Strands % loss Strands % loss Strands % loss Cable no 1 12 9.67% 12 6.87% 12 6.57% Cable no 2 12 9.67% 12 6.87% 12 6.57% Cable no 3 12 10.14% 12 6.85% 12 6.56% Cable no 4 12 10.14% 12 6.85% 12 6.56% Cable no 5 12 9.67% 12 5.99% 12 5.81% Cable no 6 12 10.35% 12 6.04% 12 5.90% Total 72 9.94% 72 6.58% 72 6.33% Jack End Force 1031.4 t 1031.4 t 1031.4 t Loss of Force 102.5 t 67.9 t 65.3 t Saving in force 0.0 t 34.7 t 37.3 t Saving in strands in each Girder 0 2 2 Percentage Saving 2.78% 2.78% Table 1.0 B : I Girder 30m span (without foot path) Span 30m with FP 30m with FP 30m with FP Type of Sheathing Bright Metal HDPE HDPE Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per fib Wobble and Friction coeff. k 0.0046 k 0.0020 k 0.0015 μ 0.25 μ 0.17 μ 0.12 No of Cables 7 7 7 Frictional Losses Cable No. Strands % loss Strands % loss Strands % loss Cable no 1 12 9.67% 12 6.87% 12 6.57% Cable no 2 12 9.67% 12 6.87% 12 6.57% Cable no 3 12 10.14% 12 6.85% 12 6.56% Cable no 4 12 10.14% 12 6.85% 12 6.56% Cable no 5 12 9.02% 12 5.81% 12 5.72% Cable no 6 12 9.67% 12 5.99% 12 5.81% Cable no 7 12 10.35% 12 6.04% 12 5.90% Total 84 9.81% 84 6.47% 84 6.24% Jack End Force 1203.3 t 1203.3 t 1203.3 t Loss of Force 118.0 t 77.8 t 75.1 t Saving in force 0.0 t 40.2 t 42.9 t Saving in strands in each Girder 0 2 3 Percentage Saving 2.38% 3.57% Table 2.0 : I Girder 35 m span 35m with FP 35m with FP 35m with FP Bright Metal HDPE HDPE Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per fib Wobble and Friction coeff. k 0.0046 k 0.0020 k 0.0015 μ 0.25 μ 0.17 μ 0.12 No of Cables 8 8 8 Frictional Losses Cable No. Strands % loss Strands % loss Strands % loss Cable no 1 12 11.96% 12 6.80% 12 6.36% Cable no 2 12 11.96% 12 6.80% 12 6.36% Cable no 3 12 11.17% 12 6.20% 12 5.88% Span Type of Sheathing https://www.nbmcw.com/tech-articles/case-studies/19616-hdpe-sheathing-for-post-tensioned-prestressed-concrete-structures.html 6/10 1/30/2021 HDPE Sheathing For Post-Tensioned Prestressed Concrete Structures Cable no 4 Cable no 5 Cable no 6 Cable no 7 Cable no 8 Total Jack End Force Loss of Force Saving in force Saving in strands in each Girder Percentage Saving 12 12 12 12 12 96 11.17% 12.65% 13.83% 13.17% 12.31% 12.28% 1375.2 t 168.8 t 0.0 t 0 12 12 12 12 12 96 6.20% 6.77% 6.30% 6.87% 6.32% 6.53% 1375.2 t 89.8 t 79.0 t 5 5.21% 12 12 12 12 12 96 5.88% 6.33% 6.74% 6.02% 5.29% 6.11% 1375.2 t 84.0 t 84.8 t 6 6.25% Table 3.0 : I Girder 40m span 40m without FP 40m without FP 40m without FP Bright Metal HDPE HDPE Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per fib Wobble and Friction coeff. k 0.0046 k 0.0020 k 0.0015 μ 0.25 μ 0.17 μ 0.12 No of Cables 8 8 8 Frictional Losses Cable No. Strands % loss Strands % loss Strands % loss Cable no 1 12 12.97% 12 6.57% 12 5.86% Cable no 2 12 12.97% 12 6.57% 12 5.86% Cable no 3 12 12.18% 12 6.06% 12 5.34% Cable no 4 12 12.18% 12 6.06% 12 5.34% Cable no 5 12 13.65% 12 7.01% 12 5.87% Cable no 6 12 14.82% 12 7.76% 12 6.30% Cable no 7 12 14.16% 12 7.33% 12 5.72% Cable no 8 