SIX-WEEK C H A L L ENGE FAST BURNER WITH R AC H A EL N EWSHAM THE ULTIMATE WAY TO GET AMAZING RESULTS WITHOUT A HUGE TIME COMMITMENT. Rachael Newsham Les Mills Program Director WELCOME Keen to fast track your fitness? This six-week challenge will make it happen! You can expect... • I’m Rach, and I’m all set to bring the hustle, coaching you through the Fast Burner Challenge I created alongside Dr. Jinger Gottschall. A six week beginner to intermediate level challenge • 30 minutes a day and no equipment needed • 5 - 6 workouts a week (you can drop a workout a week if you wish) With a science-backed mix of cardio, strength, and mobility training, this is the quickest way to boost • Goal-setting and baseline fitness testing your fitness. We use short, sharp workouts to build • Workout modifications for all fitness levels • Weekly emails, videos, tips and advice • Ongoing support and motivation from our maximum fitness in minimum time. Combine these energetic workouts with healthy eating and you’ll grow lean muscle and reduce body fat in no time. private Facebook group • LES MILLS FUEL nutrition guidance This is the ultimate way to get amazing results without a huge time commitment. Let’s do it! Rachael Newsham, Les Mills Program Director Instagram: @rachael_newsham 3 LET’S GET STARTED you’ve got this! F I R S T U P, T I C K T H E S E O F F. . . 1. Congratulate yourself for taking this first step, and read through this challenge pack 2. Watch the video: Goals and Fitness Testing with Dan Cohen 3. Do the fitness tests and have a go at setting your own goals 4. Join our LES MILLS On Demand Fitness Challenges (official) Private Facebook Group, it’s where you can access amazing motivation and support 5. Try your first workout — you’ll find all of the workouts listed in the right order in the Fast Burner Challenge section TAKE THE FITNESS TESTS These baseline fitness tests should be done BASELINE TEST #2 at the beginning and end of the challenge. WA I S T L I N E M E A S U R E M E N T You can also do them midway through to monitor Stand and place a tape measure around your waist, progress. Record your results on the next page. just above hip bones. Keep the tape snug, but not compressing your skin. Record the measurement BASELINE TEST #1 just after an exhale. T H E H OV E R T E S T Assume a hover position on your forearms BASELINE TEST #3 with your hips lifted off the floor so that your body M I L E ( 1 .6 K M ) WA L K I N G T E S T creates a straight line from head to toe. Start timing Find a 1 mile (1.6km) flat walking track or neighbor- and stop the timer when your hips lower and you’re hood route and record the time it takes for you to no longer able to hold your back in a straight line. walk the route. You can slow down and speed up as you wish, but the goal is to complete the mile as quickly as possible. When you reach the end, record your time to the nearest second, and then keep the perfect hover walking for a few minutes to cool down. 5 MY FITNESS BASELINE track your results PRE-CHALLENGE WEEK THREE END- OF-CHALLENGE H O V E R D U R AT I O N H O V E R D U R AT I O N H O V E R D U R AT I O N WAISTLINE MEASUREMENT WAISTLINE MEASUREMENT WAISTLINE MEASUREMENT WALKING TEST WALKING TEST WALKING TEST COMMENTS / HOW ARE YOU FEELING? COMMENTS / HOW ARE YOU FEELING? COMMENTS / HOW ARE YOU FEELING? MEASURES WALKING TEST NORMS FOR WOMEN (MINUTES FOR 1.6 MILE) WALKING TEST NORMS FOR MEN (MINUTES FOR 1.6 MILE) AGE 20 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60+ EXCELLENT < 11.54 < 12.24 < 12.54 < 13.24 < 14.06 GOOD 11.54 - 13.00 12.24 - 13.30 12.54 - 14.00 13.24 - 14.24 14.06 - 15.12 AVERAGE 13.01 - 13.42 13.31 - 14.12 14.01 - 14.42 14.25 - 15.12 13.13 - 16.18 > 13.43 > 14.13 > 14.43 > 15.13 > 16.19 BELOW AVERAGE AGE HOVER TEST NORMS (MINUTES) 20 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60+ < 13.12 < 13.42 < 14.12 < 14.42 < 15.06 GOOD 13.12 - 14.06 13.42 - 14.36 14.12 - 15.06 14.42 - 15.36 AVERAGE 14.07 - 15.06 14.37 - 15.36 15.07 - 16.06 15.37 - 17.00 > 15.07 > 15.37 > 16.07 > 17.01 > 17.31 EXCELLENT BELOW AVERAGE EXCELLENT > 6 minutes GOOD 4 - 6 minutes 15.06 - 16.18 ABOVE AVERAGE 2 - 4 minutes 16.19 - 17.30 AVERAGE BELOW AVERAGE 1 - 2 minutes 0 - 60 seconds 6 GOAL SETTING hmm... not really. Setting yourself goals and tracking achievements I S W E I G H T LO S S A G O O D G O A L? is a good way to stay motivated and achieve results. It’s more important to track how you feel than what the scales say. When