, ,, fomputer system component!i, ""' ~ the components of computer system include--------------------a) Hardware b) Operating system c) Application programs d) Users e) All of the above What is an Operatinq system? l?ev MCO: Operating system is a-----------------a) software b) hardware c) peripherical device d) other V MCO: Kernel is a program which is running a) While the program is executing b) at all times on the computer. c) Only at startup d) Other MCQ: The operating system acts as an interface between--------------------a) The user of a computer and computer hardware. b) User and computer software. c) None of the above. ~ Operating system is a Collection of programs that -----------------a) Control the application software. b) Link between the hardware and software. c) Manage resources shared between simultaneous programs. d) All of the abJ!X@ Chapter:1 Page 5 - II Operating system Generations ~ the first generation of Operating system is -----------------a) b) c) d) Vacuum Tubes Transistors and Batch Systems ICs and Multiprogramming Personal Computers MCQ;, the second generation of Operating system is -----------------a) Vacuum Tubes b} Transistors and Batch Systems c) ICs and Multiprogramming d) Personal Computers MCQ: the third generation of Operating system is------------------ a) b) c) d) Vacuum Tubes Transistors and Batch Systems ICs and Multiprogramming Personal Computers MCQ: the fourth generation of Operating system is ------------------ a) Vacuum Tubes b) Transistors and Batch Systems c) ICs and Multiprogramming d) Personal Computers J [ Am.Na.Sa OS types 1. Mainframe Operating Systems: o Room- sized computers found in major corporate data centers. o processing many jobs at once and need huge amount of 1/0. o Three kinds of services: 1) A batch system is one that processes routine jobs without any interactive user present. users to run jobs on database. 0 Page 6 - II i 2. Server Operating Systems o Run at servers that serve many u sers over network. d c-oftware resources. o Allow the users to share har ware an "' o Example: Windows 2000 d 3. Multiprocessor Operating Systems 0 Special OS for multiple CPU in a single system. o Special features for communication, connectivity, and consistency o Example: Linux 4. Personal Computer Operating Systems 0 Used for word processing, spreadsheets, and Internet access. o Example: Linux and Vista s. Handheld Computer Operating Systems 0 Small computer that fits in a shirt pocket and perform small functions. 6. Embedded Operating Systems o Run on the computers that control devices that are not generally thought of as computers. o Example: TV and Cars 7. Sensor Node Operating Systems o OS for tiny computers that communicate with each other and with a base station using wireless communication. 8. Real-Time Operating Systems o Have a time as a key parameter. o Example: industrial process control systems 9. Smart Card Operating Systems o Smallest OS which Is credit card sized devices containing a CPU chip. o Have very limited processing power and memory. o Can handle only a Chapter:1 Revisi1 • slnsJeJuf1~, :sµch,1$ electronic payments, · th t rocesses routine [obs without any interactive user MCO,;, --------------- 1s one a p present. a) batch systems b) Transaction processing systems c) Time Sharing Systems MCO: --------------- is one that allow multiple remote users to run jobs on the computer at once a) batch systems b) Transaction processing systems c) Time Sharing Systems ing-Rev, --- IV - Mm;,--------------- is one that handle large numbers of small requests. a) batch systems b) Transaction processing systems c) Time Sharing Systems MCQ: Which is the false statement regarding batch systems? a) A long turnaround time is needed for serial batch system. b) Batch systems are slow in both input and output. c) Batch systems are slow in both processing and output. d) A batch system is less complex MCQ: Which is appropriate for serial batch processing systems a) Running several programs at a time. b} Running one programs at a time. c) Handling of multiple dependent programs at a time. d) None of the above. MCO: Which of the following is related to real-time operating systems? a) b) c) d) Execution of programs concurrently. Have a time as key parameter. Serving several users at a time. None of the above. ( J I Am.Na.Sa ] P a g e 8 I t I • Operating Sys~em Services 1) services provide functions helpful to the user: a. User interface • Varies between Command-Line (CLI), Graphics User Interface (GUI), Batch b. Program execution~ • OS must be able to load, run and terminate the programs. c. 1/0 operations: • OS is responsible for transferring data to and from 1/0 devices. d. File-system manipulation: • OS help programs to read, write, delete and search files and directories. e. Communications: • Processes exchange information, on the same computer or between computers f. Error detection • OS to be aware of errors that may occur and take actions that handle them. 2) services provide functions for ensuring efficient operation of the system g. Resource allocation • When multiple jobs running concurrently, resources are allocated to each of them. h. Accounting • Keep track of which users use how much and what kinds of computer resources. i. Protection and security Protection: involves ensuring that all access to system resources is controlled Security: provide user authentication, extends to defending 1/0 devices from invalid access attempts Am.Na.Sa ) Page 9 I I l _MQl;.. Which of the following is not the function of an operating system? a) Memory management b) CPU management c) 1/0 and file management d) Debugging programs. _M,Ql.