MUNICIPALITY OF PIODURAN Pioduran, Albay AGENCY ACTION PLAN and STATUS of IMPLEMENTATION Audit Observations and Recommendations For the Calendar Year 2013 As of December 31, 2013 Ref Audit Observations Audit Recommendations AAR 2013 page 17 Complete bank Reconciliation Statements (BRS) on the agency’s ten current bank accounts were not submitted to the Auditor for verification due to the failure of the Municipal Accountant to prepare the same as required in Sec. 74 of PD 1445 and Sections 3.2 and 3.4 of COA Circular No. 96-011 dated October 2, 1996, thus, the correctness of the reported Cash in Bank balance as of We recommend that the Municipal Accountant coordinate with the Depository Bank for the prompt delivery of the monthly bank statements with the supporting documents, but in cases where the bank statements are not yet available, secure snapshot copy of the bank transactions to facilitate the timely recognition of the agency’s bank accounts; prepare and submit to the Auditor, for verification, al the unsubmitted monthly Bank Reconciliation Statements for CY 2013 and effect adjusting/correcting entries, Action Plan Agency Action Plan Target Person/Dept. Implementation Date Responsible From To Status of Implementa tion Reason for Partial/Delay/Non -Implementation, if applicable Action Taken/Action to be Taken December 31, 2013 amounting to P 17,216,409.33 could not be immediately verified. AAR 2013 page 20 Cash advances for travel totaling P 101,300.00 were granted by the LGU to 23 teachers who are non-LGU employees and without the required authority to travel from the DepEd Regional Director, Region V contrary to Section 4(6) of PD 1445 and Section 3.1.1 of COA Circular No. 96-004 dated April 19, 1996, thus casting doubts on the validity of the payments made. if any, on noted discrepancies/errors or other reconciling items requiring corrections in order to reflect the correct balance of the cash account in the financial statements; and strictly comply with the timeline on the submission of Bank Reconciliation Statements to the Auditor. We recommend that Management require the concerned teachers to secure authority to travel from the DepEd Regional Director, Region V for their travels to Mt. Makiling, Los Baños, Laguna on April 714, 2013 and to Baguio City on April 9-12, 2013 as well as certification from the DepEd Division Office/Regional Office Accountant that similar claims for travel expenses and registration fees had not been paid by said Office/s and submit the same to the Municipal Accountant to avoid suspensions and/or disallowances in audit; and stop the practice of granting cash advances to AAR 2013 page 21 The Real Property tax and Special Education Tax Receivables set up at the beginning of CY 2013 amounting to P 1,079,139.00 and P 1,079,139.00, respectively were unrealistic since they were based on mere estimates and not on actual receivables from said taxes due to the failure of the Municipal Treasurer to furnish the Municipal Accountant with a certified updated list or summary of taxpayers and the amount of real property tax due and collectible for the year as required in Sections 19(b) and 20 of the Manual on the New Government Accounting System non-permanent/non-LGU employees to protect government funds against risk of loss or wastage due to unauthorized expenditures. We recommended that the Municipal Treasurer, in coordination with the Municipal Assessor, prepare and furnish the Chief Accountant with a duly certified list showing the name of the taxpayers and the amount of real property tax due and collectible for the year; and the Chief Accountant take up at the beginning of the year, the Real Property Tax/Special Education Tax Receivables and the corresponding Deferred Real Property Tax/Special Education Tax Income based on the list furnished by the Municipal Treasurer as required in Section 19 and 20 of the Manual on NGAS for LGUs, Vol. I. Henceforth, discontinue the practice of setting up said receivables based on estimates. AAR 2013 page 23 for Local Government Units (LGUs), Volume I, thus, evaluation of the collection efficiency could not be made. The validity of the reported balances of the agency’s various Property, Plant & Equipment (PPE) accounts as of December 31, 2013 totaling P 60,765,938.30 or 69.33 percent of the total assets of P 87,645,364.56 could not be ascertained due to the continuous failure of the agency to conduct physical inventory of its properties as required in Section 124 of the Manual on NGAS for LGUs, Vol. I, thereby casting doubts on the validity of the reported year-end account balances. Likewise, the agency did not maintain Property Cards as