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English Lessons for 5th Grade

Бажаепrо, цоб
приносI&\а вам радiстъt
була гiднокl!
IДоб вашi старанrrя буlrи влшравдацi
уIнrвською вдячнlстю
та ix високими оцirrками!
8 *'hr-оr,
о. М. Любченко
5 клас
3а пiдручником А. М. HecBiT
Видавнича група <Основа>
ББк 74.268.1Ацгд
М.Любченrсо, учитель англtfiоькоI моlи
Харкiвського фiв4ко-пrатематичного лiцсю Nlr 2 7
Любчепко о. М.
Yci уроки аЕглiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником
А. М. HecBiT). - Х. : Вид. груца cOcвoBar,2013. 221
. ISBN 978-61 7-00-1923-3.
Посiбвик пропонуе aBTopcbKi роэрбкя цюкiв англifiськоiмови у5 класах загально<iсвiтнiх ЕавчальЕих закладiв, склqденi вiдповiдво до пiдруrника А, М. HecBiT "We Learn Епglish, 5'l (2013 р.).
ISBN 978_617-0о- 1923-3
Любчеяко о. м., 2013
ТОВ сВпдаввича група "OcHoBa"r, 2013
Revision. Му Family and Friends
Degrees of Comparison.
Тrдits of
Lеssоп7. MyBestFriend
Lеssоп5. Anlnterview
. . . .15
Professions. PresentSimpleand PresentContinu9us . .. . . .. 2О
Му Relatives' Pгofessions
. . . . 24
Grammar Revision
, . . 26
,.,.. . 29
Lевsоп 12. The Clothes I Like Wearing . . .
Season Clothes
14, School Uniform
.. . . ;.
Lеssоп 15. A.sking for Advice. Structure "То Ве Going to"
Lеssоп 16. Styles of Clothes
Lеssоп 17. Fashion and Clothes
Lеssоп 18. Му Favourite Clothes Style .
Lеssоп 19. Dialogues
Lеssоп 20" Grаmmаr Revision
Lевsоп 21, Reading. "The Mag
Lеssоп 22. Project "Fashion"
UNIT 3. FooD
Foodstuffs. Countable and UпсоuпtаЬlе Nоuпs
Meal. "Much/Many/Lots of /а Lot of"
28. Му Favourite Dish. Recipes
Lеssоп25. CookingDinner. FestiveTable,
Lеssоп26. SchoolMeals .
Lеssоп27. АМепu.НеаlthуFооd.
Lеssоп29. EnglishMeals
...... бО
Yci уроки англiйськоi'мопи. 5 кла<, (,tп
30, Grаmmаr Revision
Lеssоп31. Reading."GeorgeGoeBPiclrlcking"
Lеssоп32. Рrоjесt"ТrеаtYоurGuеstg" ....
. . , 74
......, 76
34. Му РIаппеr
Lesson15. PlacestoGo.WritinganInvitation ...
. . . 97
Lеssоп42, Reading"'Campingout" .
Lевsоп43, Project"OurSchool Trip" ,
..... 85
Lеssоп36. WatchingTY. PresentPerfect
Lевsоп37, ТVРrоgrаmmе ..
Lеssоп38, Hobbies
Lеssоп39. TripsandTravellings
Д. М. HecBiT)
. . .103
. . . .105
. , . .108
. . .110
Is the Weather Like
49, What
Lеssоп50, Seasons" MyFavouriteSeason
Lеssоп 51. The Weather in England and in Ukrаiпе
54. 'Will' and "То Ве Going to" for Futurе ActionB
55, Nаturаl Phenomena
56. Grаmmаr Revision
57. Reading. "The Wind, the Suп, and Simоп"
58, Project "Seasons
and the School
Lеssоп59. GreatBritain........;.
Lеssоп60. NationalParks.Article"The".
Lеssоп 61, Ukraine Is оur Motherland
Lеssоп 62. National Symbols of Ukraine.
National SymboIB of Great
. . . . . . . . . .113
63. Ukraine Is а Еurореап Cotrntry
64. Grаmmаr Revision
Lеssоп65, Reading.
. . . . . 117
. . . . .123
. . .]"26
, I29
. . . . .131
. . .139
. . .141
. . . . .143
. . .L44
66, Project "Places
to Visit iп Ukraine/Great
. . . . . . . .148
67, Му CitylTown/Yillage.
Lеssоп 75.
Lеssоп 76.
Lеssоп 77.
Places to See in Ukraine
Places to See in Ukrаiпе
MuseumsandExhibitions ..
Grаmmаr Revision
. . . . .152
. . . , .154
. . .167
Reading. "City Grandmother, Соuпtrу Grandmother" . . . . . .169
Project'Around Cities and Villages
78. National Holidays. Cardinaland ОrdiпаINumеrаls
79, Celebration of Holidays in Ukraine
80. Holidays in Вritаiп, Halloween
. . . . .173
. , .176
. . . . . .178
Lеssоп 84. The Same Holidays
Different Traditions
. . . . . . . .187
. . . .189
Lеssоп 85. Reading. "Mrs. Веаr's Valentine"
Lеввоп 86. Project "Му Favourite Holiday"
. . . .191
87. At
the Lesson. Generai and }Иlz-questions
Lеssоп88, SchoolSubjects .;....
Lеssоп89. MyFavouriteSubject
Lеssоп90. LessonsActivities
Lеssоп91. Time-table
Lевsоп92. SchoolActivities
Lеssоп 93. Why Do We Study English?
Lеssоп94, Grаmmаr:Рrопоuпs
Lеssоп 95, Reading, 'А New Friепd"
Lеssоп 96, Рrфсt "Му Ideal School"
Lеssоп 97.' SemesterTest'onListening
Lеssо;п 98. Sеmеstеr Test оп ReadinE
Lеssопs Reservedlessons
Semester Test оп
Lеssоп,lOo. Semester Test оп
. . .193
. . . . 208
, . . .210
. . . .213
. . . .2Lб
. . .219
Revision. Му Family and Friends
Aims and objectives: to revise vocabulary; to revise the usе of persona| рrопочпs with "to Ье"; to develop reading skills; to develop speaking skills of
pair work; to develop attention and imagination.
5 ЕQ U Е N с Е
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise the sound [6]. The rhуmе is on the blackboard (оr
in the handouts):
The sun shines bright
And flowers bloom
In June and JuIy
And August, too.
I bathe in the sea
I lie in the sun
You play with mе
The summег is fuп.
Talk about sчmmеr holidays
v Where wеrе you in summеr?
Students' answers.
Semester L Uпit
.l ,
Теасhеr introduces himself Ьу saying "Hello, mу паmе's... What's
уоur паmе? What is his / her паmе? Нis (her) паmе is..." and each
student in turn does the same опе Ьу опе. Then students do the same
introducing the next student.
Introducing the topic
Теасhеr uses the computer presentation оr prepares pictures to
introduce the topic. Pictures mау Ье rаthеr big ones and students wili
play the roles of family memtlers. Students lrave to паmе the pictures
and guess the topic of the lesson.
А graпdfather, а grапdmоthеr, а father, а mоthеr, а sоп, а dаughtеr,
Variants аrе possible -- parents, grапdраrепts, а sister, а brother.
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Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Т. Which of these words isn't right?
S. А dog.
Т. Why,do you think so?
S. Because... (if's а pet; it is поt а mеmЬеr of а family).
Теасhеr has to expl'ain that English реорlе often think dogs аrе
members of their families.
Теасhеr writes the topic on the board.
Теасhеr рrороsеs to look at tlre ех. 1 (р. 4) and find the words in the
Ьох; then to call the other words (а farnily tree, раrепts, grапdраrепts,
dad, а husЬапd, mum, а шifе, а sister, а brother, а grапdmа, grаппу,
а grandpa, graпddad, ап аuпt, ап uпсlе, а grапdsоп, а graпddaughter,
Teacher mау give оthеr words а пiесе, а перhеш.
Т. What does it mean
- family tree? How сап уочr explain it?
Students try to explain the meaning.
Т. Look at the picture and compiete the sentences, then talk about
other family mеmЬеrs.
Students complete the sentences as it is iп the ехаmрlе (ех. 2, р. 4)
using the рiсturе.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr ехаmрlе:
Head and shоuldеrs
Кпееs and toes (3 f imes)
Head and shоuldегs
knees and toes
Eyes and еаrs, and nose.
Ask students to read the text (ех. 3, р. 5) and do tlre task after it.
Students'answers (ех. 4, р. 5): 1 Ann; 2 Craig; 3 Ann's grandparents;
4 Arrn; 5 Craig,
Веfоrе reading, рау studerrts' attentiolr to pronulrciaticrn of "th".
Теасhеr checks understanding hу asking students the questions on
the texts:
Where was Craig Ьоrп?
2. How,Jnany'mern,bers аrе in the Craig's
3. Does Craig live in London?
4. What's the паmе of Dan's cousin?
5. How many mеmЬеrs аrе in the Ann's family?
6. Is }rer faпtiiy а typical one?
Semester l.
Uпit l. Lesson 2
Work in pairs. Students make pairs and рrераrе dialogues using the
questions and patterns (ех. 5, р. 5)
Ех, 6, р. 5, write about students' families, рrераrе to retelling,
drаw the picture (or bring the photo).
Т. What things about yourself сап you add? About уоur pets? About
yotrr favourite sports?
Students' answers.
Degrees of Comparison. Dialogues
Aims and objectives: to revise bui|ding of а text; to present the use of adjectives in the forrns of degrees of comparison; to practise grammar skills; to
develop language 9uess; to develop students'speaking skills.
Warm чр
The teacher's greeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you'/
phonetic exercise
Students rечisе the sounds
board (оr in the handouts}:
], [r:], [u;l. The rhуmе is
It's fоur o'clock,
said tlre cock.
What's that?
said the cat.
I want to sleep,
Said the sheep.
Of course,
said the irorse.
orr the
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
I'm too big,
Said the pig.
The dog said bow-w-w,
It's too late поw.
Listening (ех
Students listen to the dialogues and match them to the pictures.
Дпswеrt1 А; 2 В; 3 D; 4 С.
Checking оп homework. Game
Т. You wеrе to make (bring) а picture for today. Show it and уоur
classmates will ask the questions about you and уоur family.
students' questions:
What's уоur mother's (father's, sister's ... ) паmе?
2. How mапу mеmЬеrs аrе in your family?
3. Whеrе do your grandparents (uncle, aunt, cousin) live?
4, What's уоur address (phone пumЬеr, friend's паmе, favourite sport,
food, school subject)?
Теасhеr mау write the questions on the blackboard and uses ех. 2,
р. 6. Each student has to апswеr.
lntroducing the topic
The teacher presents the topic using the text ех. 3, р. 7. Before
reading students have to rеаd the Ьох "Building uр а Text" (р. 7) and
revise this material for making the task.
Students rеаd the text and make the task. After reading the teacher
pays students' attention to the translation of tlre words "elder, the eldest, tаllец уоuпgеr, the most helpful, the noisiest".
Дпswеrs:1 В; 2 С; 3 А.
work with the tab|e
Students wоrk with the table (ех. 4, р. 8) and make tlre task. The
teacher explains the meanings of the паmеs in the table. Рау special
attention to the exceptions to the rulе (р. 208-209) апd use of the rvord
Дпswеrs:1 Peter and Tony; 2 Beth; 3 Beth; 4
Jim and Топу; 5 the
It's necessary to рrераrе some cards with the adjectives. The teaсhеr divides students into three groups, gives the carrls to each group.
Semester l- Unit
1. Lesson
pictures (or computer presentation) to the class.
The task is to read the adjectives and make а sentence, and present the
&пswеr to the class. Students from other groups have to make their own
sentences using the degrees of comparison.
'['he teacher shows the
51. I'm tall.
(He's / She's) the tallest
52. I'm (He'slShe's) taller.
S3. I'm
The words fоr the cards: а) iпteresting, Ь) аошпg, с) comfortable,
d) fuппу.
The pictures for the class:
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
The book is interesting.
- This book is mоrе interesting than
This book is the most interesting.
2. Му Ьrоthеr is young. -- His sister is younger than mу Ьrоthеr.
Оur nephew is the youngest in оur family.
3. The wooden chair is comfortable.
- This white chair is mоrе соmfortable than the wooden опе.
This сhаir is the most comfortable
for sitting.
4. А smiley is funny.
- This smiley is funnier than the first one. This smiley is the funniest.
Practice in grammar
Students do ех. 5, р. 7. The teacher mау offer another words for
training exercise, including good, bad,little, muсh / mапу.
Rеаrrапgе students into two grоuрs using соlоur slips of рареr. Опе
of the grоuрs agrees with Dan and апоthеr аgrееs with Апп. They have
to prove their mind (ех. 6, р. 8) as in the example.
7, р. 9,
grаmmаr р. 208-209.
Т. Can you ýау about yourself using adjectives in different degrees
of comparison? Think and say to the class.
Students' апswеrs.
LESsoN з
Му Best Friend
Aims and objectives: to present and practice new vocabulary; to develop students'speaking skills; to develop students'ability of interacting.
Warm чр
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
Semester l. Unit l. Lesson З
phonetic exercise
Students revise the sounds [ar], [r], [,r]. The rhуmе is on the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
Kitty's hоmе is in the соuпtrу,
Betty's home is in the city.
Kitty likes to stay with Betty,
Betty likes to siay with Kitty.
Betty likes the country best,
Kitty likes the busy city.
That is quite а lucky thing
Fоr Betty and for Kitty.
Checking оп homework
some students read their wоrks.
Teacher asks students (the whole class) about formation of adjectives' degrees of comparison.
Lexical self-checking dictation. Теасhеr. dictates the words, students
write the adjectives and their forms. Then students go to the blackЬоаrd опе Ьу one and write the adjectives there. After writing and
checking, they have to read them.
о Fine
- (finer
- the the
п White
-(worse the
- чrоrst)
п Bad
(mоrе beautiful _- the most beautiful)
о Beautiful
о Good
the best)
- the
о Easy
(mоrе interesting
о Interesting
- the least)
- the most interesting)
о Little
(mоrе important
о Important
- the most important)
о Much/many
the most)
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents the пеw topic using ех. 1, р. 9. Students listen to
the text and fill in the gaps. Теасhеr writes some words on the btacklloard. students write down these words into vocabularies.
о Twins _ ['twrnz]
-,бдизнюки, двiйнята
о Close
- близький
о Opinion
- думка
п Ideal
Дпswеrs:1 lreland; 2 Irish; 3 British; 4 sister; 5 twins; б close
friends; 7 understand; 8 parents; 9 ideal.
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Work iп pairs. Teacher forms pairs and students start to work with
questions (ех. 2, р. 9) asking and апswеriпg each other.
Then students present their dialogues to the class.
The teacher makes movements with the students. The teacher uses
апу rhуmе for physical exercises. Students have to know main instructions to the physical exercises. First, the tеасhеr gives the commands
with translation to the students, and then repeats them at the next
lessons. Fоr ехаmрlе:
в Stretch (out)
- потягнутися в сторони
п Stretch wide
- розвести руки плечi
о Straighten shoulders
- розвести
о Kick high into the air
- високо пiдiймати ноги по черзi
п Сurl uр small
згорнутися калачиком
п Sit on уоur fours
- стати
в Ваlапсе with your
тримати рiвновагу
п Feet together/side Ьу side _- ноги разом/нарiзно
в Bend
- Еахилитися опустити
п Аrms down
- руки
п Arms stretched -- руки витягти в стороци
It:s reasonable to give the commands (in parts) dtrring future period
lessons till students lеаrп them Ьу heart.
Reading the text "Му Best Friend". Теасhеr explains the task.
students have to mark unknown words and rлrritе them down into чоcabularies. Their task is to find the words in the text.book glossary.
Students have to read and translate them оrаllу.
'п Participate
п Smart
в Easy-going
п Helpful
п Attend
о Advice
о Сhоir
о Advise
Writing. Speaking
Work iп pairs. Doing ех. 4, р" 10. Strrdents have to write question as
in the example, ask their partners (do a class survey) and complete the
Students tell classmates about the results of their survey.
Semester l.
Leslan 4
Ех. 6, р. 10; to write the words' pronunciation and trапslаtiоп
(ех. 3, р. 9); to lеаrп the words Ьу hеаrt.
Т. Do you have the best friend? What сап you say about уоur best
friend? What is the kind of реrsоп your best friend? Is it important to
have а good friend?
Students' апswеrs.
LEsSoN 4
Traits of character
Aims and objectives: to present and practise пеw vocabulary to describe character; to develop students'speaking skiIls; to develop students'reading
skills; to bring students to respect and benevolence to others.
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Warm чр
The tеасhеrЪ 9reeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exer(ise
Students гечisе sounds [,r] and [n ]. The teacher asks students about
the difference of[s]
in the words (оr explains if it's necessary).
- tё]
Tlre trмisterý аrе оп the
blackboard (оr in the handouts):
а) Му mother's brother's mу uncle; mу uncle's son's mу cousin.
Ь) Young King Kong was stronger than strong.
Checking on homework
Only some students read thеiг works.
Lexical self-checking dictation with trans]ation. After writing students spell the words, say the Ukrainian variant and write them on
the blackboard.
Yci уроки англiйськоi'мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
п Twins
п Attend
п Smаrt
п Easy-going
в Participate
в Helpful
п Advice
о Advise
п Choir
о Close
п Opinion
п Ideal
lntroducing the topic
Presentation of vocabulary. Teacher presents the topic using ех. 1,
р. 10. Studerrts look at the pictures and repeat the words with teacher.
Their task is to find the words' definitions and explain them, thеп call
the words in Ukrainian. Students hаче to паmе the topic in Ukrainian,
too. students hаче to пrritе the urords down into their vocabularies:
в hard-working
- ['ho:dwa:krp] -;працелюбний
п attentive
- уважний
п lively -- ['larvh] -- дiя,T ьний, енергiйний, живий
о honest
- ['эпlst] - чесний
п cheerful
- ['tJtafal ] -- життерадiсний, веселий
п clever
- ['kleva] - розумний
э trait - ['trert] -- риса
Vocabulary practice. Теасhеr рrераrеs slips of рареr with the пеw
words (one word on each slip): hard-working, attentive, lively, honest,
cheerful, сIечеr, аrrапgеs students into pairs. Each раir has to take опе
slip and make а dialogue as it is in an example (ех. 2, р. 11). Their task
is to сопfirm definitions of the words with the facts about а person.
Reading and mопоlоgче
Ех. 3, р. 11. Before reading students read the task, and teacher
explains it. Students read the texts and make the tasks to them. Each
part of the text is read aloud Ьу different students. Students have to
ехрrеЪs their opinion about each of the characters.
Дпswеrs:1 В; 2 А; 3 С; 4 D.
The teacher makes movements with the students.
п Stretch (out)
в Stretch wide
- розвести руки в сторони,
о Straighten shoulders
- розвести
в Kick high into the air
високо пiдiймати коги по черзi
о Curl up small
згорнутися калачиком
о Sit оп уоur fоurs
- стати rraBKo.1timKrr
Semester l. Unit
1. Lesson
о Balance with уоur- тримати рiвновагу
о Feet together/side Ьу side
- Еоги разом/парiзпоо Bend
о Аrms down
- руки опустити
о Аrms stretched
руки витягти в стороци
Теасhеr divides students into trvo groups. Опе of the groups ,лill
speak about positive person traits and апоthеr grоuр will speak аЬоut
negative traits. In each group, students discuss the questions (ех. 4,
р. 12) and present their minds, then.
Ех. 7, р. 12, рrераrе to acting оцt of situation (ех. 6, р. 12), to learn
the words.
Т. You know оur mood often can depend on оur surroundirrg. Can
you say what traits of сhаrасtеr do you like in people you would like to
go camping with? То travel with? То Ье in the same team with? То work
tlr to study rMith?
Students' answers.
Ап lnterview
Aims and objectives: to revise the vocabulary; to present lеаrпiпg Strategies
of ап interview; to develop students' speaking skills; to develop students'
listening ski|ls; to develop students' ability to work iп а group.
Warm up
The teacher's 9reeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to ýее you.
How аrе yotr?
Yci уроки англiйськоI мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
phonetic exercise
Students revise ýounds [g] and [u:l. The twister is оп the blackboard (or in the haridouts):
1. Grееп glass globes glow grеепlу (three to five times).
2" How many cookies could а good cook?
If а good cook could cook cookies?
А good cook could cook as muсh cookies.
As а good cook who coulcl cook cookies.
Checking оп homework
some students read their works.
Game. Acting out the sitчаtiоп
Stud,ents choose the partners to the dialogue and act hоmе dialogues "Meeting with а fоrmеr classmate".
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr says each реrsоп has his own opinion аЬоut а good quality
life. Students look at the pictures and read the list (ех. 1, р. 12-13).
Students have to agree оr disagree with the points, argue their choice
and write down their own points (one to three). Students mау use ех. 2,
р. 13 as att example
Т'еасhеr presents learning strategies of an interview (р. 14). The-l
tеасhеr makes sure students аrе familiar with the accentuated words.
п choose а topic for the interview; it dерепds оп (залежulтr.ь Bid) the
interviewed реrsоп, his occupatian (pil 1iяльносmi);
g write а list of questions ta fiпd out (аiзнаmися) about the person
us mach as possible (яколtоzа бiльutе); rеmеmЬеr аhоut priuacy
(lle1omaprcaHicmb осабuсmоzо жummя); don't ask шrопg questions
(н.еttал,ежнi запumання)
п thir.Lk of other questions you rvant to ask; sоmе questions may ар-
реаr while you'll interview the person, that's why you note this
questions later; dcln't interrrrpt the interviewed реrsоп, wait till he
(оr she)
0 !10w interview the реrsоп; you mау use your.notes and make сur- i
l)raw stuclents' attelltion to the types tlf qrrestions.
to the interview and mаrk the thing
\emester l. Unit
1. Lesson 5
The tеасhеr makes movernents with the students.
п Stretch (out)
п Stretch wide
- розвести,рук!I в стороЕи
ш Straighten shoulders
- розвести
високо пiдiймати ноги по чераi
п Kick high into the аir
згорнутися калачиком
п CurI up smаll
п Sit on уоur fours --] стати навкодirпки
о Balance with уоur
- тримати ноrи
п Feet togetherlside Ьу side
о Bend
о Arms down
- руки опустити
п Аrms stretched
руки витягти в сторони
Reading. Writing
Students do ех. 4, р. 14. First, they read the task and tlre words to
f'ill in. Теасhеr reminds their definitions if it's пёсеssаrу. Second, sturlents read the sentences one Ьу опе and write their answers.
Дпswеrs:1 exciting; 2 go camping; 3 take swimming lessorrs/attend;
4 music; 5 to meet; б wonderful / seaside.
Teacher divides students into two groups. One of these groups is
from ап English-speaking country (at teacher's choice) and another
grоuр is from Ukraine. Each grоuр рrераrеs the questions fоr the interview. Then students present their work to each оthеr. Теаеhеr says
students will change the places at the next lesýon.
Ех. 6, р. 14. Теасhеr reminds students about difference between
Present Simple and Present Continuous.
Repeat the strategies of arr interview.
Т. What аrе the main rules of an interview? Why do we have to
think about questions? What does it mean "wrong question"? What do
you think about pr:ivacy?
Students' answers.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
LESsoN 6
Professioný. Present Simple and Present Сопtiпчочs
Aims and objectives: to present new vocabulary; to practise the use of present
simple and present continuous; to develop students'ability of identifying
of present simple and present continuous; to develop students' listening
and speaking skills.
Wаrm чр
The tеасhеrЪ greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds [w] and [ё]. Теасhеr hаче to рау students'
attention to the words "weather" апd"шhеthеr" and explain the differепсе. The twister is on the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
whether the weather Ье fine,
оr whether the wеаthеr Ье not.
the weather Ье cold,
оr whether the wеаthеr
Ье hot.
'we'll weather the weather
whether we like it оr not.
Теасhеr divides students into two groups (as it was at the preceding
lesson) and says "Imagine you аrе the students frоm two countries
Grеаt Britain and ukraine. you know nothing аьоut life and hobbies
of each other. Please, interview the British students. Don't forget to
change очеr the places". (Ukrainian students become British and British students Ьесоmе Ukrainians.)
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents the topic Ьу ех. J., р. 15. Students listen to the
words and repeat them.
Т. How do you think
- what is the topic of оur lesson?
Ss. Professions; occupations; jobs.
1. Lesson
Теасhеr explains the difference between these words
if it's
Presentation ofvocabulary. Теасhеr presents the words and students
write them down into чосаьulаriеs.
п А doctor
о А manager
о Afirefighter
кар для чоловiкiв
An engineer
п Ashop-assistant
п An accountant
А farmer
А hairdresser
Теасhеr explains definitions of the words|'hairdresser" and "barber".
Vocabulary practice. Students divide into pairs and take one of the
rlirrlogues (ех. 2, р. 15) to act.
Теасhеr draws students' attention to the question "What do you do?"
Т. How can we ask about profession in other way?
Ss. What аrе you?/What is he (she)?
Students act out their dialogues.
The tеасhеr makes movements with the students. Теасhеr usеs апу
for physical
I can study every day.
bending. I'm stayirtg.
stretching I'm stamping.
jumping. I'm running.
clapping, it's funny.
Checking оп homework
some students read the hоmе exercise aloud. others check the senttlltces. Теасhеr asks:
t. What's the difference between the use of Present Simple and
present continuous?
2. When we use Present Simple? Present Continuous?
З. What words do we usе fоr identifying these Tenses?
Students' answers.
Т. То rеmеmЬеr this grаmmаr material go to р. 1_7. Read, please.
students read the table and check their апswеrs. Then students do
rlx. 5 and б р. 17, check and explain their choice"
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Теасhеr divides students into two groups. Students read the texts
(ех. 3, р. 16) in groups. Тhеir task is to identify and to соmраrе Tenses
(Present Simple/Present Continuous) in the texts. Students explain
their answers.
Ех. 4, р. 16, ех. 7, р. 18, write pronunciatioh and translation of the
v/ords into vocabulary and lеаrп the words.
Т. Look at the pictures (р. 16). Which of them reminds you of vour
family? Why?
Students' answers.
Professions. Past SlmpIe
Aims and objectives: to present пеw vocabulary; to practise the use of Past
Simple; to develop students' Iistening skills; to develop students ability of
working in groups.
Wаrm up
The tеасhеrЪ greeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad
How are you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds [d], [t], and pronunciation of 1etter
on the blackboard (or in
in different variants. Тhе rhуmе is
Driчеrs drive cars,
Doctors treat us,
In the соuпtrу, fаrmеrs
Grow rich harvest,
Actors wеаr wigs,
Teachers teach kids.
Uпit l, Lesson 7
Che<king on homework
Students read and explain their answers to ех. 4 and ех.
Дпswеrs (ех. 4):
с; 2
с;3 Ь; 4 Ь;
5 а.
Students read the hоmе text (in turn) and explain the Tenses of the
verbs (ех. 7).
Дпswеrs 1 helps; 2 comes; 3 cleans; 4 dusts; 5 does; б helps;
have/like;8 makes;9 are doing,/are traving; ].0 is raining; 11 аrе
t,rrking; L2 are; L3 wearing.
Теасhеr рrераrеs some slips of рареr with the names of professions
(lrames mау Ье repeated). Each of the students gets а siip. Students have
t,lre task to think about these words and show the profession Ьу gestures
lltte Ьу one. Others have to guess what the profession is and call it.
lntroducing the topic
Presentation of vocabulary. Students listen and repeat the words.
'l'lren they look at the pictures and translate the words.
п А web-designer
о Aworker
п А veterinarian (а vet)
students write the words and their definitions into vocabularies
(without tra nscription).
Teacher divides the class into three grоuрs. Each group gets а task
(llialogue). Students rеаd the dialogues and act thern.
Teacher focuses students' attention on the grаmmаr раrt (р. 19).
lit,udeTrts rеаd the table alorrd" Теасhеr talks with sttrdents, asks
1. When do we use Past Simple Tense?
2. What word сап help u,s identify this Tense?
3. What way we have to change the verbs?
4. What do you know abbut rеgulаr and irregular verbs?
Students' апswеrs.
Grammar practice
Students read the words (ех. 3, р.
19) and
put them into Past Simple.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
The teacher makes movements rмith the studentB. Теасhеr uýes апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr ехаmрlе:
from top of my head to mу tcrol.
my аrms starting hеrе Ьу поао,
mу legs and I mедвчrо mо дll.
to see if I'm growing tall.
students аrе divided into pairs and each of thom wrltoз а list of
their relatives' паmеs. The task is to ask each othor abotlt olto person
from the list as it is in an example (ех. 4, р. 20).
Ех. 5, р. 20; write pronunciation of tho wordr lnto чtlоцЬrrlаrу and
lеаrп the words.
Т. What forms of Simple Тепsе do you kпоw? Wlry clo wo change
verbs in Past Simple? What way?
Students' апsr}еrs.
LEsSoN 8
Му Relatives' Profaltlona
Aims and objectives: to revise vocabulary; to divtlbp ltudantr'lntanglve reading skills; to develop students' listening and lprrklng lhlllt,
Warm up
The tеасhеrЪ greeting. Good morning,
How аrе you?
ltчdэпtrl I'tll ýlnrl
lrr но(l уоu.
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [w]. The twiBtBr h оп lhr lllrltklrllnrtl (оr in
the handouts):
semester l. Unit l. Lesson 8
swan swam очеr the sea.
Swim, swan, swim!
Swan swam back again,
Well swum, swan.
Checking оп homework
Students read answers to the sentences (some of them).
Lexical dictation Teacher dictates the words iп ukrainian, students
write them down iп English. After writing students make two to five
sentences with the words frоm dictation. The task in whole is marked
1 to 12, wordý without sentences аrе mаrkеd 1 to 9. Теасhеr has to say
students about it,
1. А web-designer
10. Ап ассоuпtапt
2. А dосtоr
11. А teacher
А hairdresser
А чеtеriпаriап (а vet)
А lawyer
А mапаgеr
7. А ЬаrЬеr
8. An engineer
9. А shop-assistant
14. А
15. А
16. А
].7. А
veterinarian (а vet)
Students work with the text "City Grandfather, Country Grandfather". They have to look at the pictures, rеаd the text оп thеir own
and make the task (ех. 2,3, р. 21). After reading and making the tasks
teacher asks students.
2. fаrmеr
3. rvorks on the computer, sticks stamps on the letters, ],earns about
4. pets the cows, ride оп the tractor, Iearns about farming
5. hug Dan/say "See you rеаI soon!"
Playing а mime game. Teacher рrороsеý the students to think of
the action. (You pick up Ьеrriеs in the forest.) Опе student.tells it to
his/her neighbour, and this опе shows the action to the class. Other
students trу to guеsý what is he/she doing. Then "the actor" tells his
action to the next student.
Yci уроки англiйськоi'мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Listening. Speaking
St,.rdents look at the pictures (ех, 4, р.22), ]isttlrr {,rl t,lrrl l,r,xI one
rпоrе time and tick the objects Steve mentions in ltis st,tlrv,
Теасhеr divides studen,ts into pairs" Each раir gсl,я 1,1rг tlttcr;Liorrs
(ех. 1,р.20). Тhеir task is to рrераrе dialogrres ttlttl ttrlt, 1,1lrrrr t,rr the
class. Str"rdents use the ехаmрlе (ех. 5, р.22).
Ех. 6, р.22; to рrераrе to grаmmаr revisiott.
Теасhеr asks students about their relativcs itt
1. Dо yolr hаче reiatives in the citylcountry?
гll,v lrrrrl irr the
2.Do you go to you grandparents in sunttttlrt,'/ lll wltrlBl,'/
like to go to уоu grandparents?
Stцdents' answers,
3. I)o you
Grammar Revision
Дims апd objectives: to revise апd practise tht.tttc ttl Ftr.*sirI itrrrlrlt,and
Present Continuous; t0 revise and practise the tlrB tll tBrJrtl;r ,rrtrl lttr,tlular
ч*rlэs iп Past Simple Tense; to revise and practlrB
wrillllr1 ,,kills; to
summarize the topic materiai.
Wаrm uр
The teacher's greeting, Good mоrпiпg,
Ноrп are you?
phonetic exercise
Strrdents revise sound [arr]. The twigLol'l: tltt
Bi l'l*t
EltB lllя;1,1,,,lrt rl (llг
the handouts):
Rose knolvs Joe ph,ones Sophie, but Srr1llrla Ёltll JHB
g le"
Semester l.
1. Lesson 9
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr says students about grаmmаr revision. Teacher gives
instructions of all the parts of the work and order of the work to the
students. Students mustn't use text-books for advice. Теасhеr mау take
grаmmаr revision rvork from the text-book, and mау choose his/her
own variant.
v put the words in the correct оrdеr.
1) likes/my /het /to decorate/sister/room.
2) ТV / he / watch / didn't / iп / t}.;е evening.
3) she / does / the piano / рlау?
4) аrе / the test / writing / now / we.
5) mom/in /works / а bank /mу.
1. Му sister likes to decorate her room.
2. Не didn't watch ТV in the evening
3. Does she рlау the piano?
4. We аrе writing the test now.
5. Му mоm works in а bank.
v Read and complete the sentences with the verbs from the brackets
in Present Simple оr Present Continuous Tense.
1. Му dad is busy now. Не (paint) ... the house.
2. Usually we (not watch) ... ТV оп Saturdays. We (go) ... to the
3. I (not want) ... to go out. I (study) ... fоr а test norM.
4. Му brother (play) ... football norv. Не often (play) ... football on Sundays.
5. Ann (talk) ... to ап English tourist at the moment. She (speak) ...
English very well.
Дпswеrs: 1 is painting; 2 don't watch / go; 3 don't want f am studying;
4 is playing/plays; б is talking/speaks.
v Use the Present Simple оr Рrеsепt Continuous, оr Past Simple Tense
of the verbs given in brackets.
].. She (work) ... late yesterday.
2. Jапё (рlау) ... tennis at the mоmепt.
3. Where ... you usually (со) ... in the summеr?
4. Му parents (со) ... to Britain last Summеr.