---------------- provide user authentication and extends to defending external 1/0 devices from invalid access attempts a) Protection b) Securit~ c) Privacy MCO: --------------- involves ensuring that all access to system resources is controlled a) Protection b) Security c) Privacy /A , -I r User OS Interface types: 1- Command Interpreter (g} Allows direct command entry It gets and processes the next user request and launches the requested programs. Example: UNIX 2- Graphical User Interface (GUI) implemented as a desktop with file folders, trash cans, and resource icons. Usually use mouse, keyboard, and monitor • Example: iPad touchscreen ( ) Am.Na.Sa 3- Choice of interface • Allow individuals to select their desired interface, customize its operation, and to switch between different interfaces Page 10 - II E Operating System Structures 1- Simple Structure MS-DOS written to provide the most functionality in the least space. Not divided into modules ~ application program Advantages: o Simple and easy to implement Disadvantage: o It does not break the system into subsystems. o No distinction between user and kernel. o Allow direct access to H.W Examples: MS-DOS ROM BIOS device drivers 2- Layered Approach Operating system is divided into a number of layers. Each layer relies only on services provided by next lower layer. Bottom layer (layer 0) is the hardware and the highest (layer N} is the user interface. Advantages: o Allows each layer to be developed and debugged independently. Disadvantage: o What order in which to place the layers. o Less efficient ( Examples: UNIX ) Am.Na.Sa 3- Microkernels Remove nonessential component from kernel and implement them in the user space as system applications Results in small kerneJ (miQ'q~p.eL} • Advant I ' ·e_:.,._·, --.~;.: ....,-:- .. ~ ,·,:..: with small functions. ·.t_ .-.. ... : ''..' .C.-1,_e,t,c~.'t~.~.,">;, =-: Page 11 • • Disadvantages: o Performance overhead of user space to kernel space communication Device ] user I I ~ysmrn ~ '\' Program J Driver mode CPU kernel : •••••••• nx•Si.JQ()S •••••••.• : memory managment ± mtcrokernet J hardware scheduling mode 4- Modules Modern OS development is object-oriented, with a relatively small core kernel and a set of modules which can be linked in dynamically. Similar to Layered approach: each subsystem has clearly defined tasks and interfaces Differ from Layered approach: any module is free to contact any other module. More efficient than layered approach: eliminating the problems of going through multiple intermediary layers. Advantages: Kernel is small and efficient as microkernel [ o Modules easy linked to any other module • Example: Solaris 0 Chapter:1 ,,,..--------- Am.Na.Sa Page 12 ] 5- Hybrid systems Combine different structures resulting in hybrid systems that address performance, security, and usability issues. Mac OS X structure: designed to run on Apple mac devices Architecture of Apple's iOS: designed to run on Apple mobile devices Architecture of Google's Android: Developed for Android smartphones and tablet. Android Vs. 105 android iOS Google Apple Linux OS X, UNIX Programming lang. C, C++, java C, C++, Objective-c Source model Open source Closed, with open source components Kernel, UI, and some The iOS kernel is not open standard apps source Company/ Developer OS family Open source Widgets Yes - No, except in Notification Center Internet browsing Interface Available on Google Chrome Mobile Safari Touch screen Touch screen LG, HTC, Samsung, Sony, Motorola and others iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV Google maps Apple maps Google Hangouts Facetime Maps Video chat 1- OS family of android is a) Linux b) Unix c) Windows 2- Android OS is an example of a) module systems b) hybrid systems c) layered systems ( Am.Na.Sa ) 3- OS faatJb'~n~~ll. Page 13 • I 4- Solaris operating system uses a) module structure b) microkernel structure c) layered structure Ope 5- mash operating system uses a) simple OS structure b) micro kernel structure c) layered structure System Calls 'duJing _ R., --- ...._ MCO: --------------- is a Programming interface to the services provided by the OS. a) API ~ rI ,. L b) System call c) Functions d) other MCQ: system call is accessed by--------------- a. b. c. d. APf System call Functions other ( Am.Na.Sa ) MCO: --------------- is a Set of functions