Optical Materials 114 (2021) 110999 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Optical Materials journal homepage: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/optmat Research Article Optical, microstructural and vibrational properties of sol–gel ITO films M. Nicolescu a, M. Anastasescu a, *, J.M. Calderon-Moreno a, A.V. Maraloiu b, V.S. Teodorescu b, S. Preda a, L. Predoana a, M. Zaharescu a, M. Gartner a, ** a b “Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, 202 Splaiul Independentei, 060021, Bucharest, Romania National Institute of Materials Physics, 405 bis Atomistilor Street, 077125, Magurele-Ilfov, Romania A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Keywords: ITO Sol-gel films HRTEM analysis IR ellipsometry Raman spectroscopy The aim of this paper is to prepare multi-layered ITO thin films by a low cost and environmental-friendly method for different applications (optoelectronics, sensors, etc.). ITO films with 15 layers were obtained by successive depositions using the sol-gel & dip-coating method on three different substrates: glass, SiO2/glass and SiO2/Si. Comparative structural, morphological and optical characterization were performed by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Cross Section Transmission Electron Microscopy (XTEM) coupled with Selected Area Electron Diffraction (SAED), Infrared Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (IRSE) and Raman spectroscopy analyses. The optical constants (refractive index n and extinction coefficient k) were determined in a large spectral range (300-27500 cm− 1) by spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). The thicknesses determined by SE were confirmed by HRTEM (High Resolution TEM) measurements which also presents in detail the textural properties of the ITO films at nanometric level. A comparison between IRSE and Raman analysis in the infrared active region was presented. 1. Introduction One of the most widely used transparent conducting oxides (TCO) is Indium tin oxide (ITO). The special properties of ITO (high transmission above 90%, low resistivity, n-type degenerate semiconductor behavior and wide direct band gap ~ 3.6 eV) recommend it for various applica­ tions in different domains, as: component in photovoltaic cells [1,2], solar cells [3], transparent electrodes in plasma displays panels [4], electroluminescent devices [5], but also as protective coatings [6], sensors [7] and so on. Due to ITO films special properties and applications, they have been prepared by a variety of methods both physical methods, such as: sputtering [8–18], ion beam assisted deposition [19,20], screen printing [21,22], microwave heating [23], as well as chemical methods: chemi­ cal vapor deposition [16], electron beam evaporation [24,25], spray pyrolysis [26–28] and sol-gel [29–42]. The sol-gel method presents some interesting advantages over other methods of coatings deposition, such as: easy control of the final materials, the possibility of deposition on complex shaped substrates, easy control of doping concentration and structural homogeneity, low temperature of films densification, as well as the low cost equipment. Comparative studies on the sol-gel versus sputtering preparation of the ITO as Transparent Conducting Oxides were also published [40]. The obtained results have shown that by selecting optimized deposition parameters for both methods comparable values for the properties of interest (transmission, resistivity and band gap energy) could be ob­ tained in the two series of films. The sol-gel method has the advantage of being less expensive as compared to the sputtering method. In the present work, we focused on 15 layer ITO films and studied the optical, microstructural and vibrational properties of the ITO films prepared by sol–gel method. The ITO transparent films with In:Sn atomic ratio of 90:10 were deposited on several substrates as: micro­ scope glass (denoted as glass), microscope glass covered with one layer of SiO2 obtained by sol-gel method (denoted as SiO2/glass) and Si wafers covered with thermally grown SiO2 (denoted as SiO2/Si). On all the investigated substrates thin films (<100 nm) containing 15 layers were deposited by dip-coating. It was found that the microstructural and optical properties of ITO films depend on the sol concentration, thick­ ness (number of deposited layer), temperature used for thermal treat­ ments and on the deposition substrate. This study emphasize that we can deposit similar sol-gel ITO films on different substrates, no matter of shape or nature. However, some peculiar differences will be noticed, * Corresponding author. ** Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: manastasescu@icf.ro (M. Anastasescu), mgartner@icf.ro (M. Gartner). