I nternatlonal Ьusiпеýý Wоrk in pairs. Write down ten classroom objects оr things you have with you. Whеrе was each thing made? How mапуwеrе imported? 2 Write йrее things your country imports and three things it exports. Соmраrе with апоthеr раir. Whеrе do the imports come frоm? Tick the words you know. Check the others in а dictionary. producer wholesaler customer retailer warehouse сопsumеr competitor cuýtoms polt clo&ing 4 LearningTip When you write Fiп each gap in these sentences with уоur sentences with а partner. а word frоm the Ьох above. Then соmраrе 1 Rotterdam is the biggest 2 sells products 3 ^Yоur business rival is your vocabulary in your notebook, write an example sentence as 4 A-is 5 |apan well as the translation of the word. бА 7 ý the'end usеr' of goods. is а mаjоr ofelectrical goods such as audio products. is а place whеrе things аrе kept before they аrе sold. Тhеrе is no 8А in Europe. direct to the public. - control between Eu countries. buys from manufacturers and supplies retailers. Read the newspaper article about imported clothes and find six of the words from the Ьох in ехеrсisе 3. (Some of the words are in the plural.) Fashion industry crisis after ЕU import Ьап 1, ? :: iS Soon aS possible, in time l.оr the [lHB ll.асingiLSbig8еStсгiSiSinгесеnLl..lсhгiSlmаSSеаSon.. "Ж'fi:';-iуiапо, соuпtri.. ru.t, histоrу- clothing rеtаirе"гJ;;"Н l l l I Н&М,ZагааndC&AсouldhаvееmptyЫl*.*^й&^&lаSItаly,SpаinаndРoгtugаlагеin гаsнtо\ INDUSTR} in Еuгоре ',i ьrа*swеаtег--,*,,,ж in customs wаrеhоusеs ai following the int}oducti сопtгоls in June Ьу the Et соmmissiопег, Реtег Ма А spokeswoman fоr Said that mапу small ct suffегiпg because they these Chinese imрогts. ' rUБсьllсll'lUUýаIruýlIrаtlIttаllегSагеwаrеhousеsагеfillingupwithwintег? lose thеiг jobs and small faCing riugб rilurfig huge rUýýUý' losseS,' ýalu said лIllta Дппа rгlсе. Ргiсе. seasnn Season fяshinns fashions rrйiпh which 'The EU should геlеаsе these goods as Waht next Winter. .2 зб nnhnrlrz nobody TTdll wi|l ; |," ;_ Е, ij 6 Decide whether these sentenceý аrе 'Right' оr 'Wrопgl If there is not enough information to choose'Riфt' оr'Wrопg| choose'Doesn't say| 1 2 The Еurореап fashion industry is the biggest in the world. А 3 4 5 6 7 В Wrопg Right С Doesn't say Some European clothing companies sell clothes to China. В Wrong А Right С Doesn't say Retailers can't buy Chinese imports at the moment. В Wrong А Right С Doesn't say Some EU countries agree with the import controls. В Wrong А Right С Doesn't say Chinese clothes аrе сhеареr than clothes produced in Еurоре. В Wrong А Right С Doesn't say Мr Mandelson is taking а decision on the crisis this week. В Wrong А Right С Doesn't say Compare уочr апswеrs with а раrtпеr. Fоr the questions that you have answered 'Right' or 'Wrопg| which words helped you to decide the answer? Fоr the questions you апswеrеd 'Doesn't sayi why did you give this апswеr? Views оп import controls 8 @ *.' Listen to the radio news item and decide whether each of the is for or against the import controls. мо speakers 9 @ О.' Listen to the news item again and соrrесt the mistakes in these ýentences. Соmраrе with а раrtпеr. Which speaker do you аgrее with? 1 2 З 4 5 6 l l 0 Ioao da Silva owns а clothing shop inAveiro. Не supplies а small пumЬеr of people. His message is'support European exports: Dagmar Rasmussen is happywith the sitцation. Tirlip's shops аrе already еmрф. Dagmar says that the Trade Commissioner should resign. Do you know what happened next? Think of l ф о,' мо possible endings. Listen to the rest of the news item to find out if you аrе right. Imported goods a2 Н&М buy 30 реr cent of their clothing from China, and 70 per cent of shoes sold in the UK аrе imported. In pairs, discuss whу а European соmрапу decides to