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SEE PROFILE 2014 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 24-25 November 2014, Bali, Indonesia Development of Battery Management System for Cell Monitoring and Protection Irsyad Nashirul Haq#1, Edi Leksono*2, Muhammad Iqbal*3, FX Nugroho Soelami*4, Nugraha*5, Deddy Kurniadi*6, Brian Yuliarto*7 # Doctorate Student at Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia 1 * Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia 2,,,, 6, Abstract— Battery has an important role as energy storage in electricity system utilization such as in electric vehicle and in smart microgrid system. Battery Management System (BMS) is needed to treat the dynamics of energy storage process in the battery in order to improve the performance and extend the life time of battery. In this paper, BMS cell monitoring and protection has been designed and tested for Lithium Ferro Phosphate (LFP) battery cells. The BMS cell monitoring function has been able to measure the battery parameters such as the voltage and current dynamics of each cell. The data taken from the BMS cell monitoring experiment is used to estimate the state of charge (SOC) of battery which is based on coulomb counting with coulomb efficiency ratios. The BMS cell monitoring function has successfully demonstrated the presence of unbalanced cell voltages during both processes of charging and discharging as well. From the analysis, the existence of capacity and energy fades was also investigated for every discharging and charging cycles. Based on the BMS cell protection experiment results, overcharged and over discharged protections have successfully been demonstrated for the battery cells. The charging process is disabled when the voltage of the corresponding battery cell exceeds its high limit (HLIM) at 3.65V, and the battery will be available for charging when all of the cell voltages are below their boundary limits (CAVL) at 3.3V. The discharging process will be disabled when the battery cell voltage is lower than the corresponding low limit (LLIM) at 2.5 V. The battery will be available again when all battery cell voltages are above their discharge available (DAVL) voltage at 2.8V. The proposed BMS cell monitoring and protection has shown its function as a data acquisition system, safety protection, ability to determine and predict the state of charge of the battery, and ability to control the battery charging and discharging. Keywords— Monitoring, Counting Battery Management System (BMS), Cell Cell Protection, SOC Estimation, Coulomb I. INTRODUCTION Battery has an important role as energy storage in electricity system utilization, such as portable electronic devices, electric vehicle, and in renewable energy power plant such as in smart microgrid system. Battery with good performance would provide optimal support for the operation of the corresponding system. Battery useful life will be longer if the battery operation is maintained in safety operating area (SOA), either when the battery is charged or discharged. Improper charging and discharging processes could decrease the performance and shorten the battery useful life. Battery Management System (BMS) is needed to treat the dynamics of energy storage process in the battery in order to improve the performance and extend the life of battery. BMS has two operational aspects: monitoring and control. Monitoring aspect cannot be separated from the control aspect. To run proper control of battery charging and discharging processes, a fast, precise and accurate monitoring system is required [1]. An ideal BMS will be energy efficient with low power consumption in achieving the full capacity of battery. The BMS ensures that the battery will not damage due to overcharging, over discharging or over load power consumption [2]. The BMS will examine the operational parameters of the battery e.g. voltage, current, the internal temperature during charging and discharging and estimate the battery state e.g. state of charge (SOC) and state of health (SOH). A BMS which flexible enough to protect different types of batteries and can provide all the safety features, has been a recent topic of development and research in electric vehicle and alternative energy systems [3]. As described in [2], a comprehensive BMS should include functions for data acquisition, safety protection, ability to determine and predict the state of the battery, ability to control battery charging and discharging, cell balancing, thermal management, delivery of battery status and the authentication to a user interface, communication with all BMS components and the most important thing is to prolong battery life. The model of battery is needed to relate the input current rate and its SOC estimation, whereby the coulomb counting methods can be ideal for this purpose. One of SOC estimation algorithm which is based on coulomb counting and taking into account the coulomb efficiency for monitoring system in discrete time, can be expressed as in Equation (1) [4] [5]. 