Uploaded by Katie Barrett

Friday & Monday Lesson Plan: Religious Education

Friday and Monday Plans
1. Read Bible for a bit
2. Pray
3. Watch video on Our Lady of Fatima: 29 minutes
Kids can be working on the mini book, coloring page, or prayer card while
watching video because they may have already seen the video in years past. I will
give you copies of these.
Neither class finished movie. 6J stopped at 23:41 and VBK stopped at 10:08
In 6J, we didn’t finish due to a necessary story after some laughed and made eyes
when a cantor was singing today-I stopped Mass and told them to stop. After
Mass, I shared a 6th grade experience of mine which I still remember and regret,
hence-we didn’t finish.)
Do you want me to finish it?
7B stopped at 21:56 (We can finish Monday if needed)
7K stopped at 23:55. Shall we finish on Monday?
1. Read Bible for a bit
2. Pray
3. Assignment on Classroom:
a. Read Article (copy and pasted from a blog but I wanted to edit out a part)
and answer questions.