5. How often ... you (visit) ... уоur grandparents?
Дпswеrя 1_ worked; 2 is playing; 3 do / go; 4 went; 5 do / visit.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
v Read the dialogue and complete it.
Р е t е r. Nice to meet you! Му name's Pete. Yesterday I hcard you
аrе new to оur school. What's уоur паmе?
Р е t е r. I'm ten, too and I'm а student of the 5-th l'rlrrrr. 'lhll something about yourself"
Р е t е r. Friends say I'm чеrу cheerful, lively flrl(l (llfrч.,r. Дlrd what
about your parents? What аrе they?
Р е t е r. Му mother works in а bank. She's Rп пrttrtlttltt,lt ltt,. Дпd my
father's а vet. I often go to his vet-clinic. I like dlffirгottl, nrlllrrrrls, but
I love dogs best of all. Апd you?
Peter.My favourite subjects are MatltH, lllr1,1try nrrrl l,-lrrglish.
What do you like to do in your free time? Ая fctr lllý l 5!rl ltl l'rlt,sports,
I attend water-pool four times а week and tдko п ;la1,1, ilt t,rrtttlll.titions.
But in futцrе I'd like to Ье а vet. And you?
list of 5 to J.0 questions to lntet'Vlrw ylltl,
article in the school пеwsрареr.
v Write the
l't,l1,1rrl ['оr
How mапу mеmЬеrs in your family?
What аrе уоur parents? Etc.
v Write the article. Say what the kirrll tlf ;lнl ltllt yrrttl
you like / don't like about his / hеr.
Repeat grаmmаr material; replltlt vrll,HllttlBl
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the wоrk hу
It ltrrlr1 1r,
rr}i*g fitl B}rtl|rltiп' li,rldback.
Semester l.
Unit l . Lesson 10
LEssoN 1о
Aims and objectives: to revise students' speaking skills; to develop students
reading skilIs; to develop students'speaking skills; to practise sсаппiпg of
the text for specific information.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [а]. The twister is on the blackboard (оr in
the handouts):
в The fat cat sat оп the man's black hat.
Game "Telt about yourself"
Теасhеr рrераrеý slips of рареr with а variety of questions about
family, friends, hobbies, traits of сhаrасtеr (one question is оп one slip).
1. Is уоur family large оr small?
2. Have you got апу sisters оr Ьrоthеrs?
3. Аrе уоu an elder/a younger/only child in the family?
4. What kind of person уоur close friend is?
5. What's you hobby?
6. What kind of sports do you like?
7. What is уоur favourite school subject? Etc.
Slips аrе in а big hat (Ьох). Students takes the slips
the sentence and answer the question.
in turn, rеаd
Introducing the topic
Теасhеr presents the text "LittleSister" (ех. 2, р. 24) and says about
the tasks. Teacher asks students to mark incomprehensible words while
they rеаd the text.
Students rеаd the text aloud one Ьу one.
Focus оп gist. Теасhеr asks students the questions (ех. 3, р.
Students аgrее оr disagree and prove their minds.
. l,
Yt i урt,lки
англiйськоi'мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Yt,x, lltrtlлltHtr mlrr.will llc: eight.
l|, Nrl. нlrп lH Hlx rllrly.
ll, Nrt, 1,1ly ktrtlws.
4, Nrl. l,'lrHt,, Hlrrr t}rought sоmе things wеrе not fair, then, she uпdеrHt;tlrltl it wrrя btltter to Ье the big sister.
tосus оп details. Теасhеr asks students the qtrestions (ех. 4, р. 24\.
Httrrlrlrrts oIlswer thenr and discuss their answers.
Relaxation. Game "Verb Tenni5"
Теасhеr divides students into two grolrps А and В (оr you паmе
these groups) and gives students а ball.
о А player frоm team А thinks of а чеrЬ and serves л ball (а verb)
saying the sentence in Present Simple.
п А рlауеr from team В returns the ball (the чеrЬ) srryirrg the sепtence in present continuous.
о А рIауеr from team А hits the ball (the vertr) lrack sпyilrg the sепtence in Past Simple.
о А player from team В now thinks clf а пеw vtlrll t<l colrtinue the
Not mоrе than 4-5 verbs.
Teacher proposes the students to think of thcir bгllthcrr/sister. Students hаче 1-3 minutes fоr preparing their owlt gltсlrt нtсtгу about their
hothers/sisters. Students use ех. 5, р. 24 пs ntt tlxltttlJlll..
Ех.6, p,24;to bring
glrre, scissors, sclltlo tloltlttt,rrrl lillt pens, some
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the wоrk Ьу askirrg lhr HIrrrll.rtts' feedback.
Project "My Family"
Alms and objectives: to write а leaflet about studentg'lntrrlly; t<l clevelop students' ability to work оп their own; to develop ýttl(lt tll1' t rr.ativity.
Semester l.
Unit l. Lesson l
Wаrm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
IIow are you?
phonetic exer(ise
Students revise the difference between sounds [f] and [е]. The
rhуmе is on the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
Маrthа Smith is friendiy author
Martha focuses on fiction.
Martha Smith is funny and fair
маrthа is а fine athlete.
Маrthа Smith keeps herself fit
Martha is а rеаl flint.
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents the examples of projects to students. Teacher may
usе text-book project or real projects made Ьу оthеr students (р. 27).
Students look through the projects, and then start to wоrk. Teacher
pays students' attention to the В-раrt of leaflet (р. 26). They have to
do it at home.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses any
rhуmе for physica' *:."r:.:::
Ten little |1
теп iittle toes
TrMo little ears
And one litt]e nose
Two little eyes
They shine so bright
опе little mouth
То say thatl right.
Reading. Writing
Stud,errts read
А and
С parts of the leaflet and write their оwп va-
Finish the leaflets, рrераrе to presentation.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the work Ьу asking for students' feedhack.
The Clothes
Like Wearing
Aims апd objectives: to introduce and practise new vocabulary; to develop
students' reading and speaking skills; to develop students' skills of giving
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good mоrпiпg, studentst ['rrr glad to see you.
How аrе yorr?
phonetic exercise
Sttrdents revise sounds [s] and
The twistеr is tlrr the blackboard
(оr in the handouts):
о I saw Susie sitting in а shoe shine shop.
Checking on homework
Some students present their leaflets. ТеасIttlг tttnktls
frorn others.
lntrodшcing the topi(
clnss display
Теасhеr useý ех, 1, р. 28 firr listening дltrl rtrlltllttirlg the words.
First students match the words in the Ьох witlr t}rtl it,r,trls irr the picture
repeating them. Secondly, tеасhеr asks studentc trl t:all the items of
clothes wе wеаr in the cold season and in the warIrt ýclrr.l()lt.
Semester l. Unit 2. Lesson 12
Students call the items on grоuрs and чуritе them into vocabularieý.
'|'eacher adds some words to the groups and gives their pronunciation
п А sweat-shirt
п А jacket
п А coat
п А scarf
А dress
А shirt
А t-shirt
А Ыоusе
А skirt
о А pair of tights
в Jeans/apairofjeans
в Trousers/a pair of trousers
о А раir of socks
о Shoes
Waistcoat ['warstkaut
п Tracksuit f'trreksju:t]
п Boots
в Hoodie ['hudr]
- светр iз капюшоЕом
о А fur eoat ['fa:kaut]
- одяг
iз хутра
Students look at the photos (ех.2, р. 28) and say who is wearing the
t'ollowing items of clothing: а d,rёss, а lueater, jеапs, trousers, а skirt,
Ьооts, shoes, а pair of восhs, а scarf, а pair ot tight, а shirt, а Ьlоцsе.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses апу
rhуmе for physical exercibes. Fоr example:
Big boots_and little boots
Тrаче1 on tоgеthег,
Merrily go splashing through
Autuinn iainy wеаthеr.
Reading. Speaking
Students listen to the text and read it in the same time (р. 29).
Теасhеr asks the questiorbs:
Who doesn't wеаr а school uniform? (Аlех)
Why Alex doesn't wеаr uпifоrm?, (His Аrt School doesn't have
а uniform)
3. Who печеr wears а jacket? (Alex)
4. Who doesrr't wеаr а tie? (Апп)
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
h, Wlrrl llvol ltr lIkrnitro fоr surе? (Дпп)
.fl, Wlrrl wппril tr раir of nice shoes to parties? (Ann)
'/, Wlrtl llnr grll, Bpoc:ial clothes to go in fоr sport? (Alex)
Н. Wlrrr ttlttлlly wеRrý blue trоusеrs? (Dan) Etc.
I,]x. 6, р. 30; to writе pronunciation and translation of the urords
tlowrr into vocabularies.
Т. What аrе уоur favourite clothes? What clothes do you рrеfеr to
wеаr to а party? What clothes would you li}e to urеаr to school? What
clothes do you wear when уоu go in for sроrts?
Students' апswеrs.
LEsýoN 1з
season clothes
Aims and objectives: to present vocabulary about clothes and accessories;
to practise the use of рrопоuпs "this/theseu, "that/those"; to consolidate
vocabulary and grammar material; to develop skills of giving opinions.
fj,t#ffijf;.vя SEQUENсE
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, studentst I'm glad to ýее you.
How аrе уоu?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [еа]. The twister is оп the blackboard (оr
the handouts):
о Sаrаh and Mary shаrе their pears fairly.
Checking оп homework
Ех. 6, р. 30; pronunciation and translation of the words.
Semester l. Unit 2. Lesson 13
Теасhеr рrераrеý computer presentation оr individual cards. If it's
presentation teacher works with whole class, if these аrе саrds students
do their tasks individually. The task is to guess rebuses and say the
{rnswers with pronouns
"thls" and "these".
теасhеr's part
# l *
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
теасhеr's part
* 1,1 r'ъ ,Ф,sf-y
ча %Atr_уъ-.-fl t-s
'*- ъ* яъt
+'зf *ж
w tl,st --*",
# Р*"
lntroducing the topic
Presentation of vocabulary. Students write them into vocabularies:
['hвt] -капелюх
п An umbrella
- [аm'Ьrеlа] - парасолька
п А bag (а handbag)
- ['(hand)bres] - жiко.{а сумка
п Abelt
- ['belt] - ремiпь
вАсапе- ['kеrп.|-цiпок
Atie - ['tar.| - краватка
А cravat
- [kra'vret] - краватка,
- ['glavz] - рукавички
['mrt(a)nz] - рукавицi
- окуляри
- браслет
шийна хустиЕа
Students look at the pictures (ех. 1, р. S0) and describe people's
clothes as it is an example.
Semester l. Unit 2. Lesson 13
lntensiye reading. (Ех. 2,'р. 30). Students have to read the text. Веfore reading they get to know what sentences аrе missing in the text
(parts А to F).
Дпswеrs:1 hot weather; 2 from the sun; 3 to keep us cool; 4 оur feet
getting hot;,5 cold and snowy outside; б а cloudy and rаiпу day.
Teacher asks the questions to the text (to the whole class), and students answers.
1. Why do we choose the clothes every day?
2. Why do we change оur clothes during а day?
3. Can we wear,sandals and flip-flops in winter?
4. Do you wеаr jeans and trainers to а theatre? Why yes оr not?
The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses any
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr exarnple:
Hands оп уоur hips,
Hands оп уоur knees,
Put them behind you,
Touch уоur nose,
Touch уоur еаrs,
Touch уоur toes.
Work in class. Students rеаd the statements (ех. 4, р. 31) and agree
оr disagree with them. Each of the students has to think of these statements and says his/her own opinion proving the mind.
Ех. 5, р. 31-32, to Iеаrп the words.
Please, tell mе what things wе can call with pronounces
"this/these"?'that/those"? Give mе examples.
Students' answers.
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
LEsso]u 14
school uniform
Alms and obJectlves: to practise vocabula, у and spelling; to practise students'
skills of discussion; to develop students' speaking and listening skills; to
develop students' creativity.
Warm up
The teacher's 9reeting. Good morning, studentst I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [ar]. The twister is оп the blackboard (or in
the handouts):
о Nile crocodiles have the wildest smiles.
Ghecking оп homework
Students explains why they used "this / that" and "these,/ those" in
each example.
Game'An Odd Word"
Teacher gives students the саrds with the rоw of the words (one
card to each student). The task is to rеаd the words, find an odd word
and explain why.
Target апswеrý
hat, ruЬЬеrЬооts, umЬrеllа, boat,
coat, gloves, sсаrf
boat because it isn't clothes оr
dress, shirt, trоusеrs, umЬrеllа,
raincoat, сар, jacket
umЬrеllа because it isn't, clothes;
с) uniform, suit, blouse, tracksuit,
tie, Tr.aisteoat, shoes
it's accessories
tracksuit because it's item of sроrtу
swimsuit, fins, sunglasýeý, сар,
sandals, headscarf, shorts
fins Ьесаusе they аrе поt clothes от
tracksuit, trainers, shirt, t,shirt,
shirt Ьесаusе it isn't for sport
socks, hoodie, shorts
\emester l. Unit 2. Lesson
trousers, shirt, syeater, skirt,
skirt is fоr girls / women опlу
fur coat, boots, hat, dress, mittens, scarf, tights
dress because other items fоr cold
season only
tie, dress, handbag, searf, belt,
dress because оthеr items аrе
Ьооts, jeans, jumper
сапе, umbrella
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents the чосаЬulаrу of the lesson (ех. 1, р. 32). Stulients describe each реrsоп'ý clothes as it is in the example and do
сх. 2, р. 33.
Дпswеrs:1 Sue; 2 Тоm; 3 Маrу; 4
Jack; б ВоЬ.
Listening. Reading
Students listen to the text, and then read it. After reading they
hаче to do the task: tick the statements А, В, or both (ех. 3, р. 33-34).
Answers:1 А, В; 2 В; 3 В; 4 А, В; 5 В; б А.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhyme for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Raise уоur hands, high in the аir,
on уоur hair,
Raise your hands'as Ьеfоrе
At your sides,
While you сlар: one, two, three, four,
I put mу hands upon my hips,
I turn myself around.
I raise mу hands above my head
And then I touch the ground.
Теасhеr divides students into three groups. Teacher gives students
some questions for discussion (ех. 4, р. 34), and students discuss them.
Then each group ехрrеssеý its opinion. Teacher sums uр the results.
Ех. 5, р. 34
(а), ех. 6, р. 34.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А, М.
'l'. W}rat uniform would you iike to wеаr? Is it necessary to wеаr
tltt i
lilгttt at all?
Sttrclcnts' answers.
Asking for Advice. Structure "To Ве Going to"
Aims and objectives: to present "to Ье going to" Structure; to practise vocabulаrу апd pronunciation; to practise the use of "to Ье going to"; to develop
students' speaking and reading skills.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see уоu.
How аrе you?
(оr in the handouts);
[ь] and [t]. T]re twister is оп the blackboard
п Betty bought some butter, Ьцt the butter Betty bought was bitter,
so Betty bought sоmе better trutter.
Checking оп hornework
Теасhеr makes the display of students' works. Students one Ьу one
tells abrrut their projects (not mсrrе tharr 5 sentences), ot}rers ask them
the questions.
Game "We ale going to ".. "
Teacher gives students the саrds with tlre ta,sk (situation), divides
stuclents into four grоuрs. Each rrf the grоutrl gets the ca_rd and "dresýes" one of the partners. Then strrdents calJ the iterns of clothes and
explain thеir choice.
situations for cards
1. You are gcling to а ]эirtlrday раrtу. It's spring now. It's rather gold.
It's raining at the mоmепt, Drеss уоursеlf ac:<_:orcling to the occasi,on
and take песеsýаrч items.
\emetter l. Unit 2. Lesson
going to school. It is early autumn. The sun is shining. You
have got the Physical Education lesson today. Dress yourself асcording to the occasion and take necessary items.
i]. Yоu аrе going to а park with уоur friends. It is winter now. It is cold
and snowy. Dress yourself according to the occasion.
4. You аrе going to work in the garden, апс1 then to go to the riчеr.
It is summеr. Yоu аrе in а village. Dress yourself according to the
2" You аrе
lntroducing the topic
Gаmе cartls contain some information оп topic, that's why teacher
draws strrdents'attention to the first sentencesof their саrds ("You are
going to..."). Students read this structrrre and try to explain what cases
we can usе it. (Whеп ше рlап to do sаmе,thiпg.\
То help students' апýwеr, the teacher gives thе material from ех. 3,
Students divide into pairs, read the task and act short dialogues.
То practise students do ех. 4, р. 36.
1) to zip / to unzip а sweater
2) to fasten/to,unfasten а beit
З) to lace up / to unlace your
. shоеs
4) to puli off уоur sweater
5) to put on jeans
6) to take off а coat
7) to zip / to unzip а jackeb
8) to sew а lэuttоп
9) to fasten / to unfasten а beit
10) to lace up/to uпlасе уоur
11) to sew clothes
12) to pull off уоur s<rcks
The teacher makes mочепrепts и,ith t}re students. Теасhеr uýеs any
rhуmе for physical exercises, Fоr ехаmрlе:
Whеrе аrе you goi,ng tcl, mу little cat?
ffi i,}:{;*q:}l",|..т
Students listen to t}re clialogue and, atrs,wer what way wе can ask
and give advice. Тед,сhеr pays studerrts' attentitrn to t,he difference irз
writirrg of *'advice" (порада) anti "advise" (радитлi) (р. 35).
Yci уроки англiйськоi'мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Wcrrk lп whole class. Guessing the riddles. Students read the riddles
t,ttt,tt rrl<lud (р. 35) and trу to guess what the answer is. They give
1,1rr,iг rrrirr<ls
to answer.
Ех. 5. р. 37, р. 213 (grammar) to lеаrп.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summаrizеs the work Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
LESSON 1 б Ж#ж:i_:i::i{-:#frffiffi
Styles of Clothes
Aims and objectives: to practise vocabulary; to revise the use of "to Ье going
to" structure; to develop students' speaking skills; to develop students'
Wаrm up
The teacher's greeting. Good mоrпiпg, strrcltltrtsl l'rlr glrrd to ýее you.
How аrе you?
Phonetic exercisell
Students listen to the words, rеаd them arrcl tг\ Ltl l'i rr<l tlre odd rvord
in each line. Students have to explain their choit:r,. 'I'lrll lirres а,rе on the
blackboard (оr in the handouts):
а) done, love, mоче, son, much
Ь) calm, star, fair, half, Маrсh
с) light, quite, type, раiц пright
Checking оп homework
Теасhеr asks of the meaning "to Ье going t,<l" ttttrl tllc fоrms of it.
'Ihen students read and check the exercise.
Дпswеrs:1 is; 2 аrе; 3 is/is/is; 4 are /art,/ is; ,l i.ч/ is; (i аrе/аrе.
Semester l. Unit 2. Lesson 16
Lexical dictation
Fоr this dictation teacher gives the students the beginning of the
sentences (situations). Тhеir task is to continue апd complete the sепtences. After writing teacher picks the works up to check them out.
а) Clothes we wеаr at the parties is / аrе ...
Ь) Clothes we wеаr for а walk is/are ...
с) Clothes we wеаr to school is / аrе ...
d) Clothes we wear in the gym is / аrе ...
е) Clothes we wear iп summer is / аrе ...
f) Clothes we wеаr to the theatre is / аrе ...
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr gives students two dialogues to listen, and then match the
people (1-4) from the picture (ех.2, р. 38) to the clothes (А._Н) they аrе
going to rлrеаr.
(рhопе сопчеrsаtiоп)
О" you rеmеmЬеr we аrе going to а park?
М а r у. Sure! What are уоu going to wеаr?
Tim. Jeans, а pullover, а jacket and а сар. And boots, of course.
М а r у. Sounds hot!
Т i m. Oh! It is frosty today, that's why dress warmly.
М а r у. ОК. I'll wеаr а coat and high boots.
Т i m. Don't forget уоur fur-cap and gloves.
М а r у. Oh, thanks. Put on а scarf. Meet you in а half ап hочr.
Апdrеw. Ei, Lucy!
Lucy. Hello, Andy!
n d r е w.
What аrе you doing on Sunday?
Lucy. I'm
to skateboard.
А n d r е w. Oh, I go in fоr skateboarding, too! Let's go together.
L rr с у. It's nice. What аrе you going to wеаr?
п d
rе w. А tracksuit, а T-shirt,
L u с у. А T-shirt, too, then jeans
belt, and trаiпеrs.
Lucy. Oh, по. I don't like
а сар and
trainers. Well, and you?
you'll see my new
Ьу the way
caps. I рrеfеrЬапdаппаs.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
The teacher makes movelrrents vlith the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Stand up, clap, clap.
Аrms up, clap, clap.
Step, step, аrms down.
Clap, clap, please, sit down.
Listening. Speaking
Work in pairs. Теасhеr gives students the dialogue (ех. 3, р. 38) to
listen. Students listen to the dialogue, read it. Students divide into
раirs and act their оwп dialogue (ех. 4, р. 38) to the class.
Ех. 5, р. 39.
Т. What clothes do Ukrainian children рrеfеr? Do уоur раrепts alIow you to wеаr clothes уоur want? Why do people use different styles
in clothes? What do you think about fashion?
Students' answers.
Fashion and clothes
Aims and objectives: to practise vocbbulary апd pronunciation; to practise
students' listening and speaking skills; to develop skills of giving opinions;
to deve|op tolerance to others.
Warm up
The tеасhеrЪ greeting. Good mоrпiпg, studentst I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercisell
Students rеаd ех. 3, р. 40 and find out what sounds аrе: [r] оr [ar],
[h:], and [u:].
Semester l..Unit 2. Lesson
Checking оп homework
Students read the text one Ьу one and check their answers.
1. а) jacket; Ь) trousers; с)
uniform; d) pocket; е) schooi; f) shirt;
g) badge.
2. а) dress; Ь) socks; с) socks; d) shoes; е) sandals; f)
uniform; g) hat,
The aim of this game is to revise names of clothes, чеrЬs of the topic
(to put оп, to d.ress, to pull of f, to lace up, to uпlасе, ta zip, to uпziр, to
tahe off, to fаstеп, to uпfаstеп, to Ьuttоп uр, to uпЬutfоz) and Present
Continuots. Теасhеr asks students "'What аm I doing?" and mime eithеr putting оп оr pulling off, оr something else items of clothes. Students try to guess and say. The first student answering right changes
the tеасhеr etc.
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr explains the aims of the lesson, and then he gives students
the dialogue (ех. 1, р. 39) to listen and to rеаd it. Students have to аgrее
оr disagree rvith the statements and ground their opinion.
Work in pairs. Students rеаd the task (ех. 2, р. 40) and act out а dialogue using the words from the Ьох. Теасhеr explains definitions of the
words if it's necessary. Students describe their partners' clothes using
the examples,
The teacher makes movements with the students. The teacher uses
апу rhyme for physical exercises. Fоr example:
I am а trее in the wood.
I swing in the wind,
Му hands аrе the leaves.
They fall from the trее.
How so fly they float
Frоm the top of the trее.
Writing. Speaking
Work in whole cIass. Teacher shows students the pictures (ех. 4,
р. 40) and asks what is wrong with clothes. Students rеmеmЬеr phrases
Yci уроки англiйськоi'мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
frtltn l)hottetic ехеrсisе and use them to say about pictures. Тhеу ask
0псh оthor rippling down the chain and тvrite down their апswеrs оп the
lrlrtcklxlnгd and into the exercise books.
Ех. б, р. 41; to learn the phrases ех. 3, р. 40.
Т. What сап you_say 4bout уоur clothes? Look at yourself and say.
Students' апs\л/еrs.
Му Favourite Clothes Style
Aims and objectives: to practise vocabulary and Past Simple; to develop
students' speaking skills; to develop general culture; to develop students'
,,".*,,, S Е
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Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good mоrпiпg, studetttsl I'm glad to see you.
Eow аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [v]. The twister is оп the blackboard (оr in
the handouts):
о vеrа drove to venice in а van.
Checking оп homework
Students present their wоrkв and describe Bitttations and
tntroducing the topic
Теасhеr explains the aims of the lesson, and then he gives students
the dialogue (ех. 1, р. 41) to listen it. Studelrtв have to complete the
соmрlimепts and ground their opinion.
Semester l. Uпit 2. Lessan 18
А n n. Hi, Janet
J а tr е. Hi! Nice to see you!
А n п. You look so trendy today!
Ja п е. Oh, thank you. ThiB is my new jumper.
А n n. I took notice of your пеrлr clothes. It's really cool! But why is
it Ьlче?
J а n е. I like light blue colour and it matches to my eyes.
А п n. Don't Ье offended! Yоur jumper is nice.
J а п е. I'm not offended. I liked mу old sweater, but it is too Bmall.
А п n. What а pityl That was so comfortable thing.
J а n е. That's why I bought the new jumреr.
А n n. And that was а good choice! I love your taste!
Work iп whole class/in pairs. Students hаче to say compliments to the
classmates about thеir clothes using ех. 1, р. 41.
Теасhеr divides students into раirs, and they have to ask and
апýwеr the questions in the table (ех. 3, р. 42), then рrеsепt their dialogues to the class.
The teacher makes movernents with the stчdепts. Теасhеr useý any
rhуmе for physical ехеrсisеs. Fоr ехаmрlе:
I can walk on tip, tip, toe
Like а fairy I can go.
I сап stamp sо that you'll say
Ап elephant is hеrе today.
Writing. Reading
Т. Imagine уоu аrе going on а school trip with уочr classmates. Now
you are helping to уочr mum to pack уоur clothes. First, write а list of
clothing, then write чrhеrе you аrе going, what the season is
Studentý use the table frоЙ ех. 5, р. 42. After writing, students
read their wоrks to the class.
Ех. 6, р.42-43.
Т. What are уоur favourite clothes? Why? Describe уоur favourite item.
Students' answers.
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Aims and objectives: to practise students'speaking skills; to practise students'
listening skills; to practise pronunciation and vocabulary; to develop ge, nera| culture and etiquette of speech.
Warm чр
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, stuclents! I'm glad to see уоu.
Horv аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [а]. The twister is on the blackboard (оr in
the handouts):
п Fat Pat had а fat cat.
о Pat's cat sat in Pat's hat.
Checking on homework
Students read the text опе Ьу опе and check their answers.
lntroducing the topic
The teacher presents lists of clothes and,accessories and asks students first to divide the items into groups and then to list them. Students have to Ье аЫе to explain their choice. Each student has different
task (it mау Ье some students with the same tasks):
п winter clothes
в footwear
о sporty ciothes
tr sulцmеr clothes
п accessories
о outerwear etc.
А hat
А dress
А skirt
А shirt
А scarf
Тrоusеrs/а pair of trousers
Ап umЬrеIlа
А sweat-shirt
А bag
А headscarf
А belt
А pair of socks
А fur coat
А blorrse
(а handbag)
Semester l. Unit 2, Lesson 19
Ruььеr boots
А tie
А jacket
А t-shirt
Swim suit
Jeans/a pair of jeans
А pullclver
А cane
А Ьlаzеr
А coat
А cravat
А jumреr
А sweater
А сар
High boots
А pair of tights
А fur-сар
knee socks
The teaclrer divides students into pairs, Students hаче tc} \лrritе
2-3 questions to ask their classmates and make а dialogrre. It шач Ье
done with help of the examples (ех. 1, р. 43). Тhеп pairs of students
(selectively) read their dialogues.
Теасhеr gives students tq listen and then to read the dialogues
(thеrе аrе four ones in ех. 2, Р. 43-4Ц, Students match t}re pictures and
the dialogues and рrераrе to act them.
Теасhеr proposes Students to train their pronunciation and practise
the words (ех. 3, р. а4-45\. Students look at the pictures, Iisten and
repeat the words, and then make sentences usillg the example,
The tеасhеr makes movements with the students. Теасhеr u.ýеý апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr ехаmрlе:
mеаsurе frоm top of mу head to mу toes.
пеаsurе пIу аrms starting hеrе Ьу n<rse"
mеаsurе mу legs and I rпеаsurе me а11.
measure to see
if I'rп grоwiпg tall.
Work in whole class. Studelrts (individually) think of ttre ite.tn о{
clothes and start to describe it irr turn rnentiorripg situation.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови.5 клас (за пiдручником А, М. HecBiT)
Other students have to guess what the item is. Students may use the
example from ех. 6, р. 4б, and teacher mау give апоthеr examples:
п I wеаr it iп summer. It's very comfortable. It's bright. It is made of
nylon. It's good to suпЬаthеs and to swim. (А svrim suit)
п I like it very much Ьесаusе it's mу friend's present. I саrrу it rмith
mе when I go to а раrtу оr to the thеаtrе. It matches to mу stylish clothes. It is quite small and stylish, too. It is made of lеаthеr.
Ех. 7,-р. 4б, to repeat the unit vocabulary and gramrnar.
Т. What is the difference betrMeen
sioný we use these ъrоrds in?
Students' апswеrý.
"fit" and "match"? What
LEssoN 2о
Grammar Revision
Aims and objectives: to revise and practise the use of "to Ье going to"; to revise апd practise the use of the vocabulary; to revise and practise students'
writing skills; to summarize the topic material.
Warm чр
The teacher's greeting. Good mgrning, studetrtst I'm glad to see you.
How are you?
phonetic exercise
Students rечisе sounds [r], [h:], [l:]. The rltупrе is on the black-
board (оr in the handouts):
The rаiп is rаiпiпg all arottlrtl,
It falis оп field and trее.
It rаiпs on the umьrеllа hеrо,
And оп the ships at sea.
Semester l. Unit 2. Lesson 20
Сhесkiпg оп homework
Some students read the questions and short answers to them, and
others check up.
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr says students about grаmmаr revisiorr" Теасhеr gives
instructions of all the parts of the wоrk and order of the work to the
students. students mustn't usе text-books for advice. Теасhеr can take
grаmmаr revision wоrk frоm the text-book, оr mау choose his/her
orvn чаrj,апt.
Теасhеr gives students four short dialogцes for listening and reading aloud (in pairs), Students read ех. 1, р. 45.
Students wоrk individually. They look at the pictures (ех. 2, р. 46)
and make dialogues using the previous exercise аý an example. Then
students write them into their exercise books.
The teacher gives students cards with the picture. Students go to the
teacher's table опе Ьу опе and the first student gives the card to the next
etc. until all the students get the cards. Теасhеr read the short text "Find
Му Family". Students have to listen and mark the right picture.'Then
students give their саrds back to check. (In the centre of the сагd.)
ffiffi W
Yci уроки англiйськоiмови.5 клас (за пiдручником А- М. HecBiT)
Text ]
Hi, friends! This is mу family. Тhеrе аrе three of us: mу mother,
rпу father and mе. I'm 10 arrd mу name's John. Му mum is dressed in
а jumper, а skirt and boots. Му father wеаrs а suit and dark shoes.
As for mе I like cycling and wеаr comfortable clothes. These are black
jeans, black trаiпеrs and а hoodie. Where аrе we?
Students read the text оп their own and complete it with the words
in brackets into the соrrесt tense form (ех. 3, р. 46 оr another va-
Text 2
Stevie Wonder is а nickname of Steven Gеrrаrd, one of the best
players of the Liverpool FС. Stevie is 33. Ечеrу day he (1) ... (to get up)
at six o'clock and (2) ... (to hurrу) to the stadium. Before he (3) ... (to
leave) his house, he usually (а) ... (to put on) а shirt, а jacket, jeans and
shoes. Не (5) ... (to wеаr) jeans very often because he (6) ... (to рrеfеr)
casual style. At trainings Stечiе (7) ... (to wеаr) а special tracksuit and
football boots. Also he (8) ... (to read) а game plan and (9) ... (to discuss)
it with the trainer and his team-mates.
During the football matches he (10) ... (to wеаr) а uniform. It сопsists of а T-shirt, Ьохеr shorts, knee socks and football boots, too. His
uniform is а symbol of his team, and Steven (11) ... (to Ье proud) of it.
Steven always (12) ... (to check) their boots Ьеfоrе he (13) l.. (to put) them
on. Why? "Once the рlауеrs (14) ... (to put) tootlrpaste in mу boots", he
(15) ... (to say). At the end of each match, Steven (16) ... (to go) to the
fans to thank them.
Steven (17) ... (to work) hаrd. Не (18) ... (to trу) his best. His fans
(19) ... (to love) him. His dad (20) ... (to go) to every match.
Дпswеrs:1 gets up;2 hurries;3 leaves;4 puts сlп; 5 wears;6 prefers;
7 wеаrs; 8 reads; 9 discusses; 10 wears; 11 is proud; 12 checks; ].3 рuts;
14 put; 15 said; 16 goes; 17 works; 18 tries; 1.9 love; 20 goes.
Ех. 5, р.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the work Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
5emester/. Unit 2. Lesson 21
Reading. "The Magic Dress"
Alms апd objectives: to revise students'speaking skills; to develop students
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see yolr.
[Iow аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds
(оr in the handouts):
and [s]. The twister is on the blackboard
о I sсrеаm, you sсrеаm, we all sсrеаm fоr ice сrеаm!
Checking оп homework
Students read completed sentences in turn and explain their
Дпswеrs:l take
wear/take off.
оп; 2 put оп; 3 put on; 4 bring; 5 put on;
lntroducing the topic
Teacher presents the text "The Magic Dress" (ех.2, р. 47-49) and
says about the tasks. Теасhеr divides students into two groups. The
first gгоuр has to read part А, and the second grоuр has to read раrt В.
Теасhеr asks students to mark incomprehensible wоrds while they rеаd
the text.
After reading students may ask about underlined words and tеасhеr
explains their definitions.
Students make the plan to their part of the text and try to retell the
text according to the рlап, and exchange information.
Fосчs оп gist. Students put the sentences in the correct оrdеr ассоrding to the text (ех. 3, р. 49).
4; 2
|;3 5; 4 6; б 2;6 3.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
It is reasonable to break Speaking part with а pause. Теасhеr divides
students into three groups Теасhеr writes three set words on the black-
board, and students have to fоrm the chain of the words on topic frоm
them. Students frоm each team go to the backboard to write а цrоrd.
The winner is whose "chain" is lопgеr.