you feel good physically and WE RECOMMEND FOCUSING ON THREE GOALS emotionally you keep at your healthy habits—and 1. Creating a HABIT would like to weigh yourself, do it once a week, at 2. Improving BASELINE FITNESS the same time of day. But be aware that there are 3. Improving NUTRITION lots of variables and what the scale says isn’t the that’s when long term body changes happen. If you best indicator of success. It’s important that your goals are SMART; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timebound. G E T TO I T ! Use the spaces on the next page to write your goals down. It’s also a good idea to share your goals with like-minded friends and family as this is shown to boost your chances of success. And remember to reflect regularly. Keep note of changes and achievements and think about what you want to work on in the week ahead. It’s a great way to stay focused on your overall goal. 7 MY GOALS GOAL ONE Creating fitness habits comes down to being consistent. When you stick with it exercise soon becomes as automatic GOAL ONE: HABIT FORMATION M Y G O A L I S TO : as brushing your teeth. What positive fitness habits do you want to achieve? SMART goal examples: • I am going to prioritize exercise and make time for five 30-minute workouts a week over the next six weeks. • I am going to get up early for the next six weeks and do a workout before work. • I am going to do at least half of the recommended workouts for six weeks. W E E K T H R E E C H E C K- I N H O W A R E YO U F E E L I N G ? END-OF-CHALLENGE W H AT D I D YO U AC H I E V E ? GOAL TWO The next step is to set a RESULTS based goal. You can refer to your baseline fitness test results for this. SMART goal examples: • I want to shift my baseline hover test results from average to above average in six weeks. • I want to cut one inch from my waistline measurement in six weeks. GOAL TWO: FITNESS RESULTS M Y G O A L I S TO : W E E K T H R E E C H E C K- I N H O W A R E YO U F E E L I N G ? GOAL THREE If you’re investing in your fitness for six weeks you should also think about making nutrition choices that will serve you well. We suggest that you make completing the LES MILLS FUEL reset program your number one nutrition goal. You can easily END-OF-CHALLENGE W H AT D I D YO U AC H I E V E ? do this by following all the steps in the LES MILLS FUEL section. 8 MAKING THE CHALLENGE WORK FOR YOU The whole idea of doing a challenge is to stretch WORKING OUT WITH NO EQUIPMENT your comfort zone – that’s where the change All of the workouts in the Fast Burner Challenge happens! So try and give all the workouts a go. If you can be done without any equipment. If you do have follow the workout plan exactly as specified you’ll do a weight and/or resistance band you can use during the optimal mix of cardio, strength, and flexibility/ your CXWORX™ / LES MILLS CORE™** workouts. mobility training – a mix of workouts that is backed But you can also just use your bodyweight and you’ll by science and designed to maximize results. still get a phenomenal core workout. If you choose If you need to modify follow the guidelines on the following pages. CHOOSING THE BEST WORK OUT TIME Take control of your challenge by planning. Plan ahead in a one-week block and schedule your workouts in the same way you would an important meeting. The best time to do the workouts is whenever works best for you – as this will help you be consistent. Research does show that afternoon is the best time for strength or HIIT, so if that works for you make it happen. But if it’s easiest for you to do it as soon as you wake, that’s much better than putting it off till later in the day and then not doing it at all. to swap SH’BAM™ for BODYSTEP™ you can do the whole workout without a step, simply follow the foot patterns. M O D I F Y I N G W O R KO U T S If you need to, take options to modify intensity and impact, particularly during your cardio. Low impact options will still give you a great workout. In fact, when you’re loading and staying grounded you’re often getting higher muscle activation than if you are doing jumps – so embrace it! Instead of high knee runs do marches, instead of jumps do a squat and a heel rise. **Les Mills Core is the new name for CXWORX 9 D O I N G B AC K-TO - B AC K W O R KO U T S TA K I N G T I M E TO R E S T S WA P P I N G W O R KO U T S Worried the 30-minute workouts are not enough? The positive adaptions born from exercise You can swap out workouts for others that are the 