/* Program: Determination of the duty point of stable centrifugal blowers Author: OkothRonald */ #include <stdio.h> #include<iostream> #include<math.h> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; //permits inputting and outputting of data int main() { //Defining the variables int N; float D,b,L,W,B2,g,U2,a2,Vr2,Vtheta2,Delta_h,Q; //Initializing the variables D=8.5/12; b=5/12; L=5/12; W=6/12; g=32.2; N=750; cout<<"Input the blade angle in degrees: "; cin>>B2; if(B2>0&&B2<90) { U2=M_PI*D*N; a2=asin((L*W)/(M_PI*D*b)); Vr2=U2/((1/(tan((B2*M_PI)/180)))+(1/tan(a2))); Vtheta2=Vr2*(1/tan(a2)); Delta_h=(3/208)*((U2*Vtheta2)/g); Q=Vr2*M_PI*D*b; cout << "\n\nDuty point for the input angle is: \n\n" ; cout << "\t(i)Flow rate Q is " << Q; cout<<"\n\t(ii)Static pressure change across the blade is "<<Delta_h; } else { cout<<"Blade angle error\n"; } return 0;}