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Ballet History Review (1)

1. Chasse-to chase
12. Tendu-to stretch
2. Degage-to disengage
13. Passe-to pass through
3. Demi-half or small
13. En Bas-down low
4. Devant-to the front
14. Derriere-to the back
5. Grande-large or full
15. Rond de Jambe-circular movement of
6. Plie-to bend
the leg
7. Jete-to leap
16. Chaine-linked turn
8. Battement-to beat
17. En Croix-front, side, back, side
9. Releve-to rise
18. Port de Bras-carriage of the arms
10. Sauté-to jump
19. Pirouette-to whirl or spin
11. Seconde-to the side
20. How are demi plies executed in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th position?
Executed with the heels on the floor.
21. How is en croix movement executed?
Executed to the front, side, back, side.
22. How do you properly execute a tendu?
A tendu is properly executed with the toes pointed on the floor.
23. How do you properly execute a degage?
A degage is properly execute with the toe pointed and lifted to a 45-degree angle off the ground.
24. What direction is your knee in a tendu and degage?
Your knee in a tendu and degage should be directed to the side.
25. How do you properly execute a ronde de jambe en dehor vs rond de jambe en dedan?
Ronde de jambe en dehors - Brush your foot through tendu to the front, then the side of you then to
straight behind you, while a rond de jambe en dedans you would begin to the back and travel in a
circular pathway toward the front.
26. What 3 things should you remember when executing proper ballet posture/alignment?
3 things that I should remember when executing proper ballet posture/alignment is proper
breathing, balance, and core stability.
27. What part of the body do you stretch when you point your toes?
The metatarsals is the part of the body you stretch when you point your toes.
28. Where does a dancers turn out begin?
A dancers turn out begin at the hip.
29. In what period of history did ballet first begin?
Renaissance is the period of history where ballet first began.
30. The original form of ballet was performed by who?
The original form of ballet was performed by the members of the royal courts.
31. What greatly affected the way members of the royal courts danced?
The clothes greatly affected the way member of the royal court danced.
32. The minuet is a form of what type of dance?
The minuet is a form of court dancing.
33. Who was the first king to incorporate dance as a major part of his customs?
Louis the 14th is the first king to incorporate dance as a major part of his customs.
34. In what country did traditions popularize ballet?
Traditions popularized ballet in France.
35. Who worked with King Louis the 14th and formed the 5 positions of the feet?
Pierre Beauchamp worked with King Louis the 14th and formed the 5 positions of the feet.
36. What was the name of the very first ballet school?
The Academie Royale de la Danse was the name of the very first ballet school.
37. What language is all ballet terminology in?
All ballet terminology is in French.
38. Who was the first dancer to wear point shoes?
Marie Teglioni was the first dancer to wear point shoes.
39. Who is known for bringing recognition of ballet to NYC and believed his dancers should be
“nymph-like” in appearance.
George Balanchine was known for bringing recognition of ballet to NYC and believed his dancers should be
“nymph-like” in appearance.
40. Who came from Russia and was considered to be the best male ballet dancer of all time?
Mikhail Baryshnikov came from Russia and was considered to be the best male ballet dancer of
all times.
41. Dances where primarily performed by men and for the nobility in what ballet era?
Dancers were primarily performed by men and for the nobility in the Pre-Romantic era.
42. In what ballet era did dancers begin wearing long tutus and pointe shoes.
Dancers begin wearing long tutus and pointe shoes in the Romantic era.
43. In what ballet era did ballerinas begin wearing pancake tutus and slick high buns? In this era
more advanced jumps and harder technical skills were taken to the next level.
Ballerinas begin wearing pancake tutus and slick high buns in the Classical era.
44. Ballet performances become plot less with elements of modern and jazz in what ballet era.
Ballet performances become plotless with elements of modern and jazz in the Contemporary ballet era.