available to an application including the parameters that are passed to each function and the return values the programmer can expect. a. API b. System call c. Functions d. other ~ System calls are written in ------------------- language. Page 14 ~ Swin32 is an API for------------------- operating system. a. Windows b. Linux, Unix, Mac OS c. Java Virtual Machine d. Other ~ POSIX is an API for------------------- operating system. a. Windows b. Linux • Unix • Mac OS c. Java Virtual Machine d. Other • System Call Types: J i i Process control File management end, abort load, execute create process, terminate process wait event create file, delete file open, close read, write Device management protection set file security set security descriptor group request device, release device read, write device Communications Information maintenance get time or date, set time or date create, delete communication connection send, receive messages transfer status information Am.Na.Sa Chap Page 15 OS Operations_ MCQ;, Modern OSs are ------------------- operating systems. a. Not interrupt driven b. Interrupt driven MCQ: -------------- is a software-generated problem caused either by an error or user request a) A trap b) An interrupt c) User mode MCQ: ------------------ is a way to invoke a kernel routine because other code run with a higher priority than user code. a. b. c. d. Interrupt Event A tarp Other MCQ: --------------- is something generated by the hardware device and they don't happen at predictable places in the user code. a. Interrupt b. Event c. A tarp d. Other Dual-/Ylode Operation MCO: there are -------------- modes of operation in a computer system a. 1 b. I C. 3 d. Other MCO: operating syst b. C. Page 16 1 MCQ,;, user programs run in -----------------a. kernel mode b. user mode c. dual mode MC~ if mode bit is 0, that indicates that the current mode is---------------e. kernel mode f. user mode g. dual mode ~ if mode bit is 1, that indicates that the current mode is a. kernel mode b. user mode c. dual mode ( Am.Na.Sa ► User mode and Kernel mode MCQ: In ------------, if a program crashes, the entire system will be halted a) User mode b) Kernel mode c) Device management ) a; - )I l I MCQ; -------------- is used to prevent a user program from getting stuck in an infinite loop or not calling system services and never returning control to the OS. ,;mer .. a. Event b. Interrupt c. Timer d. trap MCOi -------------- can be set to interrupt the computer after a specified period. a. Event b. Interrupt c. Timer d. trap Concurrency in Operating Systems MCQ: ---------------- involves multiple processes on a system with a single processor. a. Multiprogramming b. Multiprocessing c. Distributed processing MCQ: Multiprogramming increases -----------------a. real time b. execution time Am.Na.Sa c. CPU utilization d. minimizes throughput. MCQ: --------------- involves multiple processes on a system with multiple processors. ( a. Multiprogramming b. Multiprocessing c. Distributed processing MCO: -----------------invo a. Multiprogram b. Multiprocessi c. Distributed Chapter:1 Revis ] I a, ~------------------is the interleaving of processes in time to give the appearance of simultaneous execution. a. Concurrency b. Parallelism c. sequential processing MCQ~ ---------------- offers genuine simultaneous execution of processes. a. Concurrency ion. b. Parallelism c. sequential processing MCQ: ----------------- is the requirement that when a process Pis accessing a shared resource R, no other process should be able to access R until P has finished with R. a. b. c. d. Deadlocks Mutual Exclusion Circular wait Preemption MCO: -------------- is a set of blocked processes each holding a resource and waiting to acquire a resource held by another process. a. Mutual Exclusion b. Deadlocks c. Circular wait d. Preemption Am.Na.Sa \ I - How to avoid Deadlocks? 1- Mutual Exclusion Shared resources such as read-only files do TO thread has a LOCK on resource 1. but requ~es resource2 for r,ni1hing execution -~ resource 1 ◄·--I 7I not lead to deadlocks. but some resources, such as printers require TO DEADLOCK L. .. ~., exclusive access by a single process. 2- Hold and Wait processes must be prevented from holding one or more resources while simultaneously waiting for one or more others. T1 11 thread has a LOCK on resource2 but requires resource1 for finishing execution. 3- No Preemption Preemption of process resource allocations can prevent this condition of deadlocks, when it is possible. 4- Circular Wait One way to avoid circular wait is to number all resources, and to require that processes request resources only in strictly increasing (or decreasing} order. MCQ: ------------------ can be a cause for deadlock a. b. c. d. e. Mutual Exclusion Hold and wait Circular wait No Preemption All of the above MCQ: we can avoid deadlock by preventing ------------------ a. b. c. d. e. Mutual Exclusion Hold and wait Circular wait No Preemption All of the_ab_O\l.e MCO: In deadlock, ------a} Hold and b) Mutual e: c} Circular Chapter:1 Revisi ( Am.Na.Sa ) I II ding I ons • nt -1 --· •• A.. 2 019 ...