MAHIAVIDYALAYA (ENGINEERING COLLEGE) BIRLA VISHVAKARMA INSTITUTION) VAIABH VIDYANAGAR AUTONOMOUS (AN ANSWERSHEET FOR END SEMESTER EXAMINATION (WINTER-2020) AY 2020-21 - Course Code: 2MJO1 Course Tite. P% Soft cuy Date of Exam: LM (8D Agmdu Aty Bad Student's N'ame: Student's ID No. SECTION:2 fada n /1ECYYy Student'sSignature J deumnt a t qunt Juine m y alsry H wt UJaag e a ney Basinally ageada a totmAmt eui snt a u g m i n t UD be d tMd In he meti9 n h e n munut amd dasissoN ae aken thess a u Agenda u t e Be eeu i c and Aspeumend Nona with Aqurda Cerfdonu comint lim 32 Matiso UA Aoka1000 2Jan aO Nis duruutos Not touby gien thot w te tlno t h head -ot_ hld_at vgis taird | etins kle on uiday n Uempany at 330Pm 8 Jam 202 endo Atl Aren BIRLA VISHVAKARMA MAHAVIDYALAYA (ENGINEERING cOLLEGE) (AN AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTION) VALLABH VIDYANAGAR ANSWERSHEET FOR END SEMESTER EXAMINATION (WINTER-2020) AY 2020-21 Course Code: 2MJO) Course TitleP4% Soft Su1 Date of Exam I Student's Name Atu Aad Student's ID No. 19ECqqy SECTION: Nau 2 Student's Signature C ) he Stotmemt that corlais dhel Johiculars Aoudirg a moe T He kind mut9 w One memlas oaAttrdir th meetiny datu t m b h s amol agnda urtesmned Agerda) A nerico Cuuitod F u t co (uumout Agendo) CA aLMO_Comalet e n 3 2 rtighen CIA Maua-100 Netier |Netisu heshy d the aecond a t Hu CArpanY Me ohAAAR JanaLyiO UdaN n gestO Ld 30 at 20 APd Arand SeCettt1y a RIRIA VISHVAKARMA MAIHAVIDYALAYA (ENGINEERING COLLEGE) AN AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTION) VALLABH VIDYANAGAR ANSWERSUKET FOR END SEMESTER EXAMINATION (WINTER-2020) AY 2020-21 Course C'ode 2MJ C CoseTitle: Date of Fxam 1 ASoft suY Atu Aad Student's Name: Student's ID No. SECTION: 2 /1ECYyy Student's Signature Mumilte w Do A LC Disrts n Len s htimint O n busw am&rapR Cpany L Luluy JaMuay 024 otpm_af he HiO , DLaba PAssLnt MaA MA Aad (cecatty) BIRIA VISHV AKARMA MAHAVIDYALAYA (ENGINEERING, COLLEGK) AN AUTONOMOUS INSTITUT1ON) VAILABH VIDYANAGAR ANSWERSHEET FOR END SEMESTER EXAMINATION (WINTVA-2020) AY 2020-21 Course Code UJOT Student's Name Student's D No. SECT1ON 2 Student's Signature Aad 19Cy44 Coure Tte2A Soft Suy Date of Exarn a X u + Gup d u mys&ale ho Cdi i ji uMn n i t Uay ununar o maHnirg yew o Aemnl wil ce uu amd y bicwR y0u talked O9 umhnown w ut omeHing mdamedal anus' wwwt pesp to oelien Pespis wIL HULyLa ard eL a sA8 yu_an eakin wel sla OlbA a Chaa SMe _wul mimiwo, er kcA'Gn ard K Course Title: 20 Soft Date of Exam: Student'ss Su (24)Be Cae nlma endaMeu ame: Student's fn N v y dyLubjus ulwnuinatd k H imamoH ddnesmg it M_u Con ke AAHog I but awert 9 amn Lud any u d i u Su Uefue ney iuha CyipsCchs on i t T ke but ACu y he wold s Lam uUS g simi ladh4 ke ama u A U dh e eh'vhsy hiuptt Hha 194a csuld