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optmat.2021.110999 Received 13 January 2021; Received in revised form 19 February 2021; Accepted 3 March 2021 0925-3467/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. M. Nicolescu et al. Optical Materials 114 (2021) 110999 regarding their thickness, roughness/porosity, optical properties and microstructure (crystallinity and texture). Our contribution on the sol-gel ITO films with respect to articles from literature is the obtaining of: statistical data analysis, including the calculation of the root mean square (RMS) roughness. Cross section transmission electron microscopy (XTEM) observations were obtained using the JEOL ARM200F analytical electron microscope, working at 200 kV. Selected area electron diffraction (SAED) data were achieved from the ITO films cross section specimen. The cross section preparation was performed using the classical method by cutting, gluing face to face, mechanical polishing and final ionic thinning using a Gatan installation. Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (SE) measurements were performed to obtain the thickness and optical (dielectric) constants, optical band gap and phonon mode frequencies on a large spectral range with J.A. Woollam Co., Inc equipment composed of a rotating analyzer VASE ellipsometer (SE) for UV–vis–NIR range and a rotating-compensator infrared spectroscopic ellipsometer for IR (IRSE) spectral range. Mea­ surements have been performed at room temperature, using the 70◦ as incidence angle in the 250–33000 nm spectral range with 10 nm wavelength step. The film thickness and the refractive index (n) were obtained from the ellipsometric data analysis with an accuracy of ±0.2 nm and ±0.005, respectively. The optical transmission measurements were performed at 0◦ incidence angle on the same apparatus. The data analysis was done using commercially available WVASE32™ software package. Raman spectra were measured at room temperature with a LabRAM equipment (Horiba JobinYvon, Tokyo, Japan), using the UV-Raman line (λ = 325 nm) of an He/Cd laser to excite the Raman spectra, the laser spot size was around 1–2 μm. Measurements were carried out under the microscope having an 50 × objective and covered the Raman Shift range between 300 and 1400 cm− 1. Electrical measurements based on Hall Effect, were performed on a HMS-5000 equipment from Ecopia using van der Pauw method. - A detailed structure of the ITO layer by TEM-a clear differentiation between dense surface and bottom structure and the inside/middle of the film - Optical constants on a large spectral range (300-27500 cm− 1) - A detailed Raman investigation on a sol-gel ITO film - The vibrational bands obtained in parallel by IRSE and Raman and their good agreement. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Film preparation The sol–gel ITO films were prepared using solution with 0.1 M concentration. The reagents used were: indium nitrate, as In2O3 source, 2-tin ethyl hexanoate, as SnO2 source, 2,4-pentanedione, as chelating agent and ethanol, as solvent. The In:Sn atomic ratio in the studied ITO composition was 9:1. The solution was deposited on glass, SiO2 covered glass (further noted as SiO2/glass), and thermal SiO2 covered Si (further noted as SiO2/Si) substrates. In the case of SiO2 covered glass substrate (SiO2/glass) the SiO2 protective film was prepared by sol-gel method. As precursors the following reagents were used: the tetraethyl-ortosilicate, TEOS (p.a., Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) as SiO2 source, ethanol, C2H5OH (abso­ lute, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) as solvent – denoted as EtOH, the hydrochloric acid, HCl (37%, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) as catalyst and the water for hydrolysis. A solution of the precursors with molar ratio of TEOS/EtOH/H2O/HCl = 1/20/4/0.0036 was used for the pro­ tective film’s deposition using the dip-coating method. The glass mi­ croscope substrate was immersed in the mentioned solution for 1 min with a withdrawal rate of 5 cm/min. A single