о Pullouer
- (raincoat - tracksuit - trainers - socks - skirt T-shirt - tie etc.)
о НапdЬаg
of tights etc.)
- (gloves - scarf - ruЬЬеr
- pair shoes
о Belt -- (trousers * ýweater
Focus on grammar. Students read the sentences and explain what
underlined рrопоuпсеs stand fоr (ех. 4, р. 49).
Дпswеrs:1 whale; 2 Ben and Becky; 3 dress; 4 monkeys; 5 Becky;
6 Becky and Веп; 7 dress.
Fdcus on lexicon. students have to rеmеmьеr the words and writе
them down (ех. 5, р. 49).
Ех. 6, р. 5О; part А (1, 2) апswеr the questions; to bring glue, scissors, some coloured felt pens, some рареr"
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedback.
LEssoN 22
Project "Fashion"
Aims and objectives: to write а leaflet about fashion; to develop students'ability to work оп their оwп; to develop students'creativity,
VУarm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
Semester l. Unit 2. Lesson 22
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [9]. The rhуmе is on the blackboard (оr in
the handouts):
Billy's blowing his trumpet.
Jonathan's banging а tin.
Betty's crying for Мummу.
Тоmmу is crying "Iсе-сrеаm!"
tntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents the examples of projects to students. Teacher mау
цsе the text-book project оr real projects made Ьу other students (р. 50).
Teacher divides students into pairs. Students read the task В (р. 50).
Students look through the projects, апd thеп start to wqrk. Опе of the
students prepares u 'lgirl раrt" and апоthеr
- а "Ьоу раrt". They have
to join their works to get the project.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Сlар уоur handst
Clap уоur handst
This is how it's done.
Slap уоur knees!
Slap уоur knees!
Now уоu'rе having fun.
Stamp уоuг feett
Stamp уоur feet!
Make а lot of noise.
Squat уоur down,
Squat уоur dоtлrп,
Don't lift up уоur voice.
Students in pairs show their leaflets to other classmates and give
them their information about pictures. Then they апswеr оthеr students' questions.
Теасhеr mау organize.a display of students' works.
То rереаt vocabulary of the topic.
Sчmmаrу and feedback
The teacher summarizes the work Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
Unit 3. FOOD
Foodstuffs. countable апd uncountable Nоuпs
Aims and objectives: to irЁroduce and practise пеw vocabulary; to present and
practise the use of countable апd uncountable nouns; tc: develop students'
llVarm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'rn glad to ýее yau.
How аrс you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [eal. The twi.ster is on the blackboard (оr in
the halrdouts):
ш Sarah and Маrу share their pears fairly.
lntroc!ucing the topic
Teacher lrrау usе the computer presentati,on or рrераrе pi.ctures to
introdrrce the topic, оr use tlre pictures frоm the text-book.
Students listen and rереаt the words frоm t}re lrox (ех. 1, р" 52) and
talk alrout foclcl they r_r,sually lrave for breakfast:
п I usuаllу h,ave.sопtе bread, butter ancl а cup of Ьеа for breakfast.
Vocabulary practice. Теасirеr gives studerrts the new vocalrrrlary
strrclen,ts пrаrk the rrnknown, wоrсls and find their
iп such а way:
Semester l. Unit 3. Lesson 23
definitions in the text-book glossary, read them with translation. In
pairs, students practise vocabulary; they tell еасh оthеr which food
they like/don't like to have fоr breakfast using the phrases from
l,x" 2, р. 53.
Then students have to match words and pictures. Теасhеr draws
students' attention to the use of article "а" with the words.
Т. Can use explain the use of article "а" with the nouns "а sandwich", "а piece of cake", "а pudding"? What other words you сап tlse
with article? Do you know why?
Grammar work
,Теасhеr draws students' attention to the table (р. 53) and asks:
1. What поuпs сап we call countable/uncountable?
2. What special рrопоuпs do we usе for countable/uncountable nouns
in affirmative form? Negative form? Questions?
Students answer the questions and rеаd the examples.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr usеs апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Andy Pandy, fine and dandy,
Loves plum cake and sugа,r candy.
а candy shop
Апd away did hop, hop, hop.
Bought it frоm
Listening. Reading
Teacher gives students the text for listening (ех. 3, р. 53)" ýtudents listen to the text and read it. After reading, students make the
task givin,g their opinions and аgrее or disagree with the statements
(ех. 4, р. 53).
Аgrее, because they both have something for breakfast.
2. Disagree, because Ann sometimes takes hеr lunch Ьох.
3. Agree. Апп'ý mоm sometimes gives hеr а Ьапапа,
4. Disagree.. Ann doesn't,buy sweets.
Students look through the text (ех. 3, р. 53) and find the examples
of соuпtаЬlе and uncountable nouns. Тhеп they write two lists into
tirej.r exercise books and оп the blackboard for checking.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBi1)
Ех. 7, р. б4; to write vocabulary words into vocabularies, to
]еаrп them-
Т. Breakfast is the most important mеаl of the day. Do you аgrее
with this statement? Or can you skip breakfast?
Students' answerý.
Меаl."Мчсh/Мапу/Lots oflа Lot of"
Aims and objectives: to practise vocabulary; to practise the use of countable/uncountable почпs; to present "much/many/lots ofla lot of1 to
develop students'speaking and listening skills; to develop cross-cultural
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise homophones. Teacher gives the definitions of the
homophones if it is necessary. The pairs of the words аrе оп the blackЬоаrd (оr in the handouts):
о piece/peace
о flower/flour
о root/route
о Ьrеаd/Ьrеd
What of these words аrе connected with the topic?
(hecking оп homework
Students (selectively) present their works.
Semester l. Unit З. Lesgon 24
Students-chain around the class "I like ... best"/"I рrеfеr..."/
"I don't like..." like this:
S1. Fоr mу breakfast I like сеrеаI best.
52. Fоr mу breakfast I like cereal and crisps best.
S3. Fоr mybreakfast I like cereal, crisps and toast best etc.
continue t}re game until а student makes а mistake. Then teacher
starts another chaln.
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr gives students the pictures (ех. 1, р. 54) and asks about
Jane's usual breakfast, lunch and dinner. Теасhеr explains the use of
these words in England paying students' attention to clocks at the picturеs. Тhеп students апswеr the questions.
Grammar work
Теасhеr drаws students' attention to the table (р. 55). Students rеаd
table with the ехаmрlеs and апswеr teacher's questions.
What почпs do we use "many/lots of /а lot of" vrith?
What nouns do we use "much/lots of /а lot of" with?
What words do we usе in positive sentences? Negative sentences?
Listening. Reading
Теасhеr proposes students the dialogue for listening and reading
(ех.2, р. 55). Students have а task to listen to the dialogue, to complete
it with the questions and find one extra question that they don't need.
Then students read this text for checking.
Дпswеrs:1 С; 2 Е; 3 А; 4 В; D is the ехtrа question.
Students look through the dialogue one mоrе time. Their task is to
say wfuo usually does something (ех. 3, р. 55)
Answers:1 Nobody; 2 Alex; 3 AIex; 4 Jane; 5 Jane; б Alex.
The teacher makes movements vrith the students. Теасhеr uýеs апу
rhуmе fоr physical exercises. Fоr example:
Two little feet go tap, tap,'tap.
Two little hands go clap, elap, clap.
, Two little feet go jump, jump, jump.
Two little hands go thump, thump, thump..
Yci уроки анrлiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Students read ех. 4, р. 56 and complete the sentBnces with
"much / mапу / lots of / а lot
of ".
Дпswеrs:l а lot of /mапу; 2 muсh; 3 mапу; 4 lots of; 5 а lot of;
6 muсh.
Work iп pairs. Students look at the pictures and complete dialogues
(ех. 5, р. 56). Students work in pairs and in turn act the dialogues to
the class.
Ех. 6, р. 56; to lеаrп and act dialogue
1 (ех. 5, р. 56)
Т. Answer questions:
1. When do чrе usе "some/any"?
2. What kinds of nouns do we use
in positive/negative
('many/lots of
3. What nouns do we uýe
/а lot of" Trrith?
4. What nouns do rve usе "much,/lots of /а lot of" with?
Students' answers.
LE5SoN 25
Cooking Dinner. Festive Table
Aims and objectives: to introduce and practise vocabulary; to practise the use
of "some/any", "much/many/a lot oft'; to develop students'speaking and
listening skills; to develop cross-cultural соmреtепсе.
#j.а}мц.*|ц.l. Fý,M
Warm up
The tеасhеrЪ greeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see уоч.
How аrе you?
Semester l: Unit 3. Lesson 25
phonetic exercise
Students revise homophones. Теасhеr gives the definitions of the
homophorres if it is necessary. The pairs of the words аrе on the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
п deerldear
в some/sum
о hеrе/hеаr
о bite/byte
Checking on homework
In pairs, students act out dialogues.
First, tеасhеr divides students into thrее grоuрý. Tlren teacher
shows students the pictures (this variant or ,another one), and students make sentences (affirmative, negative and interrogative) with
the names of foodstuffs using рrопоuпs "some / апч]' and adverbs
"much/many/a lot of" оr "опе". Опе соrrесt sentence is опе point.
,,, li,]lЁ6l:iЁiitlЖал
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
lntroducing the topic
Presentation ofvo(abulary. Теасhеr presents new vocabulary using
the pictures (ех. 1, р. 57). Students listen and repeat actions to prepare
food. Students try to explain definitions of the words. If they can't do
it, they have to find the words irr the text-book gloýsary.
Vocabulary practice. Students practise vocabulary (ех. 2, р. 57) in
раirs. The task is to read the ехаmрlе and make short dialogues with
the words. Веfоrе studentB will start their work, teacher gives them the
linking words of order: first, then, after that, next, finally.
Listening. Reading
Teacher gives students the text for listening and reading. After
listening teacher asks some questions:
1. What is this text about?
2. What way does the family сеlеЬrаtе mother's birthday?
3. Is it traditionally fоr this family?
4. What food do they cook at lnother's birthday?
5. How do you think what country is this family from? Why do you
think so?
Then students read the text (ех. 3, р. 57-58) and complete the sentences with соrrесt items (ех. 4, р. 5S).
Дпswеrs:l Ь; 2 с; 3 Ь; 4 а.
The teacher rnakes movements with the students. Теасhеr uýеs any
rhуmе fоr physical exercises. Fоr example:
One, Ьusу wife's ruЬЬiпg the flооr.
Two, busy wife's polishing the door.
Тhrее, busy wif'se washing the socks.
Fоur, busy wife's winding the clocks.
Five, busy wife's cleaning with the Ьrооm.
Six, busy wife's tidying rip the rооm.
Seven, busy wife's washing in the sink.
Eight, brrsy wife's giving the cat а drink.
Nine, Ьusу wife"s cooking dinner too.
Ten, busy wife's with nothing else to do.
first task is to complete the
dialogue (ех. 5, р. 58-59) with the words some, any, muсh, and mапу.
Then students read the dialogue in pairs and check their partners. And
then they write it down into their exercise books.
Teacher divides students into pairs. The
Yci уроки анrлiйськоI мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
lntroducing th€ topic
Presentation of чосаЬulаrу. Teacher presents new vосаЬulаrу using
the pictures (ех. 1, р. 57). Students listen and repeat actions to рrераrе
food. Students try to explain definitions of the words. If they can't do
it, they have to find the words in the text-book glossary.
Vocabulary practice. Students practise vocabulary (ех. 2, р. 57) in
pairs. The task is to read the example and make short dialogues with
the words. Before stuclentв will start their work, teacher gives them the
linkirrg words of оrdеr: first, then, after that, next, finally.
Listening. Reading
Теасhеr gives students the text for listening and reading. After
}istening teacher asks some questions:
1. What is this text ahout?
2. What way does the family celebrate mоthеr's birthday?
3. Is it traditionally for this farnily?
4. What food do they cook at rnother's birthday?
5. How do you think what country is this family frоm? Why do you
think so?
Then students read the text (ех. 3, р. 5?-58) and complete the sentences with correct items (ех. 4, р. 5S).
Дпswеr*l Ь; 2 с; 3 Ь; 4 а.
The teacher rnakes movements with the students. Teacher uýes апу
rhуmе fоr physical exercises. Fоr example:
Опе, busy wife's rubbing the floor.
Two, busy wife's poli.shing the door.
Three, busy wif'se washing the socks.
Fоur, busy wife's winding the clocks.
Five, Ьusу wife's cleaning with the Ьrооm.
Six, busy wife's tidying tip the rооm.
Seven, busy wife's washing in the sink.
Eight, brrsy wife's giving the cat а drink.
Nine, busy wife's cooking dinner too.
Теп, busy wife's with nothing else to do.
first task is to complete the
dialogue (ех. 5, р. 58-59) with the words some, any, much, and mапу.
Then students read tlre dialogue in pairs and check their partners. And
then they rмrite it down into their exercise books.
Tehcher divides students into pairs. The
Yci уроки аt-tглiйськоТ мови, 5 клас (за пiдручником А. IИ. HecBiT)
!ntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents stud,ents the text "School Meal" to listen to it
ех, ,[, р. 59-60). Then students read. the text and make the task to it
giving their opinion.
2. Disagree, because there are tчуо desserts cln the mепu.
3, Disagree, because there isn't arty ice сrеаm оr chocolate оп the
4. Аgrее.
Vocabulary practice. Teacher gives some words and word combinations to ttie students:
ш The first соursе, ВrЕ ** перша страва (частiше суп)
(частiше салат або овочевий суu)
п Starter" АmЕ
- fiерша страва
(гаряча) страва; м'ясо/птиця/риба
п The mаiп course
з гарнiром
п Dessert
лессрт (тiстечко, солодкий пирiг" суфле, морозиво)
п Drink
п А snack, АпrЕ
- легкий перекус
п Selecticrn.
Теасhеr divides stu,dents into pairs. Stuclents read ех" 2, р. 60 and
rnake dialogues asking and arrswering alrout food, on the menu. Тhеп
stucients a,ct their works trr the classRelaxation
Tire teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses апу
rhуlпr.. fоr physical exerci,ses. Fоr example:
Nick and Andy
Sugar апd candy,
I say stand up!
Nick arrd Arrdy
Sr"rgar and
Your harrds up!
Nick and Andy,
Sugar and candy,
l,et stoop!
Nick and Andy
Sugаr апd candy,
I say jrrmp!
a.nd -A.ndy
Srrgar and cancly,
I sal, enolrgh!
\emester l. Unit 3. Lessan 27
students have to think and write аьоut the school canteen mепu.
'Геасhеr gives students some questions to help them:
1. What is the name (пumЬеr) of your school?
2. Do you have а school canteen?
3. Do students have а lunch there?
4. Do students have а snack there?
5. Wh;t dishes do students usually have for selection? Fоr the first
course? Fоr the main course? Fоr dessert?
They mау start like this:
о In Ukrаiпiап schools, а lot of students have their luпсh at school...
After writing students (two or three students selectively) rеаd their
works, and others соmраiе the answers
Ех. 3, р. 60-61; to lеаrп dialogues.
Т. Did you like English students' menu? Do you like food in your
school canteen?
Students' answers.
А Мепч. Healthy Food
Aims апd objectives: to present vocabula,ry; to practise the use of vocabulary
and "muсh/mапу/а lot of1 to develop students'communicative skilIs; to
develop students' creativity; to develop general culture and сопсерtiоп
of healthy lifestyle.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds [d j, [t] and [z]. The twister is on the blackЬоаrd (оr in the handouts):
о When а doctor doctors а dосtоц does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor?
Che<king оп homework
In pairs, students act out the dialogues.
The students аrе given the cards (individually) with jumbled instructions (steps) on how to make а really good English tea, an оmеlette, а sandwich оr something simple else. Теасhеr uses the same саrds
for some students. Students have to put sentences into the соrrесt оrder. After the work students having different recipes rеаd the anýwers
and others check them.
А Nice Cup of Теа!
l stir Ьеfоrе serving.
l Рut wаrm water into the teapot.
l Leave it for thrее to five minutes.
L_l Роur boiling wаtеr into
the teapot.
Рut it one teaspoon of tea реr реrsоп and one for the teapot.
l l put some cheese оп the bread.
l cut Ьrеаd and cheese.
l Decorate with Iettuce.
Spread two slices of bread with butter.
Lay the slice of Ьrеаd оп cheese.
Boil ed Eggs
Boil two to six minutes (in depending on taste).
Put eggs into а pan.
Sеrче in
ап, egg cup.
Роur cool water into а pan.
Wash eggs. Etc.
Unit З. Lessan 27
lntroducing the topic
The teacher asks if the students have any ехреriепее of eating out.
The teacher elicits the names of restaurants the students attended. The
suggested апswеr is fast food and regular restaurants. The teacher
asks to find the basic difference between these kinds of restaurants.
Vocabulary practice. The teacher рrеsепts new words to the students,
and they rvrite the words into their vocabularies.
п То keep... fit
тримати... у формi
['kr:p frt]
['hel0fal] - корисний
в Harmful
- ['hc:mfal]fu;d]
- ш4iдливий
в Junk food
- некорисяа
- ['dзzrрk
п Оrdеr
- ['c:da] п Ketchup
- ['keйp] - кетчуц майонез
п Мауо (mayonnaise)
- ['merau]
п Mustard _. ['mrrstad]
в Soda wаtеr
газоваЕа вода
- ['sauda].-- неперевершений
п Delicious
- [dr'hJas] смачний
п Tasteful
- ['terstfai] смачний,
о Yummy
['jrrmr] The teacher gives students to listen to dialogues.
о Healthful
Their task is to
listen and say what food is healthful and what is harmful, and why
they think so.
Dialogue 1
Сап I help you?
please. А cheeseburger with mustard, middle Frепсh fries,
ketchup and а large Coke. And а little mоrе mауо!
W. Good. Eating there?
С. Yes.
W. That's 16. 70.
С. Неrе you аrе.
Yoirr 20 and this is your 3. 30 change. Thank you. This is уоur
оrdеr. Enjoy уоur mеаl!
С. Thanks.
Dialogue 2
Good evening. What would you like?
С. What is уоur special today?
Grilled drumsticks.
С. Oh, no. Do you have something plain, I mеап dietary?
W. Steamed fish?
С. Yes, and then let's start with grееп salad.
Yes, sir, Any dessert?
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручницом А, М. HecBiT)
С. Thank you. МауЬе, а piece of cheesecake and а сuр of coffee.
Ц/. Coffee goes frее hеrе. Do you рrеfеr rеgulаr оr caffeine-free?
С. Rеgulаr, but with milk, please.
Surе. 'Wait for а few minutes.
What examples of junk food сап you give?
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Goose-goose gander,
Where shall I wапdеr?
Up stairs and down stairs,
In mу lady's сhаmЬеr;
There you'll find а cup of sack
And а rасе of giпgеr,
Speaking. Mini-project
Students wоrk in groups. Their task is to write some questions for
а class surчеу. They have to discuss possible questions in groups and
do а survey in other groups (ех. 4, р. 61).
Students in groups have to write а menu fоr school canteen for
а definite day and present it to the class.
The teacher displays the menus оп the blackboard. Students disсuss them.
Ех. 5, р. 61; to Iеаrп the vocabulary
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the rvork Ьу asking for students' feedback.
tEssoN 28
Му Favourite Dish. Recipes
Aims апd objectives: to revise and practise vocabulary; to develop students
listening skills; to develop students'communicative skills; to develop students' creativity.
Semester l. Unit 3. Lesson 28
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds [f] and [w]. The twister is оп the blackboard
(оr in the handouts):
п Fuzzy Wuzzy was а Ьеаr, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, Fuzzy Wuzzy
wasn't very fuzzy, was he?
Checking on homework
Students (selectively) read their letters.
lntroducing the topic
The teacher presents to the students ех. 1, р. 62. First, students
rеаd the wоrds from the Ьох and give their definitions in Ukrainian.
Then students listen to the dialogue and complete it with the words (individually). Then students rеаd the dialogue aloud (in turп) and оthеr
students check the task.
Дпswеrs:l diппеr; 2 favourite; 3 cabbage leaves; 4 rice; 5 sour
сrеаm; б cook; 7 delicious; 8 recipe.
The tеасhеr talks аьоut traditional ukrainian cuisine. students call
traditional Ukrainian dishes and their favourite dishes, and then say
what dishes they сап eat at home оr out; what dishes аrе mоrе tasteful;
what thing do they need first to рrераrе something.
The teacher arranges students into pairs. Their task is to make
а dialogue using the pictures (ех. 2, р. 62-63) and act their dialogues
to the class.
Listening. Reading
Students listen to the text (ех. 3, р. 63) and read the recipe of trаditional Ukrainian dish. They have to mark unknown rмords and сlеаr
their definitions in the glossary.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses апу
rhуmе fоr physical exercises. Fоr ехаmрIе:
this way, jumping that.
gently like а cat.
sideways, jumping tall.
high like а bouncing ball.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Mini-project. ll\|riting
The teacher gives the students а blank of а recipe. They have to
think and write а rесiре of опе of their favourite dishes they know
exactly. They have to use the words of order: to mаhе / to cooh...: ftrst...;
thеп...; after that..,; пехt.,.; finaLly,,, And finish their rесiреs with: Епjоу
уоur mеаl!
The teacher displays the students'works and comments them.
Ех. 6, р. 64; to рrераrе to а dialogue, to write а list of questions
(ех. 4, р. 63).
Т. What traditional English dishes do you know?
Students' anýwers.
LEssoN 29
English Meals
Aims and objectives: to revise and practise vocabulary; to develop students
Jistening skills; to develop students'communicative skills; to develop students' creativity; to develop cross-cultural competence.
Тhе teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see уоч.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
ýtudents rечisе sounds [au] and [,r]. Students read the words and
trу to find the oild wоrd in each line. Students hаче to e[plain their
choice. The lines аrе оп the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
о ruп, but, luck, rude, mug
о cow, start, now, house, found
Checking оп homework (ех. 6, р. 64)
Дпswеrs:1 lives; 2 decided; 3 liked; 4 joined; 5 got; б became; 7 don't
eat; 8 don't drink; 9 make; 10 make; 11 have; 12 can make.
Semester/. Unit 3. Lesson 29
Students are arranged irrto pairs and act dialogues with a
l'rom an Englisir-speakirrg cottntrv".
Тhе teacher shorMs the pictures (presentation is better) to the stullents.'Гhеу lrave to guess what kind of а restaurant is and what dishes
wе'сап try there.
Hardee's" Kviv
"Khatynka" Kyiv
"Dnipro Riчiеrа"
"Puzata khata"
"Yar" Moscow
Yci уроки англiйськоi л,tови 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
"Plaza Athenee" Paris
"Тасо Bell" Kharkiv
"McDonald's" LЬпdоп
lпtrоdчсiпg the topic
Tlre teaclrer рrеsепts io the strrdents ех. ],i р. fi5. First, students
read the words frorr the lrox and gi1,1e their d,efinitiolrs in ukrainian.
Then str,rdents listen Ьrr tlre tе,чt "Engtrish Meais" a,nd r":orn,plete it with
the words (individually). T}ren stutients read the text alotid (in turn)
;rnd ot}r,er strrdents clreck t}re ,{;prsk.
Uпit З, l.esson 29
Дпswеrs: t rneals; 2 breakfast; 3 milk; .4 eggs; 5 mаrmаlаdе; б cup;
7 lunch; 8 cilips; 9 lemonade; 10 packed lunch; 11 tea; 12 rо11; ],3 dinner;
14 plate; 15 chicken.
After rеаdiпg, studcrnLs give tlrеiг clpiniorr alid, аgrее оr disagrecl
with the staternents {ех.2, р. 65-6ti}.
Disagree (four).
Disagree (at 8 o'clock).
3. Di,sagree (at tr1 o'clock)"
4. Disagree {packecl luп.сlr).
5. Disagree (thcy do).
6. Аgrее.
Gramrnar апd lexicaI work
Students find" countab'le and -trncourrta}rle поuпs in the text explain-,
ing their choice; tlren the_v апswеr th,e teia.cher's questions:
1" Do any паrЁеs of foocl sоurзd similar in уоur language?
2. What аrе they?
3. Wrjte them down.
4. \Mhat do уоu know аЬошt Eng}is}r nreals?
Tell уоur classmates"
The tеасhеr makes moventettts with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr ехаmрiе:
Сап ytru }rop li,ke а rab-bit?
Can уоu ruп like а dog?
Саrr yott fly like а Ьirrl?
E;l ж;}ift],*
go..t ohild
stili as
а fish,/
Work in palrs. Th,e tеасhеr рrорФsеs sоmе si,trratioris to the strrdents.
Тhеп students аrе Аrrаrэgеti i.rlttl pait,s nTrTl пrake в, dialtlgtle rrccording
to the situatiorrg {ех" 5, р. бfi)
Ех" 6, р. 66; to rrlрсп.t grnuiIl]l1r а.псl vrrсаЬulаrу,
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the. wоrk Ьу asking for stitdents' feedback.
IESSON 30 Ё#:rЁ::#1ffi'*э;:}*-{ffi
Grammar Revision
Aims and objectives: to revise and practise the use of "some/any"; to revise
and practise the use of "much/many/lots ofla lot of"; to revise and practise the use of the vocabulary; to revise and practise students' writing skills;
to summarize thё topic material.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good mоrпiпg, strrdents! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds [tl, [ц], [0l.The twister is оп the black-
board (оr in the handouts):
в I thought, I thought of thinking, of thanking you.
Checking on homew,ork
Ех. 6, р. 66.
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr,tells students about airTrs of t]re lesson. Teaclr.er gi.ves
instructions of all the parts of the wоrk апd order of the wоrk to t}r,e
students. students mustn't use text-books for аrlчiсе. Теас;hеr can tate
grап}rrlаr revision w<lrk from the text-book, or" rnay choose hislher
own чаriапt.
Writing. Grammar
Теасhеr gives str.rdtlrrts the task (ех. 1,
the поuпs irr plural wlrclre it is роssilэlе.
67). Strrrlents har.e to
Реа.сh *- pr..aches
Semester l. Unit 3. Lesson 30
о Cereal
о Сrеаm
- сеrеаls
aP|zza- pizzas
п Butter
пТеа- -
stick - сrаЬmеаt
о Grape
в Marmalade
п Lime
о Сосоао Garlic
Students have
п Crabmeat
о Pumpkin
в Porridge
о SaIt
п Juice
п Tomato-tomatoes
to complete the dialogue with "8оmе, апу, houl muсh
апd hotp rпапу" (ех.2, р. 67).
Reading. Grammar
Students read the text "The First Potato Crisps'? and complete it
with the чеrЬs in Past Simple (ех. 3, р. 67).
Дпswеrs: 1 саmе; 2 ordered; 3 told; 4 didn't like; 5 wеrе; б was;
7 rvent; 8 took; 9 cut; 10 put; ].]. саmе; 12 said; 13 wеrе; 14 Ьесаmе.
Students rеаd the sentences (ех. 4, р. 67)and fill in the gaps with
the соrrесt form of the verbs.
Дпswеrs: ]. Ь; 2 с;
The tеасhеr makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses any
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Up, down, up, down.
Which is the way to London town?
Whеrе, where? Up in the air.
Close уочr eyes and you аrе thеrе.
Work iп paiв. Теасhеr divides students into pairs. Students read
the dialogue, complete it чrith the questions and act the dialogue to
the class.
lndividua] work. Students get the task to рrераrе а short story about
usual family dinners as it is in the ехаmрlе (ех. 6, р. 68). then students
in turn tell the story to the class.
Ех. 7, р. 68.
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedback.
Reading.'George Goes Picn icking"
Aims and objectives: to revise students'speaking skills; to develop students
Warm up
The tеасhеrЪ 9reeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to sее you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students rечisе sounds [р], h:], [l], [ar], [е]. The twister is оп the
blackboard (оr in the handouts):
о Peter Рiреr picked а peck of pickled рерреrs.
Ghecking оп homework
7, р. 68.
Introducing the topi(
Теасhеr presents the topic of the lesson using ех. 1, р. 69. Teacher
divides students into pairs. Their task is to answer the questions indi-
vidually, and then ask their раrtпеrs and complete the table. After this
раrt, students make short dialogues and show them to class.
Теасhеr presents the text "George Goes Picnicking" after Gеоrgе
Adams (ех. 2, р. 69-70). Students listen to the text.
Focus оп gist. Students look trough the text and make ех. 3, р. 70
answering the questions.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses any
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Semester l. Uпit З. Lesson З1
опе, touch your tongue.
two, touch уоur shoe.
three, touch уоur knee.
fоuц touch the floor.
five, 1еаrп to jive.
six, pick up the sticks.
seven, Iook at heaven,
eight, over the gate.
nine, touch уоur spine.
ten, do it again.
Focus оп details. students read the text and find out information
about underlined pronouns. Тhеу have to define who оr what is each of
them (ех. 4, р. 70) as it is in the example.
п Не
о 'We
п We
о we
в Не
the Rabbits
the Rabbits and George
the Веаrs
- Gеоrgе
о You
the Веаrs, the Monkeys
- Gеоrgе, the Rabbits,
о They
Gеоrgе, the Rabbits, the Веаrs, the Monkeys
Fосчs on pronunciation. Students look through the text and rvrite
down the words with the following sounds: [k], [s], [zr], [с:] as it is in
the example (ех. 5, р. 70),
Focus on grammar. Students have to find the eiamples of countable
and uncountable nouns and write them into two columns (ех. ý, р. 70).
Focus оп grammar. Students have to choose the соrrесt word and
complete the sentences (ех. 7, р. Т|).
After-reading activity is checked in the class.
Дпswеrs:1 hеr; 2 I; 3'carrots; 4 was; 5 jars; б too muсh.
Read the list of the things you need. Read the recipe and рrераrе
ingredients (р. 71, part А).
Summary,and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feed,back.
Yci уроки англiйськоI мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
LEssoN 32
Project "Treat Your Guests"
Aims and objectives: to write а leaflet about food and cooking; to develop
students'ability to work оп their оwп; to develop students'creativity.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
.Students revise sounds [r] and [t]. The twister is on the blackboard
(or in the handouts):
о When you write сору you have the right to copyright the сору you
Checking оп homework
Reading the list of the things you need. Reading the recipe and
preparing ingredients (р. 71, раrt А).
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents the procedure of work to stud,ents. Теасhеr can
usе the text-book project,
, Students rеаd раrt В attentively (р. 71). Then students read Steps
раrt (р. 72) апd, make their sandwiches. They can use different ingredients for the sandwi.ches in depending оп their taste. It is possible to
Unite students into groups of trпo оr three. Students use the phrases
frоm the cards (оr blackboard):
о Could you pass ш€ ... , please?
в Cut some ... , please.
о Sрrеаd... with... , please.
о Неrе уоu аrе.
п Sеrче this/these ... , please.
After cooking one student of each grоuр sets the table and invites
оthеr students.
Semester l. Uпit 3. Lesson 32
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhУmе for physical
I can sing, I can dance.
I can swim. I can't fly.
I can climb and say good Ьуе.
After Relaxation all the students exchange their places. During
"а visit" students usе another polite phrases, such as Help yoursetf! Епjoy уоur meal!Etc, and ask about recipes (ingredients) of sandwiches.
Ех. 8, р. 70; to repeat vocabulary of the topic.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedback.
LEssoN 33
Free Time
Aims and objectives: to introduce and practise new vocabulary; to develop
students' listening and speaking ski|ls; to develop students' skills of giving
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Gocld mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see уоu.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Studenbs revise homophones. Теасhеr gives the definitiorrs of the
homophones if it is necessary. The pairs of the words аrе оп the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
п weather/whether
о site/sight
о .rose /
п Ьоаrd/Ьоrеd
Checking оп homework
Ех. 8, р. 70; vocabulary of the topic.
|цtrоdчсiпg the topic
Теасhеr can use the соmрutеr presentation or рrераrе pictrrres, оr
use the pictures from the text-book (ех. 1,, р. 74) to introduce tlre topic.
Students look through the pictures and say what the name of the topic
is. (Frее Titne).
Unit 4. Lesson ЗЗ
Sttrdents look at thё pioture and say what children like to dcl in their
it is in the e:<ample.
The teacher asks students to thi,nk and write some mоrе пашеs of
rrctivities they like to do, Then students аrе arr:anged in pairs and make
rr short dialogue. They use tlre exarTrirle (ех. 2, р. rЦ.
Гrее tirne as
listehing. Reading
'Ihe teacher gives students the text for listening (ех. 3, р. 75).
Students listen to the text, and then read it. After this, students have
t,о find information what the chiidren like/dislike to do, comptrete the
iabie and say about it.
Like doing
Dislike doing
Do sornetirnes
Students'iook through the table and answer the question
(ех, 4, р. 75).
Teacher's sample
Like doing
listen to рор music
watch films оп Тv
spend tiпre with
stay at hоmе
watch cartoons
Dislike doing
watch soap ореrаý
rеаd boclks
Do sometiines
rеаd magazines
play acti.ve gаmеý
rеаd books
listen to classir:al
watch films
vis,it her friends
play computer
spend muсh time
stay at hoine
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr rr""" urryi
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr
Hands up, hands down.
Hands оп hips, sit down.
Hands up, to the sides.
Bend left, bend right.
Stand stili.
Sit down.
Work in pairs. Students think апd write а list of questionsi
Iike these:
1. Do you watch ТV а lot?
2. What аrе уоur favourite programmes? or types of films?
3. Do уоur parents allow you to watch all рrоgrаmmеs do you want?
4. Do you play апу musical instrument? What exactly?
5. Do you like it?
6. Do уоu go in for sports? What exactly?
7. Do you go to trainings? How often?
8. What other activities do you like doing?
The teacher divides students into pairs, and in pairs, they ask eachj
оthеr about the things they like doing in off school hоurs" Studentsl
present their dialogues to the class.
Ех. 6, р. 76; to learn the чосаЬulаrу.
Summary and feedback
Тhе teacher summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
LEssoN 34
Му Planner
Aims and objectives: to practise пеw vocabulary; to develop students'listening and speaking skills; to develop students' skills of giving орiпiопs.