required in Section 114 of the same We recommended that Management create an inventory team, cause the conduct of physical inventory of the agency’s properties and require the inventory team to prepare and submit the Report of Physical Count of Property, Plant and Equipment (RPCPPE) in the prescribed form as shown in Annex 49 of the NGAS Manual for LGUs, Volume II, not later than January 31 of each year to the Auditor; instruct the inventory team to reconcile the RPCPPE with other property and accounting records and any discrepancies between the physical and book inventories must be investigated, cleared and reconciled immediately; instruct the inventory team to identify/list those properties which are obsolete/unserviceable, submit the report/list to the AAR 2013 page 26 Manual, thus casting doubts on the integrity of property custodianship and the reliability of balances as reported in the year-end financial statements. Accounting Department for the latter to reclassify them to the Other Assets account; cause the disposal of obsolete/unserviceable properties; instruct/require the Municipal Treasurer/Property Officer to maintain complete and up-to-date Property Cards for property, plant and equipment in accordance with the form prescribed in Annex 37 of the NGAS Manual for LGUs, Volume II and/or designate a Property Officer to account for the receipt and disposition of the same; and instruct/require the Municipal Accountant and the Municipal Treasurer/designated Property Officer to record and keep track of all movements in the PPE and conduct periodic reconciliation of the accounting and property records. The agency did not have an approved Annual Procurement Plan (APP) for CY We recommended that Management cause the streamlining of all procurement 2013 due to the failure of the BAC/BAC Secretariat to prepare and submit the same for approval of the Local Chief Executive as required in Sections 7.2 and 7.3.4 of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA No. 9184, thus, verification as to whether all completed procurement projects for CY 2013 were within the approved budget of the LGU could not be made immediately. AAR 2013 page 28 Copy of contracts and the supporting documents on procurement of infrastructure projects that were implemented by LGUPioduran from processes/procedures by lodging all procurement activities with the Bids and Awards Committee to conform with RA No. 9184 and its Revised IRR-A; require all end-user units to prepare and submit their respective PPMPs to the Budget Officer and the latter to evaluate the same for possible inclusion in the LGUs procurement budget for the year; and require the BAC Chairman, through the BAC Secretariat to prepare and submit the Annual Procurement Plan (APP) of the agency based from the submitted PPMPs and thereafter to prepare and submit the same every year as required in Section 7.3.4.of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations, Part A (IRRA) of RA No. 9184. We recommended that Management strictly furnish the Auditor with copy/ies of all contracts and the complete supporting documents on procurement projects as required in Section 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 of AAR 2013 page 31 January to June 2013 valued at P7,378,044.91 were not furnished the Auditor as required in COA Circular No. 2009-001 dated February 12, 2009, thus, the required auditorial and technical review of said contracts was not undertaken. Warranty security against structural defects/failures was not posted by concerned contractors from final acceptance by the LGU of completed infrastructure projects for CY 2013 valued at P8,666,370.94 due to the failure of concerned LGU officials to enforce Sections 62.2.3 to of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), Part A of RA No. 9184, thus, the LGU was not adequately protected COA Circular No. 2009-001 dated Feb. 12, 2009 and thereafter to strictly comply with the timeline on the submission of said contracts to the Auditor. We recommended that Management require the concerned contractors of the completed infrastructure projects valued at P8,666,370.94 to post warranty security as required in Section 62.2.3 of the Revised IRR-A of RA No. 9184 in the form and amount prescribed under Section thereof; and refrain from effecting final payment on completed and accepted infrastructure projects that are not supported with the required warranty security to avoid suspension and/or disallowance in audit. AAR 2013 page 32 against the risk that structural defects/failures occurring within the warranty period shall be corrected by the contractor. The Reports of Checks Issued/Reports of