layer was deposited and thermally treated 1 h at 500 ◦ C for elimination of organic part and for the film consolidation. The role of the SiO2 layer deposited on glass substrate before of the ITO deposition is to prevent the diffusion of the glass components, mainly Na, from glass into the ITO film. In the case of Si substrate, the thermally grown SiO2 layer improves the adhesion of the ITO film to the substrate. The ITO films were deposited on the three selected substrates in the same manner as in our previous papers [39,40]. Thin films of less than 100 nm, containing 15 layers, were obtained by dip-coating from solu­ tions of low concentration (0.1 M) using a withdrawal rate of 5 cm/min. After each deposited layer, a consolidation treatment at 260 ◦ C, for 10 min was made. After the last deposition, a final annealing was applied at 400 ◦ C, for 2 h. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Structural characterization (XRD) Crystal structure of the ITO sol–gel thin films deposited on glass, SiO2/glass and SiO2/Si substrates was examined by XRD and the results were shown in Fig. 1. The XRD patterns evidence the presence of singlephase indium tin oxide (ITO), with bixbyite type structure, belonging to the cubic crystal system, and Ia3 (186) space group. All the diffraction lines match well against the ICDD file no. 6–0416. No impurities or secondary phases are observed within the detection limits of the instrument. None of the patterns present any characteristic 2.2. Film characterization The crystalline structure was determined by grazing incidence XRD, in thin film geometry (GIXRD). The GIXRD measurements were per­ formed with an Ultima IV diffractometer (Rigaku Corp., Japan), equip­ ped with parallel beam optics and a thin film attachment, using Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.5405 Å), operated at 30 mA and 40 kV, over the 2θ range 15–85◦ , at a scanning rate of 1◦ /min, with a step width of 0.02◦ . The fixed incidence angle, α, was set at 0.5◦ . Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements were carried in the non-contact mode, with XE-100 from Park Systems, using sharp tips (highly doped-Si material, <8 nm tip radius; PPP-NCHR type from Nanosensors™) with a cantilever of approximative 125 μm length, 30 μm width, spring constant 42 N/m, and 330 kHz resonance frequency. The topographical 2D AFM images were taken over different areas from (8 × 8) μm2 down to (2 × 2) μm2. XEI (v.1.8.0) Image Processing Pro­ gram (Park Systems) was used for displaying purpose and subsequent Fig. 1. X-ray diffraction patterns of the ITO thin films on three different substrates. 2 M. Nicolescu et al. Optical Materials 114 (2021) 110999 lines of tin oxides phases, which indicates that the tetravalent Sn4+ re­ places In3+substitutionally into the indium oxide lattice, retaining the In2O3 structure. The calculated lattice constants (results are shown in Table 1) are close to the indexed ones according to ICDD file no. 6–0416. The unit cell parameter is influenced by the substrate type. The lat­ tice constant for the films deposited on SiO2 (SiO2/glass and SiO2/Si) is almost identical but larger than the one deposited on the glass substrate. The crystallinity of the thin films, evaluated by the intensity of the diffraction lines, is the highest for the films deposited on SiO2/glass substrate, but the films deposited on glass and SiO2/Si show comparable crystallinity. a two-layer model (roughness layer/ITO film/substrate) for samples deposited on glass and three-layer model (roughness layer/ITO film/ SiO2/substrate) in the case of the films deposited on SiO2/glass and SiO2/Si substrates. For the ITO film the General Oscillator model, con­ taining one Tauc-Lorentz oscillator was used. The roughness layer was modelled by Effective Medium Approximation (EMA), consisting of 50% voids and 50% ITO film [43,44]. The quality of the fit, namely superposition between the experi­ mental and calculated data, was assessed by Mean Squared Error (MSE) procedure. From the best fit, the optical constants (n, k), the film thickness (dfilm) and roughness (drough) thickness were obtained and presented in Table 2. From the refractive index, the film porosity was calculated, using the relation [45]: ( ) n2 − 1 P= 1− 2 × 100(%) (1) nd − 1 3.2. Morphological characterization (AFM) Fig. 2 presents bi-dimensional (2D) AFM images, at the scales of (8 × 8)μm2 (first row) and (2 × 