Semester l. Unit 4. Lesson З4
Ei+ýl*i}.tjтlжpJl*a {i&r$il4\r!!ý!::!ffil!,
Warm up
The tеасhеrЪ 9reeting. Good morrring, students! I'm glad to see you.
IIow аrе you?
phonetic ехеrcisе
Students revise sounds ГЬ], [а], [еа] and [r]. The twister is on the
lllackboard (оr in the handouts):
о А big black bug bit the big black Ьеаr, but the big black bear bit the
big black bug back!
Checking оп homework
Students (selectively) read their works.
Game "Manuscript in the bottle"
Т. Imagine you found а bottle with а manuscript in it. You want
to rеаd this handwriting, but it is соdеrl. Yоur task is to decode it and
write the апs\меr.
The tеасhеr gives the cards to the students оr writes the message on
the blackboard. Students can work individually оr in pairs.
Тhе tеасhеr has to write no mоrе than two clues: й:g, j:i. Stuclents have to guess еасh letter is changed with the next one.
."ъфаffij,,-, r}фtJp\r-',t
lЁ,-. ]t
Длswеrs:I like studying English. And you?
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents the tcipic using ех. 1 and 2, р, Т6. Stud,ents make
the task, and the teacher asks if they guess the topic of the lesson (Му
The tеасhеr explains it's very important to рlап their time. If you
have а hаrd time-table оr you want to have time to do mоrе activities,
you need а рlаппеr.
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
The teacher proposes students to listen to the dialogue (ех. 3, р. 76).
Students апswеr the questions:
1. What аrе the speakers in the dialogue?
2. What do they want to do?
What way they ask each other about their possibility to do this
4. What way they rеfusе?
5. What rеаsопs do they give?
6. How often will а chess clrrb rлrоrk?
Students rеаd the dialogue опсе mоrе and complete the time-table
in the рIаппеr (ех. 4, р. 77). Students act out the dialogue.
Look after his sister
Help his mum do the shopping
Yisit his grаппу
Take the music lesson
Meet with his friends in the chess club
The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses any
rhуmе fоr physical exercises. Fоr example:
I сап play the piano,
Piano, рiапо,
I can play the piano,
And you сап play with mе!
I сап sing and I can dance,
Sing and dance, sing and dance,
I сап sing and I сап dance,
And you can dance with mе!
Тhе tеасhеr divides students into pairs. Students look at the planпеr (ех. 5, р. 77). They ask and апswеr the questions about the activities
using the notes in рlаппеr and the pictures.
Ех. 6, р. 77.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the work Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
Semester l: Unit 4. Lesson З5
LEssoN 35
Places to Go. Writing ап lnvitation
Aims and objectives: to practise vocabulary and pronunciation; to practise
students' listening and speaking skills; to develop skills of giving opinions;
to develop tolerance to others.
Warm up
The tеасhеrЪ greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [w]. The twister is on the blackboard (оr in
the handouts):
о W'endy went away twice а week.
Checking оп homework
The tеасhеr displays students'works, and students tell about the
things they аrе going to do this week. The best work is voted.
The tеасhеr рrераrеS the "Places W'heel" and the ''Week 'Wheel'',
drаws two аrrоws on the blackboard and explains the rцlеs of
the game.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови, 5 клас (за пiдручником А, М. HecBiT)
First, the teacher names the lеаdеr (the winner of "Му Planner", for
example). Then the leader turns the wheels опе Ьу опе (they are placed
at the blackboard, too) and students have to say what places they аrе going to visit this day. Students wоrk in rvhole class in turп; they сап miss'
their turn, and the first student visited all the places is а winner.
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents the topic of the lesson (ех. 1, р. 7S) and pays students' attention to the difference between activities in а Planner (to Ье
going to do smth,)апd usual activities {alulays, оftеп, usuаllу, sоrпеtimеs,,
seldom, пеuеr iп Рrеsепt Simple). Students listen to the dialogues and
repeat if they often spend their time at these places.
А. Do you often go to the cinema/movie?
В. No, I don't. I go to the cinema with my Ьrоthеr опIу, and hе's very
busy. And you?
А. I go to the cinema опсе а week with mу best friend.
Dialogue 3
А. Do you often go to the museum?
В. Oh, по. I go there опсе оr trMice а semester with mу teacher. And
rvhat about you?
А. Ме too.
Dialogue 4
А. Do you often go to the Zoo?
В. No, I don't. I go to the Zoo once а year. And you?
А. So do I.
А. Do you often go to the Art gallery?
В. Yes, I do. I go there two times а week. I study at the Аrt school.
And what about you?
А. I don't go there so often, at the outside опсе а уеаr.
Dialogue 6
А. Do you often go to the сirсus?
В. Yes, I do. I go to all firsts. And what about you?
А. So do I.
Students look at ех. 2, р. 78 and make the task: read and match the
parts of the sепtепсеs. They have to апswеr the question "What do you
go there for?"
Дпswеrs:1 ci 2 ai 3 d; 4 Ь; 5 е.
Semester l. Unit 4. Lesson 3ь
The tеасhеr makes movements with the students. Теасhеr usеs any
rlrуmе for physical exercises. Fоr exanrple:
Stand uр and look аrоuпd.
Shake уоur head and turп around.
Stamp your feet upon the ground.
CIap уоur hands and then sit down.
Reading. Speaking
Students read the text (ех. 3, р. 79) in pairs, and then they act the
similar dialogues to the class. Теасhеr pays stud,ents' attention to the
Labie given below. Students read the table and find accepting and refus-'
illg in the dialogue. If it is песеssаrу, the tеасhёr gives trапslаЪiоп of
tlre accepting (згода) and refusing (вiдмова).
Sttrdents read the invitation and, rерlу below. Then students апýwеr
tlte questions in tlreir exercise books. After this part, students read
Lheir answers fоr checking.
Ех. 5, 6, р. 80; to write invitation at the card.
- Summary
Т. What words do you usе fоr accepting? What rмords do you have
to use fоr refusing sureiy?
Students' answers.
WаtсhiЙg ТV. Present Perfect
Aims and objectives: to present new vocabulary; to present and practise the
use of Past Simple and Present Perfect; to develop students'.ability of iden-
tifying of Past Simp|e and Present Perfect; to develop students' listening
and speaking skills.
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
S ЕQ U Е N с Е
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, studentst I'm glad to see
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sotnd
[t]"], The trлristеr is on the blackboard (оr
the handouts):
в Out in the pasture the nature watcher watches the catcher.
Checking on homework
The teacher displays the students'works.
lntroducing the topic
Presentation ofvocabulary. The tеасhеrpresents the vocabulary а
the topic of the Iesson (ех. 1, р, 80). Students listen to the words а
word combinations and repeat them. They hаче to guess the definiti
of these words frоm the pictures. Then students write these
down into vocabularies.
The teacher divides students into pairs, and in pairs, they do ех.
р. 80 asking and answering questions.
Students listen to the dialogue (ех. 3, р. 81) to practise
and then read it. After this part students ехрrеss their agreement
disagreement (ех. 4, р. 81)
Дпswеrt1 agree; 2 disagree (in ten minutes); 3 agree; 4
(she is tired of learning); 5 аgrее.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses ап
гhуmе fоr physical qxercises. [оr example:
Point to the ceiling, point to the flооr.
Point to the windorv, point to the dооr.
Clap уоur hands together one, two, three!
Now sit down and look at rne.
The teacher presents students the table (р. 81-82) "The Present
fect Тепsе", Strrdents rеаd the table and апswеr the teacher's quest:
1. When do we use the Present Perfect Tense?
\t,rnester /. Unit 4. Lesson З7
what words do we use to fоrm this tense?
What is the difference between the Past Simple Tense and the
Present Perfect Tense?
,1 . What way do we fоrm this tense?
То practise grammar. Students do ех. 5, р. 82 and write it in their
l,xercise books.
Дпswеrs:1 have gone; 2 has ... taken; 3 has already visited; 4 have
tltlver been; 5 has aiready watched; б have not Ьееп.
То trаiп the usе of Pres'ent Perfect Tense in speech, students act the
Hitr.ration (ех. 6, р. 82).
р. 82; to рrераrе the dialogue.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for studerrts' feedback.
LEssoN 37
ТV Programme
Aims and objectives: to practise the use of vocabulary and the Present Perfect
Tense; to practise students' skills of discussion; to develop students' speak"::;;:;,:::::*
Warm up
The teaqher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
l low аrе you?
:i"T"Ж::;:::"""ds [d], [t,| and [п]. The twister is on the blacklюаrd (оr in the handouts):
п If уоu understand, say "understand". If you don't understand, say
"don.'t.understand". But if ycrrr цnder"stand and say "don't understand", how do I understand that you understand?
Yci урrэки англiйсько[ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А"
Checking on homework
Students рrеsепt their dialogues.
tntroducing the topic
То present the topic the teacher gives students to read the тV
рrоgrаmmе (р. 83). Students have to think and act dialogrres with the
questions (ех. 1, р.. 82). Students can practise the vocabulary of the
previotrs lesson.
Students discuss the рrоgrаmmе and think about their own рrоgrаmmеs on different occasions: on the New Yеаr holiday; on а birthday;
оп summеr holidays etc. They have to write their рrоgrаmmеs down.
Work in class. First, students read the missing раrts of the text А to
F (р, 8а). Then.students listen tcl the text (ех. 2, р. 83) and апswеrthе
questions (ех. 3, р. 84) to this text.
Answers: L Dz 2 F; 3 В; 4
Е; 6 с.
The teacher makes movements rMith the students. Teacher uses апу
rhуmе for physical, exercises. Fоr ехаmрlе:
Тhrее little rnorrkeys jumping on the bed
One felI down and burlrped his bed.
I.{ext rап upstairs and dropped some tlread,
Last took firесrасkеr and blew uр aii the flat.
MoIlr called the dосtоr and the doctor said
Iýечеr litt[e monkeys doing like that.
Reading. Writing
Studerrts reacl the text, find the sentences with the чеrЬs in Present
Perfect ancl write them down into theii" exercise books.
Stuclents rеаd ех. бо р, 84 and complete the questions with the
rvords "who", "what", "which". Then they answer these questions and
rvrite tlrem down into the exercise books. Checking.
Aпswers:1 Who; 2 Which/what; 3 W]rat;
Which/what;6 What.
4 Which/what;
The teacher аrrапgеs stuclents into pairs. Students nake pairs of
sentenc:es (picture оп р, 8б) ancl say "What the Parkers are doing поw?
What have they done before?"
Semester l. Uпit 4. Lesson 38
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students" feedback.
LEsSoN 38
Aims аЙd objectives: to practise students'speaking skills; to practise students'
listening skills; to practise the use of Present Perfect; to develop gепеrаl
culture and etiquette.
Warm up
The tеасhеrЪ greeting. Good morning, studentst I]'m glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise homophones. Teacher gives the definitions of the
homophones if it is песеssаrу. The pairs of the words are оп the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
п read/red
п mist/missed
п not/knot
п so/sew/sow
Checking оп homework
Students (selectively) rеаd their works.
Game "What is the Tense?"
The teacher divides students into two grоuрs with slips of рареr.
Опе half of students gets the slips with "Present Perfect" and another
раrt gets the slips with "Past Simple". Each student knows only his / hеr
inscription. Тhеп the first student whispers the question to the next
student. This one answers aloud. The rеst of the students tries to guess
what the question was and what Tense was used.
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents the topic with the pictures (ех. 1, р. 85).
students listen to the word combinations and repeat them:
о playing football
п playing computer games
п collecting stamps/coins/badges/stickers
making model cars
travelling to other,cities / countries
drawing pictures
to like / to enjoy / to Ье fond of / I'm fond of / he is fond of / they а
fond of
Students say what their hobbies аrе. And then they add informati
about themselves. Rest of the class writes information about two
mates (at each student option) according to the table (р. 87).
The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Flу Iike а bird,
And jump like а frоg.
Now chase уоur tail
little brown dog.
Listening. Reading
The teacher gives students to read the task (qx. 3, р. 87). Then
listen to the text (ех.2, р. 86-87) about hobbies and make the task.
Answers: а) АЬЬу; Ь) АЬЬу; с) АЬЬу; d) Mike; е) Маrупа; f) Mike;
s) Mike.
Students read the text and do ех. 4, р. 87. Their task is to find (iп,
dividually) and check (in class) the sentences with Present Perfect, а
апswеr the question what the function of this чеrЬ fоrm is.
I have already joined the school IT СluЬ. (Mike)
2. I have already participated in school competitions. (АЬЬу)
3. She has already decided to Ье ап artist. (Маrупа)
4. Опе of hеr pictures has won а prize in the Art ShorM. (Maryna)
То practise the use of Present Perfect students havg to complete
sentences with "hasl'or "haven'and write them down into their exercise
books (ех. 5, р. 87).
Дпswеrs:1 have; 2 have; 3 have;4 has; 5 have;6 has.
!;emester l. Unit 4. Lesson 39
Ех.6, ех.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the work Ьу asking for students' feedback.
LEssoN 39
Trips and Travellings
Aims and objectives: to present the 2nd and the 3rd verbs forms; to practise
the use of Present Perfect; to develop students' listening skills; to develop
students ability of working in groups.
r;+jrnj#*nфд, S Е
j!,!.,i jф.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
[{ow аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [f] and
(оr in the handouts):
[а:]. The
twister is оп the blackboard
о Fоur furious friends fought for the phone.
Checking оп homework
Students (selectively) read their works
Тhе tеасhеr divides students into three grоuрs. Students have to
lrame their teams. Теасhеr рrороsеs students some riddles to guess.
One right anýwer is one score. The team has get mоrе scores is the
What travels round the world but always stays iп the same соrпеr?
2. What falls but печеr gets hurt?
3. What doesn't ask questions but often needs to Ье апsvлеr?
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
4. Never planted, still it grows.
What's the answer? Now, who knows?
5. This is а house with one window in it,
Showing filпrs пеаrlу every mintrte.
6. Without а tongue, without ап еаr,
I сап speak, and siцg, and hеаr.
I've got cities but по houses, forests but по trees; rivers wit
water. What аm I?,
8. It is not а ball but turns аrоuпd,
оп it rivers апс1 countrieý can Ье found,.
9. What thrее letters mеап twenty-six letters?
10. What is the similar cat and соmmа has?
Дпswеrs:1 а stamp; 2 rаiп; 3 а telephone; 4 hаir; 5 а TVset; б ata
recorder; 7 а mар; 8 а globe; 9 АВС; 1О'а tail.
lntroducing the topic
Students listen to ех. 1, р. 88 and rереаt three чеrЬ forms for
regular and some irregular чеrЬs. Studerrts апswеr the question wh
we use each of these forms fоr. Then the teacher presents the topic
the picture (ех. 2, р" 88). Ilirst, students look at the picture and ans
the questions.
Students read the text and say what children already done (the
of Present Perfect). Then students find the sentences in Present
in the text and read them alorrd.
То train the use of Present Perfect and making the questions
сhеr proposes students to play а mеmоrу gаmе. Students have to
at the picture and write three to five questions to ask their classmates
The tеасhеr divides students into pairs, and students close the tex
books. Then the students ask and апswеr each other about children
Tlre teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses а
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr ехаmрlе:
I сап rеаd. I сап play.
I can study ечеrу day.
I'm bending. I'm staying.
I'm stretching I'm stamping.
I'm jum,ping. I'm running,
I'm clapping, it's funny.
7\t,mester /. lJnit 4, Lesson 40
То train.Present Perfect Tense, stud,ents read the task (ех. 5, р. 89)
ппd act given situations (individually). То get the work mоrе complirlnted, the teacher asks other students to make questions to students'
Ех. 6, р. 89; to lеаrп опе of the dialogues.
Summary апd feedback
The teacher summarizes the work Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
LEsSoN 40
School Holidays
Aims and objectives: to revise vocabulary; to revise Present Perfecfi to develop
students' intensive reading skills; to develop students' listening and speak-
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see you.
llow are you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise homophones. Теасhеr gives the definitions of the
lromophones if it is necessary. The pairs of the vyords are on the blacklloard (оr in the handouts):
о mind/mined
о bylbuy /Ьуе
о scent/sent
п ЬеlВ / Ьее
Checking on homework
Students in pairs present.their dialogues.
Дпswеrs: 1 Have / have / do1' 2 do; 3 Has / hasn't / Does.
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Game "Finlsh the Story"
The teacher divides strrdents in'uo 3 оr 4 groups. Then the teacher
reads short stories to students. The task is to finish them. students
may discuss endings in groups. Опе соrrесt апswеr is опе sсоrе.
А lady says to а little girl "Is your mother's hаir black?" "I
know. She's so tall that...]'
2. А fаrmеr asks а Ьоу "What аrе you doing in tha! apple-tree, mу
dear?" "Oh, sir! One of the apples fell down, and..."
3. "What do they say to little children when thеу have got а bad
mаrk?" Asks father. "I don't know, Dad, because I haven't got..."
Answers:1 I can't see hеr hаir; 2 I'm trying to put it back; 3 children.
lntroducing the topic
То present the topic the teacher gives students to listen to the rмord
combinations (ех. 1, р. 90). Students listen and rереаt them.
Т. What do you usually do in different seasons of the year?
Students look at the pictures and апswеr as it is in the ехаmрlе.
The tеасhеr divides students into pairs, and first, they апswеr the
cluestions (ех. 2, р. 90), then ask their partners and add information.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr usеs апу
rhytrre for physical exercises. Fоr example:
I аm а trее in the wood.
I swing in the wind.
Му hands аrе the lеачеs.
They fali frorrr the tree.
How so fly they float
Frorn the top of the trее.
Students listen to the text and order the pictures. Then say what
chilctren found when they were at the seaside. The teacher can usе the
text like this оr choose his / her owrr variant.
At the seaside
L. Hi, girls! Let mе introduce myself. I'm Lucy Нuпtеr and I rчоrk at
the TV New Channel. I'm а journalist, and I write an interview fоr оur
ТV рrоgrаmrпе. Could уOu ýау what yclu did оп the beach?
Semester l. Unit 4. Lesson 41
J. Dear Lucy, I'rn Jапе апd this is rпу frieпd Kathy (А). Тhеrе wеrе
children, Тшо Ьоуs fоuпd а big пiсе seashell (В). We hаче печеr
seen shells like that! КаthуЪ elder brother Tim suпЬаthеd поt fаr from
thеm {С). Оur friends splashed in the wаtеr, апd rап out of raaues (D).
К. Oh, there wеrе some guys. They played uolleyball (Е). And trao
little children built а sапdсаstlе (F).
L. Thanks а lot! Вуе, Jane! Вуе, Kathy!
а lot of
Students in turn read the 'Ann's Letter" (ех. 4, р. 91) aloud. Тhеп
the students make the tdsk of completing the sentences (ех. 5, р. 92).
Дпswеrs: 1 Yalta; 2 in а lovely hotel; 3 nice; 4 builds sandcastles,
feeds the seagulls and collects shells and stones; 5 on excursions ..., has
bought sоmе ýouvenirs; б all Jane's news.
Ех. 6, 7, р. 92; to rереаt the use of Рrеsепt Perfect, Past Simple, the
fоrms of irregular verbs.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedback.
Grammar Revision
Aims and objectives:to revise and practise the use of Present Perfect; to revise
and practise the use of Past Simp|e; to revise and practise the use of the
vocabulary; to revise and practise students" writing skills; to summarize
the topic material.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see уоu.
How аrе you?
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
phonetic exercis€
Students revise sounds [а] and [tJl. The twister is on the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
в There's а sandwich on the sand which was sent Ьу а sane witch.
lntroducing the topi(
Teacher presents students aims of the lesson. Теасhег gives i,nstructions of all the parts of the work and order of the wоrk to the students.
Students mustn't usе text-books for advice. Теасhеr сап take grаmmаr revision work from the text-book, оr mау choose his/her own
The teacher checks the students' ability to recognition,of the
Рrеsепt Perfect. Students have to fill in the right forms of the verbs
(Past Simple оr Present Perfect) and right them.
Dеаr Julie,
I... (was/have
been) hеrе in Sports Саmр fоr а month now and
(metlhave met) mапу people since I arrived and we
... (did/have done) mапу different activities tоgеthеr so far.
The first day we ... (walked / have walked) fоr five miles. Last week
we ... (started / have started) playing football in teams. We had to wear
а lot of protective clothing and at first I ... (did not like / have not liked)
that. Since then though I ... (gotlhave got) used to it. We hаче а match
this afternoon, so I hаче to go and warm up!
Write back soon,
I like
а lot.
Дпswеrs: have been; have met; have done; walked;
like; have got.
started; did not
The tеасhеr checks the students' skills to fоrm Тhе Ргеsепt perfect.
students have to write the verbs in brackets in the present perfect.
1. They ... (play) well iп the la.st three games.
2. Не ... (win) two gold medals so fаr.
3. I ... (not / try) snowboarding yet.
4. ... James ... (join) the football team?
5. The trip ... (notlfinish) yet.
6. Mark ".. (never/be) to Ukraine.
7. We ... (already/begin) to study Gеrmап.
Дпswеrs:1 have played; 2 has wоп;3 hаче not tried; 4 has ... joined;
5 has not finished; б has печеrЬееп; 7 have already begun.
Semester l. Unit 4. Lesson
The teacher checks the students' skills to choose and to form
the right forms of the verbs in the Present Perfect, Past Simple and
Рrеsепt Continuous. Students have to choose the соrrесt variant, fоrm
it and complete the sentences.
1. Му parents ... (go) to Grеесе last summer.
2. Не ... (buy) the пеw car since he changed his job.
3. We ... (watch) this film recently.
4. ... you ... (look) through уоur test at the mоmепt?
5. They .., (travel) а lot in their youth.
6. Му friend ... (collect) stamps for many уеаrs.
Дпswеrs:1 went; 2 has bought; 3 have watched; 4 Аrе ... looking;
travelled; б has collected.
The teacher makes movements wiih the students. Teacher uses any
rhуmе fоr physical ехеrсisеs. Fоr example:
Stand up, clap, clap.
Arms up, ёIар, clap.
Step, step, аrms dоrrп.
Clap, clap, please, sit down.
Students have to read the example and write what they have done
this week and how much time they have spent on these activities
(ех. 4, р. 93).
The teacher gives students the invitation (one example to each
student). Students have to write апswеr and accept оr refuse it, and
explain their answer. It's possible to рrераrе two variants оr mоrе
like this:
Dear Pete,
Wb"t_"* iou doing оп Saturday? We аrе going to the picnic to the
Green Lake, It will Ье very funny and cool. Му sister Anny goes with
us. Would you like to go, too?"
Ех. 6, р. 94; to рrераrе dialogue, ех. 5, р. 94.
Summary апd feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedback.
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
LEsSoN 42
Reading. "Camping out"
Aims and objectives: to revise students' speakin9 ski|ls; to develop students
reading skills; to practise scanning of the text for specific information.
S ЕQ U Е N с Е
Warm up
The tеасhеrЪ greeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see уоч.
How аrе you?
рhопеtiс exercise
Students revise sounds h], [э] and [kw]. The rhуmе is on the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
Miss Polly has
а dolly
Who is sick, sick, sick.
So she phoned fоr the doctor
Ье quick, quick, quick.
Checking on homework
Ех. 6, р. 94; dialogue, ех. 5, р. 94.
lntroducing the topac
Теасhеr gives students to listen to the VосаЬulаrу FiIe (ех. 1, р. 94).
After this раrt, students make sentences and tell them to class.
Teacher presents the text "Camping out" (ех. 2, р. 94-95). Students
rеаd the text.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
гhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr ехаmрlе:
The реорlе on the bus go forward and back,
Fоrwаrd and back, fоrwаrd and back.
The people оп the Ьus bend right and left,
Right and left, right and left
The people on the bus stretch wide, and curl up small,
Stretch wide, and curl up small, stretch wide, апd сurl up small.
The people оп the bus sit оп thеir fours
Sit on their fours, sit on their fours.
And stand still!
Unit 4. Lesson 43
Focus оп gist. Students look trоugh the text one mоrе time and make
ех. 3, р. 95 answering the questions.
Fосчs оп details. Students complete the sentences (ех. 4, р. 95). Then
they read them in turп and check.
Дпswеrs:1 let them саmр out; 2 take things to the tent; 3 sоmе toys,
some food and а Ьох of chocolates; 4 Апп thought she hеаrd'а noise;
5 they rгere scared; б in ... out.
Focus оп grammar. Students fill in the gaps with the соrrесt чеrЬ
forms (ех. б, р. 95-96). Checking in class.
Дпswеrs:1 took; 2 go;3listened; 4 helped; б shines; б explains
Focus оп pronunciation. Students write the sentences dоwп and
uпdеrliпе the words with definite sounds as it is in the example
(ех. 6, р. 96).
Answers:1 took, two, food; 2 robot, Ьох, chocolate; 3 ate, drank;
4 thought; б scared, Ьеаr; б tonight, time
The teacher рrороsеs students to write а short story about the day
they camped out. Students read the task and the example and do the
ех. 7, р. 96. After finishing this wоrk students (selectively) read their
stories to the class.
Take some photos (pictures) and write short story(-ies) about them
(р. 97, В); to bring sоmе paper, clue, scissors and some соlоurеd
felt pens.
Summary and feedback
Тhе tеасhеr summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedback.
LEssoN 43
Proje<t "Our School Trip"
Aims and objectives: to write а leaflet about а school trip; to develop students'
ability to work оп their оwп; to develop students'creativity.
Yci уроки англiйськоТмови.5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Wаrm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to ýее you.
How аrе you?
Phopetic exercise
Students revise sounds [s] and [f]. The rhуmе is on the blackboard
(оr in the handouts):
The wipers оп the bus go srлrish, swish, swish
Swish, swish, swish and swish, swish, swish.
The wipers оп the bus go swish, swish, swish
A1l day long.
lntroducing the topac
Теасhеr presents the examples of projects to students. Теасhеr mау
use text.book project оr real projects made Ьу other students (р. 96).
Теасhеr divides students into small grочрs (no mоrе than fоur). Students read the task А (р. 96). Students look thrоugh the projects, and
then start to wоrk. Students have to join their ъrоrks to make а group
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhyme for physical exercises. Fоr ехаmрlе:
wiggle my fingers.
wiggle mу toes.
wiggle my shoulders.
wiggle mу поsе.
Now по mоrе wiggles
Аrе left in mе.
So I'll Ье still as still сап
Students in groups present their leaflets to other classmates and
give them mоrе information about pictures. Then they ansrver other
students' questions.
Теасhеr mау organize а display of students' Works.
То рrераrе to the test оп listening; to repeat vocabuld,ry and
Semester l. Unit 4, Lesson 44
Т. Do you like to work in groups? What project is better?
Students' answers.
LESsoN 44
Semester Test оп Listening
Aims and objectives: check students' listening skills,
Warm чр
The teacher's greeting. Good nrorning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
tntroducing the topic
Теасhеr tells students about order of the work. Students mау look
throw the tasks, and then they have to turn the pages with the task.
The teacher reads the text.
The text is read two tirnes; before the task 4 the teacher reads the
text one mоrе time.
Students will get 0.4 of а point for each right апswеr. Total mаrk
Ben Iras got а dog callecl Jim. Веп and Jim love each other. Two
уеаrs ago Jim rvas а чеrу little puppy. It was thrоwп into the street оr
was lost, and Веп took it оп his piace. Jim was huпgrу and dirty, and
very ugly. It wasrr't Jim at that time. Brrt Ben gave it the паmе, bathed
it, and fed it. Веп taught it. And the main thing
- Ben loves it. Now
Jim is ready to make whatever Веп likes.
Every morning Jim goes to the shop in the village. The shopkeeper gives it а sweet and Веп.'s newspapers and letters. Jim eats
the sweet and takes the newspapers and letters in its mouth. Then it
runs hоmе.
Yci уроки англiйсько[ мсlви. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Веп likes reading his newspapers in bed Ьеfоrе hе gets up. Jim
knows that and it brings the newspapers to Benls bedroom. When Веп
is eating his breakfast Jim brings all the letters to him. Then Ben feeds
Jim with tasty porridge. After that Jim goes outside to wait fоr Ben's
bus. When it sees the bus conring down the road, it barks. Ben runs
out of his home and the bus stops fоr him. Jim never lets Ben to miss
the bus.
v Decide
the following statements аrе true оr false.
1. Ben has got а little cat.
2. Jim was lost Ьу Ben two years ago.
3. The s}ropkeeper gives Jim а sweet, newspapers and letters.
4. Веп likes reading his newspapers in the bed.
5. Веп goes to wor:k Ьу bus.
6. When Jim sees the Ьus, he runs away.
(2.4 points)
Дпswеrs:l F; 2 F; 3 Т; 4 Т; 5 Т; б F.
v choose the соrrесt wоrd in the brackets.
The shopkeeper (give/gives) Jim а sweet.
2. Jim (take/takes) the newspapers in the mouth.
3" Веп (give l gave) it the паmе.
(1.2 points)
Дпswеrs:1 glve; 2 take; З give.
v put the serttences in the correct оrdеr.
1" The shopkeeper gives Jim а srpeet.
2" Веп eats lris breakfast.
3. Веп gave it the паmе, bathed it, and fed it.
4. When Jim sees the brrs he star:ts tq Ьаrk.
5. Ben rеаds пеwsрареrý.
6. Two уеаrs agc) Jim was а чеrу iittle puppy.
(2.4 points)
Дпswеrs:1 -" 3; 2
б; 3 -, 2; 4
6; Б
When was Jim, taken Ьу Веп?
2. Wlrat kind of puppy Jirn was?
3. What does Jim bring frоm the village shop?
4. When does Веп rеаd his letters?
5. How does Berr go to wоrk?
6" What does Jirn do wh,еп he sees the bus?
(2"4 points)
Semester l. Uпit 4. Lesson 45
v Match the words and their translation.
а) каша (вiвсянка)
Ь) смачний
1) to
с) митися
Дпswеrs:1 с; 2 а; 3 Ь.
v Put t}re letters in the right grdеr and to get the words. Make the
(2.4 points)
ДпSwеrs:1 dog; 2
а;3 friend; 4
goocl; 5 is; б а.
А dog is а
То рrераrе to the test оп reading; to repeat vocabulary.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking fоr students' feecl}rack.
LEssoN 45
Semester Test оп Reading
Aims and objectives: check students' reading skills.
Warm up
Тhе teacher's greeting. Good morning, stud,ents! I'm glad to see you.
How are you?
Introducing the topiG
Teacher tells stud"ents about оrdеr of the work. Then, if it is necessary the teacher gives translatictl of sorne wоrdё to the students (<ln tlte
blackboard) and rernincls of geographical and рrореr nalnes.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А, М. HecBiT)
students start their rмork.
о On business
- у вiдрядrкенпi
(тут) домiвка
п Place
в Embroidered
- вишиваний
в pin - значок
Students will get 0.5 of а роiлt for each right answer. Total
mark is 12.
Му Friend
Му pen-friend Nick Miller lives in Ipswich, England. Не is а student
and he's ten. Не is а good student and he usually has good mаrks. His
favourite subjects аrе Maths and РЕ. I like to rеаd his letters because
they аrе чеrу interesting. Не often writes about his town. It is ап old
town in the south-east coast of England. It isn't very big, but it's чеrу
beautiful, The heart of the town is Christchurch Park. Тhеrе аrе mапу
ancient buildings, suсh as Wills Ноusе and Sраrrоw Mansion in Ipswich. Nick's school is in an old building, too. Nick's house is the next
to his school.
On the summеr holidays mу friend's family was in Kyiv. His father
is а рrоgrаmmеr, and he travelled оп business. His mоthеr, who is
а housewife, and Nick wеrе in Kyiv, too. Му parents invited them to
оur place. Му mum cooked traditional Ukrainian dishes, and mу dad
asked Мr. Miller оп fishing.
Nick and I walked along Kreshchatik, the main street of оur capital.
Kyiv is а big city. Тhеrе аrе many beautiful streets, squareý and parks
to visit. Then we went to Andriivsky vzviz, where tourists usually can
buy different souvenirs and pictures. Nick bought some magnets rvith
Kyiv's sights, nice embroidered towels, which аrе called "rushnyky",
fоr Мrs. Miller, and а pin fоr himself.
They were glad to meet in Kyiv.
v Write the correct form of the jumbled words.
(3 points)
Answers:1 street; 2 subject; 3
раrk;4 souvenir;
v Тruе (Т) оr False (F) staterneTrts.
1. Nick is the Ukrainian.
school;6 square.
гSemester l. Uпit 4. Lesson 45
2. Nick studies well.
3. Nick Iives fаr from school.
4. Ipswich is quite пеw town.
5. Nick was in Kyiv with his parents
6. Nick's mоm bought him а nice pin in Kyiv.
(3 points)
Дпswеrs:1 F; 2 Т; 3 F; 4 F; 5 Т; б F.
v FilI in the gaps ц,ith suitable words.
Nick lives in ... .
2.Ipswich is ... .
3. Nick's school is ... .
4. Nick went to Kyiv оп ... .
5. Embroidered towels аrе called ... .
6. Kreshchatik is the main ... of ... .
(3 points)
Answers:l Ipswich, England; 2 an old town in the south-east coast
of England; 3 in an old building; 4 the summеr holidays; 5 "rushnyky";
6 street ... capital.
v Complete the sentences. Some information is missed in the text.
Nick's family is ... .
Nick's dad is ... .
Kyiv is ... .
Traditional Ukrainian dishes are ... .
Nick's favoutite subjects are ... .
In my family, I've got ... .
(3 points)
Дпswеrs:1 not big; 2 а рrоgrаmmеr; 3 the capital of Ukraine / а big
city; 4,чаrепуkу, borshch; б Maths and РЕ; б mother, father and me.
То рrераrе to the writing test; to repeat Degrees of Comparison,
the usе of "muýh / m апу / а lpt of", "some / апу", the use of present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple Tenses.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the work Ьу asking for students' feedback.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
LEssoN 46
Semester Test оп Writing
Aims and objectives: check students'writihg skills.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
lntroducing the topic
The tеасhеr gives students а set of cards with the situations they
have lеаrпt. Students mау choose two оr three situations. The situation in the card mау Ье repeated for different students. After teacher's
wогds students start thеir work.
