Uploaded by Marcella Van Itterzon

Klokkijken oefenen: 1 uur werkblad

It's one o'clock.
Making an appointment
Being able to make and cancel an appointment is an important skill in English. You need to be able to:
 make an appointment,
 respond to an appointment and
 cancel an appointment.
Here are some expressions you can use to do this concisely and clearly.
Asking to meet:
Are you
available on... / next...?
free on... / next...?
Can we
meet on... / next ...?
next ... be ok?
What about
next ... ?
next ... ok?
 "Are you available on the 17th?"
 "Can we meet on the 16th?"
 "How does the 3rd sound to you?"
 "Are you free next week?"
 "Would Friday suit you?"
 "Is next Tuesday convenient for you?"
 "What about sometime next week?"
Responding to an appointment:
... is fine
.... would be fine.
suits me
would be perfect.
I'm afraid
I'm sorry
I can't on ....
I won't be able to... on ...
I really don't think I can
on ...
 "Yes, Monday is fine."
 "Monday suits me."
 "Thursday would be perfect."
 "I'm afraid I can't on the 3rd. What about the 6th?"
 "I'm sorry, I won't be able to make it on Monday. Could we meet on Tuesday instead?"
 "Ah, Wednesday is going to be a little difficult. I'd much prefer Friday, if that's alright with you."
 "I really don't think I can on the 17th. Can we meet up on the 19th?
Spreekopdracht: Je wilt een afspraak maken bij de huisarts.
Je zegt dat je hoofdpijn hebt en een afspraak wilt.
Je wilt vanmiddag om 3 uur een afspraak.
Als dat niet kan, dan is donderdagochtend ook goed.
Beantwoord verdere vragen.
Spreekopdracht: Je bent doktersassistente, iemand belt voor een afspraak.
Je neemt de telefoon op en vraagt waarmee je kunt helpen.
Jullie hebben geen plaats vandaag.
Donderdag om 9 uur ‘s ochtends wel.
Vraag om naam en geboortedatum van de patiënt.
Herhaal de datum.