See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Numerical relay protection coordination using simulation software Conference Paper · January 2013 CITATIONS READS 2 2,175 3 authors: Srete Nikolovski University of Osijek Mario Havranek 1 PUBLICATION 2 CITATIONS 224 PUBLICATIONS 383 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Predrag Marić University of Osijek 38 PUBLICATIONS 43 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: ANFIS as MPPT of Photovoltaic System using real life PV system as example View project Call for papers for the Special issuse " MEDICINAL INTERNET OF THINGS IN HEALTH-CARE APPLICATIONS " in Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics View project All content following this page was uploaded by Srete Nikolovski on 12 April 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Numerical Relay Protection Coordination using Simulation Software S. Nikolovski*, M. Havranek , P. Marić* * Faculty of Electrical Engineering Osijek, Croatia Abstract - The paper presents protection coordination of renewable energy source connected to bilaterally supplied distribution network. Multifunctional numerical relays with the switching equipment, renewable energy source facility and the distribution network have been detail modeled in DIgSILENT Power Factory software. Overcurrent, overvoltage, undervoltage, directional overcurrent, underfrequency and overfrequenecy functions have been used for protection coordination. Different relay characteristics have been presented in one time-overcurrent plot. The damage curve and characteristic currents of electrical equipment in the network have been shown to set the relay tripping times and current settings and for a good and thorough protection of the equipment. Protection coordination settings have been checked and verified simulating faults with the real system values. I. INTRODUCTION Power system protection is a task of challenge for power engineers. For better understanding such a task, power system simulation tools are used. The paper presents numerical protection adjustment in simulation tool - DIgSILENT Powerfactory with own database of numerical relays that contains time-curent curves of all protective devices. The time-current curves (TCC) can be coordinated with each other and with the short circuit analysis results. Multiple easy-to-use graphical tool for resolving protection devices coordination problems has also included in this simulation tool. The sample case of the numerical protection adjustment is presented on the small power plant (renewable source) connection to the bilaterally supplied distribution network Fig 1. ABB numerical relays and Končar RFX numeric field terminal have been used in simulations. The DigSILENT Power Factory protection modelling features have been implemented with the following philosophy: the protection should be as realistic as possible; the user has to be able to create a new complex protection devices or alter existing ones. Although the protection models may show high complexity, their use must be kept easy. All protection models will act on circuit-breakers [1]. Protection devices are normally stored in the object which they act upon, but they may be stored elsewhere when needed. Recommended, and by default is that protection devices which act upon a single circuit-breaker are store in the cubicle which contains that circuit-breaker (highly recommended). Protection devices which act upon a two or more circuit-breakers connected MIPRO 2013/CTS to the same busbar are stored in that busbar [2]. As a rule, the relay is best stored in the same folder as the e and/or current transformers which it uses. Figure 1. Small power plant (renewable source) connection to distribution network II. RELAY MODEL CREATION The simplest way to create the relay model is normally done by right clicking a circuit-breaker and selecting New Protection device-Relay model, an empty relay model (ElmRelay) will appears. The relay model has a reference to the relay type, the location, the device number and the list of slots. The location is normally set automatically when the relay is defined in the single line diagram by right clicking the cubical [1]. The whole process of creating a specific relay model thus only asks for selecting a relay type from the database, in this case ABB numerical relays. Otherwise, a specific unknown relay type (according to the database) can be created using advanced DIgSILENT Powerfactory functions such as DSL, or using the database relay type with the same functions and adaptable function settings. The Končar RFX numerical field terminal model has been created using multifunctional ABB REF 54x relay model template from the database applying the overcurrent function settings only. Fig. 1 describes the protection coordination scheme for the modelled system. The ABB REM 543 relay has been installed on J2 field for 1107 generator and block-transformer primary protection (acts on circuit-breaker on J2), the ABB REF 542 has been installed on the J1 field for protection of cable between small power plant and 20 kV switchyard (acts on circuitbreaker on J1), the Končar RFX field terminal has been installed on 20 kV switchyard. Relays installed on External Grids (ABB REF 542 ) acts on corresponding circuit-breakers of external grid facilities. A. Overcurrent protection adjustment The function of this protection is single-phase, twophase or three- phase overcurrent detection [2]. After the relay model has been defined and all slot elements have been created, the