CRIMEA STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Named after S.I. Georgievsky DEPARTMENT (propedeotics of internal medicine ) CASE REPORT Patient’s full name : Sonam Gupta Age & sex : 56 years old, male Address : D.57, Gorkovo Street, Simferopol. CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS Main Disease Complications Accompanying Disease : Acute Ileus (Bowel Obstruction) : None : None Name : SYED AHMED RAZA Group : LA-2- 183A 1. PASPORT DATA Name Age Gender Date of birth Marital status Profession Nationality Address Date of admission : Sonam Gupta : 50 years old : Male : 23 January 1951 : Married : Engineer : Indian : D.57, Gorkovo Street, Simferopol. : 08th October 2020 2. INQUIRY (INTERROGATIO) COMPLAINTS The patient is complaining about abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. HISTORY OF PRESENT DISEASE (ANAMNESIS MORBI) The patient was admitted to our hospital with a two-day history of abdominal pain and bilious vomiting. He had no history of abdominal surgery or any other medical problems. LIFE HISTORY (ANAMNESIS VITAE) Patient was born in Simferopol. He is married and has a son. Both of them are healthy and do not have history of any disease. Her was previously working in storage department, but has retired now. Her condition at work was satisfactory. Work conflicts were rare. Patient has regular meals (2 -4 times a day) mainly at home, patient prefers eating salted food, mutton and sea food. Patient has harmful habit of smoking, he began smoking at the age of 10, with almost 50 years of smoking habit. Patient drinks alcohol occasionally. Patient never suffered from infectious disease such as Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, Malaria, AIDS, Syphilis and other venereal diseases before ther. Patient has no hereditary diseases. Patient bears medical preparation well without any allergic reactions. Allergic reactions to various food and chemical substances are absent as well. He has not undergone any blood transfusion and has not any record of donating blood. Patient had not undergone any operations and dialysis in the past. 3. GENERAL EXAMINATION (STATUS PRESENS) General status of patient is satisfactory. Patient’s posture is passive. Consciousness is clear. Facial expression is satisfactory. Gait of patient is weakened. Body build is normosthenic. Lips are normal. Skin is pale and cold in area of pain (on lower extremities). Subcutaneous fat is moderately developed. Edema is not present on both legs. Submandibular, posterior cervical, axillary, and inguinal lymph nodes are determined with size from 0.5-1.0 cm in diameter, rounded form with smooth surface, elastic consistence, and mobile, not changed. The muscle are moderately developed, tone and muscle force are identical on both sides. Palpation and tapping of the bones are painless. Joints are of regular shapes, painful. Active movements in joints are limited and passive movements in joints are painful. Pathologic deformation of spinal column is absent. Its function is normal. The muscles are developed moderately, tone and muscle force are identical on both sides. Palpation and tapping of the bones are painless. Weight Height Blood pressure Pulse Respiratory rate Body temperature Blood group : 80 kg : 178 cm : 130/80 mmHg : 67/min (regular) : 14 per minute : 36.7ºC (normal) : B (II) Rh- System review 1) Skin: The skin color of the patient is pale and cold at the both legs. The patient’s skin humidity is usual. Patient’s hair is proper corresponding to her age. The patient’s skin has normal turgor and elasticity. There are no visible rashes on the patient’s body. The patient has post-operational scars on the body. 2) Fatty tissue: Subcutaneous fat is markedly developed. The color of the mucous membrane is pale-pink color. The mucous membrane was examined at the conjunctiva, nasal and oral mucosa. The skin fold under the scapula is measured to be 1.5 cm. The skin fold on the patient’s abdomen is measured to be 2.0 cm indicating abdominally localized fat. The shape of the patient’s head is proportional, and symmetrical. The patient’s facial expression is healthy. The shape of her eyes and nose is normal. The shape of the neck is usual; carotid pulsations, jugular pulsations and dilated jugular veins are not visible. 3) Muscle and joints The muscles are developed moderately, tone and muscle force are identical on both sides. Palpation and tapping of the bones are painless. Joints are regular in shape, painless during palpation and movements except the lower extremities. The muscles, bone and joints are in a generally good condition. 4) Lymph nodes The palpation of the lymph nodes was done in the following order. Occipital group Not Palpable Preauricular group Not Palpable Ant. Sternocleidomastoid group Not Palpable Post. Sternocleidomastoid group Not Palpable Submandibular group Palpable Submental group Palpable Supraclavicular group Not Palpable Cubital group Not Palpable Axillary group Not Palpable Inguinal group Not Palpable Popliteal group Not Palpable RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Inspection Respiration : nasal breathing Chest shape : normal – normosthenic Epigastric angle : 90 degrees Chest is symmetry, position of clavicle is symmetry, supra & sub-clavicular fossae are expressed. Position of shoulder blades fit to the chest Type of respiration : thoracic Deep and rhythm of respiration : normal Respiration rate : 16/min Palpation Tenderness along the ribs, intercostal spaces, trapezoid muscles, intercostal nerves points are absent. Chest is slightly rigid. Vocal fremitus is of equal intensity in the symmetrical parts of the chest (anterior, lateral and posterior). Pleural friction sounds are absent. Percussion On comparative percussion of the lungs, clear lung sound is heard over symmetrical points. Traube’s space is determined, it is located in the inferio-lateral part of chest, in has semilunar form. On topographic percussion, the height of lung apexes is 3 cm above the clavicles anteriorly and posteriorly, it is located on the level of the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra. Lower border of the lung on different lines are showed in the following table. Line Right lung Left lung Parasternal 5-th costal interspace - Midclavicular 6-th costal interspace - Anterior axillary 7-th costal interspace 7-th costal interspace Midaxillary 8-th costal interspace 8-th costal interspace Posterior axillary 9-th costal interspace 9-th costal interspace Scapular 10-th costal interspace 10-th costal interspace Paraspinal 11-th spinous process 11-th spinous process Mobility of the lower lung borders along midclavicular, medial axillary and scapular lines are as following: Topographic line Right lung Left lung Midclavicular 5cm - Midaxillary 6cm 6cm Scapular 5cm 5cm Auscultation On lungs auscultation, vesicular breathing is heard over symmetrical points of the lungs with appearance of medium bubbling rales. In bronchophony, illegible wherper sound is heard over symmetrical points of the lungs. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Visible pulsation of arteries is absent. Venous pulse is negative. Cardiac hump back and visible pulsation in the heart region is absent. Apex beat is palpated in the 5th intercostals space 1cm medially from the left midclavicular line. It is restricted, low, and of medium strength. Cat’s murmur was not determined. Systolic murmur at the apex beat and nun’s murmur over jugular vein is absent. Pulse is equal on both arms. Pulse rate is 67 beats per minute. Pulse is rhythmic, moderate filling and diameter about 2mm. Relative cardiac dullness: Right border - along right edge of sternum Upper border - at the level of 3rd interspace on left parasternal line Left border - 1,0cm medially of the left midclavicular line at the level of 5th inter costal space. Absolute cardiac dullness: Right border - along the left edge of the sternum Upper border - on the inferior border of 4th rib on the level of mid clavicle Left border - 2 cm medially from of the left midclavicular line Borders of vascular bundle: Right border - on the right sternal line Left border - on the left sternal line On auscultation of the heart the 1st tone is louder than the 2nd tone in apex and below the sternum. The 2nd tone is louder than the 1st tone on pulmonary and aorta trunk points. On Botkin-Erb’s point both the tones are equal. No murmurs. The tone is rhythmic and can be heard clearly. Pulse of the temporal and carotid arteries are felt well, pulsation on the both the sides are equal. BP - 130/80 mmHg. Pulse pressure is 50mmHg. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Surface palpation of the patient’s entire abdominal region reveals a soft, symmetrical and painless abdomen. Auscultation of the abdomen reveals normal peristaltic sounds of the gastro-intestinal tract. There is also no diastasis of the abdominal muscles though tonus of the muscle is lowered due to old age. Tenderness, Mendel’s and Shchetkin-Blumberg’s symptoms are negative. Sklyarov’s and Schlange’s symptoms are positive The patient does not have any difficulty in swallowing or passing food through the esophagus. There are no incidences of hypersalivation as well. The mouth is in a generally clean condition, without any unpleasant smells. The size of the patient’s tongue is usual. The tongue is in a generally normal state. However, Mucous membrane of the mouth is normal. Sign of liver enlargement is absent and it was palpable as soft, elastic and painless. After percussion on the patient, the upper border of the liver is situated along right anterior axillary line on the level of 7th rib, along right midclavicular line on the level of 7th rib and along right parasternal line on the 5th intercostals space. The lower border of liver is situated along right anterior axillary line on the level of 10th rib, along the right midclavicular line on the lower edge of rib arch, along the right parasternal line on 2cm below of rib arch and along the anterior mediana line on 4cm below xiphoid process. The left border of absolute hepatic dullness is not displaced laterally of left parasternalis line. The size of liver by Obraztsov is 11-10-9cm The size of liver by Kurlov is 9-8-7cm Gall bladder is not palpable. Symptoms of pressing and tapping of gall bladder are negative and all tenderness point of gall bladder is negative. (Kera’s symptom, Murphy’s symptom, Ortner’s symptom, Lepene’s symptom and Vasilenko’s symptom are negative.) Pancreas is not palpable. Kacha’s point and choledochopancreatic point are negative. Spleen is not palpable. On left side of costal arch, percussion of splenic dullness is situated 9th-11th rib in transverse size, 5cm, and its length is 7cm. On auscultation of abdomen, no pathological sounds are heard. Patient’s defecation is regular, stool regular and normal. Patient does not have diarrhea or constipation. URINARY SYSTEM Visible pathology of the lumbar region is absent. Kidneys are not palpable. Palpation of the kidney’s region is not painful. Palpation along the course of ureters is painless. Pasternatsky’s symptom is negative on the both sides. The urinary bladder is not palpable. Palpation of the uterus and appendages region is painless. Volume of the excreted urine is about 1450ml per day, colour is straw-yellow, clarity is transparent and odor smells ammonia. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM There is no sign of gigantism, dwarfism, cachexia, obesity and habitus. Expression of the patient’s face is normal. Secondary sexual signs of eunochoidism and hirsutism are absent. Changes of the eyes (exopthalmus or enophthalmus) and chair are not determined. Ocular symptoms ( Graefe, Kocher Moebius, Stellwag, Dalrymple) are negative. Thyroid gland is not enlarged. Its isthmus is palpated as soft, painless band 1 cm in diameter. In accordance with decision of the WOPH 3 degrees of the thyroid gland enlargement are distinguish: O - The thyroid gland is not visible. Its size is less than phalanx of thumb finger of the patient. I - The thyroid gland is visible during swallowing and its size is more than thumb finger of patient. II - The neck is deformed due to significant enlargement of thyroid gland. BLOOD SYSTEM Haemorrhagia on skin and mucosa are absent. Spleen is impalpable. The borders of the spleen dullness are determined between 9th and 11th ribs. Skin color is normal Patient’s blood group is A (II) Rh+. NERVOUS SYSTEM & PSYCHIC STATE Tendon reflexes are present. Pupils is identical size, react on light. Paralyses and paresis are absent. Nystagmus is absent. The patient is fully competent in place and time, quiet. Sleep is normal. Speech is correct, elocution. Thinking is logical. Gait is regular. The patient in Romberg’s pose is steady. 6. PLAN OF LABORATORY & INSTRUMENTAL DIAGNOSIS Blood Analysis Urine Analysis Ultrasound CT Electrocardiogram (ECG) 7. DATA OF LABORATORY & INSTRUMENTAL TESTS BLOOD ANALYSIS (on 18/04/2007) Hemoglobin Erythrocytes Color Index Leucocytes -Basophil -Eosinophil -Neutrophil Stab Segmented : 150 g/L : 4.7 X 10l2 per litre : 0.9 : 4.8 X 109 per litre : 0.1% :1% : 2% : 65 % -Lymphocytes -Monocytes ESR : 26 % :6% : 6 mm/h Conclusion: Normal blood analysis URINE TEST: Color Transparency Reaction Specific gravity Glucose Bilirubin Urobilin Protein : light yellow : transparent : slightly acidic : 1015 ::::- Microscopy of urine sediment: Squamous epithelium Leucocytes Erythrocytes Cast Hyaline Granular Salt Mucus Bacteria :: 6-8 in f.v. :::::::- Conclusion: Normal urine analysis BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVEL: 4.7 mmol/L (Normal) VASERMANN’S TEST: negative ULTRASOUND : Revelation of bowel distension with horizontal level of fluids CT: There is presence of neoplastic process as the reason for intestinal obstruction ECG : Sinus rhythm, electrical axis without deviation. 8. FINAL DIAGNOSIS Main Disease Complications Accompanying Disease : Acute ileus (Bowel obstruction) : None : None 9. TREATMENT 1. Liquid diet to be given 2. No drinking 3. Conservative treatment a). Mineralocorticoids Rp.: Sol. Deoxycorticosteroni acetatis oleosae 0.5% - 1ml D. t. d. No. 10 in ampules S. 1ml IM 3 times per week b). Analgesics Rp.: Sol. Phentanyli 0.005% - 2ml D. t. d. No. 10 in ampules S. 1-2 ml IM, IV 4. Improvement of internal functions; a) Heart: administration of cardiac prep., Glucose b) Nervous system: Oxygen therapy, prevention of brain edema, pain relief c) Liver: Administration of Glu in combination with insulin, Vit. B1 and C, glutamic acid and protiens d) Kidneys: control of diuresis, adjustment of normal amount of fluid, recovery of oncotic pressure by transfusion of plasma or polyglucan, improvement of renal blood supply e) Adrenal gland: administration of Vit. C and hydrocortisone 5. Prevention of overtension and intestinal motility restoration 10. EPICRISIS 50-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with a two-day history of abdominal pain and bilious vomiting. She had no history of abdominal surgery or any other medical problems. Physical examination revealed abdominal distention, tenderness in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium without muscle guarding. Bowel sounds were hypoactive. Rectal examination was normal. A plain abdominal X-ray film showed several dilated small bowel loops with multiple air fluid levels. A contrast-enhanced CT of the abdomen showed a distention of small bowel loops with transition point in the right hypochondrium. Distended loops of small bowel were located in the left side of the abdomen, whereas collapsed loops were located in the right side. The normal bowel wall enhancement was preserved. After initial treatment with intravenous fluid and nasogastric suction, he was operated. At laparoscopy a band obstructing the ileum was clearly observed. This anomalous band extending from gallbladder to transverse mesocolon caused a small window leading to internal herniation of the small bowel and obstruction. The band was coagulated and divided. Postoperative outcome was uneventful and the patient was discharged on the second postoperative day. There was no recurrence of symptoms on subsequent follow-up.