Last quarter, I focused my project on the CyberStart Game where I focused on learning the very easiest puzzles and the basics of ethical hacking. This included hacking topics such as linux, programming, web, binary cryptography, and forensics. I ended up doing 12 puzzles which completed the entire level 1 in the Headquarters base. This was a great learning experience for me and a great way for me to grasp the basic concepts of cybersecurity. For this quarter, I want to continue working on the CyberStart Game and gain more advanced and detailed knowledge in the topics I listed. A long-term goal would be to finish the headquarters base but considering the time each puzzle takes I think a good goal would be to finish the next three levels at least. For each of the topics I will list what I want to learn throughout this following quarter. I hope to learn more about Linux especially the basic commands such as ls, cd, mv, cp, man, cat, grep, and much more. At the end of the quarter I hope to have memorized what these commands do and how to use them effortlessly. I also hope to learn how to run programs in linux, use permissions (chmod), how to stop program execution, how to use redirections and wildcards, how to use find, how to use processes, and much more. Overall, I believe linux is one of the major areas of cybersecurity and it is important to delve deep into it and how to use it. When it comes to the programming side of cybersecurity I hope to learn more about High Level vs Low Level Programming Languages and how to use them and write code using both. I want to learn how to use a module and what it is, how to read a file, how to be proficient in dictionaries, learn how to encode, and finally how to make a simple web server out of Python. Overall, all of these skills will be learned in python which is a huge programming language for software engineers but also cybersecurity specialists so I find that it is important to know. I hope to learn more about all of the other topics but my main focus will be learning linux and programming (python) and how that will help solve hacking puzzles this quarter.