THE UNIVERSITY of QUEENSLAND SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CHEE3020 Group Project 1 Sugar Cane Milling Process Report EX_PBL01 Group 6 Name Student Number Jingchen Zhang 45245428 Syed Muntaha Mazoor 45740969 Thalia Mursalina 46567109 Yunshenghao Qiu 45261035 Zandro Stephen Lagman 46375452 Summary Sugar is a staple ingredient in households that undergo an intensive and complex production in order to get to markets. The 3 main phases of this production are in the order of cultivation, milling and refining. Each phase has its own technological requirements, inputs and products which is further varied by the type of sugar crop utilised. Current sugar industry in Australia is dominated by sugar mills producing raw sugar from sugarcane. As a result, sugar milling has a key role in supplementing the Australian economy as well as earning Australia’s reputation as a major raw sugar exporter. This context forms the basis of the investigation which focuses on exploring the significance of sugar milling, analysing the production process from cane to raw sugar and evaluating potential and challenges to the industry. Sugar milling process has 8 main steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Cleaning – removal of outer dirt, debris and contaminants Cutting – reducing size of cane feed for ease of proceeding steps Extraction – crushing of cane obtain juice with dissolved sugars and non-sugars Juice Treatment – purification of juice to remove non-sugars to miniscule amounts Evaporation – concentration of juice to syrup Crystallisation – initiation and growth of sugar crystals from concentrated syrup Centrifugation – separation of sugar crystals from the liquid mixture Drying – drying of sugar crystals to raw sugar set for storage and/or further processing Analysis of the sugar milling process reveals that the crystallisation unit is critical to the success of the mill, specially concerning raw sugar yield. In addition, this unit interacts closely with the evaporation and centrifugation processes such that evaporator vacuum pans, crystallisers and centrifuges design deserve particular attention. Mass balance on the sugar mill, with a basis of 100 t/h of cane result in a raw sugar production rate of 14 t/h. Economic analysis with this basis evaluates raw sugar with a potential to generate profits of 3713.2 AUD per hour of the mill’s operation. Sustainable analysis reveals that despite the industrial scale, raw sugar milling is environmentally, economically and socially sustainable. Raw sugar prices are not likely to experience a sudden decrease in prices allowing the industry to maintain social contributions in terms of employment, developments and investments in addressing topical issues such as sustainability. In addition, sugar mills perform highly in terms energy considerations as mills can co-generate energy such as from bagasse. The potential for increased energy generation is likely as ethanol can also be produced from by-products. These analyses, however, assume ideal (or nearly ideal) processes so ‘real’ results will be more nuanced. 2 Table of Contents Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 2 1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1. Background.............................................................................................................................. 5 1.1.1. Sugar Production Overview ............................................................................................. 5 1.1.2. Aims ................................................................................................................................. 5 1.1.3. Scope ............................................................................................................................... 5 1.2. Technology .............................................................................................................................. 5 1.2.1. Available Technologies .................................................................................................... 5 1.2.2. Chosen Technology ......................................................................................................... 7 1.2.3. Justification...................................................................................................................... 7 1.3. Raw Materials .......................................................................................................................... 7 1.3.1. 1.4. Products................................................................................................................................... 7 1.4.1. Main Product: Raw Sugar ................................................................................................ 7 1.4.2. By-products ..................................................................................................................... 8 Molasses ...................................................................................................................... 8 Bagasse ........................................................................................................................ 8 Filter Cake .................................................................................................................... 8 1.4.3. 2. Sugar Cane ....................................................................................................................... 7 Input-output Diagram ..................................................................................................... 8 1.5. Importance .............................................................................................................................. 8 1.6. Hazards .................................................................................................................................. 10 Process Analysis............................................................................................................................. 11 2.1. Process Description ............................................................................................................... 11 2.2. Flowsheet .............................................................................................................................. 14 2.3. Assumptions .......................................................................................................................... 14 2.4. Mass Balance ......................................................................................................................... 15 2.5. Goals ...................................................................................................................................... 17 2.6. Sustainability ......................................................................................................................... 17 2.6.1. Environmental ............................................................................................................... 17 2.6.2. Economic ....................................................................................................................... 18 2.6.3. Social.............................................................................................................................. 18 2.7. Process Stream and Unit Interactions ................................................................................... 18 2.8. Storage .................................................................................................................................. 19 2.9. Control ................................................................................................................................... 19 2.10. Economic Potential............................................................................................................ 20 3 3. Unit Operations—Crystallisation................................................................................................... 21 3.1. Introduction........................................................................................................................... 