Begin with the slideshow: Ask students to do a five minute quick-write that has them reflect on their own relationship with social media. After their initial response, show them the second slide that has some of the headlines from the articles they may choose to read. Ask them to react to one or more of the headlines as an addition to their quickwrite. Give them another two or three minutes. After they have finished writing: Ask students to read over their response and underline two or three places where they could add detail to their response. Then, instruct them to jot down the details or examples they could add in the margins or at the end of their response. (This part is optional, but it is an activity I do often with my students to get them to practice reflective revision. They may never re-write the response, but at least this process teaches them to reflect on ways they could improve their writing). ASSIGNMENT: Show the videos and have a class discussion based on their reaction to them. Next, ask students to read at least two of the articles below. You can give them access to all of them and have them choose, or assign two of them. LINKS TO ARTICLES: HTTPS://WWW.NYTIMES.COM/2017/06/07/WELL/FAMILY/THE-SECRET-SOCIAL-MEDIA-LIVES-OFTEENAGERS.HTML?MCUBZ=3 HTTPS://WWW.WIRED.COM/2016/08/HOW-TEENS-USE-SOCIAL-MEDIA/ HTTP://TIME.COM/3099103/FEMINIST-SELFIES-UGLYFEMINISTS-IWOKEUPLIKEDIS/ HTTP://TIME.COM/AMERICANGIRLS/ VIDEOS: h"ps:// h"ps:// TASK ONE: Are you addicted to social media? Could you live without it? Why or why not? Do a five-minute quick-write that explains your relationship with your phone and the various things it can connect to. TASK TWO: Read over your response. Highlight one sentence that presents an idea that could be further developed. Could you add another example? A specific detail? An anecdote to illustrate? Experiment with ways you could develop your response. You don’t need to re-write, just jot down some ideas at this point. TASK THREE: You will write a response to the question: How has social media change our lives? IN your response you will use at least two direct quotations from the text we read to back up your own points. PRE_WRITING: Read the assigned articles and complete the following for each: 1. Underline at least four quotes from the article that you agree or disagree with. 2. In your notes, record why you agree or disagree with the quotation. 3. Repeat for the second article. 4. Read over your notes and decide what you would like to focus on for a written response to the above question. You will need to consider the ideas presented by the authors before you give your own response. You do not need to respond to everything in the articles; instead, you will zero in on an issue that resonates with you. You will, however, need to use two of the quotes from your notes in your response. Social Media Notes & Response Criteria /15 Notes are completed as instructed /5 Response has clear, engaging opening /2 Ideas are fully developed with examples/details /2 Two quotaOons are effecOvely used to back up points /2 QuotaOons are embedded & cited properly /2 The response has a clear, engaging closing /2 Social Media Notes & Response Criteria /15 Notes are completed as instructed /5 Response has clear, engaging opening /2 Ideas are fully developed with examples/details /2 Two quotaOons are effecOvely used to back up points /2 QuotaOons are embedded & cited properly /2 The response has a clear, engaging closing /2