Writing Tasks
v Write а letter to уоur реп friend (6-9 sentences). Use the рlап
уоur name and age;
2) the рlасе where you study;
3) the place чrhеrе you live;
4) уоur future profession;
5) уоur hobby.
v Write а letter to уоur pen friend (6-9 sentences) about your family.
Use the plan below.
1) уоur name, age;
2) the mеmЬеrs of уоur family;
3) what are the parents' professions;
4) what hobbies the mеmЬеrs of уоur family have.
v 'Write а letter to your pen friend (6-9 sentenoes) about your favourite clothes style. Use the рlап below.
what уоur favourite style is;
2) what you think about uniform;
3) what you usually wеаr after;
4) what clothes you prefer at а party.
Semester t. Uпit 4. Lesson 46
Write а letter to your pen friend (6-9 sentences) about your school
canteen. Use the plan below.
l) Yоuг паmе, age;
2) where you usually have lunch;
3) what is on the school canteen mепu;
4) what dishes you рrеfеr to,eat.
v Write а letter to уоur реп friend (6-9 sentences) about уоur best
friend. Use the plan below.
1) your friend's паmе and age;
2) what helshe looks like;
3) his/her hobby;
4) what you like doing together.
v Write а letter to your pen friend, (6-9 sentences) about уоur last holidays. Use the рlап below.
1) when you had the holidays;
2) where you spent them;
3) what places you visited;
4) why you liked/disliked them.
v Write а letter to уоur реп- friепd (6-9 sentences), using the plan
information about yourself (паmе, age, арреаrапсе, interests);
2) describe уоur family;
3) write about your wish to know mоrе about your friend's family and
1) give some
your friend to write back.
4) ask
v Imagine that уоur pen friend frоm England has asked you to write
аЬоut Ukrainian cuisine. Write а letter,(6-9 sentences) using the
рIап below:
1) give general information about Ukrainian cuisine;
2) rMrite about your dishes cook in your family;
3) what is уоur favourite Ukrainian
4) write the recipe of cooking.
dish, why do you like it;
v Write an article about уоur favourite caf (restaurant) using the
plan below (6t9 sentences):
1) write the паmе of the place; its location;
2) describe good points about food and service;
3) say if there is anything you don't like about food and service;
4) give your impressions.
Yci уроки англiйськоIмови.5
клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
v Write 6*9 sentences about your family rest last уеаr. Give some in-
formation about:
1) whеrе you went and what you did;
2) who you went with;
3) what you liked/disliked most;
4) whether you want to go thеrе again.
sorne information about:
v Write what food you usually рrеfеr and why (6-9 sentences). Give
1) food you like/dislike;
2) уоur favourite dish;
3) what you can cook оп уоur own;
4) where you prefer to buy food. Explain
уоur choice.
Write а letter to your pen friend (6-9 sentences) about уоur frее
time. Use the plan below.
what you usually do after the lessons;
what your hobby is;
how mапу times а week you have it;
why you like it.
То рrераrе to the speaking test; to repeat Degrees of Comparison,
the use of "much / m апу / а lot of ", "some / any", the.use of present Simрlе, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple Tenses.
Sчmmаrу and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the work Ьу asking for students' feedback.
LESsoN 47
Semester Test оп Speaking
Aims апd objectiyes: check students'speaking skills.
Warm чр
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you,
How аrе you?
Semester l. Unit 4. Lesson 47
lntroducing the topic
The tеасhеr gives students а set of cards with the situations they
have lеаrпt. Students nray choose two оr three situations. The situation
in the card mау Ье repeated for different students. After teacher'ý wordý
students start their rvоrk. Total yolurne of the utterance is 6-9 sentences.
Speaking Situations
v Speak about usual Englishbreakfast.
1. Describe the dishes.
2. Say which dish is а typical English breakfast?
3. Say what Englishmen usually eat for lunch and dinner.
4. Соmраrе it with food
traditions in Ukraine.
v Speak about sports and health.
1. Call different kinds of sports (winter/summer/all.year).
2. Say about importance of sport fоr реорlе health.
3. Do you like to watch different competitions?
4. TelI your classmates about the best kind of sport for you.
v Speak about summеr holidays.
1. Describe the place where уоu wеrе.
2. Sау what did you do there.
3. Say what was the most interesting
during your summеr holidays.
4. Tell уоur ilassmates about уоur last summеr holidays.
v Speak about уоur eating habits. Give some information about:
1) уоur typical mепu for the day;
2) уоur favourite types of food;
3) the most delicious thing you have ever eaten;
4) unhealthy fogd in your opinion;
5) things you want to change in your diet.
v Speak about уоur family traditions. Give some information аЬоut:
how big уоur family is;
what each mеmЬеr of уоur family likes doing in their free time;
what things you usually do together;
what holidays you often сеlеЬrаtе;
what festive food you like to cook;
v Speak about the things you usually do at the week. Give some information аьоut:
1) whether уоu like to work about the house;
2) what you did about the house yesterday;
3) whether you keep уоur tlrings in the right places;
4) whether it is important to keep уоur house clean and tidy.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М, HecBii,'
Talk аЬоut уоur favolrrite ТV рrоgrаmmе. Give some infbrmation
ТV рrоgrаmmеs уоu like best;
ТV chartnel is this prograrrime У film / seriaI on;
ts) what your favourite рrоgrаmпrе starti
1) what
2) what
То repeat Degrees of ,Comparison, the use of Imuсh/mапу / а
of", "some / arly", the use of рrеsепt Simple, Present Continuous,
Present Perfect, Past Simple Tenses.
Sчmmаrу and feedback
The teacher summarizes the work Ьу asking fОr students' feedback.
LEssoN 48
Reserved Lеssоп
LEssoN 49
What ls the Weather Like Today?
Aims and objectives: to present the topic; to introduce and practise vocabulary; to develop students'reading and speaking skills; to develop students'
,:,:,,:::,:,:,,,::,,,:,,,:,:,,,,:,,, j,,:
Wаrm up
The tеасhеrЪ greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see уоu.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds [s], [z] and [rz], The teacher reads the
words and students repeat them; then the teacher put the words tln the
blackboard, and studeцts vgrite them down into the table. Тhеп stlidents
check their works and think,of опе mоrе word with the same sounds.
Wоrds: likes, driues, sоlчеs, mапаgеs, ashs, рrопоuпсеs, Ьеgiпs,
eache s, lоuеs, speah s.
The table is оп the blabkboard (keys for the teacher):
Likes, asks, speaks
Drj.ves, solves, begins,
Manages, рrопоuпсеS,
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
Checking on homework
The teacher selectively checks students' grаmmаr skills (see р.
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr сап use the соmрutеr presentation оr рrераrе pictu
оr use ех. 1, р. 98 frоm the text-book to introduce the topic. Studen
listen to the words and repeat them:
п Cloud/cloudy, cold, hot, foglfoggy, wind/windy, rain/rain
snow /snowy, stоrm, sun/sunny, wаrm.
Vocabulary practice. То practise new vocabulary, students have
think апd act (selectively) short dialogues as in the example (ех.
р. 98)" Then the tеасhеr divides students into
the weather as in the example (ех. 2, р. 99).
pairs, and they talk аЬоu
Students read three postcards (1--3) and match them with the
tures (А, В and С) frоm ех. 3, р. 100.
After-readin9 a(tivit}r. Students read the sentences and choose right
items to сойрlеtе the sentences (ех. 4, р. 100).
Дпswеrs:1 London; 2 cold; 3 can; 4 didn't like; б is; б sometimes.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses,a
rhyrne fоr physical exercises. Fоr ехаmрlе:
Head and shoulders
Knees and toes (3 rimes)
Head and shoulders
knees and toes
Eyes and еаrS, and nose.
Work in whole class. Studerrts look at the pictures (ех. 5, р. 100) and
say wlrat children сап do оп such а day using the word-combinations
below the pictures. Students speak one Ьу опе till ечеrуопе answers.
Example is in the exercise.
Ех. 6, р. 101; to repeat vocabulary.
Summаrу and feedback
The teacher strmmarizes the wоrk Ьу aski,ng for students' feedback.
Semester ll. Unit 5. Lesson 50
LEssoN 50
Seasons. Му Favourite Season
Aims and objectives: to introduce and practise vocabulary; to develop students' listening and speaking skills; to develop students' skills of giving
irfi{r4li;!:i*y.,rai s EQU
ЕN с Е
Warm up
The tеасhеrЪ 9reeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exer<ise
Students revise holnophones. First, the teacher reads homophones,
ппd students repeat them. They have to find the wоrd that does not
sound the same as the others in опе line. Then students check themselves. Teacher gives the definitions of the homophones if it is neceýsary. The words is оп the blackboard, too:
в Неrе
п Meat _. meet = met
- lrear
- Son
п ,Soon
Checking оп homework
Students read their works (selectively).
lntroducing the topic
The teacher gives students to listen to the weather forecast. Students'task is to eomplete the table (ех, 1, р. 101) using the vocabulary
words. The tеасhеr can use any rероrt like this:
тhе weather Forecast
And поw about the rryeather. In the beginning of the week northern
and eastern ukraine will start cold with snow. The temperature will Ье
15'С below zero. It will Ье slippery on the roads. The strong wind will
оссur. On Tuesday cold and windy weather will continue, snowfall will
die out, but it rлrill stay cloudy. Оп Wednesday the tеmреrаturе will rise
to 5'С below zеrо. It wi1l turп out sunny and bright. It will Ье slippery
like before.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Snowfail, strong wind; cloudy,
Strong wind; cloudy
Suппу; slippery
То introduce the tdpic of the lesson, the teacher draws students]
attention to the pictures (ех.2, р. 101). Their task is to look at the pictures, rеmеmЬеr the names of the seasons, and talk about the weather
in Ukraine using the questions and the ехаmрlе.
The tеасhеr makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses any
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Big boots and little boots
Travel оп together,
Merrily go splashing through
Аutumп rаiпу weather.
Students read the text (ех. 3, р. 101-102) and make the task. First,
they have to match pictures'and paragraphs of the text.
After-reading activity. Students express agreement оr disagreement
with the statements (ех. 4, р. 102). They have to express their opinion
and explain why they think so.
Answers:1 Аgrее; 2 Disagree (in wiпtеr); 3 Agree; 4 Agree; б Agree;
6 Disagree (in spring).
Work iп whole class. The tеасhеr рrороsеs students to think about
)ne оа the seasons and describe it shortly. The rest of the students hаче
tо guess what the season is.
Ех. 6, р. 102.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr surnmarizes the wоrk Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
\emester ll, Unit 5. Lesson 51
The Weather iп England and iп Ukraine
Aims and objectives: to practise students'speaking skills; to practise students'
listening skills; to practise pronunciation and vocabulary; to develop ge-
neral culture апd etiquette.
llllarm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'ш glad to see you.
IIow аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students have to listen and rереаt the sentences. After that they
write them dorvn into exercise-books with the full forms. The teacher
pr.rts the sentences оп the blackboard after writing fоr checking.
1. I{is bag is on the table.
2. He's (he is) mу best friend.
3. Не's (he has) got а dog.
Checking оп homework
students rеаd the sentences from the text in turп and check
their works.
Дпswеrs: 1 wаrm; 2 а T-shirt; 3 sunny; 4 season; 5 weather; б hot
(sunny); 7 sunny (hot); 8 degrees.
Game "What seaýon were уоч born?"
Students ask each other this question and arrange the groups асtlording to their апswеrs. They have to рrеsепt "their" sdason and рrоче
(in turns) it's the best (in some sentences):
51. We wеrе Ьоrп in winter.
S2. It's the best season of а уеаr.
S3. There is muсh snow in winter.
54. We сап skate, ski and sledge.
Sб. We сеlеЬrаtе а New Year holiday in winter.
lntrodu<ing the topic
Teacher presents the topic of the lesson with the listening and
repeating (ех. 1, ех. 2, р. 103). First, students have to match the sentences (1-4) to the thеrmоmеtrеs (A-D). Then students talk about the
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
То present some facts about the weather in England, the
gives students to listen to the text "Seasons in Great Britain".
listening, the teacher divides students into two grоuрs А and В а
they start reading their parts of the text. After reading students ha
to share the information from two parts (to retell the text one Ьу опе'
То repeat degrees of comparison, students do ех. 4, р. 104) апd
plete the sentences with the correit forms of the adjectives.
Answers:1 long/short; 2 tastier; 3 the coldest; 4 wаrmеr/suпп
hotter/drier; б driest/hottest;
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses а
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Ten Iittle fingers
теп little toes
Two little еаrs
And опе little nose
Two little eyes
They shine so bright
one little mоuth
То say that's right.
Work in class. Students look at the weather mар (ех. 6, р. 104-1
and talk about the weather in different places around Great Britain
it is in the example.
Students rеаd the tasks А and В (ех. 6, р. 105), and read the еха
ple. The teacher explains the aim of the exercise (а dialogue).
7, р. 105; to рrераrе а dialogue (ех. 6, р. 105).
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedback;
г-\emester ll. Unit 5. Lesson 52
tЕsSоN 52
Writing а Letter Reply
Aims and objectives: to practise vocabulary; to develop students'writing and
reading skills; to develop general culture; to develop students' creativity.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
low аrе you?
phonetic ехеrGisе
Students revise intonation. The teacher rеаds the exclamations, and
Htudents repeat them and mark the stress. The exclamations are on the
lllackboard (оr in the handouts):
а Fапtаstiс! о Luсkу аоц! о Brilliaпt! с Great! с Woul! с А,mаziпg!
Checking оп homework
Students present dialogues (selectively).
Students апswеr the questions:
1. Is it wаrm in summеr?
2. Can it Ье wаrm in winter?
3. Is
it cold in winter?
4. Can it Ье cold in summеr?
What is the warmest season of the уеаr?
6. What is the coldest season of the year?
Students have to add "1п Uhrаiпе" for some answers, "[п the
воuthеrп соuпtriеs lihe...", аr "Iп the поrthеrп соuпtriеs lihe..."
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents the topic using ех. 2 and ех. 4, р. 106. First, sturlents have а training in describing of the seasons. Strrdents read the
t,tlxts (in variants) and retell these descriptions. Other students try to
guess what the season is.
То practise the use of description, students аrе divided into pairs
rrnd describe опе of the seasons to their partners. The tеасhеr can break
llris part vrith Relaxation, and then continue.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
тhе teacher makes mочеmепts with the students. Teacher uses
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
I сап walk оп tip, tip, toe
Like а fairy I сап go.
I сап stamp so that you'll say
elephant is here today.
Students сопtiпuе their work after Relaxation. То study wr
First, t
teacher gives students the imaginary situation: receiving the le
from ап English pen-friend. Students rеаd the questions, and then t
раrt of the letter.
а rерlу to the letter, students wоrk rvith ех. 4, р. 106-107.
Students read ех. 5, р. 1О7 and answer the questions.
1. Has the author answered all the questions?
2. How do you think why?
3. What information could you add to this rерlу?
Тhе teacher divides students into pairs, and they shаrе informati
with the partners. Then they act their dialogues.
Ех.6, р.
Sчmmаrу and feedback
The teacher summarizes the work Ьу asking for students'
LESsoN 53
ModalVerbs. Dialogues
Aims and objectives: to present modal verb Ъhould/shouldn'tl to
vocabulary and pronunciation; to practise students'reading апd speaki
skills; to develop skills of giving opinions; to deve|op tolerance to
\.,metter ll. Uпit 5. Lesson 53
Wаrm чр
The teacher's 9rееtiп9. Good morning, studentst I'm glad, to see you.
llow аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sоuпds [п] and [э]. The tеасhеr gives students the
rlrtrds with the table. Students hаче to listen and tick the right sound,
llren check them.
о Cough, соlоur, cut, соmе, ruпg, wrong, hu!, hot.
The students'sample
The teacher's sample
Checking оп homework
Students (selectively) read their replies. The tеасhеr displays all
tlre works.
!ntrodi"Icing the
The teacher presents the topic of the lesson using ех. 1, р. 107*108.
Students have to look at the pictures and act out shоrt dialogues as in
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
То present the modal veyb "should/shouldn't" the teacher
"Grаmmаr Lab", р. 109. The teacher explains how we use this
verb, and how we form different kind of sentences (affirmative,
tive оr interrogative) with the чеrЬ.
То practise the use of "should/shouldn't", students do ех. 4, р. 1
They look at the pictures and give advice to their classmates accordi
to the pictures. Other students give their own advice.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses а
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Clap уоur hands!
Clap your handst
This is how it's done.
Slap уоur knees!
Slap уоur knees!
Now уоu'rе having fun.
Stamp уоur feet!
Stamp уоur feet!
Make а lot of noise.
Squat уоur down,
Squat yorrr down,
Don't lift up уоur voice.
Work in pairs. То practise giving opinion, students rеаd the s
ment (ех. 5, р. 109) and give their responses to it. They have to
"should /shouldn't" to express agreement оr disagreement.
Students listen to the dialogues апd read them (ех. 2, р. 108),
give answers the questions. Then students have to say а,rе the s
ments (ех. 3, р. 108) truе оr false, support their mind and соrrесt
false statements.
Дпswеrs:l F; 2 F; 3 F; 4 F; 5 F; б F.
Ех.6, р.
Sчйmаrу and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the work Ьу asking fоr students'
\pmester ll. Uпit 5. Lesson 54
'Will'and "То
Ве Going to" for Fчtчrе Actions
Alms and objectives: to revise "to Ье going to" structцre; to present "will"; to
practise the use of "to Ье going to" and "will" for future; to develop students' listening and reading skills,
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see you.
llow аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds [0] and [ё]. The teacher gives students the
t:rtrds with the table. Students have to listen and tick the right sound,
then check them.
о Seventh, this, theatre, the, thin, that, аuthоr, these, think, those.
The students'sample
The teacher's sample
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
Checking оп homework
students read the weather forecast.
The tеасhеr сап make а gаmе оп ех. 1, р. 110-111. Students
to the dialogues and match them to the pictures
Introducing the topic
То present the topic of the lesson, the teacher usеs ех. 2, р. 111
The teacher divides students into pairs, and they act out the
according to the pictures. Then the teacher asks:
1. What situations were in уоur dialogues?
2. Whad words did you use for expressing actions in future?
Students' answers.
Students rеаd the "Grаmmаr Lab" part to rеmеmЬеr informat
about the use of "will" and "to Ье going to"; about similarity and
fеrепсе between their meanings.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses а
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
feet go tap, tap, tap.
hands go ciap, clap, clap.
feet go jump, jump, jump.
hands go thump, thump, thump.
То practise the use of "will" and "to Ье going to", students look а
the pictures (ех. 3, р. 112), and each of the students uгritе опе sente
about the weather in London next week. Each student takes anot
day. Then students read their forecast to the elass.
Reading. Speaking
То practise speaking students read the task (ех. 5, р. 112) and act
out the situation in small grоuрs. Students mау use real places
they live оr think about other places.
Ех. 4, р. 112; ех.6, р. 113.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the work Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
Semester ll. Unit 5. Lesson 55
LEssoN 55
Natural Рhепоmепа
Aims and objectives: to practise vocabulary and pronunciation; to practise
students' Iistening and reading skills; to develop skills of giving opinions;
to develop interest to nature.
( Е о
l l F I\l a
Wаrm up
The tеасhеrЪ 9reeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see you.
I low аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [Ь]. The twister is on the ЬIасkЬоаrd (оr in
l,he handouts):
о I bought а bit of baking powder and baked а batch of biscuits.
Checking оп homework
Students (selectively) present their rlvorks.
Game "What do уоч kпоw about nature?"
The tеасhеr works in whole class. The teacher reads the statements,
ппd students have to choose the соrrесt information.
в Life on the Earth сап f сап't exist without plants.
в Plants and trees take in sunlight through their floulers / lеаuеs.
g Plants сап / сап't live without sunlight.
о А feul / No plants eat animals.
а More /les.s than а half of the Earth is сочеrеd with wаtеr.
lntroducing the topic
То present the topic the tеасhеr uses the text (ех. 1, р. 113) for lis-
tening and (оr) computer presentation. Students listen to the,text and
complete it with the words from the boxes.
I. Rainbows:; 1 white; 2 different; 3 yellow; 4 violet.
II. Lightning and Thunder: 1 white-yellow; 2 dangerous; 3 tall;4 faster.
Then, in pairs, students answer and talk what the weather (natural)
рhепоmепа they have listened (ех.2, р. 114). The tеасhеr has to рау stutlents attention to the fоrm of plural of the "phenomenon" and explain
the cause of difference.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses а
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr ехаmрlе:
А fly at your noser
You slaP and it goes;
If it comes back again,
It will Ьriпg а good rаiп.
If bees stay at hоmе,
Rain will soon соmе;
If they fiy away,
Fine will Ье the day.
Students read the text "The Adventure of Тоm Sаwуеr" after Ма
Trrain (ех. 3, р. 114). Their task is to put the parts of the text in
correct оrdеr and answer the question Why loas Тоm the uпhаррi
Ьоу iп the uilLage?
Дпswеrsi:1 С; 2 Е; 3
А; Ц D; 5 В.
After-reading part. Students read the sentences (ех. 4, р. 11а-115)]
choose the correct word and check their answers.
Дпswеrs: L а; 2
Ь;3 с; 4 а; 5 Ь.
The teacher divides students into pairs. Students have to read а
act the situation (ех. 5, р. 115). Then рrеsепt their dialogues to the
Ех. 6, р. 115.
Summary апd feedback
Тhе teacher summarizes tlre wоrk Ьу asking for students'
LEssoN 56
Grammar Revision
Aims апd objectives: to revise and practise the use of "will" and "to Ье going
to"; to revise and practise the use of "should/shou|dn't"; to revise
practise the use of the vocabulary; to revise and practise students'writi
skills; to summarize the topic material,
\rmester ll. Unit 5. Lesson 56
Warm up
Тhе teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm,glad to see you.
llllw аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [k]. The rhyme is on the blackboard (оr in
о Chicken in the саr and the саr сап go, that is the way you spell
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents students aims of the lesson. Теасhеr gives irrstruct,ions to all the parts of the work and оrdеr of the work to the students.
Studепts rnustn't use text-books for advice. Теасhеr can take grаmtrtar revision wоrk frоm the text-book, оr may choose his/her own
The teacher reads the text like this.
Each season of the уеаr is good in its оwп way. Тhеrе is much snow
irr winter; the weather is frosty and windy, but children like this seaHrlrr. They go skiing, make snowmen, and play snowballs. It's usually
vcry funny!
In spring, the nature wakes up, and'it's чеrу beautiful. It becomes
wаrmеr, the snow melts. Тhеrе are mапу flowers and grееп grаss ечеrуwhere. Реорlе plant trees and flowers, and children help adults"
The best season is summеr. It's usually quite hot and sunny. In this
неаsоп, children hаче the longest holidays. They mау go camping, sunllathe, and swim in а riчеr.
When summеr is очеr, people go to pick up mushrооms in the foгеsts. And if the weather is rаiпу, they mау stay at hоmе to watch ТV
llr read books.
Students listen to the text and put the letters next to пumЬеrs
(tlx. 1, р. 115), and паmе each season
Listening. Reading
Students read the words in the Ьох, listen to the text (ех. 2, р. 116)
ппd complete the sentences.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
Students revise the use of "should/shouldn't". Тhеir task is
put-"should" оr "shouldn't" with the verbs in brackets into the
rесt fоrms.
1. Y_оu .." (to take) an umbrella with you: look at these black clouds i
the sky!
2. It is а grеаt show, you ... (to see) it.
3. It's dark Ьу tlris time. You ... (to ride) уоur bike without lights.
4. You lrave а terrible cold. You ... (to go) tcl this раrtу.
5. It is cluite wаrm outsj,de, mum. ... I ... (to wеаr) а coat?)
Дпswеrs:1 should take; 2 shоuld see; 3 shouldn't ride; 4 shouldn
go: 5 should ... wеаr.
T}re tеасhеr makes movements
with the students. Teacher uses а
rhуmе for physicai exercises. Fоr example:
Andy Pandy" fine and dandy,
Loves рlum cake and sugar candy.
tsought it frопr а candy shop
And away did hop, hop, hop.
Students do ап exercise like this. They have to choose "will" оr t
соrrесt form of "to tэе going to" and open the brackets.
К, Hi, Srre! Glad]to see you{
S" Hi! What ..n you "". this Saturday? (to do) (аrе .,. going to do)
К. Any plansu Kathy?
S. Let's go to а picnic.
К. 0h, а great idea! We ... some friends. (to invite) (will invite)
S" Sure. Hello, Mark! Have you seen Dave?
М. Hi, girls! I ... оп him. (to call) (аm going to call)
К. We ... а picnic this Saturday. (to make up) (аrе going to
make up)
Ann ... with us. (to go) (аrе going)
К. Worvl Do we need to buy anything?
М. Oh, по. We have,already bought whatever is necessary. And
tоmоrrоw I ... sоmе сагtопs of juice. (to buy) (will buy)
NI. Yeah, John and
It. Arrd
S. Amazing!
fоr mу father's inflatable boat (to ask)! (will ask)
Stцdents put the word,s iп tlre соrrесt оrdеr Ьо make sentences
(ех. ý, р. 11?). It is possilrle to do only part of the exercise.
Semester ll. Unit 5. Lesson 57
Ех. 6, ех.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the rлrоrk Ьу asking fоr students" feedback.
i;;l;ffi;};;ffi#;#ffi,ffiiЁ b;
LEssoN 57
Reading. "The Wind, the Sun, and
Aims and objectives: to revise students'speaking skiIls; to develop students
reading skills; to develop ability of prediction; to practise scanning of the
Warm Uр
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds
[О] and [ё]" The twister is оп the blackboard
in the handouts):
п The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne
throughout Thursday"
Checking оп homework
Ех.6, ех.
7, р.117.
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr asks students some questions on the topic to activate vocabulary (ех. 1, р. 118). Sttrdents answer the questions and look at the
pictures (ех. 2, р. 118). They trу to grress what this text is about.
Teacher рrеsепts the text "The Wind, the Sun, and Simon" (ех. 3,
р, 118-119). Students read the text.
Yci уроки англiйськоI мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
After-reading activity. Students answer the questions:
Which of the mаiп characters is stronger?
2. Why do you think so? Explain уоur mind.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr usеs апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
I сап rеаd. I can play.
I can study ечеrу day.
I'm bending. I'm staying.
I'm stretching I'm stamping.
I'm jumping. I'm running.
I'm clapping, it's funny.
Focus оп gist. Students look trough the text one mоrе time and make
ех. 4, р. 119 completing the sentences. Then they read them in turn
and check.
Дпswеrs:l had ап argument; 2 saw а Ьоу; 3 blew hard; 4 run; 5 took
off his coat; б Suп was right.
Fосчs on grammar. Students find an adjective in each word combination (ех. 5, р. 119), put each of them into the соrrесt form and fill in the
gaps in the sentences. Checking in class.
Strong, deep, hot, wаrm, dark, bright, heavy.
1. wаrmеr; 2 brighter; 3 dark; 4 the deepest; 5 the hottest; б heavier.
То revise theAlphabet students write the words (ех.6, р. t20) in
the соrrесt оrdеr.
First, students complete the word sums (ех.
7, р. 120).
Thunderstorm, butterfly, hailstone, mеrrу go-round, raindrop, seaside, grandfather.
То practise these words students have to write about the day they
went to the fun fair (ех. 8, р. 120). They have to say:
п when they went;
в who they went with;
п what the wеаthеr was like that day;
о what they did there.
After finishing this work students (selectively) read their stories
to the class.
5. Lesson 58
Part В, р. 120; to bring some paper, clue, scissors and some со-
lоurеd felt pens.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedback.
LEssoN 58
Project "Seasoný and the SchooI Year"
Aims and objectives: to design а poster about school holidays iп different
seasons of the year; to develop students' ability to work оп their оwп; to
develop students' creativity.
How аrе you?
greeting. Good, mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see you.
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [а:]. Тhе teacher gives students the cards
with the table. Students have to tick the words with the ýаmе sound,
then listen to them, repeat and check themselves.
п Turn, girl, sun, burn, give, bird, suburb, north, hеr, cut court.
Thi students'sample
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
The teacher's sample
lntroducing the topic
Teacher presents the examples of projects to students. Teacher can
use text-book project оr rеаl projects made Ьу оthеr students (р. 121).
Теасhеr divides students into small groups (no mоrе than four). Students read the task А (р. 120). Students look through the projects, and
then start to work. Students have to join their works to make а grоuр
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uýеý апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Stand up, clap, ciap.
Arms up, clap, clap.
Step, step, аrms down.
Clap, clap, please, sit down.
Students in groups present their posters to other classmates and
give them mоrе information about pictures. Тhеп they апswеr other
students' questions.
Теасhеr organizes а display of students' works.
То talk about the poster.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students'"feedback.
LEsSoN 59
Great Britain
Aims and objectives: to present the topic; to introduce апd practise vocabu-lary; to
develop students' listening and speaking skills; to develop students'
skills of making utterance; to revise Comparative Degree of adjectives.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds [d], [t] and [rd] in the endings of regular
verbs in the 2nd and the 3rd fоrms.
The teacher gives students the cards with the table. Students have
to tick the words with the same sound, then listen to them, repeat and
check themselves.
п Watched, wanted, Iiked, played, stopped, walked, enjoyed, called,
The students'sample
Yci уроки англiйськоТмови.5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
The teacher's sample
Checking оп homework
Talking about the poster.
lntroducing the topic
То present the topic, the teacher can чsе а computer presentation
or рrераrе pictures to introduce the topic, оr use the pictures frоm the
text-book (ех. 1, р, L22). Students listen to the паmеs of the parts of
Grеаt Britain and their capitals and repeat them.
Students talk ab<lut people frоrп different parts of Great Britain as
in the ехаrпрlе (ех. 2, р. 123).
Semester ll. Unit 6. Lesson 59
Mary's from London. London is the capital of Great Britain.
2. Маrk lives in Belfast. Belfast is the capital of Nоrthеrп Ireland.
3. Julia's from Edinburgh. Edinburgh iý the capital of Scotland.
4. John lives in Cardiff. Cardiff is the capital of Wales.
Listening. Reading
То get mоrе information and facts about Grеаt Britain, students listen to the text "Great Britain" (ех. 3, р. 123) and read it. Students uпderline incomprehensible words in the text while rеаdiпg. The teacher
explains these words and expressions after reading.
After-reading activity. Students wоrk
in pairs. They take turns to
ask and answer the questions (ех. 4, р. L24), and complete the sentences
(ех. 5, р. 124) according to the text.
Дпswеrs (ех. 4):
1) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;
four parts; they аrе:,England, Scotland, Wales and Nоrthеrп Irе-
London is the capital of the United Kingdom and England; Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland; Cardiff is the capital of Wales;
Belfast is the capital of Nоrthеrп Ireland;
4) about 56 million people;
5) English.
Дпswеrs (ех. 5): 1 in Еurоре, оп the British Isles; 2 56 million;
3 England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; 4 London; 5 Cardiff;
6 Edinburgh; 7 Belfast.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses any
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Clap уоur hands!
Clap your hands!
This is how it's done.
Slap уоur knees!
Slap your knees!
Now уоu'rе having fun.
Stamp уоur feet!
Stamp уоur feet!
Make а lot of noise.
Squat уоur down,
Squat уоur down,
Don't lift up уоur voice.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. Н
Work in class. Students,match the words (1-6) rvith the words (а
(ех. 6, р. |24'l to make word combinations. Then, students,make
tences of them.
Дпswеrs:l е; 2 d; 3 f; 4 Ь; 5 с; б а.
7, р. L24,
ех.8; р. 125.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr sumrnarizes the wоrk Ьу asking fоr students'
LEssoN 60
National Parks. Article "The"
Aims and objectives: to present article "the"; to practise vocabulary and proпuпсiаtiоп; to practise students' reading and speaking skil[s; to develpp
interest to English-speaking countries culture.
Е N CE,,dq'y/N*&+щla
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound,s [g] and [dз]. Students listen to the vrоrds
and repeat them. The words are on the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
Grow and brid,ge,
Glue and сhаrgе.
Checking оп hоп,lеwоrk
The teacher checks ех. 8 (оrаllу).
Students (selectively) read their wоrks.
Дпswеrs:1 driеr; 2 wetter; 3 colder; 4 пiсеr; 5 wаrmеr; б sunnier.
Semester ll. Unit 6. Lesson 60
lntroducing the topic
The tеасhеr presents the topic of the lesson from reading e-mails
(ех. 1, р. 126). Students have to say children аrе writing about some
places of interesting in Grеаt Britain.
Апп and Jane аrе in Great Britain.
о They are going to ехсursiопs, museums, exhibitions, celebration of
holiday; they аrе making photos.
п They are writing to their parents arrd friends.
'fhe tеасhеr tells students about National раrks and asks "What
National parks in Ukraine do you know?"
Students' (expected) onswers:
п National Nаturе Раrk "Shatskiye Lakes" in Volyn region.
о National Nature Park the Beautiful Вау" iп the Сrimеа.
о National Reserve'Askania-Noya" in Kherson region.
п National Раrk "Synevir" in Zakarpatska region.
о National Park "Saint Mountains" in Dorretsk region. Etc.
Students look at the рiсturеs (ех. 3, р. 127) and say how people spend
their free time in the national parks using the words frош the Ьох.
