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SAP SuccessFactors Mentoring Guide

Document Version: 2H 2020 – 2021-03-04
© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Mentoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Role-Based Permissions for Mentoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Example: Role-Based Permissions for Mentoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Enabling Mentoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Integration with SAP Jam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Configuring Custom Picklists for Use as Matching Criteria in Mentoring Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Managing Mentoring Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Creating Open Enrollment Mentoring Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Inviting Mentors and Mentees to Sign Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Approving Mentors in Open Enrollment Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Creating Supervised or Unsupervised Mentoring Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Defining Your Mentoring Program Details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Adding Participants to Supervised or Unsupervised Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Creating Mentoring Signup Forms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Editing Mentoring Invitation Email Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Reviewing and Launching a Mentoring Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Inviting Mentors and Mentees to Sign Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Modifying Questions and Matching Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Mentor and Mentee Matching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Managing Matches in Open Enrollment and Unsupervised Mentoring Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Matching Mentees with Mentors in Supervised Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Managing Custom Program Types with Text Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Provisioning Settings for Program-Level Text Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Configuring Custom Text Packs for Custom Program Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Enabling Custom Text Packs in Admin Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Defining Localization for Mentoring Program Text. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Creating Employee Groups for Use With Mentoring Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Completing and Deleting Mentoring Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Search and Display Behaviors in Program Overview Pages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Using Mentoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Accessing Mentoring Programs as a Mentor or Mentee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Signing Up for Mentoring Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Reviewing Mentoring Requests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Setting Mentor Availability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Ending Mentoring Relationships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Reviewing Mentoring Preferences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Ad Hoc Reporting in Mentoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Example: Creating an Ad Hoc Report on Program Participation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Example: Creating an Ad Hoc Report for a Summary of Mentor Signup Questions and Answers. . . . . . . . 59
E-Mail Notifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Data Protection and Privacy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Centralized Data Protection and Privacy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Learn how the mentoring features of Succession and Development help you manage your organization's structured
mentoring programs.
 Note
This is an SAP SuccessFactors Business Beyond Bias feature. Use it to support processes that detect, prevent,
or eliminate the influence of bias, helping you achieve your diversity and inclusion goals.
Mentoring typically refers to a development relationship where a more experienced or knowledgeable person
provides guidance or coaching to a less experienced person. These relationships can be focused on things like
personal growth, specific tasks, or professional development. Formal mentoring or coaching programs often
involve a high degree of manual processing to match mentors and mentees. They also provide limited opportunity
to track progress or report on results.
The Mentoring solution from SAP SuccessFactors provides you with a central and integrated tool to set up and run
programs to manage your organization's structured mentoring relationships. It provides you with a framework for
your development program management and can be applied to your leadership development, coaching,
enablement, or job shadowing programs, just to name a few.
Using Mentoring to manage your development programs replaces the traditional, bulky, and manual processes and
the spreadsheets that go with them. Mentoring provides you with the tools you need to define the program, invite
mentors and mentees to participate, and then monitor the program to closing. You have the flexibility to define
several different types of programs.
● Open Enrollment programs have no defined end date and are not managed by inviting participants but rather
by allowing all employees, or a subgroup of employees, to see and sign up freely for a program. Users can sign
up as both mentor and mentee in the same program.
● Supervised programs require the mentoring administrator to oversee the matching of mentees to mentors
through auto-generated and manual matches. Mentoring administrators define program dates, and the
program dates strictly follow the program process, for example, mentor sign-up ends as soon as mentee signup starts.
● Unsupervised programs allow mentees to make direct requests to mentors without administrator intervention.
The system still suggests mentors based on the same matching criteria used in the supervised programs but
no automatic matching occurs. The system automatically triggers the next step or status based on the
program dates defined. Administrators can still push the program to the next step manually if they want to. The
program date flexibility also allows mentees to sign up even after mentor sign-up has started.
Regardless of the type of mentoring program you create, each program follows a common general process. Once
you've enabled Mentoring and assigned your administrators, you can create programs and define who can
participate. Mentee and mentor matching takes place, either independently or with oversight, and you run and
track the program before closing it.
Overview of Mentoring
What's New in Mentoring
Learn about the updates made to the Mentoring guide for recent releases.
2H 2020
What's New
More Information
This role-based permission is not rele­
vant to Mentoring.
Example: Role-Based Permissions for
Mentoring [page 14]
March 5
Removed "Allow Admin to Access OData
API through Basic Authentication" from
the role-based permissions topic
October 9
Added information on matching in super­ The match level of the mentors and
Matching Mentees with Mentors in Su­
vised mentoring programs
mentees you assign is average (one star). pervised Programs [page 38]
Updated the information on how admin­
istrators, owners, and managers receive
notification when their approval is
Once a mentor submits a sign-up re­
quest, their status is set to pending. The
Creating Open Enrollment Mentoring
Programs [page 21]
mentoring administrator or owner re­
ceives an approval reminder  on the
program card on the Mentoring Program
page. Their manager receives an email
notification and a to-do item on the home
What's New in Mentoring
What's New
Updated the information on four match
More Information
Preferred: Mentors who are selected Matching Mentees with Mentors in Su­
pervised Programs [page 38]
by mentees as preferred mentors
during signup get four stars. Those
mentors' match scores are not cal­
Excellent: Mentors whose match
score is at or above the 75th percen­
tile get three stars. 75th percentile
means 75% of the mentors' match
scores are lower than those men­
tors' scores.
Good: Mentors whose match score
is from 74.99th percentile to 50th
percentile get two stars.
Average: Mentors whose match
score is at or below the 49.99th per­
centile get one star.
If matched mentors have the same
match score, they may get different
match levels due to the percentile
they belong to.
1H 2020
What's New
More Information
Updated the steps of creating mentoring
signup forms
With enhanced matching rules, you de­
fine Question Category, Matching Based
On, Key Question, Matching Type, and
Weight when creating mentoring signup
Creating Mentoring Signup Forms [page
Modifying Questions and Matching Rules
[page 35]
Updated matching mechanism
Based on the matching rules that you de­ Mentor and Mentee Matching [page 36]
fine for signup form questions, the sys­
tem finds the best fits between mentors
and mentees.
Updated the information on recom­
mended mentors
When mentees choose Show
Recommended Mentors, up to 10 men­
tors are recommended to them.
Accessing Mentoring Programs as a
Mentor or Mentee [page 49]
Signing Up for Mentoring Programs
[page 50]
What's New in Mentoring
What's New
More Information
Added email notifications
Mentees and pending mentees receive
email notifications when mentors be­
come available or unavailable.
E-Mail Notifications [page 60]
Added information on completing men­
toring programs
If you complete a mentoring program,
you can't reopen it. Be careful every time
you want to complete a program.
Completing and Deleting Mentoring Pro­
grams [page 47]
More Information
Q4 2019
What's New
Updated the signup period information of For both mentors and mentees, the
unsupervised mentoring programs
signup period of unsupervised programs
ends 1 day before the programs end.
Signing Up for Mentoring Programs
[page 50]
Ending Mentoring Relationships [page
Updated the context of ending mentoring When a mentoring relationship is ended
by mentors or mentees, the system frees 53]
up a mentoring slot. If they haven't
reached the maximum number of men­
toring relationships in a program, they
can restart the relationship or create a
new one.
Added a topic about modifying matching
questions after mentoring programs are
For all mentoring programs, you can add, Modifying Questions and Matching Rules
[page 35]
edit, and delete matching questions as
necessary after the programs are
launched. The changes to the questions
are reflected on the mentor or mentee
signup page in real time.
Added a topic about the deep links to
mentoring programs
You can invite mentors and mentees to
sign up for open enrollment mentoring
programs by sharing with them the deep
links to the programs. They can open the
program signup page directly through
the links.
Added information about filtering men­
tors by participation status
Approving Mentors in Open Enrollment
For open enrollment mentoring pro­
Programs [page 24]
grams, you can filter the mentors with
pending participation status and approve
their participation requests one by one.
Inviting Mentors and Mentees to Sign Up
[page 23]
What's New in Mentoring
What's New
More Information
Updated the information about mentor
and mentee cards
Reviewing Mentoring Preferences [page
The mentor and mentee cards display
their job information and all the preferen­ 54]
ces and any free-text answers submitted
by them. In the system with Employee
Central enabled, the job title information
is shown to users who are granted the
read or write permission of Job Title in
Employee Data. In the system without
Employee Central enabled, the title infor­
mation is shown to users who are
granted the read or write permission of
Title in Employee Data. If users don't
have the relevant permission, the job in­
formation is shown as N/A.
Added and updated the e-mail notifica­
tions triggered by actions in Mentoring
The e-mail notifications triggered by the
E-Mail Notifications [page 60]
following actions have been updated:
Mentor is matched to mentee in a
supervised program
Mentee is matched to mentor
Mentee requests mentor
Mentor declines request
Auto-decline due to mentor availa­
The e-mail notifications triggered by the
following actions have been added:
Mentor will become available tomor­
Mentor will become available in 7
Mentoring admin removes the men­
tee's match to a mentor
Fails to add mentoring program
owners as Jam group admins
Fails to set the image as the Jam
group profile image
What's New in Mentoring
Fails to invite users to the Jam group
Q3 2019
What's New
More Information
Updated the information about rolebased permissions for mentoring pro­
If you plan to use dynamic groups for
mentoring programs, you need to set up
the permission of Manage Employee Dy­
namic Groups in Manage User. Similarly,
if you plan to integrate mentoring pro­
grams with SAP Jam, the permission of
Community Access in General User Per­
mission is required. However, these two
permissions are optional depending on
your business scenarios.
Role-Based Permissions for Mentoring
[page 14]
Added a note to inform the limited partic­ To ensure optimal system performance
ipant number of supervised mentoring
when the system matches mentors and
mentees, do not add more than 3,000
mentors or 3,000 mentees to a super­
vised program.
Adding Participants to Supervised or Un­
supervised Programs [page 28]
Updated the information about the
Matches tab of mentoring programs
When you assign mentors or mentees,
Managing Matches in Open Enrollment
only 200 participants are listed on the
and Unsupervised Mentoring Programs
Assign New Mentor/Mentee pop-up. If
[page 37]
more than 200 participants are available,
you can refine search criteria to find tar­
get participants.
Matching Mentees with Mentors in Su­
pervised Programs [page 38]
When you assign mentors or mentees, or
remove mentees from matched mentors,
the system updates your changes auto­
The Matched page shows the first 200
matches and the Not Matched page
shows the first 500 participants. You can
then search participants among all
matched and unmatched lists by name.
