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Respiratory System: Gas Transport & Hypoxia

The Respiratory System (2)
Dr Nihal AbdAllah Ibrahim, MD
Transport of Respiratory Gases by
1- Oxygen transport:
The total Oxygen carrying capacity of blood is 200
ml/L blood. This amount is carried in 2 forms:
1) Bound to Hb in the RBCs: 99% (=197ml of O2/L)
2) Dissolved in the plasma : only 1% (= 3ml of O2/L).
The Respiratory System (2). Dr Nihal
O2 and Hemoglobin
• Oxyhemoglobin (HbO2): hemoglobin-O2
• Reduced hemoglobin (HHb): hemoglobin that
has released O2
The Respiratory System (2). Dr Nihal
O2 and Hemoglobin
• Loading and unloading of O2 is facilitated by
change in shape of Hb
– As O2 binds, Hb affinity for O2 increases
– As O2 is released, Hb affinity for O2 decreases
• Fully (100%) saturated if all four heme groups
carry O2
• Partially saturated when one to three hemes
carry O2
The Respiratory System (2). Dr Nihal
The Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation
• Hemoglobin saturation plotted against PO2 is not
linear but it is an S-shaped curve.
• It shows how binding and release of O2 is influenced
by the PO2.
The Respiratory System (2). Dr Nihal
Factors affecting loading (saturation) of Hb with O2
Factors Influencing Hemoglobin Saturation
• Rate of loading and unloading of O2 is regulated by:
– PO2
– Temperature
– Blood pH
– PCO2
– Concentration of DPG
The Respiratory System (2). Dr Nihal
Factors Influencing Hemoglobin Saturation
• Decrease Hb affinity for O2 (Shift the O2-hemoglobin
dissociation curve to the right by:
Increases in : temperature, H+, PCO2, and DPG
• Decreases in these factors increase the affinity of Hb to
O2 (shift the curve to the left)
The Respiratory System (2). Dr Nihal
Decreased carbon dioxide
(PCO2 20 mm Hg) or H+ (pH 7.6)
Normal arterial
carbon dioxide
(PCO2 40 mm Hg)
or H+ (pH 7.4)
Normal body
Increased carbon dioxide
(PCO2 80 mm Hg)
or H+ (pH 7.2)
The Respiratory System (2). Dr Nihal
PO (mm Hg)
Carbon Dioxide Transport
• Normally, active body cells produce about 200ml of CO2 each
minute which is exactly the amount excreted by the lungs each
minute. CO2 is transported in 3 forms:
1- As bicarbonate ion in plasma (70%): most of CO2 entering the
plasma quickly enters the RBCs, where CO2 is transferred into
bicarbonate ions. This reaction is catalyzed by the Carbonic
Anhydrase enzyme(CA).
2- Chemically bound to Hb (23%) as “carbamino-hemoglobin” (HbCO2). The CO2 combines with the globin part of Hb (not with
iron) & therefore, it does not interfere with the O2 transport by
3- Dissolved in plasma (7%).
The Respiratory System (2). Dr Nihal
CO2 Transport
The Respiratory System (2). Dr Nihal
Pulmonary Gas Exchange
• During this process, the dark venous blood present in
the pulmonary circulation is changed to bright red
oxygenated blood & will return to the left atrium
through the 4 pulmonary veins, to be distributed by the
left ventricle through the Aorta to all parts of the body.
• The process includes passive diffusion of O2 from
alveolar air into the blood & CO2 from blood to alveolar
air due to difference in partial pressures of these gases.
The Respiratory System (2). Dr Nihal
PO2 (Oxygen pressure) in alveolar air = 100mmHg.
PO2 in pulmonary blood= 40mmHg.
PCO2 in venous blood = 46mmHg.
PCO2 in in alveolar air = 40mmHg.
So at the lungs:
O2 moves from alveoli (100mmHg) to blood (40mmHg)
CO2 moves from blood (46mmHg) to alveoli (40 mmHg)
The Respiratory System (2). Dr Nihal
Gaseous Exchange between Lung alveoli
& Blood
The Respiratory System (2). Dr Nihal
Gaseous Exchange between tissue cells &
The Respiratory System (2). Dr Nihal
Control of Respiration
The Respiratory System (2). Dr Nihal
• It is inadequate delivery of O2 to the tissues. If the
level of Hb saturation with O2 drops below 75% it
causes bluish discoloration of the skin known as
• Types:
1- Anemic Hypoxia: due to decreases RBCs count or Hb
content in blood.
2- Hypoxic Hypoxia: due to reduced pO2 in arterial blood
due to lung disease or breathing air containing low
amounts of O2.
3- Histotoxic Hypoxia: due to inability of the cells to utilize
O2 even if its amount is normal. It occurs in cyanide
4- Stagnant Hypoxia: results when blood circulation is
impaired or blocked by thrombi
The Respiratory System (2). Dr Nihal