School of Electrical Electronics and Computer Engineering Department of Computer Engineering EEA106L (Numerical Methods and Analysis Laboratory) Laboratory Report Rubric NAME OF STUDENT: DATE SUBMITTED: BONUSTRO, LOUIE DOMINE M. MAY 01, 2021 EXPERIMENT TITLE EVALUATOR: ROOTS OF NON – LINEAR FUNCTION: POLYNOMIAL FUNCTION PROF. NOEL SALALILA Poor (1) Fair (2) Good (3) Very Good (4) Excellent (5) The laboratory report is untidy, did not follow the given format, some parts are missing, most questions are not answered. The laboratory report is untidy, followed the given format, some parts are missing, most questions are not answered. The laboratory report is neat, followed the given format, some parts are missing, mostly questions are not answered. The laboratory report is neat, followed the given format, no missing parts, and only a few questions are not answered. The laboratory report is very neat, well presented, followed the given format, organized, and the required content is complete. The result, gathered data, and answers to questions were all incorrect. If data sheets are required in the experiment, they are not used. The result is correct, however, gathered data, and answers to questions were all incorrect. If data sheets are required in the experiment, data sheets are used but wrong data are used in the computation or tabulated. The result and gathered data were correct, however, answers to questions were all incorrect. If data sheets are required in the experiment, data sheets are consulted but some of the data used are wrong. The result and gathered data were all correct, and most of the answers to questions are all correct. If data sheets are required in the experiment, data sheets are consulted but with few wrong data used in the computation or tabulation. The result, gathered data, and answers to questions are all correct. If data sheets are required in the experiment, data sheets are fully consulted and correct data are used in the tabulation or computation. C. Interpretation of data and discussion The interpretation of data and discussion were not based on the result and data gathered during the experiment. The interpretation of data and discussion were based on the result and data gathered during the experiment, but does not present clarity. The interpretation of data and discussion were based on the result and data gathered during the experiment, and somehow presents clarity. The interpretation of data and discussion were based on the result and data gathered during the experiment, and mostly presents clarity. The interpretation of data and discussion were based on the result and data gathered during the experiment and are presented very clearly. D. Conclusion The conclusion was not based on the objectives and all ideas are not coherent or clear. The conclusion was based on the objectives but not all of the ideas are coherent nor clear. The conclusion was based on the objectives and few of the ideas are coherent but not too clear. The conclusion was based on the objectives and most of the ideas are coherent and clear. The conclusion was based on the objectives and all of the ideas are coherent and presented very clearly. E. Use of Language The words used were not appropriate, had poor grammar, had bad sentence construction and ideas were not clearly expressed. The words used were somehow appropriate, had good grammar, had good sentence construction and not all ideas were clearly expressed. The words used were appropriate, had good grammar, had good sentence construction and few of the ideas were clearly expressed. The words used were appropriate, had very good grammar, had very good sentence construction and almost all of the ideas were clearly expressed. The words used were appropriate, had excellent grammar, had excellent sentence construction and all of the ideas were clearly expressed. F. Promptness The laboratory report was submitted two or more weeks late. The laboratory report was submitted one week late. The laboratory report was submitted three to six days late The laboratory report was submitted one to two days late. The laboratory report was submitted on time. Criteria A. Completeness and organization of the Experiment Laboratory Report B. Correctness of the gathered data and answers to questions. Score Final Data Sheet Preliminary Data Sheet Activity 4 Roots of Non-Linear Functions: Polynomial Functions Name: Bonustro, Louie Domine M. Date: May 01, 2021 Crs/Sec: EEA106L/B6 Terminal no: Given functions: a. Polynomial Function 1: f(𝑥) = 9.34 − 21.97𝑥 + 16.3𝑥 2 -3.704𝑥 3 b. Polynomial Function 2: 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑥 3 − 0.5𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 − 2 Terminating Condition A: Er = Es < 0.00045% Terminating Condition B: Er = Es < 0.00045%