• MERR,Y CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR - 1 #221847225 Operating System CPU Scheduling Revision CPU Scheduling -Revi1ion. BY Am.Na.Sa I reeaing ptions I I I I True/false. For each statement, write 'T' at the end if it is true and write 'F' i 1 it is false. If you think the question is ambiguous, state your additional assumptions clearly. I. In a time sharing system, the most st!itable criterion for CPU scheduling is to maximize the CPU utilization [ F ] 2. A round robin scheduling algorithm can be non-preemptive [ F j 3. In a preemptive priority scheduling algorithm, the running process/thread alwaxs has the highest priority among all read)' prncesses/threads [ T l Ouestion-1: Assume that the following processes are the only processes in a computer system and that there are no input/output requests from all the given processes. Given the following arrival time and CPU burst time for each process, draw the Gantt chart and compute the average turnaround time and the average wait time as defined in the textbook for the following CPU scheduling algorithms: CPU Burst Time 10 Process Arrival Time P1 0 P2 2 6 P3 P.1 3 5 l 3 [ Am.Na.Sa First Come First Service (FCFS). 0 JO 16 17 20 The wait time for Pl is 0-0=0, for P2 is 10-2 = 8, for P3 is 16-3=13 for P4 is 17-5=12. -2- ) I The turnaround time [ Am.Na.Sa for Pl is 10-0=10, J for P2 is 16-2=14 for P3 is 17-3=14 for P4 is 20-5=15. So the average turnaround time is (1 0+ 14+ 14+ 15)/4= 13 .25 Preemptive Shortest Job Next. l' 0 2345 8 20 12 The wait time for Pl is 0-0=0, for P2 is 2-2 = 8, for P3 is 3-3=0 for P4 is 5-5=0. So the average wait time is (0+0+0+0)/4 = 0. The turnaround time for Pl is 20-0=20, for P2 is 12-2=10 for P3 is 4-3=1 for P4 is 8-5=3. So the average turnaround time is (2o+lo+1+3)/4=8.5 Am.Na.Sa CPU Sc -3- I I -I Round-Robin with time quantum of 4, P1 0 4 8 9 13 The wait time for Pl is 0-0=0, for P2 is 4-2 = 2, 16 [ 18 Am.Na.Sa 20 J for P3 is 8-3=5 for P4 is 13-5=8. So the average wait time is (0+2+5+8)/4 = 3.75 The turnaround time for Pl is 20-0=20, for P2 is 18-2=16 for P3 is 9-3=6 for P4 is I 6-5= 11. So the average turnaround time is (20+16+6+1 l)/4=13.25 ( Am.Na.Sa I I I -4- Ouestion-2: Consider the following set of processes, with the length of the CPU burst given in milliseconds. Process Burst Priority time 12 Pl 3 [ Am.N~ 1 1 P2 2 P3 3 1 P4 4 6 2 P5 The processes are assumed to have arrived in the order Pl, P2, P3, P4, PS, all at time 0. (a) Draw four Gantt charts that illustrate the execution of these processes using the following scheduling algorithms: FCFS, SJF, nonpreemptive priority (a smaller priority number implies a higher priority), and RR (quantum =2) (b) What is the turnaround time of each process for each of the scheduling algorithms in part (a) ( c) What is the waiting time of each of these scheduling algorithms ? (d) Which of the algorithms results in the minimum average waiting time ( over al 1 processes) ? I 0 FCFS: Pl I 12 P2 I P4 A1n.Na.Sa ( I13 P3 I P3 I 15 P4 I 4 PS I PS I Pl J 22 16 SJF: [ 0 P2 1 - 10 ] 22 22 -s - ] RR: i PI I I P2 P3 14 16 18 20 22 I P4 I Ps I PI I PS / PI I PU PI I PI I ill 0 2 3 5 6 8 IO 12 Turnaround Time: FCFS -> Pl: 12, P2: 13, P3: 15, P4: 16, P5: 22 SJF-> Pl: 22, P2: 1, P3: 4, P4: 2, P5: 10 Non-preemptive priority-> Pl: 19, P2: 1, P3: 21, P4: 22, PS:~· RR> Pl: 22, P2: 3, P3: 5, P4: 6, P5: 16 Waiting Time: FCFS -> Pl: 0, P2: 12, P3: 13, P4: 15, P5: 16 SJF-> Pl: 10, P2: 0, P3: 2, P4: 1, P5: 4 Non-preemptive priority-> Pl: 7, P2: 0, P3: 19, P4: 21, P5: 1 RR-> Pl: 10, P2: 2, P3: 3, P4: 5, P5: 10 Minimum average waiting time: SJF [ Am.Na.Sa J Question-3: Suppose that the following processes arrive for execution at the times indicated. Each process will run for the amount of time listed. In answering the questions, use non-preemptive scheduling, and base all decisions on the information you have at the time the decision must be made. Process Pl P2 P3 Arrival time 0.0 0.4 1.0 Burst time 8 4 1 (a)What is the average turnaround time for these processes with the FCFS scheduling algorithm ? (b) What is the the SJF sch CPU Scheduling - Revisio -6- I I I I (c) Compute what the average turnaround time will be if tl-e CPU is left idle for the first 1 unit and then SJF scheduling is used. Answer: (a) I FCFS: Pl I 0 P2 P3 I 12 8 13 - 1. Pl: 8-0 = 8 P2: 12-0.4 = 11.6 P3: 13-1 = 2 Avg: 10.53 ,, ) tfl ~19 Merry (b) I ,.....