12 13.13% 12 6.67% 12 5.18% Total 96 13.26% 96 6.75% 96 5.68% Jack End Force 1375.2 t 1375.2 t 1375.2 t Loss of Force 182.3 t 92.9 t 78.1 t Saving in force 0.0 t 89.4 t 104.2 t Saving in strands in each Girder 0 6 7 Percentage Saving 6.25% 7.29% Span Type of Sheathing Span Type of Sheathing Wobble and Friction coeff. No of Cables Cable No. Cable no 1 Cable no 2 Cable no 3 Cable no 4 Cable no 5 Cable no 6 Cable no 7 Cable no 8 Cable no 9 Cable no 10 Cable no 11 Total Jack End Force Loss of Force Saving in force Saving in strands Percentage Saving Span Type of Sheathing Wobble and Friction coeff. No of Cables Cable No. Cable no 1 Table 4 : Box Girder 30 m span 30m 30m 30m Bright Metal HDPE HDPE Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per fib k 0.0046 k 0.0020 k 0.0015 μ 0.25 μ 0.17 μ 0.12 11 11 11 Frictional Losses ( at midspan of the girder ) Strands % loss Strands % loss Strands % loss 19 7.95% 19 6.04% 19 5.90% 19 7.95% 19 6.04% 19 5.90% 19 7.95% 19 6.04% 19 5.90% 19 7.95% 19 6.04% 19 5.90% 19 7.95% 19 6.04% 19 5.90% 19 7.95% 19 6.04% 19 5.90% 6 7.95% 6 6.04% 6 5.90% 19 9.33% 19 5.87% 19 5.76% 19 9.33% 19 5.87% 19 5.76% 19 9.67% 19 5.93% 19 5.81% 19 9.67% 19 5.93% 19 5.81% 196 8.55% 196 5.98% 196 5.86% 2807.8 t 2807.8 t 2807.8 t 240.1 t 167.9 t 164.5 t 0.0 t 72.1 t 75.6 t 0 5 5 2.55% 2.55% Table 5: Box Girder 35m span 35m 35m 35m Bright Metal HDPE HDPE Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per fib k 0.0046 k 0.0020 k 0.0015 μ 0.25 μ 0.17 μ 0.12 13 13 13 Frictional Losses ( at midspan of the girder ) Strands % loss Strands % loss Strands % loss 19 8.51% 19 4.98% 19 4.91% https://www.nbmcw.com/tech-articles/case-studies/19616-hdpe-sheathing-for-post-tensioned-prestressed-concrete-structures.html 7/10 1/30/2021 HDPE Sheathing For Post-Tensioned Prestressed Concrete Structures Cable no 2 Cable no 3 Cable no 4 Cable no 5 Cable no 6 Cable no 7 Cable no 8 Cable no 9 Cable no 10 Cable no 11 Cable no 12 Cable no 13 Total Jack End Force Loss of Force Saving in force Saving in strands Percentage Saving Span Type of Sheathing Wobble and Friction coeff. No of Cables Cable No. Cable no 1 Cable no 2 Cable no 3 Cable no 4 Cable no 5 Cable no 6 Cable no 7 Cable no 8 Cable no 9 Cable no 10 Cable no 11 Cable no 12 Cable no 13 Cable no 14 Cable no 15 Cable no 16 Total Jack End Force( Total) Loss of Force Saving in force Saving in strands Percentage Saving 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 13 19 19 19 19 241 Wobble and Friction coeff. Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable No. no 1 no 2 no 3 no 4 no 5 no 6 no 7 no 8 no 9 no 10 no 11 no 12 no 13 no 14 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 13 19 19 19 19 241 4.98% 4.98% 4.98% 4.98% 4.98% 4.98% 4.98% 4.98% 5.07% 5.07% 5.12% 5.12% 5.02% 3452.4 t 173.2 t 138.7 t 10 4.15% 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 13 19 19 19 19 241 4.91% 4.91% 4.91% 4.91% 4.91% 4.91% 4.91% 4.91% 4.97% 4.97% 5.01% 5.01% 4.93% 3452.4 t 170.3 t 141.5 t 10 4.15% Table 6 : Box