For supervised mentoring programs, you
can also select a matching level to filter
the matched results.
What's New in Mentoring
Q2 2019
What's New
More Information
Added a note about matching criteria in
the ad hoc reports
If users remove the matching criteria af­
Ad Hoc Reporting in Mentoring [page
ter they have already signed up to a men­
toring program, the ad hoc reports will
still reflect the relevant data which no
longer appears in the User Interface.
Updated information about matching job
in supervised mentoring programs
A matching job runs when Admins click
"Match Now" on the program card for su­
Matching Mentees with Mentors in Su­
pervised Programs [page 38]
pervised mentoring programs. Once the
job completes, Admins can review and
edit the match results on the program
overview page, and then either save the
edited matches for later completion, or
move the program status to In-Progress
by clicking "Start" on the program card.
When the program starts, the matched
mentors and mentees receive the Men­
toring Match e-mails.
Clarified the factors that affect the dis­
play of standard fields on sign-up forms
Whether these standard fields will appear Creating Mentoring Signup Forms [page
in your system is controlled by not only
the relevant permissions and configura­
tions, but also the data model. If the
fields are not defined in the data model,
you cannot see them even if you have
been granted the relevant permissions.
Updated the topic on role-based permis­
sions for Mentoring
“Read/Write Permission on Metadata
Framework” and "SAP Jam Access" have
been updated to “Access to non-secured
objects” and "Community Access" re­
Example: Role-Based Permissions for
Mentoring [page 14]
"Allow Admin to Access OData API
through Basic Authentication” is added
and "Admin access to MDF OData API" is
What's New in Mentoring
What's New
More Information
Removed the note on supervised match­
Removed the following note because we
made some improvements for showing
matches in Mentoring Overview page.
Creating Supervised or Unsupervised
Mentoring Programs [page 25]
We have recently confirmed that larger
and more complex Supervised Mentoring
programs may run into performance is­
sues that prevent the system from suc­
cessfully matching participants for admin
review. We are releasing an initial fix to
this issue in Q2, 2019, but until then,
please be advised that the current tool
supports up to 200 matches, or about
120 participants, 10 questions with an ex­
pected 5 answers to each question. Us­
ing unsupervised or open enrollment pro­
grams is recommended for programs
larger or more complex than this, as is
using the Chrome browser for supervised
Updated the description of match levels
in supervised programs
Good (two stars)
The mentee has been matched with
Matching Mentees with Mentors in Su­
pervised Programs [page 38]
a mentor with whom he or she has a
74.99% to 50% matching score.
Average (one star)
The mentee has been matched with
a mentor with whom he or she has a
49.99% or lower matching score.
Q1 2019
What's New
More Information
Added a new topic on the search and dis­ In 2019 Q1, we enhanced the administra­
play behaviors in administrator program
tor program overview pages with regard
overview pages.
to display of and search for users.
Search and Display Behaviors in Program
Overview Pages [page 48]
Added notes about search features on
the mentee sign-up form or the “Invite
Other Mentors” popup window
Accessing Mentoring Programs as a
If you click the Show Recommended
Mentors button, only up to 100 available
mentors will be displayed. In addition, the
auto-complete function in the Search for
a mentor box is removed, so you need to
click the "search" icon or use the Enter
key to submit your search.
Mentor or Mentee [page 49]
Signing Up for Mentoring Programs
[page 50]
What's New in Mentoring
What's New
More Information
Added a note about the maximum num­
ber of requests that mentors can receive
at a time.
Mentors in open enrollment or unsuper­
vised programs can receive only up to 20
mentoring requests at a time.
Reviewing Mentoring Requests [page
Added a note about configuring text re­
Provisioning Settings for Program-Level
Text Replacement [page 40]
If you uploaded a replacement file for
customizing program types prior to
the Q1 2019 release, you now need to
upload the file with an updated re­
placement text key (for example,
ensuring that the text replacement
works properly.
Added a note about Mentor per mentee
limit and Mentee per mentor limit when
creating open enrollment programs.
After the program is created, admins and Creating Open Enrollment Mentoring
program owners can still change the lim­ Programs [page 21]
its in program overview pages. In addi­
tion, when mentors sign up for a mentor­
ing program, they can also adjust the
number of mentees they wish to be
paired with, up to the limit you've defined
for the program.
Added information about matched areas
when mentees sign up.
When mentees search for mentors by
username in the search box, no matched
areas will be displayed on the mentor's
card in the results list.
Signing Up for Mentoring Programs
[page 50]
Added a note about the fourth round of
Currently, the system only considers the
fields of Location and Competency in the
fourth round of auto-matching.
Mentor and Mentee Matching [page 36]
Added a note on supervised matching
Creating Supervised or Unsupervised
We have recently confirmed that larger
and more complex Supervised Mentoring Mentoring Programs [page 25]
programs may run into performance is­
sues that prevent the system from suc­
cessfully matching participants for admin
review. We are releasing an initial fix to
this issue in Q2, 2019, but until then,
please be advised that the current tool
supports up to 200 matches, or about
120 participants, 10 questions with an ex­
pected 5 answers to each question. Us­
ing unsupervised or open enrollment pro­
grams is recommended for programs
larger or more complex than this, as is
using the Chrome browser for supervised
What's New in Mentoring
Role-Based Permissions for Mentoring
Mentoring relies on the role-based permission features of the SAP SuccessFactors platform to allow mentoring
administrators, owners, and participants different levels of access to mentoring programs.
Mentoring uses certain APIs to call and populate data for employees participating in mentoring programs. The
access required for that data flow is controlled by certain role-based permissions and should be assigned to all
users, including your mentoring program administrators and owners. Included among the common permissions is
access to view employee data, like first name and last name, and user search. You can still restrict who can see
what using target populations that differ based on a participant's role.
Because Mentoring uses the Metadata Framework, all users require basic read and write permissions. Mentoring
administrators and program owners also require admin access to the MDF oData API. And finally, mentoring
administrators require an additional permission that allows them to create and manage mentoring programs.
If you plan to use dynamic groups for mentoring programs, you need to set up the permission of Manage Employee
Dynamic Groups in Manage User. Similarly, if you plan to integrate mentoring programs with SAP Jam, the
permission of Community Access in General User Permission is required. However, these two permissions are
optional depending on your business scenarios.
Related Information
What Are Role-Based Permissions?
List of Role-Based Permissions
Example: Role-Based Permissions for Mentoring
A visual overview of the permissions assigned to a role for mentoring administrators and owners and one for all
other mentoring participants.
Mentoring Administrators and Owners
Permission Location
Permission Name
Employee Data
First Name: View
Last Name: View
General User Permission
Company Info Access: User Search
Role-Based Permissions for Mentoring
Permission Location
Permission Name
General User Permission
Community Access
Manage Career Development
Manage Mentoring Programs
Career Development Planning
Mentoring Programs Access Permission
Mentors and Mentees
Permission Location
Permission Name
Employee Data
First Name: View
Last Name: View
General User Permission
Company Info Access: User Search
General User Permission
Community Access
Career Development Planning
Mentoring Programs Access Permission
 Note
To allow power users to view the entities of mentoring programs in Manage Data, even if they don't have
permissions to the programs, you can grant them with the permission of Access to non-secured objects under
Metadata Framework.
Role-Based Permissions for Mentoring
Enabling Mentoring
Enable the mentoring features of SAP SuccessFactors Development to create and run mentoring programs.
Before you enable mentoring, make sure you have the following enabled:
● CDP Full(Development Plan)
Only instances with this option enabled via Provisioning can enable the Mentoring features of SAP
SuccessFactors Development.
● Metadata Framework (MDF)
● Generic Objects
Mentoring uses MDF objects in the background so your instance must have Generic Objects enabled.
● Attachment Manager
MDF Generic Objects require that the Attachment Manager also be enabled.
● Role-Based Permissions
1. Go to
Admin Center
Release Center
Upgrade Center .
2. Select Enable Mentoring Program.
Next Steps
Next, you'll need to assign access permissions to your mentoring program administrators.
Enabling Mentoring
Integration with SAP Jam
Mentoring includes an integration with SAP Jam, allowing mentoring administrators to create SAP Jam groups
when creating mentoring programs.
● You have SAP Jam enabled.
● You have SAP Jam Advanced Plus licenses for all users who participate in mentoring programs.
● You have SAP SuccessFactors Succession and Development licenses for all users who participate in mentoring
● You have assigned SAP Jam Access role-based permissions to all users who participate in mentoring programs.
The integration with SAP Jam provides an additional platform for collaboration, training, and discussions. If the
requirements are met, mentoring administrators have the option of creating a new SAP Jam group along with their
mentoring program. The group inherits the mentoring program name unless a group with the same name already
exists, then (and only then) the system gives you the option to edit the SAP Jam group name.
The SAP Jam group is created once you launch the mentoring program. The mentoring administrator and any
mentoring program owners are then automatically invited to the group and added as group administrators. Then,
once mentors and mentees are matched, they are also invited to the SAP Jam group. And finally, the SAP Jam
group feed is displayed on the mentor and mentee overview pages for the mentoring program.
Integration with SAP Jam
Configuring Custom Picklists for Use as
Matching Criteria in Mentoring Programs
When you configure your custom picklists for use in mentoring programs, mentoring administrators can select
from the values when designing sign-up forms. The system also includes the custom picklists in matching
Mentoring is enabled and you're assigned mentoring administrator permissions
If you're using Metadata Framework (MDF) picklists:
● You're assigned the MDF permission for Configure Object Definition
● You've added picklists through Picklist Center
If you're using legacy picklists:
● You're assigned the Manage System Properties permission for Picklist Management and Picklists Mappings Set
● You've added picklists through Picklist Management
Custom picklists created using either the legacy or the Metadata Framework (MDF) tools can be configured for use
in mentoring programs.
1. Go to
Admin Center
Manage Mentoring Programs .
2. Click  (Settings).
3. On the Custom Picklist Configuration tab, use the dropdown to select the picklists you want to make available
for use in mentoring programs.
4. Assign a Picklist Label and click  (View Translations)to view or edit label translations.
 Note
The  (Remove)function does not delete the picklist from your system. It just removes the setting that
makes the picklist available for use in new mentoring programs. Any existing mentoring programs that
were created using the custom picklist will not be affected.