Disbursements as well as Reports of Collections and Deposits together with the paid disbursement vouchers/liquidation reports, receipts and their supporting documents were not submitted to the Auditor as required in Section 100 of PD 1445 and Section 7.2.1.a of COA Circular No. 2009006 dated September 15, 2009 due to the failure of the Municipal Accountant to observe the timeline on the submission of the reports, thus, precluding the audit team from conducting We recommended that the Municipal Accountant strictly observe and comply with the prescribed timeline on the submission of accounts to the Auditor as required in Section100 of PD 1445 and Section 7.2.1.a of COA Circular No. 2009-006 dated September 15, 2009. AAR 2013 page 33 AAR 2013 page 35 timely audit of the same. The agency’s monthly trial balances and quarterly financial statements for Calendar Year 2013 were not submitted to the Auditor within the timelines prescribed in Sections 70 and 73 of the Manual on the New Government Accounting System (NGAS) for Local Government Units, Vol. I, thus precluding the timely review and verification of the correctness of accounts’ balances as of the given financial statements’ date. The municipality failed to submit the Gender and Development (GAD) Plan and Budget for CY 2013 and the accomplishment report thereon as of December 31, 2013, contrary to DILG/DBM Joint Memorandum We recommended that the Municipal Accountant strictly comply with the timeline on the submission of the agency’s trial balances and financial statements as required in Sections 70 and 73 of the Manual on NGAS, for Local Government Units, Vol. I. We recommended that management cause the submission of the GAD Plan and Budget for CY 2013 and the GAD Accomplishment Report as of December 31, 2013 and thereafter, to strictly comply with the preparation and submission of said reports. Circular No. 2001-1 and DBM/NEDA/NCRFW Joint Circular No. 2004-1, thus, evaluation of the accomplishments during the year vis-àvis the planned programs, projects and activities and the allocated budget could not be made. AAR 2013 page 36 The Monthly Reports of Accountability for Accountable Forms (RAAF) for CY 2013 and the Consolidated Report of Accountability for Accountable Forms (CRAAF) for the months of April to December 31, 2013 were not submitted to the Auditor by the individual collecting officers and Municipal Treasurer, respectively, as required in Sections 50 and 51 of the Manual on NGAS for LGUs, Vol. II, thus, the correctness of We recommended that the Municipal Treasurer require all concerned accountable/collecting officers to prepare and submit the Monthly Reports of Accountability for Accountable Forms (Appendix 42) for Calendar Year 2013, and thereafter, to regularly and promptly submit said report as required in Section 50 of the Manual on NGAS for LGUs, Vol. II, and the Municipal Treasurer prepare and submit to the Auditor the Consolidated Monthly Report of Accountability for Accountable Forms (CRAAF) based from the AAR 2013 page 38 accountable forms handled, issued and the ending balances, if any, could not be immediately verified. Monthly RAAF submitted by the Collecting Officers and submit the same to the Auditor as required in Section 51 of the Manual on NGAS for LGUs, Vol. II; and thereafter, strictly comply with the timeline on the submission of the subject reports. The Monthly Reports of Official Travels and Fuel Consumption were not being submitted to the Auditor as required under Section V (1) of COA Circular No. 756 dated Nov. 7, 1975 and COA Circular No. 77-61 dated Sept. 26, 1977 due to the failure of the personnel-in-charge to cause the preparation and submission of said reports, thus, the validity of all travels undertaken as well as the reasonableness of fuel consumption for the year could not be readily ascertained. We recommended that Management should require/instruct all Drivers concerned to prepare and submit the Monthly Report of Official Travels and Fuel Consumption at the end of each month for each vehicle and the former to consolidate and submit the same to the Auditor as required under existing regulations. AAR 2013 page 49 AAR 2013 page 51 Separate registries for monitoring the appropriations, allotment and obligations incurred on the agency’s Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (LDRRMF) for CY 2012 were not maintained by the Budget Unit as required in Section 5.1.4 of COA Circular No. 2012-002 dated Sept. 12, 2012, thus the correctness of reported balance of the fund at any given time could not be made readily. Purchase Orders (POs) issued were not properly accomplished as required in COA Circular No. 