Topic 9: Industry & Immigration —Terms to Know and Use Name: _______________________________ Directions: Below you will find terms regarding the study of the industry and immigration in U.S. history. A definition and how the term is used in the text have been provided. You need to explain the term in your own words in the appropriate box. Then provide an antonym OR synonym (circle S or A and write the word) in the box. Finally, provide a graphic representation of the term. (The drawing must show some effort. A line or a box will not qualify.) Term trust (businessrelated) assimilation (assimilated) urbanization monopoly Definition and Text Use A group of separate companies that are placed under the control of a single managing board in order to form a monopoly Instead he found a way to get around the law by forming a new type of business organization called a trust. Absorbed into the main culture of a society In many cities, volunteer institutions known as settlement houses ran (Americanization) assimilation programs, helping newcomers learn English and adopt American dress and diet. Expansion of cities and/or an increase in the number of people living in them In the late nineteenth century, America experienced a period of urbanization in which the number of cities and people living in them increased dramatically. Exclusive control by one company over an entire industry Explanation Antonym or Synonym A OR S A OR S A OR S A OR S A OR S Some corporations used horizontal integration to gain a monopoly, or complete control of a product or service. tenement Multistory buildings divided into apartments to house as many residents as possible Most urban workers lived in tenements: low-cost multifamily housing designed to squeeze in as many families as possible. Graphic Representation Definition and Text Use robber barons A person who has become rich through ruthless and dishonest business practices (originally with reference to prominent US businessmen in the late 19th century). Explanation Antonym or Synonym A OR S A OR S A OR S A OR S A OR S People who held these views began to refer to these leaders as “robber barons.” A refusal to work organized strikes (union related) by a body of employees as a form of protest, typically in an attempt to gain improvements or benefits from their employer. A related tool to collective bargaining was the strike, in which workers refused to work until certain demands were met. laissez faire A theory advocating minimal government interference in the economy. They believed that perhaps the government’s laissez-faire policies had been too hands off and costly in terms of hurting workers and consumers. nativism Favoring native inhabitants as opposed to immigrants Newcomers often faced nativism, which was a tendency towards preferring native-born, white Americans over “new” immigrants. company towns Communities in which residents rely upon one company for jobs, housing, and buying goods The housing in these communities, known as company towns, was owned by the business and rented out to employees. Graphic Representation