Uploaded by Molly Avers

Snap Circuits Worksheet: Electric Circuits & Switches

Snap Circuit Sets
Build the circuits as shown in the Experiment Books- Be sure to pay close attention to the diagram.
Build Project 1: Electric Light & Switch
A. What happens when you close the switch? _____________________________________
B. What happens when you open the switch? ______________________________ Why?
C. This is an example of what type of circuit, series or parallel (Circle one)
D. What is the voltage of the circuit?
E. Give 2 examples of switches used in everyday life
a. ____________________________
b. ____________________________
Build Project 2: DC Motor & Switch
Make sure the + sign on the motor (M1) is close to the + side of the battery pack
A. What happens when you close the switch? _____________________________________________
B. What is the electrical energy changed into? ____________________________________________
C. How is this circuit similar to the lap circuit in project 1? ____________________________________
Build Project 5: Lamp & Fan In Series
A. This is an example of ______________ circuit. Why?
B. Compare the brightness of the bulb in this circuit with the fan on the motor compared to with the fan off
the motor. _________________________________________________________________________
C. With this in mind, the voltage from the batteries will get divided between them. Which load will use more
voltage? _____________________
D. What would happen if you removed the snap that connected the lamp to the on switch?
______________ Why?______________________________________________________________
Build Project 6: Lamp and Fan in Parallel
A. This is an example of a ____________ circuit
B. Compare the brightness of the bulb in this circuit with the fan on the motor and with the fan off the
motor. Describe your results ________________________________________________
C. The voltage from the batteries in the circuit in _______ volts. What is the voltage applied to each
device? _______
D. Remove one of the snaps connecting to the lamp. Describe what happens to the motor when the lamp
is disconnected.____________________________________________________________________
E. How is a parallel circuit different from a series circuit? ______________________________________
Build Project 11: Flying Saucer
A. Turn the switch to on, and when it reaches max speed shut the switch off. What happened?
B. Why does this happen? (Note the direction the blades are moving)
C. Now switch the direction of the motor (rotate it, so the positive battery terminal is with the positive motor
terminal) what happened?)_________________________________________ Why?
D. Now switch the slide switch with the press switch, what happened?
E. Now add a second battery pack to the circuit. What does that change? _________________________
F. What are the volts of the circuit now? _____________
Build Project 13: Two Speed Fan
A. What is the path of the current through this circuit when only the slide switch is closed?_____________
B. What happens when you close the press switch? __________________________________________
C. IS this a series or parallel circuit? _______________________________________________________
D. What is the purpose of the lamp in this circuit? _____________________________________________
E. If you have a multiple speed fan at home, how can you increase or decrease the speed?