Developing mathematical thinking with Scratch Rubric for mathematical processes assessment Criteria Modeling Table 1: Modeling Performance levels A B C Student prop- Student prop- Student properly solves erly solves 3 out erly solves solve all problems of 4 problems 2 out of 4 probrelated to mod- related to mod- lems problems eling process, in eling process, in related to modwhich detection which detection eling process, in of variables and of variables and which detection relationships relationships of variables and between them between them relationships that establish that establish between them a mathemat- a mathemat- that establish ical model is ical model is a mathematrequired, as well required, as well ical model is as detection of as detection of required, as well patterns that patterns that as detection of students can students can patterns that find in daily, find in daily, students can scientific and scientific and find in daily, mathematical mathematical scientific and situations, to situations, to mathematical be mentally be mentally situations, to reconstructed. reconstructed. be mentally reconstructed. D Student has difficulties in solving problems related to modeling process, in which detection of variables and relationships between them that establish a mathematical model is required, as well as detection of patterns that students can find in daily, scientific and mathematical situations, to be mentally reconstructed. Criteria Reasoning Criteria Problem problem solving Table 2: Reasoning Performance levels A B C Student prop- Student prop- Student properly uses the erly uses the erly uses the reasoning pro- reasoning pro- reasoning process to solve 3 cess to solve all cess to solve 2 out of 4 prob- the problems oout of 4 problems she is faced she is faced lems she is faced with, perceiving with, perceiving with, perceiving regularities and regularities and regularities and relationships, relationships, relationships, making pre- making pre- making predictions and dictions and dictions and conjecture or conjecture or conjecture or justifying ar- justifying ar- justifying arguments and guments and guments and reasons. reasons. reasons. Table 3: Problem solving Performance levels A B C Student easily Student solves Student solves solves problems 3 out of 4 2 out of 4 in which deploy- problems in problems in ing strategies which deploying which deploying to find results, strategies to strategies to verifying them find results, find results, and interpret- verifying them verifying them ing the given and interpret- and interpretstatements is ing the given ing the given required. statements is statements is required. required. D Student has difficulties in solving problems by using reasoning process where she needs to perceive regularities and relationships, make predictions and conjecture or justify arguments and reasons. D Student has difficulties in solving problems in which deploying strategies to find results, verifying them and interpreting the given statements is required. Criteria Exercising Table 4: Exercising Performance levels A B C Student eas- Student exe- Student exily executes cutes algorith- ecutes some algorithmic mic procedures, algorithmic proprocedures, explaining the cedures, but she explaining the concepts she has difficulties concepts she uses and recog- in explaining uses and recog- nizing situations the concepts nizing situations when she can she uses and when she can apply a specific the reasons to apply a specific mathematical apply a specific mathematical technique or mathematical technique or operation. technique or operation. operation. D Student has difficulties in executing algorithmic procedures, as well as in explaining the concepts she uses and the reasons to apply a specific mathematical technique or operation.