978-1-4799-8478-7/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 203 SOC k = SOC k −1 + η i ik −1Δt Cn (1) where k is time variable, and η i is coulombic efficiency of battery during charging and discharging. This factor describes the ratio between the consumed over its corresponding available electrons in charging or discharging processes. This ratio is assumed to be 0.992 during charging period and 1.0 during discharging period [5]. II. BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT A. BMS Specification In this paper, the BMS is designed on a modular basis which consists of two main sections, which are called the Local and Central Module respectively. Local Module has the function as data acquisition device that measures the amount of voltage, current and temperature of the battery and for the implementation of the control algorithms for battery cell protection. Central Module is the main controller for data logging where the collected data will be used to estimate the battery SOC. Central Module also has a communication interface of serial USB and TCP/IP to transfer the monitored data to and from Local Module. This initial version of BMS is designed for 12 volt battery module nominal voltage which consists of 4 battery cells, where in the further work this configuration will be scaled up. In Figure 1, the schematic diagram of the BMS for cell monitoring and protection is illustrated. Meanwhile, Figure 2 shows the algorithm for BMS cell protection. installed on cell board. The communication between Local and Central Module use USB serial and TCP / IP as well. The Central Module can be connected directly to an HDMI display and it is also possible to access the display unit via remote desktop communication protocol as user interface. To get the actual voltage value in ADC measurement system, the calibrated relationships for each ADC channel are y = 4.5577x, y = 4.5514x, y = 4.5956x and y = 4.7265x, where y is the actual value of voltage and x is bit value of the ADC. Meanwhile, for the bi-directional current measurement, the calibrated relationship is y = -0.0489x + 24.743, where y is current value in Ampere and x is the bits value of ADC measurement. Because the temperature measurement uses a digital onewire communication sensor, the actual value of the temperature can directly be obtained in Celcius value for each Local Module. Meanwhile, in Local Module, the sampling rate of the data acquisition system is set at 5 seconds, where at each sampling time interval there are 25 measurement data that are filtered using Equation (2). _ y= ∑ k = 25 yk (2) 25 _ where y represents filtered monitoring data from 25 measurement in Local Module. And to measure the current rate It , Equation (3) is presented as per IEC 61434 standard[1]: It = Cn (3) 1h where Cn represents battery reference capacity in (Ah) with 1 hour rate. Because the BMS is based on digital data acquisition, this paper also proposes SOC estimation of battery based on discrete time function of current rate It , and sampling time of data acquisition τ r in BMS, such that the corresponding SOC estimation can be represented as (4). SOCk = SOCk −1 + ηi I t ( k )τ r (4) where I t (k ) is the current rate value implemented to the battery at sampling rate of data acquisition of τr hour. I t (k ) has negative value in discharging period, and has the positive value during its charging period. Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of BMS Cell Monitoring & Protection The design specification of the BMS cell monitoring and protection can be explained as follows. The Local Module is implemented using Xboard microcontroller with 10 bit ADC, the Central Module is implemented using Raspberry pie Rev. B microprocessor, the current sensor is realized using bidirectional ACS512-20A, while the temperature sensor is designed using onewire DS18B20 and LM324 which are For the battery cell protection algorithm, as Figure 2, there are 4 boundary limits where it uses to protect each of battery cell so that the battery operation will remains in SOA. The SOA boundary values for the proposed BMS are high limit values (HLIM) in order to avoid overcharged voltage at 3.65 V and low limit values (LLIM) to prevent over discharged at 2.5 V, such that the operating cell voltage values should be higher than that of the cut-off voltages of the corresponding battery cell. 204 Four battery cells have been used and are set up in series connection so that the battery module has its nominal voltage of 12.8V as shown in Fig 3. Each battery cell is equipped with the proposed BMS cell monitoring board that measures the voltage, and in addition it is also completed with bidirectional current sensor for discharging / charging current rate measurement. B. BMS Experiment Setup The lithium battery charger, batteries, and load are connected in parallel circuit. Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram while Figure 3 shows the BMS experiment setup. The lithium battery charger used in this experiment is GW Dual Tracking GPC-3030 power supply, and a dummy load is used for constant current process. The experiment that has been conducted uses constant current 0.05 It for charging and discharging process. Fig. 2 Cell Protection Algorithm The Charge available value (CAVL) at 3.3 V can indicate the battery standby voltage when the battery is not in use or in rest time, and the discharge available value (DAVL) at 2.8 Volts can indicate the minimum voltage that battery can be discharged. The detailed experiment steps are described as follows. Firstly, the battery cells are electrified until fully charged with current rate 0.05 It until all battery cells get their balanced voltages and waiting for 30 minutes of rest time so that all the cells reach 3.33 V. After the rest time, the battery cells are discharged with current rate 0.05 It until one of the battery cell hits the cut off voltage of 2.2 V., which indicates that the batteries is fully discharged at its normal capacity. The