21 3.2. Process Chemistry & Physics ................................................................................................. 21 3.3. Equipment ............................................................................................................................. 22 3.3.1. Vacuum Pans ................................................................................................................. 22 3.3.2. Crystallisers.................................................................................................................... 22 3.3.3. Centrifuges .................................................................................................................... 22 3.4. Design ................................................................................................................................ 23 3.4.1. Vacuum Pan Design ....................................................................................................... 23 3.4.2. Crystalliser Design ......................................................................................................... 24 3.4.3. Centrifuge Design .......................................................................................................... 24 4. Professional Engineers in Process Systems ................................................................................... 24 5. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 25 References ............................................................................................................................................. 26 Appendix A ............................................................................................................................................ 30 Appendix B ............................................................................................................................................ 30 4 1. Introduction 1.1. Background 1.1.1. Sugar Production Overview Sucrose, commonly known as table sugar, is produced in many ways but mainly from sugarcane and sugar beets. It is a staple in households, essential in large scale food and beverage production and even for energy supply through bioethanol. The highest sugar producers by volume are Brazil, India and China while Australia, the 2nd highest exporter of raw sugar globally, also has significant stakes in the sugar market (Australian Sugar Milling Council(ASMC) 2017). The 21st century pose a unique context in exploring sugar processing partly due to increasingly unpredictable extreme weather, greater political awareness of environmental issues and international politics. As a significant contributor to the Australian economy, sugar production necessitates an investigation to explore the capabilities, vulnerabilities and viability in the future. 1.1.2. Aims The investigation aims to do the following: • Understand the process of producing sugar with particular interest in the local Queensland and Australian context • Explore critical key technologies within sugar processing and their respective requirements for successful operation • Evaluate economic potential of sugar production whilst considering its potential hazards • Identify current and future challenges to the sugar production industry 1.1.3. Scope Sugar production and the required technology is dependent on the plant feedstock utilised and by the desired qualities of produced sugar product. The investigation, therefore, chooses a sugar crop feedstock and sugar product to determine which technology and unit operations are explored. Table 1 scopes the focus of study for the chosen technology in Section 1.2. Table 1: Scope of considerations and analyses conducted on chosen sugar production process • • • • • • • • In Scope Quantitative economic potential evaluation on input/output basis Process sustainability analysis Raw material and product specific requirements and conditions Waste generation and by-products utility Process mass balance for technology chosen in upcoming Section 1.2 Significance of unit interactions in process Critical unit operations theory and design Ideal processes • • • • • • • • Out of Scope Economic potential evaluation factors from international market prices Fuel and energy consumption and maintenance including transport. Staffing and administration requirements and expenses Design of piping and intra-process transport between units Raw material qualitative analysis Technology not chosen in Section 1.2 Detailed analysis of each unit operation design requirements Efficiency, cost and optimal reacting conditions of chemical reactions 1.2. Technology 1.2.1. Available Technologies Sugar production occurs in 3 phases: 1. Cultivation – the farming of sugar crops like sugarcane and sugar beet 5 2. Milling – extraction of raw sugar from the feedstock. Sugary liquid is crushed from the feed and purified of contaminants (non-sugars) then filtered. The purified juice is concentrated to precipitate and grow sugar crystals. Centrifuges are used to separate the raw sugar from molasses. Feed remnants, like cane bagasse and filter mud, are byproducts of sugar milling(Australian Sugar Milling Council, 2013). 3. Refining – raw sugar undergoes further processing to obtain refined white sugar and other sugar products. Common by-products include molasses and waste from chemicals used to decolorise raw sugar. Difference in composition, chemical and thermal properties of sugarcane and sugar beet impart respective sugars produced with different qualities and require different processing. A comparison between the two feeds is detailed in Table 2 and the difference in processes is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Cane vs Beet raw sugar milling process (Singh 2015) Table 2: Comparison between sugar crops with respect to processing phases Sugarcane Sugar Beet Cultivation Prefers hotter and more tropical Prefers colder climates such as climates and more water intensive European countries Milling Refining Other differences More suitable to Australian climate(Griggs 2011) Raw sugar has more non-sugars but they are the more desirable kind Has higher sugar content than cane (Griggs 2011) Beet juice less prone to caramelising so can produce a lighter raw sugar with less non-sugars (Griggs 2011, Raw sugar is more consistent (Campos ASMC 2017) 2021, Griggs 2011) More intensive refining to obtain white Shorter refining as it less non-sugars sugar which increase environmental need removing from beet raw footprint and expenses (ASMC 2013) sugar(ASMC 2013) More widely used currently Sugars may have an earthy aroma considering beets are a root crop(Campos 2021) 6 1.2.2. Chosen Technology In consideration of the local Queensland and Australian setting, a sugarcane based sugar mill was chosen to be explored in this investigation. The respective steps in the sugar milling will use the equipment listed below with more detail provided in Section 2.1. 9. Cleaning – Rotary drum washer 10. Cutting – Rotary cutter - shredder 11. Extraction – Roller train 12. Juice Treatment – Clarifier vats 13. Evaporation – Vacuum pans 14. Crystallisation – Crystallisers 15. Centrifugation – Centrifuges 16. Drying – Rotating drum dryer and granulator 1.2.3. Justification A sugar mill producing raw sugar from sugarcane is a configuration is the most reflective of the Australian setting. Queensland and Australia’s climate is ideal for sugar cane cultivation allowing large scale cultivation production. Australia’s high volume of raw sugar exports supports this so it is only natural that the 24 sugar mills operating in Australia will be optimised to use this sugar crop. Furthermore, only 5% of sugar is refined within Australia, with raw sugar exports contributing significantly to the economy (ASMC 2017). Choosing sugarcane based milling, therefore, is not only more relevant to the Australian context but allows more effective process analyses like that concerning sustainability and economic potential. The choice of sugar crop also considered their chemical properties and the effect on the processing technology. Focusing on sugar mills, the main product is raw sugar which has a higher percentage of non-sugars than refined white sugar. Sugarcane raw sugar, therefore, is the more desirable feed than beets as the sugarcane non-sugars imparts its sugar products with more marketable qualities. Raw sugar from cane has a higher non-sugar content but this may be an advantage. Refineries using cane sugar to produce white sugar, light brown sugar and coffee crystals can more easily and consistently control their product qualities (Campos 2021). Cane raw sugar more, therefore, is more attractive to consumers and corporations alike which complement the exporting stance of Australia on raw sugar. 