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Nervous System Flashcards: CNS, PNS, Neurons

Science Charades
Study this set o nline at: https://www.cram.co m/flashcards/science-charades120 58 6 46
Ce n t ra l Ne rvo u s
S ys t e m ( CNS )
Pe rip h e ra l Ne rvo u s
S ys t e m ( PNS )
The central nervous system consists of
the brain and the spinal cord. It
coordinates activities across the body.
The peripheral nervous system carries
information to and from the central
nervous system .
S o ma t ic Ne rvo u s
S ys t e m ( S NS )
The somatic nervous system is the part
of the peripheral nervous system that
helps with the voluntary control of
body movements.
Au t o n o mic Ne rvo u s
S ys t e m ( ANS )
The autonomic nervous system is the
part of the peripheral nervous system
that helps us do things we do
Science Charades
Study this set o nline at: https://www.cram.co m/flashcards/science-charades120 58 6 46
S ymp a t h e t ic Ne rvo u s
S ys t e m ( S NS )
The sympathetic nervous system is a
part of the autonomic nervous system
that handles our "fight-or-flight" body
Pa ra s ymp a t h e t ic
Ne rvo u s S ys t e m ( PNS )
The parasympathetic nervous system
is a part of the autonomic nervous
system that handles our "resting and
digestive" body functions.
S e n s o ry/ Affe re n t
Ne u ro n
Sensory neurons get information
about what's going on inside and
outside of the body and bring that
information into the central nervous
M o t o r/ E ffe re n t
Ne u ro n
Motor neurons get information from
other neurons and convey commands
to your muscles, organs and glands.
Science Charades
Study this set o nline at: https://www.cram.co m/flashcards/science-charades120 58 6 46
In t e rn e u ro n
G lia l Ce ll
Interneurons are only found in the
central nervous system. They receive
information from other neurons
transmit information to other neurons.
Glial cells provide supporting
functions to the nervous system .
D e n d rit e s
Dendrites are the part of the neuron
that receives information from other
neurons. Information is transferred by
using electrical impulses.
S yn a p s e s
Synapses are the part of the neuron
that gives information to other
neurons or muscle cells. Information is
transferred by using electrical