experiment was conducted for 3 cycles of charging and discharging with 30 minutes rest time for every period. The measured dynamic voltage and load current data are monitored using the proposed BMS cell monitoring and log the data in Central Module or PC using serial USB data communication. III. BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TESTING A. Battery Specification The battery used in this work is Lithium Ferro Phosphate (LFP) type with nominal voltage of 3.2 V and nominal capacity of 30Ah. The recommended rest time after charging or discharging is over 10 minutes, and the other characteristics are shown in Table I. TABLE I LFP BATTERY CELL CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Manufacturer Model Nominal capacity Nominal voltage Charging Voltage Charging Method Discharge Cut-off Voltage Maximum charging current Maximum discharge current / peak Operating temperature (charge) Operating temperature (discharge) Case/Tube material Weight Value Lyno Power LYS4882160S 30.000 mAh 3.2 V 3.65 V CC/CV 2.2 V 0.5 C 3 C / 20 C 0 - 45 oC (-20) - 60 oC SUS/ PVC 1.175 gram Fig. 3 BMS cell monitoring & protection experiment setup IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A. BMS Cell Monitoring Figure 4 and 5 show the discharge characteristics of the battery cell voltage as a function of its discharge capacity when the current rate is 0.05 It. 205 From Figure 4, we observed that every battery cell has nearly linear voltage to discharge capacity relationship when the voltage of the battery cell is around 3.3 to 3.4 V, but outside that range, the relationship is highly non-linear. Based on Figure 4, the BMS has been able to detect any voltage difference for every battery cell. There is one battery cell discharged faster compared to the others, where it can be seen by its voltage that decreases faster than the others when it is about to reach its normal capacity. After the experiment for the discharging period is done, the battery is left for 30 minutes of rest time. Then, the charging process experiment was done by providing 0.05 current rates, where Figure 6 shows the dynamic voltage of battery cell characteristics as a function of charge capacity. Based on the experimental data and analysis that have been conducted from the first charging period, the charged capacity of battery is 29.46 Ah when it stops. The SOC estimation relationship for each cell voltage dynamics can be seen in Figure 7. Fig. 4 Discharging cells voltage (V) as a function of discharge capacity (Ah) Fig. 6 Charging cells voltage (V) as a function of charge capacity (Ah) It also was found that battery cell 3 was earlier reaches its cut-off voltage at 2.2 volt as per Table IV (Vfinal), which means the end point for the discharge capacity. From the experimental data and analysis, battery cell 3 empties faster than the others and then stops the discharging period when it reached 28.28 Ah capacity. This means that 1.72 Ah capacity fade in battery was already happened when the experiment was conducted. The SOC estimation in Figure 7 is done using Equation (6) with columbic efficiency of 95.98% for charging period based on data obtained from the ratio of discharging and charging in the first cycles. It can be seen that the charging process for every battery cell has different effect, and it was also known that battery cell 4 was the most rapidly affected by the charging process and reach high limit voltage at 3.65 V as per Table IV (Vfinal). Fig. 5 Discharging cells voltage (V) as a function of State of Charge (%) Fig. 7 Charging cells voltage (V) as a function of State of Charge (%) The SOC estimation in Figure 5 is done using Equation (4) with columbic efficiency of 1 for discharging period. As we can see in Figure 5, the discharging process was stop when SOC reach 5.73%, because there is one battery has reached its cut-off voltage, so that the discharging process is stopped to prevent over discharge. The experiment was continued for cycles 2 and 3 by the same mechanism as in cycle 1. The detailed monitoring data and analytical results for each cycle can be seen from Table II - V, and Figure 8 illustrates the discharge/charge efficiency for each cycle. 206 TABLE II BATTERY CELL 1 MONITORING DATA Period Vi Vf ΔV C(Ah) E(Wh) Discharge 1 3.34 2.92 0.42 -28.28 -92.00 Charge 1 3.00 3.46 -0.46 29.46 98.02 Discharge 2 3.34 2.90 0.44 -27.93 -90.83 Charge 2 2.98 3.45 -0.47 29.43 97.86 Discharge 3 3.34 2.88 0.46 -27.76 -90.26 Charge 3 2.96 3.43 -0.47 29.38 97.67 TABLE III BATTERY CELL 2 MONITORING DATA Period Fig. 8 Battery Cell Efficiency as a function of Cycles (Discharge/Charge) Vi Vf ΔV C(Ah) E(Wh) Discharge 1 3.35 2.94 0.41 -28.28 -92.38 Charge 1 3.04 3.48 -0.44 29.46 98.14 Discharge 2 3.34 2.95 0.39 -27.93 -91.26 Charge 2 3.02 3.46 -0.44 29.43 98.00 Discharge 3 3.34 2.95 0.39 -27.76 -90.72 Charge 3 3.02 3.45 -0.43 29.38 97.83 B. BMS Cell Protection The BMS cell protection experiments and testing that are performed during the charging and discharging of the battery are to see the dynamics of the overcharged and over discharged. During the charging process, the boundary values are HLIM and CAVL that are designed to enable or disable the charger, and during the discharging process, the DAVL and LLIM are designed to enable or disable the discharging process. The charging process or the charger relay connection is enable when the status is 1, and disable when the status is 0. The discharging process or load relay connection is enable when the status is 0, and disable when the