1.3. Raw Materials 1.3.1. Sugar Cane Sugar cane is the raw material used to make sugar. It is composed primarily of water (75 – 82%) and soluble solids (10 - 25%), sugar (15.5 - 24 %) and other compounds such as organic acids and phenolic compounds (Felipe 2014). Sugar cane leaves and roots are trimmed from the stem which will then become sugar mill feed. Since cane deteriorates easily, it is critical to harvest it in its entirety to prevent microbial contamination. Once the cane is trimmed, it starts to deteriorate rapidly. Acids that destabilise sucrose content can be produced, making it unviable to stockpile sugarcane for later milling. As sucrose is a desirable substrate, cane is prone to pest and disease issues. Damages and cuts to the stem increase the risk of disease and rot, lowering the sugar content (Colonna et al. 2006). The vulnerabilities of sugar cane require mills to maximise raw sugar yield by stabilising sugar content by rapid processing of feed and increasing sugar extraction from the cane. 1.4. Products 1.4.1. Main Product: Raw Sugar The main product of milling is raw sugar, which is purified and crystallised sucrose. It is a fructose/glucose mixture with a polarization (Pol) of 96–99° (Omprakash, 2018). Raw sugar is 7 primarily used in the production of refined sugar but can also be sold in supermarkets unrefined. Milling produces large amounts of raw sugar which is stored bulk bins. 1.4.2. By-products Molasses Molasses is a significant by-product of the sugarcane industry. A tonne of sugarcane yields around 2.5–4% molasses. It contains 47-48 % fermentable sugars, with sucrose being the most abundant (Saric et al. 2016). It is primarily used to make alcohol like ethyl alcohol abundantly used in chemical industries. The ethanol produced may become vehicle fuel as bioethanol. Molasses is also used as livestock feed due to its high nutritional value. In food industry, it is used as a sweetener, syrup or a colourant. Bagasse Bagasse is the smashed cane leaving the mills. Water makes up nearly half of the bagasse. Its bulk consists of fibres, with a small amount of dissolved sugar. Bagasse may be used as a combustion fuel to generate steam. It is also a raw material in manufacture of pulp and paper. Filter Cake The clarification process splits the insoluble particulate matter known as filter cake from the cane juice. It is composed of 75–80% moisture, 2–5% sugar, and 5–10% fibre (Omprakash 2018). It is mostly utilised as a fertiliser. Moreover, the sterols and fatty acids formed can be used to preserve fruits. 1.4.3. Input-output Diagram Figure 2: Input-output diagram for sugar milling 1.5. Importance Australia's first sugar refinery was founded in 1842 in Sydney to refine imported sugar while sugarcane was successfully operated with the first sugar mill in the country back in 1862. Since Australia started exporting raw sugar back in 1922, approximately 80% of production volume is now exported as raw sugar (ACFA 2006). Currently, sugar production fulfills local demands while significantly boosting the export revenue economy at large. Australia remains the world's next-major exporter of 'raw' sugar behind Brazil, thus, an important player in the global sugar market (QEAS 2019). Sugar production greatly contributes to Australian local and national economies and global trade too. Each phase of sugar production offers jobs and generates revenue that includes the regional, nationwide and comprehensive economies. Roughly 95% of sugar in Australia is grown in the 2,100km coastline in middle Mossman, North Queensland whilst the remaining 5% from northern New South Wales (Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment 2020). In Queensland alone, sugar manufacturing industries contributed approximately $2.2 billion to the economy. Nine sugar milling companies, including Bundaberg Sugar Ltd, handle the 24 sugar mills in Queensland. Table 3 details the regions directly impacted by their operation in the financial year 2017/2018 (Lawrence Consulting 2019). 8 Table 3: Revenue data of Queensland's sugar mills (Lawrence Consulting 2019) The largest exporter of raw sugar is Brazil. Australia follows behind brazil in term of raw sugar exports. Comparatively, USA share similar production capacity as Australia but is a significant exporter of raw sugar. This is due to the difference between national consumption and production of the countries with some examples in Figure 3. Moreover, the competitiveness of a country in the sugar market is also dictated by many factor shown in Figure 4 such as location factors, taxes and regulations. As such, the collective of minor importer countries that have low production capacities ascertain demand. Conversely, only 80% of raw sugar exports are satisfied by only 10 major exporters including Australia (Zimmermann & Zeddies 2002). This information suggests that whilst production and exports of raw sugar is dominated by few countries, trends in other countries, specifically concerning global consumption, require consideration in analysing importance of raw sugar. Figure 4: Production and consumption of sugar in 1998[million tons raw value] (Zimmermann & Zeddies 2002) Figure 3: Factors influencing international competitiveness of countries in sugar trade (Zimmerman & Zeddies 2002) 9 Raw sugar production influences the market and revenue of the individual country and the world economy. World sugar market averages about 64 million tonnes/year. Between 2001 and 2018, global sugar consumption increased from 123.454 million tonnes to 172.441 million tonnes, equivalent to typical annual growth of 2.01%. The latter half of the 2010-2020 indicated extensive deceleration in global sugar consumption with the 2016-2018 growth of under 0.84% per annum (ISO 2020). This is attributed to consumer pattern change from industrialisation. For developing countries, rising population and salaries influence dietary change that increase demand for more processed foods and drinks with sugar. In developed countries, meanwhile, demand stagnates due to slowing population growth, health concerns regarding sugar consumption and government regulations to address these issues (Voora, Bermúdez, Larrea, & Baliño, 2019). Besides food and drinks, a significant portion of cane and sugar consumption is by the energy industry for bioethanol. Rising oil prices directly impact the price of bioethanol, thus, sugar prices in addition to indirect impacts from the increased cost of transport. The resulting global trend is the decreasing growth in raw sugar consumption rate. Globally, sugar production increases prospects and jobs available for all involved in meeting supply and demand networks. For instance, many multinational corporations such as Coca-Cola, Nestle, Unilever, produce many consumer supplies that require sugar, thus, driving up demand (Voora, Bermúdez, Larrea, & Baliño, 2019). Furthermore, to sustain or increase their production, transnational corporations will invest in sugar production which Figure 5: Sustainable cane consumption of companies(Voora, may result in increased employment, Bermúdez, Larrea & Baliño 2019) increased profits and advancing research concerning environmental sustainability. Figure 5 illustrates this dedication compared with current consumption of cane sugar. Global fluctuations in the sugar market, therefore, can critically impact national and local sugar production industries, not limited to sugar mills. 