2)μm2 (second row) for ITO thin films on the three different substrates. The third row (left) in Fig. 2 shows the su­ perposition of representative line-scans (surface profiles) collected from the images presented at (2 × 2)μm2 scale, at the positions indicated by the horizontal red lines. The RMS roughness (third row, right) evaluated by AFM from several areas at the scale of (2 × 2)μm2 and from the images at the scale of (8 × 8)μm2 are presented in comparison with the roughness values obtained from SE analysis. As can be seen from Fig. 2, the AFM images scanned over different sized areas [(8 × 8) and (2 × 2)μm2)] show a continuous and homo­ geneous structure, without deposition defects as exfoliations or cracks, but with morphological particularities which depend on the substrate used for deposition. The substrates are completely covered by quasispherical particles with tens of nm in diameter, as suggested by the shape and xy/z-scale size of the line-scans depicted in Fig. 2 (the third row-left). From the images scanned at the scale of (2 × 2) μm2 and from the corresponding superimposed line scans, it can be stated that the ITO films exhibit a similar morphology, consisting in nanometric sized par­ ticles (bright spots) and pores (dark spots). The ITO film deposited on SiO2/glass display slightly larger particles (most of them with elongated aspect) as compared with the ITO films on glass and SiO2/Si. The su­ perficial ITO particles are homogeneously distributed on glass and SiO2/ glass substrates in comparison with SiO2/Si, as evidenced by the roughness analysis presented in Fig. 2, third row-right. The roughness comparison between AFM and SE is presented in Fig. 2, third row, right. As expected, roughness evaluation is scaledependent, but the tendency is in agreement between AFM and Ellips­ ometry. However, the global evaluation of the roughness and of the porosity of the ITO films deposited on different substrates is better assessed from Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, since the measured area is much larger (macroscopic scale) in SE in comparison with AFM (microscopic scale). where n is the refractive index of the ITO film (determined from the best fit) and nd = 1.80 (both values are at λ = 650 nm) is the pore-free ITO reference n-curve from WASE program [43]. The ITO films deposited on glass are more porous (6.38%) in comparison with the ITO films deposited on SiO2/Si (3.19%) and SiO2/glass (1.60%) - (see Table 2). The optical band gap energy (Eg) of the films were calculated using the spectral dependence of the absorption coefficient, α, values derived from the extinction coefficient, k, (α = 4πk/λ) by constructing the Tauc plots: (αhν)1/2vs. photon energy (hν) for indirect transitions (not shown here) [46]. The Eg, evaluated from the best fit is presented in Table 2. 3.3.2. Optical transmission The optical transmission spectra (T) of the ITO films measured in the 250–1500 nm spectral range are shown in Fig. 3 and their values at λ = 650 nm tabulated in Table 2. The ITO films deposited on glass and SiO2/glass (transparent sub­ strates), exhibit a good transmittance (65–80%) from visible (400 nm) to near-IR range (800 nm). Above 1000 nm, the optical transmittance of the ITO films is of the same value as the glass substrate, being around 85%. The decrease of T% below 400 nm is due to the onset of light adsorption (adsorption edge), as precisely analyzed and determined (see Eg values in Table 2) by spectroscopic ellipsometric analysis. T% spectra were collected by VASE ellipsometer at 0◦ light angle of incidence. 3.3.3. XTEM and SAED The XTEM images exposed in Fig. 4 reveal the real dimensions of the structure and the ITO film deposited on SiO2/Si substrate. The low magnification image of the structure obtained by ITO sol-gel deposition on SiO2/Si substrate is presented in Fig. 4a. The ITO film is poly­ crystalline with a thickness of 82 nm (see Fig. 4b) and with an important [111] texture at the bottom part of the deposited layers as revealed by the SAED pattern in Fig. 4c. The high resolution observation of the bottom part of the film (see Fig. 5) reveals the ITO layers with the [111] texture. The ITO crystallites form a dense layer near the interface with the substrate with the thickness of 12 nm. In this layer most of the crystallites have the ITO (222) lattice planes parallel to the interface with the SiO2 substrate layer (see Fig. 5). In the