Document Code No. SURIGAO STATE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Revision No. Effective Date Page No. FM-SSCT-ACAD-002 00 20 September 2018 1 of 10 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Second Semester, Academic Year 2020-2021 SYLLABUS in Math 2 – Multivariate Statistics Institutional Vision, Mission, and Goals Vision: An innovative and technologically-advanced State College in Caraga. Mission: To provide relevant, high quality and sustainable instruction, research, production and extension programs and services within a culture of credible and responsive institutional governance. Institutional Intended Learning Outcomes Goals: 1. Foster application of the discipline and provide its learner with industry-based training and education particularly in engineering, technology and fisheries. 2. Conduct and utilize studies for the development of new products, systems and services relevant to Philippine life and of the global village. 3. Promote transfer of technology and spread useful technical skills, thus empowering its learners and their activities. : SSCT graduates are expected to: 1. Demonstrate globally competitive skills; 2. Manifest positive work ethics and flexibility in various work condition; 3. Exhibit knowledge deemed essential towards work requirements. Program Goals The BSES program aims to expose students in an integrated way to environmental processes and phenomena, as well as environmental issues, from the perspective of the natural sciences. It aims to train them to recognize and understand the natural environment, how humans affect the environment, and how the environment impacts on society. Document Code No. SURIGAO STATE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Revision No. Effective Date Page No. FM-SSCT-ACAD-002 00 20 September 2018 2 of 10 Program Educational Objectives The BS in Environmental Science program aims: 1. To equip students with sufficient knowledge on the scientific theories and techniques needed to monitor and understand environmental quality; 2. To enable students to integrate and apply the various disciplines towards the understanding of environmental problems; 3. To make the students knowledgeable regarding relevant local, regional and global environmental issues; and 4. To enable students to employ a rational structured approach to solving environmental problems. Program Outcome(s) Upon the completion of the BSES program, the students must be able to: (a) demonstrate broad and coherent knowledge and understanding in the core areas of environmental science; (b) disseminate effectively knowledge pertaining to sound environmental protection, conservation, utilization and management; (c) analyze local environmental issues and problems in the regional and global context; (d) apply appropriate knowledge and innovation related to the environment; demonstrate the ability to contribute to the protection and management of the environment; Document Code No. SURIGAO STATE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Revision No. Effective Date Page No. FM-SSCT-ACAD-002 00 20 September 2018 3 of 10 Course Code Course Descriptive Title Course Credit Pre-requisites/Co-requisites Math 2 Multivariate Statistics 3 units Parametric and Non-Parametric Statistics for Sciences Course Description This course deals with applications of multivariate statistics in analyzing data from environmental sciences. It provides students competencies on the overview of multivariate methods, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA), multiple linear regression (MLR), exploratory factor analysis (EFA), cluster analysis (CA), canonical correlation analysis, and canonical correspondence analysis, At the end of the course, the students should be able to: Course Intended Learning Outcomes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. At the end of the semester, the students are expected to: explain multivariate statistics and its application to environmental sciences; relate measurement scales to multivariate techniques; differentiate statistical significance and statistical power; differentiate the appropriateness of various multivariate techniques; discuss the assumptions of multivariate techniques; interpret outputs of different multivariate statistical procedures from statistical softwares. Document Code No. SURIGAO STATE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Revision No. Effective Date Page No. FM-SSCT-ACAD-002 00 20 September 2018 4 of 10 Detailed Course