Table of the Muscles of Facial Expression MUSCLE Brow/Forehead Frontal Region Frontalis ACTION Compiled by Ellenwood Studios Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead of skin Eye brows Frontal and Glabellar regions ACTION Corrugator Supercilii Draw eyebrows downward and together towards the midline of the nose (creates vertical wrinkles on the nose bridge) ‘knitting’ the brows Pulls the medial portion of the eyebrows (and the skin of the glabellar region) downward to produce horizontal/transverse wrinkles over the nose/nasal root. (It also may help flare the nostrils) Draw down the eyebrows, along with the Procerus, the horizontal wrinkle at the bridge of the nose Procerus a.k.a. Pyramidalis nasi a.k.a. Depressor glabellae (technically considered a nasal muscle) Depressor Supercilii (Technically considered an eye muscle. Debate on whether it is a distinct muscle, or part of the Orbicularis oculi) ACTION UNIT (AU) ORIGIN INSERTION INVERVATION Cranial Nerve (CN) AU 1 AU 2 AU1+2 Galea aponeurotica Skin of nose and eyebrows CN VII (Facial Nerve) ACTION UNIT (AU) AU 4 AU 44 ORIGIN (Orbicularis Oculi M, Procerus M) INSERTION INVERVATION Superciliary arch Skin of eyebrow Temporal branch of CN VII See AU4 above Nasal bone Lower medial forehead Temporal branch of CN VII See AU4 above Laterals of the Nasal bridge Flares our across the intercantal region, Frontalis muscle, and under the skin about level with the eyebrows CN VII 1 Eyes Orbital, Infraorbital, and Zygomatic regions Levator Palpebrae Superioris ACTION Retracts/Elevates upper eyelid ACTION UNIT (AU) AU 5 AU 41, AU 43, and AU 45 ORIGIN INSERTION INVERVATION Sphenoid bone Superior Tarsal plate and skin of upper eyelid CN III (Oculomotor nerve) (relaxation of the Levator Palpebrae Superioris) Superior Tarsal Muscle Helps keep the upper eyelid raised after the Levator Palpebrae Superioris has raised it AU 5 Underside of Levator Palpebrae superioris Superior Tarsal plate and skin of upper eyelid CN III (Oculomotor nerve) Orbicularis Oculi 3 parts Blinking-rapid & low level (AU45) Squinting-medium level; (AU44) Forceful closing of eyelidsHigh level (AU43) AU 6 AU 7 AU 41, AU 43, AU 45, AU 46 AU 47 Frontal, Lacrimal, and and maxillary bones, and the Medial Palperbral ligament Skin of eyelid, lateral palpebral raphe at the outer canthus (corner of the eye) CN VII ACTION UNIT (AU) AU9 ORIGIN INSERTION INVERVATION Upper frontal process of maxilla Skin of lateral nostril and upper lip Buccal branch of CN VII *Pars Orbitalis (see AU6) *Pars Palpebralis (See AU7) *Pars Lacrimalis (tear pump into lacrimal sac) Nose Nasal region ACTION Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (L.L. S.A.N.) a.k.a Alaeque Nasi Dilates nostril and elevates upper lip and Ala (wing) of the nose ‘snarl’ (higher levels of intensity) 2 “Lifter of both the upper lip and the wing of the nose” Nasalis *Pars Transversa/Compressor Naris. See AU38 *Pars Alaris/Dilator Naris (has both Anterior and Posterior parts) See AU 39 Depressor Septi Nasi Compressor Narium Minor (This muscle is seen in just over half of the population) Mouth Oral, Buccal, Parotid-Masseter, and Mental regions Levator labii superioris Do not confuse with Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (L.L. S.A.N.) Orbicularis Oris Maxilla Transverse part- compress nares (nostrils), in some people completely closed. AU 39 Alar part- Dilates and holds open the nares (nostrils) AU38 Depression of the Nasal Septum shortening the Columella (the tissue connecting the nasal tip to the nasal base). Pulls nose inferiorly, opening the nares Decreases the nasal aperture AU 38 Maxilla Alar part- alar cartilage of nasal skeleton Nasal septum AU 39 Front of the Alar Cartilage Skin near the margins CN VII of the Nares (nostrils) ACTION ACTION UNIT (AU) AU 10 ORIGIN INSERTION INVERVATION Medial inferior orbital margin Mid-lateral skin and muscle of upper lip Buccal branch of CN VII AU 8 AU 18 AU 22 AU 23 AU 24 AU 25 AU 28 AU 34 Maxilla and Mandible Skin and mucous membranes of lips CN VII Elevates and everts upper lip Pursing, kissing, puckering, and pressing the lips against the teeth. Closing the mouth. Transverse part- to aponeurosis across dorsum of nose CN VII CN VII 3 Zygomaticus major Elevates and draws angle of mouth upward, outward, and backward when smiling or laughing. Variations of Zygomaticus Major may cause cheek dimples. Pulls the middle section of the Nasolabial Furrow and middle portion of the upper lip outward and slightly upward. AU 12 Anterior surface of zygomatic bone Modiolus at angle of mouth Buccal branch of CN VII AU 11 Lateral infra-orbital margin/Zygomatic bone Buccal branch of CN VII Levator Anguli Oris Pulls the angle of the mouth straight up, and curves the mouth line upwards at the ends. ‘Mona Lisa smile’ Also stretches the lips. AU 13 Canine Fossa of the Maxilla Risorius Pulls the