editing of the relay settings may be started. The overcurrent protection includes: the timeovercurrent protection and the instantaneous overcurrent protection. The time-overcurrent protection (relay) allows settings: the time-overcurrent characteristic, the pick up current and the time dial. The time-overcurrent characteristic use the time delay which can be an independent (definite) time or inverse time delay. In this case, the time-overcurrent characteristic is the definite time characteristic with an option to time dial set and to choose the time-overcurrent characteristic. Fig. 2 presents the time-overcurrent protection adjustment, while Fig. 3. presents instantaneous overcurrent protection. Figure 3. Adjusting the instantaneous overcurrent protection The relay trips if the remaining angle is smaller than 90° and if both the polarization and the operating voltage/current are large enough [2]. The directional overcurrent protection adjustment has been presented on Fig.4. Figure 4. Adjusting the directional overcurrent protection Figure 2. Adjusting the time-overcurrent protection The pick up current is set to 1.00 p.u secondary which equals 150 A primary and the definite time is set to value of 2.00 seconds (Fig. 2) .On the Fig. 3. the pick up current is set to 1.80 p.u secondary which equals 270 A primary. The time setting on Fig. 3 is set by default to 0.00 seconds which corresponds to instantaneous operation. In the network supplied by two power sources is necessary to use Directional relay – a part of the relay model [1]. The directional relay calculates the angle between the polarization voltage or current and the operating current. The polarization current or voltage is rotated for the amount of the expected angle first. 1108 The tripping direction is an important fact for this type protection adjustment because of the current income during the short circuit. B. Undervoltage and overvoltage protection adjustment The voltage drops can occur due to the network overload, the faulty operation of a transformer tap changer and during the short circuit. In this case undervoltage and overvoltage protection monitors any phase to phase voltage and will act on 20 kV circuitbreaker if the voltage drops or rise under/over certain limit that will lead to separate the connection between the power plant and the rest of the system. The adjustment of the undervoltage protection is presented on the Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. MIPRO 2013/CTS C. Underfrequency and overfrequency protection adjustment Variations in the power supply frequency can occur due to overloads when the network is fed by a limited power source (power plant islanding operation), generator frequency regulator faulty operation, power plant disconnection from the interconnected network [2]. Adjustment of the underfrequency and overfrequency protection is shown on Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. Figure 5. Adjusting the undervoltage protection Figure 6. Adjusting the undervoltage protection (fast) Figure 9. Adjusting the underfrequency protection On the other hand, the protection is necessary during the voltage increase over the allowed limit. Adjustment of the overvoltage protection is shown on Fig. 7 and Fig.8. Figure 7. Adjusting the overvoltage protection Figure 10. Adjusting the overfrequency protection III. TIME-OVERCURRENT PLOT CREATING The plot VisOcplot is showing different relay and fuse characteristic in one time-overcurrent plot. Additionally the damage curve and characteristic currents of electrical equipment in the network can easily be shown. This will help to set the relay tripping times and current settings and the selecting of fuses for a good and thorough protection of the equipment. Figure 8. Adjusting the overvoltage protection (fast) MIPRO 2013/CTS There are several ways to create a time-overcurrent plot (VisOcplot). The easiest way to create and show a VisOcplot is to select one circuit-breaker, where overcurrent relays are installed than right-click the circuitbreaker to open the context sensitive menu. This will show the option Create Time-Overcurrent Plot and Add to Time-Overcurrent Plot. PowerFactory will then create a 1109 rest of the distribution network and the small power plant are both isolated from the short circuit by tripping of those two relays. Such an action indicates good protection coordination. The time- overcurrent plots may also be used to change the relay characteristic graphically because a relay characteristic is normally the minimum of two or more sub-characteristic [1]. The three- phase short circuit is simulated on the cable between small power plant and 20 kV switchyard (the first simulation case - location J1 on Fig.1) The vertical redcoloured curve on the Fig. 11 represents the short circuit current value on the short circuit location. The first relay that will trip is the relay situated in the cubicle of the J1field -ABB REF 542 and also the nearest to the shortcircuit location. The tripping time for this relay shown on the Fig.11 (red -coloured curve) equals 0.02 s. The second tripping time according to this time-overcurrent plot belongs to the relay situated on the 20 kV switchyard, the RFX numerical terminal filed, shown as dark-bluecoloured curve with the tripping time of 0,04 s. Tripping times of those two relays indicate good protection coordination because the short-circuit location is hereby isolated from the rest of the power system. I =535,068 pri.A I =1301,183 I =2140,272 pri.A pri.A I =534,935 pri.A I =1302,703 I =2139,741 pri.A pri.A [s] 10 5.000 s 1 0.600 s 0.194 s DIgSILENT 100 100 DIgSILENT new diagram showing the time-overcurrent plot for all relays selected. It is also possible to create an a user defined “x-value” by right-clicking the graph and selecting the Set Constant and x-value option. The vertical line will show the values at the intersections of all characteristics. The line movement can be realised by mouse dragging. The intersection of the calculated current with the time-overcurrent characteristic is labelled with tripping time. 0,1 0.050 s 0.020 s [s] 0,01 20,00100 kV 10 5.000 s 1000 [pri.A] 10000 Trafo 20 kV\Cub_2\REF 541 - J1 Rasklopiste Hrast 20 kV (HEP)\Cub_6\RIX elektra Trafo 20 kV\Cub_1\REM 543 blok trafo VP J2 20 kV Strizivojna\Cub_6\REF 543 Djakovo 3 re I-t 1 Date: 9/22/2012 Annex: 1 Figure 12. Time-overcurrent plot with tripping times (short circuiton 20 kV switchyard) 0.194 s The voltage protection coordination can be actuated disabling the current, the distance and the frequency functions on observed relays. The undervoltage protection acts on generator circuit-breaker in case when the voltage 0.020 s drops under the limited lower voltage value. Typically, the 0,01 lower voltage value on the generator relay is set to 85% of 20,00 kV 100 1000 [pri.A] 10000 Trafo 20 kV\Cub_2\REF 541 - J1 Rasklopiste Hrast 20 kV (HEP)\Cub_6\RIX elektrana nominal value. The generator block-transformer relay Trafo 20 kV\Cub_1\REM 543 blok trafo J2 VP 20 kV Strizivojna\Cub_6\REF 543 Djakovo 3 relej allows the fast undervoltage tripping function with the time delay of 0,15 s for adjusted 70% of nominal voltage value and the slow undervoltage tripping function with the Figure 11. Time-overcurrent plot with tripping times (short circuit time delay of 1,00 s for adjusted 85% of nominal voltage on the J1- field) value. The overvoltage protection acts on generator circuit-breaker in case when the voltage rises over the The time-overcurrent plot on Fig.12 shows the three limited upper voltage value. The fast tripping function acts phase short-circuit simulation results on the power plant with the time delay of 0,18 s when the measured voltage place of coupling to distribution network - 20 kV increase above the 120% of nominal value, while the switchyard (the second simulation case – Fig.1). In this slow tripping function acts with the time delay of 1,98 s case, the network contribution to short circuit is 1302.703 when the measured voltage increase above the 115% of A primary while the contribution of the small power plant nominal value. Islanding operation of small power plants (renewable source) is 534.935 A. The relay situated on is prohibited according to grid code. The voltage drop on location – J1 REF 542 will trip instantaneously with the the generator block transformer LV and HV busbars time of the 0.020 s (red -coloured vertical line on Fig. 12), during the three phase short-circuit on the J1 field is while the remote relay REF 542 situated on the external shown on Figure 13. network busbars will trip instantaneously with time of the 0.050 s (light -blue -coloured vertical line on Fig. 12). The 0,1 0.050 s 0.040 s I-t 1 Date: 9/22/2012 Annex: 1110 MIPRO 2013/CTS DIgSILENT 1,20 IV. 0,90 0,60 0,30 0,00 -0,30 -0,1000 0,0097 0,1194 0,2291 Rasklopiste Hrast 20 kV (HEP): Voltage, Magnitude in p.u. 0,3388 [s] 0,4485 1,20 0.052 s 0.228 p.u. 0,90 0,60 The main purpose of this paper is to present the usage of the simulation tool for numerical protection functions adjustment. DIgSILENT PowerFactory simulation software enables detailed modelling and assistance for coordination settings of real digital numerical relays according to calculations of short circuit using method of symmetrical components and the real data for all network components. The numerical protection functions have been tested during the short-circuit simulations on the two network locations that are significantly sensitive to power system protection settings. Protection functions adjustments shown good protection coordination in both analysed cases. 0.418 s 0.949 p.u. 0,30 REFERENCES 0,00 -0,30 -0,1000 CONLUSION 0,0097 0,1194 Gen 6.3 kV: Voltage, Magnitude in p.u. 0,2291 0,3388 [s] 0,4485 [1] [2] Blok trafo napon Date: 9/28/2012 [3] [4] [5] Annex: /9 Figure 13. Voltage drop on HV (upper diagram) and LV (lower diagram) generator block-transformer busbar DIgSILENT During the voltage drop on the generator busbars, the undervoltage protection trip and the small power plant is isolated from the rest of the system. 80,00 -0.008 s 54.308 deg [6] [7] DIgSILENT Power Factory, User Manual, Gomoringen, 2008. S. H. Horowitz, A. G. Phadke, Power system relaying, 3rd ed., John Wiley and Son Ltd, England, 2008. Technical Reference Manual, REF 54_, ABB, 2005. Pilot Protective Relaying, ABB, Marcel Dekker ,Inc.; USA, 2000. A.T. Johns and S. K. Salman, Digital Protection for Power Systems IEEE Power Series 15, London ,1995. M. Sachdev, M. Nagpal, A recursive least error squares alghortihm for power system relaying and measurements applications, IEEE Transanctions on Power Delivery , Vol. 6, No. 3. 1991, pp. 1008-1015 ANSI/IEEE C37.110 Standard : IEEE Guide for the application of current transformers used for protective relaying purposes 60,00 40,00 0.234 s 0.000 deg 20,00 0,00 -20,00 -0,1000 0,0087 0,1174 0,2261 0,3348 generator: Rotor angle with reference to reference machine angle in deg [s] 0,4435 generatorDate: 9/28/2012 Annex: /6 Figure 14. Small power plant generator isolation MIPRO 2013/CTS View publication stats 1111