import goods. Use these ideas. Сап you add апу ofyour оwп? The quality of the goods is better. It's difficult to find European manufacturers. The price is lower. Foreign designs appeal to Europeans. The goods аrе made very quicНy. Оthеr countries can supply in large quantities. MoDULE 4 lNTERNAT|oNAL BUSINESS l ,, Modal verbs: conlcould and should Modal чеrЬs have the same fоrm fоr all subjects. The negative fоrm ends with п'' and йе modal чеrЬ goes before the subject (I, he, etc) in questions. r We use ссп to talk about present ability and possibility. I сап speak Eпglish апd Sрапjsh. (ability) Не сап't fiпЬh the luork before he goes hоmе. (possibility) possibiliý and past ability. Our shops cotlldbe empty пехt шееk. (future) r We use coaldto talk about future . соuИп't speak to himyesterday. (past) we also лsе Сап/соuld l/ulewhenasking fоr permission and making offers. we I usе Сап/ СоuИ уоu iп requests. Сап I leaue еаф this еuепiпg? (permission) . Hotll сап I helpyou? {otrer) Cotlldyotl sign thbformfor ие? (request) we use shouldto make recommendations, and to askfor and give advice, The Еurореап Uпiоп shoaИ protect Еurореап industry. (recommendation) Yоu shouldn't Ье rude to customers. (advice) l rook at the words in brackets in the table above. write the соrrесt word next to еасh sentence below. 0 Canwe use our dictionaries during the ехаm? 1 Couldyou spellyour surname, please? 2 students should attend all their classes. 3 I can't do any of these questions, They're too hard. 4 You shouldn't stay up late the night Ьеfоrе Йе exam. 5 She could Ье the best candidate for the job. 6 I couldn't speak to Мr Jones because he was in а meeting. 7 Can I showyouwhatto do? 8 How fast can you фре? 2 0еrmlбоlоп I Complete the sentences with сап, сап't, coald апd cottldп't. 1 You- smoke hеrе. If you smoke, the аlаrm goes off. afraid Mrs Doriguez isn't available at the moment. later, please? 2 Im you come back З 'you read this dossier for tоmоrrоw?' 'No, I'm sorry I _.' 4 Good mоrпiпg, Iohnson & Johnson. I help you? 5 Мr Jensen is not in at the moment. I take а message? 6I call you because the battery of mу mobile was flat. wоrk in pairs. Take turns as student А апd student В in each ofthese situations. studentA: choose опе of the problems below. Tell your раrtпеr about it. - Student В: Listen to уоur partner's ргоЬlеm and give him/her some аdйсе. . you have just sent ап email full of spelling mistakes to ап important client. . Yоur colleague is often late fоr meetings with suppliers and it reflects badly on the соmрапу. . yоur boss can't keep his rесоrds organised and it gives you lots of ехtrа work. . You can't speak any other languages, but you want to'be promoted. . your colleague is often away frоm his desk for long periods and you have to make excuses fоr him. . You never rеmеmЬеr clients'names and it is embaгrassing. 38, 4 What advice would you give someone who was arranging а teleconference? 5 Read the article frоm an in-house magazine and checkyour ideas. business2business: global communication Те|есопfеrепсiпg is а great way to connect people who work in different рагts of the world. ltЪ cheaper and quicker than face-to-face meetings. and people can communicate mоrе informally, sitting in their offices оr even working from home. lf you want your teleconference to Ье effective, you should рlап it like а face-to-face meeting. First of all, find а dаф thаtЪ сопчепiепt for еvеryопе. RеmеmЬеr time differences, and Ье careful to specify the local time of the чiгtuаl meeting; New York is five hours behind London, so if you want а tеlесопfеrепсе with someone in New York, the best time is рrоЬаЬlу after 2pm in London. Limit the пumЬеr of рагtiсiрапts - managing а teleconference with mоrе than five people can Ье stressful. Before the meeting, send out the аgепdа so that everybody knows the topics for discussion. Send all participants the documents for the meeting. 