1.6. Hazards Table 4 below shows potential hazards throughout the process and operation of sugarcane production and how they are addressed: Table 4: Sugar milling hazards and corresponding measures Hazards and Causes Measures Respiratory hazards: caused by burning • of sugarcane trash and bagasse for energy, also fly ash and bagasse dust • from other processes (Le Blond, Woskie, Horwell & Williamson 2017). install some filtration equipment to make the exhaust under health respiration standard; instead of burning sugarcane trash and bagasse, use other energy sources. 10 Physical hazards related to the working • environment: exposure to noise and heat in factories for a long time. (Taffere, • Bonsa & Assefa 2019) Have proper personal protective equipment (PPE) for all workers; Physical hazards related to surrounding • objects: hit by moving object (The State • of Queensland 2011) Have proper PPE for all workers; Physical hazard related to sugar dust: • explosion at high concentration in air (The State of Queensland 2011). Have sensor to detect the concentration of sugar in air and alarm it if the concentration is too high; Have a reasonable job rotation timetable to prevent long time exposure to heat and noise (Taffere, Bonsa & Assefa 2019). Set warning signs/devices at place/equipment that are possible to have accidents (The State of Queensland 2011). • Have sign to exclude ignition source; • Separate equipment with open flame from equipment that may have sugar dust around it (The State of Queensland 2011). Have ventilation or flame proof equipment; Chemical hazard related to methane gas: • explosion (The State of Queensland • 2011). Have sign to exclude ignition source (The State of Queensland 2011). The major hazard from all potential hazards is hitting by moving objects in sugarcane-based sugar factories in Queensland (The State of Queensland 2011). Unlike other types of factories, sugarcane-based sugar factories have less components in the process which require extremely high temperature, high pressure or dangerous chemicals, so it is less probable for safety hazards appearing within the production process. To ensure factory and workers’ safety, measures in Table 4 should be taken. 2. Process Analysis 2.1. Process Description Transportation of raw sugarcane is primarily completed through the railway system. Mills in Australia regularly operate around 4,000km of the railway system, and roughly 95% of raw sugar cane is transported to sugar mills using these platforms (ASMC 2013). After transport, the process structure for the production of raw sugar from sugarcane occurs in eight major steps as listed in Section 1.2. These are as follows: 1. Cleaning The sugar cane arriving at the processing plant is first thoroughly washed. Belts that are splashed with water in pipes that are brimming with water and rotating drums are regularly utilized as washing stations. Water is showered into the drum, and the item turns inside the drum, scouring against itself to eliminate soil. After washing, the cleaned sugar canes are passed on into the processing plant utilizing screws or belts. 2. Cutting 11 Clean sugar canes are placed onto the transporter belts and shipped to a shredder. The shredder shreds the cane into cassettes and bursts the juice cells (ASMC 2013). Here the sugar canes are squashed utilizing swing-hammer shredders or intensely furrowed smasher rollers. Sugar canes are cut utilizing slicing machines, which raptures them into small strips smaller than French fries, called cassettes. The cassettes are absorbed into hot water tanks, while the squashed sugar stick is showered with boiling water. Both processes are simultaneously conducted in this part of the process to swell the plant cells in preparation for extraction (McHugh 2020). Figure 7: Cutting Unit (ASMC 2013) Figure 6: Extraction Unit (ASMC 2013) 3. Extraction Sets of rollers feed the sugar cassettes through a progression of mills. Each mill comprises three huge rollers in a three-sided arrangement, typically combined with pressure feeders (McHugh 2020). The sugar cassettes are siphoned into the lower part of 10-to 20-meter-tall tanks. A series of five mills compresses the sugar cane strands to extract the juice from the bagasse. Bagasse is recycled as fuel for the mill evaporator boiler furnaces. The extracted juice is dull green in colour, acidic in nature, and murky. The juice is collected in massive tanks, and the sugar fixation is estimated (McHugh 2020). 4. Juice Treatment The extracted green sugar juice contains impurities that are removed by liming, sulfitation, and heating the limed juice. The clarification process typically takes several hours. Unclarified juice is introduced at the top of the clarifier, and sulfur dioxide vapor is introduced from the bottom to complete sulfitation (McHugh 2020). Liming neutralises the acidity and precipitates impurities which settle out in clarifiers. Clarified sugar juice is extracted from the top of clarifiers, while the muddy juice is extracted from the bottom mixed with fine bagasse. Later on, filtered using a cylindrical rotating vacuum to recover the sugar. The final filter mud extracted is used as a fertilizer on the farm (ASMC 2013). Figure 8: Evaporation Unit -Vacuum Pan 5. Evaporation (ASMC 2013) The clarified juice is boiled in the evaporation chamber in a vacuum evaporator cycle until it concentrates up to 50%–65% sugar. Each successive evaporator in the process is set at a higher vacuum pressure resulting in the sugar syrup boiling at progressively reduced temperatures throughout the process. The residue is skimmed off the top of the evaporators using paddle skimmers, producing a dense, nearly colourless concentrated sugar syrup. The excess evaporated water is also removed throughout the process (McHugh 2020). 6. Crystallisation The pre-concentrated syrup is further concentrated up to 70% by boiling in a vacuum pan and seeded with tiny sugar crystals. Whilst boiling, sugar crystals are grown to the required size by adding more syrup. A single- Figure 9: Centifugation stage vacuum pan is operated until it is saturated with sugar crystals Unit (ASMC 2013) 12 formed through seeding (McHugh 2020). The tiny grains of sugar present in the solution serve as nuclei, aiding sugar in the syrup to form crystals. Regulatory boiling of the mixture in a vacuum pan, water evaporates, and the sugar crystals continue to grow into a massecuite paste. Massecuite is a dense mixture of syrup and sugar crystals (ASMC 2013). 7. Centrifugation For the separation of sugar crystals and molasses, the massecuite is added into a high-speed centrifuge. The raw sugar crystals in perforated baskets spin at 1,000 to 2,800 revolutions per minute in centrifugal casting. The dark syrup enveloping the crystals known as magma is tossed off and passes through the crystalliser again. The magma is boiled again and used to seed crystal growth so more raw sugar crystals are recovered. Springwater is used to wash the formed raw sugar crystals as they are centrifuged, and the leftover is molasses of the syrup from the final centrifuging (McHugh 2020). This is stored for later sale. Both crystalizing and centrifuging processes are repeated several times to Figure 10: Drying Chamber (ASMC 2013) maximize the yield of raw sugar. 8. Drying The centrifuge’s raw wet sugar dries by tumbling through a stream of air in a rotating drum. Once it achieves a moisture content of 0.02%, raw sugar is gradually tossed through the heated air of a granulator. Dried raw sugar crystals are separated into different sizes through vibrating screens and stored in bulk bins, and the extracted waters are removed (McHugh 2020). 