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English Oral Exam Guidelines

The guidelines for the final oral examination in the teaching subject
The procedure of the oral examination:
Total time 45 min: the division outlined below is approximate estimation and
can vary by a couple of minutes, though the total time is fixed.
● 5-10 min student’s presentation
○ In this part we will listen to you carefully without interruptions.
Start by briefly telling us what your synopsis is about and give
us a very short outline of your speech.
○ You may decide what you want to present about. However, be
careful not to directly repeat what you have written but rather to
either elaborate on something or to come up with another
perspective or to tell us about something you didn’t include but
had plans of doing.
○ The central part of the presentation should be focused on the
analysis that you just gave an outline of in your synopsis.
○ Be conscious of the time constraints- I will give you a sign if
you need to wrap up.
● App. 30 min tripartite discussion between a student, the examiner
(Marija), and an external examiner (unknown until the examination
○ This part is divided into two parts:
■ Discussion related to the actual synopsis- practice
● In this part we will ask questions related to either
what you wrote in your synopsis or what you said in
your presentation. Usually, we will ask questions
where the external examiner and I mean we need
more clarification; such as why you selected a
particular theory or how you selected the data or
anything in relation to your work. Some of the
questions can be of reflective nature; such as ‘What
do you think?’ or ‘Why do you think?’ etc. where we
will probe you on your ability to reflect both on the
theory and practice.
● The success criteria in this part is your ability to
reflect and to use the concepts in a logical way to
describe your data or practice
● As well, the ability to use the concepts in a precise
and concrete way as well as to go in depth with
them is another aspect that is highly valued.
■ Discussion related to the pupils’ language/ interlanguage
● In this part of the examination, we will discuss the
data- pupils’ language that you included in your
synopsis or you brought along to the examination.
We expect you to carry out the analysis of pupil’s
language in metalanguage terms. E.g. you included
a piece of writing and you analyse it linguistically,
both focusing on the errors as well as the
successful parts of a pupils’ work. You also
comment here on the learning aims of the sample
and carry out an assessment and evaluation of the
pupils’ work to let us know to what extent the pupil
has fulfilled them. Further, you comment on the
feedback and/ or feedforward you would give to this
or these pupil(s).
● The success criteria in this part is analysing the
sample in a precise and concrete way. E.g. when
commenting on the verbs avoid using generic terms
such as ‘the text is written in the past’. Instead, try
being more precise e.g. in the past simple or in the
past perfect etc. Another example, if you are
working with a genre text or children’s literature:
avoid using too broad terms like ‘The text is a
narrative genre and there are some adjectives and
verbs’. Instead try to be more concrete and tell us
what kind of language characterises this genre and
where we can see it clearly in the sample.
I write here unofficially because there is no strictly determined time, rather a
spontaneous transition will take place.
● 5 min: mark deliberation
○ During this time you will be asked to leave the room so that I
can agree with the external examiner on your mark
○ We will give you a notice as soon as we’re finished, so please
don’t go too far away.
● 5 min: mark and feedback given to the student
○ We have limited time to tell you the mark as well as to give you
brief feedback on why we decided to give you this particular
○ Marija will usually do this
○ I also strive to give feedforward even if it is the highest mark the
student was awarded
○ Since we only have 5 min, there is not a possibility of ping-pong
exchange- so this time you will only receive feedback and there
won’t be any time for questions- please respect this.