Configuring Custom Picklists for Use as Matching Criteria in Mentoring Programs
5. Save your changes.
The custom picklist is available when setting up new mentoring programs. When you're creating the mentoring
sign-up forms, the custom picklists are listed alphabetically after the standard field picklists.
Related Information
Role-Based Permissions for Mentoring [page 14]
Configuring Custom Picklists for Use as Matching Criteria in Mentoring Programs
Managing Mentoring Programs
You can manage mentoring programs via
Admin Center
Manage Mentoring Programs .
Creating Open Enrollment Mentoring Programs [page 21]
Create mentoring programs that are open-ended and allow all employees, or a subgroup of employees, to
see and sign up freely as mentors, mentees, or both.
Creating Supervised or Unsupervised Mentoring Programs [page 25]
Create mentoring programs with defined dates that use either supervised or unsupervised matching and in
which employees are invited to participate as mentors or mentees.
Modifying Questions and Matching Rules [page 35]
For all mentoring programs, you can add, edit, and delete signup form questions and modify matching rules
as necessary after the programs are launched.
Mentor and Mentee Matching [page 36]
Based on the matching rules that you define for signup form questions, the system finds the best fits
between mentors and mentees.
Managing Custom Program Types with Text Replacement [page 39]
With text replacement at the program level, you can create and manage up to three custom program types
by replacing UI text in mentoring programs.
Defining Localization for Mentoring Program Text [page 45]
Define the localized text for program names, descriptions, matching questions, and instructions so that
they are displayed in users’ sign-in locales.
Creating Employee Groups for Use With Mentoring Programs [page 46]
Dynamic employee groups provide you with an easy way to manage participants in mentoring programs.
Completing and Deleting Mentoring Programs [page 47]
As an admin, you can complete an in-progress mentoring program and delete the completed program.
Search and Display Behaviors in Program Overview Pages [page 48]
This topic discusses the administrator program overview pages with regard to the display of and search for
Managing Mentoring Programs
Creating Open Enrollment Mentoring Programs
Create mentoring programs that are open-ended and allow all employees, or a subgroup of employees, to see and
sign up freely as mentors, mentees, or both.
● You are assigned all related permissions for Mentoring.
● If you plan to use dynamic groups to limit participation to a subset of employees, set those groups up first
● If you plan to require manager approval for mentors to sign up for the program, your system must include
configuration for Home Page to-do tile.
Open enrollment programs allow you to create simple programs that are open to all employees, or to a subgroup
that you define. No invitations are sent; employees with access can see and sign up for the program at any time.
Users can even sign up as both a mentor and a mentee in the same open enrollment program.
1. Go to
Admin Center
Manage Mentoring Programs .
Your program overview page is where you'll find all your programs, grouped by status.
2. Click Create New Program and choose Open Enrollment.
3. Enter a name and description for your program.
The description field is displayed on the mentor and mentee overview pages for the program. So in addition to
the basic program description, you can also add information like next steps or other program guidelines you'd
like to share with participants.
4. Optionally, assign one or more program owners.
Program owners can administer mentoring programs but cannot create them.
5. Set the maximum number of mentees and mentors you want to allow your program participants to have from
Mentor per mentee limit and Mentee per mentor limit.
 Note
After the program is created, admins and program owners can still change match limts in program
overview pages. In addition, when mentors sign up for a mentoring program, they can also adjust the
number of mentees they wish to be paired with, up to the limit defined for the program. In the example
where an admin change the Mentee per mentor limit from 5 to 8 after the program starts, mentors can be
Managing Mentoring Programs
paired with 8 mentees rather than the initially configured maximum of 5, or they can be paired with the
personal maximum they set themselves.
6. Select Allow participants to end mentoring relationships.
 Remember
If you don't select this option in an open enrollment program, then mentors and mentees will not be able to
end their assignments to one another without administrator intervention.
7. If your solution includes integration with SAP Jam, you can create an SAP Jam group linked to the mentoring
When you create an SAP Jam group with a mentoring program, the group inherits the mentoring program
name. If a group with the same name already exists, the system gives you the option to edit the SAP Jam group
The mentoring admin and any mentoring program owners are invited to the SAP Jam group and added as
group administrators. Once mentors and mentees are matched, they are also invited to the SAP Jam group.
And finally, the SAP Jam group feed is displayed in the mentor and mentee overview pages for the mentoring
8. Decide if you want to Require Mentor Approval and whether that approval should be by administrators or
Approval by
instructions in the box provided to let prospective mentors know what sort of document you expect them
If you choose to require mentor approval by the mentoring program administrator or owner, provide some
to submit with their sign-up form.
Once a mentor submits a sign-up request, their status is set to pending. The mentoring administrator or
owner receives an approval reminder  on the program card on the Mentoring Program page.
Approval by
When a mentor signs up for one of these programs, their status is set to pending. Their manager receives
an email notification and a to-do item on the home page.
9. By default, the Target Participants are all employees authorized to access Mentoring. You can limit participation
by selecting one or more groups.
The system uses the employee groups associated with the program to limit visibility and sign-up access. The
dynamically changing population of group members is applied so that, on any given day, a user who is a
member of the group will be able to see and sign up for the program.
Next Steps
Complete the sign-up form and launch the program.
Managing Mentoring Programs
Related Information
Role-Based Permissions for Mentoring [page 14]
Creating Mentoring Signup Forms [page 29]
6.1.1 Inviting Mentors and Mentees to Sign Up
You can invite mentors and mentees to sign up for open enrollment mentoring programs by sharing with them the
deep links to the programs.
● You’re assigned all related permissions for Mentoring. See Role-Based Permissions for Mentoring [page 14].
● An open enrollment program has been created and launched.
You can copy the deep links to an open enrollment program from the program overview page. Send the links to
mentors and mentees, and they can be directed to the program signup page through the links.
1. Go to Admin Center
Manage Mentoring Programs
and open a launched open enrollment
2. On the Details tab, copy the deep links to the program.
The deep links to the program signup page are different for mentors and mentees.
3. Share the links with mentors and mentees. For example, send an invitation email with the links to invite
mentors and mentees to sign up.
Mentors and mentees can open the program signup page directly through the links.
Managing Mentoring Programs
6.1.2 Approving Mentors in Open Enrollment Programs
You can set up your open enrollment mentoring programs so that mentors require either admin or manager
approval before they can participate.
When a mentor signs up for an open enrollment program that requires approval, their status is set to pending until
approved. Mentors with a pending status can’t be recommended or matched to mentees.
If approval is by manager, then managers receive an email and To Do notification on their Home Page whenever
one of their employees signs up as a mentor. If the manager declines the mentor's request to participate, the
mentor receives a notification and they’re removed from the program. Their mentoring preferences and other
information aren’t saved. The user can, if they choose to, sign up for the same program again.
If approval is by admin or owner, then mentors are required to upload supporting documents with their requests.
As an admin or owner, you can filter mentors by their participation status: pending, declined, approved (available),
and approved (unavailable). After filtering the mentors whose participation status is pending, you can approve their
participation requests one by one.
1. Go to
Admin Center
Manage Mentoring Programs .
2. Choose  Mentoring Program Details in the program card to view the number of mentor pending requests.
3. Choose Review to go to the program's list of mentors.
4. Select Pending in the status filter.
You see a list of mentors with pending requests in this view.
5. Review the documents submitted by mentors and decide whether to approve or decline each request.
Approve When you approve documents and a mentor request, the mentor receives an email notification, their status
changes to approved, and they're available for recommendation and matching.
When you decline mentor participation, the mentor is removed from the program and their mentoring preferen­
ces and other information is not saved.
The user can, if they choose to, sign up for the same program again.
6. Choose Save.
Managing Mentoring Programs
Once approved, mentors are available for recommendation and matching in the open enrollment mentoring
Creating Supervised or Unsupervised Mentoring
Create mentoring programs with defined dates that use either supervised or unsupervised matching and in which
employees are invited to participate as mentors or mentees.
You are assigned all related permissions for Mentoring.
Using Mentoring to manage your development programs replaces the traditional, bulky, and manual processes and
the spreadsheets that go with them. Mentoring provides you with the tools you need to define the program, invite
mentors and mentees to participate, and then monitor the program to closing. You have the flexibility to define
both supervised and unsupervised programs. The major difference being whether or not your mentoring
administrator is involved in the matching phase of the program.
1. Go to
Admin Center
Manage Mentoring Programs .
Your program overview page is where you'll find all your programs, grouped by status:
○ Not Started
These mentoring programs have not started yet and may still require input. For example, mentors or
mentees may still be signing up or you may need to review the matching (in supervised programs).
○ In-progress
These mentoring programs have started and will run until their designated end dates or until you manually
close them.
○ Finished
These mentoring programs have reached their end dates and are no longer active.
2. Click Create New Program.
Managing Mentoring Programs
3. Choose the type of program you want to create.
○ Supervised: In supervised matching, a matching job will run based on your preference and configuration,
and the administrator can review and edit the matches. The program dates strictly follow the program
process. For example, mentor sign-up ends when mentee sign-up starts.
○ Unsupervised: In unsupervised matching, the system provides guidance but mentees make direct requests
to mentors. The program dates are also more flexible in unsupervised programs. For example, mentor
sign-ups can continue even after mentee sign-up starts.
Next Steps
Follow the steps in the wizard-like user interface to finish setting up your new program.
1. Defining Your Mentoring Program Details [page 26]
Define your program settings as well as all the control dates.
2. Adding Participants to Supervised or Unsupervised Programs [page 28]
Add mentors and mentees to your programs individually or by using employee groups.
3. Creating Mentoring Signup Forms [page 29]
For each mentoring program you create, you design the signup form that generates the mentor and mentee
signup pages and define preferred matching rules.
4. Editing Mentoring Invitation Email Templates [page 31]
You can adapt the email templates for mentors and mentees separately.
5. Reviewing and Launching a Mentoring Program [page 33]
Before launching a mentoring program, use the summary page to review, edit, or delete it.
6. Inviting Mentors and Mentees to Sign Up [page 33]
For supervised mentoring programs, you must manually send the invitation to employees to participate as
mentors or mentees.
Related Information
Role-Based Permissions for Mentoring [page 14]
6.2.1 Defining Your Mentoring Program Details
Define your program settings as well as all the control dates.
1. Enter a name and description for your program.
Managing Mentoring Programs
The description field is displayed on the mentor and mentee overview pages for the program. So in addition to
the basic program description, you can also add information like next steps or other program guidelines you'd
like to share with participants.