30 minutes will give you a great workout. But if you take place when your body is in recovery. So same duration and same style of training – check want to keep going, you can choose the full length you must rest between workouts and have at least out the table below. Be sure to keep the same types workout, or add in another short workout. However, one rest day per week. Insufficient recovery can of workouts on the same days of the week so you HIIT workouts are an exception! HIIT is designed to reduce the effectiveness of your training. have sufficient recovery time between different promote a different response in the body. The aim types of training. is to push yourself into the red zone, going as hard Of course, a rest day doesn’t mean you can’t leave as you can so you don’t have any energy left in the the sofa! If you’re an active relaxer, gentle walks and tank. If you’re doing HIIT and adding on extra it can yoga sessions are all great low key activities for your be too much — and you risk overtraining. Your body rest day. In fact, stretching and/or yoga sessions B O D YAT TA C K B ODYPUMP needs rest to replenish and reset. Whatever you’re are a great way to improve flexibility, help injury B O D Y C O M B AT B ODYB ALANCE/ B ODYSTEP B O DY F LOW RPM CXWORX / LES MILLS SH’BAM CORE THE TRIP LES MILLS BARRE doing, go for quality over quantity. You are often prevention, and leave you feeling calm and serene. much better off to push yourself to your max for 30 minutes than take it easy but train for longer. Feel free to add extra BODYBALANCE™/ BODYFLOW® Flexibility sessions to your weekly S K I P P I N G O R A D D I N G W O R KO U T S If you’d like to add in a bonus workout or skip a workout, go for it. Do whatever it takes to stay motivated and feel good about your training. schedule as much as you like. It’s especially good CARDIO FLEXIBILITY STRENGTH HIIT to do the BODYBALANCE/BODYFLOW Flexibility B ODYB ALANCE / LES MILLS GRIT versions in the evening – research shows this can B O DY F LOW LES MILLS SPRINT improve your recovery rate as well as your positive emotions and sleep quality. L E S M I L L S S T R E TC H A special note from Rach... “Before you start swapping give each type of workout a try, especially SH’BAM! I really believe our spirit needs a workout, and at the end of each week we deserve a party to celebrate our training success, and SH’BAM is perfect for this! Even if you think dancing isn’t your thing, try it – you will be amazed! Then, if you’re really not feeling it, you can swap it for BODYSTEP. BODYSTEP will push your heart rate and burn fat in the same way SH’BAM does, and it’s also loads of fun!” 10 JOIN THE CHALLENGE COMMUNITY get 24/7 motivation and support U S I N G OT H E R P E O P L E TO M A X I M I Z E YO U R R E S U LT S Science shows that you’re more likely to boost your fitness success when you’re part of a fitness community. Join the official private Booster Challenges Facebook group and you’ll find all the info and updates you need to maximize results. You’ll unlock motivation, inspiration, and advice from fitness experts and home workout fans, and receive endless support on tap. It is a safe, positive, and encouraging space where you can really accelerate your fitness journey. — There’s no doubt some days will be tough, but if you keep at it you will be looking and feeling amazing in six short weeks. Stay focused on your goals and remember, every workout is a win! J O I N U S O N FA C E B O O K Search: LES MILLS on Demand Fitness Challenges (official) 11 WO R KO U T P L A N FAST BURNER Here are all the awesome workouts you’ll do during the Fast Burner Challenge! If you follow the Fast Burner Challenge sequence on the LES MILLS™ On Demand platform you’ll get served up every workout in the right order. But it’s also a great idea to print this page and use it to tick off your Remember, you don’t need any equipment. During CXWORX workouts you can use nothing but bodyweight, or weight and/or a resistance band if you have one. With BODYSTEP you can do the whole workout without a step, simply follow the foot patterns. progress – it will help you stay motivated and on track! every workout is a win! WITH RACHAEL NEWSHAM Mark to complete WEEK 1 DAY 01 — STRENGTH WEEK 5 WEEK 4 WEEK 3 WEEK 2 DAY 08 — CARDIO WEEK 6 DAY 02 RACHAEL NEWSHAM TRAINER SERIES #01 DAY 09 BODYCOMBAT #76 30MIN DAY 03 — CARDIO DAY 04 — CARDIO BODYCOMBAT #69 30MIN BODYATTACK #100 30MIN DAY 10 — STRENGTH DAY 11 RACHAEL NEWSHAM