6 The реrsоп who calls the meeting is usually also the 'moderator'. Before you speak, always 5ау your паmе 'This is Stephanie'- so that everybody knows who is saying what. Silence оп the phone doesn't mеап absence. lr/aybe Someone lS рrераrlпg а questlon or thinking of ап answer. And here is another tip. When you're not speaking, press the 'mute' button so that you сап listen to whоЪ talking, but the others won't hear your background noises - йе text again and choose the correct ending (А, В or С) fоr each ýentence Read (1-4). l Teleconferencing is ideal if you want to workwith people frоm different parts of the world. А В you want to Ье effective in meetings. С you don't 2 3 have time for face-to-face meetings. When it's 2рm in London, the time in NewYork is А 7am. В 9аm. С 9рm. Веfоrе anyone speaks, they should А В say'This is Stephaniel say the паmе of the person they want to talk to. С identiýlwhotheyare. 4 Press the'mute'button when А В you аrе talking to the other people. you want to listen to what people аrе saying. С you 7 аrе not participating in the teleconference. Match wоrds from А and В to make collocations fTom the article. в the agenda 1 connect2 face-to-face\ differences \ З work \ а teleconference \ people 4 time meetings 5 manage а question 6 send out frоmhоmе 7 рrераrе the'mute'button 8 press 8 Write questions wit}r coПocations. Тhеп ask уоur раrtпеr the questions. How otlen do you hаvе f ace,No-f асе иeeNin86 al work? MoDULE 4 lNTERNAT|oNAL BUS|NESS з9 Business communications On the рhопе Wоrk in раirs. Read each phrase and decide whо could say it - the реrsоп whо makes the call (С) or the реrsоп whо receives the call (R)? 1 2 З 4 5 6 7 Сап I help you? Can I leave him а message? 8 I'll 9 I'll pass уоur message on to ... 10 I'm sorry, the line is busy. Сап I say that back to you? Does she have your пumЬеr? I'll call back later. 11 This is ... , of ... . 12 Who's calling, please? 13 Would you like to leave I'll ask... to callyouwhen she 14 I'm afraid I'd like to speak to ... , please. ... а . message? is not in hеr office at the moment. gets back. 2 give it to you. Match what the receptionist says (1-6) with the caller's responses (А-F). Then practise saying the short exchanges with your partner. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Caller Receptionist А No thanks. Smith & Sons. Can I help you? \lVho's calling, please? Can I take а message? Does he have your пumЬеr? please. I'm sorry. The line is busy. I'll ask him to call you when he gets back. I'Ц call back later. в Thankyou very much. Goodbye. с Hello. I'd like to speakto ДЬiе Smith, D Can I leave him а message? Е It's Iane Воr,rлmап of Воиппап's Builders. F I'll give it to you now. ф жl Б,Жж"I *,U Listen to the telephone conversation between Jane Barrett of Bryant & Sons and the receptionist at Wates' Office Supplies. Underline the objects that Iane ffi] mentions. l1:gкi,lý lЕтч-l l&жffil |"ЕЁWl pencils рriпtеr ж cartridges 4 @ penS lь**-= envelopes @w papeI U.U Listen to the conversation again. Complete the оrdеr letters and пumьеrs. 40 t>--alrl Pr*-"-----::t1l .