ARTICLE REVIEW 01 (to be made at gdocs) o An article that focuses on the topic that has been discussed in our class. o Review for its contributions, what it argues (Organizational crises are also viewed as something that ca0n be avoided if the organizations know how to handle them in a strategic and proactive way), and limitations. o Your review will: explain, investigate, clarify and evaluate the importance of the article. o Double s Tpace, 2-3 pages @ gdocs o Unlock the difficult terms used to the level of your understanding. o Present and write your ideas, your insights and opinions must center on the main idea of the article. o Annotated bib, header and citation. o Introduction: 1 or 2 paragraphs about: o contribution or argument of the article – the larger the organization that more likely to have a crisis plan. o the author’s intention – The author’s intention was to get an preliminary (initial?) idea on how these companies organizations perceive, plan and coordinate and implement crisis management and activities before, during and after a crisis. o how the study was conducted – 36-question questionnaires to people (98 municipalities) who are directly involved with crisis-preparedness within their respective organizations; that has a theoretical framework, a strategic, proactive and process-oriented approach to crisis management and crisis communication is applied as the theoretical foundation of the survey. o how the article relates to other works or results of the study o Body: will consist of your: Ideas Understanding and opinions Particularly about its significance and limitations. 1-2 paragraphs o Conclusion: it presents your: Assessment of the article Are there points missing? The value of the work in sub-field Or, how it may be pursued or extended SOURCES Valle, M. (1999). Crisis, culture and charisma: The new leader's work in public organizations. Public personnel management, 28e(2), 245-257. Studies have shown that employees, who used to be proud of their organization, change their perception of the organization according to crisis type (product recall, mismanagement, rumors, etc.), and the manager’s handling of the crisis situation. Over the last decade, the crisis communication researchers have only put attention and their focus on the external dimension of crisis management and the crisis response strategies that has been done only after a crisis has taken place to restore or protect its image from the external stakeholders or the people. But only little has been known on what goes in the internal structure of the organizations and still it remains unexplored. How people who are knowledgeable about the handling of internal crisis management functions in the areas of; organizational crises, patterns of reaction/perception of causes, formal crisis-preparedness, quality of the internal crisis-preparedness and the need to improve it. How do organizations deal with the organization internal dimension? Internal crisis management and crisis communication in Danish organizations: Mapping study Crisis perception and crisis-preparedness; wherein some of the findings indicated that there was no immediate correlation between the crisis perception of the organizations and their crises experience, and that the crisis perception, not the crisis experience, had a strong impact on the initiatives taken in order to optimize the organizational crisis-preparedness. study of organizational resilience, internal crisis communication, and crisis culture Influence of the news media RESULTS; o Perceptions of the employees reactions to crises o Internal crises communication o Effects of having a crisis management plan or crises management practices o Effects of organizational size on crises management practices o Self-evaluation and future needs One point of surprise is the many important differences between the crisis management/crisis communication activities of private and public organizations. Municipalities seem to have their own approach to internal crisis management and crisis communication. They define crises in different ways, they have experienced different types of crises, and their employees react to crises in different ways. In the following, we will discuss some of the results presented in the previous section. Mitroff (2005, pp. 147–149) claims that “every major crisis is experienced as an act of betrayal”, and he distinguishes between seven types of betrayal caused by top management (economic, information, physical, human resources, reputation, psychopathic acts, and natural disasters). However, our results showed that the feeling of betrayal, together with panic, the feeling of shame and leaving the organization, is not perceived as that frequent as a reaction to organizational crises among employees. There is a strong correlation between having a crisis management team/a crisis manager in the organization and the typical reactions to crises among employees. Organizations that have established a crisis management team or appointed a crisis manager seem to experience loss of motivation and engagement to a lesser extent than organizations without this strategic instrument. Main Topic is: Public Sector Crisis Management Johansen, W., Aggerholm, H. K., & Frandsen, F. (2012). Entering new territory: A study of internal crisis management and crisis communication in organizations. Public Relations Review, 38(2), 270-279.