13 2.2. Flowsheet Figure 12 maps out the sugar mill processes describe in Section 2.1 as a process flow diagram(PFD). This figure also incorporates the stream table which has the mass balance. Figure 11 below is a simpler version of the PFD, which is a block flow diagram(BFD) which depicts the same sugar milling process. The BFD references the same streams as that in the PFD stream table. Figure 11: Block Flow Diagram (BFD) for sugar milling 2.3. Assumptions Assumptions in Table 5 are applied in analysing the process in Section 2.2. These assumptions allow the quantification of stream flow rates, the summary of which is in Section 2.4. Table 5: Assumptions taken in sugar milling mass balancing Assumptions No residue on all machines Negligible volatilization Steady state No sugar loss Basis of cut sugarcane at 100 t/h Processing at room temperature except treatment and crystallisation Justification Every part of sugarcane is collected completely Ignore natural loss of water The overall system acceleration = 0 No sugar loss in production Input value to the shredders to simplify calculations The temperature in the factory is 25 ℃ or 298 K 14 Sugar juice is treated at up to 105 ℃ Air pressure in factory is 101 kPa Sugarcane contains 78.5% water Raw sugar contains 0.975% water 105 ℃ typically used in clarifying (Dias et al. 2015) Air pressure is equal to standard atmosphere pressure Mean value of water content in Section 1.3 Sugar after drying contains 0.5% to 2% water (Dias et al. 2015), the mean value is utilised in calculation No chemical residue after treating All chemicals leave the treatment unit with impurities the juice All impurities are removed by Impurities are defined as the part of sugar cane extraction and juice treatment excluding water and sugar here Impurities are mainly bagasse Sugar concentration increases from Process evaporation results in significant increase of 15% to 80% after evaporating 15% - 65% in sugar concentration (Dias et al. 2015) Efficiency of A centrifuges is 95% The flow will be separated by two parts, the flow rate of larger part is 95% of the original flow (Castro et al. 2019) Efficiency of B centrifuges is 90% The flow will be separated by two parts, the flow rate of larger part is 90% of the original flow (Castro et al. 2019) The magma contains 1% of water The water flowrate is 1% of the magma inflow (Castro et al. 2019) The sugar yield is 14% The quantity ratio of sugar to sugar cane is 14% (Council 2019) 2.4. Mass Balance The removal amount during cleaning is difficult to evaluate since different batches of sugarcane may be covered by different amounts of impurities. Therefore, the mass balance part starts at the cutting stage. The mass balance is tabulated in the PFD stream table of Figure 12 . When the cleaning sugarcane input is 100t/h, the sugar yield of this production system is 14 t/h. Stream 14 to 16 are about molasses which are side products of this system. According to assumptions, stream 6 is much smaller than stream 4. Therefore, the flow rate of stream 4 is tiny enough to ignore. For the convenience of calculation, supposing the flow rate of stream 4 is 7.64 t/h. Bagasse is one of the most commonly used biofuel in Australia, and each ton of that can provide 10 GJ heat (Technology 2001). In this system, stream 4 is transferred to the evaporation process as fuel. Bagasse provides 76.4 GJ of heat each hour for the boiler in the evaporator. 15 W-101 C-101 EX-101 R-101 E-101 CR-101 CT-101 D-101 CR-102 CT-102 Washer Cropper Extractor Reactor Evaporator Crystalliser Centrifuge Dryer Crystalliser Centrifuge Stream NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Name Sugar cane Cleaned sugarcane Sugar cane cassettes Bagasse Sugar juice Impurities Clarified juice Removed water Syrup A massecuite Wet sugar Raw sugar Removed water A molasses B massecuite Final molasses Magma Flow rate (t/h) --100.0 100.0 7.64-F6 100-F4 7.64-F4 92.4 71.3 21.3 21.4 20.4 14.0 6.36 1.07 1.07 0.96 0.11 Figure 12: Process Flow Diagram(PFD) for sugar mill Water mass fraction --78.5 78.5 0 --0 85.0 100 35.0 34.8 31.9 0.975 100 90.1 90.1 100 1.00 Sugar mass fraction --13.9 13.9 0 --0 15.0 0 65.0 65.2 69.1 99.0 0 9.90 9.90 0 99.0 Others mass fraction --7.64 7.64 100 --100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Property state solid solid solid solid liquid solid liquid vapour liquid Solid - liquid solid - liquid solid vapour liquid Solid - liquid liquid liquid Temperature (℃) 25 25 25 25 25 105 105 100 100 25 25 100 100 25 25 25 25 Pressure (kPa) 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 2.5. Goals Process goals for sugar milling are summarised in Table 6 which cover technical and operational, economical, health and safety and environmental focus areas. Categories Technical and Operational Economical Table 6: Process goals and actions taken Goals Actions Increase purity and quality Try to have high quality sugarcane as input to of the product improve production quality A recycle stream is set from secondary Maximise production centrifuge back to the first crystalliser to yield reduce raw sugar loss through molasses Decrease the energy Sugarcane trash and bagasse from the mill are recycled and burnt to provide energy for consumption extraction. Comply with code of practice and standards for Minimise the possibility of physical injury for sugar mills in Australia workers and respiratory hazards. Achieved by following measures detailed in Table 3 of Minimise the effect of Section 1.6 for addressing hazards. burning dust, fly ash and bagasse dust to air quality The recycle stream is set from secondary centrifuge back to the first crystalliser can also decrease the amount of waste. Environmental Minimise the amount of discarded waste from the Energy generation from bagasse combustion process reduces fossil fuel consumption. CO2 emissions by this combustion is taken up by cultivated sugarcanes, so a loop is established Health and Safety 2.6. Sustainability Sustainability analysis of the sugarcane mill for this report considers a triple bottom line. Following subsections discuss whether the process is environmental, economic and socially sustainable. 2.6.1. Environmental Environmental sustainability can be determined mainly by effect of process waste on the environment. Impurities discarded from the juice treatment process consists of small solid particles of sugarcane that are removed from juice treatment along the filter mud. The cane particles are organic and will decompose while the mud is rich in organic matter and nutrients that help fertilise soil. Water is also an output waste stream in the form of water vapour. Water vapour is not considered harmful as unlike GHG emissions, it dissipates from the atmosphere in a few days (Climate Change Connection 2016). The waste that may cause environmental problems is the greenhouse gas emission from burning sugarcane bagasse during the evaporation process. Due to high tonnage of bagasse burnt, emissions of CO2 cannot be ignored, however, the emission rate is much lower than that of fossil fuels. According to the Department of the Environment and Energy of Australia (2017) approximately bagasse emits 1.2 kg CO2e per GJ of electricity generated while coal coke and natural gas emit 107.24 kg CO2e/GJ and 51.53 kg CO2e/GJ respectively. As such, if bagasse is not used to produce energy, electricity from fossil fuel will emit more GHG and may require boiler exhaust gas treatment such as scrubbers to meet standards. Considering bagasse provides 76.4 GJ/h (from Section 2.4) to the mill, this translates to 3845.2 kg CO2e/h emission reduction when bagasse is used instead of natural gas. Therefore, the use of bagasse as a fuel source reduces the negative environmental impacts of the mill, so it is environmentally sustainable. 