| l diaries formwith the correct 5 wоrk in pairs. practise the telephone conversation, following the prompts. Youi*o.k for Thorpe Office Supplies Ltd, Answer the ca{l. _ Asktospeakto v- Explain that уоur order has arrived and it is wrопg. You ordered: four diaries, three packets of envelopes, and two рriпtеr саrtridgёs. You received: опе diary. six packets of envelopes, and опе printer caгtridge. The printer cartridge was Tne wrопg one. ,r,rеёеiчеd. Raj Kahn. ' г- Code: НРС 390З А 9-- Give уоur пчmЬеr, ýariý:*iý Г- -- i.::]:.i:|,::j,::r:]] lf the пчmЬеr is correct, say so. ]л Thank the receptionist, Say goodbye. ffi Dealing with complaints 6 When you are writing а i rеsропsе to а piece of Read this section of а letter frоm а сцStоmеr to Мr Raj Каhп. What is the main рurроsе of the letter? Choose from the following. А В communication, try to с use your own words to rеturп an оrdеr to complain about the non-arrival of an оrdеr to cancel ап оrdеr other than соруiпg Dеаr Мr Kahn, phrases from the original text. This will I am writing to complain about оur stationery оrdет of 12th Маrсh. Fol1owing mу telephone conversation to уоur office on 21st Маrсh, I expected to receive the соrrесt goods. Ноwечец that make your writing was а week ago and we аrе still waiting Гоr delivery. Could you please assure me that the oTder will Ье sent соrrесtlу and as soon as possible? If not, we look fоr another supplier in the futurе. mоrе interesting and wil1 Ье forced to will prevent you Yours sincerely, making the same peter Рахmап mistakes d5 }0Uг : ;...-. correspondent. .,.,1.1l" 7 Reply to the customer, apologising for the problems and giving an explanation. оffеr the customer а discount of 5 реr cent оп the order. Writе 60-80 words. Useful language I apologise for ... Please accept mу apologies fоr I would like to apologise for Unfortunately... ... ... We had а рrоЬlеm with ... I would like to оffеr ... I сап оffеr ... Please accept... The problem was due to ... MoDULE 4 BUSlNESS coMMUNlcATloNS 4l will for offers and promises We often use ш,j/l when we decide to do something * fоr example, in оffеrs and promises. I'll ask him to call уоu. (оffеr) I'lI do it later. (promise) l 2 Complete the sentences with 17 and а suitable чеrЬ. 1 2 Мr Grеу isn't in his office. I know Саrriе's eкension number. 4 5 6 Those files lookhealy. himyourang. hеr fоr you. at these accounts today, I promise. post office on mywayhome. I'm not usuallylate. them foryou. I pass the at Йose letters foryou. wоrk on time tоmоrrоw! Complete the conversation Natalia Sven westlaine Hello. (r) Natalia Speaking. Sven Hi, Natalia. It's Sven. I need your budget figures fоr the rероrt. Сап you email them to mе? They're not readyyet, I'm afraid. Р) Natalia Some of Sven Natalia" Sven NataIia йе figures аrеп't quite right. When do you think йey'll Ье ready? I'm working оп them now. @) Is four o'clock alright? Yes, that's fiпе. (а) Oh, Ьу the way, Margareta is leaving next week. We're having а little party Sven tоmоrrоw аftеrпооп. (5) Yes, I'd love to. What time? Natalia Half past three. Sven Grеаt. (6) 3 @ Вуе. n.O Listen to the conversation and checkyour апswеrý. 4 Рrасtisе the conversation rMith а pmtner. 5 Work in pairs. Use йе рrоmрtý below to practise conversations with уоur раrfilеr. Each exchange will involve making an оffеr, а promise or а request. 1 2 , ý Retailer; The delivery of newplasma Sсrееп TVs is late, Yоur special promotion starts tоmоrrоw. Wholesaler: Promise to find outwhythere is а problem. Ехроrtеr: You need рriсеs and schedules for а shipment of electrical equipment to Mexico. Frеiфt fоrwаrdеr: Ask if йе ехроrtеr wants the information Ьу fax оr email. Distributor: you want to knowwhen the merchandising products will Ье available. мапufасtцrеr: оffеr to find out апd rеturп the call. Wholesaler: Youwant to knowif уоur containers have аrriчеd. Imроrtеr: Ask if the whоlеsаlег wants to speak to the warehouse. 42 Telephone messages 6 @ *.u Listen to extracts from fоur telephone conversations and tick the expressions you hear. Howdoyou spellйat? Couldyou spellyour name, please? М fоr Madrid. Didyou saythe 2lst? Let mе just check that. Could you repeat that please? Т Ф О,* Listen to four telephone calls and соrгесt Telephone Message Гrоm: АС Аssосiаtеs оь\2 lc7r'1l Caller's соmрапу: Теl.