2. Optionally, assign one or more program owners.
Program owners can administer mentoring programs but cannot create them.
3. Set the maximum number of mentees and mentors you want to allow your program participants to have.
When mentors sign up for a mentoring program, they can adjust the number of mentees they wish to be paired
with, up to the limit you've defined for the program.
4. Decide if you want to allow mentors and mentees to manually end their mentoring relationships before the end
of the program.
If you select this option, mentors and mentees can close a mentoring relationship before the end of the
mentoring program from their overview page. They can also include a note to the other person when closing
the relationship or reopen the relationship if they close it by mistake. This feature enables mentors and
mentees to maximize their program experience, particularly for programs that run for an extended period.
5. If your solution includes integration with SAP Jam, you can create an SAP Jam group linked to the mentoring
When you create an SAP Jam group with a mentoring program, the group inherits the mentoring program
name. If a group with the same name already exists, the system gives you the option to edit the SAP Jam group
The mentoring admin and any mentoring program owners are invited to the SAP Jam group and added as
group administrators. Once mentors and mentees are matched, they are also invited to the SAP Jam group.
And finally, the SAP Jam group feed is displayed in the mentor and mentee overview pages for the mentoring
6. Select the control dates for your program. All date fields are mandatory.
For unsupervised mentoring programs, the system will automatically trigger the next step or status on the
dates you specify. You also have the option of manually pushing the program through each step.
For supervised mentoring programs, you need to manually push the program through each step.
Regardless of whether the program moves automatically or manually from one step to the next, the system will
record and display the actual date of the change.
Mentor Sign-up Date after which mentors can start signing up for the program
Mentee Signup Start
Date after which mentees can start signing up for the program
To provide ample time for mentors to sign up for the program, don't schedule the mentees to start sign­
ing up too soon after the mentors. Not only does this give mentees more mentors to choose from, but it
also improves the recommendations made by the system.
In supervised programs, the dates are strictly adhered to so once mentees start signing up, mentor
sign up is closed. Any mentors or mentees attempting to sign up after the sign up period has closed
are directed to a landing page explaining that they have missed the deadline for sign up.
Managing Mentoring Programs
In unsupervised programs, the dates are more flexible so mentors can still sign up after mentee
sign-up has started.
Matching Start
Only for supervised programs
Date when matching starts and no more participants can sign up
You should schedule enough time between the mentee sign-up and matching dates to maximize partici­
Mentoring Pro­
gram Start
Date on which the program begins
Mentoring Pro­
gram End
Date on which the program ends
Once the program starts, no further adjustments to matching, mentors, or mentees can be made.
7. Click Next to continue setting up your program or Save to save your progress and finish the setup later.
Task overview: Creating Supervised or Unsupervised Mentoring Programs [page 25]
Next task: Adding Participants to Supervised or Unsupervised Programs [page 28]
6.2.2 Adding Participants to Supervised or Unsupervised
Add mentors and mentees to your programs individually or by using employee groups.
If you plan to use employee groups with your mentoring programs, set those up first.
Employees can only sign up to participate in mentoring programs if you specifically invite them as mentors or
mentees. Be sure to invite enough mentors to cover all the mentees.
Managing Mentoring Programs
1. Add employees, individually or using groups, to the list of mentors and mentees you plan to invite to participate
in the program.
 Note
To ensure optimal system performance when the system matches mentors and mentees, do not add more
than 3,000 mentors or 3,000 mentees to a supervised program.
If you add a group, only current members of the group are added to the mentoring program. If any new
members are added to the group after it's added to the program, they are not included in the program.
2. Click Next to continue setting up your program or Save to save your progress and finish the setup later.
Task overview: Creating Supervised or Unsupervised Mentoring Programs [page 25]
Previous task: Defining Your Mentoring Program Details [page 26]
Next task: Creating Mentoring Signup Forms [page 29]
Related Information
Creating Employee Groups for Use With Mentoring Programs [page 46]
6.2.3 Creating Mentoring Signup Forms
For each mentoring program you create, you design the signup form that generates the mentor and mentee signup
pages and define preferred matching rules.
You’re assigned all related permissions for Mentoring.
Whenever a mentor or mentee signs up for a mentoring program, they’re presented with a series of questions to
answer. The signup form is where you define those questions. In the signup form, you also define a matching rule
for each question. Later when the system starts matching, it finds the best fits between mentors and mentees
based on those matching rules.
Managing Mentoring Programs
1. In the Create New Program wizard, go to Signup Form.
2. Select a picklist or free text under Question Category.
To ensure that mentors are recommended to mentees, you can't define all questions to be answered with free
The following standard picklists are supported. To use these picklists, make sure that they're defined in the
data model and that you're granted with permissions. In addition, you can configure custom picklists for use
with mentoring programs. Both standard and custom picklists can be used more than once.
○ Competency
○ Department
○ Division
○ Location
○ Gender
○ Job Family
○ Job Role
○ Job Code
○ Job Level
○ Job Title
○ Skill
3. Select a question type under Matching Based On. It determines based on which type mentors and mentees are
Matching Based On
You define questions both for mentors and mentees. They’re
matched based on the answers to the questions.
Mentee's Preference
You define questions for mentees only. Mentors and ment­
ees are matched based on mentees' answers and mentors'
employee profiles.
Mentor's Preference
You define questions for mentors only. Mentors and mentees
are matched based on mentors' answers and mentees' em­
ployee profiles.
You don't define questions for mentors and mentees.
They’re matched based on employee profiles.
 Note
For matching based on preferences, you can use both standard and custom picklists.
For matching based on mentee's preference, mentor's preference, and profiles, you can only use standard
4. Enter the question for mentors, mentees, or for both.
5. Select the Key Question checkbox to define the question as a key question.
If mentors and mentees don't satisfy the matching rule of the key question, they won't be matched. To ensure
that mentors are recommended to mentees, you can't define all questions as key questions.
Managing Mentoring Programs
6. Select a matching type.
Matching Type
Matched (default)
Mentors get match scores when their answers or employee
profiles are matched with those of mentees.
Not Matched
Mentors get match scores when their answers or employee
profiles are not matched with those of mentees.
 Example
You define that matching is based on profiles and that mentors and mentees don't come from the same
department. You select Not Matched as a matching type. Later, when the system starts matching, mentors
who are from different departments from mentees get a match score.
7. (Optional) Enter an integer from 1 to 100 to give a weight for the question.
You can't give weights for key questions or the questions that are answered with free text.
If you want to apply different weights and don't want a specific question to be included for matching, leave the
weight field of the question empty. Make sure that the weights of all required questions add up to 100%.
8. Choose Next to continue setting up your program or Save to save your progress and finish the setup later.
Task overview: Creating Supervised or Unsupervised Mentoring Programs [page 25]
Previous task: Adding Participants to Supervised or Unsupervised Programs [page 28]
Next task: Editing Mentoring Invitation Email Templates [page 31]
Related Information
Role-Based Permissions for Mentoring [page 14]
Configuring Custom Picklists for Use as Matching Criteria in Mentoring Programs [page 18]
6.2.4 Editing Mentoring Invitation Email Templates
You can adapt the email templates for mentors and mentees separately.
When you send the invitation to employees to participate in a mentoring program, the system pulls their individual
information and inserts it into the email according to the template you define. You define the mentor and mentee
templates separately.
Managing Mentoring Programs
1. On the Signup Form page of the mentoring program wizard, in the Email Template section of the page, click
2. Choose the mentor or mentee template.
3. Make your edits and include one or more of the following variables:
○ [USER_NAME]: employee name
○ [PROGRAM_NAME]: the name of the mentoring program
○ [START_DATE]: the scheduled start date of the mentoring program
4. Save your changes.
5. Click Next to continue setting up your program or Save to save your progress and finish the setup later.
Task overview: Creating Supervised or Unsupervised Mentoring Programs [page 25]
Previous task: Creating Mentoring Signup Forms [page 29]
Next task: Reviewing and Launching a Mentoring Program [page 33]
Managing Mentoring Programs
6.2.5 Reviewing and Launching a Mentoring Program
Before launching a mentoring program, use the summary page to review, edit, or delete it.
The final step in setting up a mentoring program is the summary page where you can review the settings prior to
saving and launching the program. You also have the option of deleting a mentoring program if you haven't
launched it yet.
1. Whether you're creating a new program or making changes to a draft program, step through the wizard to the
final Summary page.
2. Click Edit to return to any portion of the program set-up to make changes.
3. If you want to delete the program, click Delete Draft.
4. Once you're finished setting up your mentoring program, click Launch.
After you've launched your program, you can send the email invitations to mentors.
Task overview: Creating Supervised or Unsupervised Mentoring Programs [page 25]
Previous task: Editing Mentoring Invitation Email Templates [page 31]
Next task: Inviting Mentors and Mentees to Sign Up [page 33]
6.2.6 Inviting Mentors and Mentees to Sign Up
For supervised mentoring programs, you must manually send the invitation to employees to participate as
mentors or mentees.
Once you've defined all the settings and set up your mentoring program with mentors and mentees to invite, it's
time to send the actual invitations to participate. These invitations are sent via email and are based on the
templates you defined for the program.
For unsupervised mentoring programs, the system will automatically initiate these emails on the dates you defined
for the program. If you need to , you can still manually trigger these emails prior to their scheduled dates.
Managing Mentoring Programs
For supervised mentoring programs, the system does not automatically trigger these emails so you must initiate
them manually.
Inviting Mentors
1. Go to
Admin Center
Manage Mentoring Programs .
2. Locate your mentoring program and click Send Email to Mentors Now.
This action triggers the email invitation to the list of mentors you added to the program.
 Recommendation
You should allow ample time for your invited mentors to sign up or decline participation before moving on
to the next step.
Inviting Mentees
3. Go to
Admin Center
Manage Mentoring Programs .
 Caution
In supervised programs, once you send the invitation to mentees, no more mentors can sign up.
4. Locate your mentoring program and click Send Email to Mentees Now.
This action locks mentor sign up and triggers the email invitation to the list of mentees you added to the
 Recommendation
For supervised programs, you should allow ample time for your invited mentees to sign up or decline
participation before moving on to matching.