HRTEM image (Fig. 5) it can be observed the polycrystalline structure of the ITO film and the presence of the nano-porosity between the ITO nano-crystallites. The pores size can by estimated at 3–4 nm. The ITO nano crystallite size is between 5 and 15 nm, as revealed by the lattice fringes coherent areas in the HRTEM image. The dense layer at the bottom part of the deposition can be thicker as shown in Fig. 6. In this case, same pore layer appears in this area showing the deposited layers delimitation. The layered aspect is related with the number of the sol-gel dipping. Indeed, for one layer deposition we expect a thickness of about 5–6 nm, and the first three dense layers 3.3. Optical and microstructural characterization 3.3.1. SE (250–33000 nm) The ITO thin films (thickness < 100 nm), deposited on different substrates: glass, SiO2/glass and respectively SiO2/Si were investigated by spectroscopic ellipsometry in the (250–33000 nm) spectral region. The experimental ellipsometric Ψ and Δ spectra were simulated with Table 1 Unit-cell parameters of the samples thermally treated at 400 ◦ C, for 2 h. Sample ITO/glass ITO/SiO2/glass ITO/SiO2/Si ICDD file no. 6-0416 a=b=c α=β=γ (Å) (◦ ) 10.116(10) 10.118(11) 10.121(3) 10.1180 90.0 90.0 90.0 90 3 M. Nicolescu et al. Optical Materials 114 (2021) 110999 Fig. 2. Bi-dimensional (2D) AFM images (topography) registered at (8 × 8) μm2 (first row) and (2 × 2)μm2 (second row). Random plotted line-scans of sol-gel ITO thin films on different substrates (third row, left) together with roughness comparison between AFM and SE (third row, right). Table 2 Film thickness (dfilm) and roughness (drough), refractive index (n), optical band gap (Eg), porosity (P), transmission (T) and MSE obtained from SE in UV–vis–NIR spectral range. Note: n, T and P are calculated for λ = 650 nm. Sample dSiO2 (nm) dfilm ± 2 (nm) drough (nm) MSE na ±0.01 Eg (eV) Ta (%) Pa (%) ITO/glass ITO/SiO2/glass ITO/SiO2/Si Glass – 70 819 – 65.3 59.0 79.2 – 1.5 1.2 3.7 – 3.56 7.92 8.22 – 1.76 1.78 1.79 – 3.61 3.87 3.77 – 79.28 77.77 – 88.29 6.38 3.19 1.60 – a Note: n, T and P are calculated for λ = 650 nm. show a thickness of about 16 nm (see Fig. 6). In the annealing process for every deposited sol-gel layer, the second deposited one (denoted 2 in Fig. 6a) can crystallize in continuity with the ITO crystallites of the first layer (denoted 1 in Fig. 6a). The ITO grain will be bigger, in accordance with the thickness of the deposited sol-gel layer, a situation visible in Fig. 6; this can happen also for other suc­ cessive layers, as it is the case of layers 4 and 5 in Fig. 6a. The delimitation between the 15 deposited sol-gel layers can be visible only for the first deposited layers which are textured and quite dense compared to the rest of the layers in the film. It is also possible to have a dense layer at the surface of the film in a way of a dense crust, as observed in Fig. 6a. In the case of ITO film deposited on glass substrate, the total thick­ ness is 71 nm (see Fig. 7a). The film structure is polycrystalline and less textured, as revealed by the SAED pattern showed in Fig. 7b. The dense layer appears also at the bottom part of the film at the substrate interface. 3.3.4. IRSE and Raman (vibrational modes) The IRSE analysis of the ITO thin films was used to determine the 4 M. Nicolescu et al. Optical Materials 114 (2021) 110999 Γoptic = 4Ag (R) + 4Eg (R) + 14Tg (R) + 5Au (inactive) + 5Eu (inactive) + 16Tu(IR) (2) The Infrared spectra of the ITO thin films reveal the presence of vi­ bration bands which were attributed to In–O–In, In–OH, Si–OH and Si–O–Si respectively [54,56,59–62]. The observed infrared and Raman modes are in good agreement with previously published results [51–55, 57,58,60]. Factor group analysis predicts up to 22 Raman active modes: 4Ag + 4Eg + 14 Tg from which in the range 100–800 cm− 1 we found nine of them in Fig. 10(a–c) and Table 3 for all three substrates. The reduced intensity of the observed peaks is related to the reduced Raman cross section due to the small size of the particles and the thin width of the ITO films. These nine vibrations correspond certainly to phonon vibration modes of the film with C-type cubic sesquioxide structure. Apart from these, in the Raman spectra are also observed the vibration modes of each substrate: around 560 and 800 cm− 1 (marked with * in Fig. 10a) for the silicate glass, and the sharp line around 520 cm− 1 (Fig. 