TRAINER SERIES #02 DAY 05 DAY 06 — CARDIO DAY 07 — STRENGTH SH’BAM #31 30MIN OR BODYSTEP #112 30MIN CXWORX #30 30MIN DAY 12 — CARDIO DAY 13 — STRENGTH DAY 14 — CARDIO BODYATTACK #101 30MIN CXWORX #31 30MIN SH’BAM #31 30MIN OR BODYSTEP #112 30MIN DAY 19 DAY 20 — STRENGTH DAY 21 — CARDIO CXWORX #32 30MIN SH’BAM #32 30MIN OR BODYSTEP #113 30MIN DAY 27 DAY 28 — STRENGTH DAY 15 — FLEXIBILITY DAY 16 — CARDIO DAY 17 — STRENGTH DAY 18 — CARDIO BODYBALANCE/ BODYFLOW FLEXIBILITY #83 30MIN BODYCOMBAT #77 30MIN RACHAEL NEWSHAM TRAINER SERIES #03 BODYATTACK #102 30 MIN DAY 22 — CARDIO DAY 23 — STRENGTH DAY 24 — FLEXIBILITY DAY 25 — CARDIO DAY 26 — CARDIO BODYCOMBAT #78 30MIN RACHAEL NEWSHAM TRAINER SERIES #04 BODYBALANCE/BODYFLOW FLEXIBILITY #84 30MIN BODYATTACK #103 30MIN SH’BAM #32 30MIN OR BODYSTEP #113 30MIN DAY 29 — HIIT DAY 30 — STRENGTH DAY 31 — CARDIO DAY 32 — STRENGTH DAY 33 — CARDIO LES MILLS GRIT #28 CARDIO RACHAEL NEWSHAM TRAINER SERIES #05 BODYCOMBAT #79 30MIN CXWORX #34 30MIN BODYATTACK #104 30MIN DAY 36 — HIIT DAY 37 — STRENGTH DAY 38 — CARDIO DAY 39 — STRENGTH DAY 40 — CARDIO DAY 41 — CARDIO LES MILLS GRIT #29 CARDIO RACHAEL NEWSHAM TRAINER SERIES #06 BODYATTACK #90 30MIN CXWORX #35 30MIN BODYATTACK #105 30MIN SH’BAM #37 30MIN OR BODYSTEP #114 30MIN CXWORX #33 30MIN DAY 34 — CARDIO DAY 35 SH’BAM #37 30MIN OR BODYSTEP #114 30MIN DAY 42 If you are injured we recommend consulting a medical professional before starting this Challenge. We don’t recommend starting this Challenge if you are pregnant. While exercising during pregnancy can be beneficial for you and your baby, pregnancy is not the time to strive for new fitness goals or increase exercise intensity. DISCLAIMER: You acknowledge and agree that your use of this Challenge is governed by the LES MILLS On Demand Terms of Use. Consult your physician or a medical professional before starting this Challenge and follow his or her advice. If you choose to exercise using this Challenge, you do so at your own risk and acknowledge that the exercises carry an inherent risk of physical injury, particularly if you have a history of health problems or any previous injuries. Do not follow this Challenge if you have a history of chest pain, knee, ankle, wrist, shoulder, joint, or spinal (back and neck) problems or injuries. Read and follow all safety guidance provided as part of the Challenge or on the LES MILLS On Demand platform. 13 LES MILLS FUEL D I S C O V E R N U T R I T I O U S A N D J OY F U L E AT I N G I N S I X W E E K S 1 LES MILLS FUEL RESET How’s your relationship with food going? suggestions into your life. You do it in a way that Have you ever explored the type of eating that works for you — all with the goal to discover how you works best for your body? can feel healthier, happier and more energized. This LES MILLS FUEL Reset will help you So results will vary. This reset is a very personal experience the remarkable physical and emotional experience. Everyone will get something different benefits that come from fueling your body with food out of the next six weeks — and that’s the beauty that serves YOU best. of it. The one thing we can be sure of … you’ll make Our aim is not to tell you what you should and shouldn’t eat. Instead, we’re here to help bring friends with food and set patterns that feel great and bring you joy. awareness to what you’re eating. We’ll guide you to a better understanding of different types of food, so you can find out what foods make you feel good, happy, satisfied and energized. By adding intention to your nutrition you’ll start to feel much more in control of your energy levels and have a better understanding of your eating Diana Archer Mills Les Mills Creative Director habits – which is key to your physical and emotional wellbeing. This is no quick fix diet! And you won’t be taught any magic tricks that you can use to instantly reach your goal. Instead, this is an experience where from week to week you find ways to implement Bas Hollander Les Mills Education Director 2 WEEK ONE TRACKING YOUR FO OD There are three main macronutrients that our CARBOHYDRATES bodies need to function properly — carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Do you have a good handle on whether you’re getting the mix of macronutrients you need? How is what you’re eating affecting your mental and physical health? The best way to find out is to start tracking your food intake. This is where your food journal comes in. PROTEIN FAT 4 5 - 6 5 % O