Girder 40 m span 40m 40m 40m Bright Metal HDPE HDPE Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per fib k 0.0046 k 0.0020 k 0.0015 μ 0.25 μ 0.17 μ 0.12 16 16 16 Frictional Losses ( at midspan of the girder ) Strands % loss Strands % loss Strands % loss 19 9.55% 19 4.43% 19 4.35% 19 9.55% 19 4.43% 19 4.35% 19 9.55% 19 4.43% 19 4.35% 19 9.55% 19 4.43% 19 4.35% 19 9.55% 19 4.43% 19 4.35% 19 9.55% 19 4.43% 19 4.35% 19 9.55% 19 4.43% 19 4.35% 19 9.55% 19 4.43% 19 4.35% 19 9.55% 19 4.43% 19 4.35% 19 9.55% 19 4.43% 19 4.35% 15 9.55% 15 4.43% 15 4.35% 15 9.55% 15 4.43% 15 4.35% 19 11.44% 19 5.59% 19 4.47% 19 11.44% 19 5.59% 19 4.47% 19 11.69% 19 5.75% 19 4.51% 19 11.69% 19 5.75% 19 4.51% 296 10.07% 296 4.75% 296 4.38% 4240.3 t 4240.3 t 4240.3 t 427.0 t 201.3 t 185.9 t 0.0 t 225.8 t 241.1 t 0 16 17 5.41% 5.74% Span Type of Sheathing No of Cables 8.51% 8.51% 8.51% 8.51% 8.51% 8.51% 8.51% 8.51% 10.03% 10.03% 10.32% 10.32% 9.03% 3452.4 t 311.9 t 0.0 t 0 Table 7: Box Girder 45m span 45m 45m 45m Bright Metal HDPE HDPE Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per fib k 0.0046 k 0.0020 k 0.0015 μ 0.25 μ 0.17 μ 0.12 17 17 17 Frictional Losses ( at midspan of the girder ) Strands % loss Strands % loss Strands % loss 19 10.59% 19 4.86% 19 3.92% 19 10.59% 19 4.86% 19 3.92% 19 10.59% 19 4.86% 19 3.92% 19 10.59% 19 4.86% 19 3.92% 19 10.59% 19 4.86% 19 3.92% 19 10.59% 19 4.86% 19 3.92% 19 10.59% 19 4.86% 19 3.92% 19 10.59% 19 4.86% 19 3.92% 19 10.59% 19 4.86% 19 3.92% 19 10.59% 19 4.86% 19 3.92% 19 10.59% 19 4.86% 19 3.92% 19 10.59% 19 4.86% 19 3.92% 10 10.59% 10 4.86% 10 3.92% 19 12.94% 19 6.37% 19 4.91% https://www.nbmcw.com/tech-articles/case-studies/19616-hdpe-sheathing-for-post-tensioned-prestressed-concrete-structures.html 8/10 1/30/2021 HDPE Sheathing For Post-Tensioned Prestressed Concrete Structures Cable no 15 Cable no 16 Cable no 17 Total Jack End Force( Total) Loss of Force Saving in force Saving in strands Percentage Saving Span Type of Sheathing Wobble and Friction coeff. No of Cables Cable No. Cable no 1 Cable no 2 Cable no 3 Cable no 4 Cable no 5 Cable no 6 Cable no 7 Cable no 8 Cable no 9 Cable no 10 Cable no 11 Cable no 12 Cable no 13 Cable no 14 Cable no 15 Cable no 16 Cable no 17 Cable no 18 Total Jack End Force( Total) Loss of Force Saving in force Saving in strands Percentage Saving 19 19 19 314 12.94% 13.16% 13.16% 11.18% 4498.1 t 503.0 t 0.0 t 0 19 19 19 314 6.37% 6.59% 6.59% 5.25% 4498.1 t 236.4 t 266.7 t 19 6.05% 19 19 19 314 4.91% 5.03% 5.03% 4.17% 4498.1 t 187.6 t 315.5 t 22 7.01% Table 8: Box Girder 50m span 50m 50m 50m Bright Metal HDPE HDPE Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per IRC Coeff. as per fib k 0.0046 k 0.0020 k 0.0015 μ 0.25 μ 0.17 μ 0.12 18 18 18 Frictional Losses ( at midspan of the girder ) Strands % loss Strands % loss Strands % loss 19 11.61% 19 5.34% 19 4.05% 19 11.61% 19 5.34% 19 4.05% 19 11.61% 19 5.34% 19 4.05% 19 11.61% 19 5.34% 19 4.05% 19 11.61% 19 5.34% 19 4.05% 19 11.61% 19 5.34% 19 4.05% 19 11.61% 