••.."' CHRIST1v1AS I Pl 0 ., - H.appyNewYear - SJF: 8. I P3 I I P2 9 13 I Pl: 8 - 0 = 8 P2: 13 - 0.4 = 12.6 P3: 9 - 1 = 8 Avg: 9.53 [ Am.Na.Sa (c) I Idle I P3 I 0 1 P2 2 I 6 I Pl 14 Pl:14-0=14 P2: 6 - 0.4 = 5.6 P3: 2 - 1 = 1 Avg: 6.87 CPU Scheduling- -7- ) I I I I I Enmplel For the following set of processes, draw a Gant diagram representing the allocation of the CPU and calculate the average Ttunarom1d time and average wait time using FCFS, SJF, and Round Robin (q == 3). Show all calculations. - Process Pl P2 Arrival Time P3 P4 4 P5 5 P6 6 Total Burst Ti.me I 0 1 2 - 12 l I 5 2 7 3 FCFS: P2 I Pl I 12 0 I Process P3 13 Arrival P6 P5 I P4 27 18 20 Finish Turnaround (finish - arrival) Burst time 30 Wait Time (Turnaround - CPU time) Pl P2 P3 P4 PS P6 Average: 0 1 2 12 13 18 20 27 30 4 5 6 12 - 0 = 12 13 - l = 12 18 - 2 = 16 20- 4= 16 27 - 5 = 22 30- 6 = 24 (12 + 12 + 16 + l6 + 22 +24)/6 =102/6 = 17 12 1 5 2 7 3 (0 + 11 + 11 + 14 + 15 +21)/6 = 72/6 = 12 [ SJF (NOD Prttmptive): Pl 0 CPU Scheduling- 12 - 12 = 0 12 - 1 = 11 16 - 5 = 11 16 - 2= 14 22 - 7 = 15 24-3=21 Am.Na.Sa PS P3 P2 15 11 ] 23 30 -8- II II Arrival Finish Turnaround Process Burst time (finish - arrival) Pl 0 P2 P3 1 2 P4 4 P5 5 P6 Average: 6 12 13 23 15 30 18 12-0= 12 Wait Time (Ttunaround - CPU time) 12- 12 = 0 12 - 1 = 11 21 - 5 = 16 12 1 5 2 13 - 1 = 12 23-2=21 15 - 4 = 9 30 - 5 = 25 18-6=12 I 9•2=7 25-7=18 7 12 - 3 = 9 (0 + 11 + le + 7 + 18 + 9)/6 = 10.17 3 (12 + 12 + 21 + 9 + 25 + 12)/6 = 91/6 = 15.17 SJF (Preemptive) (SRTF): 0 1 2 4 5 6 9 Arrival Finish Pl 0 30 30- 0 = 30 P2 P3 P4 1 2 2 4 9 6 2-1=1 9-2=7 6-4=2 PS 5 P6 6 19 12 Process Average: i. CPU Scheduling- Pl P5 P6 19 12 Turnaround (finish - arrival) 19- S = 14 12-6 =6 (30 + 1 + 7 + 2 + +6'V6=60/6= 10 14 Burst time 30 Wait Time (Turnaround - CPU time) 12 30 - 12 = 18 (1+11) 1 1- I =O 5 (2+3) 7 - 5 =2 2 2-2=0 7 14 - 7 = 7 3 6-3=3 (18 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 7 + 3)/6 = 30/3 = 5 -9- Round Robin (q=3): [ P1 I 0 l 4 3 Process I I I I P6 P3 Pl PS Pl P1 I P4 I PS P2 P3 10 12 7 15 I Arrival / Finish / Turnaround (finish - arrival) 18 20 I ~urst tune 23 29 30 26 I Wait Time - CPU (Turnaround time Pl P2 P3 P4 PS 0 1 29 4 20 12 30 18 2 4 5 6 P6 Average: ___, 29 - 0 = 29 4 - I= 3 20 - 2 = 18 12-4= 8 30 - 5 = 25 18-6=12 12 1 5 2 7 3 29 - 12 = 17 3 - 1 =2 18 - 5 = 13 8 -2= 6 25 - 7 = 18 (29 + 3 + 18 + 8 + 12 - 3 = 9 (17+2+13+6+ 25 + 12)/6 = 95/6 = 15.83 18 + 9)/6 = 65/6= 10.83 Example3 Consider the following set of processes with the indicated arrival time. The length of the CPU - burst time is given in milliseconds. Process Pl P2 P3 P4 PS Arrival Time Total Burst Time 0 2 4 12 9 6 10 5 3 1 [ ] Am.Na.Sa For each of the following scheduling algorithms, draw the Gantt chart and compute the average waiting time of these processes execution. a) Preemptive SJF schedPl 0 P2 I P3 2 4 CPU Scheduling-Re--'-• Pl s 30 - 10 - I 7 Waiting time Scheduling Policy P2 Pl 0+(20-2) = 18 I 0+1+8=9 Preemptive SJF P3 P4 P5 0 0 1 scheduling (18+9+1) I 5 = 5.6 ms b) RR sclleduling with q = 3 ms NOTE: if the process quantum is finished and new process enter the system at the same time, then the new process will be served first. l l I I Pl P1 / P2 I Pl P3 P4 P2 0 3 6 Scheduling Policy 9 10 13 16 I Average P5 19 I P4 22 I P2 I Pl 27 24 30 \Vaiting time Pl RR I 13+7+8 = 18 P2 1+7+8=16 P3 P4 P5 5 4+9=13 9 Arn.Na.Sa ) I (18+16+5+13+9) I 5 = 12.2 ms - 11 - xample: Consider the following processes: Process Arrival Time Pl 0 P2 0 5 P3 P4 10 PS 10 Priority Burst Time 4 3 2 2 1 17 15 15 3 9 Using preemptive SJF (SRTF), preemptive Priority. 1- Draw Gantt charts. 2- Find the average turnaround, waiting, and response time. 3Find context switch [ Preemptive SIP (SRTF) /PL/P2 / IO j 13 1 PS t I8 I P3 27 Pl Am.Na.Sa ~ Preemptive priority {P2 I I IP3s - 12 - ] I 1. ---------- algorithm must be non-preemptive only ~)FCFS b)SJF d) None of the mentioned 2. ---------- algorithm must be preemptive only a) FCFS b) SJF c) RR d) None of tne mentioned 3. ------------ is a goal of batch systems. a) minimize turnaround time b) maximize proportionality c) minimize response time d) none of the mentioned 4. ------------ is a goal of interactive systems. a) minimize turnaround time b) maximize proportionality c) minimize response time d) none of the mentioned 5. ------------ is a goal of real time systems. a) minimize turnaround time proportionality c) minimize response time b) maximize d) Meeting deadlines 6. FCFS scheduling result in the shortest possible average response time when the jobs arrive in ready queue with ------ b) shortest burst time first a) longest burst time first c) mix of long and short burst time 7. RR scheduling behave Identically to FCFS when quantum (q) is a) g is large c) q is zero CPU Sd1l'1.lulin2 - R . , .b) qJ, sm,.: · · · · "" -13 - I 7 a. RR I scheduling perform poorly compared to FCFS when quantum (q) is a) q is large b) g is small c) q is zero d) none of the above 9. ---------- scheduling algorithm works best when the incoming processes are short with no specific order a) FCFS b) RR c) SJF d) priority 10. ---------- scheduling algorithm works best when the incoming processes are mix of long and short with time requirement a) FCFS b) RR c) SJF d) priority 11 ...•.•••• _ scheduling algorithm works best when the incoming processes are mix of user based and kernel based processes a) FCFS c) SJ b) RR 12. there is no difference between non preemptive SJF d) priority and proomptive SJF (SRTF) scheduling if process arrives --------- ..