Task overview: Creating Supervised or Unsupervised Mentoring Programs [page 25]
Previous task: Reviewing and Launching a Mentoring Program [page 33]
Managing Mentoring Programs
Modifying Questions and Matching Rules
For all mentoring programs, you can add, edit, and delete signup form questions and modify matching rules as
necessary after the programs are launched.
You’re assigned all related permissions for Mentoring.
You can modify signup form questions, localization, and matching rules for supervised programs before you match
participants, and for unsupervised and open enrollment programs before the programs are completed.
Note the following impacts on mentors and mentees after you make changes:
● When you add questions, the questions are applicable to the mentors and mentees who sign up afterward.
Those participants who have signed up and answered questions can see the added questions when they edit
mentoring preferences.
● When you edit questions, the edited questions are applicable to all mentors and mentees, including those
participants who have signed up and answered questions. The edited questions are used for reporting.
● When you remove questions, the mentors and mentees who sign up afterward can't see the questions. Those
participants who have signed up and answered the questions can't see the questions either when they view
their mentoring preferences, but their answers can still be used for reporting.
1. Go to
Admin Center
Manage Mentoring Programs
and open a mentoring program.
2. On the Questions tab, modify questions, localization, and matching rules as necessary.
If you modify the questions, please follow new matching rules. Or, you can choose Cancel to keep with the
previous questions and matching rules.
For more information on how to define questions and matching rules, see Creating Mentoring Signup Forms.
3. Choose Save.
The changes to the signup form questions are reflected on the mentor or mentee signup page in real time.
Managing Mentoring Programs
Related Information
Role-Based Permissions for Mentoring [page 14]
Creating Mentoring Signup Forms [page 29]
Mentor and Mentee Matching
Based on the matching rules that you define for signup form questions, the system finds the best fits between
mentors and mentees.
The mentee is the focus of the matching process, so the system always compares data from the mentee to the
● If a mentee chooses a preferred mentor during signup, the selection takes precedence. A match is always
made to a preferred mentor unless the mentor is already assigned their maximum number of mentees.
● If a mentee chooses multiple preferred mentors, the match is made to the preferred mentor with the highest
match score.
● If a mentee didn’t select a preferred mentor during signup, or if the preferred mentor is unavailable, then the
mentee is matched with the mentor with the highest match score.
Matching Mechanism
1. The system filters mentors based on the matching rules of key questions.
If a mentor and mentee don’t satisfy the matching rule of any key question, the system won’t consider the
mentor to be matched with the mentee. If they satisfy the matching rules of all key questions, the system then
continues matching based on the matching rules of other questions.
2. For each question other than key questions, the system compares the mentor and mentee's preferences or
employee profiles and calculates the match score of the mentor.
○ For competency and skill questions, the more picklist values are matched, the higher the match score is.
The match score is the number of the mentor's matching values divided by the number of the mentee's
total values. The score range is 0–100.
○ For other standard picklists and custom picklists, a match is made if at least one value matches between
the mentor and mentee. The match score is either 0 or 100.
3. The system sums up the mentor's all match scores to get the final score.
If you apply different weights for the questions, weights are included in the calculation of the final match score.
4. The system recommends up to 10 mentors to the mentee in all types of mentoring programs.
 Example
You define three signup form questions: a key question about department (mentors and mentees don't come
from the same department), a question about competency, and a question about location. The system first
filters out the mentors who are from the same department as the mentee. Among the qualified mentors, the
system then calculates the match score for the other two questions.
Managing Mentoring Programs
You define that mentors and mentees are matched based on their answers to the question about competency.
The mentee selects 5 competencies, while the mentor selects 3 matching competencies. The match score of
the mentor for this question is 60 (3/5 *100).
You define that mentors and mentees are matched based on the mentor's location and the mentee's
preference for their mentor's location. The mentee selects 2 locations, while the mentor's location is one of
them. The match score of the mentor for this question is 100.
You define different weights for the two questions. The weight of the competency question is 80% and the
weight of the location question is 20%. The mentor's final match score is calculated as 60 *80% + 100 *20%
Related Information
Creating Mentoring Signup Forms [page 29]
6.4.1 Managing Matches in Open Enrollment and Unsupervised
Mentoring Programs
For mentoring programs with unsupervised matching, you can still see and edit the matching details, allowing you
to adjust mentoring relationships as necessary.
1. Go to Admin Center Development
unsupervised program.
Manage Mentoring Programs
and choose an open enrollment or
2. On the Matches tab, choose which set of participants to review.
Lists up to 200 matches between mentors and mentees. When there are more than 200 matches, you can
search among all the matches by mentor or mentee name.
Not Matched Lists all participants who haven’t yet been matched. If the unmatched participants are over 500, the first 500
participants are shown on the page. You can then search the participants among all unmatched lists by
3. Choose an action.
View Mentoring
Choose the information icon to check the mentoring preferences of a mentor or mentee before you take
the following actions.
Managing Mentoring Programs
This action allows you to assign the mentee to a mentor in the program, or if they're already matched, to
another mentor. When you assign mentors or mentees, only 200 participants are listed on the pop-up. If
more than 200 participants are available, we suggest you refine search criteria to find target participants.
If the mentee per mentor limit or the mentor per mentee limit is met, you can't assign mentors or ment­
ees anymore.
This action unassigns the mentee from the mentor.
The system updates your actions automatically.
6.4.2 Matching Mentees with Mentors in Supervised Programs
When you run matching on your supervised mentoring programs, the system compares preferences and Employee
Profiles to suggest matches for mentors and mentees.
Once your program has mentors and mentees signed up, you can click Match Now and a backend matching job
 Remember
Once you start matching for a program, no more mentees can sign up. Any mentees attempting to sign up after
matching has started are directed to a landing page explaining that they've missed the deadline for signup.
 Note
If the number of matched participants in supervised mentoring programs is huge, it might take a long time for
the backend matching job to complete.
1. In Admin Center, go to Manage Mentoring Programs.
2. Choose Match Now on the mentoring program card.
The system starts a matching job and assigns the following match levels to matched mentors:
○ Preferred: Mentors who are selected by mentees as preferred mentors during signup get four stars. Those
mentors' match scores are not calculated.
○ Excellent: Mentors whose match score is at or above the 75th percentile get three stars. 75th percentile
means 75% of the mentors' match scores are lower than those mentors' scores.
○ Good: Mentors whose match score is from 74.99th percentile to 50th percentile get two stars.
Managing Mentoring Programs
○ Average: Mentors whose match score is at or below the 49.99th percentile get one star.
 Note
If matched mentors have the same match score, they may get different match levels due to the percentile
they belong to.
3. Review and edit the matches on the Matches tab on the program overview page.
You can either save the edited matches for later completion or start the program after making changes. You
can also adjust matches from the program overview page after the mentoring program has started.
The Matched page lists up to 200 matches between mentors and mentees. When there are more than 200
matches, you can select a match level to filter the results, or find a particular participant among all the matches
by name search.
a. To change a match, go to the mentee card and click the Remove icon to remove a match or the Assign icon
to assign a new mentor.
When you assign mentors or mentees, only 200 participants are listed on the popup. If more than 200
participants are available, we suggest you refine search criteria to find target participants. If the mentee
per mentor limit or the mentor per mentee limit is met, you can't assign mentors or mentees anymore.
The match level of the mentors and mentees you assign is average (one star).
When you remove a mentee from a matched mentor, the mentee and mentor move to the Not Matched
page where you can assign a new match.
 Note
If a mentor is matched with more than one mentee, then the mentor is only moved to Not Matched if
you remove all mentee matches.
b. Review the Not Matched page for any mentees remaining unmatched.
The system may return initial results with some mentees and mentors unmatched. The circumstances for
this result may include:
○ More mentors than mentees signed up for the program
○ Not enough mentors signed up for the program
If the unmatched participants are over 500, the first 500 participants are shown on the page. You can then
search the participants among all unmatched lists by name.
4. When you're ready, go to the program card and click Start, and this moves the program status to In-Progress.
The Mentoring Match e-mail is sent to all matched mentors and mentees informing them of the match. They
can view the match details on the Mentoring page.
Managing Custom Program Types with Text Replacement
With text replacement at the program level, you can create and manage up to three custom program types by
replacing UI text in mentoring programs.
SAP SuccessFactors also provides a standard feature for text replacement at the system level. It is used when you
have only one type of program and want to replace the text in all mentoring programs. The program-level text
Managing Mentoring Programs
replacement, on the other hand, gives you the freedom to manage up to three custom program types in addition to
the default mentoring program.
For example, you want to keep the default mentoring programs and create other types of programs (such as
coaching programs or learning circles). With the program-level text replacement, you can define a text replacement
pack for each custom program type and decide which replacement pack to use when you create a new program.
The following is the process of configuring and enabling the program-level text replacement:
● Provisioning Settings for Program-Level Text Replacement [page 40]
● Configuring Custom Text Packs for Custom Program Types [page 41]
● Enabling Custom Text Packs in Admin Center [page 44]
Related Information
Working with Text Replacement Tool
6.5.1 Provisioning Settings for Program-Level Text Replacement
Your implementation partners can complete the configuration required in Provisioning to create custom locale for
relevant system languages.
 Caution
If you uploaded a replacement file for customizing program types prior to the Q1 2019 release, you now need to
upload the file with an updated replacement text key (for example, TEXTREPLACEHEADING_TYPEA), ensuring
that the text replacement works properly.
Managing Mentoring Programs
1. In Provisioning, go to Company Settings.
2. Enable Language Packs and navigate back to the Provisioning home.
3. Go to Manage Languages.
4. Add a custom locale for the default active language of your system, for example, en-US.
5. For the custom locale, upload a custom text pack that specifies the detailed replacement text. For more
information about how to define the content of the custom text pack, see Configuring Custom Text Packs for
Custom Program Types [page 41].
6. Repeat Step 4 and 5 for all active system languages. The text replacement only works in languages that have a
defined custom text pack.
Next Steps
Enable the program-level text replacement through
Admin Center
Manage Mentoring Programs
Text Replacement Configuration .
Related Information
Configuring Custom Text Packs for Custom Program Types [page 41]
Enabling Custom Text Packs in Admin Center [page 44]
6.5.2 Configuring Custom Text Packs for Custom Program
Your implementation partners can work with you to define detailed replacement text in text packs (.csv files) for the
custom locales.
You define the replacement text based on standard system messages and labels. For each language of the system,
you have one custom text pack, and in each text pack, you can define up to three replacement options that
correspond to the three custom program types.