Syllabus Intended Learning Outcome Express understanding of the Vision and Mission statements of SSCT including its Goals and Objectives. Scrutinize the syllabus by looking into the ILOs, Subject Matter, TLAs, Assessment Strategies, Values and References. Design strategies that will help meet the requirements and obtain desired grades/marks for the course. Topics ORIENTATION ON THE COURSE VMGO/ SYLLABUS VMGO SYLLABUS GRADING SYSTEM Time Frame 1 hour Teaching and Learning Activities Big Group Discussion on VMGO Documentary Analysis of Syllabus and Grading System Concept Mapping (Sunflower Map/Fishbone Map) on strategies to meet course requirements Assessmen t Tasks Resources Values Integration Obedience, Punctuality, Diligence References Student Handbook Syllabus Remarks Document Code No. SURIGAO STATE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Revision No. Effective Date Page No. Overview of Multivariate Methods explain multivariate statistics and its application to environmental sciences; Multivariate Analysis in Statistical Terms relate measurement scales multivariate techniques; Some Basic Concepts of Multivariate Analysis differentiate statistical significance and statistical power; Statistical Significance versus Statistical Power differentiate the appropriateness of various multivariate techniques; Classification of Multivariate Techniques 6 hours Modular Instruction Restricted Essay Lecture Concept Mapping Google Class Discussions Messenger Chat Discussions Learning Module Discussion Videos Research Articles SPSS Outputs Google Suite Facebook Messenger Group Chat SelfDiscipline Prudence Diligence 6 hours Restricted Modular Instruction Essay Lecture Document Analysis of Research Analysis Articles Google Class Discussions Messenger Chat Learning Module Discussion Videos Research Articles SPSS SelfDiscipline Prudence Diligence FM-SSCT-ACAD-002 00 20 September 2018 5 of 10 Hair, Joseph Jr. F. (2019). Multivariate Data Analysis. Cengage Learning EMEA. United Kingdom to discuss the assumptions of MANOVA; interpret software outputs of MANOVA; Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) Assumptions Interpretation Hair, Joseph Jr. F. (2019). Multivariate Data Analysis. Cengage Learning EMEA. United Kingdom Document Code No. SURIGAO STATE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Revision No. Effective Date Page No. Discussions discuss the assumptions of MANCOVA; interpret software outputs of MANCOVA; Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) Assumptions Interpretation 6 hours discuss the assumptions of MLR; interpret software outputs of MLR; Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) Assumptions Interpretation Midterm Examinations 6 hours 2 hours Restricted Modular Instruction Essay Lecture Document Analysis Analysis of Research Articles Google Class Discussions Messenger Chat Discussions Restricted Modular Instruction Essay Lecture Document Analysis of Research Analysis Articles Google Class Discussions Messenger Chat Discussions Outputs Google Suite Facebook Messenger Group Chat Learning Module Discussion Videos Research Articles SPSS Outputs Google Suite Facebook Messenger Group Chat Learning Module Discussion Videos Research Articles SPSS Outputs Google Suite Facebook Messenger Group Chat FM-SSCT-ACAD-002 00 20 September 2018 6 of 10 SelfDiscipline Prudence Diligence Hair, Joseph Jr. F. (2019). Multivariate Data Analysis. Cengage Learning EMEA. United Kingdom SelfDiscipline Prudence Diligence Hair, Joseph Jr. F. (2019). Multivariate Data Analysis. Cengage Learning EMEA. United Kingdom Document Code No. SURIGAO STATE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Revision No. Effective Date Page No. discuss the assumptions of CA; interpret software outputs of CA; discuss the assumptions of EFA; interpret software outputs of EFA; discuss assumptions CCrA; interpret the of Cluster Analysis (CA) Assumptions Interpretation Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) 6 hours 6 hours Assumptions Interpretation Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCrA) Assumptions Interpretation 6 hours FM-SSCT-ACAD-002 00 20 September 2018 7 of 10 Modular Instruction Multiple Choice Lecture Test Analysis of Research Articles Google Class Restricted Discussions Essay Messenger Chat Document Discussions Analysis Learning Module Discussion Videos Research Articles SPSS Outputs Google Suite Facebook Messenger Group Chat SelfDiscipline Prudence Diligence Hair, Joseph Jr. F. (2019). Multivariate