96-010 dated August 15, 1996 due to the failure of the personnel in-charge of drawing POs to indicate the required basic information such as date and We recommended that the Budget Officer maintain separate registries for monitoring the appropriations, allotment and obligations incurred on the LDRRMF. We recommended that the personnel in-charge of drawing POs strictly comply with COA Cir. 90010 by indicating in all POs issued all the required data/information as enumerated in said circular. Likewise, the authorized canvasser/s should require the concerned suppliers or their representative/s to indicate their complete AAR 2013 page 52 place of delivery as well as delivery term, hence, liquidated damages may not be imposed in case of late delivery to the disadvantage of the agency. Similarly, the complete name of the supplier or his authorized representative and the supplier’s date of receipt of the PO was not invariably indicated, thus verifiability of the authenticity of the signatures/initials affixed thereto could not be made readily. Payments for the procurement of medicines totaling P91,501.17 were not supported with complete documents as required in Section 11 of RA No. 3720, Adm. Order No. 103, series of 2002 and DOH AO No. 43-A, s. 1999 due to the failure of the Accounting Department to check names in the PO and the date of receipt of the PO to facilitate verification and ensure the validity/authenticity of the signatures appearing in all POs. We recommended that the Municipal Accountant closely coordinate with and secure from the Bids and Awards Committee the required documents and submit the same to the Auditor to support the payments made for the procurement of drugs and medicines totaling P91,501.17. Henceforth, conduct a thorough review on the completeness of supporting documentation AAR 2013 page 53 the completeness of supporting documentation before effecting payments, hence, there is no reasonable assurance that medicines procured were obtained from authorized sources, authentic, safe and effective for consumption by the concerned constituents of the municipality. Index of Payments (IP) to employees, suppliers and other agency creditors were not maintained by the Accounting Department due to its failure to strictly comply with the requirements contained in Sec. 36 of the Manual on NGAS for Local Government Units (LGUs), Vol. II, thereby precluding verification of the complete and accurate payments before effecting any payments on valid obligations of the local government unit particularly on the procurement of drugs and medicines. We recommended that the Municipal Accountant maintain complete Index of Payments and to record therein all payments made to each supplier and other agency creditor/s based from the paid disbursement vouchers to facilitate verification of the completeness and accuracy of payments made to individual payee/s. made to each of the payee/s. AAR 2013 page 53 AAR 2013 page The agency does not have appropriate and adequate records for monitoring the appropriations, allotments, and obligations incurred due to the failure of the Budget Unit to maintain the Registries of Appropriations, Allotments and Obligations for Capital Outlay (RAAOCO), Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (RAOMO), Personal Services (RAAOPS) and Financial Expenses (RAAOFE) as required in Section 18 of the Manual on NGAS for LGUs, Vol. II and Section 2.2 of COA Circular No. 2005-002 dated Jan. 31, 2005. Comprehensive inventory of all properties amounting We recommended that the Budget Officer maintain the prescribed registries for monitoring as required in Section 18 of the Manual on NGAS for LGUs, Vol. II and Section 2.2 of COA Circular No. 2005-002 dated Jan. 31, 2005 and to record therein the agency’s appropriations, allotment and obligations. We reiterated our previous recommendation that Management, in 54 to P 25,128,603.11 was still not conducted during the year 2011, thus preparation and submission of a complete and consolidated inventory report was also not made possible as in the past years. coordination with all the department heads, should initiate the conduct of thorough and complete physical inventory of all properties and prepare the required inventory reports pursuant to existing regulations. Properties which may no longer be serviceable may be disposed by the agency in accordance with existing regulations and may drop them from the books of accounts. For those missing properties, however, management should determine the officials responsible therefor and initiate measures to recover them. Management was still unable to create an Inventory Committee to conduct a comprehensive