F Y O U R TOTA L C A L O R I E S * 1 0 - 3 5 % O F Y O U R TOTA L C A L O R I E S * 2 0 - 3 5 % O F Y O U R TOTA L C A L O R I E S * Function Energy Function Building blocks to grow, build + repair Complex carbohydrates come from: Animal-based protein sources: • Vegetables • Meat Function Energy Carrier of fat-soluble vitamins Structural component of cells Other biological functions • Fruit • Poultry • Grains • Fish • Pasta • Eggs • Bread • Dairy • Legumes and pulses Plant-based protein sources include: Trans fat sources (advised to be limited to less than 1% of your total intake) • Baked goods • Margarine • Fast/fried food Saturated fats can be found in animal products such as: Simple carbohydrates come from: • Beans • Beef • Candy • Lentils • Lamb • Cookies • Nuts • Pork • Cream • Butter • Cheese • Soda • Seeds • Soy Unsaturated fats are the healthiest fats and can be found in: *Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 • Avocados • Nuts and seeds • Oils • Fish like salmon, mackerel + tuna TASK ONE TASK TWO YO U R F O O D J O U R N A L I D E N T I F Y PAT T E R N S SMALL CHANGE, BIG DIFFERENCE Keep a journal of everything you eat and drink this In the box below write down any patterns you notice Review your food journal and think about where you coming week. (We encourage you to keep it up for over time. Both patterns that make you feel good, as could make small changes. Often the small changes the full six-week journey, as it will provide you with well as patterns that don’t make you feel good. can make a big difference. It could be as simple as stopping snacking on your children’s leftovers — it’s some really interesting insights throughout the process.) You can use the table on the next page or use a digital journal option. Be sure to record how you felt mentally, emotionally, and physically straight after a meal, as well as two hours after. Record as much detail as you can. Ask PAT T E R N S amazing how many extra calories you can consume by eating leftover sandwich crusts! In the box below record one or a few small changes you plan to make over the next few weeks. At the end of the challenge you can record the difference you noticed. yourself … How do you feel physically? Are you bloated? How do you feel emotionally? Did you SMALL CHANGES notice any changes to your skin? Are you more tired than usual? This journal will provide you with a really good insight into your daily habits, and get you thinking about what small changes you can apply to better serve your body. 4 YOUR FOOD JOURNAL DAY TIME FOOD/DRINK S AT I E T Y L E V E L S : 1 2 3 4 5 SATIETY HOW I FELT IMMEDIATELY STILL HUNGRY S AT I S F I E D FULL STUFFED SICK HOW I FELT LATER 5 YOUR FOOD JOURNAL DAY TIME FOOD/DRINK S AT I E T Y L E V E L S : 1 2 3 4 5 SATIETY HOW I FELT IMMEDIATELY STILL HUNGRY S AT I S F I E D FULL STUFFED SICK HOW I FELT LATER 6 YOUR FOOD JOURNAL DAY TIME FOOD/DRINK S AT I E T Y L E V E L S : 1 2 3 4 5 SATIETY HOW I FELT IMMEDIATELY STILL HUNGRY S AT I S F I E D FULL STUFFED SICK HOW I FELT LATER 7 WEEK TWO SNACK SWAPPING There’s an overwhelming amount of nutrition TASK ONE TASK TWO equally! Following the nutrition guidelines of a global This week we want you to find the healthy nutrition One of the most common habits people experience authority such as the World Health Organization is a guidelines for your country or region, read them is unconscious snacking. Or in other words; not great place to start. There are also healthy nutrition through and think about what change you could knowing what we are really putting into our bodies guidelines for most countries, which can be helpful make that aligns with the overarching themes so we end up eating more than we need. Chances as they are based on culture and what’s common to around healthy eating. are, you may be choosing snacks that don’t satisfy advice out there, and it’s certainly not all created eat in your region. D I D YO U K N O W. . . The most satisfying snacks are the ones that are crunchy, and the ones that mix proteins, fats and Record a change you could incorporate in your diet that helps you on your journey. MY CHANGE IS: your needs or make you feel good when other options will leave you feeling fulfilled and happy. This week choose two snacks that you think you could replace for healthier alternatives and record them below. carbohydrates. So consider an apple with some dark chocolate, or a banana and yogurt. Keep it CURRENT S NACK #1 simple and unprocessed. H