Data Analysis. Cengage Learning EMEA. United Kingdom Restricted Modular Instruction Essay Lecture Document Analysis of Research Analysis Articles Google Class Discussions Messenger Chat Discussions Learning Module Discussion Videos Research Articles SPSS Outputs Google Suite Facebook Messenger Group Chat SelfDiscipline Prudence Diligence Hair, Joseph Jr. F. (2019). Multivariate Data Analysis. Cengage Learning EMEA. United Kingdom Learning Module Discussion Videos Research Articles SPSS SelfDiscipline Prudence Diligence Restricted Modular Instruction Essay Lecture Analysis of Research Document Analysis Articles Google Class Discussions Messenger Chat Hair, Joseph Jr. F. (2019). Multivariate Data Analysis. Cengage Learning EMEA. United Kingdom Document Code No. SURIGAO STATE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Revision No. Effective Date Page No. software outputs of CCrA; discuss the assumptions of CCdA; interpret software outputs of CCrdA; Discussions Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCdA) Assumptions Interpretation 6 hours Final Examinations 2 hours FM-SSCT-ACAD-002 00 20 September 2018 8 of 10 Outputs Google Suite Facebook Messenger Group Chat Modular Instruction Restricted Essay Lecture Analysis of Research Document Analysis Articles Google Class Discussions Messenger Chat Discussions Multiple Choice Test Learning Module Discussion Videos Research Articles SPSS Outputs Google Suite Facebook Messenger Group Chat SelfDiscipline Prudence Diligence Hair, Joseph Jr. F. (2019). Multivariate Data Analysis. Cengage Learning EMEA. United Kingdom Document Code No. SURIGAO STATE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Revision No. Effective Date Page No. FM-SSCT-ACAD-002 00 20 September 2018 9 of 10 Course Requirements: Facebook Messenger Group Chat Interaction Google Meeting Attendance Module Posttests Project Midterm & Final Examination Grading System: Criteria Quizzes and Online Outputs/Interaction Performance Tasks (Project) Major Examination TOTAL Grade 25% 35% 40% 100% Grade Point 1.0 1.5 – 1.1 2.0 – 1.6 2.5 – 2.1 2.9 – 2.6 3.0 5.0 DRP INC Description Excellent Very Good Highly Satisfactory Good Satisfactory Passing Failed due to poor performance, absences, withdrawal without notice Dropped with approved dropping slip Incomplete requirements but w/ passing class standing. INC is for non-graduating students only NG No Grade Source: SSCT Student Handbook Course Policies: 1. Enrolment to Google Class and Facebook Messenger Group Chat is required. 2. Attendance to Google Meetings and participation in Group Chats are also required. 3. It is a part of your education to learn responsibility and self-discipline, particularly with regard to academic honesty. Cheating is defined to include an attempt to defraud, deceive, or mislead the instructor in arriving at honest grade assessment. Plagiarism is a form of cheating that involves presenting as one’s own work the ideas or work of Document Code No. SURIGAO STATE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Revision No. Effective Date Page No. FM-SSCT-ACAD-002 00 20 September 2018 10 of 10 another. Online outputs which are exactly the same will not be considered cheating. Therefore, all portions of any test, project, or major examination submitted by you for a grade must be your own work, unless you are instructed to work collaboratively. Cheating in a major course examination by a student will entail a failing mark for the given course. Plagiarism in papers and other works will entail zero score for the said requirement. 4. You must regularly check the Google Classroom and Group Chat for updates. 5. Enough time will be given to do your tasks in the course. You should submit your outputs on or before the deadline. 6. All tasks will be posted and outputs will be submitted in Google Classroom. Outputs submitted through the Facebook Messenger will not be counted except on meritorious cases (but highly discouraged). 7. This class policy serves as our written agreement for the whole semester. Date Revised: January 25, 2021 Effectivity: February 01, 2021 Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed by: RUEL T. BUBA Assistant Professor II GHELEENE S. BUENAFLOR Program Chair Date: _____________________ Date: _____________________ Noted by: Recommended by: Approved by: LOUIDA P. PATAC, PhD Dean RONITA E. TALINGTING, PhD Campus Director EMMYLOU A. BORJA, EdD VP for Academic Affairs Date: _______________ Date: __________________ Date: ________________