LAB IMAGES Compiled Images of all Lab Quizzes on Sakai 2021 1. Go through each image and identify each structure 2. See if you can point out where the other answer choices are in the image (if applicable) Term 2-er said that all of these images look familiar but the ones with the stars are the images he recognizes from the exam! So STUDY ALL images! This is a guide so please make sure you study everything! MSK LAB 1 QUIZ IMAGES D C B or C D BECAREFUL because this image is anterior view Versus the image in previous slide looks like posterior view Cervical vertebrae - possibly C3 D B Number C Structure Number 1 13 2 14 3 15 4 16 5 17 6 19 7 20 9 21 10 22 11 23 12 24 Structure (cant find # on image) Number 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 Structure Number Structure 1 Acromial angle 2 acromium 3 Corocoid process 4 Inferior angle 5 Infraspinous fossa 6 Lateral border 7 Glenoid fossa 9 neck? 11 Dont see it on image 12 Superior angle 13 Superior border Number Structure 14 Suprascapular notch 15 Supraspinous fossa Rhomboid Major adducts this bone (scapula) Number Structure 1 body 2 Transverse costal facet 3 Inferior articular facet 4 Inferior costal facet 5 Inferior vertebral notch 6 7 pedicle 8 Spinous process 9 Superior articular facet Number Structure 1 Capitulum 2 Coronoid Process OR Ulnar head 3 Radial head 5 Medial Epicondyle 7 8 D Trochlear MSK LAB 2 QUIZ IMAGES A - abductor policis longus supplied by PIN, branch of radial nn. D C - supplies thenar muscles A E B C - supplies the pectoral muscles D - triceps supplied by radial. B -damage to long thoracic nn causes inability to protract scapula → winged scapula MSK LAB 3 QUIZ IMAGES E D - remember VAN (medial to lateral - vein, artery, nerve E - gastrocnemius C - gluteus medius/minimus - glut max supplied by inferior gluteal B - pointing to the obturator internus A - piriformis muscle B Not from lab quizzes but this image shows the ACL (just in case) C - Sartorius muscle B C CPR LAB 1 QUIZ IMAGES Number Structure 1 B 3 Ascending Aorta 4 Brachiocephalic trunk 6 clavicle 13 L common carotid 20 Membranous septum 21 Muscular IV septum 22 LV 26 RA and auricle 27 R brachiocephalic vein draining into the SVC 29 RV EMBRYO ORIGINS -_- D E - showing the posterior the heart - artery accompanying the middle vein Is the PDA/PIV (supplies posterior 1/3 of IV septum) D B - showing pectinate muscle D - phrenic, supplies the diaphragm F OCEX EXAM Study how assessments should be done This is annoying but we have to know these small group pdfs word for word because that’s how it will be presented on the exam. Here are a few tips on what Term 2-er remembers BUT REMEMBER YOU HAVE TO KNOW EVERYTHING IN THESE PDFS! FTM SG 10 KNOW ORDER! FTM SG 10 KNOW DIFFERENCE BTW BELL AND DIAPHRAGM- WHAT SOUNDS ARE HEARD FOR EACH FTM SG 10 KNOW ORDER! FOR ALL MSK SG’S PLEASE know everything for these sg’s because the exam is more focused on MSK stuff! I’m pointing out things he remembers but please please study everything! MSK SG 4 Question will ask what are you Inspecting when standing Behind the patient? MSK SG 4 He had a question on cervical range of motion. Prob good to know these movements and how to perform it! MSK SG 5 He had a question on thumb movement and wrist movement Specifically the question was: When extending the wrists are the palms facing up or down? So please know the range of motion for all body parts in this sg! MSK SG 5 KNOW THESE TESTS WORD FOR WORD! MSK SG 6 - lower limb is HIGH YIELD! SO KNOW EVERYTHING (lol sorry) KNOW THESE TESTS WORD FOR WORD! MSK SG 6 - lower limb is HIGH YIELD! SO KNOW EVERYTHING (lol sorry) He had a question on Anterior/Posterior Drawer test! MSK SG 6 - lower limb is HIGH YIELD! SO KNOW EVERYTHING (lol sorry) He had a question on one of these but he cant remember so good to know all of them CPR SG 2 - is HIGH YIELD! SO KNOW EVERYTHING (lol sorry again) KNOW ORDER! AND DETAILS OF EACH CPR SG 2 - is HIGH YIELD! SO KNOW EVERYTHING (lol sorry again) KNOW ORDER for HEART RATE AND DETAILS OF EACH CPR SG 2 - is HIGH YIELD! SO KNOW EVERYTHING (lol sorry again) KNOW ORDER for RESP AND DETAILS OF EACH When taking resp make sure the patient is unaware that you are taking resp so they dont change their breathing pattern! CPR SG 2 - is HIGH YIELD! SO KNOW EVERYTHING (lol sorry again) KNOW EVERYTHING FOR BP! Aka how to take BP CPR SG 2 - is HIGH YIELD! SO KNOW EVERYTHING (lol sorry again) 2 questions on PP and MAP CPR SG 2 - is HIGH YIELD! SO KNOW EVERYTHING (lol sorry again) This is silly but we have to know what number is associated with each face -_example - the crying face means pain is 10/10 CPR SG 2 - is HIGH YIELD! SO KNOW EVERYTHING (lol sorry again) KNOW DIFFERENCE FOR EACH CPR SG 2 - is HIGH YIELD! SO KNOW EVERYTHING (lol sorry again) KNOW THESE SIGNS WORD FOR WORD HIGH YIELD! CPR SG 2 - is HIGH YIELD! SO KNOW EVERYTHING (lol sorry again) KNOW THESE NUMBERS Example: if the pitting is 4 mm then what is the pitting would be 2+ CPR SG 4 KNOW how to assess JVD Question will ask what angle should the bed be in? 30 degree angle!! CPR SG 4 KNOW ERBS POINT CPR SG 8 - HIGH YIELD Know ALL pattern/location for auscultation and percussion for posterior and anterior chest And all graphs ← KNOW THIS PATTERN for percussion and auscultation and fremitis CPR SG 8 - HIGH YIELD Know ALL pattern/location for auscultation and percussion for posterior and anterior chest And all graphs ← KNOW THIS PATTERN for percussion and auscultation and fremitis ← KNOW THESE GRAPHS! CPR SG 8 - HIGH YIELD Know ALL pattern/location for auscultation and percussion for posterior and anterior chest And all graphs ← KNOW THIS PATTERN for percussion and auscultation and fremitis FOR ANTERIOR CHEST! (I didn’t include all images but you can look through it yourself) ← KNOW THESE GRAPHS!