Grammar part
The teacher presents students the use of the article "the" with place
names (р. 128, grаmmаr). First, the tеасhеr asks students what they
rеmеmьеr about the rrse of this article. students апýwеr. Тhеп students
rеаd the Ьох and answer the questions:
1. What place names do we use article "the" with?
2. What geographical objects we don't usе with article o'the"?
То practise the цsе of the article with the place паmеs, students
play the game. They get the cards with the geographical паmеs. Students hаче to read, the narnes апd divide into two grоuрs "ТНЕ" and
"Without ТНЕ". They have to explain their choice. The tеасhеr has
to рау students' aitention to the names of Britain alrd explains the
The names for the cards like these (one паmе in the orre card):
Indian (осеап)
Hoverla (mouIrt)
Falkland (islands)
Great Britairr (соuпtrу)
United Kingdom (corrrrtгy)
Sivash (iake)
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови, 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Black (sea)
Independence (square)
Sаhаrа (desert)
Каgul (lake)
Сrimеап (mountains)
Kharkiv (city)
Kharkiv (riчеr)
Меtrо (suреrmаrkеt)
Раrk (cinema)
Zmiinyi (island)
Victoria (hotel)
Hyde (раrk)
Students rеаd the text "The National Parks" (ех. 4, р. 127) and fill
in the gaps with А to G expressions. While rеаd, students drаw their
attention to the use of article "the".
Дпswеrs:O С; 1 G; 2 А; 3 F; 4 D; 5 В; б Е.
After-reading part. Students underline the articles and trу to explain
their using. Checking.
The teacher makes mочеmепts with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
jump. I can ruп.
sing. I can dance.
swim. I can't fly.
climb and say good Ьуе,
То practise the use of "а (an)", "the" оr nothing, students write
ех. 5, р. 128. Тhеп they read the sепtецсеs in turn, explain and check
their апswеrs.
. Answers:
the ... the
... the ...
_ 2. The ... а...
The ... .- ...
The ... а...
. The
Ех. 7, р. 128; to add information about yourselves as in the
ех.6, р. 128.
semester ll. Unit 6. Lesson 61
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking fоr stud.ents" feedback.
ukraine ls our Motherland
Aims апd objectives: to ,practise vocabulary and pronunciation; to practise
students' listening and reading skills; to develop skills of giving opinions;
to develop interest to native country,
Warm up
The tеасhеrЪ greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds [э:] dnd [з:]. Students listen to the ,words
and rереаt them. Students have to differ these sounds in listening апd
pronunciation. The words аrе on the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
о Fоrm, firm, shirt, short, work, walk, talk, turn.
Checking оп homework
Students rеаd their works (selectively) and say two mоrе sentences
about themselves.
' 3.
Students answer the questions:
Whеrе wеrе you born?
What is уоur native language?
What other languages do people speak in Ukraine?
Name the capital of Ukraine; the main cities; the pla,ces of interest;
the national parks.
The student who gave the most corfect апswеrs is the rvinner.
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Introducing the topic
The teacher presents the topic. Students listen to the text "Ukraine
Is Our Motherland" (ех. 2, р. 129), underline unknown,лords. Then the
tеасhеr explains the expressions. Students read the text.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses any
rhуmе fоr physical exercises. Fоr example:
feet go tap, tap, tap,
hands go clap, clap, clap,
feet go jump, jump, jump.
hands go thump, thump, thump.
Students rеаd ех. 3, р. 129-130 and complete the sentences to make
the story about Ukraine. Students retell the story in chain.
Дпswеrt1 Ukraine; 2 Ukrainians; 3 Kyiv; 4 independent; 5 wопdеrful; beautiful; generous and hard-working; б rich; large; beautiful;
7 oldest; 8 longest.
The teacher divides students into pairs. Then, in pairs, students
make а dialogue as in the example (ех. 4, р. 130). They mау usе information from the previous ехеrсisе and act out their dialogues.
The students pairs аrе arranged into grоuрý and students discuss
which places around Ukraine they would like to visit (ех. 5, р. 130).
Students use the phrases for asking and giving opinion.
Ех. 6, р. 130; to draw
picture (photo).
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the work Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
Unit 6. Lesson 62
LEsSoN 62
National Symbols of Ukraine.
National Symbols of Great Britain
Aims and objectives: to practise vocabulary and pronunciation; to revise writing of general and special questions; to practise students' reading and
listening skills; to develop tolerance to others.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see уоu.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [u]. The rhуmе is оп the blackboard (оr iп
the handouts):
Good mоrпiпg,
Му darling,
Good mоrпiпg,
Good mоrпiпgt
аrе awaking
And we аrе rolling,
Now wе'rе jumping,
W'е'rе running and playing,
having а rеst,
And we сап not staying.
Checking оп homework
Теасhеr displays students' works. Then some students рrеsепt their
То revise students ability to use "the" with the place паmеs, the
teacher рrераrеs cards with the names of places, gives them to students, arrd рrороsеs them to divide these cards into two groups: "the"
and "without the".
The tеасhеr сап usе the names like these:
о The Askania Nova (паturе rеsеrче), tйе Carpathian (mountains),
Ау Petri (mountain), the Dnipro (riчеr), Svityaz (lake), thе Воmmеr
Yci уроки англiйськtlt мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
(cinema), tDe Arctic (ocean), tfte Gobi (desert), fhe United States
of America Соuпtrу), Lviv (city), fhе Louvre (museum), Неаthrоw
(airport), the Т ate (gаllеrу).
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr can use the computer presentation or рrераrе pictures to
introduce the topic. The teacher introduces the concept of national
symbols. Students have io паmе them (ех. 1, р. 1S1). Then the teacher
shows pictures with flags of countries (e.g. Ukraine, Great Britain,
Russia, the USA, and Canada) to students, and they have to identify
these flags and talk аЬоut the country in such а way (оr as in the ехаmple in ех. 5, р. 132):
п It is the national flag of IJkraine. It is ЬIuе and yellow. It is the
national symbol of the country. The people in Ukraine аrе'Ukrаiп,ians. They speak Ukrainian.
Listening. Reading
Students listen to the dialogue (ех. 2, р. 131_), underline unknown
words, and then read the dialogue. Students have to elicit пеw information from the dialogue and retell it to class.
The tеасhеr makes movements with the students. Теасhеr usеs апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr ехаmрlе:
Опе, busy wife's ruЬЬiпg the flооr.
Two, busy wife's polishing the dооr.
Three, busy wif'se washing the socks.
Fоur, busy wife's winding the clocks.
Five, busy wife's cleaning with the Ьrооm.
Six, busy wife's tidying uр the rооm.
Seven, busy wife's washing in the sink.
Eight, busy wife's givi,ng the cat а drink.
Nine, busy wife's cooking diппеr too.
еп, busy wife's with nothing else to do,
Students, in pairs, take turns to ask and answer the questions асcording to the text (ех. 3, р. 132).
Writing. Grammar
То revise grаmmаr material, students do ех. 4, р. 132. Tlrey have to
choose the correct variant to complete the sentences. Тhеп the teacher
Semester ll. Unit 6. Lesson бЗ
reminds students of different types of questions (general and special),
of their formation; students write two'questions to each sentence.
Дпswеrs:1 Ь; 2 с; 3 с; 4 а.
Ех. 6, р. 132.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summаrizеs the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedback.
LESsoN 63
а European Country
Aims and objectives: to revise and practise vocabulary; to develop students
listening ski|ls; to develop students'communicative skills; to develop crosscultural competence.
йl!Б#',*уffi* SEQUENCE
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise pronunciation of the geographical names (ех. 1,
р. 133). Students listen to the geographical names and repeat them"
Checking оп homework
Students ask their questions in turп, and others апýwеr them.
lntroducing the topic
Teacher presents the topic of the lesson and gives students to
listen to the text (ех. 2, р. 133). While listen, students have to оrdеr
the раrаgrарhs of it and mark them with the letters А to В and пumbers 1 to 4.
Дпswеrs:1 D; 2 С; 3 А; 4 В.
students read the text and check if their work is соrrесt.
Yci уроки англiйськоi'мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М, HecBiT)
То practise monologue oral utterance, students arrswer the ques.
tions (ех. 3, р. t34) and show the geographical objects at the mар. Each
student answerý the questionsn alrci others mау add some information
after utterance without interruption.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhуmе fоr physical exercises. Fоr example:
Jumping this way, jumping that.
Jumping gently like а cat.
Jumping sideways, jumping tall.
Jumping high like а bouncing ball.
Work iп pairs" То practise dialogue speech, the teacher divides
students into pairs. As the example, students uýe ех. 5, р. 134. Then
students act out their dialogues.
Students rеаd the sentences (ех. 4, р. 134) and choose the correct
item to аIlswеr the qucstions"
Answers:1 Ь; 2 Ь; 3 а; 4 ai б а.
Ех.6, р. 134.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr surnrnarizes the work Ьу askirrg for students' feedback.
Grammar Revision
Aims and objectives: to revise and practise the use of "the" with geographical Rames; to revise and practise the use of the vocabulary; to revise апd
practise students'writing skills; to summarize the topic material.
Unit 6, Lesson 64
Warm up
Thd,teacher's greeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see you.
low аrе you?
Pho{etic exercise
Studýnts revise sound,s [0] and [ё]. They listen to the twister and
rtlреаt it. The twister is оп the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
п The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled tЪе thrопе
throughout Thursday.
Students in turn паmе the placbs and geographical names and ехplain the use of "the".
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents students aims of the lesson. Teacher gives instructions of all the parts of the work and оrdеr of the чrоrk to the strrdents.
Students mustn't use text-books for advice. Теасhеr can take grаmtпаr revision wоrk frоm the text-book, оr may choose his/her оwп
Students do ех. 1, р. 135 to revise the three forrns of the чеrЬs.
о Ве
- шаs f ulere - Ьееп
о Аrriче
п Неаr ._ heard
о Наче
- played
- hadplayed
п Play
- ýaw seen
в Read
- read - read
Then studerrts have to
п See
complete the sentences with these verbs irr
the Present Perfect Tense, and choose "have" оr "has".
Дпswеrs:1 has; 2 Has; 3 have; 4 have; 5 have; have; б has.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr
rhуmе fоr physical exercises. Fоr example:
Nick and Andy
Sugar and carldy,
I say stand up!
Nick and Andy
Yci уроки англiйськоТмови.5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
Sugаr and candy,
Yоur hands up!
Nick and
Sugаr and candy,
Let stoop!
Nick and Апdу
Sugаr and candy,
I say jump!
Nick and
Sugаr and candy,
I say enough!
Writing. Grammar
Students put the чеrЬs in the соrrесt tense form ("1. 3, р. 135).
Дпswеrs:1 is sitting; 2 found; 3 аrе; 4 Have ... been; 5 Does ... li
б live.
Students look at the pictures (ех. 4, р. 136) and write rrlhat сочпtri
the people have печеr been to as in the example.
1. Mike has never Ьееп to Egypt2. Alex has печеr been to Australia.
3. Dan hаs печеr been to Canada.
4. Апп and Dan have печеr been to Moldova.
Speaking. Dialogues
Work in pairs. The teacher gives students the cards (in variants), and
they have to make а short dialogue (in раirs) and write them.
Ех. 6, р. 136.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
LEsSoN 65
Rеаdiпg. "Uр the Мочпtаiп"
Aims and objectives; to revise students'speaking skil|s; to develop students
readin9 skills; to practise sсаппiпg of the text for specific information.
Semester ll, Uпit 6. Lesson 65
SEQU EN СЕ |.r4.!#.l*.|!ffi*жi,*,l!;'+:.,4*?i|:,':.*ж
Wаrm up
Тhё teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How are you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds [m] and [r:]. The twister is оп the blacklloard (оr in the handouts):
о How can а clam сrаm in а clean сrеаm carr?
Checking оп homework
Stud,ents read their rеsропýе, and the teacher displays the
llcst works.
tntroducing the topic
The tеасhеr divides students into pairs. Teacher gives students sоmе
<1uestions on the topic tcl activate vocabulary (ех. 1, р. 137). Students in
pairs answer the questions. They try to guess what this text is about.
1. The mountains are
2. НочеrIа.
3. Rоmап Kosh"
in Ukraine.
Теасhеr presentb the text "Up the Mountains" (ех. 2, р. 137) and
says about the tasks. Теасhеr asks students to mark incomprehensible
words while they listen to the text.
studerrts listen to the text and read it,
The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses апу
rhуmе for physi,cal exercises. Fоr example:
I сап rеаd. I сап play.
I сап study every day.
I'm bending, I'rn staying,
I'm stretching I'm stamping.
I:m jumping. I'm running.
I'm clappi,ng, it's funny.
Focus оп gist. Students look trough the text one mоrе time and make
ех. 3, р. 138. Тhеir task iý to оrdеr the sentences according to the text.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
Fосчs on lехiсоп. То activate vocabulary of the previous lessoný,
students write the sentences (ех. 4, р. 138). Then they rеаd their variants of answers to the class.
Focus оп grаmmаr. Students look at the table (ех. 5, р. 138) and
find these prepositions in the text. They have to read the
and write their оwп similar examples down into their exercise books.
Checking in class.
п The sky was оrапgе Ьеhiпd the mountain when Ann woke чр.
п 'We're going to walk all the way uр this mountain.
в Do уоu think I сап climb ир this mountain?
п They started to climb uр etc.
Раrt А, В, р. 139; to Ьriпg sоmе рареr, clue, scissors апd some соloured felt pens, photos оr pictures.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students'feedback.
LEssoN 66
Project "Places to Visit in Ukraine/Great Britain"
Aims and objectives: to design а Ьrосhчrе about places to visit in Ukraine or
Great Britain; to develop students'ability to work оп their own; to develop
students'creativity; to develop tolerance to others.
Warm up
The tеасhеrЪ greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [а:]. The:twister is on the blackboard (оr in
the handouts):
п Knife and а
New York.
fork, bottle апd а cork, that is the way you spell
Semester ll. Unit 6. Lesson 66
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents the examples of projects to students. Теасhег can
цsе text-book project оr rеа1 projects made Ьу оthеr students (р. 139).
Теасhеr divides students into small grоuрs (no mоrе than thrее)"
Students read the task А (р. 138). Students look through the projects,
and then start to work. Students have to join their works to make
а grоuр project.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
mеаsurе frоm top of mу head to mу toes.
mеаsurе rriy аrms starting,here Ьу nose,
mеаsuте my legs and I measure me аII.
mеаsurе to see if I'm giowing tall.
Students in groups present thеir posters to other classmates and
give them mоrе information about pictures. Then they answer оthеr
Теасhеr organizes а display of students' works.
То repeat vocabulary.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
Unit 7. тнЕ PLACE WHERE l LlvE
LEsSoN 67
Му City/Town/Village. Structure "There
/There Are"
Aims and objectives; to present the topic; to revise the use of "there isl
are"; to introduce and practise vocabulary; to develop students'
and speaking skills; to develop students'skills of making utterance.
SEQUENCE ffi;ffiрffii:'ф:
Warm чр
The tqacher's 9reeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise pronunciation of linking r. Students listen to
sentences and rереаt them. The sentences аrе on the blackboard (оr
the handouts):
в Тhеrе is [6arrz] а book.
п Саrе about [kearabaut] уоur little sister.
п There аrе [ёаrс;] some places of interest.
о It's quite far away [fc:rawer].
о Give mе mоrе apples [mэrарlz], please.
о There аrе [ёеrа:] five kittens.
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents the topic of the lesson with the vocabulary (ех. 1,
р. 1а0). Students' task is to listen to the words, repeat them and make
the setrtences using "there is/there аrе" as in the example.
\emester ll. Uпit 7. Lesson 67
Vocabulary practice. То practise vocabulary, students look at the
1licture and say what places аrе in the city (ех. 2, р. 140).
The tеасhеr divides students into pairs. Students rеаd the dialogues
(сх. 3, р. 141) and act them out saying about places where they live.
Students ask and апswеr the questions about the рlасе whеrе
ttrey/their friends live. Students use."*. 6, р. 142 as the example.
The tеасhеr makes movements with the students. Teacher rrses any
for physical exercises. Fоr example:
I сап rеаd. I can play.
I study ечеrу day.
I'm beirding. I'm staying.
I'm,stretching I'm stamping.
I'm jumping. I'm running.
I'm clapping, it's funny.
Students study the Grаmmаr Ьох
1р. 1+r; and answer when we use
То рrасtisе grаmmаr, students do ех. 4, р. 141 using "thеrе is / there
ttre" in affirmative and negative sentences. After this, students check
tlre exercise.
Answers:1 ate; 2 is; 3 aren't; 4 аrеп't; 5 aren't; б is.
То practise the use of short апswеrs and making questions, students write questions to the sentences (ех. 5, р. 141-142).
1. Is there а supermarket in уоur village?
Yes, thеrе is.
2. Is there а lake in your town? .- No, there isn't.
3. Аге there mапу trees in уоur city?
No, there aren't.
4. Is thеrе а bus station in your town?
Yes, thеrе is.
5. Is there is а mobile рhопе shop in уоur village?
No, there
6. Аrе there mапу mопumепts in уоur city?
Yes, there аrе.,
Ех. 7, р. |42.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the wоrk bv asking fоr students' feedback.
Yci уроки англiйськоa мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А, М.
LEssoN 68
places to see in ukraine
Aims and objectives: to revise апd practise vocabulary; to develop
listening skills; to develop students'communicative ski|ls; to deve|op
cultural competence.
Warm up
The tеасhеr's 9reeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds [au] and [а:]. The rhyme is оп the
board (оr in the handouts):
А wise old owl iived in an oak,
The mоrе he saw the less he spoke,
The less he spoke the mоrе he hеаrd.
IМhy сап't we all Ье like that wise old bird?
Checking on homework
Students (selectively) read their works.
The teacher can use ех. 1, р. 142 for the game. The teacher
а паrrаtоr. He/she ask students about the pictures, and students а
wer them. The first student answered correctly Ьесоmqs а na
п Is there а сiпеmа in picture 1?
- Yes, there is.
п Is there а сhurсh (cathedral) in picture 5? * No, thеrе isn't. Т
is а mопumепt.
в Do you see а бсhооl оr а castle in picture 6?
I see а school. Е
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents the topic of the lesson. Тhе teacher can
some pictures оr соmрutеr preseirtation to introduce. First, the teac,
shows the pictures to students, and they try to guess what the topic
and what cities are on the pictures. Then, the teacher offers s
to listen to the text (ех. 3, р. 143).
\emester Il, Unit 7. Lesson 68
After Iistening students rеаd the text (А and В parts in two groups)
ппd answer the questions (ех. 4, р. 143). Before reading the teacher
lrave to рау students' attention to pronunciation of ýоmе names such
Роtеmhiп Stаirs, Prtmorshiy Bouleuard etc.
Vocabulary practice. То practise чосаЬulаrу, students do ех. 2, р. l43
(оrаllу) and check it jn class.
Suggested onswers (variants аrе possible): 1 bridge; 2 раrk; 3 mопurnent/square; 4 castle/churches; 5 supermarket; б museum.
The teacher makes moveпrents with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Left-right, Ieft-right,
Marching опwаrds through the niglrt.
Left-right, left-right,
Marching till the mоrпiпg light.
Left-right, left-right,
Even though уоur boots аrе tight.
Lef t-right, left-гight,
March right оп with all you might.
Reading. Speaking
Students rеаd the texts А and В (ех. 6, р. 144) in two groups. Their
task is to introduce themselves and talk about the place whеrе they live
ns in the example. While оп student speaks otlrers make notes about
location and the most interesting fact about the city/town/village.
Students have to cornplete the table (ех. б, р. 14а). They have to
write the names of all mentioned at the lesson cities/towns/villages.
Ех. 7, р. L44; to make as а project (particular sheet of рареr,
Summary and feedback
The teacher summаri.zеs the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedback"
Yci уроки анrлiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. Н
LEssoN 69
places to see in ukraine
Aims and objectives: to revise and practise vocabulary; to develop
listening skills; to develop studentsl communicative skiIls; to develop с
cuItural competence.
Wаrm чр
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds [r] and h:]. The teacher gives students
cards with the table. students have to tick the words with the sa
sound, thеп listen to them, repeat and check themselves.
The students'sample
The teacher's sample
ýemester ll. Unit 7. Lesson 69
(hecking on homework
Students (selectively) read their letters. The tеасhеr makes the display of students' works.
Тhе teacher can use ех.
fоr the game. The teacher chooses
He/she ask students the questions, and strrdents апýwеr
them. The first student answered correctly becomes а паrrаtоr.
п паrrаtоr.
lntroducing the topi(
То introduce the topic the teacher uses the text like this:
The Freedom Square is the main square of Кhаrkiч and an аrchitectural landmark. It is the largest city-center square in Еurоре
and the ninth in the world. It is the place of ечеrу possible events:'
сопсеrts, demonstrations, meetings, competitions. Two metro stations
аrе located uпdеr the square: station Universitet of Saltivska line and
Derzhprom of Oleksiivska line.
Derzhprom building is the central object of the round part of the
Гrееdоm Square. This architectural landmark was built in 1920-th and
Ьесаmе the first skyscraper in the whole country.
То the right of Dеrzhрrоm building you сап see the famous Kharkiv
National University named after Karazin.
То the left of Derzhprom you can see the Military University and
two luxury hotels: the Kharkiv hotel and the Kharkiv Palace hotel. The
Kharkiv Palace hotel is а quite new 11-stored buiiding.
The Freedom Square in Кhаrkоч is the true heart of the city.
Freedom Square
Yci уроки англiйськоi'мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
kharkiv palace Hotel
Kharkiv National University
Freedom Square
It's reasonalrle to supplement the text with pictures оr compu
After-listening. Students read the statements (ех.2, р. 148) and
plete them with the соrrесt wоrds.
Answers:1 the largest; the largest; 2 Two; 3 the heart; 4 the fi
5 V. N. Каrаziп Kharkiv Nationa.l University; 6 an 11-store
7 events.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses а
rhуmе for physical exerci,ses. Fоr ехаmрlе:
Handy bandy Jack-a-dandy
Loves plum cake and sugar candy,
Не bought some at the grосеrs shop
And out he came, hop, hop, hop.
Semester ll. Uпit 7. Lesson 70
Work in pairs. То practise the vocabulary, students act out the dialogue as in the example (ех. 3, р. 148). Their task is to rеаd the dialogue
and make the similar опе about their regional centre.
То get mоrе information about Ukrainians places to visit, students
rеаd the text (ех. 4, р. 148-149) and fill in the gaps with the words from
the Ьох.
Answers:1 stadium; 2 seats; 3 form; 4 sports; 5 сепtrе; б Еurоре;
rock; 8 уеаr
То make а mini-project about their regional сепtrе, ех. 5, ех. 6,
р. 149.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the work Ьу asking for students' feedback.
tEssoN 70
Community Centre
Aims and objectives: to revise and practise vocabulary; to develop students
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Warm up
The tеасhеrЪ 9reeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise pronunciation of linking [r]. Students listen to the
sentences and repeat them. The sentences аrе on the blackboard (оr in
the handouts):
о Тhеrе is а tour along [6arrz а tuarala9] the river.
п The doctor аgrееs [dэktaragrr:z].
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А, М.
п lt's пеаr enough [nlarrn,rf].
п There is а соmmа after that [ёаrrz a kamarш:fta Oat]"
п I can hеаг anything [hraгenl8lgl.
Checking оп homework
Studerrts (selectively) present their projects" Tlre teacher
plays them.
!ntroducing the topic
То present the topic of the lesson the tеасhеr u.""
1, р. 145.
dents have to listen to the text "City Squares" and read
Students look at the photos and read information below them. Thei
task is to rrame and describe each of the photos.
То increase and rапgе students' knowledge, the teacher proposes
match the places 1" to б with the reasons why people visit them (ех.
р. 1а6). Students complete the table and say why people go there.
Дпswеrs:1 Ь;2 f; 3 е;4 с;5 d; б а.
The teach,er rnakes movements with the students. Teacher uses
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr ехаmрlе:
The people on the bus go f,orward and back,
Fоrwаrd and baek, fоrwаrd and back.
The реор}е on the bus bend right and left,
Right апd left, riglrt and left
The реорlе on'the bus stretch wide, and curl uр small,
Stretch wide, and сurl up small, stretch wide, and сurl up ýmа
The people on the bus sit оп their fours
sit on their fоurs, sit оп their fоurs,
And stand still!
Students iп trrrn read the sentences aloud (ех. 3, р. 146) and
whеrе they сап hear the following phrases. Students have to ех
their opiniorr with the phrases "_[ thinh so", "To mу miпd", "Iп mу
ion", "Prabably" апd explain their choice.
Дпsvчеrs:1_ а theatre; 2 the Sports Сепtrе; 3 street; 4 the Zoo; 5 а s
permarket; б а mаrkеt place.
Grаrпmаr reading. Students do ех. 4, р. ].46-147. Their task is to re
the text and
fill in
the gaps with the correct fоrm clf the чеrЬ.
А has; 4 В can; 5 С go; б
Answers:1 В is; 2 С don'thave; 3
7 В have.
semester ll. Unit 7. Lesson 71
Ех. 5, ех. 6, р.
147 (project)
The tеасhеr has to draw students' attention to the order of the home
wоrk and explain it.
Park Walk
Aims апd objectives: to revise and practise vocabulary; to develop students
listening skills; to develop students'communicative skil|s; to develop students' creativity.
Nc Е*,ф*#.'#lffi.ytr!'*i*{n:.ffi
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
[Iow аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds
blackboard (оr in the handouts):
[о:] and [er]. The rhуmе is оп the
Pat а cake, Pat а cake, baker's mап
Bake me а cake as fast as you can;
Pat it and prick it and mark it with а "В",
And put it in the oven for ВаЬу and me.
Checking оп homework
Students read their works (selectively) and the teacher displays the
The teacher сап usе ех. 1, р. 149-150 fоr this game. The tеасhеr
divides students into pairs, and each pair gets its own picture. Students
look at the pictures and call the people's actions. And first, they answer
the question "Where thеsе people сrе?" Students have to answer and
clear up the topic of the lesson.
Yci уроки англiйськоi'мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А, М.
lntroducing the topic
The tеасhеr presents the topic
t ith the reading text "Parks" (ех.
р. 150). Students read the text and complete it with the missing ра
А tcl
Students read the 'sentences (ех. 3, р" 1_50*151) and tick them wi
Т (true) or tr'' (false). T}retr, students hаче to соrrесt the false se
Дпswеrs:1 F (in all tlre seasons); 2 F (in sumrner); 3 Т; 4 F (а ра
5 Т; б Г (frоm busy indoor life, television, couch).
The teacher divides students int'o pairs. Then in pairs, students ta
abou,t parks asking and answering the questions (ех. 4, р. 151).
The tеасhеr nrakes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses
rirупrе for physical exercises. For example:
Rаiп-rаiп, go away,
Соmе again апqthеr day.
Little Jolrnny wants to play;
Rain, railr, go to Spain,
Never slrow уоur face again!
Strrdents rеаd the words and wоrd combinations frоm the tlox (ех.
р. 151) and translate them. The teacher makes vocabulary wоrk wi
if it's песеssаrу.
StucieTrts write the sentences as.in the ехаmрlе using the wo
fronr the Ьох апd read them to а class.
Iп pairs, students ask the questions to the раrtпеr's sentences а
lnake s,lrort dialtlgues (ех. 6, р" r51).
the stud,ents
7, р. 152.
Sumгпаrу and feedback
'I'he teaclrer
summarizes the work Ьу asking 1Ьr students' feedback,
Semester ll. Unit 7. Lesson 72
LEssoN 72
Aims and objectives: to practise students'speaking skills; to practise students'
listening ski|ls; to practise pronunciation and vocabulary; to develop general culture and ёtiquette of speech.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds [w] and [t/]. The twister is on the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
о If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch
which watch?
Checking оп homework
Students (selectively) rеаd their wоrkлs.
lntroducing the topic
The tеасhеr сап uýе the computer presentation оr рrераrе pictures
iike these to iпtrоduсе the topic. First, the tеасhеr shows pictures to
students and asks the questions using ех. 1, р. 152. Students апswеr the
questions. They have to give as much informatioTt as possible.
Before reading, students look tlrrough the text and underline unknown or hard-reading words. The teacher explains these чrоrds. Students read the text "Forged Figures Park" and паmе the paragraphs
with the соrrесt headings (ех. 2, р. 152).
Дпswеrs:1 С; 2 D; 3 А;4 В.
Kyiv, the Bohdan Khmelnitskiy
Kyiv, St. Sophiya Kyivan Cathedral
Yci уроки
англiйськоiмови.5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
кhаrkiи the Mirror stream
Kharkiv the 50th Parallel Sign
Lviч the Opera апd Bal!et Theatre
Lviv, 5t. Yura Cathedral
Donetsk, the city VieW
Donetsk, the "Donbas-Arena" Stadium
Crimea, the Swallow's Nest
Crimea, the Golden Gates Rock
Unit 7. Lesson 72
The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Тhеrе wаs а mопkеу climbed up а trее;
\Цhеп he fell down, then down fell hе.
тhеrе ъ,аs а сrоw sat оп а stone;
When he was gone, then there was none.
Тhеrе was а horse going to the mill;
When he went on, he stood not still.
Тhеrе was а chandler making сапdlе;
When he them strip, he did them hдndle.
Тhеrе was а пачу went into Spain;
When it rеturпеd it саmе again.
То make а foeuý оп the details of the text, students d,o ех. 3, р. 153.
They look through the text one mоrе time and find the things following
below in the exercise.
1. Donetsk
2. The Forged Figures Park
3. Fогgеd Roses
4. The Fаirу Tales Alley, the Architectural Copies Alley
5. The Art Festival
6. Сrаftsmеп (artists and blacksmiths)
Students read the statements (ех. 4, р. 153) and agree оr disagree
with them. Students mау find out information in the text. They have to
express their opinion and explain their choice. Then соrrесt the rvrопg
The teacher divides students into pairs. They rеаd the
ation (ех. 5, р. 153-154) and think of the dialogue.
imaginary situ-
Ех. 5, р. 153-154; to write and lеаrп the dialogue.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summаrizеs the work Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
LEssoN 73
Aims and objectives: to practise students'speaking skills; to practise students'
listening skills; to practise pronunciation and vocabulary; to develop general culture and etiquette of speech.
Warm чр
The tеасhеrЪ greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise pronunciation of -ght. If the tеасhеr uses individual
cards, students have to чпdеrliпе the words with the similar sounds,
the listen to the rhуmе and repeat it. If the teacher writes the rhуmо
on the blackboard, students first read these words, then listen to the
rhуmе and rереаt it.
Star Light Stаr bright,
The first star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight.
Checking оп homework
Students; in pairs act out their dialogues.
lntroducing the topic
То present the topic of the lesson the teacher drаw students' attention to the pictures (ех. 1, р. 154-155),. Then, students listen to the text
'O'Trt?irstening, students
the pictures.
have to find information about each of
Students read the text and соrrесt their mistakes if it's песеssаrу.
After-reading actavity. То practise students' abilities to find out details of the text, they do ех. 2, р. 155 and tick the true (Т) and false (F)
statements. Then, соrrесt the false statements.
Дпswеrs:l Т; 2 F; 3 Т;4 Т; 5 F; б Т.
Semester ll. Unit 7. Lesson 74
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses any
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Rоuпd and rочпd the garden
Little Teddy Ьеаr
Опе step
Two steps
Tickle you under thеrе!
Students look through the dialogue and complete the table (ех. 3,
р. 155) with phrases оr words.
Students read the task to ех. 4, р. 1б5 and do exercise in their
exercise-books. They have to use words and expressions frоm the previous exercise to make the sentences about the difference between а life
in а town (city) and а village.
Ех. 5, ех.6, р. 156.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the work Ьу asking for students' feedback.
LESsoN 74
Museums and Exhibitions
Aims апd objectives: to practise vocabulary; to practise Simple Tenses and
Present Continuous; to develop students' listening and speaking ski|ls; to
develop general culture; to develop students' creativity.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [r]. Stud.ents listen to the rhуmе and
it. The rhуmе is on the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
Rainbow to wiпdwаrd,
Fоul fall the day.
Rainbow to leeward,
Rain runs away.
Checking on homework
The teacher checks reading aloud, and,students' апswеrs
lntroducing the topic
Before presentation the topic, the tеасhеr proposes students to
through the words in the Ьох (ех. 1, р. 156) and mаrk unknown
and phrases, Тhеп the tеасhеr explains them. ýtudents have to say
less than one sentence with the words.
Students read the text about the Museum of History and Arts а
do the grаmmаr part of work: put the verbs into the соrrесt fоrmg
(ех.2, р. 156-157).
Дпswеrs:1 has Ьесоmе; 2 has; 3 call; 4 has арреаrеd; 5 саmе;
6 opened; 7 grew;8 expanded; 9 Ьесаmе; 10 go.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Little RоЬiп Redbreast flew uроп
а wall,
Pussy cat jumped аftеr him, дпd almost got а falll
Little Robin chirped and sang, and what did pussy say?
Pussy cat said, "Mew", and Robin flew away.
Listening. Reading
Students listen to the dialogue (ех. 3, р. 157), thеп rеаd it, mаrk the
verbs in the Present Continuous and act out the dialogue. They mау use
the text-books while acting.
divides students into three grоuрs. Students in groups,
list of the чосаЬчIаrу words. Then, each group йritеs
the words on the blackboard. The winner has the longest (and соrhave to make а
Semester ll. Unit 7. Lesson 75
The tеасhеr rearranges students into раirs. Тhеir task is to talk
with the partner about а place to visit. They mау use the words at the
blackboard and the points of discussion from ех. 4, р. 157. Then, students show their dialogues (selectively).
Ех. 6, р. 158.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
LEssoN 75
Grammar Revision
Aims and objectives: to revise апd practise the use of tenses;. to revise and
practise the use of the vocabulary; to revise and practise students'listening
and speaking skills; to summarize the topic material.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds [а], [w] and [v]. The rhуmе is on the blackЬоаrd (оr in the handouts):
Ап apple а day keeps the doctor away.
One each day, seven days а week
Ruddy apple, ruddy eheek.
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents students aims of the lesson. Теасhеr gives instructions of all the parts of the wоrk and оrdеr of the wоrk to the students.
Students mustn't use text-books for advice. Теасhеr can take grаmmаr
revision wоrk from the text-book, оr mау choose his / hеr own variant.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
Students listen to the text (ех. 1, р. 158) and read it оп their
After listening activity. Students do ех" 2, р. 159 to revise thё
of correct forms of the verbs. They have to choose one of the А, В,
с variants to fill in.