10c) for Si [60]. At least eight different Raman vibration modes have been previously reported for cubic In2O3, 308, 365, 471, 504, 637 and 707 cm− 1 [54]; 307, 368, 497 and 632 cm− 1 [53]; 307 and 366, 497 and 630 cm− 1 [55]; Fig. 3. Transmission of the sol-gel ITO thin films deposited on glass and SiO2/glass. optical constants and vibrational modes. The optical model used in the UV–vis–NIR spectral range was extended in Infrared wavelength domain to fit the experimental Ψ and Δ spectra by adding Gaussian and Drude oscillators in order to take into account the light scattering on free carriers [47]. The good fits for the films deposited on the three substrates are illustrated in Fig. 8 in the region of 300–1400 cm− 1. In Fig. 9, the ellipsometric analysis is extended in the whole measured spectral range and it shows a good agreement between the experimental and calculated (Ψ and Δ) ellipsometric parameters. The optical constants (n, k) obtained from the best fit are presented in the same figure from UV to IR spectral range for the sol-gel ITO films on the three substrates used for deposition. The dependence of the optical properties of our ITO films on the method of preparation, subsequent thermal treatment and substrate is in good agreement with the literature [48–50]. The vibrational bands of ITO films obtained by IRSE technique, from the assignment (indexing) of the inflection points of the Ψ and Δ spectra (Fig. 9) in 300–1400 cm− 1 spectral range are detailed in Table 2. In parallel, the Raman spectra in the same spectral range can be visualized in Fig. 10 and their assignations [51–62] are comparatively presented in Table 3. It is well known that cubic In2O3 belongs to the Ia3, Th7 spaces group. For such a structure the vibrational modes are 4Ag, 4Eg, 14Tg, 5Au, 5Eu and 16Tu. The Ag, Eg, Tg modes are Raman active, Tu modes are infrared active, while Au and Eu vibrations are inactive in both infrared and Raman measurements [51,52], shortly: Fig. 5. HRTEM image of the bottom part of the ITO film deposited on SiO2/Si substrate (detail from Fig. 4). Fig. 4. Low magnification XTEM image showing the section morphology of the ITO film deposited on SiO2/Si substrate (a); XTEM image of the ITO film structure (b) and the corresponding SAED pattern (c) of the film deposited on SiO2/Si substrate. 5 M. Nicolescu et al. Optical Materials 114 (2021) 110999 Fig. 6. XTEM image of the ITO film deposited on SiO2/Si substrate (a) and the corresponding SAED pattern (b) showing the textured dense layers structure deposited at the bottom part of the film. Fig. 7. XTEM image of the ITO film deposited on glass substrate (a) and the corresponding SAED pattern (b). 307, 366, 407, 495, 560, 630 [51]; 307, 366, 495, 517, 631 cm− 1 [52]. Reported modes correspond with the intense modes 321, 359, 617 and the weak modes 401, 731 observed here, with slightly displaced posi­ tions compared to cubic In2O3. For tin doped ITO Berengue [52] re­ ported additional vibration modes at 433, 476 and 584 cm− 1 (observed here) while modes at 495 and 517 faded. More recently [58], additional modes of ultra-thin (sub-50 nm) ITO films have been reported at 621 and 657 cm− 1. There is scarce available data on Raman of cubic In2O3 and ITO, further studies are necessary for identification of their Raman modes. Present results (Table 3) confirm the noticeable modification of the Raman spectra of ITO films compared to cubic In2O3: (i) a characteristic strong band at ~ 430-450 cm− 1; (ii) the fading of 495–517 modes; (iii) the displacement of the 560 cm− 1 band towards higher Raman shifts (~580 cm− 1). Furthermore, two additional bands have been observed in the ITO thin films for all substrates at Raman shift ~660, 730 cm− 1. The characteristic features from amorphous SiO2 can be observed only at higher Raman shifts; the extended range Raman spectra, in the region 800-1500 cm− 1, show a wide band centered at 1100 cm− 1; associated with non-crystalline Si–O vibration modes. The wide band is most intense from the glass substrate, weaker from the amorphous SiO2 substrate and weakest from the thin amorphous oxide outer surface layer on Si substrate [60]. Finally, the distinct mode at ~950 cm− 1 on the low frequency side of the Si–O band in ITO-Si is a second order Raman band from Si. Only Raman features of cubic ITO and the substrates are observed, no addi­ tional modes of SnO or SnO2 have been detected. 