• .ru all processes arrive at same time b) processes arrive at different times - 14 - 14- An SJF algorithm is simply a priority algorithm where the priority is: / I I a} the predicted next CPU burst b) the inverse of the predicted next CPU burst ( Am.Na.Sa l __________ _ c) the current CPU burst d) anything the user wants 15- In --------- algorithm, User's share of CPU= (time since login/n). a) Guaranteed b) shortest process next c) lottery d) fair share 16- Which of the following scheduling algorithms gives minimum average waiting time? b) SJF a) FCFS d) Priority c) Round - robin 17- Which of the following process scheduling algorithm may lead to starvation a) FIFO b) Round Robin c) shortest job first 18- Which of the following statements are true? I. Shortest remaining time first scheduling may cause starvation 11. Preemptive scheduling may cause starvation III. Round robin and FCFS don't cause starvation IV. preemptive priority may cause starvation a) I only b) I and Ill only C) II and Ill only d) L IL Ill and lX CPU Scheduline - - 15 - J 19- the most common thread scheduling algorithms are a) priority and RR b) SJF and RR c) FCFS and SJF d) None of the above [ Am.Na.Sa ) ,I' 00 rn-rt "~' ----------------r:I ----____ ~~~~~=~~Allocation (MCQs) Group 1: Memory 1 The main memory accommodates: · . b) cpu a) Qperat1ng system d) all of the mentioned c) user processes I I II 2. In contiguous memory af~cation~gle contiguous section of a each process is contarne rn a) s1 I I I memory . d . a single contiguous section of b) all processes are oontaine in memo~ . c) the memory spac_e is contiguous d) none of the mentioned f 3. The relocation (base) register helps in : I a) providing more address space to processes b) a different address space to processes c) to ~rotect the address spaces of processes d) none of the mentioned I f I ff I 4. With relocation and limit registers, each logical address must be ______ the limit register. a) less than b) equal to c) greater than d) none of the mentioned I I I 5. The operating system and the other processes are protected from being modified by an already running process because : a) they are in different memory spaces b) they are in different logical addresses c) they have a protection algorithm II IL dl every address generated by the CPU is being checked against the relocation and limit registers 6. When memory is divided into several fixed sized partitions each partition may contain a) exactly one nrnN::u:~~ c) multiple process I ---- MCQ: Memory Manage .. . . . Page 1 #1 --- I ' I l I • I a} enough total memory exists to satisfy a request but not contiguous I f b) the total memory is 15. External fragmentation exists when: insufficient to satisfy a request . I . c) a request cannot be satisfied even when the total memory 1s free I d) none of the mentioned fI I 16. External fragmentation will not occur when: I a) first fit is used b) best fit is used c) worst fit is used d) no matter which algorithm used, it always occur If I I 17. Sometimes the overhead of keeping track of a hole might be: a) larger than the memory c) very small II b) larger than the hole itself d) all of the mentioned II II II II II 18. When the memory allocated to a process is slightly larger than the process, then: a) internal fragmentation occurs b) external fragmentation occurs c) both internal and external fragmentation occurs (MCQs) Group 2: Swapping processes d) neither internal nor external fragmentation occurs f' f r 1. Address Binding is : a) going to an address in memory b) locating an address with the help of another address c) binding two addresses together to form a new address in a different memory space dl a mapping from one address space to another I 2. Binding of instructions and data to memory addresses can be done at: a) Compile time b) Load time c) Execution time d) All of the mentioned I 3. If the process can be moved during Its execution from one memory segment to another. then. b~ndlng must be: ' I ~J i~~~~~du~~ill~a~ ~;;~""' . , / . . . . ·.· . ,f ., .;. pi~e~me ·--- MCQ: Memory Managem -- 11 II I __ ... • Page 3 ---------------, r 1 d. . 4. Dynamic loa mg 1s: . a) loading multip_le routines dy~a~rncally b) loading a ro~trne onl_y when it is calle.ct c) loading multiple routines randomly d) none of the mentioned I I I I s. I If I I I 1_ The advantage of dynami~ loa~ing is that : a) A used routine is used multiple times b} An unu~_ed ~out~ne is never loaded c) CPU ut1llzat1on_ increases d) All of the mentioned I II I I II I 6. The _________________________ swaps processes in and out of the memory. I I f f a) Memory manager c) CPU manager b) CPU d) User 7. If a higher priority process arrives and wants service, the memory manager can swap out the lower priority process to execute the higher priority process. This swapping is called : a) priority swapping b) pull out, push in c) roll out. roll in d) none of the mentioned I f I 1 8. If binding is done at assembly or