Дпswеrs:1 В; 2 С; 3 А; 4В; б С; б В.
Grammar work оп the text. students have to put the words in
соrrесt оrdеr to make questions (ех. 3, р. 159). Тhеп, they answer these
questions shortly.
Whеrе is Sevastopol situated?
What Ukrainiarr city did Steve visit last August?
What is this city famous for?
What attraction does Steve always visit?
Does he like it?
6. Has he finished the project оп Seyastopol yet?
The tеасhеr makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhyme for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Тhеrе wеrе two birds sat оп а stone,
Опе flеlлл away and then there was none,
And so the рооr stone
Was ],eft all alone.
Writing. Grammar
То revise the use of the Past Simple, students do ех. 4, р. 159-160
and change the чеrЬs in the Present Simple into the Past Simple. The
teacher сап remind students about formation of чеrьs in the past sim.
рlе, and students have to say about: -ed епdiпg for regular uеrЬs апd the
2пd fоrпL for irregular uerbs.
1. We went оп ап excrrrsion to the Museum of History and Arts in
Parkhomivka yesterday
When I visited Pyrohovo, I felt the life of а rеа1 Ukrainian vil-
3. You could see the
building of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University in Frееdоm Square.
4. We learnt (Iearned) about the "Battle of Poltava" at the yesterday
lesson of History.
б. Yesterday I tasted the traditional Ukrainian borshch with раmpushkas in Dikanka.
Yаriапts of answers аrе possible"
Semester ll. Unit 7. Lesson 76
The teacher divides students into fоur groups and gives the task
to read, complete and act out the dialogues (1, 2, 3) in chain (|-2,2-3,
l}*4) inside grоuрs. Then students get the card with the names of real
tпusеumý they have ечеr visited, arrd make the similar dialogues with
these names. If the teacher has the time enough, he/she can rеаrrапgе
students from опе grоuр to another. Then students act оut their own
Ех. 6, р. 160.
Summary апd feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedback.
LEssoN 76
Readiпg. "City Grand mother, Соч ntry Grandmother"
Aims and objectives: to revise students'speaking skills; to develop students
reading skills; to practise scanning of the text for specific information.
Wаrm up
The teacher|s greeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Stud,ents revise sound [а]. 'Гhе twister is on the blackboard (or irl
the handouts):
п Can you сап а can аý а саппеr cans а can?
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеrрrороsеs students t<l look at the pictures (ех. 1, р. 160) and
to say what kinds of places they сап see. Then students describe thern
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
Теасhеr preýents the text "City Grandmother, Соuпtrу Grа
mоthег" (ех. 2, р. 161) and says аЬоut the tasks. Теасhеr divi
students into two groups. The first group has to read раrt А, and
second group has to read раrt В. Теасhеr asks students to mаrk i
prehensible words rпhile they read the text.
After reading. Students mау ask аЬоut underlined words and
explains their definitions.
Students mаkе the plan to their раrt of the text and trу to rеtеIl the
text according to the рlап, and share informa,tion
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr usеs апу
rhуmе fоr physical exercises. Fоr example:
Two little ears
And one little nose
Two little eyes
То say that' right.
Fосчs оп gist. Students complete the sentences (ех. 3, р. 162) and
read them for checking.
wide street;
narrow street;
kitchen in her flat;
also а small patio leading to the garden;
go to the Zoo or to а сiпеца, and go shopping;
go to the forest, gather berries and mushrооms; ride their bikes to
the river; feed chickens and rabbits;
7) Dan gives his big hugs to his grandma;
8) which place he likes more: а city оr а village.
Focus оп details and grammar. Students find who оr what does each
underlined pronoun stand fоr (ех. 4, р. 162). Checking in class.
city grапdmоthеr;
2) Dan and his city grandmother;
3) city grапdmоthеr;
Unit 7, Lesson 77
4) а private house;
5) city grandmother's;
6) Dan's city grandmother and
country grandmother.
Focus оп vocabulary. Students put the letters in the соrrесt оrdеr to
get the names of the places. Тhеп they match the descriptions with the
wоrd (ех. 5, р. 162-163).
Summеr, riчец park, yard, stadium, cinema.
river; 3 park; 4 yard; 5 stadium; б сiпеmа.
1. museum; 2
Students practise these words in ех. 6, р. 163. They have to choose
the соrrесt word and complete the sentences. Then the teacher рrороsеs
students to write questions to the text (ех. ?, р. 163). Students have to
write general, special оr disjunctive (tag) questions. After finishing
this work students (selectively) read their questions to the class. Other
students апswеr them.
Answers: ]" riчеr; 2 Museum; 3 раrks; 4 cinemas; 5 stadium; б yard.
Part А, В, р. 163-164; to Ьriпg some рареr, clue, scissors and some
coloured felt pens, photos оr рiсturеs.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedback.
LEssoN 77
Project "Around Cities апd Villages
iп Ukraine /Great Britain"
Aims and objectives: to design а poster about опе of the cities or villages in
Ukraine or Great Britain; to develop students'ability to work оп their own;.
to develop students' creativity.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds h], [е], [с] and [tJ]. The tTyister is on thв
blackboard (оr in the handouts):
п The pitcher pitches, the catcher catches and the watcher.watches.
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr рrеsепts the examples of projects to students. Теасhеr са
use text-book project оr real projects made Ьу other students (р. 16а-165).
Теасhеr divides students into small grоuрý (no mоrе than four). Students rеаd the task А (р. 163). Students look through the projects, and
then start to wоrk. Students have to join their п,оrks to make а grоuр
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу;
rhуmе fоr physical exercises. Fоr example:
Hands оп уоur hips,
Hands on уоuг knees,
Put them behind you,
If you please.
уоur shoulders,
your nose,
уоur еаrs,
уоur toes.
Students read part I and раrt II of the project paying attention to
the questions (р. 163, раrt В)
Work in grочрs. Students in grоuрs present their posters to other
classmates and give them more information about pictures. Then they
апswеr other students' questions.
Теасhеr organizes а display of students' tvorks.
То repeat vocabulary.
Summary апd feedback
The teacher summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking fог students' feedback.
LEssoN 78
National Holidays. Cardinal and OrdinaI Numerals
Aims and objectives: to present the topic; to introduce and practise vocabulary; to develop students'reading апd speaking ski|ls; to develop students'
Warm up
Тhе teacher's greeting. Good morning, studentst I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds [s], [r] and [ar]. Тhеу listen to the rhуmе
and repeat it. The rhуmе is on the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
Simple Simon met а piemarr going to the fair;
Saiil Simple Simon to the pieman "Let me taste уоur wаrе"
Said the pieman to Simple Simon "Show mе first уоur penny"
Said Simple Simon to the pieman "Sir, I have not any!"
lntroducing the topic
То introduce the topic of the lesson the teacher сап uýе the computer presentation оr рrераrе pictures, оr usе the pictures from ех. 1,
р. 166. First, the students rеаd the example and the words frоm the
Ьох. They have to match the pictures А to Е and the words. Then students talk about holidays marked with the pictures.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Answers.,A New Year's Day; В Halloween; С Mother's Day; D Christ,
mas; Е Easter.
The tеасhеr divides students into pairs, and they ask their раrtпеrs
about their favourite holidays as in the example (ех.2, р. 166-167).
The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher usеs апу
rhyme for physical exercises. Fоr example:
То market, to mаrkеt to Ьuу а fat pig;
Ноmе again, home again, jigeety-jis.
То market, to market, to buy а fat hog;
Ноmе again, hоmе again, jiggety-jog.
То market, to mаrkеt, to buy а plum cake;
Ноmе again, hоmе again, market is late.
То mаrkеt, to market, to buy а plum Ьuп;
Ноmе again, home again, market is done.
То mаrkеt, to market, а gallop а trot,
То buy some meat to put in the pot;
Three репсе а quаrtец а grоаt а side,
If it hadn't Ьееп killed it must have died.
Listening. Reading
Students listen to the invitations (ех. 3, р. 167) and read them. After reading, they ask and answer the questions.
The tеасhеr presents students Cardinal and Ordinal пumеrаls.
Students look at the grаmmаr Ьох (р. 167) and answer the teacher's
].. lМ'hat аrе the cardinal пumеrаls?. (We can ask the question "how
mапу" or "what пumЬеr" to them)
2. When do we use cardinal пumеrаls? (То talk аЬоut quantity or
пumЬеr of things)
3. What аrе the ordinal пumеrаls? (We can ask the question "which"
to them)
ordinal пumеrаls? (То talk аЬочt the order of the
б. What аrе the grаmmаr features of ordinal numerals? (We put "the"
Ьеfоrе them and add -rh ending; for 1st 2nd and 8rd
- we use "the
first", "the ýecond", "the third" to them)
4. When do we use
Semester ll. Unit 8. Lesson 78
То practise cardinal and ordinal пumеrаls, students hаче to say the
dates (ех. б, р. 168) and answer what holidays do we celebrate оп these
days. The tеасhеr has to drаw students' attention some date of these
holidays are in Ukraine only.
- We celebrate New Yеаr on the fourteenth of January. (It's
about Old New Yеаr).
п 14.0]..
а |4.02. -- We celebrate St. Yalentine's Day on the fourteenth of
в 08.03.
- We celebrate Women's Day on the eighth of Маrсh.
п 23"04. -- This уеаr we celebrate Easter on the twenty-fourth of
April. (Only this уеаr, because this holiday hasn't а set date iп the
п 01.05. * We celebrate Мау Day on the first of Мау.
celebrate Victory Day оп the ninth of Мау.
о 09.05.
о 28.06.
We celebrate Constitution Day оп the twenty-eighth of
п 24.08.
We celebrate Independence Day on the twenty-fourth of
- We celebrate the Day of Knowledge on the first of SeptеmЬеr.
о 31.10.
celebrate Halloween оп the thirty-first of October.
- We
п ].9.12.
We celebrate St. Nicholas day on the nineteenth of DeсеmЬеr.
о 2б.L2.
We celebrate Christmas on the twenty-fifth of Decemо 01.09.
ber. (The teacher has to say about the Catholic Christmas and the
Orthodox Christmas оп the seventh of January.)
The teacher сап use ех. 6, р. 168 to increase students'knowledge
about holidays.
Students wоrk in pairs. They ask and answer the question as in the
ехаmрlе (ех. 7, р. 168).
Ех.8, р.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
Yci уроки англiйськоi'мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Celebration of Holidays in Ukraine
Aims and objectives: to revise vocaklulary; to practise the use of "make" and
"do"; to practise the use bf prepositions "at", "оп" and "iп"; to develop students' listening and speaking skills.
studerrts! I'm glad to see you.
phonetic exercise
Stlrden,ts revise intonati<rn irr questions. Students get the table rvith
the questiorrs. The lrave to listen to the questions, rереаt them, define
itrtonation (falling оr rising) and mаrk it in the table. Тhеп define the
type of tlre qu,estions.
Тhе students'sample
Yes-No questions
- final rising pitch
Аrе vou соmiпg todav?
Did you like it?
- final falling pitch
Wlrat did you see?
Whеrе did yoir go?
Who stars in it?
Does lre nhone vou?
The teacher's sample
Yes-I.{o questions
- final
Аrе you coming today?
like it?
Does he рhопе you?
гisiпg pitch ]Wh-questions
- final falling pitch
What did you see?
Where did уоu go?
whо stars iп it?
Checking on homework
Studelrts (selectively} rеаd thei_r wrэrks"
Semester ll, Unit 8. Lesson 79
lntroducing the topic
То introduce the topic of the lesson the teacher can use ех. 1.,
1l. 169 оr апоthеr variant of pictures. Students have to listen to the sentences 1 to 8, match them to the pictures and choose the соrrесt wоrd:
"make" or "do". The teacher uses the sentences like these.
Examples of sentences
In оur family we usually рrераге for holidays. Му Mum cloes the
cleaning Ьеfоrе ечеrу holiday. Му father also does the dusting in all
соrпеrs of оur flat. Му sister likes to make postcaгds оп ltеr оwп. I usuпlIу make the decoratiorrs for our flat. We also do the shopping to buy
sоrпе special food and drinks, Му little sisier likes to do the shopping
with the whole family. Тhеп mу Мum and I make а special dish fоr
п holiday. If it is а birthday, mу Mum always makes а birthday cake.
And in the evening I usually make а festive tea fоr mу family.
Дпswеrs: 1 G (make); 2 D (does); 3 А (make); 4 С (make); 5 Н (do);
6 В (makes); 7 Е (does); 8 F (rnake).
Students read the text (ех. 2, р. 169-170) and match the pictures
А to С to the раrаgrарhs lto 3. While reading, students mаrk unknown
words and expressions, and the teacher explains them after reading.
Дпswiеrs:1 С; 2 А; 3 В.
After reading activity. Students talk about the same,traditions in
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr usеs апу
rhуmе fоr physical exercises. Fоr example:
is оur father, slrort and stclut.
is оur mоthеr with children all about.
is оur sistег with a,doll on hеr kпее.
is оur brother, tali, уоu see.
оur ЬаЬу, surе to grow.
hеr is оur family all in а rоw.
Work in pairs. The teacher divides students into pairs. They trave to
rnake short dialogues with the questions from ех. 3, р. 170.
Work in class. Students read the situation (ех. 6, р. 171) and talk
about christmas traditions irr ukraine, and ask about traditions in
Yci уроки анiлiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
Students look at the grаmmаr part (ех. 4, р. 170), read the
tences and complete the rules. Then, students listen to the rules
repeat them.
То practise the use of prepositions "at", "оп" and "in",
complete the sentences with the prepositions (ех. 5, р. 171).
Дпswеrs:1 оп; 2 in; 3 on; 4 оп; 5 оп; at; б in.
Ех. 7, ех. 8, р. 171; to use the letter as the example.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedback.
LEssoN 8о
Holidays in Britain. Наllоwееп
Aims and objectives: to revise and practise vocabulary; to develop studentý
listening skills; to develop students'communicative skills; to develop crosscultural competence
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise homophones. First, students listen to the wоrd
pairs, the, they repeat them. The teacher gives the definitions of the
homophones if it is песеssаrу. The pairs of the words are on the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
п Air * heir
п Аrеп't __ аuпt
о Allowed
п Ate
о Alms
Semester ll. Unit 8. Lesson 80
Checking on homework
Students (selectively) rеаd their letters.
Gаmе "VУhаtЗ the holiday?"
The teacher рrераrеs раirs of the cards with holidays (irr Great Br.ittin) and thеir symbols. Students аrе divided into three оr four groups,
rrrrd each group gets the set of the cards. Students have to match holirlays and symbols, and рrеsепt the resuit. The first group finished the
t,rrsk is а wiппеr. The teacher сап uses cards iike these:
Тhеrе аrе the same sets of the cards fоr each grоuр. Each picture is
саrd and the cards are rпiхеd.
rln the separate
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents the topic of the lesson with the text about holidays
(ох. 1, р. 172). The teacher has to explain the difference between public
lrolidays and festivals.
Students read the text in three groups. Тhеп, in groups students
lrlake а рlап (notes) to the text, and after reading each grоuр shares
Students rеаd the first раrt have to add sclme information about one
rrrore holiday, except Halloween and Мау Day.
After-reading activity. First, students focus оп gist. They do ех. 2,
and ехрrеss their agreement оr disagreement with the state1l.
trtents. Students have to explain their choice.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
I disagree with this statement, because English people celebrate,
Halloween on the 31st of осtоЬеr.
2. That's right. Children go from house to house, knock at the door
and ask "Trick оr treat?"
3. This is false, because оп the first Sunday in Мау people put
а maypole trее.
4. I fully аgrее rлrith it ...
Variants аrе possible.
Then, students go очеr to ех. 3, р. 173 and focus on details. They
have to rеаd and complete the sentences.
Дпswеrs:1 public holidays; festivals; 2 the 31st of ОсtоЬег; 3 lапtеrпs
of pumpkins; 4 candies, fruit, cakes and other tasty things; ь
dances, gаmеs; б the Мау Queen.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhyme for physical exercises. Fоr example:
I'll tell you а story
About Jасk-а-Nоrу,
And now mу story's Ьеguп;
I'll tell you апоthеr
About Jдсk and his Ьrоthеr,
And now mу story's done.
Writing. Speaking
Students work in thrее оr fочr grоuрs, but the tеасhеr rеаr-.
ranges students in groups (group exchange students). Each grоuр
gets "its" holiday and makes а list of activities people usually do оп
these holidays. Then, each grоuр presents its stоrу аЬоut the holiday
(ех. 4, р. 173).
Work iп pairs. The tеасhеr divides students into pairs. Their task is
to read the dialogue and act оцt their own one (ех. 5, р. 173).
Ех. 6, р. |74.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedback.
Semester ll. Uпit 8. Lesson
Holiday Meal and Traditions
Aims and оЬjёсtiчеs: to revise and practise vocabulary; to develop students
listening and reading skills; to develop students'writing skills; to develop
stчdёпts' creativity;. to develop cross-cultural competence.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
lIow аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise homophones. First, students listen to the rлrоrd
pairs, the, they repeat them. The teacher gives the definitions of the
lromophones if it is песеssаrу. The раirs of the words аrе on the blacklloard (оr in the handouts):
о [br:]
о [Ьэ:l]
о [brend]
п [bels]
п [Ьэ:d]
о ftar]
- bawl
- base
- Ьоrеd
Checking on homework
Students in turп read their works, others check.
lntroducing the topic
То present the topic of the lesson, the tеасhеr starts from ех. 1,
p.l74. Students match the phrases in the Ьох to the names of holidays.
The teacher helps students if it's necessary.
Students talk about these holidays as in the example.
Listening. Reading
Students liýten to the text "St. Vаlецtiпе's Day" and mаrk uпkпоwп
words (ех. 2, р. LT4-LTl). After listening, the teacher explains definitions of these words and expressions.
Students rеаd the text aloud. Then they have to say how реорlе celеЬrаtе this holiday. The tеасhеr asks questions to help students:
1. When do people celebrate St. Valentine's Day?
Yci уроки
англiйськоiмови.5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
2. What is this holiday special?
3. When did it start?
4. When did people begin to send Valentine's саrds?
5. What is in these cards?
6" If реорlе always know rvho is а sender?
7" What way do people celebrate the holiday nowadays?
8. Is it а public holiday оr а festival?
After-reading activity. Students rеаd the sentences and complete
them (ех. 3, р. 175).
the 14th of FеЬruаrу
in Europe mоrе than 600 years ago
about 200 years ago
а message of friendship and love
say about their love in special cards and give presents
shаrе lovely short messages
The tеасhеr makes movements with the students. Теасhеr rr""" urry
turп аrоuпd.
rhуmе fоr physical exercises. Fоr
Teddy Веаr,
Teddy Веаr, touch the grоuпd.
Teddy Bear, close уоur eyes,
Clap уоur hands, апd do it twice.
Teddy Веаr, nod your head.
Open your eyes апd go aheadt
The teacher divides students into groups and proposes students to l
look through ех. 4, р. 175. Students have to rеаd the messages and tick {
the Valentine's Day ones, Then, the tеасhеr gives students the sets of I
cards (опе set to each grоuр, and 2 to 3 Valentines in each of the sets) |
with congratulations to the Valentine's Day (1-8), like these:
Devided into two.
The leaves I give to otlrers,
The heдrt I give to You!
1) Му love is like а
2) Му heart to you is given
Oh do give уоurs to mе
We'll lock them up together
And throw away the
Unit 8. Lesson
3)Неrе is а valentine.
I mаdе it just for you.
'й/ith рареr and riЬЬопs
And lots of Elmer's glue!
4)Good day to you, Valentine
Сurl уоur locks as I do mine
T,wo Ьеfоrе and thrее behind
Good day to you, Valentine
5)It's nice to have а friend like you.
I'l1 tell you what I'm going to db.
Because уоu make me feel ýо fine,
I'il take уоu for mу valentine!
6)If apples wеrе реаrs,
And реасhеs wеrе plums,
And if the rоsе had а different паmе
If tigers were Ьеаrs,
Апd fingers wеrе thumbs
I'd love you just the sаmе!
7)Valentine's Day
Is а wonderful way
То make "I love you"
Easy to say.
8)Valentine's for mothers, too
А time to celebrate
Love in all its sуmрhопу,
Each gift of fertile fate.
Students rеаd them and write dorvn the greetings that wеrе tiked to
trse them at home. They may use short notes (a-f) for the "postcard,s".
а) You make ечеrу day as special as Valentine's Day. Нарру Valentine's
ечеrу day!
for the rest of my life.
с) I have lеаrпеd what not to get you fоr Valentine's Day.
d) Chocolate and flowers аrе sweet and beautiful, but not as sweet and
beautiful as уоu. Нарру Valentine's Day!
е) I love loving you. Нарру Valerrtirie's day!
f) I want to let you know that I want you to Ье my Valentine. Again!
Ь) Ве my Valentine
то make and write а valentine.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the work Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М, HecpiT}
LEsSoN 82
presents and parties
Aims and objectives: to revise and practise vocabulary; to develop
listening skills; to develop students'communicative skills; to develop geпеrаl culture and etiquette.
Warm чр
The teacher's greeting, Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise homophones. First, students listen to the w
pairs, the, they repeat them. The teacher gives the definitiorrs of the
homophones if it is песеssаrу. The pairs of the words are on the black
board (оr in the handouts):
п [br:n]
п [bel]
п [blu:]
о ['Ьэ:dаJ
о ftrerk]
bell --belle
- blue
ьоаrdеr - Ьоrdеr
Checking оп homework
Students exchange of valentines, read them, апd the teacher displays the students' works.
lntroducing the topi(
Тhе teacher continues tlre topic of the previous lesson. First, students look throw the words ilr the Ьох (ех. 5, р. 175)" They.clear up the
definitions of unknown lrrords in the text-book vocalrulary, make sehtепсеs with t}rese words and listen to the dialogue.
Students conrplete the dialogue with the words and апswеr the
Апsиrеrs;1 the party; 2 а great time; 3 costumes; 4 funny; 5 games;
6 the floor; 7 food; 8 lemonade; 9 join.
What t}re holiday are childrerr celebrating? Why do you think so?
Semester ll. Uлit 8. lеssол 8З
The teacher divides students into pairs. students read the task to
ех. 6, р. 176 аЬоut imаgiпаrу situation. They have to act out this siturrtion, ask and answer the questions using ех. 5 as the example.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses any
гhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
I can show you tny face
Where everything is on it's place
With mу nose I сап smell
Мапу objects чеrу well,
With mу eyes I look around,
Watch my feet and stamp the ground.
With mу еаr I can hеаr
Wlrat rпу friend is doirrg пеаr.
With mу mоuth I сап eat
Everything that's чеrу sweet.
Reading. Writing
Students.read ех. 8, р. 176. Their task is to rеаd the text and Say
what traditions ukrainians have оп this holiday. Аrе English traditions
similar to ukrainian ones?
students have to revise verbs tense form. They write the text and
1lut the verbs in brackets into the соrrесt form.
дпswеrs:1 wanted; 2 asked; 3 said; 4 wеrе; 5 Is; б was; 7 opened;
[l screarned; 9
].0 was.
То write а story about the best students' presents fоr Christrnas/New Yеаr.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the work Ьу asking for students' feedback.
LEssoN 83
ukrainian Traditions
Aims and objectives: to revise and practise vocabulary; to develop students
listening and reading skills; to develop cross-culturaI competence.
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови, 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Warm up
The teacher's greeting, Good morning, students! I'm glad to see уоu.
How аrе you?
phonetic exer(ise
Strrdents revise homophones. First, students listen to the word
pairs, the, they repeat them. The teacher gives the definitions of the
homophones if it is necessary. The pairs of the words are on the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
в [Ьru:z]
в [sr:]
п [kaeJ]
о ['karat]
- seecash
- саrrоt
Checking оп homework
Students read their works (selectively),
The teacher can use ех. 1, р. 177. Students are divided on fоur
grоuрs, read the questions and answer them in turn. Then, students
choose а slip of рареr rvith the паmе of опе of the holidays. They have
to describe some traditions starting lil<e this:
о On this holiday we usually decorate оur flat / house with the lights
arrd toys. We place а grееп tree in оur flat etc.
Othеr students have to guess what the holiday is. One correct answеr is опе sсоrе.
lntroducing the topic
tlie topic of the lesson with the text for listening
(ех. 2, р. 177). Students listen to the letter and say what Ukrainian
traditiorrs Anrr is writing about.
Teac:}rer presents
Students read the statements (ех, 3, р. 177) and choose the correct
items to complete them"
Дпswеrs:1 traditional and public; 2 don't work and study; 3 some;
4 writes; 5 writes; б next Christmas.
Semester ll, Unit 8, Lesson 84
The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher useý any
rhуmе fоr physical exercises. Fоr example:
Two little sausages аrе
Frуiпg in а рап.
One went рор
Апd оthеr went Ьаm!
The teaeher divides students into two grоuрs. The first grоuр
makes а story about Christmas traditions in Ukraine, and the оthеr
one makes а stогу about traditions in Grеаt Вгitаiп. Students in groups
shаrе their information, and then, talk about this holiday to the class.
They use ех. 4, р. 178 and pictures to it.
Work iп class. Students continue their work оп this topic. They
trу to
rеmеmЬеr as mапу facts about holidays as they сап. They have to
about different holidays, not only about Christmas.
Ех. 6, р. 178.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the work Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
LEssoN 84
The Same Holidays
Different Traditions
Aims апd objectives: to revise and practise vocabulary;.to develop students
listening skills; to develop students'communicative skil|s; to develop crosscultural competence.
Warm up
The tеасhеrЪ greeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! Ilm glad to see уоu.
How аrе you?
Yci уроки англiйськоТмови.5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
phonetic exercise
Students revise homophones. First, students listen to the word
pairs, the, they repeat them. The teacher gives the definitions of the
homophones if it is песеýsаrу. The pairs of the words аrе оп the black.
board (оr in the handouts):
о ['kreral] carol саrrеl
п ['sela]
- seller sent
о [sent]
о ['slэrral] cereal serial
Checking оп homework
Students (selectively) read their works.
lntroducing the topic
The teacher presents the topic of the lesson, and students read ех. 1,
р; 179. First, they сlеаr up the Tyords definitions (words frоm the Ьох
The have to explain what is the same of these words and call their part
of speech (AIl of them аrе prepositions).
Students read the text "Easter Baskets" and fill in the gaps with the
prepositions. Then, check their answers.
Дпswеrs: 1 on; 2 before; 3 out; 4 оп; 5 out; б of; 7 in; 8 of; 9 into;
10 until; 11 to.
Writing. Grammar
The tеасhеr divides students into three grоuрs and gives one situaJ
tion to each of them (ех. 2, р. 179). Students task is to write some questions to the situations to get mоrе information, and to revise types
interrogative questions.
Students do ех. 3, р. J.79 and put the verbs in brackets into the Past
Simple Tense. Students have to find one "odd" sentence and mаrk it оut.
They say what the Tense is used in this sentence (Present Perfect) апd
why they think so. Then, they have to explain why the чеrЬs in other
ientences belong to Past Simple (words: last, yesterday, ago|. The teachеr has to rеmеmЬеr about forms of regular and irregular verbs. Then,
students check their answers (write the words on the blackboard).
Дпswеrs:1 got; 2 invited; 3 decorated; 4 have already drawn; 5 made;
6 sent.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhуmе fоr physical exercises. Fоr example:
lemester ll. Unit 8. Lesson 85
сап jumр. I сап ruп.
сап sing. I can dance.
сап swim. I can't fly.
сап climb and say good Ьуе.
Work iп c]ass. Students read the task and example to ех. 4, р. 180.
They think of the holiday they have celebrated this уеаr and talk аЬоut
as in the example.
Ех. 5, р. 180.
Дпswеrs: ]". bed; 2 outside; 3 beautiful; 4 breakfast; 5 school; б teaсhеr; 7 surprise; 8 sad; 9 work; 10 today; 11 calendar; 12 Holidays.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the work Ьу asking for students' feedback.
LEssoN 85
Reading. "Mrs. Bear's Valentine"
Aims and objectives: to revise students' speaking skills; to develop students
readin9 skills; to practise scanning of the text for specific information.
Warm up
The tеасhеrЪ greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [t]. The twister is оп the blackboard (оr in
the handouts):
о I have got а date at а quarter to eight;
don't Ье late.
see you at the gate, so
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М, HecBiT)
lntroducing the topic
То activate vocabulary of the UNIT 8, the teacher asks students the
questions (ех. 1, р. 180).
Тhе teacher presents the text "Mrs. Bear's Valentine" (ех. 2, р. 180-
181). Students read the text and answer the teacher's question '7оU
Mr. Веаr coпgratulated Mr* Bear оп а hol.iday?"
The tеасhеr makes movements with the students. Teacher uses any
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Raise уоur hands, high iп the аiц
on уоur hаir.
Raise уоur hands as before
At уочr sides,
While you ciap: опе, two, three, four.
I put mу hands upon my hips,
I turп myseif around.
I raise my hands above mу head
And,then I touch the ground.
Focus оп gist. Sttrdents look trough the text опе mоrе time and
who (ех. 3, р. 181):
в remj,nd of Valentine's Day in the morning; (Мrs. Bear)
в has brought Mrs. Веаr а Valentine card; (the postal wоrkеr)
п reads the Valentine's card out loud; (Mrs. Веаr)
в wrote the Valentine's card to Mrs. Веаr; (Little Веаr)
п brorrght а big jаr of honey. (Mr. Веаr)
Fосчs оп grammar" Students complete the sentences (ех. 4
with the necessary prepositiqns. Then they read them in tu
р. 182)
and check.
Дпswеrs: 1 on;
6 down l for / on.
2 with; 3 outside; 4 of honey/up; 5 оt
Focus оп pronunciation. Students find in the text the words wi
the following sounds (ех. 5, р. 182) and write them down as it is in
Focus оп details. Students complete the sentences with the necessa
wclrds according to the text (ех. 6, р. t82). Checking in class.
Дпswеrs:1 Valentine's; 2 саrd / envelope; 3 mаrk; 4 jаr / honey; 5
6 breakfast.
Semester ll. Unit 8. Lesson 86
То practise vocabulary and writing skills, students write some sentences about presents they got / gаче оп holidays.
Part А, В, р. 182-183; to bring some рареr, clue, scissors and some
coloured felt pens, photos оr pictures.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the work Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
LEssoN 86
Project "My Favourite Holiday"
Aims and objectives: to design а poster about favourite holiday; to develop
students'ability to Work оп their оWп; to develop students'creativity.
Warm up
Тhе teacher's 9reeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see you.
low аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds [n] and [Ь]. The twister is on the black-
lloard (оr in the handouts):
о How mапу cans can а cannibal nibble,
а cannibal can nibble
lntroducing the topic
Teacher presents the examples of projects to students. Теасhеr сап
rrse text-book project оr real projects made Ьу оthеr students (р, 183).
Теасhеr divides students into small groups (по mоrе than four), Stutlents read the task А (р. 182). Students look through the projects, a,nd
t,hen start to wоrk. Students have to join their works to make а grоuр
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником,А, М,
The,teacher makes movements with the stuilents..Teacher usеs
rhуmе fоr physical exercises. Fоr exampl,er
Where аrе уоu going to, my little cat?
I'm going to tоurп to buy а hat.
What? А hat fоr а cat? А cat in а hat?
who ever saw а cat in а hat?
Students in groups present their posters to other clqssmates а
give thbm mоrе information about pictures. Then they апswеr
students' questions.
Теасhеr displays students' works.
То rереаt vocabulary.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summаrizеs the urоrlььу asking for stud,ents'
At the Lesson. General and L{/h-questions
Aims and objectivesi to revise vocabulary; to revise the use of general and
wh-questions; to develop reading skills; to develop speaking skills of pair
work; to develop attention and imagination.
S ЕQ U Е N С f
Warm up
The tеасhеrЪ greeting. Good morning, stud,ents! I'm glad, to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise homophones. First, students listen to the word.
pairs, the, they rереаt them. The teacher gives the definitions of the
homophones if it is necessary. The pairs of the words аrе оп the blackЬоаrd (оr in the handouts):
п [ф:]
о [фk]
п [sart]
о [klu:]
- сhоrе
cheque --- Czech
-, clou - clue
The teacher divides students into thrее groups. Students listen to
the words from the Ьох (ех. 1, р. 184) and repeat them. Then, in groups,
Yci уроки англiЙськоi мqви. 5 клас (за пiдручником Д. М. HecBiT}
they have to say what things they use/don't use at the lqssons as in the
example. Опе correct sentence is опе ýсоrе. The uriппеr has the most
lntroducing the topic
То present the topic of the lesson, the teacher drаws students' at.
tention to ех. 2, р. 184. They look at the picture and match the wоrds
from the Ьох to the pictures. Students have to rечisе vocabulary of
this topic.
The teacher divides students into pairs. Students complete the sепtences (ех. 3, р. 184), read the dialogues and make their оwп short
dialogues. They have to act them out to the class.
то revise the чосаьulпrу, students rеаd the sепtепсеs and complete
them with the чеrЬs from the Ьох (ех. 4, р. 185). They have to gчеsз
what school things the children are talking about.
Дпswеrs: 1 write/a реп; 2 stick/glue; 3 read/a book; 4 keep/a репcil Ьох; 5 ruЬ|ап еrаsеr; б саrrу/а school bag.
The tеасhеr makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses any
rhуmе for physical exerciýes. Fоr example:
Теп little fingerB
теп little toes
Two little ears
Апd опе little поsе
Two little eyes
They shine sо bright
one little mouth
То sау that's right.
ýtudents familiarize with the Grammar Lab (р. 185). The teacher
gives conception of gепеrаl and specia! questions, explains the difference between them. ýtudents read the grаmmаr Ьох.
То practise the use of general and wh-questions (special), Btudents
give their own examples of these questions. If this work is difficult,
students mау usе the sentences frоm the previouý exercise and rеаd the
examples frоm ех. б, р. 186. Тhеп students do thiB ехеrсisе.