In the procedure below, we take English US as an example. Please note that the definition of the replacement text is
also required for other active system languages. The text replacement only works for the language with a defined
and uploaded custom text pack.
Managing Mentoring Programs
Therefore, if you want the text replacement to be working in other system languages, repeat the same procedure
for those languages. Note that the replacement text must be defined in those languages.
1. In Provisioning, go to Manage Languages.
2. Download the default labels of English (US).
A .csv file that contains all system labels opens.
3. Save the file to your local drive and open the file with MS Excel to edit the labels and messages.
4. Identify mentoring-related labels and messages in the sheet.
You can sort them by key. Keys of mentoring-related labels and messages start with either of the following:
○ DEVELOPMENT_GO_MentoringProgram
5. Keep the mentoring-related labels and messages in the sheet and delete all others.
6. Delete the column C.
7. Save and close the sheet.
8. Open the .csv file again, but this time with Notepad, Open Office, or any UTF-8 editor to define replacement
 Caution
From this step, we recommend that you do NOT use MS Excel to edit the .csv file, as MS Excel may break
special characters in the text.
9. After the heading and before all the mentoring-related labels and messages, add definitions of replacement
text for the following default text elements:
○ Mentee
○ Mentor
○ Mentoring Program
○ Activity
 Note
Capitalization, plural and singular forms of these elements must be defined as well. So, each spelling
variant has its own definition.
Managing Mentoring Programs
Each line of definition must contain a key and the detailed replacement text, the two elements separated by a
comma. Instructions on how to define keys and the replacement text are as follows:
Enter a unique identifying key for the replacement text defi­
nition. The key consists of two parts, message key and re­
placement text key. The complete key must be formulated
as: <message key>_<replacement text key>.
The message can by anything that makes sense to you. The
replacement text keys, however, must be one of the follow­
Each represents a replacement option. For example, you can
use TYPEA in all replacement definitions for coaching pro­
grams and TYPEB for learning circles.
These three replacement text keys are also listed on the pro­
gram-level text replacement configuration page, where you
can further define a meaningful name for each key. You can
access the configuration page through
Manage Mentoring Programs
Admin Center
Text Replacement
Enter your replacement text.
DEVELOPMENT_mentoring_programs_TEXTREPLACEHEADING_TYPEA,coaching programs
10. Replace all mentions of mentoring programs, mentors, mentees, and activities, with the keys of the relevant
replacement text definition.
Before: Your $(employees) have applied to be mentors for the following mentoring
After: Your $(employees) have applied to be $
11. Save your changes and upload the .csv file to the custom locale as its custom labels.
Managing Mentoring Programs
Next Steps
Enable the program-level text replacement through
Admin Center
Manage Mentoring Programs
Text Replacement Configuration .
Related Information
Provisioning Settings for Program-Level Text Replacement [page 40]
Enabling Custom Text Packs in Admin Center [page 44]
6.5.3 Enabling Custom Text Packs in Admin Center
Enable the defined text replacement options in Admin Center.
● You have created custom locales and uploaded custom text packs in Provisioning.
● You are assigned all related permissions for Mentoring.
The replacement will be effective for all UI labels and system-generated emails. But as to email invitations for
program sign-up, the text replacement will only work if the email text hasn't been customized during program setup.
1. Go to the configuration page for program-level text replacement:
Admin Center
Manage Mentoring
Text Replacement Configuration .
2. Enable the feature by selecting the Enable Text Replacement at Mentoring Program Level checkbox.
3. Enable the individual replacement options and enter meaningful names (for example, Coaching Program) for
the replacement options. The name will be listed in the dropdown of the Mentoring Program Text Replacement
Option field on the program details page. When you create new programs, you can select a replacement option
from the dropdown list.
Managing Mentoring Programs
The program-level text replacement options are enabled and are available for use when you create you new
Related Information
Role-Based Permissions for Mentoring [page 14]
Provisioning Settings for Program-Level Text Replacement [page 40]
Configuring Custom Text Packs for Custom Program Types [page 41]
Defining Localization for Mentoring Program Text
Define the localized text for program names, descriptions, matching questions, and instructions so that they are
displayed in users’ sign-in locales.
For a global company, users might sign in the system with their local language, which might be different from the
language you use to set up the mentoring programs. To make sure that the program names, descriptions, matching
questions, and instructions about mentor application documents are available in those local languages, you can
define the localized text for these program elements.
1. Go to
Admin Center
Manage Mentoring Programs .
2. During the program setup, click  next to the relevant fields.
3. In the Localization dialog box, enter the localized text. You can define a localized text for any of the active
locales in the system.
4. Enter a default value for the localization. When a user signs in with a locale where you haven’t defined a local
text, the default value is then used. You can choose to make it the same as the value of the system default
5. Save the text.
Managing Mentoring Programs
The localized text has been defined successfully. When a user signs in with the locale where you have defined the
localized text, the defined localized texts is displayed as program names, descriptions, matching questions, and
instructions about mentor application documents.
Creating Employee Groups for Use With Mentoring
Dynamic employee groups provide you with an easy way to manage participants in mentoring programs.
● Your system is configured to use and you have the related role-based permissions to access Manage Employee
You can add system (rather than personal) dynamic employee groups to mentoring programs to manage
participants. For supervised and unsupervised programs, which send out invitations on a single date, the groups
are a snapshot of the group members on the day the group is added to the program. For open enrollment
programs, the dynamically-changing population of group members is applied. On any given day, a user who is a
member of an assigned group can see and sign up for the open-enrollment program.
1. Go to
Admin Center
Manage Employee Groups .
2. Click Create New Group.
You can also use the standard import features for employee groups to import mentors and mentees.
 Tip
Create separate groups for mentors and mentees for invitation-based mentoring programs. Create a single
group for open-ended programs when you want everyone in the group to see the program and to be able to
choose whether to enroll as a mentor or mentee.
3. Complete the group definition and save your changes.
Managing Mentoring Programs
The group is available for use with mentoring programs.
Related Information
List of Role-Based Permissions
Completing and Deleting Mentoring Programs
As an admin, you can complete an in-progress mentoring program and delete the completed program.
 Caution
If you complete a mentoring program, you can't reopen it. Be careful every time you want to complete a
Once a mentoring program is completed and you no longer need to manage or update it, you can delete it to
streamline your view of the mentoring programs you manage.
The deleted program is no longer available or listed in Mentoring. The names of deleted mentoring programs are
still included in users' participation records, generated by Ad Hoc reporting.
1. Go to
Admin Center
Manage Mentoring Programs .
2. Among the IN-PROGRESS program list, find the mentoring program you want to complete and choose
Complete in the program card.
The mentoring program is listed among the FINISHED programs.
3. Among the FINISHED program list, find the mentoring program you want to delete and choose  in the
program card.
The mentoring program is deleted, and you can't update it in Manage Mentoring Programs.
Managing Mentoring Programs
Search and Display Behaviors in Program Overview Pages
This topic discusses the administrator program overview pages with regard to the display of and search for users.
On the Mentors or Mentees tabs of administrator program overview page, the display is limited to a list of 200
users. In order to assure that any user can be displayed, you can now search for users by their user name or full
On the Matches tab, the results page of total matched pairs or unmatched users displays only up to 200 or 500
results, respectively. No results will be displayed if the number of matched pairs is from 200 through 1000, or the
number of unmatched users is from 500 through 2000 , but you can refine your search criteria to narrow down the
search results. In addition, if there are more than 1000 total matches or 2000 total unmatched users, neither
display nor search will be available. However, in this case, you can use Ad Hoc Reporting to find out the relevant
mentoring data as below:
● To generate a report on the suggested matches by the system, we suggest that you select the following
columns: Mentoring Program Name from Mentoring Program, plus Matched Mentor User Name and Matched
Mentee User Name from Matching Result. If you want to know more details about match results, choose from
Matching Result the columns that you want to display.
● To generate a report on how many mentors do not have a mentoring relationship, we suggest that you select
the following columns: Mentoring Program Name from Mentoring Program and Participant User Name from
Participant. Next, in the Filters section, choose Matched Mentor User ID and Matched Mentee User ID from the
Matching Result column as filters. Then, configure the two filters to be "is null" under By Rule in the pop-up
Define Filter window.
Managing Mentoring Programs
Using Mentoring
Accessing Mentoring Programs as a Mentor or Mentee
The Mentoring page is where you can select from the open enrollment programs, the programs you have been
invited to, and those programs you're already participating in as a mentor or mentee.
You are assigned the Mentoring Programs Access Permission.
1. Go to
Mentoring .
The overview page is organized into vertically-tabbed sections that display all the mentoring programs you
have permission to access.
○ My Mentoring Programs is the default tab and displays all the mentoring programs in which you are
currently participating.
○ The Invitations tab includes all the programs you've been invited to join but haven't signed up for yet.
○ The Open Enrollment tab includes all open enrollment programs you're eligible to join.
2. At the program level, choose View as Mentor or View as Mentee, depending on which you're signed up as.
If you're signed up as both a mentor and a mentee in an open enrollment program, you can choose to view the
program as either.
 Note
As a mentee, when you choose Show Recommended Mentors in the Invite Other Mentors popup, up to 10
available mentors are displayed. In addition, the auto-complete function in the Search for a mentor box is
removed, so you need to choose the "search" icon or use the Enter key to submit your search.
3. On the program page, you can review your matches and their mentoring preferences. If the program has an
associated SAP Jam group, then you can also see the group feed on the program page.
4. Review or add activities to the activity plan.
Both mentors and mentees can add activities to the activity plan, which supports a maximum of five total
○ As a mentee, you see the activity plan on your program page.
○ As a mentor, select a mentee to see the activity plan on the mentee card.
Using Mentoring
Related Information
Ending Mentoring Relationships [page 53]
Setting Mentor Availability [page 52]
Reviewing Mentoring Preferences [page 54]
Signing Up for Mentoring Programs
You may receive an invitation to sign up for a mentoring program or you may have access to sign up freely in open
enrollment programs.
If you receive an invitation to participate in a mentoring program, you can either follow the link in the e-mail or go
directly to the Mentoring page.
1. Go to
Mentoring .
On the overview page, you see all the mentoring programs you've been invited to, any open enrollment
programs you have access to, and the mentoring programs you're already participating in.
2. Choose either Sign Up As Mentor or Sign Up As Mentee, depending on the invitation you received. For open
enrollment programs, you can sign up as a mentor, a mentee, or both.