19 5.34% 19 4.05% 19 11.61% 19 5.34% 19 4.05% 19 11.61% 19 5.34% 19 4.05% 19 11.61% 19 5.34% 19 4.05% 19 11.61% 19 5.34% 19 4.05% 19 11.61% 19 5.34% 19 4.05% 17 11.61% 17 5.34% 17 4.05% 17 11.61% 17 5.34% 17 4.05% 19 14.31% 19 7.08% 19 5.47% 19 14.31% 19 7.08% 19 5.47% 19 14.51% 19 7.21% 19 5.57% 19 14.51% 19 7.21% 19 5.57% 338 12.24% 338 5.74% 338 4.38% 4841.9 t 4841.9 t 4841.9 t 592.7 t 278.1 t 212.2 t 0.0 t 314.6 t 380.5 t 0 23 27 6.80% 7.99% Conclusion The main benefit of using HDPE ducts in prestressing system is the enhancement in the durability of the prestressed concrete structure. It renders the excellent protection of the prestressing steel, the most important element contributing to the safety of the structure against the corrosion. The users may get this benefit at more of less the same cost of conventional metal sheathings. Due to the lesser value of friction & wobble co-coefficients, the HDPE sheathing offers overall economy in prestressing system. This was an attempt made to quantify and bring out this advantage with the help of few case studies. This would give rough idea to the user about the possible saving in overall cost of the structure. The cost benefit increases with span of the girder. In addition to cost benefit, other advantages are user & friendly (i.e. easy to handle and joining), high durability etc. this, indeed, makes HDPE corrugated sheathing an ideal material in prestressing industry. A word of caution is necessary while describing and specifying the raw material to be used in the manufacture of plastic ducts. Absolute care should be taken not to allow PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) as the material. The reason being that PVC, when exposed to heat or fire, is likely to give out chlorine gas and/or hydrochloric acid. In fact, the formation of these two hazardous https://www.nbmcw.com/tech-articles/case-studies/19616-hdpe-sheathing-for-post-tensioned-prestressed-concrete-structures.html 9/10 1/30/2021 HDPE Sheathing For Post-Tensioned Prestressed Concrete Structures substances, namely chlorine gas and hydrochloric acid, occurs even at a temperature of about 70°C when exposed to weather. In case of high strength concrete, concrete temperatures are reaching upto 70°C due to heat of hydration. Obviously, the presence of chlorine and/or hydrochloric acid is extremely corrosive and detrimental to steel & concrete structures. Also these two substances are environmentally most damaging. Thus care should be taken to ascertain that the prestressing ducts are not made of PVC. References Prestressed Concrete Structure by T Y Lin fib Bulletin No. 7: Technical Report on Corrugated plastic duct for internal bounded post-tensioning, June 2000 IRC:18-2000: Design Criteria for Prestressed Concrete Road Bridges (Post-Tensioned Concrete) Standard Drawings for Road Bridges by MoST, 1990 NBMCW November 2010 https://www.nbmcw.com/tech-articles/case-studies/19616-hdpe-sheathing-for-post-tensioned-prestressed-concrete-structures.html 10/10