Unit 9. Lesson 88
7, р. 186.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the work Ьу asking fоr students' feedback,
LEsSoN 88
School Subjects
Aims апd objectives: to practise vocabulary and pronunciation; to revise
writing of general and special questions; to revise the names of schoo|
subjects; to practise students' reading and listenirtg skills; to develop toler-
апсе to others.
Warm чр
The teacher's greeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see you.
IIow аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise homophones. First, students listen to the rvord
pairs, the, they repeat them. The teacher gives the definitions of the
homoptrones if it is neceýsary. The pairs of the words аrе on the blackЬоаrd (оr in the handouts):
п [krr:k]
- creekdorter
о [dc:ta]
Checking оп homework
Students (selectively) read their works
One of the students becomes а narrator. He/she thinks of опе of
tlre school items. Other students start to ask the questions to guess
what the item is, and the паrrаtоr answers these q-uestions to help. The
teacher can use ех. 6, р. 186 as the example.
Yci уроки
анrлiйськоiмови.5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
lntroducing the topic
То present the topic of the lesson the tеасhеr рrороsеs students
to look through ех. 1, р. ],87. Students have to rеmеmЬеr the school
subjects паmеs, read them and match to the pictures. The teacher has
to remind students of the capital letter in the beginning of school sub-
jects names.
В 1; С 2; F 3; Е 4; D 5;А 6.
Vocabulary practice. То practise the vocabulary, students rеаd the
phrases aloud (ех. 2, р. 187) and saywhat lessons they can hеаr them at.
Дпswеrs: 1 English; 2 Мusiс; 3 Mathematics; 4 History; б Nature
Study; б Аrt.
The teacher divides one half of students into pairs. In pairs, students make short dialogues about subjects they have in their timetable
as in the example (ех. 3, р, 188).
Another part of students make dialogues as in ех. 4, р. 188. They
have to usе the words from the Ьох.
Then, after speaking, students change очеr roles and make full
dialogues with new partners.
The tеасhеr makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses any
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Stand up, clap, clap.
Аrms up, clap, сlар.
Step, step, arms dоwп.
CIap, clap, please, sit down.
Intensive reading" Students read the dialogue in pairs as quickly as
they сап (ех. 5, р. 188) and answer the questions.
First, students look through the words before the text. They have
to сlеаr up the definitions of the words and complete the text оп their
own. Then, students read the text aloud one Ьу one (ех. 6, р. 188) and
check their works.
Дпswеrs:1 went; 2 books; exercise books; 3 саmе; desk; 4 tеасhеr;
5 ЫасkЬоаrd; сору books.
Speaking. Writing
The teacher divides students into two grоuрs. They familiarize
with the words (ех. 7, р. 189), and the teacher makes vocabulary work.
Students in groups discuss what subjects аrе easy, difficult, important
Semester ll, Uпit 9, Lesson 89
etc. and complete thеir table. Then, they ask students of the other group
about these subjects, and сlеаr up the difference in their minds. Last,
they talk about this to class.
Ех.8, р. 189.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedback.
LEssoN 89
Му Favourite Subject
Aims and objectives: to practise vocabulary and pronunciation; to practise
students' reading and speaking skills; to revise the Present Simple Tense;
to develop skills of giving opinions; to cooperate with other students.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sounds [f] and [tJ]. The twister is оп the ЬlасkЬоаrd
(оr in the handouts):
о Chicken in the саr and the саr сап go, that is the way you spell
Checking on homework
Students give the соrrесt items for the home exercise. They rеаd the
answers oire Ьу опе, and others check.
Дпswеrs:1 B/have; 2 C/study; 3 A/is; 4 B/like; 5 A/don't like;
lntroducing the topic
То introduce the topic of the lesson, the tеасhеr proposes students
to паmе their favourite subject in school and answer the questions:
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
What is уоur fauourite subject? Why do уоч lihe it? The teacher put tho
questions оп the blackboard, and students опе Ьу one апswеr them (tho
names of the subjects are in the Ьох, ех. 1, р. 190).
The teacher divides students into pairs. In pairs, they read the
ехаmрlе of the dialogue (ех. 2, р. 190) aloud and make their own dialogue using the words from the boxes.
The teacher makes movements rMitlr the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Stand up and look аrоuпd,
Shake уоur head and turn аrоuпd
Stamp уоur feet upon the ground.
Clap your hands and then sit down.
Reading. Grammar
Students revise the usе of the Present Simple. First, students rеаd
the text (ех. 3, р. 190-191) оп their оwп and decide what the соrrесt
form of the чеrЬs they have to use. The teacher сап ask some questions
about use and form of the Present Simple. Then, they rеаd the dialogue
in turn and explain their choice
Answers:1 do you study; 2 study; 3 do you like; 4 love; 5 wоrk; б Do
уоu like; 7 hate; 8 tells; 9 аrе you; 10 love,
То write the story about students'favourite school subject; to рrеpare the questions (2 to 4) to the interview.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summaгizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedback.
LEssoN 9о
Aims and objectives: to practise vocabulary and pronunciation; to practise
students'writing ind speaking skills; to revise the Present Simple Tense; to
develop skills of giving opinions; to cooperate with other students.
Semester ll. Unit 9. Lesson 90
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
The rhyme is оп the ЬlасkЬоаrd (оr in the handouts):
- the clock says,
What you have to do,
Do quicker!
Checking on homework
One of the students goeý to the blackboard and sits (оr stands) face
to face with class. Other students аrе divided into two grоuрs and ask
him/her their questions, and the first student answers. Тhеп the first
student takes his/her place, and the teacher chooses another student.
Game "Jigsaw readin9"
The teacher cuts out and mixes cards with the jokes. Then the
teacher divides students into pairs, and they have to sort out the cards
to make the jokes up. The students read their anýwers.
"Can you tell mе anything about the
great scientists of the 19th century?"
"They аrе all died, sir "
"You can't sleep in my class!"
"If you don't talk
"you know our tеасhеr talks to
"Yes, but he doesn't realize it. Не
thinks wе'rе listening"
so loud I could"
lntroducing the topic
То present the topic of the lesson the teacher uses the pictures
(ех. 5, р. 191) and сап add оthеr pictures like these:
to recite poems
to travel to
to go оп ап excursion
Yci уроки анrлiйськоi мови, 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
to carry out experiments
to tug of war
to Ье late for the lesson
to find out
to lеаrп Ьу heart
The teacher presen+"s the pictures (with / оr without notes) and asks
to call and to соmmепt children's school activities. Stirdents mау цsе
ех. 4, р" 191 as the ехашрlе
The teacher makcэs rnoveпterrts with the students. Teacher uýes апу
rhуmе for physical exercises" Гоr example:
Hancis on уоur hips,
Hancls оп уоur l<nees,
Рut them lrehind you,
If you please.
Тоuсh уоur shoulders,
Touch уоur поsё,
Тоuсh your еаrs,
Touch уоur toes.
The tеасhеr divides students into pairs, and t}rey rеаd the d,ialogues
(ех. 6, р. 192) aloud in turn. Then, students rnake their own dialogue
as in the exa.mples.
Semester ll. Uni.t 9. Lesson
Ех. ?, р. 192.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedback.
Aims and objectives: to practise vocabulary; to practise the use of special
wh-questions; to practice thЪ writing of а letter; to develop students'
speaking and listening skills; to deve|op cross-cultural competence.
llllarm up
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I'm giad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Stud,ents revise sounds [е] and [а]. Students listen to the words
and repeat them.'The pairs of the words аrе'оп the blackboard (оr in
the handouts):
- bed
- beg
Lam -- LEM/Lenr
п Тап -о Rad -
Checking оп homework
Studerrts read their wоrks one Ьу,опе, and оthеrs check апd сопrrnent if it's necessary.
Дпswеrs:l was; 2 woke; 3 did not have; 4 gave; 5 like; б had; 7 forgot;
8let; 9 playedl 10 went.
lntroducing the topic
То iпtrоduсе the topic of the lessorr, the teacher gives students
the text for listening and rеасliпg (ех. 1, р. 193). First; students have
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
to listen and read the text; then, tlrey have to find the names of пеw
subjects they have this уеаr and match them with the teachers' names,
for example:
в Koval Наппа Markivna teaches us History.
Then, students паmе other teachers and subjects as in the example.
Students give double answers
- the teacher's name frоm the text-book
and the паmе of their teacher.
Work iп class. Students look at the table (ех. 3, р. 193) and say what
time the lessons start in the school.
о The first lesson starts at half past eight.
g It finishes at fifteen past nine.
о The first break lasts ten minutes,
п Ечеrу lesson lasts forty five minutes.
Students do the same, but talk about their school (ех. 4, р. 193).
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr ехаmрlе:
Опе, two, three!
Let mе see
who likes coffee
And who likes tea?
Опе, two, thrее!
Oh, I see
не likes coffee
And they like tea!
Listening. Reading
Students listen to the interview (ех. 5, р. 193-19а), and then read
it and complete the questions starting with the words fоr special questiопs: What time...? Цоul...? Which...? Why...? Do..,?.
Дпswеrs:1 What time do you; 2 Why; 3 IIow do you; 4 Do; 5 Which is.
Students read the words and phrases from the Ьох (ех. 6, р. 194)
and complete the sentences. Тhеп, students read the dialogues on their
оwп and act them out.
7, р. 195.
Semester ll. Unit 9. Lesson 92
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes thework Ьу asking for students'feed,back.
tЕssоN 92
school Activities
Aims and objectives:to practise vocabu|ary; to develop students] listening and
speaking skills; to develop students' skills of making utterance; to develop
Warm чр
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, studentst I'm glad to ýее you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise'sound [р]. The rhуmе is оп the blackboard (or in
the handouts):
In the mоrпiпg,
In the evening,
I'm writing,
Yоu аrе reading,
I'm jumping,
You аrе sitting,
I'm cooking,
You аrе eating.
Checking on homework
Students read their letters one Ьу one and ask questions. The rеаdеr
has to апýwеr. Students use the questions frоm ех. 1, р. 195.
lntroducing the topic
То introduce the topic of the lеssоп, the tеасhеr divides students into
fоur groups and gives students to rеаd other students' opinions about
their school subjects (ех. 2, р. 195-196). Students read in groupý on their
оwп, and then try to give thеir own opinion as in the example.
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
After reading, students do ех. 3, р. 196 and complete the sentenceý
according to the texts.
2. Kate
Nаturе Study is interesting and great. /Kate ... all school
subjects аrе
4. Danylo ... Maths
is ... /and РЕ isn't
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses any
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Point to the ceiling, point to the floor.
Point to the window, point to the dооr.
CIap уоur hands together опе, two, three!
Now sit down and look at mе.
Work iп class. Students look through the words
in the Ьох (ех. 4,
р. 196) and talk about the school subjects their friend studies at school.
They use the example.
Students choose а subject and make а dialogue using the phrases
frоm the Ьох (ех. 5, р. 196-197) as in the example.
Ех. 6, р. 197.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the work Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
tEssoN 93
Why Do We Study English?
Aims and objectives: to practise vocabulary; to develop students' speaking
and listening skills; to develop cross-cultural competence.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М-
After reading, students do ех. 3, р. 196 and complete the sentenceg
according to the texts.
Nаturе Study is interesting and grеаt. / Kate ... all school
4. Danylo ... Maths
is ... /and РЕ isn't
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhyme for physical exercises. Fоr example:
Point to the ceiling, point to the floor.
Point to the window, point to the dооr.
Clap уоur hands together опе, two, threel
Now sit down and'look at me.
Work iп class. Students look through the words
in the Ьох (ех. 4,
р. 196) and talk about the school subjects their friend studies at school.
They use the example.
students choose а subject and make а dialogue using the рhrаsеs
frоm thebox (ех. 5, р. 196-197) as in the example.
Ех. 6, р. 197.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the work Ьу asking fоr students'
LEsSoN 93
Why Do We Study English?
Aims and objectives: to practise vocabulary; to develop students'
and listening skills; to develop cross-cultural competence.
Yci уроки англiЙськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником,А. М.
Reading. ýpeaking
:' ; ,
The tеасhеr divides students into groups of four. Students read
texts (ех. 3, ех. 4, р. 198-199) and, in grоuрs, discuss why qhiidrец li
оr dislike their English lessons. Then, students make а сопсlusiоп
rеаd it to class.
The tеасhеr йаkеs movements with the students. Теасhеr uses
I can rеаd. I сап play.
I сап study every day.
I'm bending. I''m staying.
tr'm stietching I'ш sta.rnping.
I'm jumping. I'm ruппiпg.
I'm clapping, it's funny.
Students read the phrases from the Ьох (ех. 5, р. 199) and
what rnakes English lessons interesting or boring (as in the ех
Listening. Spqaking
Students listen to the dialogue (ех; 6, р. 199), rеаd it; the
divides students into раirs; and they make their own dialogue, They
it out talking бЬоut their English lessons.
Ех. 8, р. 200.
The teacher sumTnarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for students' feedbaclt
tЕýýоN 94
Grammarl pronouns
Aims and objectives: to present and revise the use of personal and possessive
pronouns; to practise the use of pronouns;,,to practise the use of tlle
tenses; to develop students'writing skills; to develop studentsl li
and reading skills.
Sеmеstёr ll, Unit 9. Lesson 94
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good, morning, students! I'm glad, to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
The tеасhеr can unite this part of the lesson and the checking оп
hоmеwоrk. Students listen to the questions, rеаd them (one Ьу опе) and
апswеr them.
lntroducing the topic
То present the topic of the lesson, the tеасhеr drапrs students' attention to the table of Grаmmаr Lab (р. 200). Students revise their
knowledge about рrопоuпý. They have to identify personal and possesBive рrопоuпs.
То рrасtisе the use of pronouns, students do ех. 1, р. 200. The
tеасhеr, divides Btudertts into pairs, апd they complete the dialogue
with the соrrесt рrопочпý; then, they check it.
Дпswеrs: 1
2 1t /
Iti 3 he /him.
Students revise the use of the verbs tenses. They do ех. 2, р. 200 and
complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. Students have
to check their workB aloud.
Дпswеrs:1 have not done; 2 has already finished; 3 rеаd [red];
4 Will ... see; 5 аm dating; б Tyrote; 7 did not do; 8 Does ... do.
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhуmе for physical ехеrсisев. Fоr example:
Апdу Pandy, fine and dandy,
LoveB plum cake and sugar candy.
Воцght it from а candy Bhop
And away did hop, hop, hop.
Students rеаd ех. 3, р. 201 and write the negative Bentences instead
of affirmative ones.
Yci уроки англiйськоi'мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
Listening. Reading
Students listen to the text (ех. 4, р. 201) and read it. After reading
they have to mark the statements with "T" оr "F".
Work in ctass. Students (seiectively) talk aborrt happy оr bad day at
school. Тhеу mау use the plan froIn ех. 5, р. 201.
Ех. 6, р. 201.
Summary апd feedback
The teacher summarizes the work Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
Reading. "A Nеw Friend"
Aims and objectives: to revise students' speaking skills; to develop students
reading skills; to practise scanning of the text for specific information.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good Tnorning, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе уоu'/
phonetic exercise
Stuclerrts revise sound [w]. The twister is оп the blackboard (оr in
the handouts);
п оп.е-опе was а гасе horse. Two-two was one too. опе-опе wоп опе
race. 'Iwo-two wоп orre too.
lntroducing the topic
The teacher divides students into pairs" Tlren the teacher gives students the task to look and talk аЬоut the picture (ех. 1, р. 2О2\,.
Теасhеr presents the text 'А New Friend" (ех. 2, р. 202-203).
Teacher divides students in|o two grоuрs. Tlre first grоuр hаs to read
Semester ll. Unit 9. Lesson 95
part I, and the second group has to read part II" Теасhеr asks studentв
to mark incomprehensible wоrсls while they read the text. Students
rеаd the text.
The tpacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhуmе for physical exercises. Fоr exarnple:
frопr top of mу head to rny toes.
mу аrms startiIrg }rere Ьу nose.
mу legs and I measure m.е al}.
to see
if I'rn growing tall.
Аfфr reading students mау ask about underlined words and teacher
explaiis their
Studerrts make the plan to their part of the text ап,d try to reteil the
text according to the plan, апd exchange information.
Focus on gist. Students make ех" 3, р, 203 and оrdеr the sentences
according to the text.
Focus on details. Students rеаd the sentences (ех. 4, р. 203) and decide wlro оr what each underlined pronoun stands for. Then tlrey rеаd
them in turn and check.
Focus on 9rаmmаr and writing. Students put the letters in the соrrect оrdеr to get the чеrЬs. Then they match them to the descri,ptions
(ех. 5, р. 203*20а).'Тhеп to practise these verbs, students complete the
sentences (ех. 6, р. 2О4). Checking irr class.
Then the teacher proposes students to write questions to the text
(ех. 7, р. 204). Students have to write gепеrаl, special оr disjultctive
(tag) questions. After finishing this wоrk students (selectively) read
their questions to the class. Oth,er students апswеr thern.
Раrt А, В; to bring sоmе рареr, clue, scissors and sоmе coloureci felt
pens, photos оr pictures.
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
LEssoN 96
Project "My ldeal School"
Aims and objectives: to design а poster about school holidays in different
seasons of the year; to deve|op students' ability to work оп the]r own; to
develop students' (reativity.
Warm up
The teacher's 9reetin9. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
phonetic exercise
Students revise sound [s] and pronunciation of vowels. The rhуmе
is on the blackboard (оr in the handouts):
о Seven slick slimy snails, slowly sliding southward.
lntroducing the topic
Теасhеr presents the ехаmрlеs of projects to students. Teacher сап
use the text-book project оr rеаl projects made Ьу оthеr students (р. 205).
Теасhеr divides students into small groups (no mоrе than four).
Students iп grоuрs have to distribute roles among themselves. Students rеаd the task А (р. 20а). Students look through the projects, and-'
then start to work. Students have to join their works to make а group
The teacher makes movements with the students. Теасhеr uses апу
rhуmе fоr physical ехеrсisеs. Fоr ехаmрlе:
Stand up, clap, clap.
Arms up, clap, clap.
Step, step, arrns down.
Clap, clap, please, sit down,
Students rеаd part С to make their own project.
Semester ll. Uпit 9. Lesson 97
Students in grоuрs present their posters to оthеr classmates and
give them mоrе information about pictures. Then they апswеr оthеr
students' questions.
Teacher displays students' urorks.
То рrераrе to the test on listening; to repeatvocabularyand
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes the work Ьу asking fоr students' feedback.
tEsýoN 97
Semester Test оп Listening
Aims and objectives: check students'listening skil|s.
Warm up
The teacher's greeting. Good mоrпiпg, students! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
tntroducing the topic
Теасhеr tells students about оrdеr of the work. Students mау look
through the tasks, and then tlrey have to turп the pages with the task.
The teacher has to explain the proper паmе from this story.
The text is read two times; before the task 2 the tеасhеr reads tlre
text опе mоrе time.
Students will get 1 point fоr each right answer. Total mаrk is 12.
Nasreddin and the Smell of Soup
One day, а poor mап, who had only one piece of bread to eat, was
walking past а reýtaurant. There was а large pot of soup on the table.
The poor mап held his bread over the soup, so the steam frоm the so
went into the bread and gave it а good smell. Then he ate the bread.
The restaurant оurпеr was чеrу angry at this and he asked the mап fotr
money, in exchange for the steam frоm the,soup. The рооr mап had
mопеу, so the restaurant оwпеr took him to Nasreddin, who was а jud
at that time. Nasreddin thought about the case for а little while.
Then he took some mопеу from his pocket. Не held the coins next
to the restaurant оwпеr's ear and shook them, so that they made а jingling noise. "What rvas that?" asked the restaurant оwпеr. "That wag
payment for you", answered Nasreddin. "What do you mеап? That was
just the sound of coinst" protested the restaurant ownen "The sound
of the coins is payment fоr the smell of the soup", answered Nasreddin.
'{Now go back to уоur restaurant"
о steam
- пар
0 оWпеr
о judge
-,суддя (в
о case
о coins
п jingling noise
- дзвiн
v Listen to the text "Nasreddin and the Smell of Soup". Choose
соrrесt апswеr to the question.
1. How mапу characters аrе there in the story?
а) One.
с) Тhrее.
Ь) Two.
d) Four.
2. What kind of food did the рооr man see in the restaurant?
а) Meat.
Ь) Soup.
с) Bread.
d) Salad.
3. Why did the restaurant owner take the рооr mап to Nasreddin?
а) Because Nasreddin was his friend.
Ь) Because Nasreddin was а judge.
с) So that Nasreddin could рау for the soup.
d) Because Nasreddin was the рооr mап'ý relative.
Why did Nasreddin shake the coins next to the restaura
owner's еаr?
а) Не didn't want the restaurant оwпеr to see them.
Ь) It was а good, payment for the smell of soup
с) Nasreddin had done it before he gave the coins to the restaura
d) In order to give the coins to the рооr mап.
(4 points)
Дniwers:i с; 2 Ь; 3 Ь; 4 Ь.
tl l
Unit 9. Lesson 98
v Listen to the story and mark the following statemelttr '"l'} tlg ' l l l
or "False" (F).
1. The poor mап ate the pot of soup and didn't рау fог it.
2. The restaurant оwпеr asked the man to рау for thcr rtaн|tt rrf }lte
3. Nasreddin put some mопеу into the рооr man's pocket.
4. The restaurant оwпеr was satisfied with Nasreddilt'H lInrrIlIlrtt
(4 points)
Дпswеrs:l F; 2 Т; 3 F; 4 F.
v Match the words with their descriptions. There is <llttt Vпl lltlt|
don't need to use.
а) The container of soup that was
1) The рооr rrlllll,
on the table in the rеstаurапt.
piece 2) The restartrltltl, (lwl}Et
of Ыеаd to eat.
с) The place the рооr mап was walking 3) А piece of Ьrtrпtl
past in the story.
d) The only food the рооr mап in the
4) А restaurtrrrt.
story had to eat.
Ь) The реrsоп who had only опе
(4 points)
5; Ь
1; с
А pot.
То рrераrе to the test on reading; to rереаt vocabulary.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the wоrk Ьу asking for studelrtH'
Semester Test оп Reading
Aims апd objectives: check students' reading skills.
Warm up
The tеасhеrЪ greeting. Good morning, students! I'm glad trl ilбв vllit
How аrе you?
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
lntroducing the topic
Teacher tells students about оrdеr of the work. Then, if it is песеs
sаrу the teacher gives translation of some тyords to the students (оп
blackboard) and reminds of geographical and рrореr names. Studen
start their wоrk.
Students will get 1" of а point fоr each right answer. Total mark is 12.
Once upon а time there was а man who had often travelled to fo.
reign 1ands, and on returning to his own country boasted very much
of the mапу wonderful and heroic acts he had performed in different
places hе had visited.
Among other things, he said that when he was at Rhodes he had leaped
to such а distance that no mап of his day could leap anywhere пеаr him
as to that, thеrе wеrе mапу реrsопs in Rhodes who saw how he did it and
whom he could call as witnesses. However, one of the people who were
standing Ьу, interrupted him saying "Now, mу good man, if this all Ье
true there is по need of witnesses. Suppose this to Ье Rhodes, and leap for
us". The man felt ashamed and confused as he certainly couldn't do that.
Arrd the people аrоuпd said "He who does а thing well does not need
to boast".
о boast
о Rhodes -,Родос
о leap
- стрибати
п witness
- свiдок,
переривати, перепиIIяти
п interrupt
о habit
п ashame
- соромитися
вiдчувати незручнiсть
п confuse
v choose the соrrесt title for the text.
1. The Famous Explorer
2. The Boasting Traveller
' 4. Rhodes Sights
3. The Real Неrо
(1 point)
дпswеr: 2.
v Put the sentences into the соrrqсt order.
Не claimed there were some witnesses of his leap.
The man was ashamed.
One of the listeners told him to repeat his leap.
The mап visited Rhodes.
(4 points)
Дпswеrs: 4,
\emester ll. Unit 9. Lessoп 98
v Choose the соrrесt
ttl c<rrrrplete the sentences.
1. The text tells about ... .
а) а famous traveller
Ь) а boastful mап
с) а brave and hеrоiс persoll
d) Rhodes places of interest
2. The mап in the story boastctl ttlr<lttt ...
а) the пumЬеr of places lre }rrr<l visitod
Ь) his great talents
с) wonderful things he had stltlrr
d) good friends he had made
According to the man's words,
... irr
а) there was а competition iTr lcrr;lirrg
all the people сап leap well
с) he managed to jump rеаllу frrr
d) he walked to suсh а distanctl tlrrrt rro mап of his day could
4. One of the people who wеrе stalr<liIrg Ьу, ... .
а) asked him to repeat his leap
started boasting about,his sроrt achievements
с) was а witness of the leapilrg rtлсrlrd
d) broke the man's rесоrd
(4 points)
Дпswеrs:l а, 2 Ь, 3 с, 4 а.
v Write short answers to the tlrrestiolrs.
what was the bad habit of tlrtl trlrveller?
2. Whеrе did the competition tлktl 1llrrce?
3. What did the trачеllеr feel at tlttl tlllcl of а story?
(3 points)
То рrераrе to the writirrg ttlst; to гсреаt Degrees of Compa,rison,
the use of "much/many/a lot ol"'" "solne f ахtу", the use of рrопоuпs,
"there is/there аге" structures, "ttl Ье going to" struсturе, the цsе of
пrtiсlе "the", the use of preselrt SilTrJlle, Рrеsепt Continuous, Present
Perfect, Past Simple Tenses, types <lf l1rrestions,
Summary and feedback
The tеасhеr summarizes
t}re wоrk Ьу
asking fЬг students' feedback.
Yci уроки англiйськоi мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)l],,
;;r*;;;:;;;#;ж;;;;#ftжri;ё,i;:.;:;:Fi L Е S S
N 99
Semester Test on
Aims and objectives: check students'writing
Warm чр
The teacher's
How аrе
lntroducing the topic
Tlre teac:her gives students а set of cards with the situations they t
have learnt. Studerrts mау choose two оr thrее situations. The situa, l
tion in the card mау Ье reieated fоr d,ifferent students. After teacher's {
wоrсls strrderrts start their
Writing. Tasks
v Wгitе
letter to your реп friend (6-9 sentences). Use the рIап below.
2) the place whеrе you study;
3) the рlасе where you live;
4) уоur future profession;
5) 1,оur hobby.
1) yorrr паmе and
т Write а letter to уоur реп friend (6*9 sentences) about your family. {
Use the plan below.
1) уошr паmе,
2) the пtеmЬеrs of your family;
3) what аrе the раrепts' professions;
4) w}rat }robbies the пrеrпЬеrs of уоur family have.
v Write а ]etter to yorrr реп fгiепd (6-9 sentences) aborrt уоr.r. fulror-li
ritе clothes slyle. Use the plan below.
1) what yotlr favourite style is;
2) what уош think about l;niform;
3) what yolr usually wеаr after;
4) what clothes you, рrеfеr at а
Semester ll, Unit 9, Lessan 99
v Write а letter to уоur pen fri0ll(l ((i, 9 sclrtclrces) about your
canteen. Use the plan below.
1) Yоur паmе, age;
2) where you usually have а lunclr;
3) what is on the school canteen menu;
4) what dishes you рrеfеr to eat.
v Write а letter to уоur реп friend (6 *9 stllrttlIr<lcs) about yorrr favottrite school subject. Use the plan below.
1) What your favourite subject is;
2) how mапу times а week you have it;
3) what you rrsually do at the lessons;
4) why you like this subject.
Write а letter to уоur pen friend (6*9 sentences) about your best
friend. Use the pian below.
your friend's паmе and age;
what he / she looks like;
his / hеr hobby;
what you like doing together.
v Write а letter to your pen friend, (6-9 sentences) about уоur Iast holidays. Use the рlап below.
1) when yorr had the holidays;
2) whеrе you speTrt them;
3) what places you visited;
4) why you liked/disliked theпr.
v Write а letter to yotrr реп- friend (6-9 senterrces), using the plan
give some information about yorrrself (паmе, age, а,рреаrапс,е, in-
2) describe уоur family:.
З) write about your wish to know mоrе about уоur
4) ask уоur friend to write back.
friend's farnily arrd
v Imagine you are going to have уоur birthday party. Write а mеýsage to уоuг friend (6-9 sentences) using the plan below:
invite him/her;
2) say the time and the date of the party;
3) iпfоrm whеrе the party will take place and what you аrе going to do;
4) say that you'll Ье happy to see уоur friend at the раrtу.
Yci уроки англiйськоТ мови. 5 клас (за пiдручником А. М.
v Imagine you have visited Great Britain. Describe one of the
using the plan below (6-9 sentences):
].) write whеrе the рlасе is situated;
2) give information why you went there;
3) say other details about the place: weather conditions; what you
and what you did there;
4) say how you feel about the place.
v Imagine that уоur pen friend frоm England has asked you to wri
about Ukrainian cuisine. Write а letter (6-9 sentences) using t
рlап below:
1) give general information about Ukrainian cuisine;
2) write about your dishes cook in уоur family;
3) what is your favourite IJkrainian
4) write the rесiре of cooking.
dish, why do you like it;
v Write а letter to уоur pen-friend about school life in Ukraine) usi
the рlап below (6
-9 sentences):
1) what kind of уоur school is;
2) write about уоur new teachers and subjects;
3) give information about уоur time-table;
4) what а,rе уоur favourite subjects and why.
v Write 6-9 sentences about your family rest last year. Give some
formation about:
1) where yiru went and what you did;
2) who уоu went with;
3) what you liked/disliked most;
4) whether you want to gcl there again.
v Write what food you usualiy prefer and why (6-9 sentences). G
some iпfоrmаtiоп аьоut:
food you like/dislike;
your favourite dish;
what уоu сап co,ok оп уоur оwп;
rvhere you prefer to buy food. Explain уоur choice.
v Write а letter to уоur pen friend (6-9 sentences) about the
in Ukraine. Use the рlап below.
what is the weather like in Ukraine in summеr / winter /
iumn / spring;
2) what season you like best of all and why;
3) what kilrd of the weather you prefer;
4) why you like it.
Semester ll. Unit g. Lesson t00
v Write а letter to your pen friend (6-9 sentences) about уоur favourite holiday. Use the plan below.
1) the паmе of уоur favourite holiday;
2) vrhеп you сеlеЬrаtе it;
3) how you сеlеЬrаtе it;
4) why you like this holidav.
То рrераrе to the speaking test; to repeat Degrees of Comparison,
the use of "muсh / many / а lot of ", "some / апу'', the use of present Simрlе, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple Tenses.
5ummary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the work Ьу asking fоr students' feedback,
LEsSoN 100
Semester Test оп Speaking
Aims and objectives: check students'speaking skills.
The teacher's greeting. Good morning, stud,ents! I'm glad to see you.
How аrе you?
lntroducing the topic
The tеасhеr gives students а set of cards with the situations they
have lеаrпt. students mау choose two оr thrее situations. The situation
in the card may Ье repeated fоr different students. After teacher's words
students start their work. Total чоlumе of the utterance is 6-9 sentences.
Speaking. Situations
v Speak about usual English breakfast.
],. Describe the dishes.
2. Say which dish is а typical English breakfast?
3. Sау what Englishmen usually eat for lunch and d,iппеr.
4. Соmраrе it with food traditions in Ukraine.
Yci уроки англiйськоТмови.
5 клас (за пiдручником А. М. HecBiT)
v Speak about Sports and Health.
different kinds of sports (winter / summer / all-year).
2. Say about imроrtапсе of sport for people health.
3. Do you like to watch different competitions?
4. Tell your classmates about the best kind of sport fоr you.
1. CalI
v Speak about Summеr Holidays.
1. Describe the place whеrе you wеrе.
2. Say what you did there.
3. Say what was the most interesting during уочr summеr holidays.
4. TelI your classmates about уоur last summеr holidays.
v Speak about your eating habits. Give some information about:
уоur typical menu for the day;
2) your favourite types of food;
3) the most delicious thing you have ever eaten;
unhealthy food in уоur opinion;
things you want to change in your diet.
v Speak аЬоut уоur family traditions. Give some information about:
1) how big your family is;
2) what each mеmЬеr of your family likes doing in thеir frее time;
3) what things you usually do together;
4) what holidays you often сеlеЬrаtе;
5) what festive food you like to cook;
v Speak about the things you usually do at the rмeek. Give some In-
formation about:
whether you like to work about the house;
2) what you did about the house yesterday;
3) whether you keep your things in the right places;
4) whether it is important to keep your house сlеап and tidy.
v Talk about уоur favourite ТV рrоgrаmmе. Give some information
what ТV рrоgrаmmеs you like best;
2) what ТV channel is this programme/film/serial оп;
3) rvhat уоur favourite рrоgrаmmе start;
4) why you like it.
v Talk about уоur favourite season. Give information about:
what season you рrеfеr;
2) why you like it;
3) describe usual weather of this season;
4) what you like to do and where you Iike to go this ýeason.
Semester ll. Unit 9. Lessons 101-102
v Talk about one of the places in Ukraine you rеаllу like. Give ltrfrlt,
mation about:
1) what the place is;
2) where this place is situated;
3) what special in this place is;
4) why you like it.
v Talk about Great Britain. Give information about:
the capital and the parts of the country;
what is the wеаthеr like Great Britain;
what traditional British holidays you know;
what you favourite English tradition is.
v Tell about уоur school. Give information about
1_) what kind of уоur school is;
2) writе about your new teachers and subjects;
3) give information about уоur time-table;
4) what аrе your favourite subjects and why.
v Talk about Ukraine. Give information about:
where Ukraine is situated;
the capital and the largest cities of Ukraine;
the most attractive sights of Ukraine;
why you invite уоur friends to Ukraine.
То repeat Degrees of Comparison, the use of "much/many/a lot
of", "soтПef апу", the use of Present Simple, Present Continuotlя,
Present Perfect, Past Simple Tenýes.
Summary and feedback
The teacher summarizes the work Ьу asking for students' feedhдclk.
LEssoNs 101-102
Reserved Lessons
за пiдтримки журналу
U ЁiltаЁ
yz}*jr' fu рsэft
цi те