inventory of all properties of the municipality, thus no physical counts were conducted during the year 2009 as in the previous years, contrary to Section We reiterated our previous recommendation that the management, in coordination with all the heads of each department should initiate the conduct of a thorough and complete physical inventory of all existing properties and prepare the required inventory reports to establish the validity of the balances appearing in the AAR 2013 page 56 156 of COA Circular no. 92-386, as reiterated under section 124 of the Manual on the New Government Accounting System. financial statements and to facilitate the reconciliation with the General Ledger balances pursuant to existing regulations. This would also serve as basis for possible dropping of inexistent properties in the books of accounts. Recorded receivables amounting to P554,616.77 representing carried over balances of prior years have remained outstanding and nonmoving in the books of accounts for 3 years to over six years, depriving the agency of funds that could have been used to expand its program with the other prospective beneficiaries/constitu ents. We recommended that Management review the collectibility of the nonmoving receivables for proper disposition. The Municipal Accountant and the Municipal Treasurer should exert efforts to collect these loans from the recipients to enable the LGU expand its program and provide other basic services to the constituents. Similarly, considering that the nature of the accounts do not fall under Accounts Receivable, which should be used to record the amount due from customers arising from services rendered, trading/business transactions or sale of merchandise or property, it AAR 2013 page 57 AAR 2013 page 58 Out of the total annual estimated revenue of P 700,000.00 from real property taxes consisting of P300,000.00 for the general fund and P400,000.00 for the special education fund, the Municipal Treasurer’s Office was able to generate P608,161.59 and P621,612.70 during the years 2009 and 2008, respectively, showing shortfall in the collection of taxes during the said period. Prior years’ audit disallowance amounting to P 280,000.00 remained unrecorded in the municipality’s book of should be reclassified to Other Receivable, which should be used to record the amount due from other debtors nor falling under any of the specific receivable accounts for proper account classification. We respectfully recommended that the Office of the Municipal Treasurer should devise a system to encourage taxpayers to pay their obligations to the LGU. Proper coordination with barangay officials should also be initiated to generate more income in the succeeding period of the common benefit of the municipality, province and barangays. We respectfully recommended that the Municipal Accountant should record the subject audit disallowance in the books of the LGU and AAR 2013 page 59 AAR 2013 page 59 accounts despite of its finality and settlement thereof had not yet been made by the persons liable therefor to the disadvantage of the government. The requirements in the payment of some claims were not strictly complied with by the Municipal Treasurer contrary to the pertinent provision of PD 1445, thereby resulting to delayed submission of transaction documents to the Audit Team and precluding the latter to conduct timely review of the LGUs financial transactions to determine compliance with existing government rules and regulations. Unserviceable properties of the municipality have not been reclassified to Other Assets and requested for disposal as required settlement thereof should be enforced by the Management to recover the amount spent by the government. The Municipal Accountant and the Municipal Treasurer should see to it that all the required documents are complete and approval of proper officials are complied with before payments of claims are made pursuant to the abovementioned provisions. It is recommended that appropriate action should be taken by management with regard to these unserviceable properties considering that the same could no longer be used in under pertinent the operation. provisions of the New Government Accounting System (NGAS) Manual and Government Accounting and Auditing (GAAM), thus affected property accountability and custodianship and further misstating the Property, Plant and Equipment account as of the year end. Agency sign-off: _________________________________ Name and Position of Agency Officer ____________ Date Note: Status of Implementation may either be (a) Fully Implemented, (b) Ongoing, (c) Not Implemented, (d) Partially Implemented, or (e) Delayed