status is 1. TABLE IV BATTERY CELL 3 MONITORING DATA Period Discharge 1 Vi Vf ΔV C(Ah) E(Wh) 3.36 2.20 1.16 -28.28 -91.78 Charge 1 2.74 3.52 -0.78 29.46 97.72 Discharge 2 3.33 2.20 1.13 -27.93 -90.81 Charge 2 2.71 3.48 -0.77 29.43 97.58 Discharge 3 3.34 2.20 1.14 -27.76 -90.30 Charge 3 2.69 3.46 -0.77 29.38 97.50 TABLE V BATTERY CELL 4 MONITORING DATA Period Vi Vf Discharge 1 3.34 Charge 1 2.86 Discharge 2 ΔV C(Ah) E(Wh) 2.73 0.61 -28.28 -91.41 3.65 -0.79 29.46 97.72 3.34 2.78 0.56 -27.93 -90.38 Charge 2 2.87 3.65 -0.78 29.43 97.64 Discharge 3 3.34 2.81 0.53 -27.76 -89.89 Fig. 9 Cells protection process at HLIM and CAVL Charge 3 2.89 3.65 -0.76 29.38 97.50 The charging experiment was performed during 25000 second. The overall HLIM and CAVL for the battery cell protection in charging process can be seen in Figure 9. The test mechanism for HLIM has been successfully performed for overcharged protection for each cell. From Figure 10 we known that battery cell 4 is the one which triggered the protection, it occurred when battery cell 4 voltage exceeded 3.65V at 3355 second, and it triggered the relay or charging status to become disable, so the charging stopped. The charging process to the battery cell will be available when all of the cell voltages are below their boundary CAVL of 3.3V, and as shown in Figure 11, the CAVL mechanism has successfully been performed during the charging experiment that was conducted in the time interval of 23490 second. From Figure 8 that shows discharging/charging efficiency, it is clear that each cell had different efficiency, and we can see that there are energy fade for every cycle they experience. And from analytical results, the coulomb efficiencies (nC) that were obtained for each cycle are 95.98%, 94.88% and 94.47% respectively. This means that for every cycles of experiment was performed, the battery cell experience the same amount of capacity fades. Combining analytical results from energy and capacity fade are very useful to estimate the State Of Health (SOH) of battery cells, which will be the future work of this research. 207 Figure 12 also shows the discharging process when all the battery cell voltages are above their DAVL boundary limit of 2.8 V, where the discharging can be enable again, and from the experiment result, it occurred at 365 second. V. CONCLUSIONS The BMS cell monitoring and protection has been designed and tested for LFP battery cells. The BMS cell monitoring function has been able to measure the battery parameters such as the voltage dynamics of each cell. The data from the BMS cell monitoring experiment has been used to estimate the SOC of battery based on coulomb counting with coulomb efficiency ratios. The BMS cell monitoring function has successfully demonstrated the presence of unbalanced cell voltage both during charging as well as discharging processes. From analysis, the existence of capacity and energy fades were also investigated for every discharge and charge cycles. Based on experiment results, the BMS cell protection mechanisms for HLIM, CAVL, LLIM and DAVL have successfully been performed for overcharging and over discharging protection of each cell. The charging process will be disabled when the voltage of battery cell 4 exceeds its HLIM 3.65 V, and it will be available for charging or discharging when all of the cell voltages are below the CAVL boundary of 3.3V. The discharging process will be disabled when the battery cell 3 voltage value is lower than the LLIM at 2.5 V and the battery will be available again when all of the battery cell voltages are above DAVL at 2.8 V. Fig. 10 Cells protection process at HLIM (detailed) The proposed BMS cell monitoring and protection has proven its function as a data acquisition system, safety protection, determination and prediction the state of charge (SOC) of the battery, and the ability to control the battery charging and discharging. The future work for this research will be the implementation of SOC and SOH estimation algorithm directly in Central Module, and as a solution for the existence of unbalance voltage on each cell, the active cell balancing control algorithm will also be implemented. Fig. 11 Cells protection process at CAVL (detailed) ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work is fully supported by the Program Bantuan Dana Riset Inovatif-Produktif (RISPRO) which is funded by the Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP), Republic of Indonesia, and as a part of MOLINA ITB – SPE research. REFERENCES Fig. 12 Cells protection process at LLIM and DAVL The over discharged protection mechanism for each cell is limited by LLIM and DAVL boundary voltages during discharging experiment that was conducted in 500 second as seen in Figure 12. The cell protection mechanisms test for LLIM has successfully been performed for over discharged protection for each cell when the battery cell 3 triggers the protection. It was occurred when the battery cell 3 voltage value was lower than 2.5 V at 280 second, and it triggered the relay or discharging status to become disable. This also means that the battery cell 3 was depleted faster than the others and the one that must be protected first for over discharged. [1] E. Leksono, I. N. Haq, M. Iqbal, F. X. N. Soelami, and I. G. N. Merthayasa, “State of charge (SoC) estimation on LiFePO4 battery module using Coulomb counting methods with modified Peukert,” 2013 Jt. Int. Conf. Rural Inf. Commun. Technol. Electr. Technol. 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