load time, then the process __ be moved to different locations after being swapped out Ib) must and in again. a) can c) can never j f I I d) may 9. In a system that does not support swapping, a} the compiler normally binds symbolic addresses to relocatable addresses b) the compiler normally binds symbolic addresses to physical addresses c) t~e l?ader binds relocatable addresses to physical addresses d) binding of symbolic ad~ress_ es_ to-phy~i~al addr~sses normally takes place during execut,~n I I f I I 1 I I >i>,~ ·.,; . __ L ----- ~~ MCQ: Memory Management Page 4 I I I -- I r---------------, I I o.I I I I I II f 1 The address generated by the CPU is ref~rred to as : a) Physical address b) Logical address c) Neither physical nor logical d) None of the mentioned I I I 11. The address loaded into the memory address register of the I memory is referred to as : a) Physical address c) Neither physical nor logical b) Logical address d) None of the mentioned I 12. The run time mapping from virtual to physical addresses is done by a hardware device called the : a) Virtual to physical mapper b) Memory management unit c) Memory mapping unit d) None of the mentioned I I I f f I 13. The base register is also known as the : a) basic register b) regular register cl re!QcatiQn register d) delocation register 14. The size of a process is limited to the size of: a) physical memory b) external storage c) secondary storage d) none of the mentioned 15. If execution time binding is being used, then a process ________ be swapped to a different memory space. a) has to be b) can never c)mu~ d)may I I f 16. Swapping requires a a) mot~erboard c) monitor II I I I I I I I I ______ I I d) backing store b) keyboard 17. The backing store is generally a: a) fast disk 7jr ~tu~:~se enough to accommodate. copies of all memory images I I ~\ ::~~/fb~r:!~~;i::-;. . . . . ' A' "'' - .• ·,,,;,¥,~•;.. . I I I I .---------------,I 1 a. The _______________consists of all processes whose memory images I I I queue are in the backing store or in memory and are ready to run. I a) wait queue c) cpu b) ready d) secondary storage I I I I 19. The ________________________ time in a swap out of a running process and swap in of a new process into the memory is very high. g) conts1xt - switch b) waiting c) execution d) all of the mentioned If I . 20. T~~ major part of swap time is ____________ time. 1 f c) execution d) none of the mentioned I f 21. Swapping __ be done when a process has pending VO, or I I a) wa1t1ng has to execute 1/0 operations only into operating system buffers. a) must b) can c) must never. d) may be f f I b) transfer 22. Swap space i~ allocated : a) _as a c~unk of disk c) into a file system I I I I I I I I I b) separate from a file system d) all of the mentioned I I I I I I I I I I I 'L:: ~--- --- Memory Man . I! __ ..• Page 6 ~-r---------- -, -----.•....•.. II llilg~ Mb.f1m1e ~ffr.aieeJ «:tmesf 01,,~> II I I II II I I I I I I 2. After reading first 2 options 8. After reading all 4 options / Operating System I Memory Management Part-2 / MCQ I L _ I I I I I I ,-:----------·------, II f [ (MCQs) Group 1: Memory Manag;:ment f 1. CPU fetches the instruction from f value of a) program counter c) instruction register mernury according to the b) ;tatus register d) ()rogram status word f 2. A memory buffer used to accommodate a speed differential is fI called b} f a) stack pointer c) accumulator II II II cache d) disk buffer 3. Which one of the following is the address generated by CPU? a) physical address b) absolute address c) logical address d) none of the mentioned 4. Run time mapping from virtual to physical address is done by a) Memory management unit b) CPU c) PCl d) None of the mentioned I I I I I I I I I II f 6. The address of a page table in memory is pointed by l I I I I 5. Memory management technique in which system stores and a) stack poi_nter b) page table base register retrieves data from secondary storage for use in main memory c) page register d) program counter is called b) paging a) fragmentation 7. Program always deals with d) none of the mentioned mapping a)c)logical address f f I c) physical address B. The page table contains I b) absolute address d) relative address c) page size --- MCQ: Memory Man I I I III b) page off set d) none of the mentioned I I ---Page 1 -----a------, --rg_ ' ~) I ' I Whal is compaction? . a) a technique for overcoming internal fr ugmentat1on b) a paging technique . a technique tor overcoming external fr;~ .1mentat1on d) a technique ·tor overcoming fatal error I 10. Operating System maintains the page table for b) I I c) each instruction d) each address a) each process each thread 1 l (MCQs) Group 2: Paging f 1. Physical memory is broken into fixed-sized blocks called ------ l 'a) frames c) backing store f ff c) backing store . I I II II I b) pages d) none of the mentioned 2. Logical memory is broken into blocks of the same size called -- • a) tram es I f b) pages d) none of the mentioned 3. Every address generated by the CPU is divided into two parts: a) frame bit & page number b) page number & page offset c) page offset & frame bit d) frame offset & page offset I f f 5. The __ table contains the base address of each page in l 4. The----'----- is used as an index into the page table. a) frame bit b) page number c) page offset d) frame offset I f cl page 6. The size of a page Is typically: a) varied c) power of 4 I ~-----MCQ: Memory Man · I II I I I I physical memory. a) process I II 1 b) memory d) frame b) power of 2 d) none of the mentioned .,.,, . ---- II ---- _______ .