3.3.5. Electrical measurements The electrical parameters (bulk carriers concentration (ND), re­ sistivity (ρ), mobility (μ) and conductivity (σ)) obtained by Hall Effect measurements (Van der Pauw method) are illustrated in Table 4. According to Table 4, the highest carrier concentration and con­ ductivity in the series was found for the ITO films deposited on glass and the biggest resistivity for the film deposited on SiO2/Si. 4. Discussion A comparative analysis of the results obtained by the different method of investigations of the ITO films obtained by deposition on different substrate has shown the following: - ITO films can be deposited by sol-gel method on different substrates which represent a useful result for different potential applications; it has to be mentioned that due to the versatility of the sol-gel depo­ sition method, not only flat substrates (as in the present work) but also other arbitrarily shaped substrates can be used for deposition; - Thin films, having thicknesses of less than 100 nm, can be obtained, using sol-gel starting solutions with low viscosity (0.1 M); 6 M. Nicolescu et al. Optical Materials 114 (2021) 110999 Fig. 8. Experimental and fitted Ψ and Δ spectra of ITO sol-gel thin films with 15 layers, deposited on glass - (a), SiO2/glass - (b) and SiO2/Si - (c). - The initial deposited individual layers, clear visible in the XTEM image (and having their own alternating structure of dense/porous layers), are vanishing by multilayer deposition due to the low vis­ cosity sols used for preparation; - According to HRTEM observations, the substrate influence of the crystallization is noticeable only in the first 10–15 nm (Figs. 5–7), imposing a denser interface layer; - Due to a low viscosity of the starting solution, the bulk porosity of the obtained ITO films (estimated based on SE analysis) do not exceed 6.2% which is much lower than the one obtained in other work [34], in which the void fraction in porous regions varied between 20 and 25%; - Because of the number of repetitive layer depositions accompanied by thermal treatments, the microstructural and optical properties of the resulted ITO films are only slightly influenced by the substrate. - Roughness and thickness of the films are smaller on glass or SiO2/ glass substrates, but the porosity is bigger than the films deposited on SiO2/Si substrate (SE); - Transmission is the same on glass and SiO2/glass (T%); - The lattice constant for the films deposited on SiO2 (SiO2/glass and SiO2/Si) is almost identical but larger than the one deposited on the glass substrate. The crystallinity of the thin films, evaluated by the intensity of the diffraction lines, is the highest for the films deposited on SiO2/glass substrate, but the films deposited on glass and SiO2/Si show comparable crystallinity (XRD). - There is a direct correlation between the variation of the resistivity (ρ) and that of roughness (drough), as also observed by Tang for ITO films deposited on PMMA [63] and an inverse one with the porosity (P). This study is useful for the application in which ITO films are involved. For example, for TCO application we need glass substrate or SiO2/glass [41]; for sensors and electronic applications sometimes glass but sometimes silicon substrate is required [64]. The differences obtained between the substrates are: 7 M. Nicolescu et al. Optical Materials 114 (2021) 110999 Fig. 9. Schematic models used to fit the experimental and generated (Ψ and Δ) data together with the optical spectra (n and k) of the sol-gel ITO thin films deposited on: glass (left column), SiO2/glass (middle column) and SiO2/Si (right column). 5. Conclusion - The ITO films are polycrystalline, less textured, (most of them with elongated aspect), contain larger particles - Their mean crystalline domains sizes is smaller than for SiO2/glass substrate, but larger than for SiO2/Si - They are more porous (6.38%) in comparison with the ITO films deposited on SiO2/Si (3.19%) and SiO2/glass (1.60%) and present a bigger roughness. The obtained sol-gel ITO films are polycrystalline, having a singlephase cubic bixbyite (In2O3). The films show a dense [111] texture for the first 2 or 3 deposited layers (from 15) in the bottom part and with a homogeneous structure in the rest of the film. The size of the ITO crystallites is in the range of 5–15 nm. A good confirmation of the thicknesses determined by SE was ob­ tained by XTEM measurements. As it results from the comprehensive characterization of the ITO films presented in this work, the influence of the substrate was attenu­ ated by the multilayer depositions, but it is still felt, for example in the case of deposition on glass substrate: The identification of the vibrational modes of these three types of films was performed in parallel by IRSE and Raman methods. Detailed tabulated data are offered with a good agreement between the two sets of results. 