For programs with specific dates defined (supervised or unsupervised programs), mentors and mentees can
only sign up during the relevant timeframes. Any users attempting to sign up after their signup period has
closed are directed to a landing page explaining that they have missed the deadline for signing up.
Supervised Pro­
Mentors can only sign up after they receive the invitation and until the e-mail invitation is sent to
mentee participants.
Mentees can only sign up after they receive the invitation and until the administrator or owner
initiates matching.
Unsupervised Pro­ For both mentors and mentees, the signup period ends one day before the programs end.
3. Review the program details and decide whether or not to sign up.
4. For a supervised or unsupervised program, you can also choose to opt out of the program.
The sign up or opt out choice is final for supervised or unsupervised programs. If you sign up for a program,
you cannot opt out later; and if you opt out of a program, you cannot decide later to sign up.
Using Mentoring
As a mentor, you can change your availability in programs. So, if you've signed up for a program but later want
to temporarily remove yourself as a mentor available for matching, you can adjust your availability from the
program page.
5. Complete the signup form.
Select your preferences and complete any free text fields.
Open Enrollment: In open enrollment programs, your participation as a mentor may require approval by the pro­
gram administrator or your manager.
If administrator approval is required, upload supporting documentation with your mentor signup. The pro­
gram admin or owner will review your documents and either accept or decline your participation.
If manager approval is required, you will receive an e-mail notification once they approve or decline your par­
In addition to selecting general preferences, you can select a preferred mentor in the following ways:
The Show Recommended Mentors button: When you choose the button, up to 10 available mentors are dis­
In the mentor card, you can view the mentor's profile information, mentoring preferences, and scoring
items. Some signup form questions are defined as key questions by the program admin, and the recom­
mended mentors are all qualified for matching in those questions, so the matching results of those ques­
tions are not displayed under Scoring Items.
The Search for a mentor box: You can search for mentors by inputting username in the search box. The autocomplete function in the Search for a mentor box is removed, so you need to choose the "search" icon or use
the Enter key to submit the search.
Since the mentor you search for is not recommended by system matching, you can only view the mentor's
profile information and mentoring preferences in the card.
In unsupervised programs, select at least one mentor before completing the signup.
 Tip
You can edit your mentoring preferences even after the program starts.
Once any necessary approvals have been completed, you are signed up for the mentoring program and available
for matching with mentors or mentees.
Related Information
Setting Mentor Availability [page 52]
Using Mentoring
Reviewing Mentoring Requests
If you're signed up as a mentor in unsupervised or open enrollment mentoring programs, mentees send you
mentoring requests that you can accept or decline.
When a mentee requests you as a mentor, you receive an e-mail notification.
 Note
Mentors in open enrollment or unsupervised programs can receive only up to 20 mentoring requests at a time.
1. Click the link in the e-mail or go to
Mentoring .
2. Select a program and review your mentoring requests.
3. To view mentoring preferences, including free text answers, click  (View Mentoring Preferences).
4. If you choose to decline the mentoring request, you can add a note that will be included in the notification email to the mentee.
5. If you choose to accept the mentoring request, you are matched to the mentee until one of you ends the
relationship or the mentoring program ends.
Setting Mentor Availability
Mentors and mentoring administrators can set a mentor to temporarily unavailable for matching within a
mentoring program without removing that mentor from the program.
The mentor's unavailability begins immediately and ends on the date specified as part of the change in status. An
unavailable mentor is not displayed in mentor recommendations, mentor search, or supervised mentor matching.
The system sends the following notifications in relation to availability:
● At the start of unavailability, the system notifies the affected mentor and program owners that the profile has
been set to unavailable.
Using Mentoring
● A week before the unavailability expires, the system notifies the mentor of the impending change in status.
● One day before the unavailability expires, the system sends the reminder notification again.
● Upon expiration of unavailability, the system notifies the mentor that he or she is once again available for
As a mentoring administrator:
1. Go to
Admin Center
Manage Mentoring Programs
and choose the relevant program.
2. Go to the Mentors tab and locate the mentor whose status needs to be changed.
You can only change the availability for those mentors who have already signed up for the program.
3. Set the availability and, if setting to unavailable, select an end date for the status.
As a mentor
4. Choose the relevant mentoring program.
To access your mentoring programs go to
Mentoring .
5. Click the status switch to change your status from Available to Unavailable.
6. Set the date to indicate when you'll be available again and save your changes.
Your status will reset to available on the date you select or whenever you change it back manually.
Ending Mentoring Relationships
Rather than waiting until a mentoring program ends, mentors and mentees can manually close their mentoring
Mentors or mentees can close a mentoring relationship before the end of a mentoring program from the mentor or
mentee overview page. They can also include a note to the other person when closing the relationship. The system
automatically frees up a mentoring slot for them.
If they haven't reached the maximum number of mentoring relationships in a program, they can reopen the
relationship or create a new relationship. Mentees can still see the mentor who has ended a relationship with them
in the recommended mentor list.
 Example
A mentoring program runs for a full year but Mentor A and Mentee B have finished all their work together in the
first 3 months. Mentor A closes the relationship with Mentee B, making them both available for matching again.
Using Mentoring
1. Choose the relevant mentoring program.
To access your mentoring programs go to
Mentoring .
2. Select the mentor or mentee with whom you want to end your mentoring relationship, choose  (More) and
then End Mentoring.
3. Enter a note to the other person to let them know why you're ending the mentoring relationship and choose
4. If you end a mentoring relationship by mistake or need to restart it for some reason, select the mentor or
mentee, choose  (More) and then Restart Mentoring.
Once you've ended a mentoring relationship, the other person sees the label, Mentoring Ended, in your mentee or
mentor card on their overview page.
Reviewing Mentoring Preferences
You can review all mentoring preferences selected by mentors and mentees, including free text answers, depending
on your role.
Mentees and mentors can each review the preferences set by the other during the sign-up and acceptance
processes as well as once they're matched. Mentoring administrators and owners can review the mentoring
preferences selected by all participants in a program.
The mentor and mentee cards display their job information and all the preferences and any free-text answers
submitted by them. In the system with Employee Central enabled, the job title information is shown to users who
are granted the read or write permission of Job Title in Employee Data. In the system without Employee Central
enabled, the title information is shown to users who are granted the read or write permission of Title in Employee
Data. If users don't have the relevant permission, the job information is shown as N/A.
Mentees and Mentors
1. Go to
and select a program in which you're already matched.
Using Mentoring
2. On the mentor or mentee card, click  (View Mentoring Preferences).
A popup displays the mentor and mentee's job information and all the preferences and any free-text answers
submitted by them.
For Mentoring Administrators and Owners
3. Go to
Admin Center
Manage Mentoring Programs
and choose a program.
4. On the Matches tab, click  View Mentoring Preferences for any mentor or mentee.
A popup displays the mentor and mentee's job information and all the preferences and any free-text answers
submitted by them.
Using Mentoring
Ad Hoc Reporting in Mentoring
Learn about what mentoring program information is available in ad hoc reports.
The following information categories are available in ad hoc reports. The availability of specific mentoring programs
is controlled by user permissions. Note that the table lists only some of the supported columns.
Mentoring Program
Actual Mentoring Program Mentor Signup Date: The date when
mentors start to sign up
Actual Mentoring Program Mentee Signup Date: The date when
mentees start to sign up
Actual Mentoring Program Matching Date: The date when men­
tor and mentee matching starts
These columns only apply to supervised and unsupervised
mentoring programs.
Matching Result
Mentoring Closed By: The status of mentoring relationship. It
has the following data:
Active: The mentoring relationship is not ended.
Closed by Mentor: The mentoring relationship is ended by
a mentor.
Closed by Mentee: The mentoring relationship is ended by
a mentee.
Mentoring Request
Request Status: The status of the mentoring request sent from
a mentee to a mentor. It has the following data:
Confirmed: The request is sent in open enrollment and un­
supervised mentoring programs.
Draft: The request is sent in supervised mentoring pro­
Accepted: The request is accepted by the mentor.
Declined: The request is declined by the mentor.
System Declined: When the request is pending and the
program status is changed, the request is automatically
declined by the system.
Ad Hoc Reporting in Mentoring
Mentor Signup Form
Mentor Signup Form Status: The status of mentoring program
signup as a mentor. It has the following data:
If they sign up for a supervised or unsupervised mentoring pro­
Draft: The program admin invites them to sign up.
Accepted: They sign up for the program.
Rejected: They opt out from the program.
System Rejected: They don't take actions and the pro­
gram status is changed.
If they sign up for an open enrollment program,
Accepted: They sign up for the program without the need
of admin or manager approval.
Pending: They sign up for the program and wait for admin
or manager approval.
Admin Approved: Their signup is approved by the admin
or owner.
Admin Declined: Their signup is declined by the admin or
Manager Approved: Their signup is approved by the man­
Manager Declined: Their signup is declined by the man­
Mentee Signup Form
Mentee Signup Form Status: The status of mentoring program
signup as a mentee. It has the following data:
If they sign up for a supervised or unsupervised mentoring pro­
Draft: The program admin invites them to sign up.
Accepted: They sign up for the program.
Rejected: They opt out from the program.
System Rejected: They don't take actions and the pro­
gram status is changed.
If they sign up for an open enrollment program,
Accepted: They sign up for the program.
Email Template
Signup Template
 Note
If users remove the matching criteria after they have already signed up for a mentoring program, the ad hoc
reports will still reflect the criteria data that no longer appears on the UI.
Information is also available for the following mentoring program options:
Ad Hoc Reporting in Mentoring
● SAP Jam group associated with the mentoring program
● Participants can manually end mentoring relationships
Example: Creating an Ad Hoc Report on Program
You can create an Ad Hoc report to track the program participation level from mentors and mentees. Learn how to
create a report to summarize signup statuses of program participants.
1. Go to Reporting and create a new Report - Table using data from the Mentoring Program domain.
2. Give it a name, description, and priority. Then, click Data Sets to move on to the next step.
3. Select a mentoring program or multiple programs as the data set template you want to report on. Then, click
Column to move on to defining the report columns.
4. Add the following report columns:
Mentoring Program
Participant User Name
Participant Type
Mentor Signup Form
Mentor Signup Form Status
Mentee Signup Form
Mentee Signup Form Status
Mentoring Program Name
By default, the columns are displayed from right to left in the same order you added them. Nevertheless, you
can click Rearrange Columns to adjust the display order.