•.• Page 2 I I I I ------UI-----, ---r7 I I If the size of logical address space is 2 to the power of m, and ·a page size is 2 to the power of n addre.aslnq ~nits, then the high order __ bits of a logical addresss designate the page number, and the __ J I low order bits designate the page offset. a) m, n c) m - n, m f f I b) n, m d) m - n, n I a. With paging there is no ____________________ I track of how many frames have been allocated, how many are many are available. a) page b) mapping I I I fragmentation. b) external d) none of the mentioned a) internal c) either f type of f 9. The operating system maintains a __________table that keeps I J f c) tram~ I I there, and how 1 d) memory I I I ___________ I 10. Paging increases the ________________ time. a) waiting b) execution cl cont~xt - switch d) all of the mentioned f f f 11. Smaller page tables are implemented as a set of . a) queues b) stacks cJ counters d) registers f 12. The page table re~isters should be bu!lt with I b) very hrgh speed logic d) none of the mentioned a) very tow speed loqic c) a large memory space If f I f I I ___________ I 13. Each entry in a Translation lookaside buffer (TLB) consists of: al key b) value cJ bit value d) constant I I I paqe number is not found in the TLB, then it is known as a ='1 a) TLB miss b) Buffer miss c) TLB hit d) All of the mentioned 14. If a LI -~; MCQ: Memory Man · --- Page 3 1, I I rI r15.----f •••• !' _______________________ , An --- uniquely identifies proces ses and is used to I provide address space protection for tl ~at process. . . . a) address space locator b) .::1ddress space 1d~nt1f,er · c) address process identifier d) !'~one of the mentioned I I 16. The percentage of times a page number is found in the TLB is known as : a) miss ratio b) hit ratio . c) miss percent d) None of the ment1o~ed I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I f byl I I I I f d) the valid - invalid bit is set to valid, it means that the I I associated If 18. When page : I I 1 17. Memory protection in a paged environment Is accomplished protection algorithm with each page b) restricted access rights to users c) restriction on page visibility protection bit with each page a) is in the TLB c) has data in it f I I f 19. I J valid r IJ a) I I I I 20. In a paged memory, the page hit ratio is 0.35. The required to access a page in secondary memory is equal to 100 ns. The time required to access a page in primary memory is 1 o ns. The average time required to access a page is : a) 3.0 ns b) 68.0 ns c) 68.5 ns d) 78.5 ns If I I I L~CQ: Memory Mana 1 b} is in the process's logical address space d) is the system's physical address space Illegal addresses are trapped using the __ bit. a) error b) protection c) invalid d) access f I I I I I Pooo .1. I I I I 22. In paged memory systems, if the page size is increased, then the internal fragmentation generally: a) becomes less c) remains constant b) becomes more d) none of the mentioned 2. In paging the user provides only __________ which is partitioned by the hardware into __________ and ____ _ a) one address, page number, offset b) one offset, page number, address c) page number, offset, address d) none of the mentioned 3. Each entry in a segment table has a: a} segment base c) segment value b) segment peak d) none of the mentioned 4. The segment base contains the : I as I --...a Page 5 ---------------, 1 I _ The segment limit contains the: a) starting logical address of the process . b) starting physical address of the segment in me1mo~ I1 5 i;J segment length d) none of the rnent1oned I 6. IThe offset 'd' of the logical address must be : I I a) greater than segment limit I I f I Q) between O and segment limit c) between O and the segment number d) greater than the segment number ,· I 7. If the offset is legal: a) it is used as a physical memory address itself b) it is subtracted from the segment base to produce the physical \ f memory address I c) it is added to the segment base to produce the physical memory If slddress \ I d) none of the mentioned I 8. When the entries in the segment tables of two different processes point to the same physical location : a) the segments are invalid b) the processes get blocked c;) segments are shared d) all of the mentioned f f I f I I I I \ \ I 9. The protection bit is 0/1 based on : a) write only c) r!;lad -write \ b) read only d) none of the mentioned \ I I I I I I I ____ .. • I I LMCQ: Page 6 I I I