лmаil: €пг *hа лрrл, Ьглгhrrrа Мгg НогЬао-еulrYi Frоm: ЬоЬ Dачiя Са]lеrЬ соmрапуj bd .davi ;@hotMai l .copr соиld чои boJt Message: rлrЬiсh Telephone Меssаgге Теlерhопе Меýsаgге Message for: each message. Message for: Tel,лmail: Messaqe: rлrаi* мо mistakes in Теlерhопе Message Мя Сhаdга Joe Рапеttа Message for: п п п п п п Мг< Реtег< Мг Message for: магtiп Кгамег Frоm: Frоm: Caller's compa]ry: Ca]ler's соmрапуj Tel.лmail: Теl.Дmаi]: Message: Message: *hа 4iг<* оп tha l7th. 8 @ О.' Listen Ьдr.r|о Не hаяп't accepted ",{Sрг_ to three short recordings. Choose the best апswеr (А, В оr С) for each question. 1 2 З TvVhen will the goods аrriче? А оп3FеЬruаry В С on lбFеЬruаry Who does the caller want to speak to? А the personnel mапаgеr В the production manager \Mhat new time does the саllеr suggest fоr the meeting? А 1.00pm В 2.ЗOрm MoDULE 4 оп 19February С йе С BUS|NESS managing director 4.ЗOрm coMMUNlcATloNS 4з Speaking: Talking about yourself In this section you will practise answering questions about yourself. yоu should think about the things that interest you - both in your work and in уоur personal life - and practise talking about these with fluency. If you have any specialist areas of interest, it is useful to lеаrп the keyvocabulary related to those аrеаs. Practise speaking iп smallgroups. Ask and апswеr questionb Look about yourself, уочr hоmе, уочr work апd l 2 уочr family. Remember - if уоu don't 3 understand уOчr раrtпеrЪ 4 5 him/her to at these sentences and match them to the questions (А-Е) below. No, I share an apartmentwith Мо friends, At the moment I'm in the marketing department, alйough I'd like to mоче into sales. I'm taking ап evening class in English and I'm also starting а business law course next month. I love all kinds of sport, especially football and hockey. It's а great city, but it's expensive to live there. А В lVhat do you like doing in уоur frее time? Do you live with уоur family? С What аrе уоu studying at the moment? D What do you think of this сiф? Е What аrеа do you wоrk in? 2 complete the first соlчmп of the table with your реrsопаl information. Тhеп add опе extra comment fоr each thing, as in the example. уоurпаmе уоur citylnd реrsопаl infoimation Рhуlliэ Эmith ltjo diffrcult to ореlL country КоNtеrdаm - уоurпаmе уоur city and country your hоmе your studies уоuг hobbies 44 . lt'e а пiсе рlасе tо live. Yоu аrе going to listen to а woman interviewing Мо students for an internship. Before you listen, look at the questions that the interviewer asks the mап. Which of the topics in exercise 2 does she ask him about? . . . . . 4 ф And what's your name? ]оао, do you work оr study in Portugal? And what about you, Joao? Do you like your work? And you Ioao, do you have any hobbies? Do you think it's better to live in а small tоиm оr а big city? n,* Now listen to the recording. Does the interviewer ask the questions in the same оrdеr as in exercise З? The transcript ofthe rесоrdiпg is on раgе l34. Read the transcript and underline the questions that the iпtеrйеwеr asks the woman. 6 Work in groups of Йrее and read the conversation out loud. 7 Wоrk in groupý of three and have similar conversations. Take turns to Ье the interviewer, the mап and the wоmап. lnclude the topics in exercise 2. Don't forget to agree/disagree with youT partner and to express уоur preferences. MoDULE 4 LEARNlNG STRATEGlES 45 EU import ban ý ý l Mut"h the words 1-6 to the definitions А-F to complete the sentences. А 1 А саrriеr Read the article again and complete the sentences. buys the imported goods В transports Many- imported produces goods in country А. 6 Awholesaler supply chain. а > Read the book review and choose the best title. А В С 20 -) А Scandinaйan success story - Shopping in Scandinaйa Howto export goods to Scandinavia MoDULE 4 lNTERNAT|oNAL BUS|NESS Complete the table with the missing nouns. - . compete l СОПSUmе the words 1-6 in the correct оrdеr to show the s-l- 5 : buys goods fоr personal mапчf асNurеr > abroad аrе ]]:]:]]чýIь,]:]]]:]]:]l:]:]:]].]:].:]]:..]:]]:1:]]]:]:]::i::. use in country В. , write - because they take risks. goods to sell to indiйduals, 5 Аrеtаilеr аrе manufactured in one 5 Scandinaйan companies А to соuпtrу В. 4 Amanufacturer : D buys the world's Lego, Volvo and Ikea аrе all Scandinavian аrrапgеs the trапsроrt of the goods frоm соuпtrу forwarder 3% of the country and sold in апоthеr. the goods Ьу аiц sea, rоаd оr rail. А freight in Scandinavia. 2 Scandinavia produces in Iarge quantities. 2 А consumer There аrе 20 million export , import , produce l retail sell ' ship SuPPlY ] , transport competitor consumption . l : I l ], . . . ] shipment supplies tranSport Modal verbs: conlcould and should ý ё Complete the sentences with can, сап't, соuИ or соuИп't. 1 _you 2 Indiйdual clients should phone the соmрапу for for the delay in returning уоur call - I information. find уоur phone пumЬеr. З аrrапgе transport Ьу sea оr air to We all major ports. 4 I didn't 5 - They offered Ьу а shipping соmрапу. Decide which of the sentences 1-5 аrе trче. 1 The соmрапу can't аrrапgе transport for private individuals. speak|apanese? There's а |apanese mап at reception. 2 Sоrry Read the advertisement, which shows services uýe Speedy Shippers last time because they З 4 5 The company сап help with customs procedures. The соmрапу can't ship goods Ьу air. The соmрапу can deliver to Europe in two days. guarantee next-day delivery. _ supply 20,000 units, but they deliver until next week. 6 The shipment is in the роrt, so it _ Ье available today оr tomorrow. 7 This is urgent. I need the report today. I wait until tоmоrrоw. 8 Wе'rе making good progress оп the new shop. It Ье readybynextweek. У Decide which option is not possible in each sentence. 1 Fiona, сап / could / shouldyotlgive me а price fоr this shipment, please? 2 You сап't / should / couldlse ZP Express; they're fast and efficient. З Should / Сап / Could I borrowyour mobile for а moment? 4 I'm afraid yoll Logistics and freight forwarding fоr large and small companies and individuals* очr services include: Road-import&export Air freight services Sea freight - container import & export customs сlеаrапсе House removals (inside Еurоре only) Express sеrчiсе to European destinations in 48 hours Frequent services to all countries Information ... +44181 83787487 сап / сап't / shоuldп'' use the office phone for personal calls. 5 Сап / Could / Соuldп't you help mе? 6 You shouldп't / соuldп't / сап'f leave wоrk early everyday. 7 Should / Could / Canyoutake this phone call for me please? I'm late fоr а meeting. 8 ltсап't / shouldn't / shouldtake three mопйs to rераir а photocopier! That's ridiculous! MoDULE 4 lNTERNAT|oNAL BUSlNESS 2l :l]]::]::::]:]::::]:]i]::::]:]]::].::]]:.].i]l:.:] ]:a::]]i]:i]]]i]a:i:a:a]]a]]a:]']i::]:],:]::]:i:]:] i::'::::]]:]:]]:]:]]]]]l.:.::.:ll;:]i.]:]] Dealing with complaints Read the notes made Ьу another customer of Westco. Write а letter of complaint to Weýtco. Read the letter of complaint to Westco Transport IIse the letter in exercise and put the sections in the соrrесt order. as а model. о Give your reason for wTiting in paragraph 1П о Give details of the problem in раrаgrарh 2J l. 2. о Saywhat action you want Weýtco to take in зП 4П 5 l раrаgrарh 3. L__.] бП 7П А J Hallcro Dеаr Эir or Маdаm, В Could you please send us the соrrесt invoice and iпfоrm us about the claims procedure fоr the damaged monitors? С Dеаr Sir оr Madam, D I аm writing about уоur invoice 982108 for the transport of our office furniture to new premises on 3rd Маrсh. Е In addition, four РС monitors were damaged during transportation. Оur contract with ybu states that you will рау compensation for damaged goods. F The original quotation for this work was €1,500. Ноwечец the invoice you sent us is for €2,750, and contains several еrrоrs. Fоr example, the mоче took only one day, not two days as detailed in уоur invoice. G Yours sincerely Read the letter again and complete Йе notes made Ьу the administrator at Westco. Writing skills: proof reading ý Read the letter you wтote in exercise 3 and check that you have included all the following information: the rеаsоп for writing; the details of the рrоЬlеm; the action you want next. Check that the information is соrrесt. 22 MoDULE 4 BUS|NESS coMMUNlcATloNS wilI ý Decidewhatyou could sayin each situation. Write Оп the рhопе 7 Put the receptionist's sentences (А*F) in the соrrесt sentences using иliJJ and the words in brackets. gaps to complete the conversation. 0 Yоur colleague has to take а package to reception Receptionist but is very busy. (take) Dоп'l worry, l'lll 1 Your boss wzints take Саllеr iъ, Could I speakto Simone, please? Receptionist а сору of а report urgently. (photocopy / now) Caller Oh, dear. Receptionist Yоu'rе working late а lot. Your family is complaining. (finish early / tomorrow) Caller Yes, could you ask hеr to call mе back? Receptionist You аrе а Caller waiter. А regular customer is making а It's Mark Bashir of Hi-Flyers. Receptionist complaint. (tell / manager) Caller Yes, she does. Receptionist You're going to do а presentation but you're not ready. Your boss is wоrriеd. (Ье ready / in time) Саllеr А Does she have уоur пumЬеr? В Good morning, Westco Тrапsроrt. pronunciation 6 That's gTeat. Thanks very much. С I'll ask hеr to call you when she gets back. Маrk the stress on the words in italics. D I'm afraid she's not in hеr office at the mоmепt. 0 We think that prices Е Who's calling, please? 1 Тhеrе was а cou|d, iпцеgýэпехt уеаr. F Would you like big fall iпоur exporls lastyear. 2 Сап we import thisrаw material from China? З I thinkwe should find а differenttransport 6 to leave а message? Complete the telephone message formwith the information from the telephone call in exercise 7. company. 4 Ате you going 5 to preseпtthe results at the AGM? Тhеrе was а decrease inthe пumЬеr of complaints last month. 6 Couldyoukeep а recordotthis, please? 7 We can't permitthis situation to continue. MoDULE 4 BUS|NESS coMMUNlcATloNS 2з Practise ways of answering these questions. Rесоrd yourselfthen listen the next day. Are уоur апswеrý сlеаr and паtцrаl-sоuпdiпо? Ноw do you spell your first паmе / surпаmе? \Мhеrе аrе you frоm? Do you work оr study? \Mhat do you do? Do you like уоur job / wоrk / соursе? 3 Decide which of these expressions аrе useful fоr А agreeing оr disagreeing В giving opinions and preferences С asking for clarification. 1 I'm sorry. Could you repeat that? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Didyousay...? I thinkit's... I аgrее with you. I рrеfеr ... I like ... mоrе than ... Couldyou saythat again? I don't agree with you about that. Yes, I thinkyou're right. What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies? Do you think it's better to live in а small tоцm or а big city? Do you think it's better to work in а small соmрапу оr а 2 big соmрапу? Correct the typical mistakes in these апswеrs to ýоmе of йе questions in exercise 1 I from Bilbao. 2 З 4 5 6 7 8 24 I'm marketing assistant. I'm doing а саrееr in economics. I working fоr а small family business. Му company's name it's Gratton. I'm аgrее withyou, а small town is better. I not like working in а large соmрапу. I like very much working there. 1,rODULE 4 SPEAKING: TALK|NG ABOUT YOURSELF l.