2.6.2. Economic Economic sustainability depends on profit that the process made. The profit for the process increases with the conversion rate from sugarcane to sugar (Chakraborty & Dutta 1983). The process shown in previous sections has a recycle stream which decreases loss of sugar. In other words, this process is more economically sustainable compared to the production process with no recycling stream. As a basic material for cooking, the production amount of sugar increased and stabilized around 1850 million tons per year during past years (Voora, Bermúdez & Larrea 2019). It can be predicted that sugar will not meet a sudden decrease in economic value, because it is a daily necessity and the data prediction. Nearly 80% of sugar are produced by sugarcane (The Sugar Market 2021), so this process should have a stable economic value. For the reasons above, the sugarcane-based sugar production is economic sustainable 2.6.3. Social Social sustainability is determined by the effect of the process on human life and society. For industry, one of the effects to society is job generation. Australia is one of the largest sugar exporters, which leads to a large amount of job generation in the sugar industry (Herreras Martínez et al. 2013). Nearly 80% of sugar is produced by sugarcane (The Sugar Market 2021), so it is expected that the sugarcane-based process generates lots of job positions for the society. With a large amount of sugar export, people related to sugar business and sugarcane plantation will also have benefits with their life. For those reasons, sugarcane-based sugar production is socially sustainable. 2.7. Process Stream and Unit Interactions In sugar milling, the unit processes are inter-reliant on each other to result in high-yielding production within a possible economic scope of sugar production in the processing mill. The key unit interactions in the process starts with extraction, which helps separate the juice of cane, juice processing to get rid of impurities, crystallises to form sugar crystals, and centrifuge to separate the sugar crystals. A recycling stream introduced at the final stage of centrifugation drives the remaining magma back to the initial crystalliser unit to maximise produced raw sugar yield. Magma at 0.22 t/h from produced raw sugar is rerun through the crystallising process to precipitate more sugar crystals from the same mixture by providing the seed. The configuration of these units and recycle loop reduces the loss of sugar through by-products such as molasses, thus, increasing the raw sugar yield. Recycling of biomass in the mill aids in increasing process efficiency and economic potential. Biomass such as bagasse produced from the extraction unit is supplied to the evaporation chamber's boiler furnace. Sugar mills may recycle bagasse like in Figure 13 to supplement energy needed for more energy intensive processes such as evaporation, thus, reducing energy Figure 13: Bagasse co-generation scheme (Birru 2016) 18 supply costs. Historical precedents further support the effectiveness of bagasse co-generation it has been utilized as boiler fuel for Australia's sugar mills to generate electricity for over 50 years (Power Technology 2008). Energy content is critical in determining desirability of a biomass as fuel. Studies suggest that higher heating value (HHV) of bagasse ranges from 5.63 to 23.46 MJ/kg, but, still a desirable fuel as its energy supply is mainly influenced by amount of biomass produced per unit of the area rather than its quality (Coelho et al. 2019). As the mill recycles almost 7.64 t/h bagasse, this unit interaction significantly reduces operation expenses and energy usage from fossil fuels. 2.8. Storage Raw sugar storage is designed to maintain quality of raw sugar while matching production volume capacity and demands. After processing, raw sugar is stored temporarily in bulk bins to then be distributed for exports or local market (ASMC 2013). Queensland has 6 bulk sugar terminals in which raw sugar is kept all year round. The terminals can accommodate approximately 2.4 million tonnes which allows market requirements to easily be satisfied when the demand arises (ASMC 2017), Special care is taken in storage of raw sugar as it is moisture sensitive and absorbs odour from other strongly scented products like tea and coffee. An 80-85% relative humidity is critical for raw sugar, above which it may absorb moisture rapidly causing stickiness. Conversely, too dry and sugar will lose its lustre, cake and cause more dust which increases fire and explosion risks. Ideal relative humidity condition is 65% which retains the free-flowing granular nature of the raw sugar which is convenient for transport and presentable. 2.9. Control Based on the stream data and hazard analysis, main parameters that need to be controlled are shown in Table 7. The reason and method of control is also elaborated within the table. Controlled area Bagasse burning section of the evaporation equipment Evaporation equipment Vacuum pan Table 7: Controlled Variables in the process Controlled variable Concentration of fly ash and bagasse dust in air Temperature Temperature and pressure Reason Controlling method To prevent respiration Apply filter at the output hazard caused by excess chimney airborne fly ash and bagasse dust To ensure the temperature Include temperature sensors to of the evaporation monitor and control amount of process stays at 105℃, so input energy that the product sugar can have higher quality To make sure the equipment operates correctly. Prevent explosion due to high pressure and scald due to high temperature. Have sensors and alarm to make sure that temperature and pressure stays in safety range. 19 Sugar production stream/sugar storage container Molasses production stream/ molasses storage container 2.10. Concentration of To prevent explosion due Monitor airborne sugar dust sugar dust in air to sugar dust concentrations in air with sensor and alarm so concentration does not exceed safety range. Concentration of To prevent explosion due Have sensor and alarm to methane in air to methane make sure that concentration and in the of methane in air stays in container safety range Economic Potential Economic potential is analysed at the input/output structure. Table 8 displays prices for raw materials, products and wastes discarded. The losses and gains from inputs and outputs Table 8: Cost analysis based on input and output materials Category Material Price (AUD/t) Raw material Flow rate(t/h) Total Value (AUD/h) Sugarcane 100 300AUD/t (Cluff 2018) -30000 Impurity 7.64 71 6.47 0 (assuming no treatment required) 0 Waste 0 (directly discard because it is safe Water 0 material) 2300AUD/t (CSR Raw Sugar 2kg, Main Raw sugar 14.0 2021) (Woolworths Supermarket 32200 product Buy Groceries Online 2021A) 780AUD/t (Woolworths By-product Molasses 1.94 Supermarket - Buy Groceries 1513.2 Online 2021B) Total 3713.2 The total economic potential of the whole process is 3713.2 AUD/h if the input rate of sugarcane is 100t/h and only input/output structure is considered. In reality, the following conditions apply which will alter the economic potential: • Variable input rates make estimation higher or lower; • Cost of workers and machinery, setup and maintenance, reduce the profit rate; • The output water may also need to be treated before discarding to meet environmental regulations; • Over-estimation of product value because using the data from stores. Bulk sale of product will reduce the profit potential; • Slightly over-estimation of product value because Stream 6 is neglected; • Energy consumption and generation from bagasse when considered will alter the estimate; 20 3. Unit Operations—Crystallisation 3.1. Introduction The syrup from the evaporators is directed to vacuum pans to initiate crystallisation. The syrup is boiled at low temperatures and evaporated until it reaches the supersaturation phase during the boiling process. “Seeding” is needed to activate nuclei formation for sugar crystals to grow. Throughout the process, the massecuite is evaporated until the final molasses is produced. To optimise sugar crystal removal from the massecuite, the mixture is supplied to a crystalliser. A-massecuite is then delivered to the centrifuge where the first molasses (i.e. A molasses) will be separated from the sugar Figure 14: Vacuum pan, crystalliser and centrifuge crystals. Sugar is collected at this point. arrangement (Braz 2019) The A molasses from the A centrifuges is reboiled in a vacuum pan (i.e. Pan B) to produce a secondary massecuite (i.e. B massecuite). A similar process to A-massecuite follows. B-massecuite passes through a crystalliser and centrifuge to separate the crystal sugar from the mother liquor (i.e. final molasses). A crystal suspension of lower consistency, a lighter massecuite termed magma, is also recovered from this. Magma