5. Click Filters to further refine the data. Use filters to define which signup status you want to report on. For
example, the Draft status means that the invited mentor or mentee hasn’t signed up for the program, and you
can report on the draft signup status to determine how many participants haven’t signed up for the program.
To report on such data, define the filters as follows:
1. Go to Refine Filters Mentor Signup Form
Done to save this filter setting.
2. Go to
Mentee Signup Form
Mentor Signup Status
Mentee Signup Status
By My Selection
By My Selection
Draft . Click
Draft . Click Done to save it.
If you want to restrict the status data to mentors' signup status only, you can also define a similar filter for the
Participant Type column.
6. (Optional) Preview the report.
7. Save the Ad Hoc Report.
Ad Hoc Reporting in Mentoring
The Ad Hoc report has been created and you can run the report to have an overview of the participation level.
Example: Creating an Ad Hoc Report for a Summary of
Mentor Signup Questions and Answers
You can create an Ad Hoc report to summarize mentors’ answers to the questions in the signup forms. Learn how
to create a such a report to get an overview of signup questions and answers.
1. Go to Reporting and create a new Report - Table using data from the Mentoring Program domain.
2. Give it a name, description, and priority. Then, click Data Sets to move on to the next step.
3. Select a mentoring program or multiple programs as the data set template you want to report on. Then, click
Column to move on to defining the report columns.
4. Add the following report columns:
Mentoring Program
Mentoring Program Name
Participant User Name
Mentor Signup Form Mentor Signup Form Section , Mentor Signup Form Section Value, and Mentor
Signup Section Answer.
By default, the columns are displayed from right to left in the same order you added them. Nevertheless, you
can click Rearrange Columns to adjust the display order.
5. (Optional) Click Filters to further refine the data. You can use filters to define which signup form section you
want to report on. For example, you would like to see the answer summary for a particular section in the signup
form, you can define the filters as follows:
Go to
Refine Filters
Mentor Signup Form
Mentor Signup Status
By My Selection
<Section Name> .
6. (Optional) Preview the report.
7. Save the Ad Hoc Report.
The Ad Hoc report has been created and you can run the report to have an overview on mentors’ answers to the
questions in the signup forms.
Ad Hoc Reporting in Mentoring
E-Mail Notifications
Review the subject and body of the various e-mail notifications triggered by actions in Mentoring.
E-Mail Content
Mentor invitation
New Mentoring Opportunity
We will be launching the [PRO­
GRAM_NAME] mentoring pro­
You can customize the
content of this e-mail
while creating the mentor­
ing program.
gram from [START_DATE].
Please click the program
name to sign up to be a men­
tor and help participants with
their career development.
Mentoring Team
Mentee invitation
New Mentoring Opportunity
We will be launching the [PRO­
GRAM_NAME] mentoring pro­
You can customize the
content of this e-mail
while creating the mentor­
ing program.
gram from [START_DATE].
Please click the program
name to sign up for the pro­
gram and look for mentors to
help you with your career de­
Mentoring Team
Mentor is matched to mentee
in a supervised program
Mentoring Match
You have been matched with
GRAM_NAME]. The mentoring
program will begin on
[START_DATE]. Please go to
[PROGRAM_NAME] to view
your match details and get in
contact with your mentees.
E-Mail Notifications
E-Mail Content
Mentee is matched to mentor
Mentoring Match
You have been matched with
GRAM_NAME]. The mentoring
program will begin on
[START_DATE]. Please go to
[PROGRAM_NAME] to view
your match details and get in
contact with your mentor.
Mentee requests mentor
Mentoring Match Approval Re­ Dear [MENTOR_NAME],
Thank you for agreeing to par­
ticipate in [PRO­
GRAM_NAME]. The following
mentees will be matched with
you after your approval:
[MENTEE_LIST]. Please go to
prove or decline the requests.
Mentor declines request
Match Request Declined
Your request to be matched
with [MENTOR_NAME] in
[PROGRAM_NAME] has been
[MENTOR_NAME] shared the
following reason with you:
To request for a new mentor,
please go to [PRO­
E-Mail Notifications
E-Mail Content
Auto-decline due to mentor
Match Request Declined
Your request to be matched
with [MENTOR_NAME] in
[PROGRAM_NAME] has been
declined automatically be­
cause they are no longer avail­
able. To request for a new
mentor, please go to [PRO­
Mentor becomes unavailable
You are now unavailable as a
Mentor in [PROGRAM_NAME]
Your status in [PRO­
GRAM_NAME] has been set to
unavailable until
[START_DATE]. This means
you cannot be searched or se­
lected as a mentor in the men­
toring program during this pe­
To make changes to your avail­
ability status or dates, go to
the [PROGRAM_NAME] page.
Mentor becomes unavailable
Your mentor is unavailable
Your mentor [MEN­
TOR_NAME] is unavailable in
BLE_END_DATE]. To request
for a new mentor, please go to
E-Mail Notifications
E-Mail Content
Pending mentee
Mentee sent a request to a
The mentor you requested is
The mentor [MENTOR_NAME]
The mentor becomes unavail­
is unavailable in [PLAIN_PRO­
GRAM_NAME] until [MEN­
BLE_END_DATE]. To request
for a new mentor, please go to
Mentor becomes available
You are now available as a
Mentor in [PROGRAM_NAME]
Your status in [PRO­
GRAM_NAME] has been set to
available. This means you may
be selected as a mentor.
To make changes to your avail­
ability status or dates, go to
the [PROGRAM_NAME] page.
Mentor becomes available
Your mentor is available again
Your mentor [MEN­
TOR_NAME] is available again
To get in contact with your
mentor, please go to [PRO­
E-Mail Notifications
E-Mail Content
Pending mentee
Mentee sent a request to a
The mentor you requested is
available again
The mentor [MENTOR_NAME]
The mentor became unavaila­
is available again in
Please wait for the approval.
The mentor becomes availa­
To change the request, go to
ble again
Mentor will become available
You will be available as a Men­
tor tomorrow in [PRO­
This is a reminder that your
status in [PROGRAM_NAME]
will be set to available tomor­
row. This means that, starting
tomorrow, you may be se­
lected as a mentor.
To make changes to your avail­
ability status or dates, go to
the [PROGRAM_NAME] page.
Mentor will become available
in 7 days
You will be available as a Men­
tor in [PROGRAM_NAME] in 7
This is a reminder that your
status in [PROGRAM_NAME]
will be set to available in 7
To adjust your availability sta­
tus or dates, go to [PRO­
E-Mail Notifications
E-Mail Content
Mentor ends mentoring rela­
Change to your status in
[MENTOR_NAME] has chosen
to end your mentoring rela­
tionship in [PRO­
You can review the mentoring
program details in [PRO­
Mentor restarts the mentoring Change to your status in
[MENTOR_NAME] has chosen
to restart your mentoring rela­
tionship in [PRO­
You can review the mentoring
program details in [PRO­
Mentor's manager
Mentor signs up for an open
Mentor participation approval
enrollment program that re­
quires manager approval
Dear [NAME],
Your employee has applied to
be a mentor in [PRO­
GRAM_NAME]. Please click
the link below to approve or
decline their request.
[deep link URL]
Thank you, [PRO­
Mentor's manager approves
Mentor participation request
Your manager has approved
your application to be a men­
tor in [PROGRAM_NAME]. You
will receive an email when you
have been matched with a
Thank you, [PRO­
E-Mail Notifications
Mentor's manager declines re­ Mentor participation request
quest to participate
E-Mail Content
Your manager has declined
your application to be a men­
tor in [PROGRAM_NAME].
Please speak with your man­
ager to determine how to pro­
Thank you, [PRO­
Mentoring admin or program
Mentor participation request
owner approves mentor's re­
quest to participate in an open
Your application to be a men­
tor in [PROGRAM_NAME] has
enrollment program that re­
been approved. You will re­
quires their approval
ceive an email when you have
been matched with a mentee.
Thank you, [PRO­
Mentoring admin or program
Mentor participation request
owner declines mentor's re­
quest to participate in an open
enrollment program that re­
quires their approval
Your application to be a men­
tor in [PROGRAM_NAME] has
been declined [with the follow­
ing message:] [ADMIN_DE­
sign up again in the future.
[You may amend your applica­
tion as described.]
Thank you, [PRO­
E-Mail Notifications
E-Mail Content
Mentoring admin removes the
mentee's match to a mentor
Change to your status in
The administrator for [PRO­
GRAM_NAME] has removed
the match to your mentor
[MENTOR_NAME]. If you are
not notified of a new match
within a short time, please
contact your Mentoring Pro­
gram Administrator.
You can review the mentoring
program sign up details in
Mentoring program admin
Fails to add mentoring pro­
gram owners as Jam group
Automatic Jam Group Config­
uration Failed
Mentoring Program Adminis­
Unfortunately, the process to
make program owners into
Group Admins for the Mentor­
ing Program [PRO­
GRAM_NAME] has failed for
the users: [USER_NAME].
add these users and make
them admins from the Jam
Mentoring program admin
Fails to set the image as the
Jam group profile image
Automatic Jam Group Config­
uration Failed
Mentoring Program Adminis­
Unfortunately, the process to
make the image for [PRO­
GRAM_NAME] into the Jam
Group Profile Image has failed.
upload the image from the
Jam Group.
Mentoring program admin
Fails to invite users to the Jam
Jam Group Invitation Failed for It looks like the automatic invi­
Mentoring Program: [PRO­
tation for [USER_NAME] to
the Jam Group for Mentoring
has failed. Please click
vite these users now.
E-Mail Notifications
10 Data Protection and Privacy
10.1 Centralized Data Protection and Privacy
Data protection and privacy features work best when implemented suite-wide, and not product-by-product. For this
reason, they are documented centrally.
The Setting Up and Using Data Protection and Privacy guide provides instructions for setting up and using data
protection and privacy features throughout the SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite. Please refer to the central guide
for details.
 Note
SAP SuccessFactors values data protection as essential and is fully committed to help customers complying
with applicable regulations – including the requirements imposed by the General Data Protection Regulation
By delivering features and functionalities that are designed to strengthen data protection and security
customers get valuable support in their compliance efforts. However it remains customer’s responsibility to
evaluate legal requirements and implement, configure and use the features provided by SAP SuccessFactors in
compliance with all applicable regulations.
Related Information
Setting Up and Using Data Protection and Privacy
Data Protection and Privacy
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