It's one o'clock. Making an appointment Being able to make and cancel an appointment is an important skill in English. You need to be able to: make an appointment, respond to an appointment and cancel an appointment. Here are some expressions you can use to do this concisely and clearly. Asking to meet: Are you available on... / next...? free on... / next...? Can we meet on... / next ...? Would next ... be ok? What about next ... ? Is next ... ok? Examples: "Are you available on the 17th?" "Can we meet on the 16th?" "How does the 3rd sound to you?" "Are you free next week?" "Would Friday suit you?" "Is next Tuesday convenient for you?" "What about sometime next week?" Responding to an appointment: Yes, ... is fine .... would be fine. .... suits me would be perfect. I'm afraid I'm sorry I can't on .... I won't be able to... on ... I really don't think I can on ... Examples: "Yes, Monday is fine." "Monday suits me." "Thursday would be perfect." "I'm afraid I can't on the 3rd. What about the 6th?" "I'm sorry, I won't be able to make it on Monday. Could we meet on Tuesday instead?" "Ah, Wednesday is going to be a little difficult. I'd much prefer Friday, if that's alright with you." "I really don't think I can on the 17th. Can we meet up on the 19th? Spreekopdracht: Je wilt een afspraak maken bij de huisarts. ROL A Je zegt dat je hoofdpijn hebt en een afspraak wilt. Je wilt vanmiddag om 3 uur een afspraak. Als dat niet kan, dan is donderdagochtend ook goed. Beantwoord verdere vragen. Spreekopdracht: Je bent doktersassistente, iemand belt voor een afspraak. ROL B Je neemt de telefoon op en vraagt waarmee je kunt helpen. Jullie hebben geen plaats vandaag. Donderdag om 9 uur ‘s ochtends wel. Vraag om naam en geboortedatum van de patiënt. Herhaal de datum.