is reboiled in the vacuum pan and acts as a “seeding” agent in the pan. 3.2. Process Chemistry & Physics During crystallisation, chemical composition of the sugar remains unchanged. The crystallisation process is considered to have crystal growth features identical to sucrose. Since their physicochemical properties are similar, it tends to form clusters with it. The saturation solubility must be surpassed for crystallisation to begin so supersaturation is the main factor of crystallisation. Supersaturation decreases as the crystallising material is withdrawn from the solution. The molecules begin to crystallise and the supersaturated solution changes from liquid to liquid-crystal mixture. As temperature increases, solubility of sugar decreases, so crystal sugar gradually separates out from syrup. As seed magma is injected, the supersaturation coefficient ranges from 0.96 - 1.05 (Elgader 2014). Steam flow will be decreased, and more syrup is added to maintain the supersaturation coefficient. Clusters form during nucleation, which is an arrangement of molecules that integrates into a group of crystal structures. As the phase changes, it will emit latent heat. This process is greatly influenced by the seed magma and operating conditions. Crystal growth continues until the supersaturation is exhausted and the phase transition of the system component remains constant over time. As the concentration of hydrogen carbonate is changed, the pH of molasses increases to 9 to 10. There is no formation of non-sugar substances; only existing non-sugar substances react with each other (Elgader 2014). 21 3.3. Equipment 3.3.1. Vacuum Pans According to Stephens (2001), the most popular model in the Australian sugar industry is the fixed calandria batch vacuum pan (p. 18). Vacuum pans are used because they produce a consistent flow of steam with uniform grain size. Moreover, the massecuite produced is uniform in grain size, consistency, and purity. The heating surface is held in place and is made up of several vertical tubes that are clamped by a flat tube plate at the top and bottom. Steam is inserted into the cavity that surrounds the tubes and is enclosed by the tube plates. Steam condenses on the tube's exterior at a steady temperature, latent heat is released, which heats the liquid within the tube. As water evaporates, the sucrose concentration rises, causing crystal Figure 15 formation. More syrup would be added to maintain the concentration. The Vacuum pan boiling point varies as the pan's level increases. When no more magma or illustration syrup is added to the pan, the boiling process stops. After that, the crystals and (Stephens 2001) massecuite mixture is removed from the pan and put in the crystallizer. There is no need for an external source of circulation within the calandria pan. The buoyancy force caused by temperature changes due to vapour production and adjacent massecuite is the primary driving force for liquid movement. As well as a strong bond between heat transfer and circulation. A flow of massecuite and vapor is expected to move upward through the calandria tubes up to the surface. The vapor is drawn to the condenser, while the liquid travels radially towards the centre and return to the bottom via the downtake and entering the calandria tubes again. In a real-world process, variations in circulation can occur. 3.3.2. Crystallisers The crystallisers serve as an insulated tank to assure that the centrifuges have a steady flow. There will be no need for a cooling or transfer system because massecuite is moved to the crystallizer rapidly. Transfer equipment is not feasible to use due to its thickness and difficulty in handling. Gravity would force the liquid to move. Vacuum pans will be mounted above the crystallisers at a higher level. Likewise, the crystallisers should be installed above the centrifugals. Figure 16: Crystalliser (Hugot 1986) Since the massecuite is saturated, stirring is necessary to prevent further crystallization of the present crystals, which could expand their size. To keep the mixture flowing steadily and continuously, a Ushaped steel vessel with an agitator is used. 3.3.3. Centrifuges The massecuite is stored in a cylindrical basket, which is then carried on a vertical shaft.. The sugar is protected in the basket by metal gauze, which allows molasses to pass and exit through the basket’s holes. Sugar passes from the basket’s bottom opening controlled by an adjoining shaft. After the process is completed, the centrifugal is stopped by a brake with brake-shoes. The magma is transported in a buffer tank. It will be positioned among the centrifuge B and the vacuum pan A. The water would flow to move the magma at a rate of 1% of the magma flows. There will also be a buffer tank before A molasses enters the B vacuum pans. It is used to dissolve molasses in order to prevent formation of ice crystals in the feed. 22 3.4. Design The primary design inputs for the crystallisation unit are the mass flows that enter and exit the unit, as it will influence the machine capacity. The crystallisation unit operation is based on the assumptions below: • The massecuite is completely uniform in the whole volume of the vacuum pan. • A and B vacuum pans have the same tube length, diameter, thickness, and pitch. • For A and B massecuites, the boiling times are 4 hours while A and B crystallizers require 4 and 6 hours, respectively. • The massecuite density is 1.45 tonnes/m3. • One cycle takes 180 seconds to complete in centrifuges. • Generally, e equals 0.12D. Moreover, the basket top plate angle is 5 degrees (Alluri n.d.). • To determine the capacity of the centrifuge, expect one empty complete cycle in total cycles per hour. Consider the purging potential, which is 10% higher because the massecuite is always purged when it is loaded. 3.4.1. Vacuum Pan Design The design procedure for vacuum pans is as follows: Determine the capacity of the pan from inlet flows. A batch vacuum pan capacity is: tonnes/day x 0.06. While, for B vacuum pans is: tonnes/day x 0.04 (Alluri n.d.). • Determine number of vacuum pans required by measuring the amount of massecuite in each strike. Then, divide it by the pan's capacity. • Define the thickness, length, outer and inner diameters, and pitch of the tube. • Calculate the heating surface using the heating surface-to-volume ratio and pan’s volume. • Calculate the number of tubes required in the pans. • Determine the volume of the downtake by calculating the diameter and sufficient area of the downtake. • Calculate pitch and true ligament of the tube. Pitch is the distance between the centers of two parallel tubes. Moreover, ligament refers to the thickness of metal existing on the tube plate among two neighboring tubes. Appendix B describe the calculations in detail. Because the equipment in the B crystallisation unit is the same, the design steps were followed. The main design variables and pan sizes in A vacuum pan are in Table 9. • Table 9: Design variables for A Vacuum Pan Design Variables Steam Temperature Steam Pressure Pan total volume Heating surface No. of vacuum pans Tube length Tube Outer diameter Tube Inner diameter Tube thickness No. of tubes Downtake volume Massecuite volume in tubes Tube pitch Ligament Value 115 170 21.35 170.8 3 1.132 101.6 98.6 1.5 899 3.11 7.77 127 23.9 Units C kPa m3 m2 m mm mm mm m3 m3 mm mm 23 3.4.2. Crystalliser Design The design procedure steps for crystallizer: Calculate the crystallizer capacity. It would be equivalent to the vacuum pans, but raised by 15-20% (Hugot 1986). Consequently, for a 21.35m3 vacuum pan, the volume of A crystallizer is 25.62m3. • Determine the power and rotational speed based on the crystallizer volume. For crystallisers with 20-50 m3, the speed is 0.5 rpm with a total power of 210 kW per 1,000 m3 (Hugot 1986). • Define the amount of time required for each massecuite. In general, it is better to hold the A and B massecuite in the crystalliser for a very short duration. • Measure the number of crystallizers by dividing the massecuite's mass with the crystalliser's capacity. The main design variables