Uploaded by James Harris

QA Process & Weekly Structure

QA Process
Suggested Weekly Structure
QA Review Types
1. Critical Path Review - To ensure that the main objective of the experience can be
achieved without critical, major, or blocking issues. All other issues to be logged
within Jira for the Producer to review and evaluate.
2. UX Review - Does this experience follow the sequencing doc and workflow as
3. Exploratory Review - Just playing around and seeing what breaks.
4. Subject matter expert review - E.g. Does this health and safety training comply with
this company's rules on PPE, procedure etc?
5. Interaction Review - reviewing specific interactions to say how they felt. Suggest
improvements and/or supply useful reference videos of other relevant good
practice examples in VR.
Weekly Tasks
If there is no new build, then there is nothing for QA to do.
When there is a new build:
QA makes a UX review video, playing through start to finish and posts the video on
the project channel so that the rest of the team can reference timecodes to talk
about changes. The video naming convention is based on the project going up a
version number every time the client reviews, and going up a decimal place for
every internal review between client reviews. E.g. V1.3 means that the client has
seen it once, but since then, this is the 3rd video we’ve made internally. V3.1 means
that the client has review 3 times, and now this is the first internal video we’ve made
since the client review.
Now create JIRA tickets based on any UX errors. The Producer then reviews these
and can assign team members to fix.
Does the QA ever fill out the Acceptance Criteria on tickets that they create?
Becoming a Subject Matter Expert.
The QA needs to have a deep understanding of the whole project. The Producer supplies
them with:
1. The Pitch deck - Intro to the project and the client expectations.
2. The Design doc- Live doc built by the Producer and Alex in UX. It is a reference for
the whole team on how we are designing everything.
3. The Workflow - A simplified script.
4. The Sequencing doc - Flow chart/decision tree that the devs use to build out the
5. The VO script.
Exploratory Reviews
Should play the experience once a day, recording video trying to dig deeper and see what
breaks. Should then be able to send clips of video of relevant parts that need attention.
Interaction Reviews
Looking at how specific interactions work. Alex can write criteria of how he wants it to feel.
QA will then say how it is feeling against that criteria. If they can find any references that
help to explain what they think is missing, that is a big bonus. In Nespresso, we based a
crank on an interaction in a AAA title, Half Life Alyx.
We wanted it to feel heavy and mechanical. If we were able to turn the crank too quickly, it
would feel too light and that it wasn’t filled with Coffee cherries. We started with the 1st gif
as a reference and then created our own crank below that: