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Plural Noun Worksheet: Adding 's' and 'es'

Chapter 03
Just add s
In this chapter we will begin to pluralize nouns the simplest way that it can be done, by
just adding s. To begin, we must first understand that a noun is a person, place, thing or an
idea. These words are capable of being singular (meaning only one) or plural (meaning more
than one.)
To form the plural of most nouns we simply add s to the end of the word. However,
when forming the plural of some words that end with o, it is important that we memorize the
exceptions to the just add s rule. With some words it is necessary to add es to form the plural. To
further complicate the matter, some words may form their plural form by adding either s or es.
Just add s
Ends with o, and just adds s
25. silos
26. trios
27. cellos
28. curios
29. dynamos
30. egos
31. embryos
32. igloos
33. solos
34. sopranos
35. patios
36. pianos
37. radios
38. ratios
39. rodeos
40. scenarios
Ends with o and adds es
41. vetoes
42. echoes
43. embargoes
44. heroes
45. noes
46. potatoes
47. tomatoes
48. torpedoes
Ends With o, and may add either s or oes
49. lassos or lassoes
50. zeros or zeroes
51. tobaccos or tobaccos
52. mementos or mementoes
53. banjos or banjoes
54. buffalos or buffaloes
There is no jingle or catchy rhyme to help you remember these exceptions to the
just add s rule. You must try to memorize these words.
I. Rewrite the singular nouns below. Just add s to the end to form the plural of each
word in the space provided.
1. argument
1. arguments
13. originator
13. originators
2. bracelet
2. bracelets
14. pearl
14. pearls
3. comb
3. combs
15. pencil
15. pencils
4. doctor
4. doctors
16. raisin
16. raisins
5. elephant
5. elephants
17. schedule
17. schedules
6. fool
6. fools
18. slum
18. slums
7. gift
7. gifts
19. teacher
19. teachers
8. helicopter
8. helicopters
20. umbrella
20. umbrellas
9. idea
9. ideas
21. vacuum
21. vacuums
10. joker
10. jokers
22. window
22. windows
11. lawyer
11. lawyers
23. year
23. years
12. noodle
12. noodles
24. zebra
24. zebras
II. Complete the sentences below. Write the plural noun by adding s to the end of
the singular noun.
1. The _teachers__(teacher) want paper and _pencils__(pencil) for the exam.
2. Pearls (Pearl), bracelets, (bracelet) and combs (comb) are fun to play dress-up
3. Frightened _zebras_(zebra) and __elephants__(elephant) ran from the noisy
_helicopters_(helicopter) which were landing in the wildlife reserve.
4. The _doctors_(doctor) and __lawyers_(lawyer) had _arguments_(argument)
with each other about their __schedules_(schedule).
5. The __fools__(fool) and __jokers__(joker) had strange _ideas__(idea) about
what __gifts__(gift) would be appropriate.
6. The _windows__(window) on the _houses_ (house) in the _slums__(slum) were
boarded up for _years_(year).
7. Children like to eat __noodles_(noodle) and __raisins_(raisin).
8. A soggy salesman was selling _vacuums__(vacuum), although he was wishing
that he had _umbrellas_(umbrella) for sale instead.
III. Add s or es to the end of each word below to form the plural of each word in the
space provided. A few of these words may be spelled either way. Put both spellings
in the box when applicable.
1. alto
1. altos
12. piano
12. pianos
2. banjo
2. banjos/banjoes
13. radio
13. radios
3. cello
3. cellos
14. ratio
14. ratios
4. curio
4. curios
15. rodeo
15. rodeos
5. dynamo
5. dynamos
16. scenario
16. scenarios
6. ego
6. egos
17. silo
17. silos
7. embryo
7. embryos
18. solo
18. solos
8. igloo
8. igloos
19. soprano
9. lasso
10. memento
9. lassos/lassoes
20. tobacco
mementos/mementoes 21. trio
19. sopranos
11. patio
11. patios
22. zero
21. trios
22. zeros/zeroes
IV. Complete the sentences below. Write the plural noun by adding s to the
singular noun. Some of these words can be spelled either way. Put a star above
those words.
1. The musicians left all of their __cellos__(cello), __banjos/banjoes__(banjo) and
__pianos__(piano) outside when both __patios__(patio) were flooded with fans.
2. Cheers rose up from the crowd as the lassos/lassoes (lasso) encircled the horns of
the bull at one of the best rodeos (rodeo) in the state.
3. The __egos__(ego) of all the _altos__(alto) and __sopranos__(soprano) made
them want to sing _solos_(solo).
All _tobaccos/tobaccoes_(tobacco) can affect the health of developing
__embryos__ (embryo).
5. This comic book describes exciting _scenarios_(scenario) where the
_dynamos_(dynamo) fight crime in __trios __(trio).