E A LT H I E R A LT E R N AT I V E # 1 CURRENT S NACK #2 H E A LT H I E R A LT E R N AT I V E # 2 8 WEEK THREE MICRONUTRIENTS Vitamins and minerals are what we call TASK ONE TASK TWO our body doesn’t make sufficient quantities, so it’s Think about all the different colored foods you can At the end of each day reflect on how color-packed important that we get a balance of micronutrients eat. Write down as many nutritious foods you have your eating was and record below. from our food. Different vitamins and minerals come access to in each color group and aim to eat them all from different types of food groups. And a fun way this week. micronutrients. They are vital for our survival, but super colorful (6 or more different colors) to ensure you get the variety you need is to eat a moderately colorful (3-5 different colors) colorful array of foods. THINK: Eat the rainbow! not colorful enough (2 or less different colors) H O W C O L O R F U L? RED ORANGE 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. W E D N E S D AY Y E L LOW GREEN T H U R S D AY 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. B LU E / P U R P L E WHITE/BROWN 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. M O N D AY T U E S D AY F R I D AY S AT U R D AY S U N D AY 9 WEEK FOUR ADDED SUGAR A different name for carbohydrates is sugars. Table sugar (sucrose) sits within the carbohydrate TASK macronutrient group and is added to food to make Become a sugar detective and identify where added it taste sweeter (added sugar). sugar is sneaking into your diet. Then think about Added sugar is found in things like cookies, candy, and soda (and many other surprising places). It’s considered ‘empty calories’ as it provides only calories or energy to the body, not much more. Other carbohydrates from fruits, veggies, grains, etc. provide energy along with other nutrients (like vitamins, minerals, and fiber), which makes them much more valuable. smalls changes you can make that will minimize your added sugar intake and write them in the chart below. Perhaps it’s switching your coffee with sugar for coffee with oat milk? (It’s just as delicious!) Or swapping your favorite mayonnaise or spread for a low-sugar alternative? MEALS / SNACKS IN MY C U R R E N T D I E T T H AT F E AT U R E A D D E D S U G A R H E A LT H I E R A LT E R N AT I V E S Added sugar is disguised in all sorts of places; ketchup, sauces, canned foods, dried fruits, packaged meals, alcohol. You can spot it when you read nutritional labels and see words such as; sugar, corn syrup, sucrose, and fructose. Did you know… A glass of wine can contain more than a teaspoon of added sugar. And there can be one teaspoon of added sugar in every tablespoon of ketchup. 10 WEEK FIVE M I N D F U L E AT I N G eating healthier, feeling more energetic… the best H O W TO M A K E M I N D F U L E AT I N G W O R K F O R YO U diet is a diet that gives you all the nutrients your • Whatever your goal; losing weight, gaining weight, Engage all of your senses. Look at your food, smell it, enjoy the feel of eating and the taste. body needs, AND one that works for you in the long run. • Only focus on the meal in front of you. While there is a multitude of diet plans out • Check-in with your emotions while you’re there, following a strict diet is difficult, and often eating. Try to notice your feelings and not judge ineffective. yourself. Is there guilt? Is the meal making you Success comes when you don’t feel like you’re restricting yourself too much, and your diet realistically fits with your lifestyle. This is why a soft approach where you implement small change is key. feel better about something? • become a ritual rather than a chore? • Something that can really help is becoming more present when you eat. This is called mindful eating. Think about where your food has come from and be thankful for having food to nourish your body. In time, these small shifts in the right direction will create a big difference. Try to slow down, chew more. Can your meal • Notice when you are satisfied. TASK Put your mindful eating into practice and keep a mindful eating journal during the week ahead. Start meals with the intention to be more mindful. Then after your meal, write down what you have eaten and what you noticed while you ate — physically and emotionally. You can use the mindful eating journal on the following page. 11 YOUR MINDFUL EATING JOURNAL D AY TIME DESCRIPTION OF FOOD HOW MINDFUL WERE YOU? Use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 = not at all mindful and 5 = very mindful W H AT D I D Y O U N OT I C E W H I L E Y O U AT E ? W H AT C A N Y O U F O C U S O N N E X T T I M E Y O U P R A C T I C E M I N D F U L E AT I N G ? What did you see? What did you smell? What flavors/ tastes did you experience? What was your emotional state pre and post-meal? Did you feel fuller faster? 