angle/modiolus* of the mouth backward and outward. To perform this action with more intensity requires the modiolar portion of the Platysma. (point at the corner of the mouth where 8 muscles meet) AU 20 Deep fascia of face and parotid Skin and muscle of upper lip (multiple insertion points 1Nasolabial furrow, 2Malar Fat pad mf., 3the superior fibers of the orbicularis oris, 4 the majority of the fibers terminate at the lateral vermillion border of the upper lip) Modiolus at the angle of the mouth, intermingling with the fibers of the Zygomaticus Major, the Depressor Anguli, and the Orbicularis Oris. Modiolus and skin at angle of the mouth Zygomaticus minor Buccal branch of Cranial Nerve VII Buccal branch of Cranial Nerve VII 4 Buccinator Mentalis Depressor labii inferioris Depressor anguli oris (a.k.a. Triangularis) Muscles of Mastication Muscles which clench the jaw, and open the jaw Masseter Temporalis Pulls cheek inward against the teeth. Blowing, sucking, and assisting in mastication (chewing) Elevates and wrinkles skin of chin. With help from Orbicularis Oris the two raise and protruding the lower lip, “pouting.” Depresses and lowers lip laterally and downward. AU 14 AU 33 AU 34 Alveolar process of Maxilla and Mandible Skin of lips (Orbicularis Oris) Buccal branch of Cranial Nerve VII AU 17 AU 25 Incisive fossa on anterior fossa aspect of mandible Skin of chin Mandibular branch of Cranial Nerve VII AU 16 Outer surface of mandible along oblique line Skin of the medial portion of the lower lip. Depresses and draws angle of mouth laterally. “frowning” The posterior fibers of the Platysma may assist this action. ACTION AU 15 Lateral (outer) surface of mandible posterior to oblique line Modiolus at angle of mouth Mandibular branch of Cranial Nerve VII Mandibular branch of Cranial Nerve VII ACTION UNIT (AU) AU 31 ORIGIN INSERTION INVERVATION Superficial headZygomatic arch and the Zygomatic bone Deep head-Posterior third of the lower border from the whole of the medial surface of the Zygomatic Arch Temporal fossa Superficial headAngle of the mandible Deep head-upper half of the ramus as high as the coronoid process of the mandible Cranial Nerve V the Trigeminal Nerve, mandibular branch (V3) Elevates the mandible (closes the jaw/mouth), and it one of the strongest muscles in the body for chewing, biting. Elevates (and retracts) the mandible (closes the jaw/mouth) AU 31 Coronoid Process and Cranial Nerve V anterior edge and the Trigeminal medial surface if the Nerve, 5 Pterygoids *Medial Pterygoid (Pm) *Lateral Pterygoid Pl Digastric Pm Elevates the mandible Pl Superior Head-Controls and stabilizes the Articular disk during mastication clenching, protrusive, retrusive, and open/close jaw movements. Pl Inferior head-depresses and protracts the mandible to open the mouth. Both heads of the Lateral Pterygoid pull down and forward at the condyle processes during the opening of the mouth. Elevates the hyoid bone. When the Infrahyoid muscles are holding the hyoid in place, the digastric will tend to depress the mandible and open the mouth. AU31 AU27 (Pm) Deep headfrom above the medial surface of the lateral Pterygoid Plate. (Pm) Superficial head- Maxillary Tuberosity and Pyramidal Process of the Palatine bone (Pl) Superior headInfratemporal surface of the Sphenoid bone. (PI) Inferior headLateral surface of Pterygoid plate AU27 Anterior belly (Ab)digastric fossa of the mandible. Posterior belly (Pb)mastoid notch of the temporal bone ramus or the mandible (Pm) Lower and back part of the medial surface of the Ramus and Angle of the Mandible. Joins the Masseter to form a common Tendinous Sling. (Pl) Superior headCapsule and Articular disk of the Temporomandibular joint and the Condyle process of the mandible. (Pl) Inferior headOterygoid Fovea below the condyle process of the mandible. Both converge at the intermediate tendon, which supports the hyoid bone. mandibular branch (V3) Cranial Nerve V the Trigeminal Nerve, mandibular branch (V3) (Ab) Cranial Muscle V the Trigeminal Nerve, Mylohyoid/Infe rior alveolar nerve (V3) (Pb) Cranial Nerve VII Facial Nerve (Digastric branch) 6 Neck ACTION Platysma Depresses mandible, draws angle of mouth (and lower lip) laterally (sideways) and downward. Intense tonus tightens skin of neck. ACTION UNIT (AU) AU21 ORIGIN INSERTION Pectoralis and deltoid Lower border of the fascia mandible, mouth, chin skin and muscle INVERVATION Cranial Nerve VII Sources: Facial Action Coding System (developed by Carl-Herman Hjortsjö and elaborated on) by Paul Ekman, Wallace V. Friesen, and Joseph C. Hager, published by Research Nexus division of Network Information Research Corporation, Salt Lake City, Utah. 2002. Anatomy of Facial Expression by Uldis Zarins with Sandis Kondrats, published by Exonicus, Inc (2017) Face the FACS: Facial Expressions in Art, Science, and Technology website of Melinda Ozel. 7