6. My Grandmother kept important mementos/mementoes____(memento) in her
cabinet with her ___curios__(curio).
7. In Iowa, there are plenty of _silos__(silo), but __igloos__(igloo) are easily
counted by _zeros_(zero).
V. Form the plural of each noun.
1. alto
1. altos
11. scenario
11. scenarios
2. argument
2. arguments
12. teacher
12. teachers
3. bracelet
3. bracelets
13. tobacco
13. tobaccos or oes
4. curio
4. curios
14. trio
14. trios
5. dynamo
5. dynamos
15. umbrella
15. umbrellas
6. elephant
6. elephants
16. vacuum
16. vacuums
7. helicopter
7. helicopters
17. window
17. windows
8. lawyer
8. lawyers
18. year
18. years
9. memento
9. mementos or oes
19. zebra
19. zebras
10. originator
10. originators
20. zero
20. zeros
To form the plural of most nouns we simply just add __s___.
The next exercise is meant to help you memorize a few exceptions to the just add
s rule. These words must have es added to them to correctly form the plural.
VI. Rewrite the singular nouns below. Remember to add es to the ends of the words
to form the plural nouns. Practice writing the plural form of the words at least three
times in the space provided.
1. buffalo
1. buffaloes or buffalos
2. echo
2. echoes
3. embargo
3. embargoes
4. hero
4. heroes
5. no
5. noes
6. potato
6. potatoes
7. tomato
7. tomatoes
8. torpedo
8. torpedoes
9. veto
9. vetoes
VII. Complete the sentences below. Write the plural noun by adding es to the end of
the singular noun.
1. Settlers contributed greatly to the disappearance of most of the
_buffaloes/buffalos (buffalo).
2. My ears were ringing as the hall was filled with the loud __echoes_(echo) of
hundreds of bells.
3. Trade __embargoes__(embargo) can cripple a nation’s economy.
4. Police officers are often considered __ heroes__(hero) by their communities.
5. I have never heard more __ noes__(no) from any other than my own mother.
6. Eating baked _potatoes__(potato) is healthier without butter.
7. _Tomatoes__(Tomato) are sometimes considered a fruit and other times a
8. Submarines have been known to carry __torpedoes___(torpedo).
Several _vetoes_ (veto) were enacted during the Governor’s recent budget
VIII. Fill in the blanks.
When forming the plural of most nouns we just add __s___. There are a
few exceptions to this rule, and with these words we must add __es___ to form
the plural.
Write the plural of each noun in the space provided.
1. alto
1. altos
11. lasso
11. lassos
2. banjo
2. banjos or oes
12. memento
12. mementos or
3. buffalo
3. buffalos or oes
13. patio
13. patios
4. cello
4. cellos
14. piano
14. pianos
5. curio
5. curios
15. potato
15. potatoes
6. echo
6. echoes
16. radio
16. radios
7. embargo
7. embargoes
17. scenario
17. scenarios
8. embryo
8. embryos
18. tomato
18. tomatoes
9. hero
9. heroes
19. torpedo
19. torpedoes
10. igloo
10. igloos
20. veto
20. vetoes
***Review Test—Chapter 3***
IX. Proofread the paragraph below. Rewrite any misspelled words.
The torpedoes sank the enemy submarine. The strike was in response to
the many embargoes we had heard discussed on the radio. The few survivors were
given a hero’s welcome when they returned home. Now, several years have
passed since the arguments between the two nations first became an issue.
X. Fill in the blanks.
A singular noun is __________(only one/ more than one).
A plural noun is __________(only one/ more than one).
To form the plural of most nouns we simply add ___(s/es). Some exceptions
require us to add _____(s/es) to form the plural.
XI. Write the plural of each noun in the space provided.
1. bracelet
1. bracelets
11. lawyer
11. lawyers
2. buffalo
2. buffalos or oes
12. memento
12. mementos or
3. curio
3. curios
13. no
13. noes
4. doctor
4. doctors
14. noodle
14. noodles
5. echo
5. echoes
15. originator
15. originators
6. embargo
6. embargoes
16. potato
16. potatoes
7. embryo
7. embryos
17. tomato
17. tomato
8. helicopter
8. helicopters
9. hero
9. heroes
19. veto
19. vetoes
10. idea
10. ideas
20. zero
20. zeros
Name: _________________________
Class: _________________________
Meeting days and time: ___________
You will probably know most of the meanings for the words in this chapter, but write the
definitions for those that are new to you. Additional copies of this form may be printed
from the CD that came with this workbook.
Most commonly used definition(s):
Name: __________________
Meeting days and time:_____
Rewrite your words
New word:
Practice writing the new word: