ICT/Core/Programming/Javascript/horse racing Write a webpage to simulate horse racing [Basic requirement] When the webpage starts, the horses will run by themselves towards the right. [Resources] You can download the horses and the race course with http:/leungwo.com/program/proglib/horse.zip You are required to make one transparent gif by yourself. [Suggested layout] background: <body background=racecourse.jpg> first row of table contains a paragraph: <table border=1 style=…………> <tr><td></td><td><p id=result>…….</p></td></tr> other row contain number and the image: <tr><td>1</td><td><img src=… id=….></td></tr> …….. …….. </body [skills invoved] 1. To let a function, say process(), run one time per second, we can write tostart=setInterval(process,1000); 2. To define the style of table to be 50px font size and font colour white, left margin we have style="font-size:50px;color:white;" 3. To control the left margin of a horse (say h1), we can define its style document.getElementById("h1").style="margin:0px 0px 0px "+a+"px"; 4. You are suggest to use five integer variable to control the left margins of horses <script> a=0;b=0;c=0;d=0;e=0; 5. to increment variable a randomly, we have a=a+Math.floor(Math.random()*20); [More to do] 1. Add a button <input type=button value=start onclick=start()> to run the function start to run tostart=setInterval(…….) 2. Stop the race if any one horse reaches, say 800. To stop, we have clearInterval(tostart); 3. The paragraph will show which horse wins. 4. Add a button to restart the race. It runs a function to either location.reload(); or window.open("…..","_self"); The name of this webpage, say horse.html