and pan sizes in A crystallizer are Table 10. • Table 10: Design Variable for A Crystalliser Design Variables Crystalliser volume No. of crystallizer Rotational speed of agitator Power Time for crystallisation Value 25.62 2 0.5 210 4 Units m3 rpm kW hours 3.4.3. Centrifuge Design Design procedure steps for the centrifuges: Define the basket's height and diameter, and then measure the massecuite volume per period (See equations 7 in Appendix B). • Determine the volume of massecuite per hour (See equation 8 in Appendix B). • To calculate the mass of massecuite needed, multiply the volume by the density. • Add the height and diameter of the basket into the equation, use trial and error to determine the correct mass flow of the massecuite. Follow these steps for both the A and B centrifuges. The design variables of A and B centrifuges are described in Table 11. • Table 11: Design variables for A Centrifuges Design Variables For A Centrifuges Diameter of basket Height of the basket Rotational speed of the agitator Value 1.4 1.085 1200 Units m m rpm 4. Professional Engineers in Process Systems Sugar milling involves complex processing to transform sugarcane to raw sugar and its byproducts which employ numerous engineers in various areas. The scale and complexity of the production process require many employees for operation despite the automation incorporated with Australian mills employing more than 4,500 people in total (ASMC 2021). Wilmar Sugar, for example, employs 1600 people which consists of more than 130 apprentices and 21 graduates (Sugar Research Institute(SRI) 2015). 24 Engineers in this industry, apply project management skills and technical knowledge to grasp the nuances of daily factory operations which may include managing and reviewing safety standards, equipment maintenance oversight and resolution of issues during operation(SRI 2015). In addition, engineers may be employed in this industry for project management and in efforts to modernising and increasing performance and efficiency of sugar mills. As such, the sugar milling industry offers a variety of opportunities and areas in which engineers are able to apply their skills and learn. 5. Conclusion The report established an investigation on sugar milling with a focus on Queensland and Australia in the 21st century. Raw sugar currently and will continue to be a significant agricultural product contributing to the state and national economies of Queensland, Australia as 80% of production volume is exported. The particular interactions between the crystallisation, evaporation and centrifugation units in sugar milling are crucial in high production rates while minimising waste. The recycling of bagasse in cane based mills reduce its energy consumption but also it’s negative environmental impacts. Bagasse offers a 3845.2 kg CO2e/h emission reduction if used instead of natural gas as an energy source for operation hours. In addition, raw sugar can generate income of 3713.2 AUD per hour of milling. Despite a decelerating growth in global sugar consumption, Australia’s sugarcane mills 25 References ACFA, 2006. Historical Events | Australian Cane Farmers Association. 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The required volume: 30,96 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 1,45 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 𝑚𝑚3 = 21,35𝑚𝑚3 Calculating the amount of massecuite per strike and dividing it by the pan's capacity suggest 3 pans are needed. Calculation for heating surface For a batch calandria pan, ratio of heating surface to volume is 6, 7 or 8 m2/m3 respectively for the tube lengths of 860, 1.000 and 1.140 mm (Hugot, 1986). Moreover, the average tube length in Australia is 1.132 mm (Stephens, 2001). Therefore, heating surface to volume (S/V) ratio is 8 m2/m3. Thus, the heating surface is: 8 𝑚𝑚2 /𝑚𝑚3 × 21,35 𝑚𝑚3 = 170,8𝑚𝑚2 . Calculation for number of tubes (1) Where S is heating surface of the vacuum pan (m ), 𝛱𝛱 is Pi (3.14), D is the mean diameter of the tube (m), L is the tube’s effective length (m) and N is the number of tubes. The tube diameter is 101.6 mm and the tube wall thickness is 1.5 mm (Hugot, 1986). Thus, D 𝑆𝑆 = 𝛱𝛱 × 𝐷𝐷 × 𝐿𝐿 × 𝑁𝑁 2 170,8𝑚𝑚2 is: 101.66mm – 1.5mm = 0.1001m. The number of tubes required:3,14×0,1𝑚𝑚×1,132𝑚𝑚= 481 tubes. Calculation for volume of the downtake For the area of downtake, divide the cross section area of the tube by the circulation ratio. 𝛱𝛱 The equation for calculating the total area of a tube: 𝐴𝐴 = 𝑁𝑁 × 4 × 𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼2 The initial tube diameter: 𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 − (2 × 𝑇𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠) = 98,6 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 so area of the tube is 3.66 𝑚𝑚2 (2) 30 To achieve smooth flows, the circulation ratio should preferably be less than 2.5 (Alluri, n.d.). Thus, the area of the down take is: 3,66𝑚𝑚2 2,5 4 = 1,47𝑚𝑚2 . The diameter of the downtake (DA) is: � × 𝐴𝐴𝐷𝐷 = 1.37𝑚𝑚 𝛱𝛱 Calculate the amount of the downtake using the equation: 𝑉𝑉 = Thus, the downtake’s volume is: 𝛱𝛱 4 𝛱𝛱 4 × 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷2 × 𝐿𝐿 (3) × (1,37𝑚𝑚)2 × 1,132𝑚𝑚 = 1,67 𝑚𝑚3 . Calculation for volume of massecuite in tubes 𝑉𝑉 = 𝛱𝛱 4 × 𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼2 × 𝐿𝐿 × 𝑁𝑁 Thus, the volume of massecuite in tubes: 𝛱𝛱 4 (4) × (0,0986 𝑚𝑚)2 × 1,132𝑚𝑚 × 481 = 4,16 𝑚𝑚3 Calculation for pitch and ligament of the tube The tubes have 101.6 mm diameter and a ligament of 25.4 mm (Hugot, 1986). Thus, the pitch is: 101.6 + 25.4 = 127 mm. Moreover, the true ligament is: pitch - OD- thickness = 127-101.61.5 = 23.9 mm. Vacuum pan B followed the same steps, but with inlet flows of 51.6 tonnes/day. The steam temperature and pressure are the same as A pan. As well as tube length, diameter, thickness, pitch, and ligament. Table X. Design Variables of B Vacuum Pan Design Variables Value Units Total volume of the pan 1.42 m3 No. of vacuum pans 4 Heating surface 96 m2 Number of tubes Volume of the downtake 32 0.11 m3 Volume of the massecuite in tubes 0.28 m3 A CRYSTALLISER Multiply the massecuite inlet flows by the crystallisation time to get the crystalliser's capacity, which is 86 tonnes. Crystallizer capacity would be 20% greater than vacuum pan capacity. 86 Thus, it would be 37.152 tonnes. As a result, the number of A crystallizer needed is: 37.152 = 2 The B crystallizer is designed using the same steps. The capacity of vacuum pans clearly influences the capacity. The following are the main design variables and sizes for B crystallizer. Table X. Design Variables of B Crystalliser Design Variables Volume of the crystallizer Value 1.704 No. of crystallizer 5 Rotational speed of the agitator 0.7 Units m3 rpm 31 Power Time for crystallisation 294 6 kW hours A CENTRIFUGES Calculate the massecuite volume per period 𝑉𝑉 = 𝛱𝛱 × 𝑒𝑒 �𝐻𝐻 �𝐷𝐷 − 𝑒𝑒 + 𝑒𝑒 × 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡�(3𝐷𝐷 − 4𝑒𝑒)/6��� (5) Where V is the massecuite volume per cycle (m3/cycle). e is massecuite thickness (m). 𝜃𝜃is angle of the basket top plate to the horizontal level (deg.). H is the basket height (m). D is the basket’s diameter (m). Anticipate one empty cycle. Include the purging potential. which is 10% higher. Thus. the volume is: (𝐶𝐶 − 1) × 𝑉𝑉 × 1.1 (6) Where C is cycles per hour and V is the massecuite volume every cycle (m3/cycle). Define the time needed for each cycle per hour. If time needed for each cycle is 180 seconds. then C is: 3600 180 = 20 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐/ℎ𝑟𝑟. Consider one empty cycle. there will be 19 cycles/hr. Multiply the volume by the density to get the mass of massecuite required. Use trial and error to find the necessary mass flow of the massecuite by inserting the height and diameter of the basket into the equation. The following are the main design variables and sizes for B centrifuges. Table X. Design Variables of B Centrifuges Design Variables For B Centrifuges Value Units Diameter of basket 0.5 m Height of the basket RPM of the basket 0.84 1200 m rpm 32