12 YOUR MINDFUL EATING JOURNAL D AY TIME DESCRIPTION OF FOOD HOW MINDFUL WERE YOU? Use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 = not at all mindful and 5 = very mindful W H AT D I D Y O U N OT I C E W H I L E Y O U AT E ? W H AT C A N Y O U F O C U S O N N E X T T I M E Y O U P R A C T I C E M I N D F U L E AT I N G ? What did you see? What did you smell? What flavors/ tastes did you experience? What was your emotional state pre and post-meal? Did you feel fuller faster? 13 YOUR MINDFUL EATING JOURNAL D AY TIME DESCRIPTION OF FOOD HOW MINDFUL WERE YOU? Use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 = not at all mindful and 5 = very mindful W H AT D I D Y O U N OT I C E W H I L E Y O U AT E ? W H AT C A N Y O U F O C U S O N N E X T T I M E Y O U P R A C T I C E M I N D F U L E AT I N G ? What did you see? What did you smell? What flavors/ tastes did you experience? What was your emotional state pre and post-meal? Did you feel fuller faster? 14 YOUR MINDFUL EATING JOURNAL D AY TIME DESCRIPTION OF FOOD HOW MINDFUL WERE YOU? Use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 = not at all mindful and 5 = very mindful W H AT D I D Y O U N OT I C E W H I L E Y O U AT E ? W H AT C A N Y O U F O C U S O N N E X T T I M E Y O U P R A C T I C E M I N D F U L E AT I N G ? What did you see? What did you smell? What flavors/ tastes did you experience? What was your emotional state pre and post-meal? Did you feel fuller faster? 15 WEEK SIX B E I N G P R E PA R E D Spontaneity is cool and brings joy into your eating. But feeling unprepared can bring stress, lack of TASK TWO options, and result in eating things that don’t serve Now’s your chance to design a battle plan and come us well. This is why it’s awesome to do some food up with some possible ways to deal with these planning and think ahead about how you’re going struggles. Part of your plan could be food prepping. to fuel your body. You might be the type of person Be as specific as you can here, and consider what who wants to cook and store every meal for the rest will you prep and when will you prep it, etc. Your of the year, or you could simply want to have a few battle plan might also consist of not buying anything options on hand for when you need a quick, easy that will not serve your body. Essentially, you need and healthy meal. Either way, spending a little extra to think about what actions will keep you on track time on food preparation will help you feel in control. and help you refocus if you have some struggles. And don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first time. TASK ONE You can always change your plan or approach. Things that catch you off guard and make it hard for YO U R B AT T L E P L A N : you to stick to your goals during the week. It might be a business lunch? Or maybe it’s the tempting snacks at the gas station? Or perhaps it’s the rushed mornings getting the kids ready? Think about what challenges you face and list them below: YO U R C H A L L E N G E S : 16 REFLECTION We hope you are really proud of yourself for taking on this LES MILLS FUEL Reset. It’s hard to change habits we have practiced for years on end, but with patience and persistence, anything is possible. You’ve undoubtedly learned some key things about yourself and your relationship with food ­— so don’t stop now! Keep moving and learning. Remember, every day is going to be different, so if one day is less than ideal, don’t beat yourself up, learn from it. This is your page to reflect on what your relationship with food has been like in the past, what it is now, and how it can be moving forward. Here you can document for yourself what your unconscious habits around food were, what you have learned through this process about how you are inclined to use food, and most importantly what works best for you nutritionally. Think about what makes you feel amazing. Use this page as a resource for the future if you are ever feeling off track or lost. Remind yourself of what this process has done for you, emotionally, mentally, and physically. And use it to keep growing. 17