8 Optical Materials 114 (2021) 110999 M. Nicolescu et al. Fig. 10. Raman spectra of ITO thin films with 15 layers deposited on: (a, d) glass, (b, e) SiO2/glass and (c, f) SiO2/Si. Table 3 Vibrational bands of the ITO films obtained by IRSE and Raman and their assignation comparatively presented with literature data. Substrate/Vibrational bands (cm− 1) glass SiO2/glass Assignation of the chemical bands 325 [51] 366, 368, 378 [51–55] 407 [51] 433,449 [51,56] 471,476 [51,54] 520 [57] 584 [56] 603,621,631 [52,54,56,58] 657 [58] 707 [51] 854 [59] 880 [59] 962 [59] 1050,1110 [59–62] 1200-1260 [60–62] In–O In–O ITO ITO In–O–In Si ITO ITO In–O–In In–O–In In–OH Si–OH Si–OH Si–O–Si/Si–OH Si–O–Si/Si–OH SiO2/Si IRSE Raman IRSE Raman IRSE Raman – 376 – 435 – 522 – 610 – 727 856 919 997 1107 1236 321 359 401 448 479 525 582 617 663 731 – 359 – 432 – 525 – – – 727 849 893 987 – 1236 321 354 401 449 470 – 371 407 – 469 525 585 – – 727 843 909 1016 1057 1236 319 365 407 451 480 520 584 618 666 722 1006 1050 Vibrational band from literature (cm− 1) 582 609 663 731 1018 1110 978 1107 9 M. Nicolescu et al. Optical Materials 114 (2021) 110999 Table 4 Electrical parameters obtained by Hall Effect for the sol-gel ITO films. Substrate ND (1020 cm− 3) ρ (10− Glass SiO/2glass SiO/2Si 3.71 1.78 2.76 1.60 2.90 3.15 2 Ω cm) μ (cm2/Vs) σ (Ω cm)− 1.05 1.21 0.72 80.38 34.50 31.74 [4] 1 [5] [6] CRediT author statement [7] Madalina Nicolescu: Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing-original draft preparation; Mihai Anastasescu: Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing-original draft, Writing-review and editing; Jose Maria CalderonMoreno: Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing-original draft, Writingreview and editing; Adrian-Valentin Malaroiu: Investigations, Formal analysis; Valentin Serban Teodorescu: Investigations, Formal analysis, Writing-original draft; Silviu Preda: Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing-original draft; Luminita Predoana: Methodology, Writingoriginal draft, Investigation, Visualization; Maria Zaharescu: Original draft preparation, Writing-review and editing, Investigation, Visualiza­ tion; Mariuca Gartner: Conceptualization, Writing-review and editing, Data curation, Project administration, Funding acquisition. [8] [9] [10] [11] CRediT authorship contribution statement [12] M. Nicolescu: Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing – original draft, preparation. M. Anastasescu: Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. J.M. CalderonMoreno: Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. A.V. Maraloiu: Investigation, Formal analysis. V.S. Teodorescu: Investigation, Formal analysis, Writing – original draft. S. Preda: Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing – orig­ inal draft. L. Predoana: Methodology, Writing – original draft, Inves­ tigation, Visualization. M. Zaharescu: Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing, Investigation, Visualization. M. Gartner: Concep­ tualization, Writing – review & editing, Data curation, Project admin­ istration, Funding acquisition. [14] Declaration of competing interest [18] [13] [15] [16] [17] The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. [19] [20] Acknowledgments [21] The paper was carried out within the research program “Science of Surfaces and Thin Layers” of the “Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry. This research was funded by Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CCCDI-UEFISCDI, project 112/ 2019 ERANET-M.-VOC-DETECT, within PNCDI III program. EU (ERDF) and Romanian Government that allowed for the acqui­ sition of the research infrastructure under POS-CCE O 2.2.1 project INFRANANOCHEM – No. 19/March 01, 2009 and POS-CCE nr. 141/ 2009 - CEUREMAVSU and Core Program PN19-03 (nr. 21 N/February 08, 2019) are gratefully acknowledged. [22] [23] [24] [25] References [26] [1] R.R. Lunt, V. 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