Uploaded by Kimberly Le

Music Composition Worksheet: 4 Measure Melody

4 Measure Composition Instructions
You are creating a solo melody for one instrument. [2 pts]
You must include a clef, key signature, and time signature at the beginning of the first
line (and clef and key signature again on the second line). [3 pts]
 Your composition should start and end on Do (tonic, first note of scale). [2 pts]
 You may use any notes we have studied in class. [3 pts]
 You must include at least one dotted quarter/eighth rhythm. [2 pts]
 You must include at least one eighth rest/eighth note rhythm. [2 pts]
 Be sure that each measure has the correct number of beats. [4 pts]
 Make sure your composition is neat/legible, and that someone could pick it up and
read/play it easily. [5 pts]
 Give your composition a title, and be sure to write your name as the composer. [2 pts]
Total Possible Points: 25
Title: _______________________________________________________________________
For Instrument: ______________________________
Composer: ______________________________